Boston Dental Group, LLC v. Affordable Care, LLC

Filing 19

STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER re 18 Stipulation for Protective Order. Signed by Magistrate Judge Carl W. Hoffman on 1/11/17. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MMM)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 SCOTT R.COOK,ESQ. Nevada Bar No. 005265 JONATHAN D. BLUM,ESQ. Nevada Bar No. 009515 KOLESAR & LEATHAM 400 South Rampart Boulevard, Suite 400 Las Vegas, Nevada 89145 Telephone: (702) 362-7800 Facsimile: (702)362-9472 E-Mail: -andSCOTT J. SLAVICK,ESQ.(IL Bar No. 6256681)— Pro Hac Vice Pending SHARON E. CALHOUN,ESQ.(IL Bar No. 6294212)- Pro Hac Vice Pending BARACK FERRAZZANO KIRSCHBAUM & NAGELBERG LLP 200 W. Madison Street, Suite 3900 Chicago, Illinois 60606 Telephone: (312)984-3100 Facsimile: (312)984-3150 E-Mail: sharon.calhoun@b& Attorneys for Defendant/Counterclaimant AFFORDABLE CARE,LLC 13 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 14 DISTRICT OF NEVADA 15 *** 16 17 BOSTON DENTAL GROUP,LLC,a Nevada limited liability company, 18 19 2 0 CASE NO.2:16-cv-01636-RFB-CWH Plaintiff, STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER vs. AFFORDABLE CARE,LLC,a North Carolina limited liability company, 21 Defendant. 22 23 AFFORDABLE CARE,LLC,a North Carolina limited liability company, 24 Counterclaimant, 25 vs. 2 6 27 BOSTON DENTAL GROUP,LLC,a Nevada limited liability company, 28 Counterdefendant. 2265148_3(9823-1) Page 1 of 13 STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER BOSTON DENTAL GROUP, LLC and AFFORDABLE CARE, LLC (collectively, the PARTIES"), through their respective counsel and subject to the Court's approval, hereby " stipulate and agree as follows, pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(c), for the purpose of facilitating the exchange of documents and information without involving the Court unnecessarily in the process. IT is STIPULATED AND AGREED by and between the PARTIES, acting through their counsel as follows: 1. This Protective Order shall apply to all documents, materials, and information, including, without limitation, documents disclosed or produced, answers to interrogatories, responses to requests for admission, deposition testimony, and other information disclosed pursuant to the disclosure or discovery duties created by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. 2 . As used in this Protective Order, "document" is defined as set forth in Rule 34(a)(1)(A) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. A draft or non-identical copy is a separate document within the meaning ofthis term. 3. In order to be protected under this Protective Order, a party to the above- captioned action (the "Action"), or a third party responding to a subpoena issued in connection with this Action, must designate information as "CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION" or ATTORNEYS'EYES ONLY INFORMATION." " . 4 As used herein, CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION shall include information and documents in whatever format any party or third party disclosing infolination or documents in this Action (a "Disclosing Party") reasonably believes contains or discloses the Disclosing Party's financial, personnel, proprietary, confidential, or competitively sensitive information; trade secrets; or other sensitive or currently valuable information that is (a) unavailable to the public,(b) not readily determinable from public sources,(c) generally treated as confidential by the Disclosing Party, and (d)of such a nature that its disclosure reasonably could have an adverse impact on the Disclosing Party. 5. 2265148_3(9823-1) As used herein, ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION shall mean that Page 2 of 13 1 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION containing information that, in the good faith determination 2 of the Disclosing Party, is of such a nature that identifiable harm may result to the Disclosing 3 Party or any other individual or entity other than the Receiving Party, whether a party or a non- 4 party to this Action, if that CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION is disclosed to the other party to 5 this Action. 6 6 . A Disclosing Party shall make such designations only as to materials or testimony 7 that the Disclosing Party believes in good faith contains CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or 8 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION. 9 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION (a The failure of any party receiving the 10 " Receiving Party") to object to the designation as to any material or testimony shall not be 11 deemed the Receiving Party's admission that such material or testimony constitutes confidential 12 material or is otherwise properly protectable under Fed. R. Civ. P. 26(c), or result in a waiver of 13 any privilege or protection, including, without limitation, the attorney-client privilege, that may 14 apply to such material or testimony. