Mayes et al v. The United States of America

Filing 75

ORDER granting 74 Stipulation to Extend Discovery Deadlines. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, absent extenuating circumstances, this may be the Court's last extension. Discovery due by 10/8/2024. Motions due by 11/5/2024. Proposed Joint Pretrial Order due by 12/6/2024. Signed by Magistrate Judge Brenda Weksler on 6/3/2024. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MAM)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ROBERT T. EGLET, ESQ. Nevada Bar No. 3402 ROBERT M. ADAMS, ESQ. Nevada Bar No. 6551 ARTEMUS W. HAM, ESQ. Nevada Bar No. 7001 EGLET ADAMS EGLET HAM HENRIOD 400 South Seventh Street, Suite 400 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101 Telephone: (702) 450-5400 Facsimile: (702) 450-5451 Email: Jason A. Close, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 13674 CLOSE LAW GROUP 2831 Saint Rose Pkwy STE 240 Henderson, NV 89052 Telephone: (702) 983-4254 Facsimile: (702) 924-4645 Email: Attorneys for Plaintiffs UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA LUCILLE LAGASSE, as Guardian for HARRY MICHAEL REID; and, LUCILLE LAGASSE, Plaintiffs, v. Case No. 2:21-cv-00296-APG-BNW THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA; DOE INDIVIDUALS I-X; and, ROE ENTITIES I-X, inclusive, Defendants. (Twelfth Request) STIPULATION TO EXTEND DISCOVERY DEADLINES 22 23 Pursuant to LR 26-1 and LR IA 6-1, it is hereby stipulated by and between Plaintiffs 24 Lucille Lagasse, as Guardian for Harry Michael Reid, and Lucille Lagasse (“Plaintiffs”) and 25 Defendant United States of America (“USA”) (together, “the Parties”) that the deadlines specified 26 in this Court’s Discovery Plan and Scheduling Order (ECF No. 65) be extended one hundred and 27 twenty (120) days. This is the Parties’ twelfth request to extend the scheduling order. The Parties 28 jointly request this extension for the reasons stated herein. 1 1 1. The Parties’ Reasons to Extend 2 The Parties recently met and conferred and have reached a good faith belief that they will 3 be able to resolve this case through private mediation. However, prior to undertaking any such 4 mediation, undersigned counsel for the United States must expend significant time determining 5 her office’s internal and external budgetary resources for the mediation and attempting to 6 determine whether the requisite levels of settlement authority, both within her office and her 7 agency, could be available prior to mediation. Obtaining such authorizations will take up to ninety 8 (90) days. Rather than continue to incur litigation expenses, the Parties agree it is in everyone’s 9 best interest to extend the remaining discovery deadlines by one hundred and twenty (120) days 10 to allow the United States sufficient time to obtain the necessary authorizations and for the Parties 11 to meaningfully participate in mediation. 12 The Parties would not be making this request if they did not share a good faith belief that 13 the case can be settled and if they were not working diligently to effectuate such a settlement. The 14 vast majority of discovery in this case has been completed: factual discovery has been completed, 15 fact depositions have been taken, and expert reports have been exchanged. All that remains are 16 expert depositions, pretrial motions, and a few potential additional fact witness depositions.1 In 17 furtherance of their shared desire to mediate, the Parties have reached out to the Honorable Retired 18 Judge Jennifer Togliatti to request her availability for private mediation. Judge Togliatti has 19 agreed to mediate the case in approximately 90 days, which will give undersigned counsel for the 20 United States the time she needs to evaluate her office’s resources and obtain settlement authority. 21 The Parties are currently consulting with Judge Togliatti to set a mediation date that will work for 22 all involved. 23 There is a legitimate need for additional time to enable the Parties to meaningfully 24 participate in mediation due to the nuances of the federal government’s procedure for obtaining 25 settlement authority. The Parties are working diligently to resolve this case and, in light of the 26 foregoing, believe good cause exists for an extension of the remaining deadlines in this matter. 27 28 1 There are six (6) fact witnesses in the United States’ Rule 26 Disclosures who have not yet been deposed. The Parties are presently participating in a meet and confer to reach an agreement regarding the necessity of taking these witnesses’ depositions. 