American Tax Funding, LLC v. City of Syracuse

Filing 111

STIPULATION OF SETTLEMENT AND ORDER DISMISSING CASE: the parties stipulation of settlement is approved and this action is hereby dismissed as noted herein. Signed by Judge David N. Hurd on 2/7/2017. (jmb)

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UNITED STATE DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK AMERICAN TAX FUNDING, LLC, Plaintiff, Civil Action No.: -against- 51:12-CV-290 (DEP/DNH) CITY OF SYRACUSE, Defendant. STIPULATION OF SETTLEMENT AND ORDER WHEREAS, Defendant City of Syracuse, New York ("City") and Plaintiff American Tax Funding, LLC, its directors, members, partners, affiliates, subsidiaries, related entities, and successors in interest (collectively "ATF") are paities to a Purchase and Sale Agreement of Delinquent Tax Liens dated as of August 2, 2006 and a Purchase and Sale Agreement of Specified Delinquent Tax Liens dated as of January 31, 2008 (collectively, "the Agreements"), purstiant to which the City sold to ATF cetiain municipal tax liens securing delinquent taxes on various parcels of real property located within the City, and which defined the rights, duties, and obligations of the City and ATF with respect to such sold tax liens; and WHEREAS, ATF commenced the above captioned action by Complaint filed on February 16, 2012, seeking an award of money damages and other legal and/or equitable relief against the City based on claims that certain acts and/or omissions on the part of the City constituted a breach of its contractual obligations and/or tortious conduct µnder or in connection with the Agreements (collectively, the <1Cla.ims' 1); and WHEREAS, the City filed an Answer, Affirmative Defenses and Counterclaim to the Complaint on March 15, 2012, generally denying its liability as to any of the ·claims asserted and denying ATF's entitlement to any of the. relief requested and alleging that ATF breached the Agreements; and WHEREAS, ATF .filed an Answer to Counterclaim on March 29, 2012, generally denying its liability as to any of the counterclaims asserted and denying the City's entitlement to any of the relief requested; and WHEREAS, during the course of litigation, the City abandoned its Counterclaim against ATf"' and . WHEREAS, solely in the interests, of resolving the pending litigation without fm1her ' .. proceedings or cost to either party, and without any admission or concession on behalf of either party as to the merit of any claim or defense raised in the litigation, the City and ATF have agreed to resolve all of the claims assetied in this action, or that could have been asse1ied in this action, under the mutual terms and conditions set fo1th herein. IT IS THEREFORE STIPULATED AND AGREED by and between the City and ATF as follows: Settlement Payment 1. Subject to the payment terms set forth below, the City shall pay to ATF the total sum of Nine Hundred Thousand and 00/100 Dollars ($900,000) ("Settlement Payment"), which ATF shall accept in full satisfaction of any and all claims ATF has or may have against the City, whether known or unknown, asserted or unasserted, arising from or in any way related to the Agreements or any of the tax liens purchased by ATF pursuant thereto. 2 2. The Settlement Payment shall be paid by the City to ATF within sixty (60) days of the execution of this Agreenient. The City shall remit the Settlement Payment, at its election, by either (a) issuing a 3. check in the instaliment payment amount made paya~le to "Camardo Law Firm, P.C., as attorneys" and mailed to Camarda Law Firm, P.C., Attn: Joseph A. Camarclo, Jr. Esq., 127 Genesee Street, Auburn, New York 13201, or (b) transferring and depositing by electronic wire the installment payment amount into a designated attorney escrow account maintained by the Camarda Law Finn, P.C. ATF and/or its counsel shall pl'Ovide the City with the banking information necessary to complete any wire transfer of the installment payment amount, including the name of the bank at which the bank account is held, the bank account number, and ABA and/or Routing number. Termination of Agreements 4. With the exception of this Stipulation of Settlement and Order, all prior agreements by and between the City and ATF, including but not limited to the Agreements, are hereby terminated in their entirety. Assignment of Open ATF Liens to the City 5. In accordance with Schedule "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein, ATF shall assign to the City all rights, title and interests it, or any of its subsidiaries or affiliates, may have in ATF Liens in its [their] possession with the exception of the following liens, which ATF will retain pursuant to this Stipulation of Settlement and Order, as said liens are subject to a pending bankruptcy (In re: JahQuan Khallid-Allah Bey, Sr. & Nadia Bey-Wright, NYNB Case No. 14-31030): 3 Address 125 Borden Ave. 125 Borden Ave. 125 Borden Ave. 125 Borden Ave. 125 Borden Ave. 6. Tax ID E. E. E. E. E. 0&4.