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION and ATTORNEYS' •t: -C ( 15 EYES ONLY INFORMATION shall be used by the Receiving Party solely for the purpose of •E W 4 3 ri o.-• ( A o • c= 16 conducting this litigation, pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Protective Order, and not 17 f any other purpose whatsoever. or g z , •c.) 4 H4 7 vw • 4 E:7 E - 18 7 . CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, other than that CONFIDENTIAL 19 INFORMATION containing information designated as ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 2 0 INFORMATION, without the consent of the Disclosing Party or further Order of the Court, may 21 be disclosed to the following persons only: 22 a. Attorneys actively working on this Action and the partners, associates, 23 legal assistants, or other employees of such attorneys assisting in the prosecution or 24 defense ofthe Action; 25 b. The parties; 2 6 c. The Court, including court personnel, court reporters, and persons 27 operating video recording equipment at depositions in the Action (collectively, "Court 28 Personnel"); 2265148_3(9823-1) Page 3 of 13 1 2 d. Deponents, trial witnesses, or potential witnesses, if furnished, shown, or disclosed in accordance with Paragraph 10; 3 e. Expert witnesses or consultants (and their employees), employed or 4 retained by any party or that party's counsel for the purpose of assisting counsel in the 5 investigation, prosecution, or defense of claims in the Action, provided that such 6 information is furnished, shown, or disclosed in accordance with Paragraph 10; 7 f . Any mediator in the Action; and 8 g. Other persons by written agreement ofthe parties or by court order. 9 8. Except with the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party or by court order, 10 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION shall not be furnished, shown, or disclosed to 11 any person or entity, including directors, officers, or other employees of the Receiving Party, as 12 applicable, except to: 13 a . Attorneys actively working on the Action and the partners, associates, 14 legal assistants, or other employees of such attorneys assisting in the prosecution or 15 defense of the Action, but not to any in-house counsel of any party; 16 b. Expert witnesses or consultants (and their employees), employed or 17 retained by any party or that party's counsel for the purpose of assisting counsel in the 18 investigation, prosecution, or defense of claims in the Action, provided that such 19 information is furnished, shown, or disclosed in accordance with Paragraph 10; 2 0 c. The Court and Court Personnel; 21 d. Any mediator in the Action; and 22 e. Other persons by written agreement ofthe parties or by court order. 23 9. This Protective Order shall not apply to any disclosure if(a) prior written consent 24 to such disclosure has been obtained from counsel for the Disclosing Party, or (b)authorization 25 f such disclosure has been given by the Court. Subject to the Federal Rules of Evidence (or or 2 6 any other applicable evidentiary rules), CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION may be sought to be 27 offered in evidence at trial or at any Court hearing. 28 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION at trial or at any Court hearing may do so only after taking 2265148_3 (9823-1) Page 4 of 13 Such party that seeks to offer 1 such steps as the Court, upon application of the Disclosing Party, shall deem necessary to 2 preserve the confidentiality of such Confidential Information. The parties shall redact Social 3 Security 4 INFORMATION at a deposition of any third party, at a hearing, as part of a court filing, or at 5 trial. 6 numbers 10. prior to presenting any document containing CONFIDENTIAL Prior to disclosing any CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION to any person listed 7 above (other than a party, counsel, persons employed by counsel, Court Personnel, and 8 stenographic reporters), counsel shall provide such person with a copy of this Protective Order 9 and obtain from such person a declaration (a "Declaration") in the form attached hereto as 10 Exhibit A, stating that such person has read this Protective Order and agrees to be bound by its 11 provisions. The Declarations shall be maintained by counsel authorizing the disclosure. The 12 Declarations of persons identified pursuant to Rule 26(a)(2) of the Federal Rules of Civil 13 Procedure may be inspected by counsel for any other party upon reasonable request. The 14 Declarations of all other persons may be inspected by counsel after the conclusion of the Action 15 ( settlement, summary judgment, trial, and/or all appeals). i.e., 16 1 1. Documents shall be designated as CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION by placing 