Bobo v. Clark County Collection Service, LLC

Filing 38

STIPULATED PROTECTIVE ORDER, Granting, as modified, 37 Stipulation re Protective Order. Signed by Magistrate Judge Carl W. Hoffman on 6/26/17. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MMM)

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Case 2:16-cv-02911-APG-CWH Document 37 Filed 06/23/17 Page 1 of 11 1 Patrick J. Reilly, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 6103 2 Susan M. Schwartz, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 14270 3 HOLLAND & HART LLP 9555 Hillwood Drive, 2nd Floor 4 Las Vegas, NV 89134 Phone: (702) 222-2542 5 Fax: (702) 669-4650 Email: 6 7 Attorneys for Clark County Collection Service, LLC 8 9 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 10 DISTRICT OF NEVADA 11 JAMILAH BOBO, HOLLAND & HART LLP 9555 Hillwood Drive, 2nd Floor Las Vegas, NV 89134 12 Case No.: 2:16-cv-02911-APG-CWH Plaintiff, STIPULATED CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER v. 13 CLARK COUNTY COLLECTION 14 SERVICE, LLC, 15 Defendant. 16 17 18 19 20 STIPULATED CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER Claimant Jamilah Bobo (“Bobo”) and Defendant Clark County Collection Service, LLC (“CCCS”) hereby stipulate and agree as follows: 1. Confidential Information. In providing or revealing discovery materials, any 21 party may designate as “CONFIDENTIAL” the whole or any part of discovery material which 22 constitutes trade secrets, know-how, proprietary data, marketing information, contracts, 23 financial information, and/or similar commercially sensitive business information or data 24 which the designating party in good faith believes in fact is confidential or that unprotected 25 disclosure might result in economic or competitive injury, and which is not publicly known and 26 cannot be ascertained from an inspection of publicly available documents, materials, or 27 devices. A party may also designate as “CONFIDENTIAL” compilations of publicly available 28 Page 1 of 11 9899963_1 Case 2:16-cv-02911-APG-CWH Document 37 Filed 06/23/17 Page 2 of 11 1 discovery materials, which would not be known publicly in a compiled form. A party may add 2 as “CONFIDENTIAL” any documents containing personal information, such as phone 3 numbers, addresses and social security numbers. 4 2. Designation of Confidential Information. If a party (the “Producing Party”) 5 in this action determines that any of its documents or things or responses produced in the 6 course of discovery in this action should be designated as provided in Paragraph 1 and, 7 therefore constitute “Confidential Information,” it shall advise the other party (“Receiving 8 Party”) who had received such Confidential Information of this fact, and all copies of such 9 document or things or responses or portions thereof deemed to be confidential shall be marked 10 “CONFIDENTIAL” at the expense of the Producing Party and treated as confidential by all 11 parties. HOLLAND & HART LLP 9555 Hillwood Drive, 2nd Floor Las Vegas, NV 89134 12 3. Designation of Highly Confidential Information. A Producing Party may 13 designate as “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” documents, items 14 or information that the party believes in good faith contains material constituting a trade secret, 15 or confidential research, development, personal, commercial, or financial information, the 16 disclosure of which is reasonably likely to result in detriment to the Producing Party or the 17 subject of the information disclosed. 18 “CONFIDENTIAL” is later desired by a party to come within the “HIGHLY 19 CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” category, that party may so designate the 20 information by notice to all parties. 21 4. In the event that information designated as Use of Confidential Information and Highly Confidential Information. All 22 Confidential Information and Highly Confidential Information designated or marked as 23 provided shall be used by the Receiving Party solely for the purposes of this lawsuit, and shall 24 not be disclosed to anyone other than those persons identified herein in Paragraph 6 for 25 Confidential Information and in Paragraph 7 for Highly Confidential Information, and shall be 26 handled in this manner until such designation is removed by the Producing Party or by order of 27 the Court or Arbitrator, as applicable. Such Confidential Information shall not be used by any 28 Page 2 of 11 9899963_1 Case 2:16-cv-02911-APG-CWH Document 37 Filed 06/23/17 Page 3 of 11 1 Receiving Party or other person granted access under this Stipulated Confidentiality 2 Agreement and Protective Order (“Protective Order” or “Order”) for any purpose, including, 3 but not limited to, a business or competitive purpose. Nothing shall preclude the Producing 4 Party from using its own Confidential Information or giving others to use their Confidential 5 Documents. Documents, deposition testimony, or answers to interrogatories stamped “Confidential” 7 or “Highly Confidential,” or copies or extracts therefrom, and compilations and summaries 8 thereof, and the information therein, may be given, shown, made available to, or 9 communicated in any way only to those parties or other persons who agree in advance to abide 10 by this Protective Order and to whom it is necessary that the material be shown for purposes of 11 this litigation. Once the Order is entered by the Court, the producing party shall have thirty 12 HOLLAND & HART LLP 9555 Hillwood Drive, 2nd Floor Las Vegas, NV 89134 6 (30) days to designate as Confidential or Highly Confidential any documents previously 13 produced, which it can do by stamping “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ 14 Eyes Only” on the document, or informing the other parties of the bates-numbers of the 15 documents it wants to designate confidential. 