-03-24.0 084.-03-24.0 084.-03-24.0 084.-03-24.0 084.-03-24.0 Tax Year 2004. 2005 2005 2006 2006 Type Lien County City County City County Principal $1,394.55 $477.71 $1,239.39 $584.42 $1,375.33 Amount 1 Due $732.03 $1,075.21 $2,788.14 $1,215.14 $2,860.33 Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph "5" above, the City shall retain all rights with respect to subsequent tax liens related to any liens and/or properties that were part of the Agreements, including, but not limited as against the property identified in Paragraph "5" above. Cooperation to Clear Title 7. ATF shall fully cooperate and assist the City in obtaining clean title with respect to real property which has been or becomes acquired by the City where a prior ATF lien appears as a cloud or defect on a title report, including the execution of all reieases or other documents necessary to clear title of any ATF lien; provided, however, that ATF shall not be required to incur additional expense as a result of such co-operation or to clear title with respect to liens of any third parties. The routine review and execution by ATF of releases or other documents necessary to clear title with respect to liens held by ATF shall not be considered to result in any additional expense to ATF within the meaning of this section. Mutual Release 8. Except for those obligations specifically assumed pursuant to this Stipulation of Settlement and Order and the documents executed in connection therewith, the City and ATF hereby mutually release each other, their employees, officers, agents, attorneys, parents, subsidiaries, successors, and/or assigns, both past and present, from and against the Claims any 1 As ofJanuary 4, 2017. 4 ; and all other claims, causes of action, demands, damages, losses, costs, and/or expenses, known or unknown, which each may have had against the other up to and including the date of the execution of this Stipulation of Settlement. No Assumption of Liabilities 9. Except as otherwise stated herein, the City does not assume and shalJ not be liable fol' any of the debts, obligations, or liabilities of ATF or its affiliates that were incurred prior to the execution of this settlement agreement. Diseonfinuance of Pending Litigation 10. Upon entry of this Stipulation ·of Settlement and Order, the above captioned action shall be discontinued with prejudice, provided however that the Court shall retain jurisdiction for the purposes of enforcing this Stipulation of Settlement and Order. Miscellaneous Provisions 11. The City and ATF agree that this Stipulation of Settlement and Order is a compromise of disputed claims, and shall not be construed to be an admission of fault or liability on the pmi of either party. 12. This Stipulation of Settlement and Order and any issues relating to its validity, interpretation, performance, and/or enforceinent shall be governed by the law of the State 9fNew York. 13. Any notices required under the terms of this Stipulation of Settlement and Order shall be provided in writing and sent via certified mail, return receipt requested, as follows: ToATF: American Tax Funding, LLC Attn: Matthew A. Mmini 250 Tequesta Drive, Suite 306 Jupiter, FL 33469 5 With a copy to: Camardo Law Firm, P.C. Attn: Joseph A. Camarda, Jr., Esq. 127 Genesee Street Auburn, New York 13201 To the City: Office of the Corporation Counsel City of Syracuse Attn: Joseph Fahey 233 E. Washington St. 300 City Hall , Syracuse, NY 13202 With a copy to: Harris Beach PLLC Attn: David M. Capriotti, Esq. 333 W. Washington St. Suite 200 Syracuse, New York 13202 14. This Stipulation of Settlement and Order represents the full, final, and complete agreement between the parties, and supersedes any prior oral and/or writ!en agreement(s), if any, between the parties relating to the above captioned action. 15. . This Stipulation of Settlement and Order may not be modified except by a subsequent writing signed by the City and ATF and approved by Order of the Cmnt. 16. In the event that an action, proceeding, motion, or other application is initiated to enforce the terms of this Stipulation of Settlement and Order based on a cl~im of default, breach~ or nonperformance, the prevailing pmty shall be entitled to recover from the other party its reasonable attorneys' fees, costs, and/or disbursements incmTed in connection with such action, . . . proceeding, motion, or other application. 