Mix et al v. Jones-Johnson et al

Filing 106

ORDER granting ECF No. 105 Motion for Disbursement of Funds. Signed by Judge Robert C. Jones on 5/22/2017. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KR)

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Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105 Filed 04/20/17 Page 1 of 3 1 AFFT 2 PATTI S. WISE, ESQ. Nevada Bar #5624 3 EDWARD M. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES 500 South Fourth Street 4 5 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Phone: (702) 471-5612 Fax: (702) 385-4640 6 pwise@edbernstein.com Attorneys for Petitioner 7 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 8 DISTRICT OF NEVADA 9 :H< >|< 10 11 IN THE MATTER OF: ) 12 ) CASE NO.: 2:06-cv-411-RCJ-LRL SPECIAL BABY GIRL SPURGEON n/k/a ) 13 SPECIAL RE'NEE TURNER ) ) ) 14 A Minor. 15 AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF ORDER FOR RELEASE OF MONIES 16 17 Date of Hearing: N/A Time of Hearing: N/A 18 19 STATE OF NEVADA ) ) SS 20 21 22 COUNTY OF CLARK ) PATTI S. WISE, ESQ., being first duly sworn, deposes and states that: 1. I am a duly licensed attorney in the State of Nevada, and an associate of the law 23 firm of EDWARD M. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES, with offices located at 500 South Fourth 24 Street, Las Vegas, Nevada. 25 2. An Order in this matter was filed on May 3, 2010 for the deposit of monies into an 26 27 28 EDWARD M. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS AT LAW 500 SO. FOURTH ST. LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 interest bearing, blocked trust account for the benefit of said minor until such time that the minor Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105 Filed 04/20/17 Page 2 of 3 1 attained the age of eighteen (18) years. A copy of said Order is attached hereto and made a part 2 hereof as Exhibit "1". 3 3. The Proof of Blocked Trust was filed with this Court on May 30, 2010 evidencing 4 5 the establishment of the blocked trust account at BANK OF AMERICA Account No. 910 001 6 3461 2768 on May 21, 2010 in the amount of SIXTY-ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED 7 NINETY-NINE and 18/100 ($61,399.18) Dollars. 8 attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "2". 9 A copy of said Proof of Blocked Trust is FURTHER YOUR AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. 10 Dated this day of April, 2017. 11 12 13 PATTI S. WISE, ESQ. Nevada Bar #5624 14 15 SUBSCRIBED and SWORN to before me 16 this day of April, 2017. 17 ^ ^ DfUNA L AWBISOH tg fS 18 m W e&f NOTARY PUBLIC in and for said 19 County and State 20 2:06-cv-411-RLH-LRL 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EDWARD M. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS AT LAW 500 SO. FOURTH ST. LAS VEGAS, NFVADA 89101 2 Ha. im. 14, sinf Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105 Filed 04/20/17 Page 3 of 3 Document 104 Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Filed 04/04/17 Page 1 of 2 l AFFT 2 3 PATTI S. WISE, ESQ. Nevada Bat #5624 EDWARD M. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES 500 South Fourth Street 4 5 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Phone: (702) 471-5612 Fax: (702) 385-4640 6 pwise@edbernstein.com Attorneys for Petitioner 7 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 8 DISTRICT OF NEVADA 9 ^ % 10 11 IN THE MATTER OF: ) 12 13 ) CASE NO.: 2:06-cv-411-RLH-LRL SPECIAL BABY GIRL SPURGEON n/k/a ) SPECIAL RE'NEE TURNER ) ) ) 14 A Minor. 15 16 AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF ORDER FOR RELEASE OF MONIES 17 Date of Hearing: N/A Time of Hearing: N/A 18 19 STATE OF NEVADA ) )SS 20 21 COUNTY OF CLARK ) PATTI S. WISE, ESQ., being first duly sworn, deposes and states that: 22 1. I am a duly licensed attorney in the State of Nevada, and an associate of the law 23 firm of EDWARD M. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES, with offices located at 500 South Fourth 24 Street, Las Vegas, Nevada. 25 26 27 28 EDWARD M. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS AT LAW 500 SO. FOURTH ST. LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 (7021 240-0000 2. An Order in this matter was filed on May 3, 2010 for the deposit of monies into an interest bearing, blocked trust account for the benefit of said minor until such time that the minor . ••••• ; 1 • • : Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105-1 Filed 04/20/17 Page 1 of 13 EXHIBIT "1" Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105-1 Filed 04/20/17 Page 2 of 13 Page 1 of 2 CM/ECF - nvd - District Version 4.0.2-Display Receipt MIME-Version: 1 . 0 From: cmecf 0nvd. uscourts . gov To : cmecfhelpdesk@nvd. uscourts . gov Bcc : --Case Participants: Magistrate (lrl_chambers6nvd.uscourts.gov), Judge Judge Lawrence Robert R. C. Leavitt Jones (rcj_chambers6nvd. uscourts . gov) --Non --No Case Participants: Notice Sent: Message- Id: <47304596nvd. uscourts . gov> Subj ect : Activity in Case *SEALED* 2 : 06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Mix et al v. Jones- Johnson et al Order Content-Type: text/html This Is an automatic e-mail message generated by the CM/ECF system. Please DO NOT RESPOND to this e-mail because the mail box is unattended. ***NOTE TO PUBLIC ACCESS USERS*** Judicial Conference of the United States policy permits attorneys of record and parties in a case (including pro se litigants) to receive one free electronic copy of all documents filed electronically, if receipt is required by law or directed by the filer. PACER access fees apply to all other users. To avoid later charges, download a copy of each document during this first viewing. However, if the referenced document is a transcript, the free copy and 30 page limit do not apply. NOTE: This docket entry (or case) is SEALED. Do not allow it to be seen by unauthorized persons. United States District Court District of Nevada Notice of Electronic Filing The following transaction was entered on 5/3/2010 at 4:32 PM PDT and filed on 5/3/2010 Case Name: Mix et al v. Jones-Johnson et al Case Number: 2:06-cv-0041 1 -RCJ-LRL Filer: WARNING: CASE CLOSED on 08/19/2009 Document Number: 90 Docket Text: * Sealed Entry* SEALED ORDER to Compromise a Minor's Claim re [86] Proposed Order Submission filed by Meianie Mix. See order for details. Petitioner and the Law Office of Edward M. Bernstein & Associates shall have 30 days from the date of this order to cause proof that the blocked trust account has been established. Status check set for 6/2/2010 10:00 AM in LV Courtroom 7D before Judge Robert C. Jones. Signed by Judge Robert C. Jones on 5/3/10. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - EDS) 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL No electronic public notice will be sent because the case/entry is sealed. 1^ ffi * / / c±r*-P rr\ r\ /r»rn /Di or\1 m rT? ar»£iirvt r\l 9 1 HA7 A_T zKH n_1 sn nm n Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105-1 Filed 04/20/17 Page 3 of 13 CM/ECF - nvd - District Version 4.0.2-Display Receipt Page 2 of 2 The following document(s) are associated with this transaction: Document description:Main Document Original filename :n/a Electronic document Stamp: [STAMP dcecfStamp_ID=l 101333072 [Date=5/3/2010] [FileNumber=4730457-0] [8859feb3144ac618568347babc81de7048falbla9ca5cb4f714754af56dd6c6789a3 4b4bbb8b54c684c4092cf9caae5ca720c052ce4afe76elc42161e6d73bbd]] an /oni n Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105-1 Filed 04/20/17 Page 4 of 13 i Case 2:06-cv-0041 1 -RCJ-LRL 1 Document 90 *SEALED* Filed 05/03/1 0 Page 1 of 10 ORCC GARY W. CALL, ESQ. EDWARD M. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES 3 Nevada Bar No.: 6922 500 South Fourth Street 4 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Telephone: ^ Facsimile: q (702) 471-5612 (702) 385-4640 Attorneys for Petitioner - 7 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 8 DISTRICT OF NEVADA 9 jje sj: sje sfc 10 MELANIE MIX, Special Administratrix ) CASE NO. 2:06-cv-411-RLH-LRL of the Estate of JUSHAI SPURGEON, SALLYE JONES-JOHNSON; CLARK ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY ) SERVICES; SUSAN KLEIN-ROTHCHILD, DIRECTOR OF CLARK COUNTY ) 18 DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY SERVICES; ) SHARON HIDVEGHY, SUPERVISOR PLACEMENT SERVICES, CLARK COUNTY ) ORDER TO COMPROMISE 19 ) MINOR'S CLAIM OF DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY SERVICES ) SPECIAL RE'NEE TURNER DOE SOCIAL WORKERS I through X; DOE ) f/k/a SPECIAL BABY GIRL INDIVIDUALS XI-XX; DOE ) ) ) ) ) SPURGEON 11 Deceased; FARRAH BANKS, Natural IS Mother of Decedent 13 Plaintiffs, 14 vs. 15 16 1? SO SI ORGANIZATIONS XXI-XXX; ss S3 ROE CORPORATIONS XXXI-XXXX, Defendants. ) 24 25 26 S7 S8 EDWARD M. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS AT WW 500 SO. FOURTH ST. LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 (702) 384-4000 ORDER TO COMPROMISE A MINOR'S CLAIM Time of Hearing: N/A Date of Hearing: N/A The Petition of FELICIA TURNER and DARRELL TURNER, to compromise the Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105-1 Filed 04/20/17 Page 5 of 13 Case 2:06-cv-0041 1-RCJ-LRL Document 90 'SEALED* Filed 05/03/10 Page 2 of 10 1 claim of SPECIAL RE'NEE TURNER f/k/a SPECIAL BABY GIRL SPURGEON1, having 2 been submitted to this Honorable Court, and the Petitioners being represented by their 3 attorney, GARY W. CALL, ESQ., of the law firm of EDWARD M. BERNSTEIN & 4 ASSOCIATES, and AILEEN E. COHEN, ESQ. of THE LAW OFFICES OF LEE A. 5 0 DRIZIN, the Court having considered the Petition and the representation of counsel, found 7 that the allegations of the Petition were true, the Court granting the Petition, therefore it is 8 in the best interest of the minor that the settlement proposed in the Petition was and is 9 approved, and good cause appearing therefore; 10 1. IT IS ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Petitioner is 11 hereby authorized to accept the sum of NINETY-TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS and 12 13 No/100 ($92,000.00) Dollars plus FOUR THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED and No/100 14 ($4,600.00) from CLARK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF FAMILY SERVICES, SUSAN 15 KLEIN-ROTHCHILD, and SHARON HIDVEGHY in settlement of the minor's claim 16 against Defendants for a total of NINETY-SIX THOUSAND SIX-HUNDRED and No/100 17 ($96,600.00). 18 2. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that 19 20 Petitioner pay attorney's fees and costs in the amount of Attorney's fees for SPECIAL 21 RE'NEE TURNER f/k/a SPECIAL BABY GIRL SPURGEON, pursuant to the EDWARD 22 M. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES' contingency fee retainer agreement heretofore entered 23 into on the above-stated settlement are thirty-five percent (35%) or THIRTY-TWO 24 THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS and No/100 ($32,200.00) Dollars based on the 25 sum of NINETY-TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS and No/100 ($92,000.00) Dollars. Costs 26 27 pursuant to the contingency fee retainer agreement heretofore entered into, shall be TWO 28 EDWARD M. See Decree of Adoption attached and incorporated by reference herein. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS AT LAW 500 SO. FOURTH ST. LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89 1 01 (702) 384-4000 2 Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105-1 Filed 04/20/17 Page 6 of 13 Case 2:06-cv~0041 1-RCJ-LRL 1 Document 90 "SEALED* Filed 05/03/10 Page 3 of 10 ! HUNDRED SIXTY-FIVE DOLLARS and 42/100 ($265.42) Dollars made payable to S EDWARD M. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES. 3 3. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that 4 Petitioner pay attorney's fees and costs in the amount of Attorney's fees for SPECIAL 5 g RE'NEE TURNER f/k/a SPECIAL BABY GIRL SPURGEON, to the Court appointed 7 guardian ad litem attorney Lee A. Drizin, Esq., attorney fees for TWO THOUSAND 8 SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY-THREE and 12/100 ($2,723.12) Dollars, and costs of 9 TWELVE and 28/100 ($12.28) Dollars. 10 4. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the total II compromise, SPECIAL RE'NEE TURNER f/k/a SPECIAL BABY GIRL SPURGEON, will IS 13 14 receive SIXTY-ONE THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED NINETY-NINE and 18/100 ($61,399.18) Dollars of said minor's claim be, and the same is, hereby approved, that said 13 monies due the minor child shall, within thirty (30) days of the granting of this petition, be 16 deposited in an interest bearing blocked trust account at Bank of America, 1933 West Craig 17 Road, North Las Vegas, Nevada 89032, until said minor reaches eighteen (18) years of age 18 or upon further Order of the Court. 19 5. SO SI IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that funds deposited in the blocked trust account shall not be liquidated or diminished without prior SS court approval upon a showing that a withdrawal is in the best interest of the minor child. A S3 _ inal accounting may be made prior to release of the funds upon the eighteenth birthday of S4 the child. S5 6. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the parent, guardian, or person in charge S6 S7 of managing the investment may be ordered by this court to file periodic verified annual 88 reports, should the court deem it appropriate, in order to detail the activities of the EDWARD M. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS AT LAW 500 SO. FOURTH ST. LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89101 (702) 384-4000 3 Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105-1 Filed 04/20/17 Page 7 of 13 Document 90 *SEALED* Case 2:06-cv-0041 1-RCJ-LRL Filed 05/03/10 Page 4 of 10 i 1 :investment during the previous twelve (12) months pursuant to NRS 412200(5). a 7. i Authority to establish the blocked financial investment for the benefit of the | herein named minor is hereby given to the Petitioner and the law firm of Edward M. 4 1 1 Bernstein & Associates, or its representative. 5 || 8. 6 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that within 7 || thirty (30) days of the date of this order the Petitioner and the Law Offices of Edward ML j Bernstein & Associates shall cause proof to be filed with this court that the blocked trust I 9 i | account has been established* A status check before this court is set fat 10 June 2, 2010, at 10;00am to show compliance with this order, In die event 11 proof of compliance has been filed with this court* it will not be necessary for Petitioner or IS IS Attorney of Record to attend the status hearing. . uated this 3rd day of May, 2010. 14 i \ 15 16 DISTRICT COpfT JUDGE 1? 