Kroshus et al v. United States of America, et al

Filing 136

ORDER APPROVING PROPOSED ORDER RE: Hearing held 08/03/2010 111 Motion for Order Providing For Clawback of Information Inadvertently Disclosed. It is recognized that the prosecution and defense of these related actions will require each party to re view and to disclose large quantities of information and documents through the discovery process. (See Order for additional specifics). Signed by Magistrate Judge Robert A. McQuaid, Jr on 08/04/2010. (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - MLC)

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Case 3: 8- v 0O246- D G - A M Docum ent493 Fi d 08/ 3/ 0 Page 1 of8 0 cL R l e 01 1 DANIEL G . BOGDEN ntd a e ony 2 U i e St t s Att r e GR E G ADDINGTON E Fq Fyga rD Igë j L jjg - 4 g y . jg 2)2E,,72hFF'gk (;gqrh E g iu Fr t4 k' ' ih u .ï v jr'rq)v qE.D oLtE, )$, ( .g / 3 Nevada Bar No . 6875 4 Assistant United States Attorney 10O West Liberty, Suite 600 . Reno, Nevada 895 01 5 Tel .: (775 ) 784-5438 6 7 Fax : (775 ) 784-518l B: y CLERK U3 DITRIT COUR SC T nl Tqc'(FIEvs : s jl r ) j /a DE trf p) UNITEZ STATES DISTRICT COURT 8 9 DISTRICT OF NEVADA 1 JUDY KROSHUS, et al ., 0 11 1 2 v. Plaintiffs, 13 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, et a1 w 14 De fendants . 1 5 16 ALICIA UHOUSE, et al.r 17 Plaintiffs, 1 8 Kroshus et al v. United States of America, et al v. Doc. 136 19 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, et a1 ., 20 De fend ant s . 21 BILL ADAMSON et a1 w 22 Plaint iffs r 23 v. 24 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 25 De fendan t . 26 27 28 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 3:08-cv-246-LDG-RAM ORDER ON ( 460) # MOTION FOR ORDER PROVIDING FOR CLAWBACK OF I FORM AT ION N INADVERTENTLY DISCLOSED 3:O8-cv-0285-LDG-RAM ORDER ON ( 217) # MOTION FOR ORDER PROV IDING FOR CLAWBACK OF INFORMATION INADVERTENTLY DISCLOSED 3:08-CV-621-LDG-RkM ORDER ON ( 93) # MOTION FOR ORDER PROVIDING FOR CLAWBACK OF INFORMATION INADVERTENTLY DISCLOSED 1 Cas 3: 8K v 0O246- D G - AM Docum ent493 Fi d 08/ 3/ 0 Pa e 2 of8 e0 L R l e 01 g 1 2 J . MOORE , et al .r Plaintiffs , . 3 4 STA TE S OF AMERICA, 5 Defendant . 6 7 JAMES ADGETT, et a1 w 8 9 Plaintiffs, v. 1 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 0 11 12 JUDY KROSHUS, et al., 13 1 4 v. Plaintiffs, 15 UNITED STATES OF AMERICAr a1 ., 1 6 Defendants . 17 18 BILL ADAMSON et al., 19 20 v. Plaintiffsr 21 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, 22 23 24 Defendant . ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) J ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 3 :09-CV- l67-L DG-RNM ORDER ON (# 8l) MOTION FOR ORDER PROV IDING FOR CLAWBA CK OF IN FORMA TION INADVERTEN TLY D ISCLOSED 3 :09-CV - 649-LDG-R AM ORDER ON (# 42) MOTIZN FOR ORDER PROV IDING FOR CLAWBACK O F IN FORMATION IN A D V E RT E N T L Y DISCLO SE D 3 :09-CV -7l3-LDG-RKM OR DER ON ( 111) # MO T ION FOR ORDER PROV ID IN G FOR CLAWBACK O F INFORMATION INADVERTENTLY DISCLO SED 3 :O9-cv -715-LDG-RkM ORDER ON ( 48) # M O T I ON FOR ORDER PROV ID IN G FOR CLAWBA CK O F IN FORMA TION INADVERTEN TLY DISCLO SED Th is matter cam e on for hearing b efo re the Cou rt on August 25 3, 2010. There being no objectkon to the proposed order and good 26 cause appearing thereforr IT IS HEREBY ORDERED AS FOLLOWS : 27 28 2 Cas 3: 8- v- 0246- D G - AM Doc m ent493 Fi d 08/ 3/ 0 Page 3 of8 e OcO L R u l e 01 1 . It is recognized that the p ro secution