Timebase Pty Ltd v. Thomson Corporation, The

Filing 247

Declaration of Jenna J. Bayer in Support of 246 Memorandum in Support of Motion filed by Timebase Pty Ltd. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit(s) A - Part 1, # 2 Exhibit(s) A - Part 2, # 3 Exhibit(s) B, # 4 Exhibit(s) C, # 5 Exhibit(s) D - Part 1, # 6 Exhibit(s) D - Part 2, # 7 Placeholder for Exhibit E, # 8 Exhibit(s) F, # 9 Exhibit(s) G, # 10 Exhibit(s) H, # 11 Exhibit(s) I, # 12 Exhibit(s) J, # 13 Exhibit(s) K, # 14 Exhibit(s) L, # 15 Appendix A, # 16 Appendix B, # 17 Appendix C, # 18 Appendix D - Part 1, # 19 Appendix D - Part 2, # 20 Appendix D - Part 3, # 21 Appendix E - Part 1, # 22 Appendix E - Part 2, # 23 Appendix F - Part 1, # 24 Appendix F - Part 2, # 25 Appendix F - Part 3, # 26 Appendix F - Part 4, # 27 Appendix F - Part 5, # 28 Appendix F - Part 6, # 29 Appendix F - Part 7, # 30 Appendix F - Part 8, # 31 Appendix F - Part 9, # 32 Appendix F - Part 10, # 33 Appendix F - Part 11, # 34 Appendix F - Part 12, # 35 Appendix F - Part 13, # 36 Appendix F - Part 14, # 37 Appendix F - Part 15, # 38 Appendix F - Part 16, # 39 Appendix G - Part 1, # 40 Appendix G - Part 2)(Hosteny, Joseph)

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Exhibit D ‐ Part 2 (TimeBase’s United States Patent No. 7,293,228 B1, “System for Electronic Publishing”) to TimeBase’s Memorandum in Support of Its Motion for Summary Judgment of No Invalidity US 7,293,228 Bl 49 50 <!ENTITY % common PUBLIC "-IISGMLSEJ/ELEMENTS 3.0 Common ElementsIlEN"> %common; VERSION 319 Jan 1997 Copyright Aunty Abha's EIElctronic Publishing Pty. Ltd. 1996, 1997 REVISION History ,**.**.*.*.*** 141096 TH Added p* to definition of schedule 151096 TH Added %reqid; %reqlbl; attributes to RULE, ORDER, DIVISION, SUB-DIVISION Added P+ and SUB+ to rule definition 251096 TH Added ststus entity for amendment information 291096 TH Chan~ed definition for ORDER 141196 TH Added <ALTERED> element 261196 TH Too many changes to mention - Designated Version 2 150197 TH Too many changes to mention- Designated Version 3 190197 TH Changed contents of SECTION and SCHEDULE to (title, (%unstruct- cont;)) TH Since RULE, REG and SECTION are all equivalent, renamed all to SECTION and added attribute TYPE to designate which type of section they are TH Added entity SUBJECT to allow each element to belong to 1 or more subjects TH Added entity CONSOl which is invoked in the consolidation DTD using marked sections -**.**._-_.__.***._*-****--_.__•__.*----*••_ ••••••*-_.**_._**..__.-.---> ••_ <!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++--> <!- ISO Character Entity Set Declarations and References --> <!+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++ - - > <!ENTITY % ISOnum PUBLIC "ISO 8879:198611ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic/lEN" <!ENTITY % ISOpub PUBLIC "ISO 8879:198611ENTITIES Publishing/lEN" <!ENTITY % ISOtech PUBLIC "ISO 8879:198611ENTITIES General TechnicalllEN" US 7,293,228 Bl 51 52 <!ENTITY % ISOlat1 PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986/1ENTITIES Added Latin 1/IEN" <!ENTITY % ISOgrk3 PUBLIC "ISO 8879:1986/1ENTITIES Greek Symbois//EN" %ISOnum; %ISOpub; %ISOtech; %ISOlat1; % ISOgrk3; <!- ******************** End Character entities ********************--> <!-- ******************** Parameter Entities ******************** --> . ".' <!ENTITY % consol ""> <!I %CONSOL I <!ENTITY % consol "cai NAMES #IMPLIED -- Creating amending act ID (IDs) eai NAMES #IMPLlEO -- Ending amending act ID (IDs) ~ > ]» <!ENTITY % status "insert-date NUMBER insert-leg IDREF #IMPLlED-- link to the inserting legislation- repeal-date NUMBER repeal-leg #IMPLIED -- insert date #IMPLIED -- repeal date- IDREF #IMPLIED -- link to the repealing legislation - amend-date NUMBER #IMPLIED -- amended date- amend-leg 10REF #IMPLlEO -- link to the amending legislation - > <!ENTITY % reqid "id 10 #REQUIREO" -- required id -> <!ENTITY % reqlbl"lbl CDATA -- required label -> <!ENTITY % emph"bold -- emphasised text-> ital" #REQUIRED" US 7,293,228 Bl 53 54 <!ENTITY % refs "xref I rngref I tempref I noteref' -- references -> <!ENTITY % inline "quote I ileqn I %emph;1 %refs; I super I subscr" -- inline text elements - I > <!ENTITY % text "#PCDATA I%inline;" - inline text elements plus character data -> <!ENTITY % ref-cont "#PCDATA" -- content of references > <!ENTITY % plevel "p I dpeqn I tblblk I list I blockquote I form" -- paragraph level (blOCk} elements > <!ENTITY % tblcon "p I dpeqn I list" -- content of table cells > <!ENTITY % para-cant "(%plevel;)+" -- content of long-title or section level elements > <!ENTITY % unstruct-cont "((%plevel;) larticlelchapter]partlnotes)*"> <!ENTITY % subject "subject NAMES #IMPLlED" -- optional subject > <!- ************** End Parameter Entities ************************ --> <!- ************** Include Maths and Table elements *********** --> <!ENTITY % atimath PUBLIC "-IISGMLSEIIELEMENTS Math Equation StructuresIlEN"> %atimath; <!ENTITY % atitbl PUBLIC "-IISGMLSEIIELEMENTS Table StructuresIlEN"> %atitbl; <!- ******************** End Maths and Table elements ******** --> US 7,293,228 B 1 55 56 <!-- Main elements --> <!ELEMENT part - - (title, (%plevel;)*, (chapter-toivislon-Isectlon-)", notes?) > <!ATILIST part %reqid; %reqlbl; %status; % subject; %consol; > <!ELEMENT order - - (title. (dlvisionlsectionlpartlschedulej-) -- in numregs -> <!ATTLIST order %reqid; %reqlbl; %status; %subject; %consol; > <!ELEMENT division - - (title, (sub-division-Isecton-j) -- in numregs -- > <!ATTLIST division %reqid; %reqlbl; %status; %subject; %consol; > <!ELEMENT sub-division -- (title, section+) -- in numregs -> <!ATTLIST sub-division %reqid; %reqlbl; %status; %subject; %consol; > <!ELEMENT chapter - - (title, (%plevel;)*, (part-Isecton-Iartlcle-jv) -- part+ and section+ for numacts > US 7,293,228 Bl 57 58 <!ATTLIST chapter %reqid; %reqlbl; %status; %subject; %consol; > <!ELEMENT article - - (title, (%plevel)*, notes?) > <!ATILIST article %reqid; %reqlbl; %status; %subject; > <!ELEMENT section - - (title, (%unstruct-cont;))> <!ATILIST section ! %reqid; %reqlbl; %status; astprov NAMES #IMPLIED type (sectionlrulelreq) section %subject; %consol; > <!ELEMENT schedule - - (title?, (%unstruct-cont;)) -- Schedule of an Act > <!ATILIST schedule %reqid; %reqlbl; %status; %subject; %consol; > <!-- ************************************** --> <!ELEMENT provisions - - (title, tblblk+) -- provisions ...;. > <!ATTLIST provisions %subject; > <!ELEMENT form - - (title, formreg, front, back?» US 7,293,228 Bl 60 59 <!ATTLIST form %reqid ·%reqlbl; %status; parastyle CDATA #IMPLIED %subject; > <!ELEMENT formreg - - (#PCDATA) -- Regulation> <!ATTLIST formreg %subject; > <!ELEMENT front - - (asis) -- front of form .:... > <!ATTLIST front %subJect; > <!ELEMENT back - - (asis) -- back of form - > <!ATTLIST back %subject; > <!ELEMENT asis - - (#PCDATA) --text as is - > <!ATTLIST asis %subject; > <!-- ************** Header elements ********************* --> <!ELEMENT header - - (scope?, updated'i) <!ATTLIST header %subJect; > <!ELEMENT scope - - (%text;)+> <!ATTLIST scope US 7,293,228 Bl 61 62 %subject; > <!ELEMENT updated - - (%text;)+> <!ATILIST updated %subject; > <!ELEMENT notes- 0 (note-) <!ATTLIST notes %subject; > <!ELEMENT note - - (%plevel;)+ > <!ATILiST note id ID %subject; > #REQUIRED I. <!- ****************** End Header elements ****************--> <!- ******************* structural elements *****************.-> <!ELEMENT title·· (%text;)+ .- Generic title > <!-- ******************* End structural elements *************** --> <!-- ******************* plevel elements ************************ --> <!ELEMENT blockquote - - (%unstruct-cont;)+ > <!ATILIST blockquote parastyle CDATA #IMPLIED %subject; > <!ELEMENT P - - (%text;)+ .. paragraph - a line of text terminated by a carriage return in the hardcopy > <!ATTLIST P parastyle CDATA #IMPLIED %subject; > <!ELEMENT list - - (Ii)+ > <!ATTLIST list parastyle CDATA #IMPLIED %subject; US 7,293,228 Bl 64 63 > <!ELEMENT Ii -- (p I blockquote I tblblk llist)+ -- item in a list -> <!ATILIST Ii Ibl CDATA #REQUIRED %status; %subject; > <!ELEMENT tblblk - - (title?, (tablel#PCDATA» -- table block -> <!ATILIST tblblk parastyle CDATA #IMPLIED %subject; > <!ELEMENT dpeqn - - (fd) -- display equation -> <!ATTLIST dpeqn parastyle CDATA #IMPLlED> <!-- ****************** End plevel elements ****************** --> <!-- ******************* inline elements *********************** --> <!ELEMENT xref - - (%ref-cont;)+ -- cross reference to a single target.point > <!ATIL1ST xref ref #REQUIRED IDREF > <!ELEMENT noteref - 0 EMPTY -- cross reference to a note > <!ATILIST noterefref #REQUIRED .. IDREF > <!ELEMENT rngref - - (%ref-cont;)+ -- cross reference to a sequential range of target points > NAME <!ATTLIST rngref startref endref NAME > <!ELEMENT tempref - - (%ref-cont;)+ #REQUIRED #REQUIRED US 7,293,228 Bl 65 66 -- cross reference to a single target point where the idstring is unknown > <!ElEMENT ileqn - - (f) -- inline equation > I <!ElEMENT super - - (%text;)+ -(super,subscr) .- superscript > <!ElEMENT subscr • - (%text;)+ -(super,subscr) --subscript > <!ElEMENT quote - - (%text;)+ > <!ElEMENT bold ~ - (%text;)+I(bOld) -- text set in bold which i, not a title or a label> <!ElEMENT ital - - (%text;)+ -(ital) -- text set in italic which is not a title or a label > <!ElEMENT altered - 0 EMPTY> <!ATIUST altered by CDATA #REQUIRED> <!-- ****-************ End inline elements ***********-****** --> <!ELEMENT long-title - - (%para-cont;» <!ElEMENT preamble- - (%para-cont;» CONSOL.DTD <!- *.**.*.***************************•••*****************.*. Document Type Definition for the consolidation Typical invocation: <!DOCTYPE consol PUBLIC "·/lSGMlSEl/DTD 1.0 Colsolidation/lEN"> Copyright Aunty Abha's Electronic Publishing Pty, Ltd. 1996, 1997 REVISION History ************ **********•••**.*.*********.**.**********.*************** --> <!ENTITY % CONSOL "INCLUDE"> <!-- ****** End common element and entity definitions *****-**** --> US 7,293,228 Bl 68 67 <!ELEMENT consol - - (actlreq)« > <!