Board of Trustees of the Plumbers and Pipefitters Union Local 525 Pension Plan v. Blevins et al

Filing 28

ORDER Granting 27 Stipulation to File Plaintiff's First Amended Complaint to Add Additional Party is Granted. Signed by Judge Richard F. Boulware, II on 10/2/17. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - ADR)

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6 Adam P. Segal, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 6120 Bryce C. Loveland, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 10132 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER SCHRECK, LLP 100 North City Parkway, Suite 1600 Las Vegas, Nevada 89106-4614 Telephone: 702.382.2101 Facsimile: 702.382.8135 Email: Email: 7 Attorneys for Plaintiff 1 2 3 4 5 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 DISTRICT OF NEVADA 11 100 NORTH CITY PARKWAY, SUITE 1600 LAS VEGAS, NV 89106 (702) 382-2101 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER SCHRECK, LLP 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 CASE NO.: 2:17-cv-01223-RFB-NJK BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE PLUMBERS AND PIPEFITTERS UNION LOCAL 525 PENSION PLAN, Plaintiff, v. TAMARA L. BLEVINS, as an individual; TAMARA L. BLEVINS, as the CourtAppointed Personal Representative of the Estate of Lawrence R. Brosi; ZENITH AMERICAN SOLUTIONS, INC., a Maryland corporation; 18 STIPULATION AND ORDER TO FILE FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT TO ADD ADDITIONAL PARTY FIRST REQUEST Defendants. 19 Plaintiff, Board of Trustees of the Plumbers and Pipefitters Union Local 525 Pension Plan, 20 by and through its counsel of records, Bryce C. Loveland, Esq., of the law firm of Brownstein 21 Hyatt Farber Schreck LLP, and Defendant, American Solutions, Inc., by and through its counsel 22 of record, Susan L. Meter, Esq. and Craig J. Mariam, Esq., of the law firm of Gordon & Rees, 23 LLP, hereby stipulate and agree to the filing of a First Amended Complaint which adds an 24 additional party. The proposed First Amended Complaint is attached hereto as Exhibit 1. 25 The Discovery Plan and Scheduling Order was entered by the Court on August 9, 2017, 26 (ECF No. 22) and the deadline for amending the pleadings and adding parties was September 19, 27 2017. 28 15999864 1 1 2 3 4 5 The Plaintiff’s counsel understands this request comes eleven (11) days after the deadline and assures the Court this request is not sought for any improper purpose or delay. The delay was caused by difficulty in obtaining legible copies of the front and back of checks from the bank on which they were drawn on in order to evaluate and confirm the necessity of filing an amended complaint against the additional party. 6 7 8 9 11 100 NORTH CITY PARKWAY, SUITE 1600 LAS VEGAS, NV 89106 (702) 382-2101 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER SCHRECK, LLP 10 12 13 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER SCHRECK, LLP GORDON & REES LLP /s/ Bryce C. Loveland Adam P. Segal, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 6120 Bryce C. Loveland, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 10132 100 North City Parkway, Suite 1600 Las Vegas, Nevada 89106-4614 Telephone: (702) 382-2101 Facsimile: (702) 382-8135 Email: /s/ Susan L. Meter Craig J. Mariam, Esq., Nevada Bar No. 10926 300 South Fourth Street, Suite 1550 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Telephone: (702) 577-9300 Facsimile: (702) 255-2858 Email: Attorneys for Plaintiff Attorneys for Defendant, Zenith American Solutions, Inc. Dated: September 29, 2017. Dated: September 29, 2017. Susan L. Meter, Esq. Gordon & Rees LLP 633 West Fifth Street, 52nd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071 Telephone: (213-576-5000 Email: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 ORDER 21 IT IS SO ORDERED that the Stipulation and Order to File Plaintiff’s First 22 23 Amended Complaint to Add Additional Party is granted. 24 ________________________________________________ UNITED STATES DISTRICT/MAGISTRATE JUDGE 25 26 CASE NO. 2:17-cv-01223-RFB-NJK 2nd day of October, 2017. DATED: _______________________________________ 27 28 15999864 2 EXHIBIT 1 6 Adam P. Segal, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 6120 Bryce C. Loveland, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 10132 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER SCHRECK, LLP 100 North City Parkway, Suite 1600 Las Vegas, Nevada 89106-4614 Telephone: 702.382.2101 Facsimile: 702.382.8135 Email: Email: 7 Attorneys for Plaintiff 1 2 3 4 5 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 9 DISTRICT OF NEVADA 11 100 NORTH CITY PARKWAY, SUITE 1600 LAS VEGAS, NV 89106 (702) 382-2101 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER SCHRECK, LLP 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Plaintiff, TAMARA L. BLEVINS, as an individual; TAMARA L. BLEVINS, as the CourtAppointed Personal Representative of the Estate of Lawrence R. Brosi; ZENITH AMERICAN SOLUTIONS, INC., a Maryland corporation; THE PEOPLES STATE BANK, an Indiana corporation Defendants. 