16 5. Use of Confidential Information and Highly Confidential Information in 17 Depositions. 18 depositions, provided that no third parties are present during such depositions. Counsel for any 19 party shall have the right to use Highly Confidential Information during depositions, provided 20 that no party or any third party to whom such Highly Confidential Information is not permitted 21 to be disclosed herein is present during such depositions. At any deposition session, upon 22 inquiry with regard to the content of a document marked “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY 23 CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” whenever counsel for a party deems that 24 the answer to the question may result in the disclosure of Confidential Information or Highly 25 Confidential Information, or whenever counsel for a party deems that the answer to any 26 question has resulted in the disclosure of Confidential Information or Highly Confidential 27 Information, the deposition (or portions) may be designated by the affected party as containing Any party shall have the right to use Confidential Information during 28 Page 3 of 11 9899963_1 Case 2:16-cv-02911-APG-CWH Document 37 Filed 06/23/17 Page 4 of 11 1 Confidential Information or Highly Confidential Information subject to the provisions of this 2 Order. 3 testimony shall be disclosed only to those parties described in Paragraph 6 for Confidential 4 Information and in Paragraph 7 for Highly Confidential Information, and the information 5 contained shall be used only as specified in this Protective Order. When such designation has been made, the testimony or the transcript of such Counsel for the person whose Confidential Information or Highly Confidential 7 Information is involved may also request that all persons not qualified under Paragraph 6 or 8 Paragraph 7 of this Protective Order to have access to the Confidential Information or Highly 9 Confidential Information leave the deposition room during the confidential portion of the 10 deposition. Failure of such other persons to comply with a request to leave the deposition shall 11 constitute substantial justification for counsel to advise the witness that the witness need not 12 HOLLAND & HART LLP 9555 Hillwood Drive, 2nd Floor Las Vegas, NV 89134 6 answer the question seeking the revelation of Confidential Information or Highly Confidential 13 Information. 14 Confidential Information or Highly Confidential Information shall be prominently marked 15 “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” on the 16 cover thereof and, if and when filed with the Court, the portions of such transcript so 17 designated shall be filed under seal. Counsel must designate portions of a deposition transcript 18 as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” 19 within thirty (30) days of receiving the transcript. Designations may be made by letter to 20 counsel of record or on the record during the deposition. Portions of deposition transcripts so 21 designated shall be treated as Confidential Information by the parties as set forth herein. 22 During the thirty (30) day period, the entire transcript shall be treated as Confidential 23 Information (or Highly Confidential Information if any document marked as Highly 24 Confidential was used or if counsel indicates that any response to a question contained Highly 25 Confidential Information during such deposition). If no confidential designations are made 26 within the thirty (30) day period, the entire transcript shall be considered non-confidential. Moreover, all originals and copies of deposition transcripts that contain 27 28 Page 4 of 11 9899963_1 Case 2:16-cv-02911-APG-CWH Document 37 Filed 06/23/17 Page 5 of 11 1 6. Disclosure of Confidential Information. Confidential Information produced 2 pursuant to this Order may be disclosed or made available only to the Court, and to the persons 3 designated below: 4 a. Retained counsel and in-house counsel for a party (including attorneys 5 associated with the law firm of counsel, the paralegal, clerical, and secretarial 6 staff employed by such counsel, and any data processing personnel retained by 7 such counsel to assist in these proceedings); 8 b. 9 10 A party, or officers, directors, and employees of a party deemed necessary by counsel to aid in the prosecution, defense, or settlement of this action; c. 11 Outside experts or consultants (together with their clerical staff) retained by such counsel to assist in the prosecution, defense, or settlement of this action; HOLLAND & HART LLP 9555 Hillwood Drive, 2nd Floor Las Vegas, NV 89134 12 d. Court reporter(s) and videographers(s) employed in this action; and 13 e. Any other person as to whom the parties in writing agree or that the Court in 14 these proceedings designates. 