-- ****** Include common element and entity definitions ********* --> <!ENTITY % common PUBLIC It-IISGMLSEIIELEMENTS 2.0 Common ElementsllEN It> %common; . <!ENTITY % reg PUBLIC It-IISGMLSEl/DTO,1.0 RegulationllEN It> %reg; . <!ENTITY % act PUBLIC It-IISGMLSEl/DTD 1.0 Act/lEN"> %act; '" . ., US 7,293,228 Bl 69 70 APPENDIXC Relational Database Specifications TABLE OF CONTENTS Database Tables Entry Procedure [A] GENERAL [A 01] Introduction [A 02] General Purpose and Structure of the Database\ [A 03] General Note about Dates Required for Fields in Database Tables I . [B] MASTER TABLE [B 01]10 FIELD [B 02]Date of Assent/Date of Notification Field [B 03]Short Title Field [B 04]Oate of Commencement Field [B 04.1] Other forms of commencement or notification [B 05]Date of Expiry Field [B 06]Type Field [B 07]Reprint No Field [B 08]Reprint Date Field [C] TEXTBLOCK TABLE [C 01]When the should it be used? [C 02]10 Field [C 03]Textblock 101 [C 04]Textblock 102 [C 05]Oate of Commencement Field [C 06]Oate of Expiry Field US 7,293,228 Bl 71 72 COMMONWEALTH PROJECT CHAPTER XX • Database Tables Entry Procedure 0':' [A] GENERAL [A 01] Introduction • This Chapter is divided into three topics; [A] This General topic, [B) The Master Table of the Data Base; and [C) The Textblock Table of the Data Base. • All text like this in 1OptArial font size is "explanatory text and notes" on the data base. • All text in Courier 9pt font size with a rule on the left hand side is thetext.usedf~r examples, the text is taken from the Commonwealth data where possible to make it look like the real thing, however, some examples have been created for the purposes of explanation and do not exist in the data itself. References in capitals to ACT(S) or REGULATION(S) are references to, the whole Acts • or Regulations. The word regulation when written with a lower case "r" will refer to a numbered regulation (eg: regulation 2). Note: this does not apply to the text of examples which have been left as they appear in the data. The word Section written with a capital "S" will refer to the numbered section ofan ACT • (eg: Section 2). Note: this does not apply to the text of examples which have been left as they appear in the data. • The word Part written with a capital "P" will refer to the means of dividing an ACT known as a Part (eg: Part 2 or Part II). Note: this does not apply to the text of examples which have been left as they appear in the data. • Note: the reference to Sections in Commonwealth ACTS and regulations in Commonwealth REGULATIONS is by way of the lowest piece of text first, e9: 8(8)(a) would be written "paragraph 8(8)(a)" not "Section 8(8)(a)". Note: Fields are out of database structure order in the examples because they appear at different places in the legislation to the structure used in the database tables. [A 02] General Purpose and Structure of the Database Purpose To provide a means of managing, monitoring and checking the content of the Commonwealth Legislation Consolidation. To allow the time based (versioning) capacity of the DTD and SGML coding being under taken to be realised. US 7,293,228 Bl 74 73 Basic Structure The database is to consist of two tables. These Tables will be known as MASTER and TEXT BLOCK. The specific purpose of each Table will be as follows:MASTER will focus on fields that collect data about an ACT or REGULATION as a whole .. TEXTBLOCK will focus on specific sub-elements of the whole of an ACT or REGULATION. [A 03] General Note about Dates Required for Fields in Database Tables Dates in the Database will be used primarily to identify two things: • the beginning of a whole or part of an ACT or REGULATION, or • the end of the whole or part of an ACT or REGULATION Entries for dates will all be in the dd/mm/yy formula. I There are 3 ways dates will be 'appear in the legislation: • specific - are stated in the legislation itself (for example, Date of Assent) • to be advised - are to be published or advised elsewhere (for example, proclaimed in Gazette) •. conditional- are based on something else happening (for example, the commencement of another ACT or REGULATION, the creation of or termination of an organisation, the happening of an event) [B] MASTER TABLE [B 01]10 FIELD This is the most important field in the database as it ties all the remaining fields and their information together. For the example used here, that is, the Social Security Act this will be Act-1991 0046. This is arrived at by combining, (i) the type of legislation, in this case an ACT - see (a) below, then (ii) the year of enactment/creation, in this case 1991 - see (b) below, and finally, (iii) the ACT'S Number- see (c) below. All three parts of the 10 are important. Inputting the right type, that is, Act for ACTS and Reg for REGULATION etc., and the right year and number is critical as only the correct combination of all three will give the required accuracy. US 7,293,228 Bl 75 76 In the 10 field the year and number are separated by a hyphen. Also fourdigits· must. beused for the year number, thus 0046 and not 46 is used for the ACT'S number in this example. :. . ,'" An important pointto note is that it is possible for an ACTor REGULATION to be known as say the Federal Law Act 1996 but to be Act No 2 of 1997, so that its 10 then will be Act':1~~7bo02. $$# $$T SOCIAL SECURITY (a) ACT 1991 - Updated as at 10 July 1995 $$T *1* The Social Security Act 1991 as shown in this reprint comprises Act No. (c)46.:(b)1991 amended as indicated in the Tables below.< [B 02] Date of Assent/Date of Notification Field This will appear in different places according to the style and type of information. For ACTS use the Table of Acts at the column Oate of Assent. The entry for Act No 46, 1991 being the entry for the principal ACT, that is the Social Security Act, is the place to look .and the second column shows the date of assent as 23 Apr. 1991(see (d) below). Table of Acts< Act Date Application< Date of Number and of assent year commencement saving or< transitional< provisions< Social Security Act 1991< 46, 1991 (d)23 Apr 1991 1 July 1991< For REGULATIONS use the Table of Statutory Rules at the column Oateof Notification. The entry for REGULATION No 36, 1990 being the entry for the principal REGULATIONS, that is the Cash Transactions Reports Regulations, is the place to look and the second column shows the date of notification as 27 Feb 1990 (see (e) below). US 7,293,228 Bl 77 78 *1* The Cash Transaction Reports Regulations (in force under the Cash Transaction Reports Act 1988) as shown in this reprint comprise Statutory Rules 1990 No. 36 amended as indicated in the Tables below. Table of Statutory Rules Year and Number Date of Date of Application, notification I commencement in Gazette saving or transitional provisions 1990 No. 36 (e)27 Feb 1990 27 Feb 1990 [8 03] Short Title Field This usually appears in Section 1 of an ACT or regulation 1 of a REGULATION. This is the best place to take the name from as itis the legislated/official way that the ACT, REGULATION etc., is to be referred to etc. See (f) be/ow. The name should be entered i~ full (no abbreviations). You should include the year even though it is part of the 10 and also the words ACT or REGULATION. This will firstly, provide a cross check as normally these should match. It will also indicate those ACTS or REGULATIONS where the Short Title Year is different to the Year and Number in the 10 field. $$A $$T SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1991 - SECT 1< Short title $$T $$NSECT 1. This Act may be cited as the (I) Social Security Act 1991. *1* $$S [8 04] Date of Commencement Field This information usualiyappears in Section 2 for an ACT and regulation 2 for a REGULATION. This is the best place to take the date of commencement from as here it is part of the . legislation/the law and therefore always correct (even if its wrong). If taken from the Table of Acts or Table of Regulations an error would not be correct even if not made by us because technically; Tables, Title Pages and even side/margin notes are not considered part of legislation. See (g) below for an example. US 7,293,228 Bl 79 80 .'~ .,' . $$T . ~',', SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1991 - SECT 2< Commencement $$T $$NSECT 2. This Act commences on (g) 1 July 1991. $$A $$T [804.1] Other forms of commencement or notification The example given at (g) above is a simple form of commencement in that one date is stated in Section 2. There are other forms of commencement as follows:24. ACTS or REGULATIONS where no date of commencement is specified enacted on or before 31/12/1937 (that is, there is no Section 2 and no other section dealing with commencement) commence on the day on which the ACT was assented to for ACTS (for example, the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 assented to on 12/7/1901). These Acts require no entry in the MASTER TABLE as the Date of Commencement and Date of Assent are the same. 25. ACTS or REGU LATIONS where no date of commencement is specified enacted on or after 1/1/1938 (that is, there is no Section 2 and no other section dealing with commencement) then the Act by default commences on 28th day after the Date of Assent. These Acts do require an entry in the MASTER TABLE as the Date of Commencement and Date of Assent are not the same. 26. ACTS or REGULATIONS where various Parts, Sections, regulations etc., commence on different dates or on dates to be proclaimed or notified in Gazette. 27. ACTS or REGULATIONS where various Parts, Sections, regulations etc., commence the commencement of another ACT, REGULATION or Part or Section of another ACT or REGULATION etc. Note: With respect to the calculation of time (as for example, in the case of commencement 28 days after assent) Section 36 of the Acts Interpretation Act affects how this is done. Section 36 provides: 28. Where in an ACT any period of time, dating from a given day, act, or event, is prescribed or allowed for any purpose, the time shall, unless the contrary intention appears, be reckoned exclusive of such day or of the day of such act or event. US 7,293,228 Bl 81 29. 82 Where the last day of any period prescribed or allowed by an ACT for the doing of anything falls on a Saturday, on a Sunday or on a day which is a public holiday or a bank holiday in the place in which the thing is to be or may be done, the thing may be done on the first day following which is not a Saturday, a Sunday or a public holiday or bank holiday in that place. The above will be handled inAustralia with respect at those ACTS or REGULATIONS to which this applies. [B 05] Date of Expiry Field This is the opposite of commencement; that is, it indicates when the whole of an ACT or REGULATION or some Part, Section or regulation in an ACT or REGULATION ceases to have effect. Note: because the expiry is provided for in the ACT or REGULATION itself, this is different to a repeal. The effect is however, the same. Sections or Regulations relevant to this field are headed "Sunset clause" or "Sunset provision" see (h) below. Note: the use of the words "unless sooner repealed" in the examples below. This means entries will need to be checked or reviewed to ensure that ACT or REGULATION.has not been sooner repealed. The date or timing of expiry is indicated/expressed in a few different ways:by a specific date, see (I) below. by a period of years, see (j) below. 30. Examples of expiry of the whole ACT by a specific date. AUSTRALIAN MEAT AND LIVE-STOCK (QUOTAS) ACT 1990 - Updated as at 18 July 1995 SECT 9 Sunset clause (h) 9. This Act, unless sooner repealed, shall cease to be in force at the (i)end of 30 June 1998. Note: the example above uses the words "cease to be in force" and the one below the words "ceases to have effect"-, The result is still the same for our purpose. US 7,293,228 Bl 83 84 MEAT AND LIVE -STOCK INDUSTRY ACT 1995 No. 67 ofl995Assented to 30 June 1995 '. SECT 227 Sunset clause 227. This Act, unless sooner repealed, ceases to have effect.at the end of 30 June 1998. 31. Example of expiry of Part, Division, Subdivision or Section of ACT after a specified period of years. NATIVE TITLE ACT 1993 Updated as at 30 June 1995 . SECT 207 Sunset provision 207. This Part ceases to be in force at the (j)end of 5 years after the Parliamentary Joint Committee is first appointed. 32. Examples of expiry of a portion of a REGULATION FEDERAL COURT RULES Updated as at 22 March 1996 ORDER 75 NATIVE TITLE RULES NATIVE TITLE ACT 1993 ORDER 75 RULE 21 Sunset provision 21. Order 75 ceases to be in force on 1 March 1997. MIGRATION (1993) REGULATIONS - Updated as at 25 July 1994 REG2A lOA Sunset provision US 7,293,228 Bl 85 86 2A.10A. No application may be made under this Division on or after 1 July 1993. [B 06] Type Field This Field provides more specific information about the type of legislation. It is different to the 10 Field described above which gives the legislation a unique 10. This Field uses three single character codes to describe the legislation. These are as follows: P =Principal ACTS or REGULATIONS. It indicates that this is the main or Principal ACT or REGULATION. OR In other words the ACT or REGULATION which gets amended. Principal ACTS or REGULATIONS can be either in existence (enacted in previous years) or newly enacted (created in the current/year). There is nothing specifically unique or different in a principal ACT or REGULATION that makes it easy to identify. By elimination it is however, possible to say what is not a Principal ACT or REGULATION. This is done by looking at the ACT or REGULATION'S title information. Amending Acts or Regulations (which are dealt with next) usually contain the word's "Amending", "Amendment", "Repeal" or "Statute Law Revision" in their Short Title. Another indicator in the case of ACTS is that the Long Title will also contain the word's "Amending", "Amendment", "Repeal" or "Statute Law Revision" (REGULATIONS however, do not have a Long Title). The example marked (K) and (J) below shows the Long and Short Titles for a Principal Act known as the Trade Practices Act. (Compare these examples with the ones marked (L) and 20 (M) below). LONG TITLE(K) An Act relating to certain Trade Practices PART I-PRELIMINARY SECT 1 Short titIe(J) 1. This Act may be cited as the Trade Practices Act 1974.