20 Plaintiff alleges as follows: 21 JURISDICTION AND VENUE 22 1. 2. The Court has supplemental jurisdiction over the state law claim in this Complaint pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1367. 26 27 This action arises under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (“ERISA”), 29 U.S.C. §§ 1132(a)(3) and 1132(e)(1). 24 25 FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT v. 19 23 CASE NO.: 2:17-cv-01223-RFB-NJK BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE PLUMBERS AND PIPEFITTERS UNION LOCAL 525 PENSION PLAN, 3. Venue is proper under 29 U.S.C. § 1132(e)(2) because the Plaintiff is administered in Clark County, Nevada. 28 15999611 1 1 PARTIES 2 3 4. Pension Plan (the “Trust”), a defined benefit pension plan. 4 5. 9 7. District Court of Clark County, Nevada as the personal representative of the Estate of Lawrence R. Brosi on or around October 24, 2014. 8. On information and belief, Tamara L. Blevins is Mr. Brosi’s niece. 9. 12 13 Zenith American Solutions, Inc., is a Maryland corporation licensed to do business in Nevada, and was a third party administrator for the Trust until January 1, 2016. 14 10. 15 11. 13. 14. Mr. Brosi died on September 28, 2014. 15. 22 Zenith continued to send Trust checks (the “Trust Checks”) to Mr. Brosi’s address and made payable to Mr. Brosi after he died, which were cashed or deposited by Tamara Blevins. 24 26 Mr. Brosi’s pension benefit provided that Dorothy White, as Mr. Brosi’s named beneficiary, would continue to receive benefit payments for 12 months after Mr. Brosi’s death. 21 25 Mr. Brosi retired, effective April 1, 2007, and upon retirement, elected a normal pension. 19 23 At all relevant times, Lawrence R. Brosi was a participant in the Trust. 12. 17 20 The Peoples State Bank (“PSB”) is an Indiana for-profit corporation. FACTUAL BACKGROUND 16 18 Defendant Tamara L. Blevins, as the court-appointed personal representative of the Estate of Lawrence R. Brosi (the “Estate”) was, on information and belief, appointed by the 11 100 NORTH CITY PARKWAY, SUITE 1600 LAS VEGAS, NV 89106 (702) 382-2101 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER SCHRECK, LLP 10 Defendant Tamara L. Blevins is an individual, who, based on information and belief, is a resident of the State of Indiana. 7 8 The Board of Trustees are fiduciaries of the Trust for purposes of ERISA. 6. 5 6 Plaintiff is the Board of Trustees of the Plumbers and Pipefitters Union Local 525 16. Zenith sent an annual pension verification form to Mr. Brosi on February 1, 2015, which was returned to Zenith by the post office with an Indiana forwarding address on February 10, 2015. 27 28 15999611 2 1 2 3 17. Indiana address, but failed to resend the verification form and Ms. Blevins continued to cash the checks made payable to Mr. Brosi. 4 5 18. 19. 21. 100 NORTH CITY PARKWAY, SUITE 1600 LAS VEGAS, NV 89106 (702) 382-2101 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER SCHRECK, LLP for their own benefit. 24. 26. 27. 28. On each occasion, PSB deposited or cashed the Trust Check amount without an endorsement by the payee, without any endorsement that even purported to be by the named payee, or without any endorsement at all, violating the most basic tenet of negotiable instrument law—a check must bear the endorsement of the named payee. 25 26 Some of the Trust Checks cashed by Ms. Blevins at PSB contained no endorsement. 21 24 The bulk of the Trust Checks cashed by Ms. Blevins at PSB contained the unauthorized signature of Tamara Blevins. 19 23 None of the Trust Checks cashed or deposited at PSB by Ms. Blevins contained an authentic endorsement or signature of the payee, Mr. Brosi. 17 22 Tamara Blevins cashed or deposited the Trust Checks at PSB, totaling $98,304.48. 25. 15 20 On information and belief, Ms. Blevins cashed and/or deposited the $123,155.29 in Trust payments made payable to Mr. Brosi into her own account and into the Estate’s account, 14 18 In total, $123,155.29 was paid by the Trust to Mr. Brosi after his death. 23. 11 BeneSys stopped payment to Mr. Brosi in August 2016. 