McCoy v. Social Security Administration

Filing 4

ORDER granting 2 Motion for Leave to proceed in forma pauperis. Payment of costs and fees is not required for the filing of the appeal; If requested to do so, the U.S. Marshal will serve process in this case without prepayment of fees. In making such a request, Plaintiff's counsel must complete the Marshal's Form 285, to be submitted to the Marshal with the completed summons forms and copies of the Complaint; and This order is entered without prejudice to the court later entering an order taxing costs in this case. No one, including the Plaintiff, is relieved by this Order from the obligation to pay or to reimburse taxable costs after the completion of this action. Ordered by Judge Laurie Smith Camp. (MKR)

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IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT F O R THE DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA S T E V E L. McCOY, Plaintiff, v. M IC H AE L J. ASTRUE, as C o m m i s s i o n e r of the Social Security Ad m i n i s t r a t i o n , D e fen d a n t. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) C AS E NO. 4:09CV3155 O R D E R TO PROCEED I N FORMA PAUPERIS T h is matter is before the Court on the Plaintiff Steve L. McCoy's affidavit and motion t o proceed in forma pauperis (Filing No. 2) filed through counsel Stephen L. Speicher. B a s e d on a review of the application and affidavit, the Court finds that payment of any fees a n d the posting of any bond should be waived, and the Plaintiff should be permitted to p ro c e e d in forma pauperis. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED: 1. P la in tif f Steve L. McCoy's motion to proceed in forma pauperis (Filing No. 2) is granted, and payment of costs and fees is not required for the filing of the a p p e a l; 2. If requested to do so, the U.S. Marshal will serve process in this case without p re p a ym e n t of fees. In making such a request, Plaintiff's counsel must c o m p le te the Marshal's Form 285, to be submitted to the Marshal with the c o m p le te d summons forms and copies of the Complaint; and 3. T h i s Order is entered without prejudice to the Court later entering an order ta x in g costs in this case. No one, including the Plaintiff, is relieved by this O rd e r from the obligation to pay or to reimburse taxable costs after the c o m p le tio n of this action. D a te d this 21 st day of July, 2009. B Y THE COURT: s /L a u rie Smith Camp U n ite d States District Judge

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