and defense of these related actions wikl require each pa rty to review an d to d isc lose large quantities of information and documents through the discovery proce ss . As a re sult documents and images of documents already depo sited or to be deposited with Sunshine Litigation Services ( sun shine' ) u ' inadvertently could ùnclude materkals subject to privilege or other legally recognized p rotection ( ereinafer nprivileged h information') and therefore not subject to ' disc losu re in discovery. Such inadvertent disc losu re of privileged information or documents is possib le despite due diligence an d reasonable care taken to protect priv ileged in formation . 2 . A ny party who h as dep osited m aterials with Sunshine m ay request the oth er p artie s to return privileged documents inadvertently produ ced w ith non -p rivileqed documents . Such a request shall identify the document with pa rticularity and state the privilege or p rotection being asserted and the basis for the asserted ckaim . 3 . Any party who has deposited m ater ials w ith Sunsh ine may a ssert a cla im of priv ilege after receiving notice that another party intends to refer to , quoter cite , re ly up on or otherwise u se the m ateria l or in form at ion contained there in . In asserting such a claim of privilege, the depositing party shall at a minimum identify the docume nt wkth particukarity and state the p rivilege or protection being asserted and the basis for the asserted claim . Such a claim shall be made in a timely manner so that the claim of privilege may be challenged and any su ch challenge re solved w ithout undue delay . A claim of privilege made within 21 days after receiving such a notiee shakl be regard ed as timely. 4 . If a party doe s not ag ree w ith the as sertion of a claim of p rivilege b y a depositing party under paragraphs 2 or 3, it shall not ify the dep ositing p arty w ithin 14 days a fter the receipt of the claim of priv ilege . The depositing party may, after meet ing and conferring as required by Case 3: 8- v- Q246- D G - AM Docum ent493 Fi d 08/ 3/ 0 Page 4 of8 0c0 L R l e 01 applicab le rules move the court for a determ ination o f that c laim . The failure o f the depo siting p arty to file su ch a motion w ithin 30 days after receiving notification by another party of a disagreement regarding a cla im of p riv ilege sh all operate as a waiver of the claim . 5 . Once a document or information has been iden tified as priv ileged in accordance w ith p arag rap hs 2 o r 3, no party shall in any wa y cop y, rep roduce ( re fer to , quote, c ite , re ly upon or otherwzse use in any manner # any su ch document or its contents in any p roceeding unle ss and until the Court determ ines that the document is not protected from discovery or the depositing party with draws or waives the claim of privilege ( xcep t that the document or information may e be identified or produced, under seal or ia the validity of the claim of privilege). camera r in connection with a motion regard ing 6. If the claim of privilege is upheld by the Court or the receiving p arty does not challenge the c laim of priv ilege , all cop ie s of the p rivileqed documents so identified shall be retu rned to the depositing party and counsel for each pa rty shall ce rt ify in wr iting to counsel for the depositing party that all such documents have been returned . 