22. 10 16 On June 1, 2016, BeneSys sent a second verification form, which Ms. Blevins responded to as if she were the pensioner and/or beneficiary. 9 13 On April 4, 2016, BeneSys sent a verification form to Mr. Brosi, with no response. 20. 7 12 On January 1, 2016, Zenith was replaced as the Trust’s third party administrator by BeneSys, Inc. (“BeneSys”). 6 8 Zenith continued to send Trust checks made payable to Mr. Brosi to the new 29. As the drawee bank, PSB was in the position to verify Ms. Blevins’s identity and authority to cash or deposit the Trust Checks. 27 30. Section 7.10 of the Trust’s Plan states: 28 15999611 3 If any recipient (including a Participant, Spouse, Beneficiary or any other person) receives a payment to which he is not entitled under the terms of the Plan, either because of failure to retire, an error in computing the benefits payable hereunder or any other reason, the amount of the improper payment shall be an obligation of the recipient to the Plan, and, notwithstanding any other provisions hereof, may be recovered by the Plan through deductions from any future benefits payable to the recipient or any surviving beneficiary, or any other method as determined by the Trustees or their delegate, and in accordance with any rules or regulations adopted by the Plan. The Plan shall be entitled to an award of attorneys’ fees and costs in any action to recover such erroneous payments, as well as prejudgment and postjudgment interest computed at the Plan’s delinquent contribution interest rate, not the statutory rate. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 31. 8 9 11 100 NORTH CITY PARKWAY, SUITE 1600 LAS VEGAS, NV 89106 (702) 382-2101 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER SCHRECK, LLP 10 Administrative Service Agreement with Zenith, which required it to provide day-to-day general administrative services to the Trust, including administration of the Trust’s Plan provisions in exchange for a monthly fee (the “Agreement”). 32. 12 13 33. 18 19 34. 22 ERISA as to such actions or conduct, and have the obligations and responsibilities of such a fiduciary. 35. financially responsible for overpayments and obligated to repay the Trust all such overpayments. 36. 37. Zenith failed to follow-up on Mr. Brosi’s annual verification when he did not respond in early 2015. 38. 27 28 The Trust’s Plan requires pensioners to complete the Plan’s annual eligibility verification form. 25 26 The Agreement states that Zenith is liable to the Trust for any acts or omissions which are not in compliance with the Agreement or the Trust’s Plan provisions, that Zenith is 23 24 The Agreement also stated that to the extent Zenith’s actions or conduct were actions or conduct of a fiduciary under ERISA, Zenith will be deemed to be a fiduciary under 20 21 The Agreement also required Zenith to implement and monitor administrative processes and procedures to prevent fraud and abuse. 16 17 The Agreement also required Zenith to use competent and diligent efforts to accurately maintain, update and keep current individual files for retirees. 14 15 At all times relevant to this matter until January 1, 2016, the Trust had an The Trust has made multiple requests to Zenith, the Estate and Ms. Blevins to repay the Trust. 15999611 4 1 39. 40. 4 was not eligible for that benefit, Ms. Blevins has violated the terms of the Trust’s Plan. 7 43. 45. The Trust Plan’s delinquent contribution interest rate is 14% per year. 47. 12 The Estate has wrongfully retained amounts erroneously paid by the Trust. 46. 11 100 NORTH CITY PARKWAY, SUITE 1600 LAS VEGAS, NV 89106 (702) 382-2101 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER SCHRECK, LLP In accepting and refusing to repay the benefit erroneously paid when, in fact, it was not eligible for that benefit, the Estate has violated the terms of the Trust’s Plan. 10 13 Ms. Blevins has wrongfully retained amounts erroneously paid by the Trust. 44. 8 9 In accepting and refusing to repay the benefit erroneously paid when, in fact, she Trust. 5 6 Zenith has not repaid the Trust for the erroneous payments it made on behalf of the 42. 3 The Estate has not repaid the Trust for payments it received. 41. 2 Ms. Blevins has not repaid the Trust for the payments she received. The Trust has incurred and continues to incur attorneys’ fees and costs to recover the overpayments. 14 FIRST CAUSE OF ACTION 15 Against Ms. Blevins Only - (ERISA § 502(a)(3) – Unjust Enrichment) 16 48. 49. 17 18 50. 