·1· SEE NOTES TO FIRST ARTICLE OF THIS CHAPTER . US 7,293,228 Bl 87 88 Note: -- A principal ACT or REGULATION can contain amendments to other ACTS or ... , REGULATIONS. It therefore, still needs to be considered for its effect on other ACTS. ' A =Amending ACTS or REGULATIONS. ..~ It indicates that this is a changing or Amending ACT or REGULATION. OR In other words the ACT or REGULATION which does the amending. Amending ACTS or REGU LATIONS will not generally exist in their own right'in the consolidated ' information for which we are creating the data base. The changes they effect wili nearly always -r • become part of the Principal ACT or REGULATION. There are some rare exceptions to the above point however, which will need to be identified (the way to do this most effectively will be to identify them in Australia and provide a iist-o~ta~le of what these ACTS and REGULATIONS are). As already stated the best ways to identify an Amending ACT or REGUL;\TION are: Amending ACTS or REGULATIONS will nearly always contain the word's "Amending"; . "Amendment", "Repeal" or "Statute Law Revision" in their Short Title. For Acts (but not RegUlations) there is also a Long Title at the very beginning of the Act (usually before Section 1) which will also contain the word's "Amending" "Amendment", "Repeal" or "Statute Law Revision". The example marked (L) and (M) be/ow shows the Long and Short Titles for the Amending ACT known as the Trade Practices (Secondary Boycotts) Amendment Act 1979. LONG TITLE(L) An Act to amend the Trade Practices Act 1974 with respect Secondary Boycotts and other industrial practices. PART I-PRELIMINARY SECT 1 Short title(M) I. This Act may be cited as the Trade Practices (Secondary Boycotts) Amendment Act 1979.*1 SEE NOTES TO FIRST ARTICLE OF THIS CHAPTER * US 7,293,228 Bl 89 90 Note: An Amending ACT or REGULATION can be amended itself by a further amending ACT or REGULATION. More Examples of Amending ACTS and REGULATIONS Following are some more examples of Amending ACTS and REGULATIONS and what to look for. Statute Law Revision Acts Below are two examples ofthese. Usually, this is clean up legislation which makes many changes and often effects a larger number of ACTS. They can be specific as in the case of the Decimal Currency example or they can be general as in the case of the 1973 example. They can both change (amend Parts, Divisions and Sections of ACTS and REGULATIONS) and/or delete (repeal) whole ACTS and REGULATION or Parts, Divisions and Sections. Statute Law Revision (Decimal Currency) Act 1966 Statute Law Revision Act 1973 There are other form of Amending ACT similar to the Statute Law Revision Acts as follows: A.C.T. Self-Government (Consequential Provisions) Regulations 1989 No.3 Defence Legislation Amendment Act 19.84 Fringe Benefits Tax (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1986, Statute Law (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act (No.1) 1986' Taxation Laws Amendment Act (No.3) 1986 The above can usually be spotted by the use of words such as "Consequential Provisions" "Laws Amendment", "Legislation Amendment", "Miscellaneous Provisions" in their Short Titles. Repeal Acts Below are two examples of these. One where the term Legislation is used in the title indicating that more many ACTS are being repealed.' Again this is often clean up legislation which repeals many ACTS whose purpose or reason for being has lapsed. Alternatively, as the second example indicates Repeal ACTS can be specific, effecting the repeal of only one ACT. Egg Export Legislation Repeal Act 1984 National Welfare Fund Repeal Act US 7,293,228 Bl 91 92 :. ," N = Not known Indicates that the type of the ACT or REGULATION is not known or cannot be determined. These records will the be handled in Australia. [8 07] Reprint No Field The information required for this field does not appear in the Commonwealth Data"aspresently supplied to/held by us. It will need initially to be obtained in the form of a list of existing reprints and their numbers and be added to both the Commonwealth data and the a data"b~se.as once only job. It will then need to be maintained on a monthly basis using the two AGPS Pamphlet Publications known as ACTS TABLES for Acts and STATUTORY RULES TABLES for·" Regulations. the last page in each contains this information forthe current year. Note: w~ere the Pamphlets are not available or the reprint number is not known or unavailable then the number 999 should be used to indicate this. Each of the two tables from the Pamphlets contains the name of the Reprinted ACT Of . REGULATION in alphabetical order (but see Statutory Rules example below) followed by the date of reprint, then followed by the words "Reprint No." and a number. It is this last number that needs to be entered. ACTS TABLE entry example National Health Act 1935 (20 September 1996) Reprint No. 5 STATUTORY RULES TABLE entry example Note: Statutory Rules are listed by their parent Act (the Act under which the are made appearing in Italic as shown in the example below). Banks (SharehoJdings) Act 1972- Banks (Shareholdings) Regulations (2 August 1995) Reprint NO.2 [8 08] Reprint Date Field Like the Reprint Number discussed in [8 07] above the information required for this field does not appear in the Commonwealth Data as presently supplied to/held by us. It too will need initially to be obtained in the form of a list of existing reprints and be added to both the Commonwealth data and the data base as a once only job. It will then need to be maintained on a monthly basis using the two AGPS Pamphlet Publications known as ACTS TABLES for ACTS and STATUTORY US 7,293,228 Bl 94 93 RULES TABLES for Regulations, the last page in each contains this information for the current year: Each of the two tables contains the name of the Reprinted ACT or REGULATION in alphabetical order (but see Statutory Rules ~xample below) followed by the date of reprint, then followed by the words "Reprint No." and a number. For this field it is the Date preceding the Reprint Number that needs to be entered. For examples . . see the examples at [B 07] above. Note: Again where the Pamphletsare not available or the reprint date is not known or unavailable then the date 00100100 should be used to indicate this. I [CJ TEXTBLOCK TABLE [C 01J When the should it be used? TEXTBLOCK entries will not normally be required for ACTS or REGULATIONS which are either Principal or Reprinted ACTS or REGULATIONS. But note that in the case of Principal ACTS there are exceptions, namely; where the Principal ACT or REGULATION also amends or repeals other ACTS or REGULATIONS. [C 02]10 FIELD This field simply repeats the information obtained in [B 01] above. Its purpose is to link this Table with the MASTER TABLE by way of the same 10. For the example, in [B 01] for the Social Security Act the 10 was Act-1991 0046. This 10 would be repeated in this field. [C 03]Textblock 101 This field is for the 10 of the specific Part, Section or regulation in an Amending ACT or REGULATION that causes a change (amendment) to happen. Textblock 102 (see [C 04J below) on the other hand records the 10 of the specific Part, Section or regulation in an Amending Act or Regulation that is changed (amended). US 7,293,228 Bl 95 96 EXAMPLE 1 Following is an example of an amendment to the Social Security Act which shows how-the information required for this field is obtained. -, . :. Please note there are several ways in which Amending ACTS and REGULATIONS are-presented. However, the information required for this 10 field is present in all cases. This flrstexarnple shows the things to look for and the next example show some of the variations possible.. (N) The first thing required is an indication as to type. The example is an AmendingAct. (0) The second thing required is the relevant year. In the example this is 1995< (P) The third thing required is the Act or Reg Number. In this example this is 104. (0) The fourth thing required is the specific Part, Section or regulation doing'the amending. In this example this is SCH1 (ie: Schedule 1). . .'. The ID entry for this example would then be as follows: ACT-19950104-5CH-1 SOCIAL SECURITY LEGISLATION (N)AMENDMENT ACT (No.1) (0)1995 No. (P)104 of 1995 (Q)SCHEDULE 1 Section 4< AMENDMENT OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY ACT 1991 RELATINGTO< THE DEFINITION OF INCOME< I. After Paragraph 8 (8) (zf) :< Insert:< "(zfa) a payment of financial supplement made to the person< under the Student Financial Supplement Scheme;".< EXAMPLE 2 This example shows a different style of amendment to Example 1. The ID entry for this example would be as follows: ACT-19950105-SEC-4 It would be made up of the following: (R) Indication of Amending Act. (This would be Reg if we were dealing with a Regulation). (8) Year of Act is 1995. (T) Act or Reg Number is 105. (U) Specific Part, Section or regulation doing the amending is SEC4. Note: there is no reference to a Schedule (SCH) because Section 4 is doing the amending. US 7,293,228 Bl 97 98 SOCIAL SECURITY (NON-BUDGET MEASURES) LEGISLATION (R)AMENDMENT ACT (8)1995 No. (T)105 of 1995 $$NSECT. (U)4. Section 198 of the Principal Act is amended by inserting after subsection (1 A) : $$P < "(1B) Subject to subsection (1C), if:< (a) a person; (the 'carer') is personally providing constant care for a severely handicapped person; (b) the handicapped person is temporarily absentfr~m Australia fora period of not more than 3 and< months; and< (c) the carer accompanies t~e handicapped person on his or her absence from Australia;< the carer does not cease to be qualified for a carer pension merely because of that absence from Australia. $$P' < "(1C) If, during a calendar year, the carer has accompanied the handicapped person outside Australia on more than one occasion, the caser ceases to be qualified for carer pension under subsection (1 B) in that calendar year after he or she has, during that calendar year, qualified for carer pension under that subsection for periods that together add up to 3 months.". $$A [C 04] Textblock 102 This field is for the 10 of the specific Part, Section or regulation in an Amending ACT or . REGULATION that is changed (amended). Textblock 101 (see [C 03] above) on the other hand records the ID of the specific Part, Section or regulation in an Amending ACT or REGULATION that causes a change (amendment) to happen. EXAMPLE 1 Following is an example of an amendment to the Social Security Act which shows how the information required for this field is obtained. Please note, as with Textblock 101, there are several ways in which Amending ACTS and REGULATIONS are presented. However, the information required for this 10 field is present in all cases. This first example shows the things to look for and the next example shows some of the variations possible. (V) Again the first thing is an indication as to type. The example is an Amending Act. US 7,293,228 Bl 99 100 (W) The second thing required is the relevant year. In the example this is 1991. (X) The third thing required is the Act or Reg Number. In this example this is 46. (Y) The fourth thing required is the specific Part, Section or Regulation that is being amended. In this example this is SEC8. The ID entry for this example would then be as follows: ACT-19910046-SEC-8 SOCIAL SECURITY LEGISLATION AMENDMENT ACT (No.1) 1995 No. 104 ofl995 -~. SCHEDULE 1 Section 4< AMENDMENT OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY (V)ACT (W)1991. (X) [If not available/reproduced in the Amendment text can be obtained from the main 10 field in MASTER TABLE] RELATING TO< THE DEFINITION OF INCOME< 1. After Paragraph (Y)8 (8) (zt) : Insert:< "(zfa) a payment of financial supplement made to the person under the Student Financial Supplement Scheme;".