2 1 With respect to close of discovery, the Parties request that this deadline be extended only for the 2 limited purpose of completing expert depositions and potential, additional fact witness 3 depositions which the Parties are currently working to reach an agreement on. 4 2. Discovery Completed 5 a. The Parties have disclosed several Rule 26 disclosures and supplements. 6 b. Plaintiffs served their First Supplement to Initial Disclosures on June 14, 2021 7 c. Defendant USA has issued over a dozen subpoenas duces tecum to third Parties, most of which have been returned 8 9 d. USA served their First Requests for Production of Documents and First Set of 10 Interrogatories to Plaintiff William Mayes as Guardian for Harry Michael Reid on 11 August 30, 2021 12 e. USA served their First Requests for Production of Documents and First Set of Interrogatories to Plaintiff Lucille Lagasse on August 30, 2021 13 14 f. USA served their First Supplement to Initial Disclosures on September 1,2021 15 g. Plaintiffs served their Second Supplement to Initial Disclosures on October 11, 2021 16 17 h. Plaintiff requested updated medical records from currently-treating providers on October 12, 2021 18 19 i. Plaintiffs served their Third Supplement to Initial Disclosures on October 14, 2021 20 j. Plaintiff Lucille Lagasse served her Responses to USA’s First Set of Interrogatories and First Set of Requests for Production on October 14, 2021 21 22 k. 2021 23 24 Plaintiffs served their Fourth Supplement to Initial Disclosures on October 16, l. Plaintiff William Mayes as Guardian for Harry Michael Reid served his Responses 25 to USA’s First set of Interrogatories and First Set of Requests for Production on 26 October 16, 2021 27 28 m. Plaintiffs served their Fifth Supplement to Initial Disclosures on November 5, 2021 3 1 n. 2 Plaintiff propounded a first set of discovery requests (interrogatories and requests for production) to USA on December 7, 2021 3 o. USA served their Second Supplement to Initial Disclosures on December 17, 2021 4 p. USA served their Third Supplement to Initial Disclosures on January 25, 2022 5 q. USA produced responses to Plaintiff’s first set of discovery requests on February 6 4, 2022 7 r. USA served their Fourth Supplement to Initial Disclosures on February 4, 2022 8 s. Counsel for parties met and conferred on March 11, 2022 regarding Plaintiffs’ 9 discovery disputes relate to USA’s first responses to Plaintiffs’ written discovery 10 requests, and have had subsequent e-mail correspondence 11 t. Plaintiffs served their Sixth Supplement to Initial Disclosures on April 4, 2022 12 u. USA took Plaintiff Harry Reid’s deposition on April 7, 2022 13 v. USA took Guardian Wayne Mayes’ deposition on April 14, 2022 14 w. Defense IME (Neurologist) of Plaintiff occurred on June 11, 2022 15 x. Plaintiffs served their Seventh Supplement to Initial Disclosures on June 21, 2022 16 y. USA served their Fifth Supplement to Initial Disclosures on July 1, 2022 17 z. USA served their First Supplemental Responses to Plaintiffs’ First Set of 18 19 Interrogatories on July 1, 2022 aa. 20 USA served their First Supplemental Responses to Plaintiffs’ First Set of Requests for Production on July 1, 2022 21 bb. Plaintiffs served their Eighth Supplement to Initial Disclosures on July 12, 2022 22 cc. Plaintiffs took fact witness Walter “Buzz” Blankenship’s deposition on July 13, 23 2022 24 dd. USA took fact witnesses Duane Rios’s Deposition on July 28, 2022 25 ee. Plaintiffs took fact witness NPS personnel Christopher Raynolds’ deposition on 26 27 28 September 16, 2022 ff. Plaintiffs took fact witness NPS Ranger William Dentler’s deposition on September 16, 2022 4 1 gg. Plaintiffs served their Ninth Supplement to Initial Disclosures on October 6, 2022 2 hh. USA served their Sixth Supplement to Initial Disclosures on October 11,2022 3 ii. USA served their Second Supplemental Responses to Plaintiffs’ First Set of 4 Requests for Production on October 11, 2022 5 jj. USA took party witness Lucille Lagasse’s deposition on October 7, 2022 6 kk. The undersigned conducted a meet-and-confer pursuant to FRCP 30(b)(6) on 7 October 18, 2022, to discuss the scope of topics and scheduling for USA’s 30(b)(6) 8 designee(s) 9 ll. 10 11 on October 21, 2022 mm. 12 13 Plaintiffs served their Tenth Supplement to Initial Disclosures on November 4, 2022 nn. 14 15 Plaintiffs took fact witness NPS personnel Charles “Chuck” Patton’s deposition Plaintiffs served their Eleventh Supplement to Initial Disclosures on March 8, 2023 oo. 16 The Parties filed a Stipulation for Protective Order for Confidential Information on March 10, 2023 17 pp. Protective Order was granted on March 13, 2023 (ECF No. 32) 18 qq. Plaintiffs took fact witness NHP Trooper Matthew MacKinnon’s deposition on 19 April 26, 2023 and May 5, 2023 20 rr. Plaintiffs took fact witness NHP Trooper Tyler Mleczko on May 5, 2023 21 ss. USA served its Seventh