Trapp v. Big Poppa's, LLC et al

Filing 151

MOTION to Extend Time regarding dispositive matter (Motion to for an Enlargement of Time to Respond to the Motion of Defendants Deja Vu Showgirls of Las Vegas, LLC, Little Darlings of Las Vegas, LLC and Las Vegas Entertainment, LLC for Dismissal of the Complaint and for Leave to File a Consolidated Response in Opposition to Any Current and Future Motions to Dismiss the Complaint) re 77 MOTION to Dismiss by Plaintiff Theodore Trapp. Motion ripe 7/29/2009. (Smyth, James)

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Trapp v. Big Poppa's, LLC et al 96198 yawknaP sehguH adaveN ,sageV saL drawoH 008 roolF htneveS OIRARREF & WAHSNER RENNOB REFPMEAK REMMU( ,sageV na saL fo slrigwohS sevom uV t/j6D stnadnefed fo noitom eht ot ro dnopser ot emit fo tnemegralne 42 rof truoC eht ylluftcepser )"pparT" 'ffitnialP"( pparT erodoehT ffitnialP 32 22 12 02 91 neeL .A yggeP egduJ etartsigaM .D egroeG dyolL elbaronoH .stnadnefeD 81 71 ,.la te ,BULC S'NEM GNIB ADDAB a/b/d ynapmoc ytilibail detimil adaveN a ,CLL ,S'APPOP GIB og 61 51 41 31 TNIALPMOC EHT SSIMSID OT SNOITOM ERUTUF DNA TNERRUC YNA OT NOITISOPPO NI ESNOPSER DETADILOSNOC A ELIF OT EVAEL ROF DNA TNIALPMOC EHT FO LASSIMSID ROF CLL ,TNEMNIATRETNE SAGEV SAL DNA ,CLL ,SAGEV SAL FO SGNILRAD ELTTIL ,CLL ,SAGEV SAL FO SLRIGWOHS UV ·.J·ID STNADNEFED FO NOITOM EHT OT DNOPSER OT EMIT FO TNEMGERALNE NA ROF NOITOM S'FFITNIALP ,ffitnialP dna flaheb 59900-vc-90:2 .oN esaC ,detautis ylralimis srehto lla fo flaheb no nwo sih no ,PPART ERODOEHT ADAVEN FO TCIRTSID 21 11 TRUOC TCIRTSID SETATS DETINU ssalc evitatup eht dna PPART ERODOEHT ffitnialP rof syenrottA moc.frbkk@htyms j :liamE 1817.697.207 :xaF 0007.297.207 :leT 01 9 8 7 96198 adaveN ,sageV saL roolF htneveS yawkraP sehguH drawoH 0083 oirarreF & wahsneR refpmeaK remmuK II htymS .E semaJ rennoB 6 5 4 moc.noslederebmak@nainabalabr :liamE moc.noslederebmak@noslede j :liamE 8736.985.213 :xaF 0736.985.213 :leT 45606 sionillI ,ogacihC 0031 etiuS teertS ellaSaL htroN 053 )eciV )eciV CLL NOSLEDEREBMAK caH orP dettimdA( )7865826 .oN CDRA( nainabalaB yefaR caH orP dettimdA( )7829326 .oN CDRA( nosledE yaJ 3 2 1 Doc. 151 96198 adaveN ,sageV saL drawoH 008 roolF htneveS yaw·aP sehguH OIRARREF & WAHSNER RENNOB REFPMEAK REMMU( lleB ,CLL ,sappoP giB ,.cnI ,leK-K stnadnefed rof enildaeD eht ot 9002 ,3 tsuguA ro rewsna 42 32 22 .4 12 02 91 ;tnialpmoc ot xxniM :esac daelp esiwrehto a/b/d namtlaS .A leahciM tnadnefed rof enildaeD 9002 ,03 yluJ ,etad oT siht ni deretne neeb evah senildaed gnidaelp gniwollof eht .erudecorP liviC fo seluR laredeF eht fo 21 eluR ot tnausrup sah onihR tnialpmoC eht fo tnialpmoC eht fo lassimsid rof gnivom eb lliw ti taht detacidni eht fo lassimsid rof tnimraepS a/b/d .cnI ,leK-K tnadnefed saL dna ,yllanoitiddA .tnialpmoC saL fo 81 71 61 51 devom