C. v. Rashid et al

Filing 127

ORDER granting 126 Stipulation Modifying Deadline to Respond to Plaintiff's 125 Second Amended Complaint. Aria Resort & Casino LLC, MGM Grand Hotel, LLC., MGM Resorts International, and Nevada Property 1, LLC answer due 2/18/2025. Signed by Magistrate Judge Brenda Weksler on 1/29/2025. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MAM)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 KNIGHT & RYAN PLLC Robert A. Ryan, #12084 Scott A. Knight, #9083 8880 W. Sunset Road. Ste. 130 Las Vegas, Nevada 89148 (702) 462-6083 (702) 462-6084 fax robert@knightryan.com scott@knightryan.com DLA Piper LLP (US). Angela C. Agrusa (pro hac vice application forthcoming) angela.agrusa@dlapiper.com 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 400 Los Angeles, California 90067-4704 (310) 595-3000 (310) 595-3300 fax Ellen E. Dew (admitted pro hac vice) ellen.dew@us.dlapiper.com 650 S. Exeter Street Suite 1100 Baltimore, Maryland 21202-4576 (410) 580-3000 (410) 580-3001 fax Attorneys for Defendants MGM Resorts International; Aria Resort & Casino LLC; and Nevada Property 1, LLC 16 17 18 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 19 DISTRICT OF NEVADA 20 C.C., a pseudonymous individual, 21 Plaintiff, 22 v. 23 Rashid, et al., 24 25 Defendants. Case No. 2:23-cv-02056-GMN-BNW STIPULATION AND ORDER MODIFYING DEADLINE TO RESPOND TO PLAINTIFF’S SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT (FIRST REQUEST) 26 27 28 -iSTIPULATION AND ORDER MODIFYING DEADLINE TO RESPOND TO PLAINTIFF’S SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 Pursuant to LR IA 6-1, Plaintiff Chloe C. (“Plaintiff”) and Defendants MGM Resorts 2 International, Aria Resort & Casino LLC, and Nevada Property 1, LLC (“Defendants,” and 3 collectively, the “Parties”), by and through their respective counsel of record, hereby agree and 4 stipulate as follows: 5 6 On December 20, 2024, this Court dismissed Plaintiff’s TVPRA claims without prejudice as to all of the Parties. (ECF. No. 115). 7 That same day, this Court dismissed Plaintiff’s state law claims (N.R.S. § 41.1399 and 8 intentional infliction of emotional distress) with prejudice as to all of the Parties. (ECF. No. 115). 9 The Court at the same time granted Plaintiff leave to amend her complaint by January 10, 10 2025. (ECF No. 115). 11 On January 10, 2025, Plaintiff filed a Motion for Leave to Amend her Complaint. (ECF 12 No. 117). Plaintiff’s proposed Second Amended Complaint brings beneficiary and perpetrator 13 liability claims under the TVPRA against all of the Parties. Plaintiff also seeks to add beneficiary 14 and perpetrator liability claims under the TVPRA against three new Defendants, including MGM 15 Grand Hotel, LLC. 16 On January 27, 2025, this Court granted Plaintiff’s Motion for Leave to Amend her 17 Complaint and directed the Clerk of Court to file Plaintiff’s Second Amended Complaint on the 18 docket. (ECF No. 124). 19 In the interests of judicial economy, the Parties respectfully stipulate that Defendants’ time 20 to respond to the Second Amended Complaint be extended to February 18, 2025. This is 21 Defendants first request to extend time to file a response to the complaint. Further, the Parties 22 respectfully stipulate that MGM Grand Hotel, LLC will similarly be permitted to respond to 23 Plaintiff’s Second Amended Complaint on February 18, 2025. 24 Good cause exists to enlarge the time for Defendants and MGM Grand Hotel, LLC to 25 respond to Plaintiff’s Complaint. This extension would allow the preservation of judicial and party 26 resources. This request is made in good faith and not for purposes of delay. 27 28 WHEREAS the Parties respectfully request that MGM Resorts International, Aria Resort -1STIPULATION AND ORDER MODIFYING DEADLINE TO RESPOND TO PLAINTIFF’S SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 & Casino LLC, Nevada Property 1, LLC, and MGM Grand Hotel, LLC shall have until February 2 18, 2025 to answer, move, or otherwise respond to Plaintiff’s Second Amended Complaint. 3 4 IT IS SO STIPULATED. 5 DATED this 28th day of January, 2025. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Respectfully submitted, THE702FIRM KNIGHT & RYAN PLLC By: /s/ Geoffrey C. Parker By: /s/ Robert A. Ryan Robert A. Ryan, #12084 Scott A. Knight, #9083 robert@knightryan.com scott@knightryan.com 8880 W. Sunset Road. Ste. 130 Las Vegas, Nevada 89148 (702) 462-6083 (702) 462-6084 fax Geoffrey C. Parker, Bar No. 16952 gparker@hiltonparker.com Hilton Parker LLC 7658 Slate Ridge Blvd. Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 Telephone: (614)-992-2277 19 Michael C. Kane, Bar No. 10096 mike@the702firm.com Bradley J. Meyers, Bar No. 8857 brad@the702firm.com Joel S. Hengstler, Bar No. 11597 joel@the702firm.com THE702FIRM 8335 West Flamingo Road Las Vegas, NV 89147 Telephone: (702)-776-3333 20 Attorneys Plaintiff Chloe C. 14 15 16 17 18 DLA Piper LLP (US) Angela C. Agrusa (pro hac vice application forthcoming) angela.agrusa@dlapiper.com 2000 Avenue of the Stars, Suite 400 Los Angeles, California 90067-4704 (310) 595-3000 (310) 595-3300 fax Ellen E. Dew (admitted pro hac vice) ellen.dew@us.dlapiper.com 650 S. Exeter Street Suite 1100 Baltimore, Maryland 21202-4576 (410) 580-3000 (410) 580-3001 fax 21 22 23 Attorneys for Defendants MGM Resorts International; Aria Resort & Casino LLC; and Nevada Property 1, LLC 24 25 26 27 28 -2STIPULATION AND ORDER MODIFYING DEADLINE TO RESPOND TO PLAINTIFF’S SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 IT IS SO ORDERED. Defendants MGM Resorts International, Aria Resort & Casino LLC, Nevada Property 1, LLC, and MGM Grand Hotel, LLC shall until February 18, 2025 to answer, move, or otherwise respond to Plaintiff’s Second Amended Complaint. 8 9 _____________________________ 10 UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE 11 Dated: January 29, 2025 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -3STIPULATION AND ORDER MODIFYING DEADLINE TO RESPOND TO PLAINTIFF’S SECOND AMENDED COMPLAINT 1 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 2 I HEREBY CERTIFY that on January 28, 2025, the foregoing STIPULATION AND 3 ORDER MODIFYING DEADLINE TO RESPOND TO PLAINTIFF’S SECOND 4 AMENDED COMPLAINT was filed using the Court’s CM/ECF system. Participants in the case 5 who are registered CM/ECF users will be served by the CM/ECF system. 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 /s/ Jessica Malone

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