Supplement to Initial Disclosures on December 29, 2023 22 tt. Plaintiff Lucille Lagasse served her First Set of Requests for Admissions on 23 24 January 23, 2024 uu. 25 26 27 Plaintiffs served their Twelfth Supplement to Initial Disclosures on January 23, 2024 vv. Plaintiffs served their Thirteenth Supplement to Initial Disclosures on February 7, 2024 28 5 1 ww. 2 3 on February 9, 2024 xx. 4 5 USA produced the Rule 35 Report regarding the Neuropsychological Evaluation of Plaintiff Harry Michael Reid on February 18, 2024 yy. 6 7 Rule 35 Neuropsychological Evaluation of Plaintiff Harry Michael Reid occurred Plaintiffs served their Fourteenth Supplement to Initial Disclosures on February 27, 2024 zz. Plaintiff Lucille Lagasse as Guardian for Harry Michael Reid served her 8 Supplemental Responses to USA’s First Set of Interrogatories and First Set of 9 Requests for Production on February 29, 2024 10 aaa. 11 12 of Interrogatories on February 29, 2024 bbb. 13 14 USA served its Responses to Plaintiff Lucille Lagasse’s First Set of Requests for Admission on March 11, 2024 ccc. 15 16 Plaintiff Lucille Lagasse served her Supplemental Responses to USA’s First Set Plaintiffs served their Fifteenth Supplement to Initial Disclosures on April 11, 2024 ddd. Plaintiff Lucille Lagasse as Guardian for Harry Michael Reid served her Second 17 Supplemental Responses to USA’s First Set of Interrogatories and First Set of 18 Requests for Production on April 11, 2024 19 eee. 20 Plaintiff Lucille Lagasse served her Second Set of Requests for Admission on April 11, 2024 21 fff. Plaintiffs served their Initial Disclosure of Expert Witnesses on April 11, 2024 22 ggg. USA served its Designation of Expert Witnesses on April 11, 2024 23 hhh. Plaintiff Lucille Lagasse served her Amended Second Set of Requests for 24 Admission on April 17, 2024 25 iii. Plaintiffs served their Sixteenth Supplement to Initial Disclosures on May 9, 2024 26 jjj. USA served its Eighth Supplement to Initial Disclosures on May 13, 2024 27 kkk. USA served its Designation of Rebuttal Expert Witnesses on May 13, 2024 28 6 1 lll. 2 USA served its Responses to Plaintiff Lucille Lagasse’s Amended Second Set of Requests for Admission on May 17, 2024 3 mmm. Plaintiff Lucille Lagasse as Guardian for Harry Michael Reid served her Third 4 Supplemental Responses to USA’s First Set of Interrogatories and First Set of 5 Requests for Production on May 23, 2024 6 3. Discovery Remaining 7 a. Expert/Rebuttal Witness Depositions (All Parties) 8 b. Additional Disclosure Supplements, As Needed (All Parties) 9 c. Potential, Additional Fact Witness Depositions, As Needed 4. Proposed Modification 10 11 Based on the foregoing, the Parties seek to modify the discovery plan as follows2: 12 a. Close of Discovery: Extended from Monday, June 10, 2024 to Tuesday, October 8, 13 2024 for the limited purpose of completing expert depositions and potential, additional 14 fact witness depositions. b. Deadline to file Dispositive Motions: Extended from Monday, July 8, 2024 to 15 Tuesday, November 5, 2024. 16 17 /// 18 19 /// 20 21 /// 22 23 /// 24 25 /// 26 27 28 2 In the event a deadline occurs on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday recognized by the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (or the Court’s Local Rules), then the time for complying with the deadline shall be extended to the next business day. 7 1 c. Deadline for filing Joint Pretrial Order: Extended from Thursday, August 8, 2024 to 2 Friday, December 6, 2024. If a dispositive motion is filed, this deadline will be 3 suspended until 30 days after the Court rules on the dispositive motion. 4 5. This request is made in good faith and not for purposes of delay. 5 IT IS SO STIPULATED. 6 7 Dated this 31st day of May, 2024 Dated this 31st day of May, 2024 8 CLOSE LAW GROUP JASON M. FRIERSON United States Attorney 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 _/s/ Jason A. Close______________ JASON A. CLOSE, ESQ. _/s/ Summer A. Johnson_____________ SUMMER A. JOHNSON, ESQ. Assistant United States Attorney Attorneys for Defendant Attorney for Plaintiffs Dated this 31st day of May, 2024 EGLET ADAMS EGLET HAM HENRIOD _/s/ Artemus W. Ham__________________ ROBERT T. EGLET, ESQ. ROBERT M. ADAMS, ESQ. ARTEMUS W. HAM, ESQ. CASSANDRA S.M. CUMMINGS, ESQ. ASHLEY E. KABINS, ESQ. MAGGIE A. DIFEDERICO, ESQ. Attorneys for Plaintiffs IT IS ORDERED that the stipulation is granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, absent extenuating circumstances, this may be the Court's last extension. 25 26 27 HONORABLE BRENDA WEKSLER UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE 28 June 3, 2024 DATED: _______________________________ 8

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