15 Any person to whom Confidential Information, is disclosed pursuant to subparts (a), 16 (b), (c), (d) or (e) of this Paragraph 6 shall be advised that the Confidential Information is being 17 disclosed pursuant to an Order of the Court that the information may not be disclosed by such 18 person to any person not permitted to have access to the Confidential Information pursuant to 19 this Protective Order, and that any violation of this Protective Order may result in the 20 imposition of such sanctions as the Court or Arbitrator, as applicable, deems proper. Any 21 person to whom Confidential Information is disclosed pursuant to subpart (c) of Paragraph 6 22 shall also be required to execute a copy of the form Attachment A. 23 7. Disclosure of Highly Confidential Information. “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL 24 – ATTORNEYS’ EYES ONLY” documents and information may be used only in connection 25 with this case and may be disclosed only to the following and only to the extent reasonably 26 necessary to the conduct of this case: 27 28 Page 5 of 11 9899963_1 Case 2:16-cv-02911-APG-CWH Document 37 Filed 06/23/17 Page 6 of 11 1 a. outside counsel for the parties who are actively engaged in the conduct of this 2 case; the partners, associates, secretaries, legal assistants, and employees of 3 such attorneys to the extent reasonably necessary to render professional 4 services; and officials of the Court or Arbitrator, as applicable (including court 5 reporters or persons operating video recording equipment at depositions); 6 b. 7 any person designated by the Court, in the interest of justice, upon such terms as the Court may deem proper; 8 c. 9 witnesses who either authored or were sent the highly confidential information contained in such documents, as evidenced on the face of the document; 10 d. any person who is not an employee or business consultant of a party and who is retained by a party or its attorneys of record in this litigation solely as an 12 HOLLAND & HART LLP 9555 Hillwood Drive, 2nd Floor Las Vegas, NV 89134 11 independent expert for the purpose of this litigation and who agrees in writing to 13 be bound by the terms of this Protective Order; 14 e. 15 any data processing personnel retained by counsel for a party to assist in these proceedings; and 16 f. 17 Any person that the parties agree to in writing prior to any disclosure of the Protected Material to that person. 18 Any person to whom Highly Confidential Information is disclosed pursuant to subpart 19 (d) or (e) of this Paragraph 7 shall also be required to execute a copy of the form Attachment 20 A. 21 8. Filing of Confidential Information or Highly Confidential Information 22 With Court. 23 Confidential Information with the Court, including transcripts of depositions or portions 24 thereof, documents produced in discovery, information obtained from inspection of premises or 25 things, and answers to interrogatories or requests for admissions, exhibits and all other 26 documents which have previous thereto been designated as containing Confidential 27 Information or Highly Confidential Information or any pleading or memorandum reproducing Any party seeking to file or disclose Confidential Information or Highly 28 Page 6 of 11 9899963_1 Case 2:16-cv-02911-APG-CWH Document 37 Filed 06/23/17 Page 7 of 11 1 or containing such information, may do so only by first filing a written motion in accordance 2 with Rule 3 of the Nevada Rules for Sealing and Redacting Court Records. Local Rule IA 10-5. 3 9. Application to Third Parties. This Protective Order shall inure to the benefit 4 of and may be invoked and enforced by third parties with respect to documents and 5 information produced by them in the course of pretrial discovery in this action and designated 6 by them as “CONFIDENTIAL” or “HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL – ATTORNEYS’ EYES 7 ONLY” in the manner provided herein. Any third party invoking the Protective Order shall 8 comply with, and be subject to, all other applicable paragraphs of the Stipulation and 9 Protective Order. 10 10. Knowledge of Unauthorized Use or Possession. The Receiving Party shall immediately notify the Producing Party in writing if the Receiving Party learns of any 12 HOLLAND & HART LLP 9555 Hillwood Drive, 2nd Floor Las Vegas, NV 89134 11 unauthorized possession, knowledge, use or disclosure of any Confidential Information or 13 Highly Confidential Information which has occurred by way of Confidential Information or 14 Highly Confidential Information provided to that Receiving Party. The Receiving Party shall 15 promptly furnish the Producing Party the full details of such possession, knowledge, use or 16 disclosure. With respect to such unauthorized possession, knowledge, use or disclosure the 17 Receiving Party shall assist the Producing Party in preventing its recurrence. 