T. v. Bellagio LLC et al

Filing 11

ORDER granting 9 STIPULATION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME (First Request) TO RESPOND TO PLAINTIFF'S COMPLAINT. Answers due February 20, 2025. Signed by Magistrate Judge Daniel J. Albregts on 1/29/2025. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - CAH)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Patrick G. Byrne, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 7636 Dawn Davis, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 13329 SNELL & WILMER 1700 South Pavilion Center Drive, Suite 700 Las Vegas, NV 89135 Telephone: (702) 784-5275 Facsimile: (702) 784-5252 Email: pbyrne@swlaw.com ddavis@swlaw.com Bethany Biesenthal, Esq. (Pro Hac Vice) Allison McQueen, Esq. (Pro Hac Vice) JONES DAY 110 North Wacker Drive, Suite 4800 Chicago, IL 60606 Telephone: (312) 782-3939 Facsimile: (312) 782-8585 Email: bbiesenthal@jonesday.com amcqueen@jonesday.com 15 Nicole Perry, Esq. (Pro Hac Vice Forthcoming) JONES DAY 717 Texas Street, Suite 3300 Houston, TX 77002 Telephone: (832) 239-3939 Facsimile: (832) 239-3600 Email: nmperry@jonesday.com 16 Attorneys for Defendant Wynn Las Vegas, LLC 13 14 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA 17 18 19 CHRISTINA T., pseudonymously, Plaintiff, 20 21 v. Case No. 2:25-cv-00145-JCM-DJA 27 BELLAGIO LLC; DESERT PALACE, LLC; NEVADA PROPERTY 1, LLC; DEUTSCHE BANK AG; DEUTSCHE IMOBILIEN AG; BLACKSTONE REAL ESTATE PARTNERS VII L.P.; FLAMINGO LAS VEGAS OPERATING COMPANY LLC; HRHH HOTEL/CASINO, LLC; BREF HRHH LLC; BROOKFIELD FINANCE LLC BROOKFIELD ASSET MANAGEMENT (US), INC; MANDALAY BAY RESORT GROUP LLC; MGM GRAND HOTEL LLC; MGM GRAND PROPCO LLC; FP HOLDINGS, L.P.; VENETIAN 28 -1- 22 23 24 25 26 STIPULATION AND ORDER TO EXTEND THE DEADLINE FOR DEFENDANTS TO RESPOND TO PLAINTIFF’S COMPLAINT (FIRST REQUEST) 1 2 GAMING LAS VEGAS, LLC; and WYNN LAS VEGAS, LLC; Defendants. 3 4 Plaintiff Christina T. and Defendants Bellagio LLC; Desert Palace, LLC; Nevada Property 5 1, LLC; Deutsche Bank AG; Blackstone Real Estate Partners VII L.P.; Flamingo Las Vegas 6 Operating Company LLC; Mandalay Bay Resort Group LLC; MGM Grand Hotel LLC; MGM 7 Grand Propco LLC; FP Holdings, L.P.; Venetian Las Vegas Gaming, LLC; 1 and Wynn Las 8 Vegas, LLC (collectively the “Parties”), by and through their respective counsel of record, hereby 9 agree and stipulate as follows: 10 11 1. On December 20, 2024, C.T. filed her Complaint in the Eighth Judicial District Court, Clark County, Nevada, (ECF No. 1-1) (the “Complaint”). 12 2. Plaintiff served the Complaint on Defendants Wynn Las Vegas, LLC, Bellagio LLC, 13 Desert Palace, LLC, Flamingo Las Vegas Operating Company LLC, Nevada Property 1, LLC, 14 Mandalay Bay Resort Group LLC, MGM Grand Hotel LLC, MGM Grand Propco LLC, FP 15 Holdings, L.P., and Venetian Las Vegas Gaming, LLC on January 2, 2025. 16 3. Plaintiff served the Complaint on Defendant Deutsche Bank AG on January 3, 2025. 17 4. Plaintiff served the Complaint on Defendant Blackstone Real Estate Partners VII 18 L.P. on January 6, 2025. 19 20 5. On January 23, 2025, Wynn Las Vegas, LLC timely removed the case to this Court pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331, 1441 and 1446. 21 6. Pursuant to Rule 81(c) of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the deadline to 22 respond to Plaintiff’s Complaint is the later of 21 days after receiving the Complaint, 21 days after 23 being served with the summons for an initial pleading on file at the time of service, or 7 days after 24 notice of removal is filed. As such, the current deadline for Defendants to respond to the 25 Complaint is January 30, 2025. 