STC.UNM v. Intel Corporation

Filing 242

NOTICE of Briefing Complete by Intel Corporation re 228 Cross MOTION to Dismiss STC's Remaining Claims for Lack of Standing filed by Intel Corporation (Rodriguez, Justin)

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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF NEW MEXICO STC.UNM, Civil No. 1:10-cv-01077-RB-WDS Plaintiff, v. INTEL CORPORATION, Defendant. NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF BRIEFING ON INTEL CORPPORATION’S CROSS-MOTION TO DISMISS STC’S REMAINING CLAIMS FOR LACK OF STANDING [DOC. 228] Defendant Intel Corporation, by and through its counsel of record, Atkinson, Thal & Baker, P.C., hereby gives notice to the Court pursuant to D.N.M. LR-Civ.7.4(e) that briefing on the following Motion is complete and that the Motion is ready for decision. 1. Intel Corporation’s Cross-Motion to Dismiss STC’s Remaining Claims for Lack of Standing [Doc. No. 228] filed July 10, 2012; 2. STC.UNM’s Response to Intel’s Cross-Motion to Dismiss STC’s Remaining Claims for Lack of Standing [Doc. No. 230] filed July 24, 2012; 3. Intel’s Reply in Support of Its Cross-Motion to Dismiss STC’s Remaining Claims for Lack of Standing [Doc. No. 241] filed August 17, 2012; Respectfully submitted, ATKINSON, THAL & BAKER, P.C. /s/ Justin D. Rodriguez Douglas A. Baker Clifford K. Atkinson Justin D. Rodriguez 201 Third Street, N.W., Suite 1850 Albuquerque, NM 87102 (505) 764-8111 Robert A. Van Nest Brian L. Ferrall KEKER & VAN NEST LLP Chad S. Campbell Timothy J. Franks PERKINS COIE LLP Attorneys for Intel Corporation CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE The undersigned hereby certifies that on August 17, 2012, the foregoing document was electronically filed with the Clerk of Court using the CM/ECF system, which will automatically send notification of such filing to all counsel who have entered an appearance in this action. ATKINSON, THAL & BAKER, P.C. /s/ Justin D. Rodriguez Justin D. Rodriguez 2

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