v. DOE et al

Filing 32

MEMORANDUM AND ORDER - The motion to withdraw filed by James Beckmann, (filing no. 31 ), is granted. Mr. Beckmann shall mail a copy of this order to the plaintiff, and shall file a certificate of service which states this order has been served on th e plaintiff and identifies the date and method of such service. The plaintiff is given 20 days from the date of this order in which to either: (1) obtain the services of substitute counsel and have that attorney file an appearance on his or her beha lf; or (2) file a statement informing the court of his or her intent to proceed in this case without counsel. If neither of these actions is taken within the next 20 days, this case will be subject to dismissal. Ordered by Magistrate Judge Cheryl R. Zwart. (GJG)

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IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT F O R THE DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA J O H N DOE, ) ) P l a in tif f , ) ) v. ) ) JO N BRUNING, Attorney General, ) D A V ID HEINEMAN, Governor, ) N E B R A S K A STATE PATROL, ) L A N C A S T E R COUNTY SHERIFF, and ) L IN C O L N POLICE DEPT., ) ) D e f e n d a n ts . ) IT IS ORDERED: 1) T h e motion to withdraw filed by James Beckmann, (filing no. 31), is granted. M r. Beckmann shall mail a copy of this order to the plaintiff, and shall file a c e rtif ic a t e of service which states this order has been served on the plaintiff a n d identifies the date and method of such service. T h e plaintiff is given 20 days from the date of this order in which to either: (1) o b ta in the services of substitute counsel and have that attorney file an a p p e ara n c e on his or her behalf; or (2) file a statement informing the court of h i s or her intent to proceed in this case without counsel. If neither of these a c tio n s is taken within the next 20 days, this case will be subject to dismissal. 4 :0 9 C V 3 2 5 8 M E M O R A N D U M AND ORDER 2) D A T E D this 19 th day of February, 2010. B Y THE COURT: s / Cheryl R. Zwart United States Magistrate Judge

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