18 19 | Submitted by: SO BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES e; 81 E8 3 | By: grr ik tt+vn •*?err jr* a T T GAR x[ w. CALL, ESQ. Nevada Bay No.: 6922 84 •500 SouthJfourth Street 85 Las Yogas, Nevada 89101 (702) 471/5612 86 Attorneys for Petitioner 1 87 g6 i|2:06-cv-411-R3LH-LRL iPWAED M. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCSATSS ATTORNEYS AT LAW 500 SO, FOURTH ST. LASYSGAS. NEVADA 8?!0J (702) 3&M0OG 4. Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105-1 Filed 04/20/17 Page 8 of 13 Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 90 "SEALED* Filed 05/03/10 Page 5 of 10 Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105-1 Filed 04/20/17 Page 9 of 13 Document 90 *SEALED* Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL 200! Filed 05/03/10 FILED 1 DECA HEATHER E. KEMP, ESQ. 2 Nevada Bar No. 006374 , KEMP & KEMP, Attorneys at Law 7435 W. Azure Drive, Suite 110 Las Vegas, NV 89130 (702)258-1183 4 5 Page 6 of 10 Sep, ID 9 49 roe s / Attorney for Petitioners / •/ / DISTRICT COURT, FAMILY DIVISIONLERK OH i ; COURT 6 7 CLARK COUNTY NEVADA 8 ) In the Matter of the Petition of: 9 10 DARRELL BRENT TURNER and FELICIA ROCHELL.E TURNER, 11 for the Adoption of Minor Children. 12 8 ? 2 ) ) .) DECREE OF ADOPTION 13 l.jii Case No.: D-08-3980Q9-A Dept. No.: F ) ) 14 5 uifsi is ^ e p 5 a. SB *- 8 I nil * < 16 #1 This matter came before the Court on the 10th day of September, 2008, upon the Petition for Adoption of DARRELL BRENT TURNER and FELICIA ROCHELLE TURNER. The . Petitioners were present in Court and were represented by and through their attorney of record, HEATHER E. KEMP, ESQ., said Petitioners having been examined under oath, and the Court r g having reviewed the papers on file in this matter makes the following findings: i 19 20 h . That this Courl has jurisdiction to adjudicate this matter pursuant to NRS 127.010; 21 2. That the child sought to be adopted namely, SAMUEL LAMONT 22 SPURGEON, was bom on May 17, 1998, in Las Vegas, Nevada, and he is 23 25 <• ten (10) years old; 24 3. That the child sought to be adopted namely, SPECIAL BABIE GIRL 26 SPURGEON, was bom Oil April 1, 1999, in Las Vegas, Nevada, and she is 27 nine (9) years old; 28 1 Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105-1 Filed 04/20/17 Page 10 of 13 Case 2:06-cv~0041 1-RCJ-LRL 200S 1 Document 90 *SEALED* Filed 05/03/10 Page 7 of 10 That the child sought to be adopted namely, ROMELOW BANKS, was 4. j bom on December 20, 2000, in Las Vegas, Nevada, and he is seven (7) 2 ; 3 years old; 4 That the child sought to be adopted namely, CARMEL KARMON 5. 5 BANKS, was born on May 17, 2002, in Pomona, California, and he is six 6 (6) years old; 7 8 That the child sought to be adopted namely, K1SH KYRO SPURGEON, 6, was born on December 12, 2004, in Las Vegas, Nevada, and he is three (3) 9 10 i years old; 11 7. That the five children sought to be adopted are siblings; 8. That the children sought to be adopted have been determined to have 12 0 13 "special needs" pursuant to NRS 1 27. 1 86. 2 i ft S 2 S - 14 i*88g is 9. J2 Q 6 * „ Q 11 z M SPURGEON, SPECIAL BABIE GIRL SPURGEON, ROMELOW ills" 16 i > x < That the parental rights of tire natural mother of SAMUEL LAMONT A S I 7 BANKS, CARMEL KARMON BANKS and KISH KYRO,SPURGEON, 17 18 the legal father of KISH KYRO SPURGEON, the putative-father and any 19 and all persons claiming to be the father of SAMUEL LAMONT 20 SPURGEON,> SPECIAL BABIE GIRL SPURGEON, ROMELOW 21 BANKS, CARMEL KARMON BANKS were terminated by a court of 22 competent jurisdiction in the Eighth Judicial District of the Stale of Nevada 23 and the time to appeal the order terminating parental rights has expired; 24 25 26 27 10, That the Court has reviewed the confidential report submitted by the Department of Family Services, and it's contents are in all respects proper • and satisfactory; 28 2 Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105-1 Filed 04/20/17 Page 11 of 13 Case 2:06-cv-0041 1-RCJ-LRL 2009- 1 11. 