ACS State Healthcare v. Heineman et al

Filing 260

ORDER - This matter is before the Court on the stipulated motion to amend protective order 258 . The Court finds the motion should be granted. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that said motion is granted; the protective order is amended in accordance with Addendum A attached hereto. Ordered by Senior Judge Lyle E. Strom. (KBJ)

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IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA ACS STATE HEALTHCARE, LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company, ) ) ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) v. ) ) FOURTHOUGHT GROUP, INC., ) ) Defendant-Intervenor. ) ___________________________________) 4:08CV3021 ORDER This matter is before the Court on the stipulated motion to amend protective order (Filing No. 258). finds the motion should be granted. Accordingly, The Court IT IS ORDERED that said motion is granted; the protective order is amended in accordance with Addendum A attached hereto. DATED this 13th day of August, 2009. BY THE COURT: /s/ Lyle E. Strom ____________________________ LYLE E. STROM, Senior Judge United States District Court ADDENDUM A TO PROTECTIVE ORDER C la w b a c k Agreement W H EREAS: 1 . A C S State Healthcare LLC ("ACS") and FourThought_Group, Inc. ("FourThought") (collectively, the "Parties") a g r e e that ACS and FourThought have collected electronically stored information ("ESI") potentially responsive to th e Parties' written discovery requests and both will disclose the ESI on a mutually convenient date. This ESI does n o t include the documents produced by the Parties thus far.The Parties have reached agreement on the ESI search p r o to c o l used by ACS ("ACS' ESI Search Protocol"). ACS' ESI Search Protocol includes application of an a g r e e d -u p o n Boolean proximity keyword search ("ACS' Search Terms") and does not, and is not intended to, i d e n t i fy the sole or entire methodology for ACS' identification of responsive ESI. ACS' ESI Search Protocol is in te n d e d to identify potentially responsive ESI ("Potentially Responsive Document(s)"). ACS' Search Terms are a t ta c h e d hereto as Exhibit A.The Parties have reached agreement on the ESI search protocol used by FourThought ( " F o u r T h o u g h t's ESI Search Protocol"). FourThought's ESI Search Protocol includes application of an agreed-upon B o o l e a n proximity keyword search ("FourThought's Search Terms") and does not, and is not intended to, identify th e sole or entire methodology for FourThought's identification of responsive ESI. FourThought's ESI Search P r o t o c o l is intended to identify potentially responsive ESI ("Potentially Responsive Document(s)"). FourThought's S e a r c h Terms are attached hereto as Exhibit B.The Parties acknowledge that application of the Parties' ESI Search P r o t o c o l resulted in the identification of an extremely large volume of Potentially Responsive Documents.The P a r tie s further acknowledge that due to the large volume of Potentially Responsive Documents, it may not be fe a s ib le or reasonable for the Parties to review each Potentially Responsive Document for the purpose of identifying E S I subject to the attorney-client privilege and/or work product protection. The Parties have, therefore, agreed to the fo llo w in g process by which the Parties will search for and identify ESI subject to attorney-client privilege or w o r k - p r o d u c t protection ("Privilege/Protection Protocol"):ACS will search the Potentially Responsive Documents fo r any ESI created, sent or received by any attorney or legal staff involved in RFPs 143Z1, 1158Z1, 2017Z1, 22942, 2 2 3 1 7 , this action (the "Action"), ACS' proposals to, or contracts with, the States of Nebraska, South_Dakota and N o r th _ D a k o ta or ACS formal protest of the Nebraska Department of Administrative Services' intent to award the M e d i c a id M a n a g e m e n t Information System contract to FourThought ("ACS' Legal Staff Keyword(s)"). ACS' Legal S ta ff Keywords are attached hereto as Exhibit_C.FourThought will search