Huon v. Breaking Media et al

Filing 4

CIVIL Cover Sheet (Huon, Meanith)

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CIVI COVER SHEET The civil cover sbeetand the informationcontainedherein neither replacenor supplementthe filine and serviceofpleadings or other papersas required,by (SEE ThislormisreguiredfortheuseoftheClerkofCourt-forthepurposeilfinitiaiingthecivildocketsheet. law. exceptasprovidedbylocalrulesofcourt. INSTRUCTIONS ON TIIE REVERSE OF TI{E FORM.) (a) PLAINTIXT'S MeanithHuon DEF'ENDANTS ABOVET}IELAW.COM DAVIDLAT ELIEMYSTAL (b) County of Residence First Listed Defendant New York of (IN U.S. PLAINTIFF CASES ONLY) OF NOTE: IN LAND CONDEMNATION USETIIE LOCATION TIIE CASES, LANDINVOL\'ED. County of Residenceof First Listed Plaintiff Cook County' (EXCEPT IN U. S. PLAINTIFF CASES) Attomeys (If Known) (FirmName, Address, Telephone Number) (c) Attomey's and Meanith Huon/The Huon Law Firm POBoxtMl Chicago,Illinois 60690 @hoeasf inoneBoxonly) II. BASIS OF JURISDICTION III. CITIZENSHIP OF PRINCIPAL (For Divenity CasesOnly) PTF !r U.S. Govemlent Plaintiff l-13 Federal Question (U.S. Not Govemment a Party) of Citizen ThisState Iz U.S. Government Defendant [l+ oiu"oity Citizen of Another State [ Citizenor Subjectofa n, (Indicate Citizenship of Parties in Itern III) "X'in )ne Box TORTS CONTRACT I PdRTIESTptm a 5f in oneBoxforPlaintiff mdOne Bu forDefendmt) PTF DEF t !r Inco^rporatedorPrirrciffrUce oI .uusmess I rus btale In 2 Iz IncorporateiandPrincinalPlacen ofBusiness In Another State n, ForeignNation BANKRUPTCY I.ORFEITTJRE/PENALTY ptst veaicrc.rct of E I 52lt€cov€fy Detuilted Studqt lms (qcl. vet.) 153Rmvsy of overpayrmt f] of Vet€fil's Bilefits f-l t60 Stockholdm'suits fltgo othercmtract El95 CmtractPrc&st Liability flteorrmctris PER.SONALINJURY flto.tirptme trdrc nrcduct ftts Liahlity @:zo nsruti r-iut e Slmds l-1330 Fedml Employm' Liability Eb+OT',"E345 Mrine Produc Liahilitv Elso voto vetrict" !3ss votcvehicte PrcdudLiability f]:oo Ooo ee"*al Ini. PERSONALINJURY [:oz rerwat tniuryMed-Malprrctie f]365 Pelwrl lnjuy rroarct I"ialirity : Pesmat .L1368Asbestos InjuryProdrt Liability PERSONALPROPERTY fpzo odru rrara Truthin trnding flTl FJFso orhe' po*oul letOAgriculture 822 Ar€al28 USC1s8 F20OrherFood& f,|Iug Seiz'rx€ E423witl&aral [-'1625DrugRelated ofPrmrtv2l USC881 28USC157 Eotot-iq*to*t PROPERTY RIGHTS fle+o nn. e rrct LF85 PopertyDmage Product Liability [ztO RNALPROPERTY CIVILRIGI{TS PRISONf,,R PETITIONI [-'l t lo tnsurarce Irzorra*i* [-'1130Miller Acr fl191"s"i"tt"1y*, vYsr}EJ|E4 - &Enfommtof-Iudmmt Ezto tna cmaemo*ion I-'l22oF*l** lzro nmt rrre a Ej€cment n24o rofts to tnd Liability n245 Tort Product E290 AII orherRealProptrty ORIGIN Original voti"g El+r Ll442Employmt lJ,l43Hsitrg/ Aocmmoddim f-'l+++wettoe [llseoe-p-ptqur [+o.lo.l-otrru tf 440other civil Rights n650 Ailire Ress. fleooo*,e*iorat Safetv/H@lth Eosooth* I,ABOR flao+ssntittexvt fislsoeanfmatty Orher El540MmdmN& l-lsso Civil Rigfuts Rsr [zaO Utotn4grm.Reporting E1865 (4o5(s)) & DisclmwAct Ff,Df,RALTAXSUITS f]z+o naitwayl"afor*r f870 Tnes (U.S.Plaintifr f [ZeO OUrcratu I-itigdim or Def€ndet) [Zet enpl tet.I"o. SruityAd ]szt Ins-:nrioar.ty 26USC7609 E2 Removedtom E3 [S !o OTHER 00 State Reqportionmmt l0 Antitust 30 Barks md Boking Raleyetc. 50 Cmrerce/Icc 60 Deportatim 70 Raaket€erInflumed md CmptOrgadzdi l0CmsrrprCrcdit )0 Cable/Saellite TV l0 Selective Service CuslomChallmge 12 usc 3410 Agicultual Acls Ecdrdnic Stabilizdion Acl EnerryAlloc*im Ac't Act Freedom oflnfm*im Appeal ofFe Detemindion Under Equal Ac@ssto Justie Cmstitutimality of State Stahrt€s Othu Statutory Actim Remanded_from ApP€al-toDistrict [4 n5 Reinsatedor Transferredfrom anotherdistrict (speci&) Eo rIrauttidistricttrt iiioerim ills.-IftT JudPnent nature of (Enter under whichyouarefiling andwrite VII. PREVIOUS BANKRUPTCY MATTERS (For U.S.Civil Statute to This a diversityactionthat is broughtpursrumt 28 U.S.C. Section 1332 for defamation,defamationper se,false light REQUESTEDIN COMPLAINT: 5 [+ Esssni-c-ditr- a brief statementof cause. ) DL This case SOCIAL SECTJRITY fair faUorStmaras Eeor tlA,(ressfi) Act Lung(93) E862 Black orwcrorww 1+os1g)) [zzO Laforffgnt. Relatiurs ! aea [ DEF [o (PIACEAN "X'IN ONEBOXONLY) VL CAUSE OF ACTION I{IL fiazocopyighs E830Pdsnt fl8a0rrademrt Esto tutoti-. to vu"* S€ntmce tlabeas Crru: Essoc**i + NCI{ECKIFTHISISACLASSACTION *I.IT.IPERF.N.C.P. ZI flis DEMAND$ not a refiling of a previously dismissed action. Eis srtit 422 and 423, enterthe casenumber andjudge for any associated bankruptcy matter perviously adjudicatedby ajudge ofthis Court. Use a s€parate attachmentif necesary) a refiling of case number , previously dismissed by Judge SIGNATURE OF ATTORNEY OF RECORD /s/ Meanith Huon CFIECK JURYDf,,MAND: Eh"'

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