17 or affixing on them (in a manner that will not interfere with their legibility and that does not 18 cover any text or content of a document) the following notice: "CONFIDENTIAL 19 INFORMATION PURSUANT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER," as applicable, on each and every 2 0 separate page or item of the CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION, regardless of form, or on the 21 f of any CD or DVD containing any CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION in electronic format. ace 22 Other 23 INFORMATION must also be marked accordingly to acquire protection under this Order. Any 24 party may designate as CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION any documents or information that 25 have been produced without such designation by the Disclosing Party by producing to all parties 2 6 copies of the documents or information with the foregoing legend or by separately identifying 27 such documents by document number or otherwise in a manner that reasonably identifies the 28 subject documents. produced 2265148_3(9823-1) documents that quote, summarize, or Page 5 of 13 contain CONFIDENTIAL 1 12. Documents shall be designated as ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 2 INFORMATION by placing or affixing on them (in a manner that will not interfere with their 3 legibility and that does not cover any text or content of a document) the following notice: 4 " ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION PURSUANT TO PROTECTIVE ORDER," as 5 applicable, on each and every separate page or item of the ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 6 INFORMATION, regardless of form, or on the face of any CD or DVD containing any 7 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION in electronic format. 8 documents that quote, summarize, or contain ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION 9 must also be marked accordingly to acquire protection under this Order. Any party may 10 designate as ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION any documents or information that 11 have been produced without such designation by the Disclosing Party by producing to all parties 12 copies of the documents or information with the foregoing legend or by separately identifying 13 such documents by document number or otherwise in a manner that reasonably identifies the 14 subject documents. 15 13. Whenever a deposition involves the disclosure Other produced of CONFIDENTIAL 16 INFORMATION or ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION, the deposition or portions 17 thereof shall be designated as CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or ATTORNEYS' EYES 18 ONLY INFORMATION and shall be subject to the provisions of this Protective Order. Such 19 designation shall be made on the record during the deposition whenever possible, but a party 2 0 may designate portions of depositions as CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or ATTORNEYS' 21 EYES ONLY INFORMATION after transcription, provided written notice of the designation is 22 promptly given to all counsel of record within twenty-one (21) days after notice by the court 23 reporter of the completion of the transcript. Unless other arrangements are agreed upon in 24 writing, the parties shall treat all depositions as containing ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 25 INFORMATION for twenty-one (21) days following notice by the court reporter of the 2 6 completion of the transcript. 27 28 14. No copies of CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION shall be made except by or on behalf of counsel for one of the parties in the Action for work product purposes or for review by 2265148_3(9823-1) Page 6 of 13 1 persons identified in Paragraph 7, or Paragraph 8 in the case of ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 2 INFORMATION, of this Protective Order, as applicable. Any such copies shall be made and 3 used solely for purposes ofthe Action. 4 15. 5 CHALLENGING CONFIDENTIALITY DESIGNATIONS a. Nothing in this Order shall prevent a Receiving Party from contending that 6 any documents or information designated as CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or 7 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION have been improperly designated. A 8 Receiving Party may at any time request that the Disclosing Party cancel or modify the 9 designation with respect to any document or information contained therein. 10 b. Timing of Challenges. A Party shall not be obligated to challenge the 11 propriety of a designation of any category of Protected Material at the time of production, 12 and a failure to do so shall not preclude a subsequent challenge thereto. Any party may 13 challenge a designation of confidentiality at any time ("Challenging Party"). Such a 14 challenge shall be written (including email), shall be served on counsel for the Disclosing 15 Party, and shall particularly identify the documents or information that the Challenging 16 Party contends should be differently designated. 