United States of America v. New Markets Growth Fund

Filing 2

Copy of ORDER from USDC-Maryland appointing U.S. Small Business Administration as receiver of new Markets Growth Fund. (MKR)

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' Case 1:15-cv-00480-GLR Document 6 Filed 04/01/15 Page, 1of6 Case 1:15-cv-00480-GLR Document 1-1 Filed 02/19/~~. ~~~f ~OUn I 01ST: 'i°"I Pf SE '.JP., S~U\ 15 APR - 6 PH 3: 33 1~ THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT t:OU !JFIC[ 6t FOR TUE DISTRICT OF MARL\' AND OF THE CLERK l lNITt .I> ST AT ES O F AM ERl<'A, l>l1:1 i ntill. } C iv. Action No. v. ' NE\\' MARKKrs C ROWTH FlJN O. ll.C ) ) CONSENT JtJDG\1ENT AND ORDER lkfon.' thh Cour1 i~ 1 Cumpluint by the Uo11ed St:ll~~ ot America. fill hcllalf ol 1h~· hc l 111tcd St;ue-. ~111:11! Hm mr ~<; Admmi~trn l illn r·SBA'·>. fur ,1 permanent i11junr1mn. a11J the .tf1pu1111111 oft hl'. SHA·'' Pcn11ancnt Rcl:l'ivcr f•>r Nev.. Marl.cl!> Growth Fund. LLC. The t·111 Court. t>erng fully a<lvhe<l in the nicrils. and th1~ rchd ~ twu l d ha'>~<l upcin th(' t'l.lO~(!nt of the partk!o. ~hl'v.:-. he gr;.mtl!<.J. IT lS HEREBY ORD ERED, AD.HJr>GED AND DECREED THAT: •\l l. 1ht' Cuurl ~hall t:1ki: i:xdu~1v~ 1u1i~d iction 11f New M11rkcl~ Gruwth Fund. I.LC' (' New Ath11111 i,,11;11 1 n i o ~c:nc "Sl~A 1 '' hc1chy .tpp,1int<.'U rccci1-cr (.. •ht· RccciH•r") of New M;ul.cb ll> . \\llhour hond u1111l 111nhcr ordl!r nf thi~ Court. The Receiver is appointed f(lf the p111po:-c t•l .1dmm1~ll'ring. mari.haling and, 1f necessary, liquidating all of !\<.·w Marker~· orssct.:. 11 ' ·'' "I~ 1 the C'lamis 111 a~<ltl llf)\ thcrc-from m the: ur<lc1 t•f pri uiity a!- dctennmc:u by rlli.., Cuurt. "llw Rt:<.:t:ivl'r \h;.ill have .ti! powl·r.;. auth<1riti\!~. nghts antJ privikg~ heretof{lrc Case 1:15-cv-00480-GLR Document 6 Filed 04/01/15 Page 2 of 6 Case 1:15-cv-00480-GLR Document 1-1 Filed 02/19/15 Page 2 of 6 kd,·r.,l l.1\1. prt:~ t·rn· .tll .111.t 111 h\ 1h1· I 11 111 ll'd I .1.1h1!11 y Cotnp.111) A ~n·l:Jlll'nl o t ~aiJ l11111tcd lbh1lily lh d a1111 ' T ilt' lfrcl'l\ l'( 1. h.111 prumpll y t'l \l' nori,'t" nf i1' .1ppn 1111nwn1 tu :i ll l.:nllwn t•(lll\J).111\. Case 1:15-cv-00480-GLR Document 6 Filed 04/01/15 Page 3 of 6 Case 1:15-cv-00480-GLR Document 1-1 Flied 02/19/15 Page 3 of 6 :i. l !11.· Rt' Cl' I H'r ' ' h~1d·~ au1l111111-l·tl 10 ,11x:11 'ulh Recc1wr\ han :11.:n1u11h , at th1.· H'• 1.'l\t'P•lllp 1111.:l11d111;• . htll 11111ltr 1111t'\J10 • •m11rn~ >' .1ml :1n·u un1:tnt'i. .. ppr"' I p111 r1 11 lhl.' J1-,l'llf,L:lll~'lll uf r1.·u; 1\- t:f~ l11 p lund ;mJ I\ l111t ht•1 l l •r p.i\Jlll'lll\ 111 J}\;l\ltlllid <.:lll(' h'H:d h~ Case 1:15-cv-00480-GLR Document 6 Filed 04/01/15 Page 4 of 6 Case 1:15-cv-00480-GLR Document 1-1 Filed 02/19/15 Page 4 of 6 u •111111\.·1 1\.t!t)! •'I t.·u111 11111111i; any lq?al pn-...:cl"<llll!! ul ;111~ 1x ·11 1111111 11-' .111~ ·" 1i1111 111 ,u..-h pnx:~e.lin~~ ' 1 I u rtltl' I ,t \ tlillllll' \\ llliou11un h t.·1u1t.ln11f til l ~ unttl lunlwr O rder 11 f 1hi, Co un lll .1 t.·atl\I.' u l J<.'llun :in:rui.:d ur Jl."t:111111g in l;i \ 111 uf r\i.:\\ f'.b1'-.ch Case 1:15-cv-00480-GLR Document 6 Filed 04/01/15 Page 5 of 6 Case 1:15-cv-00480-GLR Document 1-1 Filed 02/19/15 Page 5 of 6 .. < I J{ ~ Il l~ lOd ~ 11111.'ll' ' I ,1t .ir .1ll\1u1 JO pn c~11 1 fX'I .11111111n a11d \\ill h ,1\t' . 1 111.1t1 11 i1~ d.111.: nt• l.111.·1 th.m , 1'i 1111111tli- 1r .1 '''" lh·._.111.:1111111' ".tl k~1.·u in 1111: l \ 1mplai111f1kJ111 1 h1~ m~11t1.·1 Case 1:15-cv-00480-GLR Document 6 Filed 04/01/15 Page 6 of 6 Case 1:15-cv-00480-GLR Document 1-1 Filed 02/19/15 Page 6 of 6 • I~ lhl· li11111."~I St.rti.:~ S111.1ll HUlllllC \ Ad111111btrat11111 '' lltllhl'I l'll tflk,l 111 a 1.·1111'"'11'!! 11i prt11l·1p,ll rn thc .imuu111 of SU.670.00U plu~ u.:l1 11i:d 1111.:-1 ~'' 11f(,U>l 1 5-l 2 . ~'i th '\1( i I· \1.1n;t!ll'me111 <"unipan} LLC. ib \ '1.111agcr L_'JC_ /;,;{,,&" R itih t>,111h. \1.111a 1·,nl.! ~kmht·r !!t.i jL___ I .~. Bv · S\1:\1.1. Bl'.Sl:\ESS A1> \fl"IJISTRATIO N ~l 11h •llW' C \'l orn'. lfl'• t•n "\H \ ( >t11u· 111° I .tc 111J,tlh lll ~( so 01<11uu n 111., /1 J_d." , , trpr; f . ~<1 I~ . ~~~2 George L Russell, 111 United States District Judge h

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