Rivard-Crook et al v. Accelerated Payment Technologies, Inc.

Filing 49

REVISED Stipulated PROTECTIVE ORDER. See Order for details. Signed by Magistrate Judge George Foley, Jr on 4/12/12. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - ECS)

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1 2 a J 4 5 SNELL & WILMER LLP GREG BROWER QrlV Bar No. 5232) KARL O. RILEY (NV Bar No. 12077) 3883 Howard Hughes Parkway, Suite 1100 Las Vegas, NV 89169 Telephone: 7 02-7 84-5209 Facsimile: 7 02-7 84-5252 Email: gbrower@swlaw.com kriley@swlaw.com 6 7 8 9 l0 11 t2 DICKSTEIN SHAPIRO LLP ARTHURF. SILBERGELD SBN 81093 2049 Centt¿ry Park East, Suite 700 Los Angeles, California 90067 Telephone : 3 I0-7 7 2-8300 Facsimile: 310-772-8300 Email: silbergelda@dicksteinshapiro.com CHRISTINE DE BRETTEVILLE SBN 198167 700 Hansen Way Palo Alto, CA94304 T4 Telephone: 650-690-9552 Facsimile: 650-690-9501 Email : debrettevillec@dicksteinshapiro. com l5 Attorneys for Defendant 13 t6 ACCELERATED PAYMENT TECHNOLOGIES, [NC. t7 MARQUIZ LAW OFFICE, P.C. CRAIG A. MARQUIZ, ESQ. (NV Bar #7437) 18 MarquizLaw@cox.net 3088 Via Flaminia Court Henderson, NV 89052 Telephone: (7 02) 263-5533 Facsimile: (7 02) 263-5532 t9 20 2t Attorney for Plaintffi RIVARD-CROOK; CROOK; CORONA; DECHAINE; DRAKE, JR.; HAYES; 22 HERRERA; IMAHARA; I(NAPP; LAUE; LAWRENCE; MALDONADO; STEVENS; and V/RIGHT 23 24 25 26 27 28 JOHNS & DURRANT LLP NEIL B. DURRANT (NV Bar #7324) 316 East Bridger Ave,2d Floor Las Vegas, NV 89101 Telephone: (702) 834-5000 Facsimile: (702) 834-5001 ndurrant@.i ohnsdurrantlaw. com Attorneys for Plaintffi GRANAT and GAUTIER STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER Case 2:10-cv-02215-LRH -GWF Document 48 Filed 04/11/12 Page 2 of 12 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 2 DISTRICT OF NEVADA J 4 5 6 7 Case No. 2:I0-cv-02215 Case BARBARA RIVARD-CROOK; BILL CROOK; RAMON CORONA; MONIQUE DECHAINE; CHARLES DRAKE, JR.; LENORA HAYES; RISA HERRERA; NATE IMAHARA; ERII(A KNAPP; SANDRA LAUE; JOHN LAWRENCE; ARCELIA MALDONADO; KELLY STEVENS; RICK WzuGHT, No. Plaintiffs, 8 V 9 10 ACCELERATED PAYMENT TECHNOLOGIES, fNC., a Delawa¡e Corporation; and DOES 1 through 100, inclusive, 11 Defendants l2 Granat l3 2: 1 I -CV-00986-GMN-RJJ Plaintiff, I4 VS l5 ACCELERATED PAYMENT TECHNOLOGIES, fNC., a Delaware Corporation; and DOES 1 through 100; and ROE Corporations 101 through 200 t6 l7 Defendants. Steve LIDATED Case No. 2:12-CY -00003 -RCJ-GWF 18 Plaintiff, t9 20 2t VS ACCELERATED PAYMENT TECHNOLOGIES, INC., a Delaware Corporation; DOES I through 100; and ROE Corporations 101 through 200 S 22 23 WHEREAS, a Protective Order was entered 24 in Rivard-Crook, et al. v. Accelerated 25 Payment Technologies, Inc., Case No. 2:10-CY-2215 LRH-GWF (the "Rivard-Crook Case"), on 26 }i4ay 27 28 9,2011; WHEREAS, since that time, two additional related cases, Granat v. Accelerated Payment Technologies (Case No. 2:11-CV-009S6-GMN-RJJ) and Gautier v. Accelerated Payment 2 (REVISED) STIPULATED PROTECTTVE ORDER Case 2:10-cv-02215-LRH -GWF Document 48 Filed 04/11/12 Page 3 of 12 I Technologies (Case No. 2:12-CV-00003-RCJ-GWF) were consolidated with the Rivard-Crook 2 Case; ) 4 WHEREAS, the parties agree that this Revised Stipulated Protective Order entered in the Rivard Crook Case shall be applicable to the consolidated matters; 5 WHEREAS, the instant Protective Order is identical that entered in the Rivard-Crook 6 Case, but for the addition of the new parties, Granat and Gautier and the terms of the Court's 7 May 9, 2011 Protective Order Governing Confidentiality of Documents, which is by this I reference incorporated herein and also reflected in paragraphs 10 and I 9 I below Vy'herefor, the parties having stipulated, by and through their respective counsel, for entry l0 of a Revised Protective Order pursuant to Rule 26(c) of the Federal Rules of Civil 11 and the Court having been advised that the parties expect that information, either documentary or t2 testimonial or both, regarded by the producing party as proprietary and confidential, may be 13 disclosed in discovery and at any hearing or trial of this cause, t4 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that: 15 1. Procedure, In connection with discovery proceedings in this action, the parties may designate 16 any document, thing, material, testimony or other information derived therefrom, l7 "CONFIDENTIAL" under the terms of this Revised Stipulated Protective Order (hereinafter l8 "Order"). CONFIDENTIAL information is information that has not been made public and that t9 concems or relates to the processes, operations, methods and procedures for business activities, 20 payroll, gross receipts, employees and other financial information of the parties; the disclosure of 2I which information may have the effect of causing harm to the competitive position of the person, 22 firm, partnership, corporation, or to the organization from which the information was obtained. 