United States of America v. Westbury Investment Partners SBIC

Filing 2

COPY OF ORDER from Eastern District of New York (2:15-cv-01130) appointing Small Business Administration as receiver of Westbury Investment Partners SBIC, LP. (MLF, )

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•Case 2:15-cv-01130-ADS-AKT Document 9 Filed 04/21/15 Page 1of6 PagelD #: 45 Case 2:15-cv-01130-ADS-AKT Document 1 Filed 03/04/15 Page 10 of 15 PagelD #: 10 .· F' LED - 1N CLERK'S OFFICE · U.S. DISTq !CT COURT E.O.N.Y. * APR ~ l 2015 * LONG ISLAND OFFICE It ' I • p I I ' ' ' I ,1 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) avD Olle No. 0 -ri -ri 0 ) ~ ) ) .,., ) --1 ) ---------------------------> .!11MM!!rtMP ''BPA .._tilc.atmdle°'npl+'bJ1119Ualled-at~ .. beMlfottta 'Ualllll ltllll 8mlll BwlawAdmllllllmdml ("SBA"), lira,.,... JaJwci.. IDll 1111 4••••• ... ottbea:IAaP..'"ltltwlwrllrW....._,TalM11MlllPa1W1smc.L.P. n.ea..t. .... llDy....,llldallDlllll,IDll .......... _oftllplldel. beu.w. tbil nilWlbaaJd"e ..-r: b ITD ICMDY mmBRID,ADRJDGID AND ..... CID TllAT: 1. l ' P...-ID1be pravllkm of 15 U.S.C. I A7a, 111111CamtDU11te C1c1111iw )ilW~• ot•lllbary JaWllmml Pamu S81C. LP. ("WIPS9).ad.U oflla ...... c: :r rr '.fl ::r - -u :::::u N \.0 -..., C) rrr; ::c A ~' ,. - r (, o -:-· ,, :::v r (":,. z s~·, r- er ,-. , :Ii(' . ~ ,_• 1'/• ;c:: :.-.. - ·Case 2:15-cv-01130-ADS-AKT Document 9 Filed 04/21/15 Page 2 of 6 PagelD #: 46 Cas:e 2:15-cv-01130-ADS-AKT Document 1 Filed 03/04/15 Page 11 of 15 PagelD #: 11 ·.· . . . . .. ..··•· ~ ...... ("dll...W..-,olWJPltD .... wllbaatlml .... btlllrcrierafdall ·ca.rt. 7 Tbla..mr '11..,0tiiei.s lrtlepaipo11afldmlnl4•l1w. ...mDfq IDll. If J~ 11 .,. JiquMdna 111 afWJP1•1-tDlllllf)~allllm ofcndlaa twadwa fll '1118 .. -·~Jldadl.lia·4 .2. I WbJtldaCamt. ......... 11111-.111,.,.... •il••--...-llldpmiltlallhii...... . pc 1i1u1·1by6i..- ...r a .. om.-..m1c11reraaotWIPSands"llfll ..__.. _ _. pil~Ailj1, lll . . . . . 101111 pow111mliilllaaftl CIGduiid upaatlm~bylbB puMllcm . JISU&C.·1· omd2IU.S.C.f754. 'l'lllpm-..m• • . . . . . .:dWIPl _......,.,,..El, ~ a ._ . . ..,...._~ 1111111,....1111111 ... llDiidbUIJ~)VwflbftllPIGtfD wu.r. ............................. apwlJ ...... ..,. . . . . . . Tbe P"n ·1Ni ..-U-Oad..-oltll apw.ai tlfWIPSad ...U parme mdi*W+e Ill afll:I ...... '· w • a ............... ,,.....,_m11...,_atWJPS. •Wiii •ID*-_... m1hllr'p)w, T111,-llldlarp.aa111cm.t ............. mcp me..., . ....,ilDddll: taltDtllnlcnwtDdll....._bdlwllli •boob.. NllOlda,....,... _ _ . . • • " - · . . . . _. . , . . . . \VIPS mu ftmdlb 111111m •• . . wllldn h <5>.,. dnr~ ..,at... Onllr, lflllaa .. tdlllllt.r, a.Ian llld • ' 1'wlwllll at.U-afWIPS ·llWlll1 •1llil--.addl _._.,.,.. Df ollllm ot.U lmDMacatdku1 ofWIPS. AD ,..._..._ amnal, cm1Ddyarsw:11111IC1Dofmy-orj1Nputy of'WIPS . . ._..., 6-slotarD ..... ,......,..,_.tDb...._. 