the Potentially Responsive Documents for a n y ESI created, sent or received by any attorney or legal staff involved in RFPs 143Z1, 1158Z1, 2017Z1, 22942, 2 2 3 1 7 , this action (the "Action"), FourThought's proposals to, or contracts with, the States of Nebraska, S o u th _ D a k o ta or ACS' formal protest of the Nebraska Department of Administrative Services' intent to award the M e d i c a i d Management Information System contract to FourThought ("FourThought's Legal Staff Keyword(s)"). FourThought's Legal Staff Keywords are attached hereto as Exhibit_D.The Parties will further search the Potentially R e s p o n s iv e Documents for any ESI which contains any one of a number of keywords which may indicate the P o t e n tia lly Responsive Document is subject to attorney-client privilege and/or work-product protection ("Legal T e r m Keyword(s)"). The Legal Term Keywords are attached hereto as Exhibit E.The Parties will individually r e v i e w any Potentially Responsive Document, which using automated searches, is shown to contain any Legal Staff K e y w o r d or any Legal Term Keyword and determine whether the Potentially Responsive Document is subject to a t t o r n e y - c l i e n t privilege and/or work-product protection.The Parties will identify on a privilege log any Potentially R e s p o n s i v e Document which is (i)_responsive to the other party's discovery requests and (ii) is subject to a t to r n e y-c l ie n t privilege and/or work-product protection. The Parties, however, shall not be required to identify any p r iv ile g e d communications between or among them and their attorneys of record, regardless of the date of such c o m m u n ic a tio n s . IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 2 . T h e Privilege/Protection Protocol is reasonable and intended to prevent the waiver of any privilege with respect to d o c u m e n t s entitled to be protected from disclosure by the attorney-client privilege or work product doctrine.If, d e sp ite the Parties' application of the Privilege/Protection Protocol to Potentially Responsive Documents, ESI s u b j e c t to the attorney-client privilege and/or work-product protection is inadvertently produced, such disclosure or p r o d u c tio n will be deemed inadvertent and shall not constitute a waiver of any available privilege or protection, nor r e s u lt in a subject matter waiver of any applicable privilege, by ACS.In the event that either of the Parties discovers o r suspects that the other party has produced any ESI which may be subject to attorney-client privilege and/or w o r k - p r o d u c t protection, such party shall bring its receipt of such material to other party's attention immediately u p o n discovery, but in any event no later than twenty four (24) hours after such discovery.Upon the request of the d is c lo s in g party, the receiving party shall (i) promptly delete any ESI subject to attorney-client privilege and/or work p r o d u c t protection from any and all computer databases and (ii) upon receipt of replacement compact discs, digital v id e o discs, or other media that do not contain the privileged ESI, destroy or return any and all compact discs, digital v id e o discs, and other media containing the privileged ESI,The disclosing party's disclosure of ESI shall cease to be i n a d v e r t e n t if, within five (5) business days after being notified by the receiving party that it has received potentially p r i v i l e g e d ESI, the disclosing party does not request the return or destruction of the privileged ESI pursuant to -2- P a r a g r a p h s _ 8 -9 . U p o n the disclosing party's request, the receiving party shall promptly disclose the names of any in d iv id u a l s , except the Parties' attorneys of record, who have read or had access to the ESI subject to attorney-client p r iv ile g e and/or work product protection. Any party's inadvertent production of any ESI subject to the a t t o r n e y - c l i e n t privilege and/or work product protection may not be used as a basis to argue or contend that the party w a i v e d the attorney client privilege and/or work product