23 Extracts, summaries, and other documents or materials that reflect or disclose the contents of 24 CONFIDENTIAL information shall likewise be treated as CONFIDENTIAL information for 25 purposes of this Order. 26 27 2. Confidential documents shall be so designated document produced to a party with the by stamping copies as of the legend "CONFIDENTIAL." Stamping the legend 28 J (REVISED) STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER Case 2:10-cv-02215-LRH -GWF Document 48 Filed 04/11/12 Page 4 of 12 1 "CONFIDENTIAL" on the cover of any multi-page document shall designate all pages of the 2 document as confidential, unless otherwise indicated by the producing party. 3. J Testimony taken at a deposition, conference, hearing or trial may be designated as - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY" by making a 4 "CONFIDENTIAL" or "CONFIDENTIAL 5 statement to that effect on the record at the deposition or other proceeding. Arrangements shall 6 be made with the court reporter taking and transcribing such proceeding to separately bind such 7 portions 8 CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY, and to label such portions appropriately. In 9 addition, the attorneys for a party shall have thirty (30) days after receipt of the transcript to of the transcript containing information designated as CONFIDENTIAL of the testimony CONFIDENTIAL or ATTORNEYS' or EYES 10 designate any other portions 11 ONLY and to inform opposing counsel of such designation. Until such designation has t2 made or the time for such designation has expired, deposition transcripts shall only be received 13 by or made available to a "Qualiflred Person." The portions of the testimony so designated shall I4 be subject to the provisions of this Order. No persons shall attend or receive transcript copies 15 portions T6 information, whether in the form of exhibits or oral testimony, unless such person is a Qualified t7 Person. 18 of 4. depositions containing CONFIDENTIAL or been of ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Material designated as CONFIDENTIAL under this Order, the information l9 contained therein, and any summaries, copies, abstracts, or other documents derived in whole or 20 in part from material designated as CONFIDENTIAL (hereinafter "Confidential Material") shall 2l be used only for the purpose of the prosecution, defense, or settlement of this action, and for no 22 other purpose except by further order of the Court or by written agreement of counsel on behalf 23 of the party who designated the information as CONFIDENTIAL. 24 5. Confidential Material produced pursuant to this Order may be disclosed or made to a "Qualified Person," which shall include the court, counsel for a party 25 available only 26 (including the paralegal, clerical, and secretarial staff employed by such counsel), and to the 27 persons designated below: 28 a. apüty, or an officer, director, or employee of aparty deemed necessary 4 (REVISED) STIPULATED PROTECTTVE ORDER Case 2:10-cv-02215-LRH -GWF Document 48 I by counsel to aid in the prosecution, defense, or settlement of this action; b. 2 J Filed 04/11/12 Page 5 of 12 experts or consultants (together with their clerical staff) retained by such counsel to assist in the prosecution, defense, or settlement of this action; c. d. 4 5 court reporter(s) employed in this action; a witness at any deposition or other proceeding in this action, if it is 6 established from the face of the document that the witness has had access to the document or the 7 information contained therein; and e. 8 9 any other person to whom the parties in writing agree. Prior to receiving any Confidential Material in this action, each "Qualified Person" (except the Court or Court of this Order and shall execute a nondisclosure 10 personnel) shall be provided with a copy 11 agreement in the form of Attachment t2 party making a disclosure to a Qualified Person. Disclosure of CONFIDENTIAL information to 13 any expert or consultant, their employees t4 provider assisting counsel shall be limited to that confidential information necessary for the 15 consultation work or preparation to testiff. t6 t7 18 6. A, a copy of which shall be retained by counsel for if the assisting any expert or consultant, or other service- Depositions in which Confidential Material will be disclosed shall be taken only in the presence of Qualified Persons. 