< EXAMPLE 2 This example shows a different style of amendment to Example 1. The ID entry for this example would be as follows: ACT-199501OS-SEC-198 It would be made up of the following: (Z) Indication of Amending ACT. (This would be Reg if we were dealing with aREGULATION). (AA) Year of ACT is 1991. (BB) The third thing required is the ACT or REGULATION Number. In this example this is 46. (CC) Specific Part, Section or regUlation being amended is SEC 198. SOCIAL SECURITY (NON-BUDGET MEASURES) LEGISLATION AMENDMENT ACT 1995 No. 105 ofl995 (Z) (AA) (BB) [if not available/reproduced in the Amendment text can be obtained from the main ID field in MASTER TABLE) $$NSECT US 7,293,228 Bl 101 102 4. Section (CC)198 ofthe Principal Act is amended by inserting after subsection (lA) ; $$P < "(l B) Subject to subsection (l C), if:< (a) a person (the 'carer'), is personally providing constant care for a severely handicapped person; (b) the handicapped person is temporarily absent from Australia for a period of not more than 3 and < months; and< (c) the carer accompanies the handicapped person on his or her absence from Australia;< , the carer does not cease to be qualified for a carer pension merely because ofthat absence from Australia. $$P < "(1 C) If, during a calendar year, the carer has accompanied the handicapped person outside Australia on more than one occasion, the c~er ceases to be qualified for carer pension under subsection (IB) in that calendar year after he or she has, 4uring that calendar year, qualified for carer pension under that subsection for periods thattogether add up to 3 months.". $$A [C OS] Date of Commencement Field This field is for the date an amendment or repeal of a specific Part, Section or regulation commenced. See also [B 04] for information on commencement. EXAMPLE Below is an example of a commencement provision from an amending ACT. Note how various sections of the amending ACT are allocated a date of commencement. Using the Section identified in TEXTBLOCK 101 the date of commencement can be identified and entered in this field. Thus if the TEXTBLOCK 101 field were ACT-19950105-SEC-8 then the date information required for this field would be 1 July 1995. See (DO) below. SOCIAL SECURITY (NON-BUDGET MEASURES) LEGISLATION AMENDMENT ACT 1995 No. 105 of 1995 - SECT 2< Commencement< $$T $$NSECT US 7,293,228 Bl 103 104 2. (I) Subject to this section, this Act commences on the day on which. it receives the Royal Assent. . $$P < (2) Subdivision A of Division 2 of Part 2 is taken to have commenced on 1 July 1993-.' . $$P < (3) Section 8 and 9 are taken to have commenced on (DD) 1 July 1995. $$P < (4) Section 10 is taken to have commenced on 1 April 1993. $$P [C 06] Date of Expiry Field This field provides for amendments that are enacted for a period of time, for example; during a special event such as the Olympics. Note: Expiry provisions are rare and should only be added if clearly specified in the data as in the example below. EXAMPLE See (EE) below. OLYMPIC SECURITY (NON-BUDGET MEASURES) LEGISLATION AMENDMENT ACT 1997 No. 109 of 1995 $$NSECT 4. Section 298 ofthe Principal Act is amended for the period commencing at midnight on 1 July 1997 and ending on midnight (EE)25 July 1997 by inserting after subsection (2A) : $$P < "(2B) Subject to subsection (2C) , if:< (a) a person (the 'carer') is personality providing constant care fora severely handicapped person; and< (b) the handicapped person is temporarily absent from Australia for a period of not more than 3 months; and < (c) the carer accompanies the handicapped person on his or her absence from Australia;< the carer does not cease to be qualified for a carer pension merely because of that absence from Australia. US 7,293,228 Bl 105 106 $$P < "(2C) If, during a calendar year, the carer has accompanied the handicapped person outside Australia on more than one occasion, the carer ceases to be qualified for carer pension under subsection (l B) in that calendar year after he or she has, during that calendar year, qualified forcarer pension under that subsection . I for periods that together add up to 3 months. " $$A US 7,293,228 Bl 107 108 APPENCIXC Keying Guide for Australian Legislation Documents General Validation All files produced must be parsed against the relevant DTD and each tableshpuldbe viewed using a suitable Table renderer to make sure that they have been coded correctly. . , .. CTC modifications No local modifications must be made to the supplied DTD's. If there are any situations.in which it is thought that a change to a DTD is required then the requested change and the reasons for it must be submitted to SGMLSE. If a change is deemed necessary, then the DTO will be.changed .: in the UK and resupplied. This is necessary to maintain consistency in the DTD's being used at both ends in the process. Files The SGML files that will be supplied have already been partially processed but will be invalid according to the DTD (especially the tables). Each file should omit the document type declaration and begin directly with the root element. Carriage return characters Carriage return characters must not appear in any element which has #PCDATA within its content model. If it is wished to use carriage return characters to shorten line lengths, then they must be placed in position's where they will be ignored by an SGML parser e.g. in places where #PCDATA is not allowed, or within start and end tags in places where separator characters are allowed. Case Element and attribute names are case-insensitive. They may be entered in either uppercase, lowercase or a mixture. Attribute values are usually case-insensitive. The only time that they are case-sensitive is when they have a declared type of CDATA, in which case the string values should be entered directly as they appear in the text. Markup minimisation No non-empty elements have omissible start or end tags, but the empty end tag </>can be used to end the currently open element. A carriag.e return character can not occur within an empty end tag. DTC structure There are four DTDs and a common element declaration that are used to define the structure of the legislation. REGS.PTP US 7,293,228 Bl 109 110 This DTO has the public identifier "-IISGMLSEIIOTO 1.0 RegulationsllEN" and contains the declaration for the regulations. It has two parameter entity references which include "IISGMLSEIIOTO 1.0 ActIlEN" and "-IISGMLSElIDTO 1.0 RegulationIlEN". The file regs.sgm produced by the Perl script regs.p/conforms to regs.dtd and calls in all acts as . I parameter entities. ACTS.OTO This OTO has the public identifier "-IISGMLSEl/OTO 1.0 ActsllEN" and contains the declaration for the acts. It has a parameter entity references which includes "-IISGMLSEIIOTO 1.0 ActllEN". The file acts.sgm produced by the Perl script acts.pl conforms to acts.dtd and calls in all acts as parameter entities. ACT.OTO This OTO has the public identifier ';-IISGMLSEl/OTO 1.0 Act/lEN" and contains the declaration of an act. REG.OTO This OTO has the public identifier "-IISGMLSEl/OTO 1.0RegulationllEN" and contains the declaration of a regulation. COMMON.ELT This list of elements has the public identifier "-IISGMLSEl/ELEMENTS 1.0 Common ElementsllEN" and includes element and entity definitions common to all document types. Character entities The character entities allowed have been selected from the ISO public sets isogrk1, isogrk3, isolat1, isonum, isopub and isotech .. These characters are translated one-to-one to the equivalent character in the Times New Roman True Type font. The <quote> or <blockquote> elements should be used instead to surround any quoted text. Use Quotes ('7 at the beginning and at the end of these elements. Labels and identifiers The major structural elements- act, reg, part, schedule, section; sub, s-sub, 55-sub, all have a required label attribute (Ibl). Unique identifiers should be generated for these elements. The label for these elements is the preceding number or letter WITHOUT any punctuation or parentheses. For example: 1979 No. 141 The charge to income tax - REG 1 Income Tax 1. Fred ... 1. (1)This is ... <section type=" reg" Ibl="1 II ID="CWACT-19790141-SEC-I "> <title>lncome Tax<1> <list> <Ii Ibl="I"><p>Fred ...<1>. US 7,293,228 Bl 111 112 <list> <li Ibl="I"><p>This is ...<1> </Iist> <Iii> </Iist> -.,,' </section> Convert list and Ii items back to the original look in Folio Views, ie to 1. Fred ... 1. (1) This is ... Cross references .0_. -, All cross references point directly to a target by providing the id of the target as the value of an attribute of the xref element. For details of the format of cross reference identifier strings, see the description of the xref element below. All/D's are marked unchanged as Jump Destinations (JD's). <SECTION ID="CWACT-19950104-SEC-1" LBL="1"> becomes: <JD:" ="CWACT-19950104-SEC-1 "> REGS OTO ELEMENT REGS This is the root element of the Regulations. Its definition is : < ! ELEMENT regs - - (title, header?, reg+) > That is, it contains a required title element, followed by an optional header element followed by 1 or more act element. Not translated ACTS OTO ELEMENT ACTS This is the root element of the Acts. Its definition is < ! (ELEMENT acts - - (title, header?, acH) > That is, it contains a required title element, followed by an optional header element followed by 1 or more act element. Not translated REG OTO ELEMENTS REG This is the root element of the dtd for a Regulation. Its definition is: < ! ELEMENT reg - - (title, notes?, provisions?, (preamble I long-title)?, ( (order+ I (section I schedule)+ I chapter+ I part+) , schedule") ) > US 7,293,228 Bl 113 114 < ! ATTLIST reg id ID #REQUIRED lbl CDATA #REQUIRED insert-date NUMBER #IMPLIED insert-leg IDREF #IMPLIED repeal-date . NUMBER #IMPLIED repeal-leg IDREF #IMPLIED amend-date NUMBER #IMPLIED amend-leg lDREF #IMPLIED < The insert-date attribute should be used to insert the date YYYVMMDD that the REG was inserted. The insert-leg should be used to insert the ID of the legislation that inserted the REG. The repeal-date attribute ShOUl1 be used to insert the dateYYVYMMDD that the REG was repealed. The repeal-leg should be used to insert the ID of the legislation that repealed the REG. The amend-date attribute should be used to insert the date VYYYMMDD that the REG was amended. The amend-leg should be used to insert the ID of the legislation that amended the REG. The title gets marked up as Level "Heading Level 1". The period between the inselt-date and the repeal-date or amend-date (that is the period during which the above element was in force) gets marked up as follows: The Folio Views markup used is Groups. See the manual for explanations. We will use three kinds of groups: Inforce-yyyy, Inforce~yyyy-mm and Inforce-yyyy-mm-dd (yyyy can be any year, mm can be any month from 1 - 12 and dd can be any day from 1 - 31). If the element was velki-. throughout a year yyyy, the element becomes a member of the Inforee-yyyy