Great Lakes Exploration Group LLC v. Unidentified Wrecked and (For Salvage-Right Purposes), Abandoned Sailing Vessel, The

Filing 121

ORDER denying 116 plaintiff's motion to appoint substitute custodian; signed by Chief Judge Robert Holmes Bell (Chief Judge Robert Holmes Bell, kcb)

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Great Lakes Exploration Group LLC v. Unidentified Wrecked and (For Sa...bandoned Sailing Vessel, The Doc. 121 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT F O R THE WESTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN S O U T H E R N DIVISION G R E A T LAKES EXPLORATION G R O U P LLC, P la in tif f , F ile No. 1:04-CV-375 v. H O N . ROBERT HOLMES BELL T H E UNIDENTIFIED, WRECKED, AND (FOR SALVAGE-RIGHT PURPOSES), A B A N D O N E D SAILING VESSEL, her ta c k le , apparel, appurtenances, cargo, etc., lo c a te d within a circle having a radius of 3.5 statute miles, whose center point is at c o o rd in a te s 45º 32.8' North latitude and 86º 41.5' West longitude, In Rem, D e f e n d a n t, v. M IC H IG A N DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AND MICHIGAN DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY, A R T S , AND LIBRARIES, In te rv e n o rs . / ORDER T h is matter is before the Court on Plaintiff Great Lakes Exploration Group LLC's m o tio n to be appointed substitute custodian. (Dkt. No. 116.) Intervenors Michigan D e p a rtm e n t of Environmental Quality and Michigan Department of History, Arts, and Lib ra ries oppose the appointment of Plaintiff as substitute custodian. (Dkt. No. 117.) P la in tif f 's motion was premised on the appointment of a substitute custodian being n e c e s s a ry to effect the arrest of Defendant as ordered by the Court's June 2, 2008, order. O n July 1, 2008, the Marshal was able to arrest a piece of Defendant. According to the re tu rn of service filed with the Court, Defendant was arrested as follows: T h e arrest of the sunken vessel will be affected [sic] by arresting a piece of w o o d (approximately 2" X 1") previously removed from the sunken vessel by th e Plaintiff. This method of arrest has been approved by Lucy Roberts, O f f ic e of General Counsel, USMS Headquarters. Plaintiff, Steven Libert[ 1 ] w ill present this piece of wood to USMS on July 1, 2008 at 9:30 a.m. The p ie c e of wood will then be promptly transported by the USMS to a designated stora ge facility. (D k t. No. 119, Process Receipt - Arrest Warrant.) The Marshal is in possession of a piece o f Defendant and the arrest has been effected. Hence, the appointment of a substitute c u s to dia n is unnecessary. Therefore, I T IS HEREBY ORDERED that Plaintiff Great Lakes Exploration Group LLC's m o tio n to be appointed substitute custodian (Dkt. No. 116) is DENIED. D a te : July 16, 2008 /s/ Robert Holmes Bell ROBERT HOLMES BELL C H IE F UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE 1 Steven Libert is Plaintiff's agent. (Dkt. No. 102, 08/21/2006 Op. 6 n.3.) 2

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