2 3 Document 90 *SEALED* Filed 05/03/10 Page 8 of 10 /9 That the Petitioners are husband and wife and both consent to this adoption; 12. That the Petitioners have been residents of Clark County, Nevada, for more j 4 than six (6) months prior to the filing of their Petition; 5 13. That it is the desire of the Petitioners that the relationship of parent and 6 child be established between themselves and SAMUEL LAMONT 7 8 SPURGEON, SPECIAL BABIE GIRL SPURGEON, ROMELOW 9 BANKS, CARMEL KARMON BANKS and K1SH KYRO SPURGEON; 10 14. 11 That the Petitioners herein desire that the names of the .children be changed and that the child, SAMUEL LAMONT SPURGEON, henceforth bear the 12 name of SAMUEL TARRELL TURNER; and that the child, SPECIAL 13 2 t 1 |§siSg BABIE GIRL SPURGEON, henceforth bear the name of SPECIAL 14 RE'NEE TURNER; and that the child, ROMELOW BANKS, henceforth 15 Q- i s ffi r 2 * Sis - 16 bear the name of ROMELOW FARRELL TURNER; and that the child, as; 17 CARMEL KARMON BANKS, henceforth bear the name rif CARMEL j 18 NATHANIEL TURNER; and that the child, KISH KYRO SPURGEON, 'i 19 henceforth bear the name of KISH ELIJAH TURNER; ; 20 15, That the Petitioners are more than ten years older than the minor children 21 sought to be adopted; 22 23 16. That the minor children sought to be adopted have resided with the 24 Petitioners for more than six (6) months prior to the granting of this Decree 25 of Adoption; 26 27 17. That the Petitioners are financially able to provide for the support and maintenance of the minor children sought to be adopted; 28 3 i Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105-1 Filed 04/20/17 Page 12 of 13 2003-1 Case 2:06-cv-0041 1-RCJ-LRL 1 18/ Document 90 ^SEALED* Filed 05/03/10 Page 9 of 10 And it further appears to the satisfaction of the Court that the best interests 2 of SAMUEL LAMONT SPURGEON, SPECIAL BAB IE GIRL 3 SPURGEON, ROMELOW BANKS, CARMEL KARMQN BANKS and 4 KISH KYRO SPURGEON will be promoted by said adoption; 5 19. That the children sought to be adopted are not Indian Children as defined 6 by the Indian Child Welfare Act and that the Division of Child and Family 7 Services and/or the Department of Family Services have met all ICWA 8 requirements for these children; 9 10 20. 11 That there has been full compliance with the law in regard to consent to adoption; 12 21. That there has been full compliance with N.R.S. 1 27.220 to 1 27.3 1 0, 13 Z 8 i! l|ilR inclusive; 3_4 15 22. That the Petitioners herein have not entered into any post-adoption contact agreements with the natural/legal parent(s) of the children sought to be an*8 16 * . adopted; 23. i 19 That the Court finds that all documents filed in this matter are in all respects proper, and further finds that all of the allegations of said Petition 20 are true. 21 THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that 22 23 SAMUEL LAMONT SPURGEON, SPECIAL BABIE GIRL SPURGEON, ROMELOW 24 BANKS, CARMEL KARMON BANKS and KISH KYRO SPURGEON are hereby declared to 25 be adopted by the Petitioners, DARRELL BRENT TURNER and FELICIA RGCHELLE 26 TURNER, and that said minor children shall henceforth be regarded and treated as the 27 Petitioners' natural children and have all the lawful rights as their own children, including the 28 4 Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105-1 Filed 04/20/17 Page 13 of 13 200: Case 2:06-cv-0041 1-RCJ-LRL Document 90 *SEALED* Filed 05/03/10 Page 10 of 10 1 rights of support, protection and inheritance, and that the child, SAMUEL LAMONT 2 SPURGEON, shall henceforth bear the name of SAMUEL TARRELL TURNER; and that the • i 3 child, SPECIAL BABIE GIRL SPURGEON, shall henceforth bear the name ofSPECIAL 4 RE*NEE TURNER; and that the child, ROMELOW BANKS, henceforth bear the name of 5 6 ROMELOW FARRELL TURNER; and that the child, CARMEL KARMON BANKS, , 7 henceforth bear the name of CARMEL NATHANIEL TURNER; and that the child, KISH 8 KYRO SPURGEON, henceforth bear the name of KISH ELIJAH TURNER. 