Dittmar v. City of North Las Vegas

Filing 186

Order Resolving and Ruling on Objections to Designated Deposition Testimony (ECF Nos. 184 , 185 ). (See pdf order for specifics.) Signed by Judge Jennifer A. Dorsey on 2/5/2024. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - DRM)

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1 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 2 DISTRICT OF NEVADA 3 Pamela Dittmar, 4 Plaintiff 5 v. Case No.: 2:17-cv-02916-JAD-BNW Order Resolving Defendant’s Objections to Designated Deposition Testimony 6 City of North Las Vegas, 7 [ECF No. 184] Defendant 8 In the notices of deposition designations, the parties provided their objections to 9 designated deposition testimony. 1 Attached are the court’s rulings on defendant City of North 10 Las Vegas’s page-and-line objections, denoted next to the objection on the appropriate line of the 11 notice. The court will address the defendant’s “general-concerns” objections at today’s pretrial 12 conference. 13 Whether addressed by these rulings or not, when presenting deposition testimony at trial, 14 counsel must: 15 • Exclude the internal objections and any discussion about or response thereto; and 16 • Exclude attorney-to-attorney colloquy. 17 _______________________________ U.S. District Judge Jennifer A. Dorsey February 5, 2024 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 ECF No. 184 (defendant’s objections); ECF No. 185 (plaintiff’s objections). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 KAMER ZUCKER ABBOTT R. Todd Creer #10016 Kaitlin H. Paxton #13625 6325 South Jones Boulevard, Suite 300 Las Vegas, Nevada 89102-1990 Tel: (702) 259-8640 Fax: (702) 259-8646 tcreer@kzalaw.com kpaxton@kzalaw.com Attorneys for Defendant City of North Las Vegas UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 PAMELA DITTMAR, ) ) Plaintiff, ) ) vs. ) ) CITY OF NORTH LAS VEGAS, a municipal ) corporation, ) ) Defendant. ) ______________________________________ ) Case No. 2:17-cv-02916-JAD-BNW COURT'S RULING ON DEFENDANT CITY OF NORTH LAS VEGAS’S OBJECTIONS TO PLAINTIFF’S TRANSCRIPT DESIGNATIONS FOR QIONG LIU’S FEBRUARY 26, 2019 DEPOSITION 15 Pursuant to the Court’s January 17, 2024 Order Regarding Trial [ECF No. 163], Defendant 16 City of North Las Vegas (“the City” or “Defendant”), by and through its counsel of record, the law 17 firm of Kamer Zucker Abbott, submits the following objections to Plaintiff Pamela Dittmar’s 18 deposition designations for former City Manager for Defendant Qiong Liu [ECF No. 178]. 19 As raised in the City’s Transcript Designations for Qiong Liu’s Deposition [ECF No. 169] and 20 its Trial Brief [ECF No. 168], Defendant objects to the submission of Liu’s deposition transcript at 21 trial, as Plaintiff’s sole reason for requesting the trial be continued from its September 2023 date was 22 due to Liu’s unavailability for the entire month of September, and Liu’s designation by Plaintiff as her 23 “key witness.” If, in fact, Liu never intended to make herself available for the trial while residing out 24 of state, the trial was unnecessarily delayed. Defendant has been prejudiced by that delay, resulting in KAMER ZUCKER ABBOTT Attorneys at Law 6325 South Jones Boulevard, Suite 300 • Las Vegas, NV 89118 • (702) 259-8640 Page 1 of 8 1 additional costs for trial preparation. 