Brown v. Neven et al

Filing 2

ORDER Dismissing 1 Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus without prejudice with leave to Amend within 30 days. Signed by Judge Miranda M. Du on 04/10/2013. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - CC: 5 Copies of Petition Form, Instructions, and filed 1 Writ of Habeas Corpus to Petitioner - AC)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 7 DISTRICT OF NEVADA 8 *** 9 CORNELIUS BROWN, 10 Petitioner, 11 12 Case No. 2:12-cv-00922-MMD-GWF ORDER v. DWIGHT NEVEN, 13 Respondents. 14 15 This habeas action comes before the Court for initial review of the petition 16 pursuant to Rule 4 of the Rules Governing Section 2254 Cases. The filing fee has been 17 paid. 18 Petitioner Cornelius Brown seeks to set aside his 2009 Nevada state conviction, 19 pursuant to a jury verdict, of three counts of lewdness with a minor under the age of 14 20 and five counts of sexual assault of a minor under the age of 14. 21 On initial review, the petition is subject to multiple deficiencies. 22 First, the petition fails to state a claim upon which relief may be granted. 23 Habeas pleading is not notice pleading, and a habeas petitioner must state the 24 specific facts that allegedly entitle him to habeas relief. See Mayle v. Felix, 545 U.S. 25 644, 655-56 (2005). Even under the more liberal notice pleading standard applicable to 26 general civil actions, conclusory assertions that constitute merely formulaic recitations of 27 the elements of a cause of action and that are devoid of further factual enhancement do 28 not state a claim for relief. See Ashcroft v. Iqbal, 556 U.S. 662, 677-81 & 686 (2009). 1 Accordingly, even under the more liberal notice pleading rules, the allegations of a 2 pleading must “permit the court to infer more than the mere possibility” that a 3 constitutional violation has occurred. 556 U.S. at 679. The stricter habeas pleading 4 rules similarly require more than “mere conclusions of law, unsupported by any facts.” 5 Mayle, 545 U.S. at 655. A habeas petitioner instead must “state facts that point to a 6 real possibility of constitutional error.” Id. 7 In the present case, petitioner presents what appear to be up to fifteen different 8 claims in three grounds. All of the claims are set forth in a conclusory fashion that fail to 9 state a claim upon which relief may be granted under the foregoing standards. For 10 example, the bare allegation within Ground 1 that “the district court err [sic] in denying 11 the motion to continue the trial” presents only a mere conclusion of law, unsupported by 12 any facts. Similarly, the conclusory allegation in Ground 1 that the African-American 13 petitioner was deprived of a jury of his peers because his jury “was [a] predominately 14 white Jim Crow south1 lynch mob” fails to state a claim. A bare allegation that an 15 African-American defendant was tried before a mostly white jury, without more, does not 16 state a viable constitutional claim. In this same vein, petitioner’s allegation in Ground 3 17 that “these fact Louisiana2 lynch mobs [are] adjudicating black men without due process 18 of law . . . and the equal protection of law” does not state a claim. 19 All of the up to fifteen different claims in the petition are subject to this same 20 deficiency, presenting only conclusory allegations that fail to state a claim upon which 21 relief may be granted. The allegations presented fail to set forth any specific factual 22 allegations that would point to a real possibility of constitutional error and thus fail to 23 state specific facts that allegedly would entitle petitioner to habeas relief. Petitioner 24 must allege specific allegations of actual fact, not mere conclusions of law. 25 26 27 28 Second, petitioner did not follow the instructions for the petition form regarding the presentation of multiple claims. 1 Petitioner was tried in Las Vegas, Nevada. 2 See note 1. 2 1 Petition Form Instruction No. (C)(6) states, with the following emphasis: “YOU 2 MAY ALLEGE THE VIOLATION OF ONLY ONE CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT PER 3 GROUND.” Petitioner therefore may not combine multiple constitutional claims in a 4 single ground. In the present petition, Brown asserts up to eight different constitutional 5 claims in Ground 1, three different claims in Ground 2, and four different claims in 6 Ground 3. Petitioner instead must allege only one constitutional violation per ground. 7 In order to add grounds after Ground 3 in the petition form, petitioner must strike out the 8 ground number on an extra copy of the pages from the petition form, then write in the 9 particular ground number needed, e.g., Ground 4, and then insert the completed pages 10 along with the other grounds in the petition. 11 Third, petitioner did not comply with the following instruction on the first page of 12 the petition form: “Attach to this petition a copy of all state court written decisions 13 regarding this conviction.” Petitioner did not attach any such decisions with the petition, 14 although he pursued a direct appeal and a state post-conviction petition. 15 The petition accordingly will be dismissed without prejudice for failure to state a 16 claim upon which relief may be granted, with an opportunity to amend and correct the 17 deficiencies identified in this order. 18 IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the petition is DISMISSED without prejudice 19 for failure to state a claim upon which relief may be granted, subject to leave to amend 20 within thirty (30) days of entry of this order to correct the deficiencies in the petition, if 21 possible. 22 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that petitioner shall clearly title any amended petition 23 filed in response to this order as an amended petition by placing the word "AMENDED" 24 immediately above "Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus" on page 1 in the caption and 25 shall 26 "AMENDED." Under Local Rule LR 15-1, the amended petition must be complete in 27 itself without reference to previously filed papers. Thus, the claims and allegations that 28 are stated in the amended petition will be the only matters remaining before the Court. place the docket number, 2:12-cv-00922-MMD-GWF, 3 above the word 1 Any claims or allegations that are left out of the amended petition or that are not re- 2 alleged therein no longer will be before the Court. 3 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that petitioner shall present only one constitutional 4 claim per ground. If petitioner again combines multiple constitutional claims in a single 5 ground, all constitutional claims after the first claim alleged in the ground will be stricken 6 for failure to follow the petition instructions and the order of this Court. 7 IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that petitioner shall attach with the amended petition 8 copies of all state court written decisions regarding the conviction, including copies of 9 the state supreme court’s decision on direct appeal; the findings, conclusions and order 10 of the state district court on state post-conviction review; and the state supreme court’s 11 decision on the post-conviction appeal. 12 If plaintiff does not timely mail an amended petition to the Clerk for filing, a final 13 judgment dismissing this action will be entered without further advance notice. If the 14 amended petition does not correct the deficiencies identified in this order and otherwise 15 does not state a claim upon which relief may be granted, a final judgment dismissing 16 this action will be entered. 17 The Clerk of Court shall send petitioner five copies of a noncapital § 2254 petition 18 form together with one copy of the instructions for same along with a copy of the petition 19 that he submitted. 20 21 DATED THIS 10th day of April 2013. 22 23 MIRANDA M. DU UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE 24 25 26 27 28 4

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