18 11. Copies, Summaries or Abstracts. Any copies, summaries, abstracts or exact 19 duplications of Confidential Information or Highly Confidential Information shall be marked 20 “Confidential” or “Highly Confidential – Attorneys’ Eyes Only” and shall be considered 21 Confidential Information or Highly Confidential Information subject to the terms and 22 conditions of this Order. Attorney-client communications and attorney work product regarding 23 Confidential Information or Highly Confidential Information shall not be subject to this 24 paragraph, regardless of whether they summarize, abstract, paraphrase, or otherwise reflect 25 Confidential Information or Highly Confidential Information. 26 27 12. Information Not Confidential. The restrictions set forth in this Order shall not be construed: 28 Page 7 of 11 9899963_1 Case 2:16-cv-02911-APG-CWH Document 37 Filed 06/23/17 Page 8 of 11 1 a. To apply to any party’s use of Confidential Information or Highly Confidential 2 Information produced or created by that party; or 3 b. To apply to information obtained by a party from any non-party to this litigation 4 having the right to disclose such information subsequent to the production of 5 information by the designating party; or 6 c. To apply to information or other materials that have been or become part of the 7 public domain by publication or otherwise and not due to any unauthorized act 8 or omission on the part of a Receiving Party; or 9 d. To apply to information or other materials that, under law, have been declared 10 11 to be in the public domain. 13. Challenges to Designations. If at the time during the preparation for trial or HOLLAND & HART LLP 9555 Hillwood Drive, 2nd Floor Las Vegas, NV 89134 12 during the trial of this action, counsel for any party claims that counsel for any other party or 13 nonparty has unreasonably designated certain information as Confidential Information or 14 Highly Confidential Information, or believes that it is necessary to disclose designated 15 information to persons other than those permitted by this Order, the objecting counsel may 16 make an appropriate application to this Court or Arbitrator, as applicable, requesting that the 17 specific documents, information, and/or deposition testimony be excluded from the provisions 18 of this Order or be available to specified other persons. The party claiming confidentiality 19 shall have the initial burden of establishing confidentiality. 20 14. Use in Court. In the event that any Confidential Information or Highly 21 Confidential Information is used in any pretrial Court proceeding in this action, it shall not lose 22 its confidential status through such use, and the party using such shall take all reasonable steps 23 to maintain its confidentiality during such use, including without limitation, requesting that the 24 Court seal or redact any transcript with respect to such proceeding. Nothing in this Protective 25 Order, or designations of confidentiality hereunder, shall in any way affect the treatment of 26 Confidential Information or Highly Confidential Information at the trial of this action. Within 27 thirty (30) days after the conclusion of discovery, the parties shall confer, and if necessary, 28 Page 8 of 11 9899963_1 Case 2:16-cv-02911-APG-CWH Document 37 Filed 06/23/17 Page 9 of 11 1 submit appropriate motions to the Court setting forth their positions as to the treatment at trial 2 of Confidential Information. 3 15. No Waiver Re: Confidential Nature of Information. This Order is entered solely for the purpose of facilitating the exchange of documents and information among the 5 parties to this action without involving the Court unnecessarily in the process. Nothing in this 6 Order nor the production of any information or document under the terms of this Order, nor 7 any proceedings pursuant to this Order shall be deemed (i) to have the effect of an admission or 8 a waiver by either party of the confidentiality or non-confidentiality of any materials, (ii) to 9 alter the confidentiality or the non-confidentiality of any such document or information, (iii) to 10 alter any existing obligation of any party or the absence thereof, or (iv) to affect in any way the 11 authenticity or admissibility of any document, testimony or other evidence at trial. Entry of 12 HOLLAND & HART LLP 9555 Hillwood Drive, 2nd Floor Las Vegas, NV 89134 4 this Order does not preclude any party from seeking or opposing additional protection for 13 particular information 14 16. Inadvertent Failure to Designate. The inadvertent failure of a Producing 15 Party to designate discovery materials as Confidential Information or Highly Confidential 16 Information as such (whether in the form of documents, interrogatories, testimony or 17 otherwise) shall not be deemed, by itself, to be a waiver of the party's or non-party's right to so 18 designate such discovery materials as Confidential Information or Highly Confidential 19 Information. Immediately upon learning of any such inadvertent failure, the Producing Party 20 shall notify all receiving parties of such inadvertent failure and take such other steps as 21 necessary to correct such failure after becoming aware of it. Disclosure by a Receiving Party 22 of such discovery materials to any other person prior to later designation of the discovery 23 materials in accordance with this paragraph shall not violate the terms of this Protective Order. 