2 Further, Plaintiff’s designations should be excluded from trial because she missed the filing 3 deadline of Monday, January 29, 2024 at 12:00 p.m. by more than a day. Indeed, Plaintiff’s designations 4 were not filed until Tuesday, January 30, 2024 at 9:37 p.m. The parties were expressly cautioned in the 5 Order Regarding Trial that failure to provide the designations by the deadline could result in exclusion 6 of the testimony from trial. ECF No. 163 at 2-3. Further, such delay resulted in Defendant having 7 significantly less time to review the designations and prepare these objections. 8 9 Notwithstanding Defendant’s general concerns with the use of Liu’s deposition testimony at trial, Defendant offers the following objections to Plaintiff’s designations: 10 1. P. 15, ll. 13-15 – Leading; OVERRULED 11 2. P. 15, ll. 16-18 – Asked and Answered; OVERRULED 12 3. P. 15, l. 19 through p. 16, l. 6 – Leading; OVERRULED 13 4. P. 18, l. 22 through p. 19, l. 1 – Improper characterization of evidence; OVERRULED 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 5. P. 19, ll. 2-8 – Leading; SUSTAINED as to ll. 4-6; OVERRULED as to the rest 6. P. 19, ll. 9-21 – Leading; improper characterization of evidence; calls for legal conclusion; SUSTAINED 7. P. 20, ll. 5-8 – Improper characterization of evidence; OVERRULED 8. P. 20, ll. 9-24 – Leading; improper characterization of evidence; calls for legal conclusion; SUSTAINED 9. P. 20, l. 25 through p. 21, l. 2 – Leading; misstates testimony; OVERRULED 10. P. 22, ll. 19-21 – Leading, asked and answered; OVERRULED 11. P. 23, ll. 3-7 – Hearsay within hearsay; SUSTAINED 12. P. 23, ll. 13-14 – Hearsay; SUSTAINED 13. P. 23, ll. 15-19 – Hearsay within hearsay; SUSTAINED KAMER ZUCKER ABBOTT Attorneys at Law 6325 South Jones Boulevard, Suite 300 • Las Vegas, NV 89118 • (702) 259-8640 Page 2 of 8 1 14. P. 23, l. 23 through P. 24, l. 12*1 - Leading; calls for speculation; argumentative; 2 15. P. 24, ll. 14-18 – Incomplete designation that lacks a question; calls for speculation; OVERRULED SUSTAINED 3 16. P. 24, ll. 19-24 – Leading; argumentative; SUSTAINED 4 17. P. 25, ll. 6-13 – Unresponsive; OVERRULED 5 18. P. 26, l. 21 through 27, l. 4 – Unresponsive; hearsay; OVERRULED 6 19. P. 27, ll. 5-9 – Leading; OVERRULED 7 20. P. 27, l. 23 through p. 28, l. 19 – Hearsay; OVERRULED 8 21. P. 29, 7 through p. 30, l. 9 – Unresponsive; SUSTAINED - except for P. 29, ll. 7-14 through the word "change." 9 10 22. P. 30, l. 24 through p. 31, l. 21 – Leading; argumentative; OVERRULED 11 23. P. 32, l. 21 through p. 33, l. 7 – Speculative; irrelevant; OVERRULED 12 24. P. 33, ll. 19-25 – Lacks foundation, assumes facts not in evidence; SUSTAINED 13 25. P. 34, ll. 5-13 – Leading, calls for speculation; OVERRULED 26. P. 35, ll. 14-15 – Hearsay; SUSTAINED 14 27. P. 36, l. 20 through p. 37, l. 3 – Unresponsive; SUSTAINED 15 28. P. 37, ll. 8-10 – Misstates testimony; leading; OVERRULED 16 29. P. 37, ll. 12-21 – Unresponsive; SUSTAINED 17 30. P. 37, l. 22 through p. 38, l. 4 – Leading; OVERRULED 18 31. P. 38, ll. 5-12 – Leading; calls for legal conclusion; argumentative; improper 19 characterization of evidence; SUSTAINED 20 32. P. 39, ll. 4-9 – Leading, misstates testimony; OVERRULED as to ll. 4-5; SUSTAINED as to ll. 6-9. 