7 . Inadve rten t disclosure o f an y in formation or document which the depositing pa rty later claims should not have been disclosed becau se o f any p rivilege w ill not be deemed to constitute a waive r of the p rivilege . N o p art ies shall claim or otherw ise urge the Court to deem a p rivilege to hav e been wa ived solely on the b asis of the inadvertent disclosure of the inform ation or documents to which the p rivilege lies . Dt : ae ., A ROB RT A . MCQUAID( JR . United State s M ag zstrate Judge Case 3: 8- v- O246- D G - A M Docum ent493 0c0 L R Fied 08/ 3/10 Page 5 of8 l 0 CE R T IF ICA TE OF SERV IC E lt is hereby certified that service of the foregoing ( ropo sed) ORDER ON MOTION FOR ORDER PROVIDING FOR CLAWBACK CF p IN FORMATION INA DVERTENTLY DISCLOSED was made th rough the Court's electronic filing and n otification or b y sending a copy thereof by electronic mail from Reno, Nevadar addressed to the following addressee ts) on August 3, 2010. Robert Hager , Esq . 7 Treva Hearner Esq. HA GE R & HEARNE 8 245 East Liberty, #110 Reno , NV 89501 9 Counsel for Plaintiffs pa rrlawoffices@sb cqlob al .net thearne@hage rhearnelaw .com rhager@hagerhearne law .com 775-329-5800 775-329-5819 (fax) K roshus/Adam son 10 Lee Hotchkin , Esq . 11 1025 Ridgeview Drive, Suite 200 Reno r NV 8 9519 12 Counsel for Plaintiffs ho tchkinlaw @sbcglogal .net lthotch@ sb cg lobal . et n 775-786-57 91 Kroshus/Adam son 13 Robe rt Maddox , Esq . 14 Nancy Jasculca, Esq . 10587 Double R Blvd w # 100 15 Reno, NV 89521 Counsel for Pla intiffs 775-786- 8524 ( ax ) f rmaddox@m addoxandassociates .com njasculca@maddoxandassociates. om c 775-322-3666 775- 322-6338 (fax) pat@leve rtylaw .com gene @levertylaw .com bill@levertylaw .com 775-322-6636 1 6 17 Uhouse/ dgett/Moore A Patrick Levertyr Esq. Vernon Leverty , Esq . 1 William Ginnr Esq . 8 832 Willow Street 1 Renor NV 89502 9 Counsel fo r Plaintiffs 775-322-3953 (fax) worldlyx @att .net monique .laxalt@sb cgloba 775-323-7790 2 0 Uhouse/ dgett/M oore A 21 Calvin R.X . Du nlap , E sq . Mon ique Laxalt r E sq . 22 537 Ralston Street Reno r NV 89503 23 Counsel for Plaintiffs 775-323-5454 (fax) Uhou se / dg ett /Moore A 24 William Doyler Esq . 25 Roger Strassburg, Esq. THE DOYLE FIRM b finne ll@doylelawgroup .com 602-240-5055 26 1313 East Osborne Road Ph oenix , A Z 85014 27 Counsel for TCID and Overvold 28 602-240- 6951 ( ax) f Case 3: 8- v O0246- D G - A M Docum ent493 Fi d 08/ 3/ 0 Page 6 of8 O cL R l e 01 1 William Doyle, Esq . 2 Roger Strassburg, Esq . THE DOYLE FIRM 3 8500 Capella Rico Avenue La s Vegasr NV 89117-9055 wdoylepdoylelawgroup .com bfinnell@doylelawgroup .com 702-240-9205 4 Counsel for TCID and Overvold 5 Michael Vanzandt, Esq . HA N S ON BRIDGETT LLP 702-233-2107 (fax) mvanzandt@hansonbridgett .com 415-777-3200 6 7 425 Market Street, 26t Floor h San Francisco, CA 94105 Counsel for TCID and Overvold 415-995-3566 (fax) lyman@tcid .org 8 Lyman Mcconnellr Esq . 1247 R ice Road 9 Fallon, NV 89406 Counse l for TCID and Overvold 1 0 775-423-6923/2141 775-423-5354 ( ax ) f 775-786-2882 775-786-8004 Charles Burcham, Esq . 11 THORNDAL, ARMSTRONG, DELK, HALKENBUSH & EISENQER 12 6590 S . MccArran Blvd w Suite B 1 3 1 4 15 Reno , NV 89509 Counsel for Lyon County Brent Kolvet, Esq . T H OR N DA L , ARMSTRONG , DELK , btk@thorndal . c o m 775-786-2882 775-786-8004 1 6 1 7 BALKENBUSH & EISENGER 65 90 S. MccArran Hlvd w Suite B Reno, NV 89509 Coun sel for Ckty of Fernkey Newel Knightr Esq . 