6 17. This Stipulation of Settlement and Order may be executed in one or more counterparts, and signatures forwarded by facsimile \vill have the same force and effect as originals. 18. The _City and ATF represent that the· individuals executing this Stipulation of Settlement and Order on their behalf have been fully authorized to do so, with full and binding effect. The City represents and wanants to ATF that this Stipulation has been duly anthorized and approved by all requisite mtinicipal action on the part of the City. FORATF: Dated: January ~~h, 2017 AMERICAN TAX FUNDING, LLC·· ..-...~ / j By: /··. :-"\ ..-. / \/;·; ,· [r ' ;'//),/} ,.. ,./1-·-·L.. ----~-' ,. ' t.Z..··1 Matthew Marini, President and CEO .. 7 / Dated: January p··'I , 2017 By. __ ...,p:==:..._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Jose l A. Camarda, Jr., Esq. 7 127 .Genesee Street Auburn, New York 13201 T: 315w252-3846 ·p: 3},5w252-3508 · FOR THE CITY: D~ted: January&_, 2017 By:.~--'<~~'...1...,------=-fr.J/.==-"'"--~~~~ Joseph Fahey Office of the orporation Couns l ·City of Syrac\Jse · 233 E. Washington St. 300 City Hall Syracuse,·NY 13202 Dated: Jaimary 2_[, 2017 By:.~,.........~~+-r"--~~---=7"--~ David'l\ity apriotti, q. 333 W. Washington Street S\1ite 200 Syracnse, New York 13202 T: 315-423-7100 F: 315-422-9331 PY THE COURT: SO ORDERED Hon. Davld N. Hurd, U.S.D.J, Dated 8 February 7, 2017 Schedule A Lien Parcel Number GL- Dite Year ~ 1516 18 Se lh (, e 'Pl}l 1d2Q7 :1e1e"'1e Setit~.. ;; '·e ,..~•. -~h!i·~2ei.151618Seb1.~·A e",Pl)132~7 ~ ~ ~ 091.·05~14:0 091.-06·14.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0~ 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2.-01-10.0 .. 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01·10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0' 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0" 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001~2-01~10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2-01-10.0 001.2·01-10.0 100.·11-15.0 100.-13-11.0 100.-13·1 'LO. 100.-13-11.0 100.-13-11.0 1§16 18 ~ebl~,.~ e '.Pl) .1329i. 1516 lfi~Sab1tl1 (, e'" .·Pl~'"1a2Q7 1§46•u• 0 ,9 . 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SO.OD S52.79 S39.05 S39.66 ciiY .. SO.OD SO.DO 'sooo . 572.45 574.06 575.67 575.67 547.43 546.98 0 ····· S75.67 574.06". S72.45 572.45 570.84 S74.C6 575.67 575.Gi CtTY 547.14 criY .. · '"CNTY.. S147.82 S217.33 S238.28_ CITY crin' CITI. _·CNTY. CITY CNTY CITY CNTY CITY 5278.28 S447.58 cNTY. CITY CITY CNTI CITY • CNTY CITI. CITY CITY CNTY CITY S204.28 S263.90 5197)6' 52.905.46 52,202.59 S2,704.23 52,155.37 52,503.54 51,957.86 52,300.95 51,747.04 52,096.39 S1.441.62. S2,049 13 S1,264.95· 5274.24 51,598.77 ssss:o4 51, 172.63 s1.063.19 5349.37 5328.44 S425.C4 S316.78 54,677.05 S3,s46.8354,353.44 S3,469.55 S4,031.44 53.168.48 . S3,704.61 . 52,812.67 $3,374.56 S2,321.62 S3,296.89 .. S2,020.55 S441.14 s2.69:i.5G S713.16 51.477.98 S1,263.76 ~60 33 _IA ~eres'_ssblre (11). $1,897.34 Active (1) s1s.s2·.A.ctive (1) ··c1TY ... CITY CITY . CITY. """Cin'""""" ··ctn' c1,.Y ...... . 5984.96 S0.00 ···sa:oo So.OD sci:oo · . 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(1 ~) bG' Pl lllblPSbYT ·· ss5s:25.Activeci"J 01101n4 -~-~f3~ 1973-1-2-1-10-0-0-crr ci1ro1'75 1974 :19i4·1-2-1-10-0-0-e1r 00102106 ····01101/76 '19i5 ·1975.1.2:1:10.0-~crr-·· · oa102106, a·1io1n7 1915 · 1976-1·-2-1-10-0-0-c1T· --:0~1021015''"': _01101i56 1955 1955-1-2-1-10-0-0-CIT 08!02!06 01/01/57 1956 1956-1·2-1·10·0-0-CIT "'"os102Jo5 01101/58". ,957·1957-1-2-1-10-0-0-CIT ... 06102106 01101/59 1958 1958-1-2-1-10-0-0-CfT oa102105 ········01101/60 1959- 195s-1-2-1~10-0-o-c1T · -~--osfo2io6_ · ·'""·01101161 ··196!f 1950-1-2-1-10-0-0-crr 01/01!62 .·1961. 1961-1-2-·1~10~0-0-CIT_·. 08f02/06 08102106 01/01/63 _1962 1962-1-2-1-10-0-0-CIT 01101(64 , 1963 1963-1-2-1-10-0-o-c!T. :: 08102106 . 01/01/65 1964 1964-1-2-1-10-0-0-CIT 08/02/06 $2;ss2 ao 1R i;"eresre·s~;:e (11) so:oo~ 5497.88-.··· SO.DO ·· so.oo.... so:oo .. SO.DO ...... so.oo so.oo· SO.OD so.oo. "·'· SO.DO SO.oo so.oo""· SO.OD .. ···· · CNTY . CITY bC' Pl-<lbblPSb¥T I~ $4,7831'> IR_•ora_s_las re(11) S15.97·Active_(1) · s1s.os:Active (1) · S17.96:Active (1) $18.21 ActiVe (1) 518.21 Active (1) S18.25 Active (1) S18.59 Active (1) $18.67 Active (1} S20.41 Active (1) 520.50 ,Acti>J.e (1) S21.20 Active (1) $21.34.Active (1) 523.91.Active (1) · S25.75'Active (1) $25.98 Active (1) ·s2s:~s.Ac_tiv~:(1), S28,31 Active (1) s2a.22' ACtive (1) · $72.83 Active (1) S73.oS Active (1) 583.73 Active (1) $88.53 Active (1) ·$91.47 Active (1) $117.91 Active .