Cretney-Tsosie, et al. v. Creekside Hospice II, LLC, et al.

Filing 150

ORDER Granting 149 Joint Motion to Reseal Documents. IT IS ORDERED that 102 and 136 shall be sealed and Plaintiff shall file redacted versions of 1 and 4 to prevent dissemination of personally identifying information. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no further stipulations or joint requests will be approved that fail to comply with LR 6-2(a). Signed by Magistrate Judge Peggy A. Leen on 01/08/2016. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - NEV)

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Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149 Filed 01/06/16 Page 1 of 6 1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 2 DISTRICT OF NEVADA 3 4 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA ) ) 5 ) Plaintiff, ) 6 ) v. ) 7 ) CREEKSIDE HOSPICE II, LLC, SKILLED ) 8 HEALTHCARE GROUP INC. and SKILLED ) HEALTHCARE, LLC, ) 9 ) Defendants. ) Case No.: 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL 10 ) ) 11 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ex rel. ) JOANNE CRETNEY-TSOSIE, et al., ) 12 ) Plaintiffs, ) 13 ) v. ) 14 ) CREEKSIDE HOSPICE II, LLC, et al., ) 15 ) Defendants. ) 16 ______________________________________ ) ) 17 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ex rel. ) VENETA LEPERA, ) 18 ) Plaintiffs, ) 19 ) v. ) 20 ) SKILLED HEALTHCARE, LLC, et al., ) 21 ) Defendants. ) 22 ) 23 JOINT MOTION TO RESEAL DOCUMENTS 102 AND 136 AND TO SUBSTITUTE DOCUMENTS 1 AND 4 24 25 Counsel for the respective Parties request that the Court reseal documents 102 and 136 in this 26 matter, and to substitute redacted versions of Relator Joanne Cretney-Tsosie’s Complaint (Dkt. #1) 27 28 DB1/ 86052539.1 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149 Filed 01/06/16 Page 2 of 6 1 2 and Amended Complaint (Dkt. #4) in order to prevent dissemination of the personally identifiable information in those documents. 3 A. Background 4 These consolidated civil False Claims Act (FCA) cases both began as a qui tam lawsuits filed 5 under seal, as required by the FCA. On August 6, 2014, the United States filed a notice that it was 6 intervening in these cases (#34). Prior to that notice, all filings were made under seal as the FCA 7 requires. 8 9 On September 17, 2015, Defendants filed a motion to unseal those filings in both cases 10 which had been made under seal prior to the United States’ intervention in this matter. (Cretney11 Tsosie Case #117.) On December 30, 2015, the Court entered an order in each of the cases stating: 12 “The clerk of court shall unseal sealed documents in both consolidated actions (Case no. 2:13-cv13 01283 and 2:13-cv-0167).” (Cretney-Tsosie Case #147; Lepera Case # 27.) 14 This order, however, was apparently interpreted by the Clerk of Court as requiring the 15 unsealing of all documents in the two cases which were under seal, including those filed after the 16 17 United States had intervened. Counsel has confirmed, by checking the docket, that two such sealed 18 documents in this matter, ## 102 and 136, have been unsealed, even though Defendants did not 19 intend for them to be unsealed. 20 21 22 The two documents at issue contain lists of the names and dates of service for patients in the statistically valid random sample as to whom the United States contends false claims were submitted by Defendants. Under the protective order entered in this action, documents produced in this action 23 24 25 that contain identifiable patient health information (PHI) are to be marked confidential and if these documents are filed with the court the document is to be de-identified or filed under seal. DKT 141. 26 These documents referenced as #102 and #136 were submitted under seal in accordance with the 27 protective order and Local Rule 10-5 and in compliance with the litigation proceedings requirements 28 DB1/ 86052539.1 2 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149 Filed 01/06/16 Page 3 of 6 1 2 contained in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) governing regulations. See 45 CFR § 164.512(e)(1)(ii)(B). The parties do not intend that identifiable patient information be disclosed in this action 3 4 including the documents filed under seal referenced in DKT #102 and #136. 5 6 In addition, in Relator Cretney-Tsosie’s Complaint (Dkt. #1) and Amended Complaint (Dkt. #4), Relator identified several Creekside patients by their first names and the first initial of their last 7 names. As a result, in Relator’s Response to Defendants’ Motion to Unseal Related Actions (Dkt. 8 9 #120), Relator asked that in the event the Court granted Defendants’ motion, that the Court order the 10 names of the Creekside patients be redacted before the complaints became publicly accessible. In 11 this Court’s Order granting Defendants’ Motion to Unseal Related Actions (Dkt. #147), the Court 12 stated that “a review of the pleadings reflects [that Relator] merely provided two letter initials for a 13 handful of sample patients used to illustrate the nature of the alleged fraud.” 12/30/15 Order at 1314 14. However, because Relator’s Complaint and Amended Complaint contain complete first names 15 of patients rather than first initials, Relator asks this Court to substitute the attached redacted 16 17 Complaint and Amended Complaint (attached as Exhibits A and B). The only change in the revised 18 Complaint and Amended Complaint is the redaction of the complete first names of the patients, 19 leaving only the patients’ initials. All parties agree with this substitution. 