26 27 28 Plaintiff appears to have transposed the name of Venetian Las Vegas Gaming, LLC as Venetian Gaming Las Vegas, LLC, which is a non-existent entity. 1 -2- 1 7. The Parties hereby agree, stipulate and respectfully request that the Court extend the 2 deadline for all currently served Defendants to file their response to the Complaint for an 3 additional twenty-one (21) days, making their deadline to respond February 20, 2025. 4 5 6 7 8 9 8. This extension is necessary to provide counsel for Defendants sufficient time to review and respond to the allegations made by Plaintiff in her Complaint. 9. This is the first stipulation for an extension of the time for Defendants to respond to Plaintiff’s Complaint. IT IS SO STIPULATED. Dated: January 28, 2025 Respectfully submitted, 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 /s/_Allison L. McQueen___________ Patrick G. Byrne, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 7636 Dawn Davis, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 13329 SNELL & WILMER 1700 South Pavilion Center Drive, Suite 700 Las Vegas, NV 89135 Telephone: (702) 784-5275 Facsimile: (702) 784-5252 Email: pbyrne@swlaw.com ddavis@swlaw.com /s/ Geoffrey C. Parker_________ Geoffrey C. Parker, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 16952 Jonathan L. Hilton, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 16889 HILTON PARKER LLC 7658 Slate Ridge Blvd., Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 Telephone: (614) 992-2277 Facsimile: (614) 927-5980 Email: gparker@hiltonparker.com Michael C. Kane, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 10096 Bradley J. Myers, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 8857 Joel S. Hengstler, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 11597 THE702FIRM INJURY ATTORNEYS 8335 West Flamingo Road Las Vegas, NV 89147 Telephone: (702) 776-3333 Facsimile: (702) 505-9787 Email: mike@the702firm.com brad@the702firm.com Bethany K. Biesenthal, Esq. (Pro Hac Vice) Allison L. McQueen, Esq. (Pro Hac Vice) JONES DAY 110 North Wacker Drive, Suite 4800 Chicago, IL 60606 Telephone: (312) 782-3939 Facsimile: (312) 782-8585 Email: bbiesenthal@jonesday.com amcqueen@jonesday.com Nicole M. Perry, Esq. (Pro Hac Vice Forthcoming) JONES DAY 717 Texas Street, Suite 3300 Houston, TX 77002 Telephone: (832) 239-3939 Counsel for Plaintiff Christina T. 27 28 -3- 1 Facsimile: (832) 239-3600 Email: nmperry@jonesday.com 2 Counsel for Defendant Wynn Las Vegas, LLC 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 /s/ Robert A. Ryan_______ Robert A. Ryan, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 12084 KNIGHT & RYAN PLLC 8880 W. Sunset Rd., Suite 130 Las Vegas, NV 89148 Telephone: (702) 462-6083 Facsimile: (702) 462-6048 Email: robert@knightryan.com /s/_Kristin T. Gallagher _____ Kristen T. Gallagher, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 9561 MCDONALD CARANO LLP 2300 W. Sahara Ave., Suite 1200 Las Vegas, NV 89102 Telephone: (702) 873-4100 Email: kgallagher@mcdonaldcarano.com Counsel for Defendants Bellagio LLC, Nevada Property 1, LLC, Mandalay Bay Resort Group LLC, MGM Grand Hotel LLC, and MGM Grand Propco LLC 12 13 Elise Yu, Esq. (Pro Hac Vice Forthcoming) ARENTFOX SCHIFF LLP 350 