(1) $119.68 Activ~ (1), S123.10 Active (1) $122.65 Active (1) $101.84 Active (1) $104.06. Active..(1) .. · s120.14 Active(1) ,s122.42 Ac~ve (1) s122.s1 ·Active (1) ·· S386 1o.)lctive (1) .. 0 ··S566,70 Active (1) ~725.86 Active (1) ··$532.72.Active (1) ·· $688.94 Aciive (1) · ·ss1S.54 Active (1) $7,582.51 Active (1) $5,749.42 Acti~e (1) $7,057.67 Active (1) $5,624.92 Active (1) $6,534.98 ~ctive (1) · SS,136.34 Active (1). · $6,005.56.Acti~e (1) $_4,5S!i11''.Active (1) $5,470.95.Active (1) $3)63."24 ·Active (1) ss.-651.52 Active (1), · $3,275.50 Active (1) · $965.38 s4.392.33 $6,298.20 $2,650.61 $2,266.97 A~ive (1) Active 'c1) Active (1) Active (1) Active (1) Asli9F:C-· "st·:--9--f,;;-·-0 °LG"b""P~iilli"FiSb3 'T I,, s1=--e i;c ·· -r---·-· ·------1 ..... ------······-·- ·······\····· -----! 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Balance Balance Lien Status I FC Attorney FC Status ;CNTY L_$_1l2_5_jll_1_·_ _ $1,417.5_1l_! _ _ _ S0.00! _ _$_2,5_42:~0j_A_ct_iv_e~(1~)_ _ _ _ _ ,~L_G_L-_S_T_A~G~G~T~E~-+F~C~S~to~p~pe~d'-' 'C!T'f__l__S1.J_63~42_i _ _ _$b_2_03. 75 S0.00 i_ _$_3~96_7_,__1Z!0_~1i_\'_e_(!_),_ _ _ _ _;~L~G~L~-S~T~A~G~G~T~E~_"-F~C~S~to~p~>o~·•~d--l icNTY s~~68J _ _ _SJ..2i8J_5j _ _ _so_,_o_o1 _ _s_2,2<1Ic43jActive (1l iLGL-STAGGTE FC stopped '.C!TY S169.70! $273.70! SO.OOi $443.40!Active (1-c-)----=~~~~~-r-=~==-i iCNTY S623.06i $1,003.03! so.ooi $1,626.09IA~c_ti~ve_,.(1,,)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- t - - - - - - i _ 1 1 i _ ·_ _ _ ~~~ ~~-;~ }}i:::::::::::::::s_1s~~l~1_:-----~~~~~~1-_-::.-:::::s~$f~t~;J~~~~:~-~--c,..-~:i-: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : i%~~Y s ~~~~---SJ_,_OK~_;J S72Q4i_ _ _S_1_._:1_62'._2~_1_ _ _s~J_ _s~_,a91 _ssJ!'~ti"."J!~l-----------l-----i 6 51 6 Ny 13204-2804 uu & HE; ___ ILGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped foo:=-14-::i~o--;1o3c-entral-A.VO:-syracuse;-Ny13zo4-.:2ao4!EbwAR:Ds"G"EoR8Ei:IU&t=IE)-68/027661-oVo176-4T2·a-a3[2oo3-100-o-14.31-o-o'CNTY s512.94!_ _ _S774.60' _ _ _ s_o_o_o_1 _ _$_'h_J§I:_~IActive (1°i-----f~~~~=---i-=~===- 1 ILGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped ioo"_":14~-1.-o--iiCl:lcentra1Ave--:Syracuse;Ny1:3204-28ci4;-EDWARDS GEORGE uu & HE! 081021061 01/01/04: 2003]2003-=100-Q:.,,.j:314ciICITY $2_~,4_3i _ _ _S9_!'_'.)Jl8i _ _ _ S0.00_!_ _$1,7_4~4:!_i_fl_cliy_e_(!) ILGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped ioo::14:31_0--:1o:i-·centr,XA:ve--:-syracuse~Ny13204=-2so4-n,;D-wf..Fios-<3EoRGEUu-&-HE1-08/o2/o6i-o11o1/05!2004-12604-Wo-o-14.31-o-o1c1TY S787Ao' S991.621 so.oo! s1,779.02iActive c1i _ _ _ _ _,__ _ _ _ _ _-1--~~-i FC Stopped iLGL-STAGGTE i0o-::14~i1i53-CeniraTAVe--=-sY,:-acuse, Ny 1:l2·0-;i:-2ao4!EDWARDSGEORGE uu & HEi 08102106) 01101105! 2004 i2004-100-0-14-31-0-0iCNTY L__S804.14: $1,013:04!_ _ _s_o-:00i--$1,817::(8!~ti,_ve_~(1~)-----i-------+--~--l FC Stopped !LGL-STAGGTE 1oo:::i4-:3-,-:-o--i-103 Central Ave - Syracuse, Ny13204-2!fo4:-EDWARDS GEORGE uu & H-EI 08131106! 011011061 2005 I !CNTY I S709.72i $887.50i S6,670.50i $8_,,_26 7_.7_2_l,A_c_ti_ve_~(1)~----i~~~~=--+~==~i __ FC Stopped !LGL-STAGGTE 1·0-o.-14-:i1-:-o--i1-ci3-ceniial.A.VO:-syrac-use:N~132t54~8o4:"E-DwARoscfEc>R8EiJu-&H"ETo8131106:-0170i/061-2005 1 1(:i:ry__ s_~2,92j _ _ _$8_§1,_2}1soJJ_o_I $1,_604.1_7_ifl_ctiv_e_(1J !LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 100::-04-:1s.o--13o4-:o6 M-aic-eliuS::st_Rear ~~-Ny___ · --!HA~s6__N__J()_8E- - - - - 1-t582Q27Q6i oj_ioJZo:11_2ooo_:2000_:1_09:_0_:'.!:_18:D_:D_:c 1c1TY I S747.20i s1,020.06i so.ooi $1,767.26fActive rn~-----"~c.-o-~~~=-t-=~===-i !LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 100.-04-18.0 !304-06 Marcellus St Rear-' Ny !HARRISON JOSE 08102106' 01101101 i 2000 12000-100-0-4-18-0-0-C ICNTY S1,50~34!_ _ _S2--:051-:-o6i _ _ _so,~~o='-oof!::::::::::::--=$·3~,,sc_5~3:,·c-40'-'l~Acc,t~iv~e~(1~)_ _ _ _--'~-=-"=-=~==--J'='"-"=='---t !LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped !LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 1oo~o4:.,,(o j,3 4 -6 -o ·-_:o ~Maa-r:rcc~ee__uu:Ss}>s-_tt-RR-ee_aarr: . NN-Yy_ i1 __ !HARRISOJ:i_,JOSE 08/t52/06i-o170i/o2;-20"61ifoo-1--=1~0--c---:c1TY $723.16!- $9~2}li S3.4S9.851_ _$~,2_oo_3o;Active (1) 1_00_,_:0_'!:_1_8,0__ !HARRISON JOSE ; 08_J02_io6_i___0_1101102l_2oo__-l_i2_001-100-0-4-18:o-:o:-c 'CNTY $1,760.59i S2,404.67i S0.001 $4,165.26l~A-c-~tiv-e~(~1)~----~~~~~~~-+--~~--1 11 i LGL-PHI LLIPSLYT FC Stopped 100.-04-18.0 !304-06 Marcellus St Rear-' Ny iHARRISON JOSE ' 08102106! 