9 10 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that SAMUEL LAMONT SPURGEON's, SPECIAL BABIE GIRL SPURGEON's, ROMELOW BANKS's, CARMEL KARMON BANKS's and 11 KISH KYRO SPURGEON's birth certificates be amended to change the children's names and to 12 I 13 14 |i!il 8!-S 2 as the children's mother. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that all court costs of the adoptive parents are waived 16 83? 17 R add DARRELL BRENT TURNER as the children's father, and FELICIA ROCHELLE TURNER pursuant to NRS 1 27.1 86, as the children sought to be adopted has been determined to have "special needs" and the Division of Child and Family Services and/or the Department of Family * 3 i 18 Services has consented to this adoption. 19 DATED and DONE in open Court this 10th day of September, 2008. 20 21 / Respecj 23 25 26 27 ubmi itfed: *" ,V SEK)/0fil deWHEITE. KEMP, ESQ. t Nevada Bar No. 006374 KEMP & KEMP, Attorneys at Law 7435 W. Azure Drive, Suite 1 10 Las Vegas, NV 89130 (702) 258-1183 Attorney for the Petitioners -cr 28 Stf 1 0 ZQOB 5 Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105-2 Filed 04/20/17 Page 1 of 5 i EXHIBIT "2" Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105-2 Filed 04/20/17 Page 2 of 5 1 PROF 2 GARY W. CALL, ESQ. Nevada Bar No. 6922 3 EDWARD M. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES ^ 500 South Fourth Street Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 5 Phone: (702) 471-5735 Fax: (702) 385-4640 6 Attorneys for Petitioner 7 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 8 DISTRICT OF NEVADA 9 >|< >j< 10 IN THE MATTER OF: ) 11 12 13 ) CASE NO. 2:06-cv-041 1-RCJ-LRL . ) SPECIAL BABY GIRL SPURGEON n/k/a ) SPECIAL RE'NEE TURNER, ) ) ) A Minor. 14 15 PROOF OF ACCOUNTING OF MINOR'S BLOCKED TRUST ACCOUNT 16 Date of Hearing: N/A Time of Hearing: 17 N/A 18 Comes now, FELICIA TURNER and DARRELL TURNER, by and through 19 their attorney, GARY W. CALL, ESQ. of the law firm EDWARD M. BERNSTEIN 20 & ASSOCIATES, and hereby attaches an accounting of the blocked trust account 21 22 for SPECIAL 23 Account no. 24 III 25 III 26 III 27 28 EDWARD M. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS AT LAW 500 SO. FOURTH ST. LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 BABY GIRL SPURGEON n/k/a SPECIAL RE'NEE TURNER, Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105-2 Filed 04/20/17 Page 3 of 5 1 910 001 3461 2768, at BANK OF AMERICA established on May 21, 2010. 2 DATED this day of May, 2010. 3 . BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES W. 4 5 6 | By: /GARY WCAflLL, ESQ. 7 8 9 V Nevada fear No. 6922 EDWARD M. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES 500 SoUth Fourth Street Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Phone: (702) 471-5735 10 Fax: (702) 385-4640 Attorneys for Petitioner 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EDWARD M. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS AT LAW 500 SO. FOURTH ST. LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 2 Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105-2 Filed 04/20/17 Page 4 of 5 2010-May-21 04:48 PM Bank of America 7026848756 To Whom It May Concern: Special Re'nee Turner f/k/a Special Baby Girl Spurgeon, a minor RE: Please be advised that a blocked trust account, number ^l\0 QQl ^%)) 23\l?R in the amount of Sixty-One Thousand Three Hundred Ninety-Nine Dollars and 18/100 ($61,399.18) has been established at Bank of America, 1933 West Craig Road, North Las Vegas, Nevada 89032, on this day of 2010. The funds from the trust account may not be withdrawn without further Order from the Court of the Eighth Judicial District of the State of Nevada. "7 Uft4w_? Authorized Agent of Bank of fl 43 mm tic a Date 3/9 Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105-2 Filed 04/20/17 Page 5 of 5 2010-May-21 04:48 PM Bank of America 7026848756 vfwtncu Bankof America Account Summary BANK OF AMERICA, N.A, (THB "BANK") StemsiAMC" Information Thank you for allowing us to assist you with your banking needs. Hero is a summary of the accounts and services we set up for you or which you applied for today. If any of this information is incorrect, please let us know. We appreciate the opportunity to serve you. FELICIA TURNER CD Fixed Term CD Account Number 910 001 34612768 Title on Account SPECIAL RE'NEB TURNER - WARD MINOR FELICIA DARREIL TURNER- GUARDIAN COURT ORDERED BLOCKED ACCOUNT Address 1936 LA CALERA AVE NORTH LAS VEGAS, NV 89084-2078 Tax ID Number 680-14-5308 Issue Amount $61,399.18 Interest Rate/Atinual Porcontago Yield 2,23% / 2.25% Maturity Date 03-21-2017 Compound Frequency Monthly Payment Method Reinvestment Payment Frequency Monthly Bank Information Date Banking Center Name Associate's Name Associate's Phono Number 0Q-14-9082M 06-1999 NNV 2/9 2010-05-21 CRAIG/CLAYTON THERESA NAVARRO 702-654-3377 Page 1 1 Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105-3 Filed 04/20/17 Page 1 of 3 yy EXHIBIT "3 Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105-3 Filed 04/20/17 Page 2 of 3 1 PATTI S. WISE, ESQ. 2 Nevada Bar #5624 EDWARD M. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES 3 500 South Fourth Street Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 4 5 Phone: (702) 471-5612 Fax: (702) 385-4640 pwise@edbemstein.com 6 Attorneys for Petitioner 7 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 8 DISTRICT OF NEVADA 9 ^ 4< 10 11 IN THE MATTER OF: ) ) CASE NO.: 2:06-cv-411-RCJ-LRL 12 SPECIAL BABY GIRL SPURGEON n/k/a ) SPECIAL RE'NEE TURNER ) ) ) 13 A Minor. 14 15 16 17 ORDER FOR RELEASE OF MONIES Date of Hearing: N/A Time of Hearing: N/A 18 19 The court having reviewed the Affidavit of PATTI S. WISE, ESQ., of the law firm 20 of EDWARD M. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES, in Support of the Order for Release of 21 Monies, and good cause appearing therefore, 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EDWARD M. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS AT LAW 500 SO. FOURTH ST. LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 Case 2:06-cv-00411-RCJ-LRL Document 105-3 Filed 04/20/17 Page 3 of 3 1 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that BANK OF 2 AMERICA shall immediately release all monies held in Blocked Trust Account No.: 910 001 3 3461 2768 that is being held on behalf of said minor, as the said minor attained the age of g eighteen (18) years on April 1, 2017 as evidenced from the date of birth detailed on the 6 Decree of Adoption attached to the Affidavit of PATTI S. WISE, ESQ., and filed herein. 7 DATED: This DATED this 22nd day of May, 2017. day of .,2017. 8 9 United States District Court Judge 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 EDWARD M. BERNSTEIN & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEYS AT LAW 500 SO. FOURTH ST. LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 2:06-cv-4U-RCJ -LRL

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