17 c. Meet and Confer. The parties shall attempt to resolve each challenge in 18 good faith and shall use their best efforts to resolve promptly and informally such 19 disputes. A Challenging Party may proceed to the next stage of the challenge process 2 0 only if it has engaged in a meet and confer process first or establishes that the 21 Designating Party is unwilling to participate in the meet and confer process within five 22 ( business days of receipt of the Challenging Party's written challenge. 5) 23 d. Judicial Intervention. If the parties cannot resolve a challenge within five 24 ( business days after receipt of the Challenging Party's written challenge, the 5) 25 Challenging Party shall request, via motion under Local Civil Rule ("LCR") 7-2 (and in 2 6 compliance with LR IA 10-5, if applicable), that the Court cancel or modify a 27 designation. The burden of demonstrating the confidential nature of any information shall 28 at all times be and remain on the Disclosing Party. Until a determination by the Court, the 2265148_3(9823-1) Page 7 of 13 1 information in issue shall be treated as having been properly designated and subject to the 2 terms of this Order. 3 16. In the event the Court enters an Order Pursuant to Rule 502(d) of the Federal 4 Rules of Evidence (a "Rule 502(d) Order") in the Action, the Rule 502(d) Order shall govern and 5 supersede any inconsistent language or provisions in this Protective Order. 6 17. In the event the Disclosing Party discloses two or more identical copies of a 7 document of which at least one copy is designated CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or 8 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION,and at least one copy is not so designated, once 9 such discrepancy is actually discovered by the Receiving Party, all copies of the document shall 10 11 be treated as being subject to the most restrictive designation applicable to such document. 18. The parties agree that the designation of any document as CONFIDENTIAL 12 INFORMATION or ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION is not intended to be, and 13 shall not be construed as, an admission that the document is relevant, admissible, not subject to 14 an applicable privilege or protection, reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible 15 evidence, or any evidence that the content of such document constitutes confidential information. 16 19. Any documents designated as CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or 17 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION submitted to the Court, including those 18 documents used as exhibits to or incorporated in motions, briefs, memoranda, transcripts, or 19 testimony, or any other documents filed with the Court, shall be protected as follows: 2 0 a. Materials Filed. Any documents filed with or submitted to the Court that 21 constitute, contain, or reveal CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or ATTORNEYS' 22 EYES ONLY INFORMATION, shall be filed with the Court in compliance with LR IA 23 10-5. If a request to file CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or ATTORNEYS' EYES 24 ONLY INFORMATION under seal is denied or denied in part by the Court, then the 25 material may be filed in the public record as instructed by the Court. 2 6 b. Hearings and Trial. At any hearing before the Court, counsel shall in good 27 faith attempt to avoid inadvertently disclosing any CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 28 or ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION. If counsel believes it is necessary to 2265148_3(9823-1) Page 8 of 13 1 disclose said materials during a hearing or trial, such counsel shall first confer with 2 opposing counsel and request the Court's guidance as to an appropriate method to 3 preserve the confidentiality of such documents. 4 c. Appeal. In connection with any appeal in the Action, all documents 5 designated CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 6 INFORMATION shall be subject to the provisions of this Protective Order, and shall be 7 f iled with the appellate court as restricted documents and in accordance with the 8 applicable rules of those courts. 9 20. Nothing in this Protective Order shall preclude a party from seeking, by written 10 agreement of the signatories hereto or by Court Order, further, greater, or lesser protection with 11 respect to documents than is provided for in this Protective Order, or other modification of the 12 Protective Order. 