24 However, immediately upon being notified by a Producing Party of an inadvertent failure to 25 designate, the Receiving Party shall treat such information as though properly disclosed and 26 take any actions necessary to prevent any unauthorized disclosure. 27 28 Page 9 of 11 9899963_1 Case 2:16-cv-02911-APG-CWH Document 37 Filed 06/23/17 Page 10 of 11 1 17. No Waiver of Privilege. This Order will not prejudice the right of any party or 2 nonparty to oppose production of any information on the ground of attorney-client privilege, 3 work product privilege or any other privilege or protection provided under the law. 4 18. Return or Destruction of Information. Within thirty (30) days after the conclusion of this action, including any appeal thereof, or the conclusion of any other legal 6 proceeding (including arbitration proceedings) between any or all of the parties to this lawsuit, 7 all documents and things, including transcripts of depositions (or appropriate portions of such 8 transcripts), together with all copies thereof, which have been designated as Confidential 9 Information or Highly Confidential Information, shall be returned to the Producing Party. In 10 lieu of returning such designated materials as provided above, counsel for the Receiving Party 11 may certify in writing to counsel for the designating party that the materials have been 12 HOLLAND & HART LLP 9555 Hillwood Drive, 2nd Floor Las Vegas, NV 89134 5 destroyed. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph, counsel for the parties may keep 13 a full and complete record of all documents generated as a result of this litigation, including 14 handwritten notes, correspondence, e-mails, deposition and court transcripts, pleadings and 15 documents. 16 19. Injunctive Relief Available. Each party acknowledges that monetary remedies 17 are inadequate to protect each party in the case of unauthorized disclosure or use of 18 Confidential Information or Highly Confidential Information and that injunctive relief shall be 19 appropriate to protect each party’s rights in the event there is any such unauthorized disclosure 20 or use of Confidential Information or Highly Confidential Information. 21 20. Other Actions and Proceedings. Except as set forth herein, under no 22 circumstances is Confidential Information or Highly Confidential Information to be used for 23 any other purpose outside of this action, including but not limited to use in any other action or 24 proceeding, whether in litigation or pre-litigation, arbitration or another form of alternative 25 dispute resolution, regulatory proceedings, settlement discussions, or otherwise. If a Receiving 26 Party (a) is subpoenaed in another action or proceeding, (b) is served with a demand in another 27 action or proceeding in which it is a party, or (c) is served with any legal process by one not a 28 Page 10 of 11 9899963_1 Case 2:16-cv-02911-APG-CWH Document 37 Filed 06/23/17 Page 11 of 11 party to this Protective Order, seeking discovery materials which were produced or designated 2 as Confidential pursuant to this Protective Order, the Receiving Party shall give prompt actual 3 written notice by hand or facsimile transmission to counsel of record for such Producing Party 4 within five (5) business days of receipt of such subpoena, demand or legal process or such 5 shorter notice as may be required to provide the Producing Party with the opportunity to object 6 to the immediate production of the requested discovery materials to the extent permitted by 7 law. Should the person seeking access to the Confidential Information or Highly Confidential 8 Information take action against the Receiving Party or anyone else covered by this Protective 9 Order to enforce such a subpoena, demand or other legal process, the Receiving Party shall 10 respond to the extent permissible under applicable law by setting forth the existence of this 11 Protective Order. 12 HOLLAND & HART LLP 9555 Hillwood Drive, 2nd Floor Las Vegas, NV 89134 1 21. Order Survives Termination. This Protective Order shall survive the 13 termination of this action, and the Court or Arbitrator, as applicable, shall retain jurisdiction to 14 resolve any dispute concerning the use of information disclosed hereunder. 15 16 17 18 19 DATED this 23rd day of June, 2017. DATED this 23rd day of June, 2017. /s/ Michael Kind Michael Kind, Esq. KAZEROUNI LAW GROUP, APC 7854 W. Sahara Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89117 /s/ Patrick J. Reilly Patrick J. Reilly, Esq. Susan M. Schwartz, Esq. Holland & Hart LLP 9555 Hillwood Drive, Second Floor Las Vegas, Nevada 89134 20 21 Attorneys for Jamilah Bobo 22 Attorneys for Clark County Collection Service, LLC 23 PROTECTIVE ORDER 24 IT IS SO ORDERED, subject to the court's modification to IT IS SO ORDERED. paragraph 8. 25 ______________________________________ UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE MAGISTRATE 26 27 June 26, 2017 DATED: ______________________________ 28 Page 11 of 11 9899963_1

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