Spreadbury v. Bitterroot Public Library et al

Filing 178

MOTION for Order by Plaintiff Michael E. Spreadbury. Motions referred to Jeremiah C. Lynch. (APP, )

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Michael E. Spreadbury 700 S. 4th Street Hamilton, MT 59840 Telephone: (406) 363-3877 mspread(lllhotmail.com Pro Se Plaintiff IN THE UNITED STATES DISJRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF MONTANA MISSOULA DIVISION Cause No.: CV-11-64-DWM-JCL MICHAEL E. SPREADBURY Plaintiff ) ) v. ) MOTION FOR ORDER BITTERROOT PUBLIC LIBRARY, ) DEFENSE CONTEMPT CITY OF HAMILTON, ) LEE ENTERPRISES INC., ) BOONE KARLBERG PC, ) Defendants ) Comes now Plaintiff with Rule 7.1 (b) motion for ORDER before court due to Defendant Boone request and acquiring confidential, privileged information inter alia in violation ofF.R. Civ. P. Rule 26(b), bad faith conduct, abuse ofjudicial process, contempt of court outside ofproceeding. Plaintiff Motion for Court Order Cause 9:11-cv-1l-64-DWM-JCL November 28, 2011 Motion: WHEREFORE, Plaintiff moves court to adopt proposed order, other relief, hearing as to Defendant Boone conduct knowingly in harassment of Plaintiff, in contempt of Federal Rule 26(b) before this court. Defense opposes motion. Brief in Support: Plaintiff has expectation of privacy, confidential information obtained by Defendant Boone without court approval or release of protected information in violation ofF.R.Civ.P_ Rule 26(a). The Privacy Act: 5 USC§ 552(a)(b); HIPPA Act: 45 CFR§ 160-164; FERPA 1974: 20 USC§ 1232g & 34CFRpart 99 protect Plaintiff from breech of confidential, privileged information. Without lawful subpoena, Defendant issuing unlawful subpoena to third parties to unlawfully obtain confidential information in violation ofPlaintifflawful expectation of pnvacy. Plaintiff made court aware September 14, 2011 at time of oral argument that privileged, protected information being sought by Defendants. Plaintiff asked court to uphold federal privacy laws at oral argument. Plaintiff served on court October 14,2011 Notice a/Continued Unlawful Activity Exhibits A-C Boone disclosed full Social Security Number (SSN) ofPlaintiff as coversheet for unlawful 2 Plaintiff Motion for Court Order Cause 9:11-cv-11-64-DWM-JCl November 28, 2011 Subpoena to third parties in violation of Rule 26(a). Plaintiff served leave file motion for sanctions against Defendant Boone after a 21 day safe harbor November 4, 2011 for bad faith litigation for violating order of court, harassing plaintiff. This court has not upheld court rules, protections to Plaintiff. Court is given notice of ability to levy sanctions on Defendant Boone for activity outside a courtroom Young 481 US at 798 (1977). Plaintiff presents cease and desist proposed order for knowingly seeking privileged, confidential information in violation ofFRCP Rule 26(a), court can find Boone in contempt by notice and hearing before this court. Information secured by adverse party counsel must be judged with care to not violate protected information, court must preclude unwarranted "excursions into the privacy ofaman's work" Hickman v. Taylor 329 US at 497 (1947). On two occasions, Defendant Boone corresponded with Montana Department of Corrections with intent to harass, give bad faith information to put Plaintiff in undue jeopardy with no intention of gathering information for discovery with respect to the aforementioned. Defendant Boone is in violation of 28 USC§ 1927 for vexatious actions to harass, retaliate against Plaintiff for seeking confidential, privileged information, issue harassing information in cause for 42USC§ 1983. 3 Plaintiff Motion for Court Order Cause 9:11-cv-11-64-DWM-JCl November 28, 2011 Court has good reason, cause to call hearing, issue cease order for contempt outside court, harassment, retaliation ofPlaintiff, in bad faith. Boone sought, obtained Plaintiff privileged information in violation of Rule 26(a), 28 USC§ 1927. Certificate of Compliance From LR 7(dX2)(E) US District Court Rules Montana, I certifY that this brief conforms with 14 point font, New Times Roman typeface, is double spaced, contains 436 words excluding title page, this compliance. 1 C;""*" Respectfully submitted this uf day ofNovember, 2011 / . Spreadbury, Pro Se Plaintiff 4

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