Trujillo v. Apple Computer, Inc. et al

Filing 294

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Case 1:07-cv-04946 Document 115-2 Filed 06/16/08 Page 1 of 5 EXHIBIT C Case 1:07-cv-04946 Document 115-2 Filed 06/16/08 Page 2 of 5 ,,'o z r N THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT F O R THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ]LLINOIS WESTERN DTVTSION M I D W E S T ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC., et dI., Docket No. 05 C 50023 Rockford, Illinois Friday, August L9, 2005 2 : 3 0 o ' c l o c k p .m . 4 Pl-aintif f s, 5 V- 6 7 d T N T E R N A T T O N A L UNTON OF O P E R A T T N G ENGINEERS LOCAL 150 AFL-CIO, et dI. , Defendants. 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 APPEARANCES: For the Plaintiffs: S M E T A N A & AVAKIAN (39 S. LaSalle Street, surc.e rzL6, 50503) by Chicago, IL M R . GERARD C. SMETANA M C GREEVY, .]OHNSON & WILLIAMS (6735 Vistagreen Way, Rockford, IL 5L107) by M R . CHRISTOPHER J. COCOMA T R A N S C R I P T OF P R O C E E D I N G S B E F O R E THE HONORABLE P . MICHAEL MAHONEY T7 For t.he Def endants: I.' L9 20 lanrrrtDannrf ar . L O C A L 150 LEGAL DEPARTMENT (6140 Jo1iet Road, 50525) by Count.ryside, IL MR. DALE D. PIERSON R. KISER M R . CHARI-.,ES M a r y T. Lindbloom 2II South Court Street Rockford, Illinois 61101 (81s) 987-4486 2I 22 23 24 25 Case 1:07-cv-04946 Document 115-2 Filed 06/16/08 Page 3 of 5 11 1 2 3 4 5 discovery, next time okay? and just Why at enter t.his point shouldn't I bring you back a CMO? we should, Judge, because then of MR. PIERSON: I think .)np i-he nf nri fhe errv nrgllems }/!! that we've had 1s in deposing certain nr:i na1 g T H E COURT: Thev want t.o limit MR. PIERSON: Riqht. I 9 10 11 L2 it? THE COURT: Riqht. MR. PIERSON: We're noL getting THE COURT: A11 right. MR. PIERSON: Okav. THE COURT: Isn't all so long it to get that. right? I mean, it's taking you I got to damage information. it.. I got it.. ,I I5 up for a preliminar,y is just not injunction an efficient should do is for way next a 1A hearing, to seems to me that. this lawsuit you in at this point, 15 run this bring and what I t.his t , i m e in L7 I6 for a CMO and get thing ready fu1l scale trial. M R . SMETANA: Your Honor, with regard to the and L' preliminary injunction there issues, ds I indicat,ed at. t.he outset for zv have throughout, will are three injunctive essent.ial relief. and that areas One of is which we the 2I 22 23 seek preliminary Pierson t.hem is one t.hat. Mr. issues. addressed, t.he police power has to the the ti-me We have real1y defended most of their it. because that with regard io 24 25 been the general employees that scope of d.epositions were followed. They have also utilized Case 1:07-cv-04946 Document 115-2 qo to Filed 06/16/08 Page 4 of 5 L2 1 in areas that the merits on the when will you be ready for a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 L4 15 L6 L7 18 L9 ZU THE COURT: Counsel, preliminary injunction hearing? sometime after I've asked for the 30 to M R . SMETANA: I would hope that next days. finish dj-scovery It cutoff, which would be may not encompass -- we may have to but have more time up these third-party subpoenas, I would hope if I were but to also a T H E COURT: Then you would have no objection to pull as far set you back within as the preliminary of the 30 days, extend, fact is for discovery 30 days, injuncLion init.ial up a renewal pretrial conference enter C M Oa s f a r as the qeneral case is concerned? to see that six weeks we As MR. SMETANA: I would like hence, will I your Honor, to see where we are because for preliminary at least I know that relief. be filing part to of a motion the injunct.ive say, depositions, a number of relief them, go directly t.he preliminary injunctive because one of relief is of the t.he areas on which we seek preliminary target opinion information. That also is injunctive of a source difference complaint. we're between us on amendments to our So, if it turns file out out we get the initial 2t 22 23 24 25 seeking, issue. me t.hat, information injunction injunct.ive does not then we'11 If it turns the preliminary the preliminary on that, pardon support we have, t.he discovery which information we receive I doubt very much based on the information Case 1:07-cv-04946 Document 115-2 Filed 06/16/08 Page 5 of 5 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Y t . h e n we will case out of diminishes amend our it. It complaint. t.o drop that. portion It of the doesn't diminish of the case. trade. acti-vity certainly one area of j \ n d the third restraint is the ongoing of the Operating restraints we're Engineers by going seeking re! Locaf, 150 throughout to third-party here continuing not neut.rals the ones that neutrals Of our information +rrY from, vuprrruue ot.her third-part.y / 'inr-arfarina .jj3[ our bUSiness, tL hr ve r buSinesS vuprrrvup plaintif fS, and that injunctive {-naal-har will be one of t.he subjects either of the preliminary i-nformation have to that 10 11 L2 13 1A relief. We will have that i ? L e g e L r r e r r -n r . rJ 0 d a y s b y w a y o f affidavit, or we will in the not,ice iL's point deposi-tions fully of those third-parties And I can't event not cooperated. speak to say six of of that. at this a hundred percent. That's why I weeks. 30 days, unless up the 15 I would hope that. after we need more time for the limited t.he cutoff purpose about, finishing t7 18 19 zu 2L zz materials fiting Mr. Cocoma is for talking then I would propose briefing that., our motion preliminary for the that cutoff, at injunction, that. time, your Honor. and setting that take a hearing buL I would do So, that would two weeks after us into the middle of October. about. six months after Lhe filing THE COURT: Which is of the complaint. MR. SMETANA: WelI, because of anything we've it 23 24 25 has developed We have not t.hat wdy, but been ab1e to not done.

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