7. The parties may further designate certain discovery material or testimony of - a ATTORNEYS' EYES 19 highly confidential and/or proprietary nature as "CONFIDENTIAL 20 ONLY" (hereinafter "Attorneys' Eyes Only Material"), in the manner described in 2T and 3 above. Attomeys' Eyes Only Material, and the information contained therein, shall be 22 disclosed only to the court, to counsel for the parties (including the paralegal, clerical, ffid 23 secretarial staff employed by such counsel), and to the "Qualified 24 subparagraphs 5(b), (c) and (e) above, but shall not be disclosed to a party, or to an offtcer, 25 director or employee 26 disclosure and signed by counsel for the party who designated the information as Attorneys' 27 Eyes Only material, or ordered by the Court. of a party, unless otherwise agreed If paragraphs 2 Persons" listed in to in writing in advance of the disclosure of Attorneys' Eyes Only material is 28 5 (REVISED) STIPULATED PROTECTTVE ORDER Case 2:10-cv-02215-LRH -GWF Document 48 Filed 04/11/12 Page 6 of 12 1 made pursuant to this parcgraph, all other provisions in this Order with respect to confidentiality 2 shall apply. J 8. Nothing herein shall impose any restrictions on the use or disclosure by a party of 4 material obtained by such party independent of discovery in this action, whether or not such 5 material is also obtained through discovery in this action, or from disclosing its own Confidential 6 Material as it deems appropriate, subject to the provisions of paragraph 9 below. 9. 7 Where aparty lawfully has or receives information or documents from 8 entity not a party to this case, that information 9 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY a person or will not be treated as CONFIDENTIAL if not marked as such by the producing or person or entity, except 10 that: (1) any party may retroactively designate as "CONFIDENTIAL" or "CONFIDENTIAL - 11 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY" any information obtained or received by another party from t2 person or entity not a party to this case 13 unlawfully obtained or received by the person or entity not a party to this case. (In such t4 circumstances, the party who or which obtained the information from the third person may seek l5 relief from the "CONFIDENTIAL" or "ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY" designation pursuant to t6 paragraph 13 of this Order); and (2) information maintained or received by a party's present or t7 prior vendors may be designated as "CONFIDENTIAL" if it is produced by a party or vendor in 18 this litigation. 10. t9 if a the designating party believes the information was Other than as described below in paragraph 11, if Confidential Material, including 20 any portion of a deposition transcript, designated as CONFIDENTIAL or ATTORNEYS' EYES 2l ONLY, is included in any discovery or other non-dispositive motions to be filed in Court, such 22 papers shall be labeled "Confidential 23 order of this Court. However, only those portions of the motion, response, or reply pleadings 24 which contain specific reference to the contents of confidential documents or information, and 25 the exhibits which contain such confidential information, shall be filed under seal. The 26 remainder of the pleading and other exhibits, which do not contain confidential information, 27 shall be filed as publicly accessible documents unless otherwise specifically ordered by the 28 Court. - Subject to Court Order" and filed under seal until further 6 (REVISED) STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER Case 2:10-cv-02215-LRH -GWF Document 48 11. 1 Filed 04/11/12 Page 7 of 12 No documents which are filed with the Court as attachments to a swnmary 2 judgment or other dispositive motion, or documents which are identihed in the joint pretrial J order, may be filed under seal unless the proponent seeking protected status of the document(s) 4 establishes "compelling reasons" 5 standards set forth 6 2006), and as follows: in Kamakana c. City and Council of Honolulu, 447 F3d ll72 (9th Cir. a. 7 to rebut the presumption of public access, pursuant to the Any party seeking to seal attachments to a motion for summary judgment 8 or other dispositive motion filed with the Court, or documents which are identified in the joint 9 pretrial order, shall submit a separate memorandum of points and authorities which presents 10 articulable facts identif ing the interests favoring continuing the secrecy of the attachments, and 11 shows that these specific interests outweigh the public's interests T2 overcome the presumption of public access to dispositive pleadings and attachments. b. 13 in disclosure sufficient to Any application to seal documents attached to a motion for summary T4 judgment or other dispositive motion, or documents identified in the joint pretrial order, shall be 15 served on opposing counsel together with the documents proposed I6 Opposing counsel shall have fifteen (15) days from service of any application to seal documents T7 attached to a motion l8 in the joint pretrial order in which to file a response. 12. 19 to be filed under seal. for summary judgment or other dispositive motion, or documents identified In the event that any Confidential Material is used in any court proceeding in this it shall not lose its CONFIDENTIAL status through such use, and the party using such 20 action, 2l shall take all reasonable steps to maintain its confidentiality during such use. 13. 