Romeo Entertainment Group v. Showing Animals Respect and Kindness, et al

Filing 20

ORDER granting 19 Motion to Stay Discovery. Discovery, including the obligation to meet and confer pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(f), is stayed pending the court's ruling on the parties' pending motions 14 and 16 . The 12/15/2009 reporting deadline is vacated and will be reset, if necessary, by further order. Ordered by Magistrate Judge F. A. Gossett. (CLS, )

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IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT F O R THE DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA R O M E O ENTERTAINMENT GROUP, ) I N C ., a Nebraska Corporation, ) ) P l a i n t i f f, ) ) vs. ) ) S H O W I N G ANIMALS RESPECT AND ) K I N D N E S S , INC., d/b/a SHARK, an ) I llin o is Corporation, et al., ) ) D e f e n d a n t s. ) 8 :0 8 C V 4 8 1 ORDER T h is matter is before the magistrate judge for full pretrial supervision. On October 3 1 , 2008, the parties were sent a scheduling packet directing them to confer pursuant to Fed. R . Civ. P. 26(f) and file their report with the court no later than December 15, 2008. Plaintiff s u b s e q u e n tly filed a motion for remand (Doc. 14) and SHARK filed a motion to dismiss for la c k of personal jurisdiction (Doc. 16). SHARK requests that discovery be stayed pending th e court's ruling on these motions. The court finds that the request should be granted. I T IS ORDERED that defendants' Motion to Stay Discovery (Doc. 19) is granted. D isc o v e ry, including the obligation to meet and confer pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(f), is s ta ye d pending the court's ruling on the parties' pending motions. The December 15, 2009 rep o rting deadline is vacated and will be reset, if necessary, by further order. D A T E D December 9, 2008. B Y THE COURT: s / F.A. Gossett U n ite d States Magistrate Judge

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