Cloud vs Allstate Indemnity Company

Filing 26

ORDER Granting 25 Stipulation for Dismissal. The above-referenced action is dismissed with prejudice, with each party to bear their own costs and attorney's fees. This case is now closed. Signed by Judge James C. Mahan on 1/29/2025. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - AMMi)

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1 JOHN T. KEATING Nevada Bar No. 6373 2 I{ E A T I N G LAW GROUP 3 9130 W. Russell Road, Suite 200 Las Vegas, Nevada 89148 (702) 228-6800 phone (702) 228-0443 facsirrule Attorney for Defendant 4 5 6 7 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 8 DISTRICT OF NEVADA 9 10 COURTNEY CLOUD, Plaintiff, 11 o.. 12 ::J o o er::: l.9 s <( ....J N 00 w st t: .... ::, m 13 Vl 00 > <( Cl o o,: <( Vl 14 'i"' 15 :, o,: w ·> I- ~j m <( .... w ALLSTATE INDEMNITY COMPANY, Does 1 through 10, inclusive, and Roe Corporations 1 through 10, inclusive, Defendants. 16 IT IS HEREBY STIPULATED AND AGREED, by and between the parties, by and through (V) ~ vs. STIPULATION AND ORDER FOR DISMISSAL o :::l ~ z ~ w Vl z CASE NO.: 2:23-cv-00468 17 their respective counsel, that all claims shall be, and are hereby, dismissed with prejudice, each 18 19 party to bear their own costs and attorney's fees. 20 DATED this ~ Í day of January, 2025. DATED this 21 I( E AT I N G LAW GROUP H&P LAW ~-Yh 22 23 24 25 'JJ>.,}- day of January, 2025. A ING Nevad No.: 6373 9130 . Russell Road, Ste. 200 Las Vegas NV 89148 Attorney for Defendant MARJORIE L. HAUF Nevada Bar No.: 8111 MATTHEW G. PFAU Nevada Bar No. 11439 CARAXIDIS Nevada Bar No. 11743 719 South Ninth Street Las Vegas, NV 89101 Attorneys for Plamuff 26 27 28 1 ORDER 1 2 Based upon the foregoing strpulation and good cause appearing; 3 IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, that the above-referenced action 1s disrmssed with prejudice, 4 with each party to bear their own costs and attorney's fees. 5 DATED this __ of January, 2025. January 29,day 2025. 6 7 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE 9 10 Respectfully Submitted by: 11 K E AT I N G LAW GROUP CL :::, 12 o o cc:: (.!J s<I: _J o N 00 <I" !:: .... UJ 13 ::, en Vl 00 o' <t o:: o -' 14 ~ e) ~ ~ 15 z-~ IB:2o:: I<( w ::::r:::: ~ > oj ....en 16 ssell Road, Ste. 200 Las Ve_gas NV 89148 Attorney for Defendants n, 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 2

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