evah CLL saL fo ,tnemniatretnE sageV uV ,CLL ,sageV sgnilraD elttiL ,CLL ,sageV slrigwohS ·/j6D ot stnadnefeD .tnialpmoC eht derewsna sah s'erihppaS a/b/d CLL .3 ,cahS tnadnefed ylno ,etad ,noitca siht ni deman stnadnefed etarapes 72 eht fO .tnialpmoc fo ypoc a dna snommus eht 41 31 21 11 htiw devres ylud neeb evah--)nosrep larutan a( gnohC ynoT dna )bulc tnemniatretne eht ni tluda na( sageV saL s'kciR--stnadnefed eht fo owt tub lla dna era ecitcarp gniogerof .2 devlovni neeb evah ot degella ohw stnadnefed etarapes 72 seman tiuswal ehT .regnessap rep 001$ deecxe dna hcaer semit netto 01 9 8 7 skcabkcik yadot ,srallod evif fo emos tnuoma eht ni netfo tsom neeb sah "spit" sa nageb yllanigiro sihT skcabkcik sa eht elihw dna ,emit rof ecalp gnikat saL fo ecitcarp ".pirtS" eht eht sa nwonk ylnommoc erom ro draveluoB sageV ytiniciv eht ni detacol )"sbulC" rof ot derrefer rac retfaniereh( dna sbulc tnemniatretne tluda niatrec ot sremotsuc ot "skcabkcik" ro gnireviled ,secivres rehto 6 5 4 ,senisuomil ,sbac ixat fo srevird eht ni tnemevlovni stnemyap hsac lagelli gnikam fo ecitcarp .1 degella 'stnadnefed eht rof sserder skees noitca ssalc sihT :swollof ot snoitom erutuf ro sa setats ffitnialP ,troppus nI .tnialpmoC eht ssimsid elif ot 3 2 1 tnerruc yna ot esnopser detadilosnoc saL dna a evael rof dna saL fo )"stnadnefeD elttiL ,CLL eht" ,ylevitcelloc( CLL ,tnemniatretnE sageV ,CLL ,sageV sgnilraD 96198 adaveN ,sageVsaL drawoH 008 yawkraP sehguH RENNOB roolF htneveS OIRARREF & WAHSNER REFPMEAK REMMU· elif ot evael rof tseuqer tsrif eht si tub ,stnadnefed eht fo ssimsid ot noitom eht ot dnopser ro ot emit 42 fo tnemegralne eseht na rof tseuqer dnoces s'ffitnialP si sihT .stnadnefed fo sesoprup rof ecidujerp ot sgnideecorp .8 32 22 12 02 gniyaled yludnu thguorb gnieb ton si noitom si sihT .stnagitil eht evreserp dna ,ymonoce a eht fo secruoser laiciduj etomorp ,noitacilpud tnemegralne na diova lliw esnopser detadilosnoc ro gnilif fo esoprup eht rof emit fo a esuaceb ssimsid ot snoitom erutuf tnerruc 91 81 71 61 yna ot esnopser detadilosnoc saL fo rof wolla ot dna ,CLL saL fo na ,tnemniatretnE sageV uV saL dna ,CLL ,sageV sgnilraD ot elttiL ,CLL ,sageV slrigwohS esuac .·j6D stnadnefed fo ssimsid ot noitom .7 eht ot dnopser emit fo tnemegralne rof doog nwohs sah ffitnialP ,ereH .)A()1()b(6 a .P.viC.R.deF .tca deriuqer .6 51 41 etelpmoc ot ytrap a rof emit eht egralne yam ,nwohs esuac doog rof ,truoC ehT .stnadnefed eht delif ssimsid ot snoitom erutuf dna tnerruc yna ot feirb esnopser detadilosnoc evael a yb 31 21 11 elif ot truoC fo )2( ,tnialpmoC eht ot ,dnopser ot deriuqer era ro ,dednopser saL dna evah stnadnefed eht fo lla retfa saL fo syad )03( ytriht litnu ,CLL ,tnemniatretnE sageV ,CLL ,sageV saL fo slrigwohS fo uV ,CLL ,sageV sgnilraD elttiL 01 9 8 .ifj6D stnadnefed fo noitom eht ot eht