21 22 33. P. 39, ll. 19-23 – Unresponsive; SUSTAINED 23 34. P. 39, l. 24 through p. 40, l. 3 – Irrelevant; speculative; OVERRULED 24 1 Plaintiff’s list of designations does not include all of the lines highlighted in Plaintiff’s accompanying transcript. To the extent she intended to include the additional highlighted lines, Defendant includes objections to certain lines. KAMER ZUCKER ABBOTT Attorneys at Law 6325 South Jones Boulevard, Suite 300 • Las Vegas, NV 89118 • (702) 259-8640 Page 3 of 8 1 35. P. 40, ll. 4-12 – Unresponsive; speculative; OVERRULED 2 36. P. 40, ll. 13-19 – Leading; OVERRULED 3 37. P. 40, l. 20 through p. 41, l. 1 – Speculative; SUSTAINED 4 38. P. 41, ll. 1-4 – Leading; SUSTAINED 5 39. P. 42, l. 24 through 43, l. 4 – Leading; calls for a legal conclusion; improper 6 characterization of evidence; SUSTAINED 7 40. P. 43, ll. 12-13 – Unresponsive; SUSTAINED 8 41. P. 43, l. 24 through p. 44, l. 14 – Leading; misstates testimony; SUSTAINED 9 42. P. 45, ll. 1-13 – Leading; speculative; SUSTAINED as to ll. 1-8; OVERRULED as to ll. 9-13. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 43. P. 47, ll. 4-9 – Leading; SUSTAINED 44. P. 47, ll. 10-19 – Calls for speculation; SUSTAINED 45. P. 47, ll. 20-22 – Leading; argumentative; SUSTAINED 46. P. 48, ll. 3-11 – Hearsay; asked and answered; OVERRULED 47. P. 48, ll. 12-21 – Leading; SUSTAINED 48. P. 49, ll. 5-20 – Misstates testimony; speculative; OVERRULED 49. P. 49, ll. 21-24 – Leading; OVERRULED 50. P. 49, l. 25 through p. 50, l. 6 – Calls for speculation; SUSTAINED 51. P. 50, l. 19 through p. 51, l. 9 – Hearsay; speculative; SUSTAINED 52. P. 51, ll. 20-21 – Speculative; SUSTAINED 53. P. 53; ll. 10-21 – Irrelevant; unresponsive; hearsay; OVERRULED 54. P. 55, ll. 6-11 – Incomplete designation that is lacking the question for context; speculative; SUSTAINED 55. P. 55, ll. 12-13 – Attorney is testifying for the witness; SUSTAINED 56. P. 55, ll. 14-19 – Speculative; SUSTAINED KAMER ZUCKER ABBOTT Attorneys at Law 6325 South Jones Boulevard, Suite 300 • Las Vegas, NV 89118 • (702) 259-8640 Page 4 of 8 1 57. P. 56, ll. 6-10 – Leading, argumentative; OVERRULED 2 58. P. 57, ll. 1-4 – Unresponsive; SUSTAINED 3 59. P. 58, ll. 14-17 – Compound; Leading; SUSTAINED 4 60. P. 58, l. 18 through p. 60, l. 6 – Unresponsive; SUSTAINED 5 61. P. 61, ll. 2-11 – Leading; calls for speculation; SUSTAINED 6 62. P. 61, ll. 16-21 – Leading; unresponsive; SUSTAINED 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 63. P. 62, ll. 1-6 – Calls for speculation; SUSTAINED 64. P. 62, 7-19 – Leading; unresponsive; speculative; assumes facts not in evidence; SUSTAINED 65. P. 62, l. 20 through p. 63, l. 6 – Leading; speculative; assumes facts not in evidence; SUSTAINED 66. P. 63, l. 14 through p. 64, l. 2 – Calls for speculation; asked and answered; SUSTAINED 67. P. 64, ll. 10-16 – Leading; OVERRULED 68. P. 65, l. 22 through p. 66, l. 7 – Leading; SUSTAINED 69. P. 67, l. 22 through p. 68, l. 11 – Unresponsive; SUSTAINED 70. P. 68, ll. 16-19 – Unresponsive; SUSTAINED 71. P. 68, l. 20 through p. 69, l. 7 – Leading; SUSTAINED 72. P. 69, ll. 15-25 – Hearsay within hearsay; speculative; SUSTAINED 17 73. P. 70, ll. 3-10 – Leading, calls for legal conclusion; calls for speculation; SUSTAINED 18 74. P. 70, ll. 14-22 – Unresponsive; SUSTAINED 19 75. P. 70, l. 23 through p. 71, l. 8 – Leading; SUSTAINED 20 76. P. 71, ll. 9-13 – Leading; calls for legal conclusion; SUSTAINED 21 77. P. 71, l. 14 