Filing 25

ORDER ADOPTING REPORT AND RECOMMENDATIONS for 24 . Signed by Judge Sarah Evans Barker on 8/29/2014.(CBU)

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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF INDIANA INDIANAPOLIS DIVISION RENE E. STERLING, Plaintiff, vs. CAROLYN W. COLVIN Acting Commissioner of the Social Security Administration, Defendant. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 1:13-cv-01132-SEB-DKL O RDE R ADO PT I N G RE PO RT AND R E CO MME NDAT I O N Th e M a gi s t rat e J udge s ubm i t t ed her R ep ort and R ecom m end at i on on P l ai n t i ff’s C om pl ai nt for J u di ci al R evi ew. The part i es wer e afford ed due o p p o rt u n i t y purs uan t t o s t at ut e and t he r ul es of t hi s C ourt t o fi l e obj ect i on s ; n o n e wer e fi l ed. Th e C ourt , havi ng con s i dered t he M a gi s t ra t e J udge’s R ep o rt an d R eco m m endat i o n, hereb y ad opt s t he M agi s t r at e J udge’s R eport and R eco m m endat i on. Dat e: 8/29/2014 _______________________________ Di s t ri bu t i on: Ti m o t h y J . Vran a t i m @t i m v Th o m as E. Ki eper t o m . k i ep er@us doj .gov SARAH EVANS BARKER, JUDGE United States District Court Southern District of Indiana

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