01101103' 2002 '2002-100-0-4-18-0-0-C jCNTY $1,552.54! s2.120.61 ,---$0:0oi--s3:Si3."i5l~A-c·t~iv-.~ (1~1)-----;--------1--~~_, iLGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 106~01_:07~0 ='1022~24 Be1cien A.ve_w :_Syracuse, Ny _1320_4:1FERRANTE_Cf-IARLES _____ 1 08102106!__0116]795[1_99(Cf99{1o6-=:o±i,o:o-::e_o_ _ 'Wf'l'__ [__ sI5-28~7_5i_s2!f61,69[ _ _ _ sO:Oili __ $3;s9o-:-44!Active (1) 1LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 106.-01-07.0 11022-24 Belden Ave W- Syracuse, Ny 13204-1 FERRANTE CHARLES i 081021061 01101195! 1994 [1994-106-0-1-7-0-0-CI iCITY I S2,231.83I S3,593.52i SO.OOi $5,825.35iActive_(,~1)-------~-------+--~~~ 1 !LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 106-:-:o-:i-:07.0--,1022-:2;113-.1den Avew--:Syracli5e:-NY1:i2o4-=-i.fE-RRAN1Too"RCE-s---,-o81021061 01101195: 1995 '1995-106-0-1-7-o-o-co •CNTY $(9o1:-oii_ _ _S3.o6ti-:61-;---so:oo1--s4-:-s61.68 !Active (1) !LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 106.-01-07.o--fio22=--24-8eidenAveW-=-s;racuse~y1:3"204-1 FERRANTE CHARLES i 08102106[ 01101196! 199S-!19-9s:166-0-1-7-0-0-CI iCITY $2,226.241 S3,583.86[ so.oo! ss-:-a10:-1-6!Ac:tive (1°)-----;-~~~~=---i-=~===-i iLGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 106::01~0?-0--,1022-:24· Be1d-enAve-VV:-syracus-e-;-Ny132o-4-=-i:·i'ER-RANTEcHARLE_s _ _ 1_08r62ro61-01/o1i97;1996fi996-:W6-:0:-ffo:o:-co--rcNTY _ ${8:3S:-22i_ _ _ s2-;-954_35-,---so:06~--s4)89.51!Aciive (1 l !LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 1 106~01:oio--,1022~24-8e1denlive w --syracuse:-Ny1:i2o4-=1 F-ERRAN1Tci'l.A.R"i:Es---,-o8io271i6!-oi7o119Tt1996-!1996-=-i06~0-1-7-o-o-c1 1c1TY I $2,690:-121-s4~33o~9oi _ _ _sti~ool--f7-c,oc.21~.-=o7 2["°'A~c~tiv~.~<~1'l~----cc~~~=c=---+c=-==='- 1 iLGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped io6~tli-=-6io--;ioi2-=24-BefdeiiAve-w-=-s;,racu5e-:Ny132ci4-=-iF"E'RfiANTEC!=iAfiCE"s---,o8/02/061-o1701!98!1897-i1-997:.,,o5.o.1-7-o-o-co tcNTY s-2.224.36_1_ _s3:°58o:64_1_ _ _ so~ooi--ss;aos-:-o-01Act~iv_e_~<1~)-----~~-------1--~~_, !LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped IiJ6::01=--0IP To~E2_4)~ii@en Avi°._W - sxriC:use,J'ly___£2Q4-1£.E~_RANTE_G_l:l~_l,_ES _ _ '_Q8_J02/o6i__o_1_101199 I 199~8-106-0-1-7-~0-CO _ '~r--s·(~:fg-:-isi _ _ _ S2,624.30 l _ _ _ S_Q_il_o_I $~~2_54~os1Active(1) !LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 106.-_01-07.9 !1q22-24 f?elden Ave W- Sy~.~cuse, Ny 1320.~-1 FE.RRANTE CHARL~S ; 08/02/06: 011011091 1999 !1999-10~-0-1-7-0-0-CO iC~-S1,585.72! $2,553.~6i S.O.ODI ~4,13-9-.1-8~!-A-c-ti-ve-~(1~)---~----~--+~==-"---l iLGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 10S:~oTO[o_J:o2_2~2{BelclenAvi:w-:syr~u_s_e;]y1:i:ig£if:i=:f>:~A.Nl'E_::ci=i:A.RLEs_ _ _;_68_ig_2Z@ cii_10_1_JQ~;19"9_9J!9.Q9-1013:0:_1-:l::O:O.:Cl-:~iTY $2,_4_3g,2J! s_i_9}__~:iQr sii-0-6] s6-:I42-,S:-1]_--.-A-c~t__~iv-e_-"'-(1)7'-----;c=-=-c-c.~==--i.~-='"'=~i iLGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 106.-01-07.0 '102_2-24 Belden Ave W - Syracuse, Ny 13204-1 FERRANTE CHARLES ' 08102/06: 01101101 ! 2000 !2000-106-0-1-7-0-0-CI !CITY S951.54i S1 ,532.72! SO.OOi $2,484.26IActive (1) i LG L-STAG GTE FC Stopped 1 i-os-::ci1-:o?:"o--11022-:24-Belden Av.--W:-syracuse;-Ny132o4-1 FERRANfEcHARL_Es_ _ _ _o_8_102/06;-o1i0170il2oool20oO-iO~co 1cNTY s1.327.36i s2. 136.47: so.oo i s:i;463.83-:~A~c~tiv~.~(~1l~----:~=~~=c=---+c=-==='-t fLGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped IoS::o.,,:o?:o--11o_:22~2_4_::Be@en.A.V~w-sy@c-;;5 •. Ny_1_32_04-1£.i=:RRANTE cHARLE_s _ _i 08102105;__o11011oz_:~o__-1_;2001-106-o-1-7-o-o-c1 _ ;c1TY I S927:761 S1.494.o8J S5,054.12: ~L._>IZ_s-:-s-~jActive (1) FC Stopped !LGL-STAGGTE ILGL-STAGGTE 106_,_:01_:0_~o_ _i_:!_022_:_24_Belde11__A11e_Vlf_:__Sy~acus.,,_NyJ_32Q'.!:_1_FE_f3_R~NJE_G_ljE,f3L_ES_ _ _i_0_810~Q6_LJ_:l_J0_1£1l2li20_Q_1J20_01_:_1_06-0-1.:_7_:_0:0_:f_O :CNTY $1,163~2:Ji _ _ _SJ_._~_2_j~J_ _ _s_o,_o_o_!_ _S_;cl_35.6_6_i,_P.,_£__tiv-~~(!_)~1:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::: FC Stopped 106 -0_1-07.0 -___ !1022.:_24 BeldenAve_l'f_:_Syracuse~Ny_13_204:_1_FE~RANTE_CHA~LES_ _ _ :_o_8102_106i__D1f.01103!_2002_!2002_:1_06_:_0.:_1.:_7:0:0.:_C() _ _ ICNT_Y__ $1,0_19 69! _ _ _$1_.642 20 ! ___soooJ__ _$2,661:89 JActiv_e_(,_1,)_----+"-~~~~~--;f'.-'-~==_, :LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 107.-03-10.0 ·913-15 Geddes St N - Syracuse, Ny 13204-130 Lloyd Ales i 08102106i 01101105! 2004 !2004-107-0-3-10-0-0-C [CNTY , $974.18! S905.82i_ SO.OOi $1,880.00!Active (1) iLGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 1o?.:-o_ Fo-:-o ,_.9_TEI5Si_ edd_"_s::_st_:N__:_Sy_~·~_u se}Jy_1_32~o_4:1_3d.LIQ.y_ct_!.l~s __ i 08_13_1166r__o1/o1/o§no_o_s,--·i_cNiLJ $1,078.931_ s_ 1,348.7S!