13 21. This Protective Order may be applicable to documents provided by any non-party 14 f rom whom discovery is sought in the Action. Such non-party may obtain the protections of the 15 Protective Order by giving written notice to the parties that its provision of documents is subject 16 to the Protective Order. To the extent that any non-party produces documents in the Action that 17 contain confidential information of a party to this Action, that party may designate the 18 information 19 INFORMATION by providing written notice to all parties who received the documents within 2 0 twenty-one (21) days after the disclosure. Until the expiration of the twenty-one (21) day period, 21 all documents and information produced by a non-party shall be treated as CONFIDENTIAL 22 INFORMATION or ATTORNEYS'EYES ONLY INFORMATION. 23 22. CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Nothing in this Protective Order shall be construed as a waiver of a party's right 24 to object to any discovery request on any grounds or to object to the admission on any grounds of 25 any documents as evidence at any trial or hearing. Nothing contained herein shall constitute a 2 6 waiver by any party of the right to object to the designation of documents as CONFIDENTIAL 27 INFORMATION or ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION. 28 23. 2265148_3 (9823-1) Nothing in this Protective Order shall be construed to limit in any way a party's Page 9 of 13 1 2 use of its own CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION,including disclosure of such materials. 24. The inadvertent or unintentional disclosure of CONFIDENTIAL 3 INFORMATION to the Receiving Party shall not preclude the Disclosing Party from later 4 designating such information as CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or ATTORNEYS' EYES 5 ONLY INFORMATION. In the event that the Disclosing Party inadvertently fails to stamp or 6 otherwise to designate information as CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or ATTORNEYS' 7 EYES ONLY INFORMATION at the time of its disclosure, the Disclosing Party shall not be 8 deemed to have waived its right to stamp or otherwise to designate the information as 9 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or ATTORNEYS'EYES ONLY INFORMATION. 10 25. Within forty-nine (49) days from the conclusion of the Action (i.e., settlement, 11 summary judgment, trial, and/or all appeals), unless other arrangements are agreed upon in 12 writing, the Receiving Party and its counsel shall exercise their best efforts to ensure that all 13 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION in the 14 possession of the Receiving Party and counsel for the Receiving Party, and all copies thereof, 15 produced by the Disclosing Party or otherwise obtained from the Disclosing Party, shall be 16 promptly returned to the Disclosing Party, or, at the written request of the Disclosing Party, 17 destroyed, except such copies, summaries, and excerpts thereof as may be in the files of the 18 Court or incorporated as part of briefs, motions, or similar court papers, and except such 19 summaries or excerpts incorporated as part of work product prepared by counsel for a party to 2 0 the Action. Notwithstanding this provision, litigation counsel of record are not required to delete 21 information that may reside on their respective firm's electronic back-up systems that are over- 22 written in the normal course of business. 23 26. Nothing in this Order shall preclude any party, its attorneys, or any other person 24 f rom disclosing or using, in any manner or for any purpose, any information or documents 25 lawfully obtained from a third party having the right to disclose such infoimation and such 2 6 information is not otherwise protected from disclosure due to confidentiality, even though the 27 same information or documents may have been produced in discovery in the Action and 28 designated as CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 2265148_3(9823-1) Page 10 of 13 or ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 1 INFORMATION. 2 27. Nothing in this Order shall preclude any party to the lawsuit or its attorneys: 3 ( from showing a document designated as CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or a) 4 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION to an individual who either prepared or 5 reviewed the document prior to the filing of the Action, (b)from disclosing or using, in any 6 manner or for any purpose, any information or documents from the party's own files that the 7 party itself has designated as CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or ATTORNEYS' EYES 8 ONLY INFORMATION, or (c)from showing a party or a witness any document designated as 9 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION by that 10 party or witness. 