Rockhill Insurance Companies v. CSAA Insurance Exchange et al

Filing 87

ORDER granting ECF No. 86 Verified Petition for Permission to Practice Pro Hac Vice by Mark A. Deptula for Rockhill Insurance Companies, and approving Designation of Local Counsel. Signed by Judge Howard D. McKibben on 4/25/2019. Any att orney not yet registered with the Court's CM/ECF System shall submit a Registration Form on the Court's website (Copies have been distributed pursuant to the NEF - KR)

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1 2 3 4 5 6 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEVADA 7 8 9 ROCKHILL INSURANCE COMPANIES, 10 Plaintiff(s), 11 12 vs. CSAA INSURANCE EXCHANGE, et al., 13 Defendant(s). 14 17 18 21 1. That Petitioner is an attorney at law and a member of the law firm of BatesCa rey LLP (finn name) 191 North Wa cker Drive with offices at -----------,------:,-:----:-----------(street address) Chicago (city) 22 23 24 ORDER GRANTING VERIFIED PETITION FOR PERMISSION TO PRACTICE IN THIS CASE ONLY BY ATTORNEY NOT ADMITTED TO THE BAR OF THIS COURT AND DESIGNATION OF LOCAL COUNSEL _ _ ___ ar_k_A�.De�pt_u_ la M_ _ ___, Petitioner, respectfully represents to the Court: (name of petitioner) 19 20 Case #3:17-cv-00496-HDM-WGC FILING FEE IS $250.00 15 16 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 312-762-3158 (area code+ telephone number) Illinois (state) 60606 (zip code) (Email address) 2. 26 That Petitioner has been retained personally or as a member of the law firm by R_ _ ra_ _ _ _ ___ o_ck_ h_ i l_ l I_ n_su_ nc_ e _Co m_pan i_ es___ to provide legal representation in connection with [client(s)) 27 the above-entitled case now pending before this Court. 25 28 Rev. 5/16 3. That since 2 November 4, 1999 , Petitioner has been and presently is a (date) Illinois member in good standing of the bar of the highest Court of the State of 3 where Petitioner regularly practices law. Petitioner shall attach a certificate from the state bar or 4 from the clerk of the supreme court or highest admitting court of each state, territory, or insular 5 possession of the United States in which the applicant has been admitted to practice law certifying 6 the applicant's membership therein is in good standing. (state) 7 4. That Petitioner was admitted to practice before the following United States District 8 Courts, United States Circuit Courts of Appeal, the Supreme Court of the United States and Courts 9 of other States on the dates indicated for each, and that Petitioner is presently a member in good 10 standing of the bars of said Courts. 11 Court Date Admitted Bar Number 12 Northern District of Illinois 6/13/2001 6269625 13 District of Colorado 4/13/2017 14 15 16 17 18 19 5. That there are or have been no disciplinary proceedings instituted against petitioner, 20 nor any suspension of any license, certificate or privilege to appear before any judicial, regulatory 21 22 23 or administrative body, or any resignation or termination in order to avoid disciplinary or disbarment proceedings, except as described in detail below: None. 24 25 26 27 28 2 Rev. 5/16 6. That Petitioner has never been denied admission to the State Bar of Nevada. (Give 2 particulars if ever denied admission): 3 None. 4 5 7. 7 That Petitioner is a member of good standing in the fotlowing Bar Associations. 8. 6 Petitioner has filed application(s) to appear as counsel under Local Rule IA 11-2 !None. 8 9 10 11 (formerly LR IA 10-2) during 12 Date of Application the past three (3) years in the following matters: (State "none" if no applications.) Title of Court Cause Administrative Body or Arbitrator 13 14 Was Application Granted or Denied None 15 16 17 18 (If necessary, please attach a statement of additional applications) 19 20 9. Petitioner consents to the jurisdiction of the courts and disciplinary boards of the 21 State of Nevada with respect to the law of this state governing the conduct of attorneys to the same 22 extent as a member of the State Bar of Nevada. 23 24 25 26 10. Petitioner agrees to comply with the standards of professional conduct required of the members of the bar of this court. 11. Petitioner has disclosed in writing to the client that the applicant is not admitted to practice in this jurisdiction and that the client has consented to such representation. 