_---s5:S::6:o:: $2.:;±8:i_'~.2"_~+1Ac-c-cti~v.--"r1>'-)-----;-=-=-=-=~=.c.c.-"cc=+'7--?=-=-j iLGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 107.-03-10.0 '913-15 Geddes St N - Syracuse, Ny 13204-130 Lloyd Ales i 081311061 011011061 2005 i 'Cli:-i::____j $1,135.71 I S1,420.00i SO.OO! $2,555.71 IActive (1) iLGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped }09;=01)6,0 :_18?__:-Lai<eview}1~·-=-syracuse~Ny - - - - - , i<li-Js~Y_.Jp..MEs 1 08102106;-0:V:011_0_2i.:Ioo:!_J2_001-1 o9.:0:.1.::36:o:_o.:c;_ _ :~TY 1 s1 Jo2;_5QI s2:"6~ii6; s_3, 1 f6_}-cJ_i st;:455:;:061~ttJeJ.i.'~l----;=-o-=-===.c.c.-"cc=+,.=._=u-""'--!LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 109 __ 01-36.o !18_7 Lakeview Ave- Syracuse, Ny iKl~!3_EY JArlil_ES Q_8!9_2_1_1J_6i 011011021200112001-109-0-1-36-0-0-C !CITY $2,201.11! S3,807.74i SO.OO! $6,008.85!,~A_ct~iv_e~(~1)~----·--~~----+--~~-i !LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped ~09~oI_36,_o _:)8_[l_akevie_v0_ve- sj~-,,u_s_~-;-Ny !_KINSEY JAMES ' 081021061 011011031 2002 i2002-109-0-1-36.:_0_:_0::C_ _ !Cl'J:f'l'..____K<@_2~i $2)64:781___$0-:00J ~~27-:-34Jp..c-,tiv_e_(~1~)----~-------;f---~-._j iLGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 1_09.-03-31.0 ;207 Apple St-Syracuse, Ny 13204-2109 !DRAPER RONALD FRANCIS I 08102/06i 01101100! 1999 !1999-109-0-3-31-0-0-C iCITY $720.63! $1,011.33[ SO.OOj $1,731.96!Active (1)~-----------+------; lo9~o3)Io !207.A:~riO::st_:_syracusecNyJ_32If2_1_09 i6~~§:R.B_()~~L_D~[i'<~c~Co6202~06I 0Jlo_:1_JO!J:Iooo_l2_1i:O_o:_1_09_:_~3:_31-o-o 0c_ _ icNTY S1,405c3j_I $1~97o.93I so]_o_; $3Jr_6,26Jp...cti."."JJ.l~-----------+------; 109.-03-31.0 ;207 Apple St - Syracuse, Ny 13204-2109 i DRAPER RONALD FRANCIS ! 08102106! 01/01101 ! 2000 i2000-109-0-3-31-0-0-C !CITY $840.24! $1,178.36! SO.OOi $2,018.60iActive (1) 109-::o:i:31:0--;207-Appiesi-:-syracu-se:Ny13204-210_9_ _ i6RAPER RONALD FRAN~i0s102106!017o1i02f20o_i_i200i-=io~3:,::0-:o-:c--;ciTY--r--s'i~:l:l8.s3; _ _ _ $1;87s23~i9~58i--$S::8:i6.34iACtive-·cec1c-)-----------+------ 1 fo9-::Q3-:3To--:2o_7_.A:ppje-s-i-:-s;,racu5-e~y13204-2109--, DRAPER RONALD FRl'-Xfcls-, 08102/06i-61/o116i12c16T!2-oo1-1o9-o-3-31-o-o-c :cNTY I s1.218.7G' s1.7o9.93I so.oo! $2~928-:-6-slActive m fo9-::o-3-:3CJ:ti--;2o?Appje-st-:-syracuse-;-i\iy132o4-2169!DRAPER RONALD FRANCtS;0s/02/06:-----o:l/o1/o3i20o2!2-oo2-109.o.3-:31.o-o-c !CNTY I S1.415.52i $1,986.24-1---5o.0o·1 ___ s:i;401-:76+!A~c~ti~v.~~(1~)-----------l-----I io9::iis"-3To--i·1-2o-28 wai18t: sxracuse, Ny-132o4-21~iBOzO SANDOR____ ----;os;Q2106!0i/017ii8T1987-i 1987-='lo9-0-5":32=o-=-o=-c--!CITY I $21,647.iff: S31,674.85I $0.ooi--S-53,322. 7SIActive ('.l_)_ _ _ _-i-1 L_G_L_-P_H_l_LL_IP_S_L_Y_T-+_FC_S_to~p~pe_d--1 109::0S::J2~0-i_120-:zsyvailst_:_SyracusecNyJ":l2-04-:2_1~8 Isozo--::sANDOR_ _ _ _ _ i_os/o2/6§i 01_10_11_89iJ_9BSJi988:_1_09__:0_:5:32.:_0:0_:_C_ _ !C:IJi'__J_ _$23"02_9.2z< S33,_69_5.5Bj_ so-:-oo~i_ $S6~724~8sJA"ctiW,J1) ILGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 109.-05-32.0 !120-28 Wall St - Syracuse, Ny 13204-2148 IBOZO SANDOR : 081021061 01101190! 1989 11989-109-0-5-32-0-0-C !CITY ! $22,373.29: $32,735.741 so.ooi $55, 109,03!Active (1)_ _ _ _ _,_iL_G_L_-P_H_l-LL-IP_S_L_Y_T-+-FC-S-to~p~p.-d--1 i69 -os-::i2~ii--:120:28-Walfat- Syracu-se:-Ny132o4-ii48--roozo SANDOR i 081021061 01/01/92;199Ti19-91=109-ti-=-5-:32.o-o-c !CITY i s2--Y:-085:05:--s-39~1---$0:oor-$66,715.23!Active (1) ILGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped i-08~32::-o_1120-2s--::wa11s1_:_§xra_cuse~yJ32ii4-=-zI4_8 [BOW Sf\N_DOR 0810~0Si _ _ 011_0_1_1_9_31_1__9()2_l1_992_:1_09:D_:5:32.:_0.:_0_-c_ _IC.!I_Y_ _ i_ _$25,740,§2_i _ _ _ $3.1_663.5~ $0_Qo_1 $63,40~:2-oco·•1cA~c1-tiv~e~(Cc-1C-- - - - i ' ,L~Go-cL~-P°'H~l~L~Ll~P1-S~LY~T~~F1-C~S~to""p=p,ed=- 1 )109,.:_0_5:_32~0_ _!_120:2_8_'!)1aU_8_t__:__Sy~a~us_ecNY_1].2_Q±:_2_1±8 __ 1B(J_ZQ_S~[J_()R 08~0-~6_i__IJ__1l_0__1_1§l±i__:l_9~_!_:!_9_93-109-0-5-32-0-0-C iCITY S27, 196 02 I $39, 792.59 i SO. OO_i_ _ $66,~~8~6_:!_l~i"."..(!_ l~----i'iL~G~L~-P=cH~l~L~Ll~P~S~LY~T~~F~C_.,S to,.,p"'p~ed=-t 00 109.-05-32.0 i120-28 Wall St - Syracuse, Ny 13204-2148 !BOZO SANDOR 081021061 011011951 1994 !1994-109-0-5-32-0-0-C iCITY S10,255.83! $15,006.31 I SO.OOI $25,262.141Active (1) lLGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 109-::c1s=--32-:-6--:120:28-wa1lst-:-syracusO:-Ny132D4-2148-:aoz0sANDoR ; 08102106; 01101195! 