Brigiotta's Farmland Produce and Garden Center, Inc. v. United Potato Growers of Idaho, Inc. et al

Filing 138

CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER NO.1. The parties shall submit a joint stipulation for page limits and other means for making the initial round of dispositive motions efficient, or their respective positions by 1/28/2011. Indirect Purchaser Plaintiffs shall fi le their Amended Complaint by 2/11/2011. Responsive Pleadings (Answers of Motions) due 3/18/2011. All Plaintiffs shall file their responses to Defendants' motions by 5/6/2011. All Defendants shall file their reply briefs by 6/3/2011. Preservatio n Cutoff Date shall be 12/13/2010. The parties shall have completed the process of conducting a Rule 26(f) conference by 1/21/2011. The parties shall submit a joint proposed preservation order or their respective positions by 1/28/2011. The parties s hall meet and confer and provide the Court with a joint proposed protective order or their respective positions by 1/28/2011. If necessary, the Court will schedule a second case management conference when it issues its decision on the dispositive mot ions. The Court will hear oral argument on the motions on 6/22/2011 at 1:00 pm in the District Courtroom in Pocatello, ID before Judge B. Lynn Winmill. Signed by Judge B. Lynn Winmill. Associated Cases: 4:10-md-02186-BLW et al.(caused to be mailed to non Registered Participants at the addresses listed on the Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) by cjm)

