King v. AT&T Inc. et al

Filing 1

COMPLAINT filed by Janette Lynn King against All Defendants with Jury Demand. Plaintiff requests summons issued. Receipt No: 0645-2951505 - Fee: $ 350. County of 1st Plaintiff: Oakland County - County Where Action Arose: Wayne County - County of 1st Defendant: Wayne County. [Previously dismissed case: No] [Possible companion case(s): None] (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit Exhibit A - Sep. 22, 2010 Authorization to to Defendant, # 2 Exhibit Exhibit B - Oct. 26, 2010 Ltr. to Defendant, # 3 Exhibit Exhibit C - Jan. 6, 2011 Authrozation to Defendant, # 4 Exhibit Exhibit D - March 7, 2011 Letter via fax to Defendant) (Hardin, Kenneth) (Entered: 04/26/2011)

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I..\\X.( )l;I.l( 1,s I-IARDIN 'Tl-IOMPSON, P.C. 30.5-55Sot~tl~ficl(l) . \ I ) \ St.1.l.1..0 0 I{( 4 S( )\''I'Il J ~ l l ~ I l> , h11(I fi(;.\S . -48070 I'lcnsc hc :rt!visctl t l ~ ; r t this ofticc rcprescnts lanettc King rclntivc to her tcrrninatiol~back mc i ~ r 1,1\ ot.2008. I Ila\,c enclosed :In At~thorizationpel-mit~ing to ohrain hls. I(i11g.s pel-sonnet !ilL,. \t'oul(i ~ O L Ip1c:ise ~'oI-\v:II-(I S Z I I I ~~ v i ~ h itl~irty C rl (30) tllibs. S h o ~ ~ lyo11 have ;in!; cluestions or colnmc1irs I-cgarding this maltcr. pte:isc fccl free to tl cont:~ctrile. Vcry lruly yours. 11,/1K L)IN THOMPSON, P. C. 1~~illi'l,O~'1~1<: i1'I“ffT 444 Michigan Avenue Iletroit, hilichigan 48226 EN11'1,OY EE: .lanettc i,ynn King I the undcrsignccl, hereby authorize the nbo\,c person or company to li~rnishmy attorneys. f IAI<I)IN IIIOMI'SON. I'.C'. with any and all employment records or any ant1 all tlocumcnts having to clo with my crnployn~entwith the ahovc pcrsoli or company including, but not limited to Iny pcrsonncl Iilc any and all docurncnts pcrtni~ling to Iny salary. written warnings. disciplinary proceedings ant1 reports, letters of rcprilnand. or other rccords ol'tlisciplinary action. Ylcasc provide thcsc records within thirty (30) days to: 1 f/\I<DlN '1.1 IOklI'SON. P.C. 30555 SO11 1'11I~II~I.D ROAD S l ll'l'l: 400 SO(J'1.l l l ~ l l ~ ~A41l 48076 l, ~, Subscribed and sworrj to hcli>rcm c ()akl;rntl ('ounty, Michigan All 'onl~nission lxpircs: 10/0hl2014 ;tclir~g n Oakland County, Michigan i

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