through p. 72, l. 21 – Leading; OVERRULED as to P. 71, ll. 14-24 through 22 23 24 the word "them," SUSTAINED as to the rest. 78. P. 72, l. 23 through p. 73, l. 9 – Unresponsive; OVERRULED 79. P. 73, ll. 10-21 – Irrelevant; hearsay; SUSTAINED 80. P. 73, l. 22 through p. 75, l. 22 – Assumes facts not in evidence; calls for speculation; KAMER ZUCKER ABBOTT Attorneys at Law 6325 South Jones Boulevard, Suite 300 • Las Vegas, NV 89118 • (702) 259-8640 Page 5 of 8 1 unresponsive; hearsay; SUSTAINED 2 81. P. 75, l. 23 through p. 76, l. 5 – Hearsay; OVERRULED 3 82. P. 76; ll. 6-7 – Unresponsive; SUSTAINED 4 83. P. 77, l. 7 through p. 78, l. 8 – Topic of spoliation subject to dispute argued within trial briefs; 5 6 7 irrelevant; more prejudicial than probative; OVERRULED 84. P. 79, ll. 2-12 – Hearsay; SUSTAINED 85. P. 80, ll. 15-25 – Hearsay; leading; lacks foundation; more prejudicial than probative; SUSTAINED 8 86. P. 81, ll. 12-20 – Hearsay; leading; SUSTAINED 9 87. P. 83, ll. 1-11 – Hearsay within hearsay; SUSTAINED 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 88. P. 83, l. 22 through p. 84, l. 6 – Hearsay; leading; irrelevant; speculative; in violation of the order on motion in limine as it is lacking presentation of proof SUSTAINED 89. P. 84, l. 20 through p. 85, l. 5 – Hearsay; leading; irrelevant; speculative; in violation of the order on motion in limine as it is lacking presentation of proof; SUSTAINED 90. P. 85, l. 24 through p. 86, l. 3 – Hearsay; leading; lacks foundation; OVERRULED 91. P. 88, l. 22 through p. 89, l. 3 – Hearsay; leading; irrelevant; speculative; in violation of the order on motion in limine as it is lacking presentation of proof and references the EMRB trasncript; lacks foundation from prior lines that are also in violation; SUSTAINED 92. P. 90, l. 19 through p. 91, l. 6 – Calls for speculation; leading; assumes facts not in evidence; unresponsive; SUSTAINED 19 93. P. 91, ll. 18-23 – Calls for speculation; SUSTAINED 20 94. P. 94, ll. 14-22 – Unresponsive; speculative; SUSTAINED 21 95. P. 99, ll. 16-23 – Speculative; hearsay; OVERRULED 22 96. P. 109, l. 20 through p. 110, l. 25 – Unresponsive; OVERRULED 23 97. P. 111, l. 17 through p. 112, l. 24 – Unresponsive; OVERRULED 24 KAMER ZUCKER ABBOTT Attorneys at Law 6325 South Jones Boulevard, Suite 300 • Las Vegas, NV 89118 • (702) 259-8640 Page 6 of 8 1 98. P. 118, l. 8 through 119, l. 8 – Unresponsive; speculative; SUSTAINED 2 99. P. 124, l. 23 through p. 125, l. 2 – Unresponsive; in violation of the order on motion in 3 4 limine as it is lacking presentation of proof SUSTAINED 100. P. 126, l. 19 through p. 127, l. 3 – Unresponsive; SUSTAINED 5 101. P. 130, l. 131, l. 18 – Unresponsive; OVERRULED (no line number given for start of range) 6 102. 7 P. 136, l. 12-21 – Compound; leading; SUSTAINED DATED this 2nd day of February, 2024. 8 Respectfully submitted, 9 KAMER ZUCKER ABBOTT By: 10 11 12 13 /s/Kaitlin H. Paxton R. Todd Creer #10016 Kaitlin H. Paxton #13625 6325 South Jones Boulevard, Suite 300 Las Vegas, Nevada 89118 Tel: (702) 259-8640 Fax: (702) 259-8646 Attorneys for Defendant City of North Las Vegas 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 KAMER ZUCKER ABBOTT Attorneys at Law 6325 South Jones Boulevard, Suite 300 • Las Vegas, NV 89118 • (702) 259-8640 Page 7 of 8

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