11 28. The production of any document or materials, or the presentation of any 12 testimony, by the parties under this Protective Order shall be without prejudice to any subsequent 13 claim that such material is protected from discovery by reason of law, statute, or privilege. No 14 party shall assert in the Action or after the conclusion of the Action that the Disclosing Party has 15 waived any rights or privilege by producing CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or 16 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION in the course of the Action. Furthermore, no 17 party shall assert after the conclusion of the Action that production of CONFIDENTIAL 18 INFORMATION or ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION in the Action constitutes a 19 waiver of a party's right to assert the material is CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION or 2 0 ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION in any concurrent and/or subsequent litigation, 21 arbitration, or proceeding. 22 29. In the event that additional individuals or entities become parties to the Action, 23 such parties shall be required to agree in writing to the terms of this Protective Order prior to 2 4 receiving any CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION 25 INFORMATION,or any portion thereof. 2 6 30. or ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY Nothing in this Protective Order shall preclude any party from filing a motion 27 seeking further or different protection from the Court under Rule 26 of the Federal Rules of Civil 28 Procedure, or from filing a motion with respect to the manner in which CONFIDENTIAL 2265148_3(9823-1) Page 11 of 13 1 2 INFORMATION or ATTORNEYS'EYES ONLY INFORMATION shall be treated at trial. 31. This Protective Order may be modified by the Court at any time for good cause 3 shown following notice to all parties and an opportunity for them to be heard. Nothing in this 4 Order abridges the right of any person to seek its modification by the Court in the future. 5 DATED 10th day of January, 2017. 6 KOLE DATED 10th day of January, 2017. & LEATHAM MICHAEL R.MUSHKIN & ASSOCIATES P.C. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 By: SCOTT CooK,ESQ. Neva a Bar No. 005265 JONA AN D.BLUM,ESQ. Nevad Bar No. 009515 400 So th Rampart Boulevard, Suite 400 Las Vegas, Nevada 89145 -andSCOTT J. SLAVICK,ESQ. ( Bar No. 6256681) — Pro Hac Vice IL SHARON E. CALHOUN,ESQ. ( Bar No. 6294212)- Pro Hac Vice IL BARACK FERRAZZANO KIRSCHBAUM & NAGELBERG LLP 200 W. Madison Street, Suite 3900 Chicago, Illinois 60606 By:/s/ Mark Borghese, Esq. MICHAEL R. MUSHKIN,ESQ. Nevada Bar No. 002421 4475 S. Pecos Road Las Vegas, NV 89121 -andMark Borghese, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 006231 BORGHESE LEGAL,LTD. 10161 Park Run Drive, Suite 150 Las Vegas, Nevada 89145 Attorneysfor PlaintiffiCounterDefendant Boston Dental Group, LLC Attorneysfor Defendant/Counterclaimant A ffordable Care, LLC 17 ORDER 18 IT IS SO ORDERED. 19 2 0 UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE 21 22 DATED: 1/11/17 23 24 25 2 6 27 28 2265148_3(9823-1) Page 12 of 13 1 EXHIBIT A TO PROTECTIVE ORDER 2 3 4 DECLARATION I, , declare under penalty of perjury that the following is true and 5 correct: 6 I have read the Protective Order in Boston Dental Group, LLC v. Affordable Care, LLC, 2 :16-cv-01636-RFB-CWH, United States District Court for the District of Nevada. A copy of the Protective Order is attached to this Declaration. 7 8 I have been informed by ,counsel for all , that materials marked as "CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION" or "ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY 9 INFORMATION" that may be provided to me in connection with my role as a fact or an expert witness in this matter have been designated as "CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION" or 10 " ATTORNEYS'EYES ONLY INFORMATION" as defined in the Protective Order. 11 12 13 14 I promise that I have not divulged, and will not divulge or undertake to divulge, to any person or recording device, any "CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION" or "ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION" shown or told to me except as authorized in the Protective Order, so long as such "CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION" or "ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION" is subject to the Protective Order. I will not use the "CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION" or "ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION" for any purpose other than this litigation, so long as such "CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION" or "ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY INFORMATION" is subject to the Protective Order. 15 16 17 For the purpose of enforcing the terms of the Protective Order, I hereby submit myself to the jurisdiction of the court in the civil action referenced above. I will abide by the terms of the Protective Order. 18 [ Name] Address: 19 2 0 Telephone No.: Email Address: 21 22 23 24 25 2 6 2 7 28 2265148_3 (9823-1) Page 13 of 13

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