2 • Case 2:15-cv-01130-ADS-AKT Document 9 Filed 04/21/15 Page 3 of 6 Pag elD #: 47 Case 2:15-cv-01130-ADS-AKT Document 1 Filed 03/04/15 Page 12 of 15 PagelD #: 12 4. 11-Rln1lwraDpaampd)slw....,.otlll~t1>.UJmawm..mo... .,..._.,_,111,-.lmllled,._,_..... .... _. ....... ....._, a ....... ..:...tif'WIPI. Allpmamadm111111-._, ...,.......ardeldltl> WJP811d.1lldll :-..cadisitil.,j_ bi.0m,..,.am.oM..,._faw.._wJlb1lletm111111naft1>tbe 1 ...,,.,_.. .,.,,.... _.Jllll)IDmll . anm.t.111111 lnead e11a • llWIPBW -nwlff4 ...plVlliaid&. 5. 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Aa10-a. .or..sc. .... or. .m.m1Mi1-ofWJPS ..... lbhd -.. .- , •. . . .,_,,·m,~-.o1~1111D1Wdarf11Jtm~ mwllk:btllll . . 10. 'WlPSmdfllpmmflw,.-~afllom.IM 8' ............... .... 1iiilWIOJlilmlcilier,_...._ ... aaaimw~ dwuwldaba. mldlly ·...,._.....,e..... . ~arfullaWb11kfaaay.._cr--...,_..-. to be.._Wlddtwoald "'wlJ•dae ..... elpupm&y alWIPS tD1191 Mlnwtof1belteGel..- aR ••_,In tit--. laaJdnabu&llCll~ todllllmlmafpll1Dlnllipniaanll. crwldcta . .'vlDIDlhiaa.ll..,_..1111 hMMtfll1'51,MllM!delf.(llae"8BIA"), J5U.S.C. .........................,..........,da..-,(dle............,.13CJ1.R.f 187.lllm. IJ. 'l1l9 Bwtwl'llamhaNl41D lmawan Wdaf'WJPB. hm tho SBA. up ID SIJXJC>t,000,11111 lla111ulli6dlD-WIPStD._RDllllV'ft~ot~ in Ille ..,.,. tl&Mhinwll at.tbe 1111111bw0Md, wlllcla . . . .will.._ ...... • ar-.10 ,_.. _.wm._. •......,....,.._..........,.....ot-.. s.1c1 par _ RM IN'• Cad&a111 r af!ni.MWw.UlllV'lpriarlty CMrllloa.- Mel ..S ablfpd• of '*''... 11 bw:aNd, '•"""•...._ ....... fll1clllml atplltnln ofWJPS. 11dlCGaltd • ...__...,...,_dlllWIPShMWll111~tlleSBIAmldle " Case 2:15-cv-01130-ADS-AkT Document 9 Filed 04/21/15 Page 6 of 6 PagelD #: 50 Case 2:15-cv-01130-ADS-AKT Document 1 Filed 03/04/15 Page 15 of 15 PagelD #: 15 ••.....,•au.tm 1119·em.,...,...ftled 1a11111..-. .U..•114oL6aa •a11v1t111111n ....... wflllfdSOrdlr, 1111 lmlhlt Dlll1 lllllmfll nparttotil 0MtJW+pwe6.. 1hll w.r........,181c.,_......._ . . .. . , ., Admfalllndaa t1 llrlllm'--..ma,.,....... ·.IUlfltn · fa tbotlal SfD.otl'-" •laddal . ..m,ooo ID pdnaipll. I nf"';1'-........ of 13. •·~-am.a a 01ea11er 311 2014. wlb • ·perdllm illfllmtl'llD ofS ~gr. 7/ • ... ?P iD1be c118e af mtry at11111 Oidir,,..pailt,;tpM......_purwiMd tD21U.8.C.f1'51 • atdlD dllDaf .mJofddl •-'-·~-.,.w.. :.GP1 @•MiD-PMD:D: Willbiaj Ja; . ' · . ~ Jiiii...,. DiC, L.P. &y'~ ~1'v.~r ~I re., ~c. ~ -:z.Js kff,../ ~..r . iM. ~-'· W-~;;;i 'iii?rc E O U&lilldB ,_...,_........ Br. Br. ~iaNVi 'l'honllliQ, ~ Oilae-GtililC Liqaldllklu ~ 80OUIDD,11a!:l41ay ol AP ~ l t- . 201,C s/ Arthur D. Spatt \ <V V I flVI Pt , ..., "<Sq UNITBD IT.A.TBS DllTJUCTCOUllT JUD0B /}f ~ w Ow }f q H-

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