1994 !1994-109-0-5-32-o-o-c icNTY s20,003.261 $29,268.oo: so.oo! $49,27~1--.2~6-"!A~c~ti-ve-~(1~)-----,,~LG~L--~P~H~IL-L~IP_s_L-YT-i-F-c_s_t~op~p-e_d_, 1o9-::-o5-32~o--i126=-28Wailsi-:-syracuse;-"Ny1320-;i:-2148--,BOZO-SANDOR • 6"8/021061--0110119611995 11995-109-0-5-32-0-0-C !CNTY $12,672.60-i $18,542.781 SO.OD-!--$-3'i;ii5.:i.8iActive (1) ILGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped i-o9-=-o5~32~0--:1·20:2awal1-si-:-syracuse:Ny132-o4-2148 !BOZO SANDOR i 08/62Tt56i-01/0119ii19-96i1996-=169-=-o-5-32-:o:o.c--;cNTY _L_S10,628.53i $15,552.02[ so.ooi $26,i8o.55lActive--~(1~)----:,--LG_L P_H_IL_L_IP_S_L-YT-j-F-C_S_t~op~p-e_d_, ___ 109:~05~32.0--1120~28-wallst--::-syracuse~y13°204-214s-isoz_o_SANDOR : 08/02/06:--01/0-i/98[1997!1997-109-=-o-:S-:3~0-:o-:c--icNn-I-- S6:616~3!--S9,6iiT76i _ _ _SO~OD~i--$i6~2ii8~29!Activ~ , LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped _1_o_ 9-::os}:[ci o:2f3~•_ 11st-:-syracuse:-Ny132o4:2148 __ '~Ql'o-s.A:i'iooR ·1-08io2/o6i-o1rti.1/9(i_!1998i1998-109-o-=5=-32-o_-o-c !G_NTY [_s7,5SS:-97!_ _ _ s1-1:06CG5i _ _ _s_o-:ooi--$1s,6i9-.-12[1\ciive (1)~----cc!L"°G~L~-P""H~1L=L~1p=s='L'--Yc=Tc---1-F=c=-=s~toLpLpe~d'- 1 109__:0_5_:3_2~0_ _!_:1_20:2_8_WaJl__St__:§_y_@_c:_lJ_se_c.!'Jy 13204-~i_El_Cl.~_8ANDOR i 081021061__1J__11_0_1!Q_1_i_2_0_QO_i2_0_Q0-10_9.:_D_:5.:_32.:_0:_0:_C _ _ !S:J:f'l'__l__$__:J~O_o!_ _ _Si,_9_o~! _ _ _~_O_,_o_o_i _ _ _ $8_,_2_5"'4·~·1:~1+!Ac,c=ti~ve~(1L)_ _ _ _ _!_=LGO'-L~-'=P~H"'IL,,,L°=IP,.-,S'-=L~YT=-l'FC:C'-'S'-'t"'op p"'e~d-l 2 1 109.-05-32.0 ;120-28 Wall St - Syracuse, Ny 13204-2148 i BOZO SANDOR i 08102106! 01101101 i 2000 i2000-109-0-5-32-0-0-C 'CNTY I $7,052.70i $10,319.73! SO.OOi $17,372.43iActive (1) iLGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 1o9-::-os=--32~0--·120-2(wai1 _St:_ Syracuse,_ NyJ320~-2J48 _fs()zo _S!<ND_()R 08t02T~ o_11_0_1_1o_2_Cz6t5i-~1-1 o_s_:0:::s)f~O_:_C 1i:jTY1~ls,_13_9_1 ___$_i._Z9_9Jjl_l_ _ $~,611.071 _ _$_1_1"690:.1_5j~Ci~e-_(~!1~----c,L-G-;L--P~H_l_L_Ll_P_S_LY_T__,_F_C_S-to~p~p-ed--i :!_09_,_:0_5_:_32,0_ _l_120c28 W_1lll_El_t_.:_!3x.ca_CtJ_s_e_,__i'jy__1_3_204-2148_!_B_C>.ZO SANDOR ' 08102106J__o1J.0110_2l_20_()_1_l~0_01-109.:_Q:5~3_2-0-0-C ICNTY I $4,959.00! $7,255.90! so.ooi $1_2_,2_1_4:_901Active (1) iLGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 1_09_,_:0_5.:_3~0_ _ ,_:1_29:_28 Wall_S_t_:_S_Xrac_use_c.!'l'E_204-2148_LBOZO SANDOR _ 08102106! 01101103! 200~_J2002-109-0-5-32-0-0_-C _ _!CNTY _ $4,764.27! S6,970.64 I S0.00 i $11,734.91 i•-A-ct-iv-e~(~1)-----rl, L~G~L--P-H~IL~L~IP~S~L~YT~-+F~C~S~toLpLpe~d'-1 !0_9_,_:Q7__:1J8_g_ _ ,_5_42..-'!.9£ii_!Ob_rtio_n_d_!,~~__:_!3y!§."~.5.•~ 13204:~-~ILCHRIST JAC9._'-!_ELINE _; os102106_i_0_11011041_z_oo_3_i2_o_Q_~Q9:0:i'.:!3:2.:2~_1_ _!CITY _ I ~2,272_j_O_i_ _$2,86~2_1::::::::::':s3'"°,7 14~5'c_5'"0+1_:::::::::-::__--=s'=8,--=2=80'_,s-=_2°J1 ·0-,-_c:-.t_,..iv-e-+(1"-1l-----;!~LG-=--=-L---=B--=E=R=K~M'"'A~N~-+F=c'--sl-t=o~pp~e=d-I 109,_:07__:08,0___ 1547-49 Richmond Ave - Syracuse, Ny 13204-2"GILCHRIST JACQUELINE , 08102106! 01101104! 2003 !2003-109-0-7-8-0-0-CO 'CNTY S2,140.54! S2,697.66i SO.OOi $4,838.20,,.,IA~c~tiv~e'-'(~1)~----+'!L~G=L,__-BO'-EocR'°'K"'M"'A~N_,___-l~F-=C_.,S to,.,p"'p-"-ed=-j 00 f~e};:f~===~f~~fr~~:~ ~~yracuse, : RichaidTLanclrio :~g~;~~;~~~~GE 08102/06:-017ti17tii!-2o0112cio1-'lcio-=o-=-i4:21-=-o--o----:cNTY ~~;~;;~~i--~~~%}:~}~};{~~5~~:~:;::;;:~:~: ;~~~! ' $}1~,Li-c~~~:---:~-:,_,_;;c'j-----c-=-===~-+=-~--c-J J_ _ _ 304 06 1 1 l__ !E ___ ~~;:~;:~~--·-~----i~~~~T~~~~~-~~=-:~-~~~~~:~~~}I{;~~Jf~~~-l~~~~~~~:~~=~~;f6~~}~~1=I~~fiI%6~~6~~bft~:~:~~ 1t59::-o7-08D--!-547-=49 RichmondAve--=-svracuse:Nv13204-2TGiLCHRIST JACQLJELINE i 08131106! 01101106! 2005; Page 2of19 :~~;Y f---ff~~~-~~:==~~1~~==:f~~f~~:~i~1}:~-~~:f,1 (Cl~H2.362.45l S2,952.50i SO.OO! :~~~:~~:~~~~ FCStopped $5,314--_-95-.,-A-ct-iv-.-~(~1)-----r-,L-G_L_-B_E_R_K~M_A_N_-+;-~~~~:~LDPLOP!:~~~, Schedule A Parcel Number I Property Address I Property Owner IPu~!~~se ICe~:;,:ate I I Date Date GL Year Lien Certificate Number I Lien Type I Cumm Lien Face Value I ~~;~:~ I Current Fee Interest Balance I Balance I Total Open Balance I Lien Status I FC Attomev FC Status LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE Page 3of19 FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped FC Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Schedule A Lien Parc'el Nuriiber .FERRANTE CHARLES 509 Bear SI- Syracuse, Ny 13208-1111 002.-19-11.0 002.:i9-11.o·~~ · 509 ·Bear Syracuse, 'Ny" 1"320a:11·1·1' · · ······· · ·FERRANTE c·HARLes··· St·: 509 Bear St-:-. Syra~se •. ~y 13208-11_1~ 002.-19-11.0 002.-19-11.0 002.-19-11.0 ~ 002.:19·1.tO J,j J 002.