group. If the element was valid only for some months within a year, it becomes a member of the relevant Inforce-yyyymm groups. If the element was only valid for some days within a month, the element becomes a member of the relevant Inforce-yyyy-mm-dd groups. Example: If the element was valid from 1/7/94 to 714/96, then the element belongs to the following groups: Inforce-94-07, Inforce- 94-08, Inforce-94-09, Inforce-94-10, Inforce-94-11, Inforce-94-12, Inforce95, Inforce-96-01, Inforce-96-02, Inforce-96-03, Inforce-96-04-01, Inforce-96-04-02, Inforce-96-0403, Inforce-96-04-04, Inforce-96-04-05, Inforce-9~04-06 and Inforce-96-04-07. Note that the element is not pett of the Inforce-94 group because the element wasn't in force throughout of 1994. Nor is the element part of the Inforce-96-04 group because the element wasn't in force throughout April 1996. to search for all elements that are valid as of a palticular date then the enduser can enter that date in a Query Template in the form DDIMM/yYVY. The Query Template If the enduser wants then searches the Folio Views infobase for all elements that belong to the groups Inforce-yyyy, Inforce-yyyy-mm and Inforce-yyyy-mm-dd. ACT DTO ELEMENTS US 7,293,228 Bl 115 116 ACT '.,,: This is the root element of the dtd for an Act. Its definition is : < ! ELEMENT act -- (title, notes?, provisions?, (preamble I long- title)?, (section+ I chapter-, lparte lsub-r)", schedule") <!ATTLIST act id ID #REQUIRED date CDAT A #IMPLIED insert-date NUMBER #IMPLIED insert-leg IDREF #IMPLIED repeal-date NUMBER #IMPLIED repeal-leg IDREF #IMPLIED amend-date NUMBER #IMPLIED amend-leg IDREF #IMPLIED < That is, it contains a required title element, followed by optional notes, provisions, and preamble and either one or more reg, order, rule, section, chapter or part elements. It has a required id attribute and implied date : attribute The insert-date attribute should be used to insert the date YYYYMMDD that the ACT was inserted: The insert-leg should be used to insert the ID of the legislation that inserted the ACT. The repeal-date attribute should be used to insert the date YYYYMMDD that the ACT was repealed. The repeal-leg should be used to insert the ID of the legislation that repealed the ACT.. The amend-date attribute should be used to insert the date YYYYMMDD that the ACT was amended. The amend-leg should be used to insert the ID ofthe legislation that amended the ACT. Examples 1979 No. 141 The charge to income tax <act Ibl="141" ID="CWACT-l 9790 141-TXT-o"> <title> 1979 No. 141 The charge to income tax</> 1979 No. 141 The charge to income tax·l· <act Ibl="141" ID="CWACT-19790141-TXT-0"> <title>1979 No. 141 The charge to income tax<noteref ref= "CWACT- 19790 141-note-l " ><1> The noterefgets marked up as a popup link The text ofthe note becomes the text within the popup link: Treated the same as Reg DTD Elements. See there for details. COMMON ELEMENTS PART < ! ELEMENT part - - (title, (%plevel;)*, (chapter+ I division+ I section+)*, notes?) < ! ATTLIST part id ID #REQUIRED Ibl CDATA #IMPLIED insert-date NUMBER #IMPLIED US 7,293,228 Bl 117 118 The insert-date attribute should be used to insert the date YYYYMMDD that the PART was inserted. The insert-leg should be used to insert the ID of the legislation that inserted the PART. The repeal-date attribute should be used to insert the date YVYYMMDD that the PART was repealed. The repeal-leg should be used to insert the ID of the legislation that repealed the PART. The amend-date attribute should be used to insert the date YVYYMMDD that the PART was amended. The amend-leg should be used to insert the ID of the legislation that amended the PART. Example , <PART Ihl="I" ID="CWACT-19790141-PT-I"> <title></title> <p> The title gets' marked up as Level "Heading Level 2". Dates get treated the same way as in Regs OTO) Elements. See there for details. ORDER «ELEMENT order - - (title, (division I section I part I schedule) +) > <!ATTLIST order id ID #REQUIRED Ihl CDATA #/IMPLIED insert-date NUMBER insert-leg IDREF repeal-date NUMBER repeal-leg lDREF amend-date NUMBER amend-leg IDREF #IMPLIED #IMPLIED #IMPLIED #IMPLIED #IMPLIED #IMPLIED > The insert-date attribute should be used to insert the date YYYYMMDD that the ORDER was inserted. The insert-leg should be used to insert the ID of the legislation that inserted the ORDER. The repeal-date attribute should be used to insert the date YYYYMMDD that the ORDER was repealed. The repeal-leg should be used to insert the ID of the legislation that repealed the ORDER. The amend-date attribute should be used to insert the date YVYYMMDD that the ORDER was amended. The amend-leg should be used to insert the 10 of the legislation that amended the ORDER. Example US 7,293,228 Bl 120 119 1979 No. 140 FEDERAL COURT RULES - ORDER 3< ORDER 3< TIME< $$T $$A $$T 1979 No. 140 FEDERAL COURT RULES- RULE 1< <ORDER Ibl="3" ID="CWACT-19790 140-0RD-3"> <title>TIME<ltitle> <section type="rule" Ibl="l" ID="CWACT-19790140-0RD-3.1 "> .. The title gets marked up as Level "Heading Level 2". Dates get treated the same way as in Regs OTO Elements. See there fordetails. DIVISION «ELEMENT division - - (title, (sub-division+ I section-H). > «ATTLISTdivision id ID #/REQUIRED Ibl CDATA #IMPLIED insert-date NUMBER insert-leg NUMBER repeal-leg IDREF amend-date NUMBER amend-leg #IMPLIED IDREF repeal-date #IMPLIED IDREF #IMPLIED #IMPLIED #IMPLIED #lMPLIED > The insert-date attribute should be used to insert the date YVYYMMDD that the DIVISION was inserted. The insert-leg should be used to insert the ID of the legislation that inserted the DIVISION. The repeal-date attribute should be used to insert the date YYYVMMDD that the DIVISION was repealed. The repeal-leg should be used to insert the ID of the legislation that repealed the DIVISION. The amend-date attribute should be used to insert the date YYYYMMDD that the DIVISION was amended. The amend-leg should be used to insert the ID of the legislation that amended the DIVISION. Example 1979 No. 140 FEDERAL COURT RULES - DIVISION 1< Division 1-General< $$T $$A $$T 1979 No. 140 FEDERAL COURT RULES - RULE 1< US 7,293,228 Bl 121 122 Cases for service of originating process< <DIVISION Ibl="I" ID="CWACT-I 9790140-DIV-i> . <title>General<ltitle> <RULE Ibl="1" ID="CWACT-19790140-DIV-1 1"> . I . <title> Cases for service of originating process </title> The title gets marked up as Level "Heading Level 3". Dates get treated the same way as in Regs DTD Elements. See there for details. SUB-DIVISION sub-division - - (title, section+) > <!ELEMENT <!ATTLIST sub-division id ID #REQUIRED Ibl CDATA #IMPLIED insert-date NUMBER insert-leg IDREF repeal date INUMBER repeal-leg NUMBER amend-leg #IMPLIED #IMPLIED #IMPLIED IDREF amend-date #IMPLIED IDREF #IMPLIED #IMPLIED > The insert-date attribute should be used to insert the date YVYYMMDD that the SUB-DIVISION was inserted. The insert-leg should be used to insert the ID of the legislation that inserted the SUB-DIVISION. The repeal-date attribute should be used to insert the date YVYYMMDD that the SUB-DIVISION was repealed. The repeal-leg should be used to insert the ID of the legislation that repealed the SUB-DIVISION. The amend-date attribute should be used to insert the date YYYYMMDD that the SUB-DIVISION was amended. The amend-leg should be used to insert the 10 of the legislation that amended the SUB-DIVISION. The titfe gets marked up with a Paragraph Style (see Fotio Views Infobase Production Kit Manual for details) 'Subdivision', Dates get treated the same way as in Regs DTD Elements. See there for details. PROVISIONS <!ELEMENT provisions (title, tblblk) > Example $$NTABLE TABLE OF PROVISIONS< $$P Order< $$P 1. $$P Preliminary< US 7,293,228 Bl 123 2. 124 Sittings and Vacation< <PROVISIONS> <flTLE>TABLE OF PROVISIONS> <TBLBLK> <rrBLBLK> </PROVISIONS> Provisions get ignored. The Table ofProvisions gets generated by the conversion program from the following Elements: Part, Chapter, Order, Division, Subdivision and Section. The generated Table of Provisions is stored just before the first Part, Chapter,'Order, Division, Subdivision andSection. CHAPTER (title, %plevel;)*, <!ELEMENT chapter (part+ I section+ I article-e)") <!ATTLIST chapter id ID #REQUIRED Ibl CDATA #IMPLIED insert-date NUMBER insert-leg IDREF repeal-date NUMBER #IMPLIED #IMPLIED repeal-leg IDREF amend-date NUMBER amend-leg #IMPLIED #IMPLIED IDREF #IMPLIED #IMPLIED > The insert-date attribute should be used to insert the date YYVYMMDD that the CHAPTER was inserted. The insert-leg should be used to insert the ID of the legislation that inserted the CHAPTER The repeal-date attribute should be used to insert the date YYYYMMDD that the CHAPTER was repealed. The repeal-leg should be used to insert the ID of the legislation that repealed the CHAPTER. The amend-date attribute should be used to insert the date YYYYMMDD that the CHAPTER was amended. The amend-leg should be used to insert the ID of the legislation that amended the CHAPTER. The title gets marked up as Level "Heading Level 2". Dates get treated the same way as in Regs OTO Elements. See there for details. SECTION This is a sub element of a Regulation. Its definition is: <!ELEMENT <!ATTLIST section section (title, (%unstruct-coni;»> id ID #REQUIRED lbl CDATA #fIMPLIED insert-date NUMBER insert-leg IDREF #IMPLIED #IMPLIED US 7,293,228 Bl 125 126 repeal-date NUMBER repeal-leg IDREF amend-date NUMBER amend-leg I #IMPLIED IDREF #IMPLIED #IMPLIED #IMPLIED > That is, it contains a required title element, followed by unstructured content. It has a required Ibl attribute and a required id attribute. The insert-date attribute should be used to insert the date VYYYMMOO that the SECTION was inserted. The insert-leg should be used to insert the 10 of the legislation that inserted the SECTION. The repeal-date attribute should be used to insert the date VYYYMMOO that the SECTION was repealed. The repeal-leg should be used to insert the 10 of the legislation that repealed the SECTION. . The amend-date attribute should be used to insert the date VYYYMMOO that the SECTION was amended. The amend-leg should be used to insert the 10 of the legislation that amended the SECTION. Examples 1979 No. 141 The charge to income tax - SECT. 1 Income Tax 1979 No. 141 The charge to income tax - REG 2 Tax 3. Income tax shall be charged... <section Ibl="I" id="CWACT-1979141-SEC-l "> <titIe>Income tax<1> <section type = "reg" Ibl = "2" id = CWACTl979 14l-SEC1.2"><title>Tax<ltitle> <p>Income tax shall be charged .. .<1> The title gets marked up as Level "Heading Level 4". Dates gets treated the same way as in Regs DTD Elements. See there for details. SCHEDULE This is a sub element of a Regulation. Its definition is: <!(ELEMENT schedule - - (title?, <!ATTLIST schedule id ID #IREQUIRED Ibl (%-unstruct-cont;»> CDATA #IMPLIED insert-date NUMBER insert-leg IDREF repeal-date NUMBER repeal-leg IDREF amend-date NUMBER amend-leg IDREF #IMPLIED #IMPLIED #IMPLIED #IMPLIED #IMPLIED #IMPLIED US 7,293,228 Bl 127 128 > That is, it contains a required title element, followed by unstructured content. lthasa required Ibl attribute and a required id attribute. The insert-date attribute should be used to insert the date VYYYMMDD that the SCHEDULE was inserted. The insert-leg should be used to insert the 10 of the legislation that ins~rted the.. .. SCHEDULE. The repeal-date attribute should be used to insert the date YYYYMMDD that the SCHEDULE was repealed. The repeal-leg should be used to insert the 10 of the legislation that repealed the SCHEDULE. The amend-date attribute should be used to insert the date YYYYMMDD that the SC~EDULE was amended. The amend-leg should be used to insert the.lD of the legislation that-amended the SCHEDULE. .'