20 /// 21 22 /// /// 23 24 25 /// /// 26 /// 27 /// 28 DB1/ 86052539.1 3 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149 Filed 01/06/16 Page 4 of 6 1 2 B. Conclusion In order to protect the personally identifiable information in these four documents, the Parties 3 jointly request the Court to re-seal Documents 102 and 136 in this matter and to substitute 4 Documents 1 and 4 with Exhibits A and B. 5 Dated: January 6, 2016 For the Plaintiff: BENJAMIN C. MIZER Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General DANIEL G. BOGDEN United States Attorney 6 7 8 9 /s/ Roger Wenthe ROGER WENTHE Assistant United States Attorney 10 11 13 MICHAEL D. GRANSTON RENÉE BROOKER JENELLE M. BEAVERS KAVITHA J. BABU Attorneys, Civil Division 14 For the Relators: 15 L. Timothy Terry (NV Bar #2341) The Terry Law Firm, Ltd. P.O. Box 2348 Carson City, NV 89702 775.883.2348 12 16 17 18 Steven Cohen (admitted pro hac vice) Cohen Law Group 70 West Madison Street, Suite 4000 Chicago IL 60602 312.327.8800 19 20 21 22 Matthew J. Piers (admitted pro hac vice) Joshua Karsh (admitted pro hac vice) Juliet Berger-White (admitted pro hac vice) Caryn Lederer Hughes Socol Piers Resnick & Dym, Ltd. Three First National Plaza 70 West Madison Street, Suite 4000 23 24 25 26 27 28 DB1/ 86052539.1 4 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149 Filed 01/06/16 Page 5 of 6 Chicago, Illinois 60602 312.580.0100 By: /s/ Attorneys for Plaintiff/Relator Joanne Cretney-Tsosie 1 2 3 Ruth L. Cohen, Esq. (NV Bar No: 1782) Email: Paul S. Padda, Esq. (NV Bar No. 10417) Email: COHEN & PADDA, LLP 4240 West Flamingo Road, Suite 220 Las Vegas, Nevada 89103 Tele: (702) 366-1888 Fax: (702) 366-1940 By: /s/ Attorneys for Relator Veneta Lepera 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 For the Defendants: 12 Kathleen McDermott (admitted pro hac vice) Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP 1111 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington, DC 20004 Email: Tel.: (202) 739-5458 Charles H. McCrea (NV Bar No. 104) Hejmanowski & McCrea LLC 520 S. 4th Street, Suite 320 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Email: Tel.: (702) 834-8777 By: /s/ Kathleen McDermott Attorneys for Defendants 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 IT IS ORDERED that Dkt. ##102 and 136 shall be sealed and Plaintiff shall file redacted versions of Dkt. ##1 and 4 to prevent dissemination of personally identifying information. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that no further stipulations or joint requests will be approved that fail to comply with LR 6-2(a). 24 25 DATED this 8th day of January, 2016. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ _____ _ _ _ _ Peggy A. Leen P Peggy A Leen y Leen United States Magistrate Judge 26 27 28 DB1/ 86052539.1 5 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149 Filed 01/06/16 Page 6 of 6 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 1 2 3 I hereby certify that on the date shown, a true and correct copy of the foregoing document was filed with the Court using the Court’s CM/ECF system and was served upon each attorney of 4 record via ECF notification. 5 Dated: January 6, 2016 6 7 _/s/ Roger W. Wenthe Roger W. Wenthe 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DB1/ 86052539.1 6 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 1 of 39 EXHIBIT A Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 2 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 3 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 4 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 5 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 6 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 7 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 8 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 9 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 10 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 11 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 12 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 13 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 14 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 15 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 16 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 17 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 18 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 19 of 39 EXHIBIT B Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 20 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 21 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 22 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 23 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 24 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 25 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 26 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 27 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 28 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 29 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 30 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 31 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 32 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 33 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 34 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 35 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 36 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 37 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 38 of 39 Case 2:13-cv-00167-APG-PAL Document 149-1 Filed 01/06/16 Page 39 of 39

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