23 51. Pursuant to ERISA § 502(a)(3), 29 U.S.C. § 1132(a)(3), the Trust is entitled to equitable relief to enforce the terms of the Plan. In particular, under the Plan, the Trustees are entitled to recover the overpayments. 24 52. The Plan assets constituting the overpayments are specifically identifiable. 54. 26 The overpayments create an unjust enrichment for Ms. Blevins. 53. 25 27 On information and belief, Ms. Blevins cashed and/or deposited the overpayments made payable to Mr. Brosi into her own account. 21 22 By continuing to pay Mr. Brosi’s pension benefit after his death, the Trust overpaid his pension by $123,155.29. 19 20 Paragraphs 1 through 47 are incorporated by reference as though fully stated here. Ms. Blevins has retained the overpayments even though she is aware that she is not entitled to those funds, which were made payable to Mr. Brosi, not her. 28 15999611 5 1 2 55. received. 3 4 Ms. Blevins has refused and failed to repay the Trust the overpayments she 56. The Trust is entitled to equitable restitution of the overpayments, with interest and attorneys’ fees and costs. 5 SECOND CAUSE OF ACTION 6 Against the Estate Only - (ERISA § 502(a)(3) – Unjust Enrichment) 7 57. 58. 8 9 100 NORTH CITY PARKWAY, SUITE 1600 LAS VEGAS, NV 89106 (702) 382-2101 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER SCHRECK, LLP 59. 14 60. entitled to recover the overpayments. 61. The Plan assets constituting the overpayments are specifically identifiable. 63. 17 The overpayments create an unjust enrichment for the Estate. 62. 16 The Estate has retained the overpayments even though it is aware that it is not entitled to those funds. 19 64. The Estate has refused and failed to repay the Trust the overpayments it received. 65. 20 21 The Trust is entitled to equitable restitution of the overpayments, with interest and attorneys’ fees and costs. 22 THIRD CAUSE OF ACTION 23 Against Zenith Only – Breach of Contract 24 66. The Agreement required Zenith to administer the Trust’s Plan provisions in exchange for a monthly fee, which the Trust paid. 27 28 Paragraphs 1 through 65 are incorporated by reference as though fully stated here. 67. 25 26 Pursuant to ERISA § 502(a)(3), 29 U.S.C. § 1132(a)(3), the Trust is entitled to equitable relief to enforce the terms of the Plan. In particular, under the Plan, the Trustees are 15 18 On information and belief, Ms. Blevins cashed and/or deposited the overpayments to Mr. Brosi into the Estate’s account. 12 13 By continuing to pay Mr. Brosi’s pension benefit after his death, the Trust overpaid his pension by $123,155.29. 10 11 Paragraphs 1 through 56 are incorporated by reference as though fully stated here. 68. Zenith failed to administer the Trust in accordance with the terms of the Trust’s Plan as it relates to Mr. Brosi’s annual eligibility verification form. 15999611 6 1 2 3 69. updating and keeping current individual files for retirees, preventing fraud or abuse or repaying overpayments Zenith made payable to Mr. Brosi. 4 5 70. 71. FOURTH CAUSE OF ACTION 9 Against Zenith Only – ERISA Violation – Breach of Fiduciary Duties 72. the Trust’s Plan, within the meaning of ERISA § 3(21)(A), 29 U.S.C. § 1002(21)(A). 74. 75. Zenith is liable for the overpayments pursuant to ERISA § 409(a), 29 U.S.C. § 1109(a). 19 77. The Trust has been required to retain the services of attorneys to protect its rights to recover and redeem Plan assets and to prosecute this action. 21 22 The overpayments are a breach of Zenith’s duty as a functional fiduciary. 76. 17 20 As a functional fiduciary, Zenith was bound by the prudent man standards of care under ERISA § 404(a)(1), 29 U.S.C. § 1104(a)(1). 16 18 Zenith’s disregard of the Plan’s rules and policies exceeded the limits of performing purely ministerial functions, and caused Zenith to become a functional fiduciary of 14 15 Paragraphs 1 through 71 are incorporated by reference as though fully stated here. 73. 11 100 NORTH CITY PARKWAY, SUITE 1600 LAS VEGAS, NV 89106 (702) 382-2101 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER SCHRECK, LLP 10 13 Zenith’s refusal to repay the Trust has required the Trust to bring this suit and incur attorneys’ fees and costs, which Zenith is obligated to repay under the Agreement. 8 12 Zenith’s failures as described above are breaches of Zenith’s contract with the Trust, which has suffered a loss of $123,155.29 as a result. 6 7 Zenith failed to abide by the terms of the Agreement as it relates to maintaining, 78. The Trust is entitled to recover costs and attorneys’ fees incurred in prosecuting this action pursuant to ERISA § 502(g)(1), 29 U.S.C. § 1132(g)(1). 