. Examples 1979 No. 141 The charge to income tax- SCHEDULE 1 Income Tax I. Income tax shall be charged... <schedule lbl = "I" id="CWACT-1979141-SCH-I to> <trtle>Incometax</.> <p>Income tax shall be charged ... </>. The title gets marked up as Level "Heading Level 2". Dates get treated the.same way as in Regs OTO Elements. See there for details. FORM <!ELEMENT form <!ATTLIST form %reqlbl; -- (title, formreg, front, back?) > %reqid;> Each form has a title, regulation, a front and an optional back. Each has a required Ibl attribute and a required 10. Example FORM A< Regulation 7< (Front of Form)< COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALlA< Trade Practices Act 1974-Sub-section 88 (1)< EXCLUSIONARY PROVISIONS:< APPLICATION· FOR AUTHORIZATION< To the Trade Practices Commission: Application is hereby made under sub-section 88 (1) of the Trade (Back of Form)< DIRECTIONS< US 7,293,228 Bl 129 1. 130 Where there is insufficient space on this form to furnish the required information, the information is to be shown on separate sheets, numbered consecutively and signed by or on behalf of the applicant. <FORM Ibl="a" ID="CWACT-19790141-FORM-A"> . I . <FORMREG>Regulation 7</FORMREG> <FRONT> <AS IS> COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALlA< Trade Practices Act 1974-Sub-section 88 (1)< EXCLUSIONARY PROVISIONS:< APPLICATION FOR AUTHORIZAT10N< To the Trade Practices Commission: Application is hereby made under sub-section 88 (1) of the Trade </ASIS> </FRONT> <BACK> <ASIS> DIRECTIONS< 1. Where there is insufficient space on this form to furnish the required information, the information is to be shown on separate sheets, numbered consecutively and signed by or on behalf of the applicant. </ASIS> </BACK> </FORM> Forms get marked up with a Paragraph Style 'Forms'. The markup of 'Front' and 'Sack' gets inserted as hidden text (hidden text is visible on the screen but doesn't show when the Form gets printed. FORM ELEMENTS FORMREG formreg <!ELEMENT (#PCDATA) > see above example FRONT <!ELEMENT front -- (asis) > see above exam pie BACK <!ELEMENT back (asis) > see above example ASIS <!ELEMENT date is displayed as-is asis (#PCDATA) > US 7,293,228 Bl 131 132 see above exam pie HEADER ELEMENTS HEADER <!ELEMENT (scope?, updated?) > header SCOPE scope (%text;) > updated" <!ELEMENT (%text;) > UPDATED <!ELEMENT NOTE ELEMENTS NOTES <!ELEMENT notes o ~ (note+) > ...•.• ;1"" List of notes at the start of an act NOTE <!ELEMENT <!ATTLIST (%/plevel;) note note id ID > #REQUIRED> A single note Forms get marked up with a Paragraph Style 'Forms'. The markup of 'Front' and 'Back' gets inserted as hidden text (hidden text is visible on the screen but doesn't show when the Form gets printed. STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS TITLE A generic title, which may occur in several different contexts. Covered in Acts OTO Elements, Regs OTO Elements and so on. INLINE ELEMENTS BOLD Used to mark any inline text which is set in a bold face other than a title or a label: It may contain text or any inline elements other than <bold>. It has no attributes. ILEQN An inline equation. This is a mathematical equation which is embedded in a line of text characters or other inline elements. See the attached description of equations for further details. ITAL Used to mark any inline text which is set in a italic face other than a title or a label. It may contain text or any inline elements other than <italic>. It has no attributes. QUOTE A sequence of text characters or inline elements surrounded by single or double paired quotation marks. The quotation mark characters must not be entered as text characters or entity references as they will be generated automatically. SUSSCR US 7,293,228 Bl 133 134 A Subscript (inferior). SUPER A superscript (superior). Brought over from SGML to Folio Views with no changes. I CROSS REFERENCES NOTEREF A reference to a NOTE element normally used in a TITLE element fmplemented as a popup link. TEMPREF A reference to a piece of legislation where the 10 is not known. The tempref element will converted to an XREF element at a later date (when the 10 is known). Not converted. RNGREF A cross reference to a sequential range of targets, e.g. see Sections 3 to 7. , It has two required attributes, startref and endref. Startref is the id of the first of the targets referenced and end ref is the id of the last target referenced. For a description of id strings, see the description of the xref element. Converted as a Query Link. XREF A cross reference to a single target. It has a single attribute, ref, which must contain the id string of the target of the reference. Ids are not being entered on elements during keying, but will be generated automatically from the Ibl attribute of elements. However, for xrefs it is necessary to work out what the id string of the target will be. The format of id strings is described below: Converted as a jumplink. 10 Strings Cross references to sections of Acts and Act Schedules should be marked up using the xref element as described above . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Id strings are made up of four sequential fields separated by a n_" (dash) character as follows field l-field2-field3-field4 field 1 is the type of document which is being referenced. The current valid value is ACT. field2 is an abbreviated form of the year and number of the Act, e.g. 19880001 is 1988 NO.1. field3 identifies the type of object being referenced. Valid values are: ORO order DIV division SCH schedule in an Act SEC section in an Act CH chapter in an Act US 7,293,228 Bl 135 PT 136 part in an Act NOTEa note '." field4 is the identifier of the element being referenced, which is formed by concatenating the values of the Ibl attributes of the referenced element and its ancestor elements, separated by a"." (point) character. e.g. 1 or 1.1 or 1.1.a or 1.1.a.iv '. ,,: . j .• Examples .. <section Ibl="I"> ' <!-- id is ACT-1979014i-SEC-I--> <title>The charge to income tax.<1> <list> "." <li Ibl="1If> <p>Income tax shall be charged.. ,<I> Implemented us jumpdestination. ..., .... BLOCK LEVEL ELEMENTS DPEQN A display equation. This is a mathematical equation which is set on one or more iiries by itself. See the attached description of equations for further details. It has no attributes. It has no attributes. LIST A list of related lines of text which are not sub, s-sub or ss-sub elements. LI An item in a list. This is a single line of text within a list. It has a single attribute, marker, which has allowed values of bullet, dash or none, with a default of none. If a marker character precedes the list item then the relevant value should be entered for the attribute. The marker charactershould not be entered as text. If any marker character other than a bullet or dash is found, contact SGMLSE for a change to the DTD. p A single line of text. BLOCKQUOTE A non-inline quote. The quotation mark characters must not be entered as text characters or entity references as they will be generated automatically TBLBLK A container element for a table which has a title. It contains a required title element followed by a single table. It has no attributes. The above elements get implemented either without conversion or using paragraph styles .' TABLE ELEMENTS General Arbortext tables expressed in tagged ASCII form must follow this basic structure: <table> US 7,293,228 Bl 137 138 <rowrule> for each row <tablerow> <cell rule> for each column <tablecell>text</tablecell> <cellrule> <ltablerow> <rowrule> </table> TABLE The <table> tag has three required attributes. They must be specified correctly or the table will not be handled properly. ncols=NUMBER The number of columns in the table. This value MUST agree with the number of columns expressed by the required cwl attribute. Wdm=(251501751100) The numbers indicate the width of the table as a percentage of the page width. cwl=lIST where LIST is a list of integers each separated by a colon. Each integer represents the relative width of a column. Example A four column table which is the full width of the page. The second and third columns are twice the width of the first column, and the fourth column is three times the width of the first: <table ncols="4" wdm="lOO" cwl="l :2:2:3"> or, equivalently, <table ncols="4" wdm="lOO" cwl="5:10:10:15"> CELLRULE Emptyelement. Specifies a vertical rule. It has a single attribute, rty, which specifies the type of rule. Valid values for rty are: (point)for a blank rule, "" (dash)for a single rule, "=" (equals) for a double rule, "+" (plus) for a bold rule. Example <cellrule rty=". "> for ablank rule, or <cellrule rty="-"> US 7,293,228 Bl 140 139 for a single rule. ROWRULE Empty element. Specifies a sequence of horizontal rules, one per cell in the row. It has' a single attribute, rtl, which is a colon-delimited list of rule type specifiers. There must be . onEnul~'type .- .. . specifier for each cell in the row. The valid specifiers are as for cellrule above.' -', Example For a four-column table <rowrule rtl="-:.:.:-"> would draw a horizontal rule above cells one and four. . TABLEROW ..'. <, .: Specifies a row in the table. It has a single attribute, hdr, which specifies whether or 'riot the row is a header row in a table which will be repeated over page breaks. The only valid value is "1"(one), which indicates that the row is a header row. An omitted value for hdr indicates thatthe row is not a header row. A value is only valid on the first <tablerow> in the table. Example <tablerow hdr="I"> indicates that the row is a header row (iff the <tab/erow> Is the first in the table, else it will generate an error). <tablerow> indicates that the row is not a header row if the <tablerow> is the first in the . table. . TABLECELL Indicates a cell in a row in a table. It has four optional attributes: chj= (bll lr]«) Horizontal justification for that cell. b for both right and left justified, 1 for flush left, r for flush right, c for centred. Default: left justified cvj = (tlclb) Vertical justification for that cell. for top justified, -c for centred, or b for bottom justified. Default: top justified spn= INTEGER For horizontally spanned columns. VAL is a whole number representing how many columns are spanned: Note that for horizontal spans, the text appears in the LEFTMOST cell in the span, and all other cells in the span should be void of text. Default: I US 7,293,228 Bl 141 vspn=INTEGER 142 For vertically spanned rows. VAL is a whole number representing how man rows are spanned. Note that for vertical spans, the text appears in the LOWEST cell in the spa and all other cells in the span should be void of text. Default: 1 Arbortexttable example [foo fum fee spanned <tbl> . . <table wdm="IOO" cwl="3:4:3"> ugh I <rowrule rtl="-:-:-"> <tablerow hdr="1 "> <cellrule rty="-"> <tablecell>foo</tablecell> <cellrule rty="-"> <tablecell chj="c">fum</tablecell> <cellrule rty="-"> <tablecell chj="r" cvj="b">fee</tablecell> <cellrule rty"-"> </tablerow> <rowrule rtl"-:-:-"> <tablerow> <cellrule rty="-"> <tablecell spn="2" chj="c">spanned</tablecell> <cellrule rty="-"> <tablecell chj="c">ugh</tablecell> <cellrule rty="-"> </tablerow> <rowrule rtl="-:-:-"> </table> </tbl> Tables get converted to Microsoft Word tables and then converted into Folio Views. EQUATION ELEMENTS General This maths DTD is a subset of the Arbortext maths DTD, which itself is derived from the AAP maths DTD. US 7,293,228 Bl 143 144 In maths mode, all spaces are ignored (except in a <phr> element as described below). .Correct spacing is handled automatically. All alphabetical characters and symbols are treated as variables and set in italic face, unless they occur within <phr>, <rm> or <rf> elements.: . , . ~ . .... All numeric characters and operators are set in roman face, unless they occur within an <it> element. Greek symbols should be