South Main Street, Suite 210 Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Telephone: (734) 222-1556 Facsimile: (734) 222-1501 Email: elise.yu@afslaw.com 14 15 16 17 Counsel for Defendants Desert Palace LLC and Flamingo Las Vegas Operating Company LLC 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Ann H. MacDonald, Esq. (Pro Hac Vice Forthcoming) ARENTFOX SCHIFF LLP 233 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 7100 Chicago, IL 60606 Telephone: (312) 258-5548 Facsimile: (312) 258-5600 Email: ann.macdonald@afslaw.com /s/ Daniel R. McNutt__________ Daniel R. McNutt, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 7815 Matthew C. Wolf, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 10801 MCNUTT LAW FIRM 11441 Allerton Park Drive, Suite 100 Las Vegas, NV 89135 Telephone: (702) 384-1170 Facsimile: (702) 385-5529 Email: drm@mcnuttlawfirm.com mcw@mcnuttlawfirm.com /s/ Nathanael R. Rulis___________ Nathanael R. Rulis, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 11259 KEMP JONES, LLP 3800 Howard Hughes Parkway, Suite 1700 Las Vegas, NV 89169 Telephone: (702) 385-6000 Facsimile: (702) 385-6001 Email: n.rulis@kempjones.com David Sager, Esq. (Pro Hac Vice Forthcoming) DLA PIPER LLP (US) 51 John F. Kennedy Parkway, Suite 120 Short Hills, NJ 07078 David B. Hennes, Esq. (Pro Hac Vice Forthcoming) -4- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Lisa H. Bebchick, Esq. (Pro Hac Vice Forthcoming) Andrew Todres, Esq. (Pro Hac Vice Forthcoming) ROPES & GRAY LLP 1211 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 Telephone: (212) 596-9000 Facsimile: (212) 596-9090 Email: david.hennes@ropesgray.com lisa.bebchick@ropesgray.com andrew.todres@ropesgray.com Telephone: (973) 520-2570 Facsimile: (973) 520-2551 Email: david.sager@dlapiper.com Kyle T. Orne, Esq. (Pro Hac Vice Forthcoming) DLA PIPER LLP (US) 2525 East Camelback Road, Suite 1000 Phoenix, AZ 85016 Telephone: (480) 606-5172 Facsimile: (480) 606-5527 Email: kyle.orne@dlapiper.com Counsel for Defendant Deutsche Bank AG Counsel for Defendant Venetian Las Vegas Gaming, LLC 14 /s/ Justin W. Smerber__________ Justin W. Smerber, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 10761 BRANDON SMERBER LAW FIRM 139 E. Warm Springs Rd. Las Vegas, NV 89119 Telephone: (702) 380-0007 Facsimile: (702) 380-2964 Email: j.smerber@bsnv.law 15 Counsel for Defendant FP Holdings, L.P. 10 11 12 13 /s/_Rory A. Leraris________________ Rory A. Leraris, Esq. (Pro Hac Vice Forthcoming) Corey M. Meyer, Esq. (Pro Hac Vice Forthcoming) DAVIS POLK & WARDWELL LLP 450 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10017 Telephone: (212) 450-4000 Email: rory.leraris@davispolk.com corey.meyer@davispolk.com 16 Counsel for Defendant Blackstone Real Estate Partners VII L.P. 17 18 19 IT IS SO ORDERED: 20 UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE 21 1/29/2025 DATED: _________________ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -5- 1 2 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 3 4 5 I hereby certify that on January 28, 2025, a copy of the foregoing was filed using the CM/ECF system, which will effectuate service on all counsel of record. 6 /s/ Allison L. McQueen Allison L. McQueen, Esq. 7 8 Attorney for Defendant Wynn Las Vegas, LLC 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 _________________ 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 -6-

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