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Brigiotta's Farmland Produce and Garden Center, Inc. v. United of Idaho, Inc. et al Doc. 138 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT F O R THE DISTRICT OF IDAHO IN RE: FRESH AND PROCESS P O T A T O E S ANTITRUST L IT IG A T IO N C a s e No. 4:10-MD-2186-BLW C A S E MANAGEMENT ORDER NO. 1 T H IS DOCUMENT RELATES TO: A L L ACTIONS. T h e Court conducted a scheduling conference on December 14, 2010. In a c c o rd a n c e with that conference, and to further the efficient administration of this matter, NOW THEREFORE IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that the following recitation of d e a d lin e s and procedures shall govern this litigation: 1 1 .1 G E N E R A L PROVISIONS A p p lic a b ility of Order. This Order shall govern practice and pretrial p ro c e d u re in (a) Case No. 4:10-CV-307-BLW, which was originally filed in this Court; (b ) those actions transferred to this Court by the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation p u rs u a n t to its order of October 13, 2010, and captioned collectively as In Re Fresh and P ro c e s s Potatoes Antitrust Litigation, 4:10-MD-02186-BLW; (c) any "tag-along" actions tra n s f e rre d to this Court by the Multidistrict Litigation Panel pursuant to Rule 12 of the R u le s of Procedure of the Panel; and (d) all related actions that may be filed in this Court OR D E R - 1 or transferred or removed to this Court (collectively, the "Litigation"). 1 .2 F u tu r e Actions. Any tag-along action later filed in, removed or transferred to this Court, or related cases filed directly in the District of Idaho, automatically shall be a s s ig n e d to the undersigned and consolidated with this Litigation. 1.3 L im ita tio n s . The consolidation of the cases in this Litigation does not c o n s titu te a determination that the actions referenced in paragraphs 1.2 and 1.3 of this O rd e r should or will be consolidated for trial; nor does it have the effect of making any e n tity a party to any action in which he, she or it has not been named, served or added in a c c o rd a n c e with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Notwithstanding the entry of this C a se Management Order, and for good cause shown, any party may move for an a m e n d m e n t, adjustment or other curtailment of the consolidation of these actions in order to separate cases, claims, parties, or phases of the proceedings. 1 .4 P le a d in g Captions. The caption of each document filed with the Court s h a ll identify the master case (In Re Fresh and Process Potatoes Antitrust Litigation, 4 :1 0 -M D -0 2 1 8 6 -B L W ). It shall also identify each affected individual action. If a d o c u m e n t affects all actions, it shall state that if affects all actions instead of listing each a f f e c te d individual action. The caption shall be as follows: OR D E R - 2 IN RE: FRESH AND PROCESS P O T A T O E S ANTITRUST L IT IG A T IO N C a s e No. 4:10-MD-2186-BLW T I T L E OF DOCUMENT T H IS DOCUMENT RELATES TO: (S ta te "Affects All Actions" or list a ffe c te d actions individually.) (L e a v e blank if affects all actions. List th e affected action case numbers if a ffe c ts less than all actions.) 1 .5 F ilin g Procedure. Pursuant to the Notice to All Counsel filed by the Court A d m in is tra to r in this Litigation on October 15, 2010, documents relating to all actions s h o u ld be filed on the master docket sheet and on the docket sheet of each individual a c tio n ; documents relating to two or more, but not all, individual actions should be filed o n the master docket sheet, and on the other docket sheet of each affected individual a c tio n ; and documents affecting a single individual action should be filed on the docket s h e e t of that action and on the master docket sheet. 1.6 P r o Hac Vice Applications. Any licensed attorney admitted as a bar m e m b e r of a transferor district, or who was admitted pro hac vice for one of the tra n s f e rre d cases will automatically be admitted pro hac vice for this case in the District o f Idaho. Otherwise all attorneys appearing in this matter must be either a licensed m e m b e r of the Idaho State Bar or admitted pro hac vice for this case in the United States D is tric t Court for the District of Idaho. 1 .7 OR D E R - 3 L a w Clerk. If counsel has a procedural or legal question that needs to be brought to my attention, please contact Jeff Severson, the law clerk assigned to this case a t (208) 334-9027. 1 .8 C a le n d a r in g Clerk. With regard to any scheduling matters or calendar is su e s, please contact my deputy clerk, Jamie Gearhart at (208) 334-9021. 1 .9 D o c k e tin g Clerk. The Docketing Clerk assigned to this case is Carrie M c M a h a n who can be reached at (208) 334-9397. 1 .1 0 H e a r in g s. As most local attorneys are aware, Judges in the District of Id a h o split their time between divisional courthouses in Boise, Pocatello and Coeur d 'A le n e , Idaho. Typical cases are assigned to a specific division. Although the original Id a h o case in this MDL action was assigned to the Pocatello division, the MDL case is n o t assigned to a specific division. I spend the bulk of my time in either Boise or P o c a te llo . In the future, hearings in this MDL action may be conducted in either Boise or P o c a te llo so that hearings are not delayed due to my unavailability. 2 I N D I R E C T PURCHASER PLAINTIFFS' CONSOLIDATED A M E N D E D COMPLAINT AND RESPONSIVE PLEADINGS T h e parties shall meet and confer to reach agreement on page limits and 2 .1 o th e r means for making the initial round of dispositive motions as efficient as possible. If th e parties cannot reach an agreement during this process, they may contact Jeff Severson, th e Law Clerk assigned to this matter, who may be able to informally mediate the matter a n d help the parties reach a resolution. If Mr. Severson cannot successfully mediate any d is p u te , he may schedule a time for me to informally address the issue with counsel OR D E R - 4 telephonically. On or before January 28, 2011, the parties shall submit a joint stipulation f o r page limits and other means for making the initial round of dispositive motions e f f ic ie n t, or their respective positions if they cannot reach agreement. Upon receipt of the p a rtie s ' submission, the Court will issue a decision on the matter in short order. 2 .2 In d ire c t Purchaser Plaintiffs shall file their Consolidated Amended C o m p la in t on or before February 11, 2011. 2 .3 D e f e n d a n ts shall file their responsive pleadings (Answers or Motions) to th e Direct Purchaser Plaintiffs' Amended Complaint and the Indirect Purchaser Plaintiffs' C o n s o lid a te d Amended Complaint on or before March 18, 2011. 2 .4 M a y 6, 2011. 2 .5 2 .6 A ll Defendants shall file their reply briefs on or before June 3, 2011. T h e Court will hear oral argument on the motions on June 22, 2011 at 1:00 A ll Plaintiffs shall file their responses to Defendants' motions on or before p .m . in the Federal Courthouse in Pocatello, Idaho. 3 P R E S E R V A T I O N CUTOFF DATE, RULE 26(f) CONFERENCE AND P R O T E C T I V E ORDER The preservation cutoff date shall be December 13, 2010. T h e parties shall have completed the process of conducting a Rule 26(f) 3 .1 3 .2 c o n f e re n c e on or before January 21, 2011. 3 .3 T h e parties shall submit a joint proposed preservation order or their re s p e c tiv e positions to the Court on or before January 28, 2011. ORDER - 5 3.4 T h e parties shall meet and confer and provide the Court with a joint p ro p o s e d protective order or their respective positions on or before January 28, 2011. 4 4 .1 S E C O N D CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE If necessary, the Court will schedule a second case management conference w h e n it issues its decision on the dispositive motions. DATED: December 17, 2010 Honorable B. Lynn Winmill Chief U. S. District Judge OR D E R - 6

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