skees ffitnialP dnopser ,tluser a ot hcihw ni emit doirep eht fo tnemegralne na )1( :feiler gniwollof a sA .5 evom .gnidaelp evisnopser lliw stnadnefed noitca fo sesuac erom elif naht rehtar tnialpmoC eht fo lassimsid rof 7 lareves taht setapicitna sselehtenon ffitnialP ,tnialpmoC eht ni detressa .4 6 5 4 3 2 1 hcae dedaelp yltneiciffus sah eh taht seveileb ffitnialP elihW .daelp esiwrehto ro rewsna ot ,.cnI ,etneuF aL tnadnefed rof enildaeD 1082.D tnadnefed rof enildaeD ro rewsna 9002 ,42 tsuguA .cnI ,doowtseW 9002 ,01 tsuguA ;tnialpmoc eht ot daelp esiwrehto ot CLL ,adaveN SLC dna ,snarT 4 96198 adaveN yawkraP sehguH ,sageV saL drawoH 008 rOOlF ·bneveS OIRARREF & WAHSNER RENNOB REFPMEAK REMMU· 42 32 22 12 02 91 PPART ERODROEHT 81 71 ffitnialP rof syenrottA 61 51 41 31 21 11 moc.noslederebmak@nainabalabr hiamE moc.noslederebmak@noslede j :liamE 8736.985.213 :xaF 0736.985.213 :leT 45606 sionillI ,ogacihC 0031 etiuS teertS ellaSaL htroN 053 CLL NOSLEDEREBMAK )eciV caH orP dettimdA( )7865826 .oN CDRA( nainabalaB yefaR )eciV caH orP dettimdA( )7829326 .oN CDRA( nosledE yaJ nainabalaB vefaR/s/:yB no detautis ylralimis srehto lla fo flaheb dna yllaudividni ,PPART ERODOEHT 01 .tsuj dna 9 8 7 elbatiuqe si sa feiler rehtruf dna rehto hcus drawa dna detadilosnoc a )d( dna ,ssimsid ot snoitom erutuf dna eht ot tnerruc yna ot esnopser ot elif ot evael ffitnialP tnarg )c( ,tnialpmoC ,dnopser deriuqer era ro ,dednopser era evah stnadnefed eht fo lla retfa syad )03( ytriht litnu noitom siht fo saL 6 5 4 3 2 gnilif eht retfa thguorb taht ssimsid ot snoitom rehto yna dna CLL ,tnemniatretnE sageV uV dna ,CLL ,sageV saL fo sgnilraD ot elttiL ,CLL ,sageV saL fo slrigwohS si ffitnialP hcihw ni emit eht ·j6D stnadnefed fo siht ssimsid ot noitom eht ot dnopser deriuqer egralne )b( ,noitom tnarg )a( truoC siht taht stseuqer ylluftcepser ,pparT erodoehT ffitnialP ,EROFEREHW .ssimsid ot snoitom erutuf ro tnerruc yna ot esnopser detadilosnoc a 1 96198 yawkraP sehguH drawoH roolF htneveS adaveN ,sageV saL 008 OIRARREF & WAHSNER RENNOB REFPMEAK REMMU· 42 32 22 12 02 91 81 71 61 51 41 oirarreF & wahsneR rennoB 31 21 11 .9002 refpmeaK remmuK eeyolpme na fo ,yluJ fo yad ht92 siht DETAD 01 9 8 7 .rettam siht ni seitrap eht ot noitacifiton dnes lliw hcihw metsys FCE/MC s'truoc eht gnisu TNIALPMOC EHT SSIMSID OT SNOITOM ERUTUF DNA TNERRUC YNA OT NOITISOPPO NI ESNOPSER DETADILOSNOC A ELIF OT EVAEL ROF DNA TNIALPMOC EHT FO LASSIMSID ROF CLL ,TNEMNIATRETNE ,CLL ,SAGEV DNOPSER eht 6 5 4 SAGEV SAL FO OT delif SAL DNA ,CLL ,SAGEV SAL FO SGNILRAD ELTTIL SLRIGWOHS UV FO ·J·ID STNADNEFED FO NA NOITOM EHT OT S'FFITNIALP EMIT TNEMGERALNE fo ROF no NOITOM taht gniogerof eht ,I 3 2 1 yllacinortcele I ,9002 ,yluJ yad ht92 eht yfitrec ybereh ,dengisrednu ECIVRES FO ETACIFITREC

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