22 If, through inadvertence, to this litigation a producing party provides any confidential information without marking the information as CONFIDENTIAL or 23 pursuant 24 CONFIDENTIAL 25 subject 26 immunity, the producing party may, within fifteen (15) business days of such disclosure, inform 27 the receiving party or parties of the CONFIDENTIAL or ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY or 28 privileged or immune nature of the disclosed information, and the receiving party or parties shall, - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY information, or provides any information to a claim of attorney-client privilege, attomey work product 7 (REVISED) STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER or other privilege or Case 2:10-cv-02215-LRH -GWF Document 48 Filed 04/11/12 Page 8 of 12 I as applicable, treat the disclosed information as CONFIDENTIAL or ATTORNEYS' EYES 2 ONLY information under this Order, and shall return all copies of assertedly privileged or J immune documents (and destroy all summaries of same) within five (5) business days of receipt 4 of written notice from the producing party, and to the extent the receiving party or parties has or 5 have already disclosed this information, the receiving party or parties shall promptly notify the 6 producing party as to the specific recipients of such information and shall take all reasonable 7 steps to remove such information from said recipients unless, 8 and ATTORNEYS EYES' ONLY information, they are otherwise entitled to disclosure under 9 this Protective Order. If a party or counsel for a party receives a document or other information 10 that appears on its face to be inadvertently produced and subject to a claim of Privilege or l1 Attorney V/ork Product ("privileged"), counsel for the receiving party will inform counsel for the 12 producing party promptly after becoming awaÍe of the disclosure and will return such documents l3 to the producing party immediately thereafter. l4 14. with respect to CONFIDENTIAL This Order shall be without prejudice to the right of the parties: (i) to bring before 15 the Court at any time the question of whether any particular document or information is t6 confidential or whether its use should be restricted (provided, however that the parties and/or T7 supplying person shall try first to dispose of such dispute in good faith on an informal basis. If 18 the dispute cannot be resolved, the challenging party may seek appropriate relief from this 19 Court.); or (ii) to present a motion to the Court under Rule 26(c) of the Federal Rules of Civil 20 Procedure for a separate protective order as to any particular document or information, including 2T restrictions differing from those as specified herein. This Order shall not be deemed to prejudice 22 the parties in any way in any future application for modification of this Order. Moreover, nothing 23 herein shall be construed as an agreement or admission against a party receiving purportedly 24 confidential information that any information, document, 25 CONFIDENTIAL or ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY by a producing person is in fact confidential 26 or proprietary. Further, this Order shall be without prejudice to the right of any party to oppose 27 production of any information on grounds other than confidentiality. or the like 28 8 (REVISED) STIPULATED PROTECTTVE ORDER designated as Case 2:10-cv-02215-LRH -GWF Document 48 15. I Filed 04/11/12 Page 9 of 12 Third-parties may (a) designate deposition transcripts and any documents or or by 2 information they produce, whether voluntarily J "CONFIDENTIAL 4 as parties to this litigation and such documents 5 this litigation in the same manner as documents or information so designated by a party, and 6 (b) intervene in this litigation to enforce the provisions of this Order as if they were a party. 16. 7 - subpoena, "CONFIDENTIAL" or ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY" to the same extent and in the same manner or information shall be treated by the parties to This Order is entered solely for the purpose of facilitating the exchange of to this action without involving the Court 8 documents and information between the parties 9 unnecessarily in the process. Nothing in this Order nor the production of any information or 10 document under the terms of this Order nor any proceedings pursuant to this Order shall be 1l deemed 12 confidentiality or non-confidentiality of any such document or information or altering any 13 existing obligation of any party or the absence thereof. to have the effect 17. t4 Failure of a of an admission or waiver by either party or of party to challenge the propriety of a altering the CONFIDENTIAL or 15 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY designation at the time made, shall not preclude a subsequent t6 challenge thereto. 