27 28 3 Rev. 5/16 That Petitioner respectfully prays that Petitioner be admitted to practice before this Court 2 FOR THE PURPOSES OF THIS CASE ONLY. 3 4 5 STATE OF _ _ _ Il_li_n_oi_·_ __ s ) ) COUNTY OF _ _____.:C.. .:.o. .::.ok:.. :___ _ ) 6 7 8 ___ M_a_rk_A_._D_ep!._t_u_la_ _ , Petitioner, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That the foregoing statements are true. 9 10 11 12 13 Subscribed and sworn to before me this )~-~-vi'- day of A Dr·/ L , c:) o I I 7 - ~-d/..v~~ Notary bliCOfClerk of Court CARMELLA JANKOWSKI Official Seal Notary Public • State of Illinois My commlulon Expires Jun 8, 2022 14 t 15 16 17 18 19 DESIGNATION OF RESIDENT ATTORNEY ADMITTED TO THE BAR OF THIS COURT AND CONSENT THERETO. Pursuant to the requirements of the Local Rules of Practice for this Court, the Petitioner believes it to be in the best interests of the client(s) to designate Daniel T. Hayward (name of local counsel) Attorney at Law, member of the State of Nevada and previously admitted to practice before the 20 above-entitled Court as associate resident counsel in this action. The address and email address of 21 said designated Nevada counsel is: 22 9790 Gateway Drive, Suite 200 23 (street address) 24 25 26 Nevada (state) Reno (city) 775-322-1170 (area code+ telephone number) 89521 (zip code) (Email address) 27 28 4 Rev. 5/16 By this designation the petitioner and undersigned party(ies) agree that this designation constitutes 2 agreement and authorization for the designated resident admitted counsel to sign stipulations 3 binding on all of us. 4 5 APPOINTMENT OF DESIGNATED RESIDENT NEVADA COUNSEL 6 7 Daniel T. Hayward The undersigned party(ies) appoint(s) as (name oflocal counsel) 8 his/her/their Designated Resident Nevada Counsel in this case. 9 10 11 Robin Leibrock, CARE Director, Rockhill Insurance Comp (type or print party name, title) -----·-·--··-·-~-··-··~----~--- 12 13 (party'ssignature ) 14 (type. orprmrpaity name, titley-------------·-·--·-· ---···---···----·--· 15 16 17 CONSENT OF DESIGNEE The undersigned hereby consents to serve as associate resident Nevada counsel in this case. 18 19 20 5986 Bar number 21 Email address 22 23 APPROVED: 24 25 19 Dated: this _25th day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 20_. __ April 26 27 28 5 Rev. 5116 Certificate of Admission To the Bar of Illinois I, Carolyn Taft Grosboll, Clerk of the Supreme Court of Illinois, do hereby certify that Mark Andrew Deptula has been duly licensed and admitted to practice as an Attorney and Counselor at Law within this State; has duly taken the required oath to support the CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES and of the STATE OF ILLINOIS, and also the oath of office prescribed by law, that said name was entered upon the Roll of Attorneys and Counselors in my office on 11/04/1999 and is in good standing, so far as the records of this office disclose. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said Court, this 24th day of April, 2019. Clerk, Supreme Court of the State of Illinois CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE 2 Pursuant to FRCP 5(b), I hereby certify that I am an employee of LAXALT & 3 NOMURA, LTD., and that on the 25 1h day of April, 2019, I caused to be served a true and 4 correct copy of the foregoing VERIFIED PETITION FOR PERMISSION TO PRACTICE IN 5 THIS CASE ONLY BY ATTORNEY NOT ADMITTED TO THE BAR OF THIS COURT AND 6 DESIGNATION OF LOCAL COUNSEL by: 7 D Mail on the parties listed below in said action, by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope in a designated area for outgoing mail, addressed as set forth below. At the Law Offices of Laxalt & Nomura, mail placed in that designated area is given the correct amount of postage and is deposited that same date in the ordinary course of business, in a United States mailbox in the City of Reno, County of Washoe, Nevada. D Facsimile on the parties in said action by causing a true copy thereof to be telecopied to the number indicated after the address(es) noted below. 8 9 10 11 12 13 By Electronic service by filing the foregoing with the Clerk of Court using the -E Service on line filing system, which will electronically mail the filing to the following individuals at the email addresses registered for this case. 14 addressed as follows: 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Scott A. Glogovac GLOGOV AC LAW LLC 3975 San Donato Loop Reno, Nevada 89519 scottglogovac20 Robert E. Wall Frederick H. Ebey The Grunsky Law Firm PC 240 Westgate Drive Watsonville, California 95076 Attorneys for CSAA Insurance Exchange Lisa A. Taylor Law Office of Lisa A. Taylor 5664 N. Rainbow Blvd. Las Vegas, Nevada 89130 Attorney for Premier Restoration and Remodel, Inc. 24 25 KATHIE MARTIN 26 27 28

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