23 FIFTH CAUSE OF ACTION Against PSB Only – STRICT LIABILITY FOR PAYMENT OF CHECKS NOT PROPERLY PAYABLE 24 25 79. Paragraphs 1 through 78 are incorporated by reference as though fully stated here. 80. The Trust Checks cashed or deposited by Ms. Blevins at PSB contained 26 27 unauthorized signatures and were not properly endorsed. 28 81. 15999611 Section 4-401 of the Uniform Commercial Code (“UCC”), as enacted by the states 7 1 2 3 of Indiana and Nevada, imposes strict liability on any bank that charges against a customer’s account any item not properly payable, such as a check that is not properly endorsed or contains an unauthorized signature. 4 5 82. signatures, and thus were not properly payable under the UCC. 6 7 83. 84. SIXTH CAUSE OF ACTION Against PSB Only – FAILURE TO EXERCISE ORDINARY CARE 11 100 NORTH CITY PARKWAY, SUITE 1600 LAS VEGAS, NV 89106 (702) 382-2101 PSB is strictly liable for improperly charging the Trust, and the Trust is entitled to have its accounts re-credited by PSB in the total amount of the Trust Checks. 10 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER SCHRECK, LLP PSB did not have the right to charge the Trust Checks against the Trust because they were not properly payable. 8 9 The Trust Checks were not properly endorsed and contained unauthorized 12 85. Paragraphs 1 through 84 are incorporated by reference as though fully stated here. 86. Section 4-103 of the UCC, as enacted by the States of Indiana and Nevada, 13 14 imposes a duty upon PSB to act with ordinary care. 15 87. The Trust Checks were not properly endorsed and contained unauthorized 16 signatures, and thus were not properly payable. 17 88. As the drawee bank, PSB had a duty to exercise ordinary care in determining Ms. 18 Blevins’s identity and authority to cash or deposit the Trust Checks. 19 89. PSB failed to exercise ordinary care in its depositing or cashing of the Trust 20 Checks. 21 90. PSB’s actions have caused the Trust damages in accordance with § 4-103 of the 22 UCC. 23 WHEREFORE, the Trust prays for relief as follows: 24 1. Equitable relief in the form of restitution of $123,155.29, jointly and severally, 25 from Ms. Blevins and the Estate; 26 2. Judgment in favor of the Trust, for $123,155.29 from Zenith, jointly and severally 27 with Ms. Blevins and the Estate; 28 3. 15999611 Judgment in favor of the Trust and against The Peoples State Bank for actual 8 1 damages incurred; 2 4. 5. 3 4 For attorneys’ fees and costs incurred herein; Prejudgment and postjudgment interest at the contributory interest rate of 14% per year; and 5 6. For such other and further equitable relief as the Court deems proper. 6 7 Dated: September _____, 2017 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER SCHRECK, LLP 8 Adam P. Segal, Esq., Nevada Bar No. 6120 Bryce C. Loveland, Esq., Nevada Bar No. 10132 100 North City Parkway, Suite 1600 Las Vegas, Nevada 89106-4614 Telephone: (702) 382-2101 Facsimile: (702) 382-8135 9 11 100 NORTH CITY PARKWAY, SUITE 1600 LAS VEGAS, NV 89106 (702) 382-2101 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER SCHRECK, LLP 10 12 Attorneys for Plaintiff 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 15999611 9 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 2 3 4 Pursuant to Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 5(b), I certify that I am an employee of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP and that on September ___, 2017, I served a true copy of the foregoing FIRST AMENDED COMPLAINT upon: 5 6 a. BY CM/ECF System. Craig J. Mariam, Esq., GORDON & REES LLP 3770 Howard Hughes Parkway, St. 100 Las Vegas, Nevada 89169 7 8 Susan L. Meter, Esq. Gordon & Rees LLP 633 West Fifth Street, 52nd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90071 9 Attorneys for Defendant, Zenith American Solutions, Inc. 11 100 NORTH CITY PARKWAY, SUITE 1600 LAS VEGAS, NV 89106 (702) 382-2101 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER SCHRECK, LLP 10 b. BY PERSONAL SERVICE upon: THE PEOPLES STATE BANK c/o James L. Chesney, Registered Agent 601 E. Temperance St. Elletsville, IN 47429-0000 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 7/21/2017 BANKRUPTCY STAY: 19 Joseph Ross 1503 W. Arlington Road Bloomington, IN 47404 20 21 Attorney for Tamara L. Blevins as an Individual and as the Court Appointed Personal Representative of the Estate of Lawrence R. Brosi 22 23 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. 24 25 An Employee of Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck, LLP 26 27 28 15999611 10

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