entered using the <9> element rather than entity references: E.g. <9>a</g> produces alpha, <g>b</g> beta, etc. Any entity references for Greek characters which appear in equations will be flagged as errors by the parsing program. S Bold text in an equation. DE Denominator of a fraction. F Inline equation. FD Display equation. FEN Fence. A pair of bracketed delimiters. The attribute Ip (left post) defines the type of the left delimiter as below, and the following element rp (right post) defines the type of the right delimiter. <!ATTLIST fen lp (parlsqblcublanglvb) vb par left parenthesis [ sqb left square bracket cub left curly brace { ang left angle bracket < vb left vertical bar --> FR Fraction. G Greek character or characters. Valid characters are: char equivalent entity a alpha b beta c chi d delta D Delta e epsilon 3 epsiv 4 phiv US 7,293,228 Bl 145 146 f phis F Phi g gamma G Gamma h . eta iota j thetav k kappa I lambda L Lambda m mu n nu p pi 2 piv P Pi q thetas Q Theta rho s sigma S Sigma 9 rhov t tau u upsilon U Upsilon v sigmav w omega W Omega x xi X Xi Y psi y Psi z zeta INF Inferior. Subscript in an equation. IT Italic text in an equation. NU Numerator of a fraction. OVL Overline. US 7,293,228 Bl 147 148 PHR Phrase. In a phrase all characters are set in roman face and keyed space characters are preserved. A phrase is essentially a temporary escape out of maths mode back intonormal text ).,' mode. RAD Radical or root. Contains a radicand «red», which is the constructs which appear. beneath the top horizontal bar, and an optional radix (rdx), which is the power of the root (e.g. square, cube, 4, etc.). ReD Radicand. The content of a root construct. RDX Radix. The power of a root. RF Roman Function. A function name set in roman face, such as log, sin, cos, lim, arg,etc. It differs from the <rm> element in that preceding and following space characters are generated to separate' it from surrounding characters. RM Roman face. Used to force an alpha character to be displayed in normal face rather than be treated as a variable and displayed in italic face. RP Right delimiter of a fence. It has a single attribute, post, which defines the type of the delimiter. Valid values are the same as for the Ip attribute of the <fen> element, except that they specify the right hand match for the relevant left post. SUP Superior. A superscript in an equation. UNL Underline. Arbortext equation examples ... by multiplying by the fraction A B where - <p>... by multiplying by the fraction -<I> <dpeqn>< fr><nu><rm>A</ ></ ><de><rm>B<I ><1 ><1><1> <p>where -</p> ... by the formula gross taxable income - net assets US 7,293,228 Bl 149 150 <p>. . . by the formula -<I> <dpeqn>< fr><nu><phr>gross taxable income<I><I><de><phr>net assets</ ><1></ ><1> I Equations get converted to Microsoft Word equations and then converted into Folio Views. Alternatively equations get converted to images and added to Folio Views as images. US 7,293,228 Bl 151 152 APPENDIX E <!SGML "ISO 8879:1986" Arbor'Text's default SGML declaration, modified to allow longer id/idref's, and to use a number of special characters within. them. -. CHARSET BASESET "ISO 646-1983//CHARSET International ReferenceVersion (IRV)//ESC 2/54/0" DESCSET CAPACITY SGMLREF TOTALCAP ENTCAP ENTCHCAP ELEMCAP GRPCAP EXGRPCAP EXNMCAP ATTCAP ATTCFICAP AVGRPCAP NOTCAP NOTCHCAP IDCAP IDREFCAP MAPCAP LKSETCAP LKNMCAP SCOPE 200000 35000 35000 35000 150000 35000 35000 50000 35000 35000 35000 35000 35000 35000 35000 35000 35000 DOCUMENT SYNTAX SHUNCHAR 01234567891011 1213 14151617 1819202122232425262728293031127 BASESET "ISO 646-1983//CHARSET International Reference Version (IRV)//ESC 2/5 4/0" DESCSET 0 128 0 128 128 "High-order characters" FUNCTION RE 13 RS 10 SPACE 32 TAB SEPCHAR 9 NAMING LCNMSTRT .. UCNMSTRT .... LCNMCHAR "-.10" II US 7,293,228 Bl 153 154 UCNMCHAR "-.I[]" NAMECASE GENERAL YES ENTITY NO DELIM GENERAL SGMLREF SHORTREF SGMLREF NAMES SGMLREF QUANTITY SGMLREF . 100 ATTCNT ATTSPLEN 960 BSEQLEN 960 16 DTAGLEN DTEMPLEN 16 16 ENTLVL GRPCNT 100 GRPGTCNT 96 16 GRPLVL LITLEN 800 NAME LEN 64 NORMSEP 2 PILEN 1024 960 ' TAGLEN TAGLVL 24 I FEATURES MINIMIZE DATATAG NO OMITTAG YES RANK YES LINK SIMPLE NO IMPLICIT NO EXPLICIT NO OTHER CONCUR NO SUBDOC NO APPINFO NONE> NO SHORTTAG FORMAL YES <!DOCTYPE legislation [ <!- DTD for Scantext/Abha Legislation - (C) Turn-Key Systems 1997 History: 1997-10-13: fix hist at beginning of regs 1997-10-07: restore <target> tag 1997-10-02: enhanced support for regulations (hist, unconv etc) --> <!-- useful characters such as &mdash; --> <!ENTITY % ISOpub public "ISO 8879-1986//ENTlTIES Publishing/lEN"> %ISOpub; <!-- PARAMETER ENTITIES USED TO SIMPLIFY DTD MARKUP --> <lentity % major "schedulelintconlarticlelannexlclauselchapterlpartldivisionlsubdivnlsectionlsubs eclreglsubreg" US 7,293,228 Bl 155 156 -- major levels --> <!entity % minor "defulparalsubparilsubpar2Isubpar3Isubpar4Ipoint" -- minor levels - - > . . ""'. <!entity % secreg "section I reg" -- used where either sections or regs are appropriate ~-> <!entity % level "%major; I %minor;" -- all levels --> < entity % refs "term [I.ref I h.ref" -- references which can be found in normal text --> <Ientity % raw "(rawtext I rawtable I unconvertedjt" -- material such as forms which remains as raw text --> <!entity % effect "sc" -- typographical effects (more to be added later)-> <!entity % text "(%refs; I %effect; [ #PCDATA)·" -- normal text (including refs defined above) --> <lentity % hnote "hist I note" .- hist and note are temporarily interchangeable --> <!entity % body "(p+ I repealed), (%hnote;)·" -- body of a legislative element --> < !entity % lev.id "((label, desc?) I (desc, label?»" -- reversible level id .:». <!-- MASTER ELEMENT --> <!element legislation - - (act I regulations)+ -- Acts and Regs are currently supported--> <!- DEFINITIONS OF ACTS AND CONSTITUENT ELEMENTS --> <!element act - - (desc, (%hnote; I %raw;)·, longtitle, preamble?, (chapter+ I part+ I section+), Schedule", hist") <!element longtitie - - (#PCDATA» <!element preamble - - (p+) +(para» <!element regulations - - (desc, (%hnote; I %raw;)*, (chapter+ I part+ I reg+), schedule", hist") <!-- MAJOR LEVELS --> <!element chapter - - (label, desc, (%hnote;)·, «(%secreg;)·, part") I article-jj> <!element part - - (label?, desc, hist", «(%secreg;)·, division") I (article+ I clause+»» <!element division - - (label?, desc, (p I %hnote;)·, «(%secreg;)·, subdivn") I clause-jj> <!element subdivn - - (label?, desc, (%hnote;)*, «%secreg;)+ [ clause-jj> <!element section - - (%lev.id;, ... ..~ US 7,293,228 Bl 157 158 «subsec +, (modules I module +)?) I repealedjj> <!element subsec - - (%Iev.id;, «p, (p I note)", hist") I (repealed, note", hist·»» <!element modules - - (%Iev.id;, module-) <!element module - - (%Iev.id;, (submod + I repealedjj> <!element submod - - (%Iev.id;, «p, (p I %hnote; I method I tabloid)") I (repealed, (%hnote;)·»» <!element reg - - (label?, desc, hist?, (subreg + I repealedjj> <!elementsubreg - - (label, desc?, hist'?, «p, (p I note)", hist") I (repealed, note", hist·»» <!- SCHEDULES, CONVENTIONS etc --> <lelement schedule - - (label?, desc?, hist", (chapter+ I part+ I section+ item+ I p+ I tabloid+ I intcon)?, %raw;» I <!element intcon - - (desc, preamble, (part+ I division+ I subdivn- ]article+), annex") <!element annex - - (label?, desc, p., (part" I division" I clause" I para", <!element article - - (label, desc?) para·»> (division" I clause" I para·»> <!element clause - - «(label, desc?) I (desc, label», p+» <!element item - - (label?, desc?, %body;» <!-- DEFINITIONS AND MINOR LEVELS --> <!element defn - - (%body;» <!element note - - (label?, p+» <!element hist - - (label?, (p+ I raw.) <!element point - - (p+» <!element para - - (label?, %body;» <!element subpar} - - (label?, %body;» <!element subpar2 • - (label?, %body;» <!element subpar3 • - (labelv, %body;» <!element subpar4 - - (label?, %body;» <!element method - - (%Iev.id;, (p I %hnote; I stepj-) <!element step - - (label, %body;» <!-- COMMON CONSTITUENT ELEMENTS ._> <!element label - - (%text;) -- chapter number, section number, etc. --> <!element desc - - (%text;) _. chapter name, section name, etc. --> <!element term - - (%text;) -- defined term --> <!element repealed - 0 EMPTY -- indicates that the enclosing level has been repealed --> <!element p - - (%minor I refs; I %effect I tabloid I amend I target I #PCDAT A)· -- textual paragraph at any level --> US 7,293,228 Bl 159 160 <!-- UNCONVERTED MATERIAL --> <!element unconverted - - CDATA -- yet to be converted (eg. complex schedules) --> <!element rawtext -- CDATA -- unconverted text (eg. forms) --> <!element rawtable - - CDATA -- unconverted tables (eg. amended provisions) --> <!-- CROSS-REFERENCES --> <!element l.ref - - (%text;) -- legislation ref --> <!element h.ref - - (%text;) -- history ref --> <!-- AMENDMENT MARKUP--> <!element amend - - (%refs I %effect I quote I #PCDATA)* -- amendment = action + text --> <!element target - - (#PCDATA) c- target of amendment --> <!element quote - - (label I desc I p I %levell %refs I %effect I #PCDAT A)· quoted material --> <!- PSEUDO-TABLES --> <!element tabloid - - (label?, desc?, (head I rowj-) <!element head - - (cell+» <!element row - - (cell+» <!element cell- - (#PCDATAlp)·> <!- EFFECTS --> <!element sc -- (#PCDATA) -- small caps --> <!-- ATTRIBUTE LISTS --> <!attlist act juris (cth I nsw I vic I qld I sa I wa I tas I act I nt limp) #REQUIRED -- jurisdiction -year CDATA #REQUIRED -- year assented -number CDAT A #REQUIRED -- act number -reps CDATA #IMPLIED -- 2nd reading (HR) -senate CDATA #IMPLIED - 2nd reading (Sen) -assent CDATA #IMPLIED -- assent date -cdate CDATA #IMPLIED -- commencement --> <!attlist regulations juris (cth ] nsw I vic I qld I sa I wa I tas I act I nt I imp) #REQUIRED -- jurisdiction -CDATA #REQUIRED -- year assented -Year CDATA #REQUIRED -- act number number CDATA #IMPLIED -- 2nd reading (HR) -reps CDATA #IMPLIED -- 2nd reading (Sen) -senate CDATA #IMPLIED -- notification date-notified CDATA #IMPLIED -- commencement cdate ID #IMPLIED -- legislation id -<!attlist schedule id CDATA #IMPLIED -- commencement -cdate CDATA #IMPLIED -- referring section --> refsec <!attlist chapter id ID #IMPLIED -- legislation id -CDATA #IMPLIED -- commencement cdate ID #IMPLIED -- legislation id -<attlist part id CDATA #IMPLIED -- commencement cdate <!attlist division id ID #IMPLIED -- legislation id -CDATA #IMPLIED -- commencement cdate ID #IMPLIED -- legislation id -<!attlist subdivn id CDATA #IMPLIED -- commencement cdate US 7,293,228 Bl 161 <!attlist section id cdate <attlist subsec id cdate <!attlist reg id cdate <!attlist subreg id cdate <!attlist 1.ref ref <!attlist term id .]> 162 ID CDATA ID CDATA ID CDA1'A ID CDATA IDREF ID '#IMPLIED -- legislation id -#IMPLIED -- commencement --> #IMPLIED -- legislation id -#IMPLIED -- commencement --> .#IMPLIED -- legislation id -#IMPLIED-- commencement --> #IMPLIED -- legislation id -#IMPLIED -- commencement --> #IMPLIED -- legislation idref --> #IMPLIED -- term id US 7,293,228 Bl 163 INDUSTRIAL APPLICABILITY 164 11. The method according to claim 10, wherein said provision is a section, schedule or appendix of an Act, or a It is apparent from the above that the arrangements section, schedule or appendix of a regulation. described are applicable to the electronic publishing indus12. The method according to claim 1, wherein each portion is a block of the text-based data, the block being try. larger than a single word and less than the entirety of the The foregoing describes only some embodiments of the text-based data. present invention, and modifications and/or changes can be 13. A method for electronically searching legislation made thereto without departing from the scope and spirit of encoded with a markup language, the method comprising: the invention, the embodiments being illustrative and not allowing a user to select a version date as a primary restrictive. 