protections applicable to such ESI or to contend that any s u b j e c t matter waiver by the party occurred, so long as the party has complied with the Privilege/Protection P r o t o c o l .N o inadvertently produced ESI subject to the attorney-client privilege and/or work product protection may b e used in evidence in this action or for any other purpose. -3- E X H IB IT A A C S ' Search Protocol S e a rc h #1 ( D a t e C r e a te d greater than or equal to January 1, 2004 and DateCreated less than or equal to June 1, 2008) AND ( ( ( N e b ra sk a or "NE" or "South Dakota" or "SD" or "North Dakota" or "ND" or Oklahoma or " O K " ) and 22942 or 143Z1 or 1158Z1 or 2017Z1 or 22317)) OR ( ( N e b ra sk a or "NE" or "South Dakota" or "SD" or "North Dakota" or "ND" or Oklahoma or " O K " ) and (22942 or 143Z1 or 1158Z1 or 2017Z1 or 22317) and (Procurement or "Bid" or " B i d d e r " or Conflict or Orals or BAFO or "Best and Final Offer" or M M I S or "M e d i c a i d M a n a g e m e n t Information System" or Enterprise or Litigation or Demo or Demonstration or P r e s e n ta tio n or VisionStep or "EDS" or "Department of Health and Human Services" or HHS or D H H S or "Department of Administrative Services" or DAS)) OR ( ( 2 2 9 4 2 or 143Z1 or 1158Z1 or 2017Z1 or 22317) and (request) and (documents or information or records)) OR ( ( N e b ra sk a or "NE" or "South Dakota" or "SD" or Oklahoma or "OK" or 22942 or 143Z1 or 1 1 5 8 Z 1 or 2017Z1 or 22317) and (Consultant or Planning or Implementation or MITA or " M e d i c a i d Information Technical Architecture" or CMS or "Centers for M e d i c a r e and Medicaid S e r v ic e s" or FOIA or "Freedom of Information Act" or Protest or Court or SOA or "Service O r ie n te d Architecture" or "Interface Processing" or "Transfer System" or "IV & V" or DSS or " D e c is io n Support System" or "Alternatives Analysis" or "Alternative Analysis" or "Deliverables" o r "Deliverable" or IAPD or "implementation advanced planning document" or Score or Scoring o r "Proposal Evaluation Guide" or PEG or FDGS)) OR ( ( N e b r a s k a or "NE" or Oklahoma or "OK") and (Microsoft)) OR ( ( O k la h o m a or "OK") and (transfer) and (component)) OR ( " O k la h o m a Public Domain MMIS System Transfer" or "Oklahoma interChange MMIS" or O K M M I S or "Oklahoma & Electronic Data Systems Corporation" or "Oklahoma Healthcare A u th o r ity " or "Oklahoma Medicaid") OR ( ( N e b r a s k a or "NE" or "South Dakota" or "SD") and (Proprietary or Confidential or "Trade S e c r e t" or "Four Thought" or FTG or FourThought or FT or 4TG)) OR ( ( " S o u th Dakota" or "SD") and (DSS or "Department of Social Services")) OR ( ( N e b ra sk a or "NE" or "South Dakota" or "SD" or "North Dakota" or "ND" or Oklahoma or " O K " ) and (RFP) and ("lowest responsible")) OR ( ( N e b r a s k a or "NE" or "South Dakota" or "SD" or Oklahoma or "OK") and ("Four Thought" or F T G or FourThought or FT or 4TG) and (TAC or "Technical Assistance Contractor" or c o n s u lt a n t ) ) -4- OR ( ( N e b r a s k a or "NE" or "Department of Administrative Services" or DAS) and (Sulek)) OR ( ( " F o u r Thought" or FTG or FourThought or FT or 4TG) and (MMIS or "Medicaid Management I n fo r m a tio n System" or 22942 or 143Z1 or 1158Z1 or 2017Z1 or 22317 or "Health and Human S e r v ic e s " or HHS or "Department of Administrative Services" or DAS or Demo or Demonstration o r Presentation or Enterprise or BAFO or "Best and Final Offer" or FDGS)) OR ( "F a y e Mak" or "Gino DeM a r c o " or "Kelley Carson" or "Barbera Bridgewater" or "Rod Kranzler" o r "" or "" or "" or " B a r b e r a b 2 @ a o l . c o m " or "") ) S e a rc h #2 ( D a t e C r e a te d greater than or equal to June 1, 2008 and DateCreated less than or equal to January 1, 2009) AND ( ( ( O k la h o m a or "OK") and (transfer) and (component)) OR ( " O k la h o m a Public Domain MMIS System Transfer" or "Oklahoma interChange MMIS" or O K M M I S or "Oklahoma & Electronic Data Systems Corporation" or "Oklahoma Healthcare A u th o r ity " or "Oklahoma Medicaid") -5- E X H IB IT B F o u r T h o u g h t ' s Search Protocol S e a rc h #1 ( D a te range: June 1, 2004 through June 1, 2008) AND ( ( ( n e b ra sk a or NE or "south dakota" or SD or oklahoma or ok) and (22942 or 143Z1 or 1158Z1 or 2 0 1 7 Z 1 or 22317)) OR ( ( n e b ra sk a or NE or "south dakota" or sd or oklahoma or ok or 22942 or 143Z1 or 1158Z1 or 2 0 1 7 Z 1 or 22317) and (consultant or planning or implementation or mita or "medicaid information te c h n ic a l architecture" or cms or "centers for medicare and medicaid services" or foia or "freedom of in fo r m a tio n act" or protest or court or "Enterprise System" or "cost proposal" or "alternatives a n a l y s i s " or deliverables or deliverable or iapd or "implementation advanced planning document" o r score or scoring or "proposal evaluation guide" or peg or fdgs or pep or "proposal evaluation p la n " or price or pricing or solution or "open record" or "public record" or solution or fis c a l or agent or competitor)) OR ( ( n e b r a s k a or ne or "south Dakota" or sd) and (proprietary or confidential or "trade secret") and acs) OR ( ( " s o u th dakota" or sd) and (dss or "department of social services") and tac) OR ( ( n e b ra sk a or ne or "south dakota" or sd) and rfp and "lowest responsible") OR ( ( n e b ra sk a or ne or "south dakota" or sd or oklahoma or ok) and (fourthought or ftg or "four thought" or ft or 4tg) and (tac or "technical assistance contractor" or consultant)) OR ( n e b r a s k a or ne or "department of administrative services" or das) and sulek OR ( ( n e b ra sk a or NE or "south dakota" or sd or oklahoma or ok or 22942 or 143Z1 or 1158Z1 or 2 0 1 7 Z 1 or 22317) and (fourthought or ftg or "four thought" or ft or 4tg) and (mmis or "medicaid m a n a g e m e n t information system" or "health and human services" or hhs or "department of a d m in i s tr a t iv e services" or das or demo or demonstration or presentation or enterprise or bafo or "best a n d final offer" or fdgs or acs or assess or evaluate or select or bidders or draft or Matrix or SES or P in n a c l e or govconnect or "First Data" or "government solutions")) OR (*@ ac s) OR (ac s) ) S e a rc h #2 ( D a te Range: June 1, 2004 through January 1, 2009) AND ( ( ( O k la h o m a or ok) and (22942 or 143Z1 or 1158Z1 or 2017Z1 or 22317)) -6- OR ( ( 2 2 9 4 2 or 143Z1 or 1158Z1 or 2017Z1 or 22317) and request and (documents or information or records)) OR ( ( o k l a h o m a or ok) and transfer and component) OR ( " o k la h o m a public domain mmis system transfer" or "oklahoma interchange mmis" or okmmis or " o k la h o m a & electronic data systems corporation" or "oklahoma healthcare authority" or "oklahoma m e d ic a i d " ) ) -7- E X H IB IT C A C S ' Legal Staff Keyword(s) A C S In-house Legal: C A b b o t t (Robin)Bang (Debra)Brino (Amanda)Coggin (Maggie)Davis (Maureen)Good (Tracy)Hilbun (Tom)Kinnan ( K e v i n ) L o r t o n (Tres) Mackay (Liz)Olvera (M i k e ) Panos (Tas)Peterson (Frank)Russin (Richard)Scheitzach (Clay) S p litt (David) Tamez (Raquel) Wade (Christina)W e b b e r (Paul)W ille t t (John) ACS Outside Legal: C B a r n a r d (Brenda)Damico (Catherine)Furbee (Amber)Fuller (Joseph "Joey")Gould (Bryan)Gwilt ( P a u l) J a ffe (Rob)Kenny (Tom)Ludwig (Lisa)Mathews (Sara)McLeay (Bart)Reiners (Marianne)Shehan ( S u z a n n e ) VanderVeen (Joel)Kutak"Cline W illia m s" @ k u ta k r o c k .c o m @ c lin e w illia m s.c o m -8- E X H IB IT D F o u r T h o u g h t ' s Legal Staff Keyword(s) F o u r T h o u g h t In-house Legal: C B a r b e r (Jacques) FourThought's Outside Legal: C G r a s z (Steve)Daub (Hal)Dahlk (Tom)Koller (Theresa "Teri")W i e d r i c h (Henry)BlackwellBlackwell S a n d e rs H u s c h H u s c h Blackwell -9- E X H IB IT E L e g a l Term Keyword(s) T erm s: C L e g a l L a w y e r C o u n s e lP r iv ile g e C o n fid e n t ia l " A t to r n e y-C lie n t Communication""W o r k P r o d u c t " P r o p r i e t a r y L i t ig a t i o n S u i t L a w s u i t C o m p l a i n t C a s e P r o t e s t I n j u n c t i o n T R O A f fi d a v i t A p p e a l S t a n d i n g C l a im C o u r tJ u d g e C o n flic t of InterestOCI -10-

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