Allen L. Wisdom v. State Of Nevada et al

Filing 229

MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Motion Hearing held on 9/13/2010 before Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr. Crtrm Administrator: Jennifer Cotter; Pla Counsel: Allen Wisdom, In Pro Per (telephonically); Def Counsel: Eugene Wait, Jr., G regory Livingston, and Scott Glogovac; FTR #: 10:04:02 a.m. - 10:28:14 a.m.; Courtroom: 2. IT IS ORDERED that 196 and 210 Motions to Strike re 179 / 183 are GRANTED; 209 Motion for Joinder of Parties is DENIED; 221 Motion to Expand Number of Interrogatories is GRANTED to the extent as shown in attached minutes; 224 Motion to Exclude Plaintiff's Initial Disclosures is DENIED. Please see attached minutes for further details. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - JC)

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Allen L. Wisdom v. State Of Nevada et al Doc. 229 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA RENO, NEVADA ALLEN WISDOM, Plaintiff(s), vs. STATE OF NEVADA, et al., Defendant(s). ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) CASE NO. 3:06-CV-0094-PMP-RAM MINUTES OF THE COURT DATED: SEPTEMBER 13, 2010 PRESENT: HONORABLE ROBERT A. McQUAID, JR., U.S. MAGISTRATE JUDGE Deputy Clerk: JENNIFER COTTER Reporter: FTR: 10:04:02 a.m. - 10:28:14 a.m. Counsel for Plaintiff(s): ALLEN WISDOM, In Pro Per (telephonically) Counsel for Defendant(s): EUGENE WAIT, JR., SCOTT GLOGOVAC, and GREGORY LIVINGSTON PROCEEDINGS: MOTION HEARING 10:04 a.m. Court convenes. Motions to Strike Answer (Dockets #196 and #210) The Court notes there have been no oppositions filed to the subject motions. IT IS ORDERED that the Motions to Strike are GRANTED. Defendant Fetto's amended answer (Dockets #179 and #183) are STRICKEN from the record, but shall be retained in the case file. Motion for Joinder of Parties (Docket #209) IT IS ORDERED that the Motion for Joinder of Parties is DENIED. It is improper to join parties who have previously been dismissed. Motion to Expand Number of Interrogatories (Docket #221) It is the Court's opinion that the subparts of the 24 interrogatories, as attached to Defendants' Reply (Docket #223), are not separate interrogatories, but are directly related to the respective initial interrogatories. IT IS ORDERED that the Motion to Expand Number of Interrogatories is GRANTED to the extent that the above-mentioned 24 interrogatories shall be allowed and are deemed served as of the date of this hearing. Plaintiff shall respond to said interrogatories within sixty (60) days, or by November 12, 2010. Plaintiff is advised to submit to the Court a short request to extend time if he feels he is unable to meet that deadline. Page Two Minutes 3:06-CV-0094-PMP-RAM (Wisdom v. State of Nevada, et al.) September 13, 2010 Motion to Exclude Plaintiff's Initial Disclosures (Docket #224) IT IS ORDERED that the Motion to Exclude Initial Disclosures is DENIED without prejudice to renewal in a different form at a later date. 10:28 a.m. Court adjourns. LANCE S. WILSON, CLERK By: /s/ Deputy Clerk

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