Snyder v. Phelps et al

Filing 115

STATUS REPORT by Shirley L. Phelps-Roper, Rebekah A. Phelps-Davis. (slf, Deputy Clerk)

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Snyder v. Phelps et al Doc. 115 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF MARYL~~'I).-~~~o Baltimore Division ~ .ENTEJED -~ IECENB) AUG2 1 2007 ~ ATIAI.~ u.s. r8TRCT (X)tJItT ~~MMYI.AIII) E'VrY ALBERTSNYDER, Plaintiff ) ) ) at CaseNo. 1:O6-CV-O1389-RDB ) FRED W. PHELPS, SR., et ai, ) ) Defendants. ) STATUS REPORT FROM DEFENDANTS REBEKAH PHELPS-DAVIS & SHIRLEY PHELPS-ROPER DefendantsRebekahPhelps-Davisand Shirley Phelps-Roper hereby submit the following StatusReport. a. Whether discovery has beencomoleted. Thesedefendants havecompleteddiscoverythat they were able to within the limited time allowed, and given the limits put on discovery topics by the Court. Further,defendants have a motion to reconsider/compel pending,which may result in further discovery. Thus discovery is not complete, due to these unresolved issues. b. Whether any motions are pendin2;. DefendantsWestboro Baptist Church, Inc. and Phelps have a motion to reconsider pending. DefendantsPhelps-Davisand Phelps-Roper have a motion to 1 reconsiderand to compel pending. The languageof the Court during the May 29 phone conferenceand in the June 5 order suggeststhat defendants' motion for summary judgment is still pending, waiting for plaintiff's opposition after completingdiscovery. c Whether any party intends to file a dispositive pretrial motion. Defendants will file a renewed motion for summary judgmen4 and/or supplementamotion and/or motion to clarify the statusof the summaryjudgment l motion. d. Whether the caseis to be tried by in" or non-in" and the anticipated len2ih of trial. Trial is by jury Two weeks have been calendaredand probably will be required,particularly given the various evidentiarydisputeswhich are likely andon which a recordmust be made. ~ A certification that the parties have met to conduct serious settlement ne2otiations: and the date. time and place of the meetin2 and the namesof all persons participatini! therein. No settlement conference or discussions have occurred. However, defendantshave proposed settlement talks and are still willing to reasonably participatein good-faith discussion phone. by f. Whether each party believes it would be helpful to refer this case to another iude:eof this court for a settlement or other ADR conference. either before or after the resolution of disDositivemotions. 2 Defendantsare willing to participatein a settlementconference with another judge if plaintiff participatesin good faith, and if this occursprior to the work that is requiredto preparefor trial. g. (jUry or non-iury) and entry of final iudl!ment. conference. h. attention. Defendantsanticipate the need for a further motion to compel given the responsesby plaintiff to their interrogatories and request for production of documentsinformal efforts to resolvethe disputeper local rules are being made. ; judge, and/orto recusethe currenttrial judge. necessary connectionwith their pendingappealwith the Fourth Circuit Court of in Appeals. During trial individual defendants defense and witnesses likely to refer to are through the medium of the Online Bible, which is software containing both the contentof the Bible and expositors'commentaries, see Respectfullysubmitted, Rebekah Phelp Davis ~. Pro SeDefendant 1216Cambridge Topeka,KS 66604 785.845.5938 785.233.0766 fax & ShirleyL. h s-Roper Pro SeDefendant 3640Churchill Road Topeka,KS 66604 785.640.6334 785.233.0766 fax 4 We herebycertify that the foregoingstatusreport was servedon August 20, 2007,as follows: Original + 2 copies,with 2-holepunch,by express mail, with return envelope, to: US District Court Clerk 101W. Lombard Street,4thFloor Baltimore, MD 21201 Copy by regular mail to: Mr. SeanE. Summers, Esq. Mr. Paul W. Minnich, Esq. Mr. ReesGriffiths, Esq. Barley SnyderLLC 100E Market St PO Box 15012 York, PA 17401 Mr. Craig Tod Trebilcock, Esq. Shumaker Williams PC 135N GeorgeSt Ste201 York PA 17401 Mr. Jonathan Katz, Esq. L. 1400Spring St., Suite410 Silver Spring,MD 20910 " dant Pro Se ShirleyL. , DefendantPro Se 5

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