18. T7 This Order shall survive the final termination of this action, to the extent that the 18 information contained in Confidential Material is not or does not become known to the public, l9 and the Court shall retain jurisdiction to resolve any dispute conceming the use of information 20 disclosed hereunder. Upon termination of this case, counsel for the parties shall assemble and 2T return to each other all documents, material and deposition transcripts designated as confidential 22 and all copies of same, or shall certify the destruction thereof. However, counsel shall not be 23 required by this provision to redact the discussion of CONFIDENTIAL or ATTORNEYS' EYES 24 ONLY information contained in any briefs, pleadings, or other filings with the 25 memoranda, conespondence, notes or other intemal documents, or to destroy or retum such 26 documents, provided that such documents shall remain subject to the terms and conditions of this 27 Order. 28 9 (REVISED) STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER Court, Case 2:10-cv-02215-LRH -GWF Document 48 I 19. Filed 04/11/12 Page 10 of 12 Neither the entry of this Order, nor the designation of any information, document 2 or the like as CONFIDENTIAL or ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY, nor the failure to make such J designation, shall constitute evidence with respect to any issue in this action. 4 20. If any party receives a request for CONFIDENTIAL or ATTORNEYS 5 ONLY information, or if it receives any subpoena or other legal process purporting to require 6 disclosure 7 subpoena or legal process. 8 EYES of such information, said party shall notiff the producing party of said request, RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED this _ day of April, 2012. 9 MARQUIZ LAV/ OFFICE, P.C. 10 11 t2 13 l4 Bv: /s/ Crais A. Marourz Craig A. Marquiz, Esq. 3088 Via Flaminia Court Henderson, NV 89052 Attorney for Plaintiffs RIVARD-CROOK; CROOK; CORONA; DECHAINE; DRAKE, JR.; HAYES; HERRERA; IMAHARA; KNAPP; LAUE; LAWRENCE; MALDONADO; STEVENS; and 15 WRIGHT t6 JOHNS & DURRANT LLP t7 18 T9 By : /s/ Neil Durrant Neil Dunant, Esq. 316 East Bridger Ave,2d Floor Las Vegas, NV 89101 Attorney for Plaintiffs GRANAT and GAUTIER 20 2T DICKSTEIN SHAPIRO LLP 22 23 24 25 By: lsl Arthur Silbergeld, Esq. (Pro Hac Vice) Christine de Bretteville, Esq. (Pro Hac Vice) Attorneys for Defendant ACCELERATED PAYMENT TECHNOLOGIES 26 27 28 10 (REVISED) STIPULATED PROTECTTVE ORDER I SNELL & WILMER, LLP ) a J 4 5 By: lslKarl O. Riley Greg Brower, Esq. Karl O.Riley, Ese. 3883 Howard Hughes Pkovy., Ste. 1100 Las Vegas, NV 89169 Attorneys for Defendant ACCELERATED PAYMENT TECHNOLOGIES 6 7 8 ORDER 12th IT IS SO ORDERED this _ day of April,2012 9 10 11 United States Magistrate Judge 12 t3 t4 15 16 t7 18 t9 20 2T 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 11 (REVISED) STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER Case 2:10-cv-02215-LRH -GWF Document 48 Filed 04/11/12 Page 12 of 12 1 ATTACHMENT "A" 2 NONDISCLOSURE AGREEMENT I, J do solemnly swear that I am fully aware of the terms of the 4 Revised Stipulated Protective Order entered in Barbara Rivard-Crook et al. v. Accelersted 5 Pqtment Technologies, Inc., Case No. 2:10-cv-02215, pending in the United States District 6 Court for the District of Nevada, have received a copy of said Order and hereby agree to comply 7 with and be bound by the terms and conditions of said Order unless and until modified by further 8 Order of the Court. I hereby consent to the jurisdiction of said Court for purposes of enforcing 9 this Order. 10 Without limiting the foregoing, I agree that I will not disclose or discuss any material 11 designated CONFIDENTIAL or CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY with any t2 persons other than counsel for a party in the consolidated action and paralegal and clerical 13 personnel assisting such counsel, and other persons permitted access to such material under the t4 Order who have signed declarations under penalty of perjury undertaking to preserve the 15 confidentiality of such material. I agree to use any material designated CONFIDENTIAL or t6 CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY solely in connection with my participation in t7 this action and for no other purpose. I agree to return all copies of material designated 18 CONFIDENTIAL or CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY to counsel for the party t9 that provided me with the material at the conclusion of my participation in this action. 20 2t Dated: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 N14062663.3/33921 97-0000353 I 9l 1 REVISED STIPULATED PROTECTTVE ORDER

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