10 attribute of a multidimensional space and to input at The invention claimed is: 1. A method for electronically publishing text-based data, least one search request; the method comprising: producing results based on the text of the legislation; displaying the results in a format that is configured to dividing the text-based data into a plurality of portions of text-based data; allow the user to select one of the results; 15 obtaining an amended portion of text-based data that is displaying the result as a portion of legislation correamended relative to one of the plurality of portions of sponding to a selected result that corresponds to the text-based data; primary attribute and the at least one search request; storing each of the plurality of portions of text-based data; displaying a link to cases related to the portion of legis20 storing the amended portion of text-based data; lation and a link to additional versions of the legislaproviding a plurality of attributes, wherein the attributes tion; and define a manner in which the plurality of portions of allowing the user to select the version link or the case link; text-based data and the amended portion of text-based wherein, when the user selects the case link or version data can be organized, displayed and linked in a mullink, the portion of legislation is replaced with a list of tidimensional space; 25 portions of text-based data associated with the case link encoding each of the plurality of portions of text-based or the version link, respectively. data and the amended portion of text-based data with a 14. The method of claim 13, wherein the results are markup language to include at least one link defined by produced using one or more attributes. one of the plurality of attributes; 15. The method of claim 13, wherein the portions of allowing a user to search the text-based data using at least 30 text-based data are associated with the cases or other versions by at least one link defined by one or more of a one of the plurality of attributes; and displaying the text-based data to the user by: plurality of attributes. 16. The method according to claim 15, wherein the at least displaying at least one of the plurality of portions of text-based data or the amended portion of text-based one link comprises any piece of information additional to the 35 text of the text-based data. data in response to the search; and 17. The method according to claim 16, wherein the at least displaying text, and/or one or more selectable links repone link comprises a code or markup that allows departure resenting at least one additional attribute. and destination points to be created between portions of the 2. The method according to claim 1, wherein the searchtext-based data. ing uses one or more attributes. 3. The method according to claim 1, wherein the markup 40 18. The method according to claim 15, wherein said at language is Standard Generalised Markup Language least one link comprises an identification code for a corre(SGML) or extensible Markup Language (XML). sponding portion of text-based data. 19. The method according to claim 15, wherein each of 4. The method according to claim 3, wherein the textthe portions of text-based data is a respective provision of based data is encoded using one or more Document Type 45 said legislation or material related to a provision of said Definitions (DTD) or Style Sheet Mechanisms (SSM). legislation. 5. The method according to claim 1, wherein the at least one link comprises any piece of information additional to the 20. The method according to claim 19, wherein said text of the text-based data. provision is a section, schedule or appendix of an Act, or a 6. The method according to claim 5, wherein the at least section, schedule or appendix of a regulation. 21. The method according to claim 15, wherein each one link comprises a code or markup that allows departure 50 portion of text-based data is a block of the text-based data, and destination points to be created between portions of the text-based data. the block being larger than a single word and less than the 7. The method according to claim 1, wherein said at least entirety of the text-based data. one link comprises an identification code for a correspond22. The method according to claim 13, wherein the 55 markup language is Standard Generalised Markup Language ing portion of text-based data. 8. The method according to claim 1, wherein the amended (SGML) or extensible Markup Language (XML). portion of text-based data is amended by performing at least 23. The method according to claim 22, wherein the one of the group consisting of adding data to the portion, text-based data is encoded using one or more Document deleting data from the portion, and modifying data of the Type Definitions (DTD) or Style Sheet Mechanisms (SSM). portion. 60 24. A method for electronically publishing text-based 9. The method according to claim 1, wherein the textdata, the method comprising: dividing the text-based data based data comprises legislation or material related to a into a plurality of portions of text-based data; obtaining an amended portion of text-based data that is provision of said legislation. 10. The method according to claim 9, wherein each of the amended relative to one of the plurality of portions of text-based data; plurality of portions of text-based data is a respective 65 provision of said legislation or material related to a provistoring each ofthe plurality of portions of text-based data; sion of said legislation. storing the amended portion of text-based data; US 7,293,228 Bl 165 166 providing a plurality of attributes, wherein the attributes define a manner in which the plurality of portions of text-based data and the amended portion of text-based data can be organized, displayed and linked; encoding each of the plurality of portions of text-based data and the amended portion of text-based data with a markup language to include at least one link defined by one of the plurality of attributes; allowing a user to search the text-based data using at least one of the plurality of attributes; and displaying the text-based data to the user by: displaying at least one of the plurality of portions of text-based data or the amended portion of text-based data in response to the search; and displaying one or more selectable links; wherein when the user selects the one or more selectable links, the plurality of portions related to a current portion based on the current portion's attributes are displayed as a graphical representation of a multidimensional space that is configured to allow a user to select and thereby display text-based data represented by a point on the multidimensional space. 25. The method according to claim 24, wherein the searching uses one or more attributes. 26. The method according to claim 24, wherein the markup language is Standard Generalised Markup Language (SGML) or extensible Markup Language (XML). 27. The method according to claim 26, wherein the text-based data is encoded using one or more Document Type Definitions (DTD) or Style Sheet Mechanisms (SSM). 28. The method according to claim 24, wherein the at least one link comprises any piece of information additional to the text of the text-based data. 29. The method according to claim 24, wherein the at least one link comprises a code or markup that allows departure and destination points to be created between portions of the text-based data. 30. The method according to claim 24, wherein said at least one link comprises an identification code for a corresponding portion of text-based data. 31. The method according to claim 24, wherein the amended portion of text-based data is amended by performing at least one of the group consisting of adding data to the portion, deleting data from the portion, and modifying data of the portion. 32. The method according to claim 31, wherein the text-based data comprises legislation or material related to said legislation. 33. The method according to claim 32, wherein each of the plurality of portions of text-based data is a respective provision of said legislation or material related to a provision of said legislation. 34. The method according to claim 33, wherein said provision is a section, schedule or appendix of an Act or a section, schedule or appendix of a regulation. 35. The method according to claim 24, wherein each portion is a block of the text-based data, the block being larger than a single word and less than the entirety of the text-based data. 36. A method for electronically searching text-based data encoded with a mark-up language, the method comprising: allowing a user to select a version date as a primary attribute and to input at least one search request; producing results based on the text of the text-based data; displaying the results in a format that is configured to allow the user to select one of the results; displaying the result as a portion of text-based data corresponding to a selected result that corresponds to the at least one attribute and the at least one search request; displaying a link; allowing a user to select the link; whereupon the plurality of portions related to the current portion are displayed as a graphical representation of a multidimensional space; and allowing the user to select and thereby display text-based data represented by a point on the multidimensional space; wherein each point on the multidimensional space is defined by the value of one or more of a plurality of attributes. 37. The method according to claim 36, wherein the results are produced using one or more attributes. 38. The method according to claim 36, wherein the plurality of portions is related to the current portion by at least one link defined by one or more of the plurality of attributes. 39. The method according to claim 38, wherein the at least one link comprises any piece of information additional to the text of the text-based data. 40. The method according to claim 39, wherein the at least one link comprises a code or markup that allows departure and destination points to be created between portions of the text-based data. 41. The method according to claim 38, wherein said at least one link comprises an identification code for a corresponding portion of text-based data. 42. The method according to claim 38, wherein the amended portion of text-based data is amended by performing at least one of the group consisting of adding data to the portion, deleting data from the portion, and modifying data of the portion. 43. The method according to claim 38, wherein the text-based data comprises legislation or material related to said legislation. 44. The method according to claim 43, wherein each of the plurality of portions of text-based data is a respective provision of said legislation or material related to a provision of said legislation. 45. The method according to claim 44, wherein said provision is a section, schedule or appendix of an Act, or a section, schedule or appendix of a regulation. 46. The method according to claim 38, wherein each portion is a block of the text-based data, the block being larger than a single word and less than the entirety of the text-based data. 47. The method according to claim 36, wherein the markup language is Standard Generalised Markup Language (SGML) or eXtensible Markup Language (XML). 48. The method according to claim 47, wherein the text-based data is encoded using one or more Document Type Definitions (DTD) or Style Sheet Mechanisms (SSM). 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 * * * * *

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