18 STEPHENS, KNIGHT & EDWARDS 401 Ryland Street, Suite 330 1 Reno, NV 89502 9 Counse l for CA L Investments 775-786-5776 775-786-5044 (fax) 20 and Eilrich mstoberski@rocgd . c o m 702-384-4012 21 Michael Stoberski, Esq. Zachary J . Thomp son , Esq . 22 OLSON , CANNON, GORMLEY & DESRU ISSEA UX 23 9950 West Cheyenne Avenue Las Vegasr NV 89129 A nd Judy Ashton 702-383-0701 (fax) 24 counsel for RE/MAX Realty 25 Thomas Mirczakr Esq . 26 CISNEROS CLAYSON & MARIAS One East First Street, #1400 27 Reno: NV 89501 Counsel for K ing Con struction glenna .gish @zurichna .com thomas. irc zak@zurichna .com m 775-326-8200 775-326-8206 (fax) 28 Case 3: 8- v 0O246- D G - A M Docum ent493 Fi d 08/ 3/ 0 Page 7 of8 0 cL R l e 01 1 Anthony T. Case, Esq . Hayley H. Chambers, Esq . 2 Kathryn Holbert, Esq . FARM ER CASE & FEDOR 3 2510 Wigwam Pkwy, Suite 206 Henderson, NV 89074 4 Oounsel for Keystone Realty rrokni@farmercase . c o m kholbert@farmercase .com 702-579-3900 702-739-3001 (fax) 5 John Aberasturir Esq. 6 7 8 ER ICKSON THORPE & SWAINSTON 99 West Arroyo Street jaberasturi@etsreno. om c lligouri@etsreno .com 775-786-3930 Reno , NV 89509 Counsel for LL Realty 775-786-4160 (fax) Clayton Brust, Esq. Kent Robison, Esq . 9 RCBISON BELAUSTEGUI SHARP & LOW 71 West Washington Street 10 Renor NV 89503 11 cbrust@rbslattys .com 775-329-3151 775-329-7941 (fax) Coun sel for Greate r Nevad a Bu ilders, Steve Campoy Contracting 1 Jean A . Weil, Esq . 2 WE IL & DRAGE 1 6085 W . Twain Avenue, Suite 203 3 Las Vegasr Nevada 89103 1 Counsel for Bidart, Ugalde, 4 a n d V-point Jweil@weildrage .com 702-314-1905 702-314-1909 (fax) 15 16 Christopher MacKenzie, Esq . Virginia O'Neillr Esq . 17 ALLISON, MACKENZIE, etc. 402 N . Div ision Street Joan Wright, Esq. cmackenzie@allisonmackenzie .com jwrighteallisonmackenzie. o cm 18 Carson Ckty, NU 89702 Coun sel for Crisp Development 19 Inc. And Berle Crisp 20 Mark L. Gentile, Esq. GENT ILE LAW GROUP 21 1640 Alta Drive, Suite 12 Las Vegas, NV 89106 22 Counsel for Charles Prandi 23 Kelly R . Chase, Esq . LAW OFFICE KELLY R . CHASE 24 P.o . Box 2800 Minden , NV 89423 25 Counsel for Nevada Johnson, Inc . 775-687-0202 775-882-7918 (fax) mark@gentilelawproup .com 702-251-8445 702-253-7431 775-782-3099 775-782-3082 ( ax) f 26 Kenneth V . Wardr Esq . P .C . Box 2500 27 Fernley, NV 89408 kenwardlaw@aol .com 775-575-2228 28 Counsel for CTI, Inc . and William Carlson 775-575-2257 ( ax ) f Case 3: 8- v- 0246- D G - A M Docum ent493 Fied 08/ 3/10 Page 8 of8 OcO L R l 0 1 Ryan J. Mandell, Esq . 2 GEORGESON ANGARA CHTD . 5450 Longley Lane ryan@renotahoelaw .com 775-827- 6440 3 Reno, NV 89511 Coun sek for M ary N oriega and 775-827-9256 4 Adrien Noriega 5 Charles W . Spann, ESq . PERRY SPANN & WESTBROOK cspann@perryspann .com 775-829-2002 775-829-1808 (fax) 6 6130 Plumas Street Reno, NV 89519 7 Counsel for Latuska and Warn 8 Donald A . Lattin, Esq. M A U P IN COX & LEGOY dlattin@mclrenolaw .com 775-827-2000 775-827-2185 (fax) mpintar@bbg .net mfairbank@bbg .ne t 775-333-0400 775-333-0412 ( ax ) f 775-786-6868 9 4785 Caughlin Parkway Reno : NV 89520 1 Counsel for Matthews Land, Inc. 0 11 Michael Pintar, Esq . Micheline Fairbank, Esq . 12 BURTON BARTLETT & GLOGOVAC 50 West Liberty Street, # 650 13 Reno, NV 89501 Counse l for Biral and Suennen 1 4 Christian L . Moore, Esq . 1 LEMONS GRUNDY & EISENBERG 5 6005 Plumas Streetr Suite 300 1 Reno, NV 89519 6 Counsel for Mepp en and Davi s 775-786-9716 (fax) 1 7 1 8 1 9 20 21 /s/ Greq Addinqton G R EG A D D IN G T ON 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

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