-19·11.0 \J :}k g o ~:_2 2 _o 1 :0 FER_~N!E.CHARLES ----~509 Bear St - Syracuse •. Ny.13208-1111 509 Bear SI· Syracuse. Ny 13208·11·11 509 Bear St~ Syracuse .. Ny 13208-1111 51Q Qaar St S) nisblsa. ~l~ ·132gg 1.11~ f--<-r 509 Bear St-Syracuse, Ny 13208-1111 x· / /' t .· GL Year< 01101103 2002 2002·2·0-19·11·0·0-C.O CNTY 51,205.99, .. "Q1/(fr/o£ 2003 '2003-2-0-19-11-0-0-CO 01101/04 2003 ;200~-2~_19-11-~-0-CI '08102/05· CNTY CITY CNTY CITY ··s·1-.48i9o~ · 08/02/06 "oa102105 08131105 08131105 ·ai1oi16s ·2004 200+2-0-19.11-0-0-co D1101105 2004 2004-2-0-19-11·0·0-CI . 01101/06 2005 CNTY CITY 01/01106 2005 , 01'Q~ 1 ge' JQQ5 011011'07·.· 2006 020.-12-10.0-2006-CIT 01/01182: 1981 1981-25-0-3-4-0-0-CIT 01/01/83, 1982. 1982-25-0-3-.i.O-O-CIT = CITY CITY CITY. CITY 130. Laur;e Ave Rear.-Sy.racuse. Ny .13206 031.-10-08.0 307-09 Lombard SI- Syracuse. Ny 13210-1241.KESEL ROBERT J JR 035.-03-28.0 035.-03-28.0 035.-03-28.0 035.·03-28.0 413'"Seeley 413 Seeley 413 Seeley 413 Seeley Rd- Syracuse, Rd- Syraa.rse, Rd- Syracuse, Rd-:-. Syracuse, Ny 13224-1160 Ny 13224-1160 Ny .13224-1160 Ny.13224-1i60 035.·03-28.0 035.·03·28.0 413 Seeley Rd~ Syracuse. Ny.13224-1160 413 Seeley Rd - Syracuse. Ny 13224-1160 035.-03-28.0 035.-03-28.0 035.-03-28.0 035.-03-28.0 035.-03-28.0 035.-03-28.0. 035.-0i-18.0 035.-0i-18.0 035.-07-18.0 035.-D7-18.0 035.-07-18.0 035.-07-18.0 413 Seeley Rd ::,·Syracuse, Ny 13224-1160. 413 Seeley Rd-Syracuse, Ny 13224·1160 413 Seeley_Rd- Syracuse. Ny 13224-1160 413 Seeley Rd.- Syracuse. Ny 13224-1160 413 Seeley Rd - Syracus~. Ny 13224-_1160 413 Seel~y Rd~ Syracuse. Ny 13224-1160. 2711 Fayette St° E - SyracuSe. Ny 13224-1125 2711. Fayette St E - Syracuse. Ny 13224-1125 2711 Fayelte St E -.Syracuse. Ny 13224-1125 2711 Fayette St E - Syracuse, Ny 13224-1125 2711.Fayette St E - Syrao.ise, .Ny 13224-1125 2711 Favet.e St E - S racuse. N 13224-1125 .SMOKES ;SMOKES "SMOKES .SMOKES JAMES JAMES JAMES JAMES M M M M 08/02105 & REBECC 08102/06 & REBECC _08102106' & REBECC 08102106 & REBECC 06/02106 SMOKES JAMES M & REBECC OB1o2106 SMOKES JAMES M & REBECC 08/02106 SMOKES JAMES M & REBECC 09/02106 SMOKES JAMES M & REBECC OSi02106 SMOKES JAMES M & RESECC DB/31/06 SMOKES JAMES M & REBECC 08131/06 SMOKES JAMES M & REBECC 02101108 SMO~ES_JAfytES M & RESECC. :02/01/08 SAYLES MARY F 08102/06. SAYLES MARY F 08/02/06 SAYLES MARY F 08/02106 SAYLES MARY F 08.102/06 SAYLES MARY F 08/31106· SAYLES MARY F 08/31i06 2000 2000 2001 2001 01101/07 01101107 01101/04 0~/01/04 01101/05 01/01/05 01101/06 2004 2004 2005 2005 2006 2006 2003' 2003 2004 2004 2005 SO.OD SO.OD SO.DO . S64.40 S64.40 S75.67 SO.OD so.oo: S46.i5 547.14'"' - - $34~63 .. S36:6:i . S35.15 S3i04 $34.45 . S127.75 . si0....43 S121.39 5102.50· s115.47 ·· S96.iJ:l $86.85 CITY CNTY CITY CNTY CNTY CNTY CITY CNTY CITY CNTY" CITY ·2004-35-0-3-28-0-0-CO 2004-35-0-3-28-0-0-CI CNTY CITY 035.-03-28.0-2006-COU 035.-03-28.0-2006-CIT :2003-35-0-7-18-0-0-CO ' 2003-35-0-7-18-0-0-CI CNTY CITY CNTY CITY CNTY CITY CNTY CITY CNTY CITY A 2004-35--0-7-18~0-0-CO 2004-35-0-7-18-0-0-CI 01101/06 2005 Page 4 of 19 SO.DO SO.DO SO.OD SO.DO .. . S32:34· CNTY··-- 2000-35-o-3-28·0-0·CO 2000-35-0-3-28-0-0-CJ ·2001-35-0-3-28-0-0-CO 2001-35-0-3-28-0-0-CI S74.06 S72.45 ... :~~.of· CITY CNTY CITY CNTY CITY CITY CNTY CITY CNTY CNTY CITY SO.DO $45.91 CNTY CITY" CNTY - - 845.01 S44:62 's44:1i' CITY CNTY CITY CNTY CITY CNTY CITY 01i01io4. 2003' 2oo:i-35-0-3-28-0-0-CC. 01101/04. 2003 2003-35·0-3·26-0·0-CI '01101105 01/01/05 01/01/0G 01/01/06 S9.18 S11.16 $61.18 562.79 S306.40· S9.19 S38.il3' S39.05. CNTI7 , 01101101, 2000 .2000-31·0·10-6·0·0-CI 01/01/01 01/01/01 01/01/02 Oi!Oi/02 SO.DO SO.DO 50.00 , S39.66,. CNrv·· S0.00 SO.OD S0.00 $1,873.62 . $1,59D.DO 51,855.oo ·~· CITY o1i01/96 ~1995 1995~25-0-3-4-0-0-CIT 01101/97 '1995 1996-25-0-3-4-0-0-COU. 01/01197 ~996 i 996·25-0-3-4·0·0-CIT 01101/gg 1997 1997~25.."ow;,~-4-0-0-COLJ 01101/93; 1997 199~-25-0-3-4-0-0-C'.IT 01/01/99 1996 1998-25-0-3-4-0-0-COU 01/01199 1996 1998~25-0-3-4-0-0-CIT 01101100 1999 '19s9.2S:.0-3-4-0-0-COU 01/01/00, 1999 1999-25-0-3-4-0-0-CIT 01/01/01 2000 2000-25-0-3-4-0-0-COU 01/01/01 2000 2000-25-0-3-4-0-0-CIT . 01101102 2001 :2001-25-0-3-4-0-0-COU 01/01/02 2001 2001-25-0-3-4-0-0-CIT 01101io3 2002· 2002~25-0-3-4-0-:-0;COU · 01/01102 2001 2001-29-0-16-33-0-0-C 01101102 2001 ·2001-29-0-16-33-0-0-C 01101/03 2002 2002-29-0-16-33-0-0-C 01/01199 1998 :1998~3-0-2-S-0-0-COUN 01101/00 1999 i1999-3-0-2:5--0·0-COUN 01101100 > 1999 ·:1999-3-0-2-5-0-0-CiTY 01101101; 2000 :2000-3-0-2-5-0-0-CITY 01/01/01: 2000 2D00·3-0-2-5~0-0-COUN 0~1011D2 2001 2001-3-0-2-5-0-0-CITY 01101102 '2o_o1· 200'!-3-0~2:-5~.o-o-coUN 01101/03 2002 "2002-3-0-2-5-0-0-COUN $2,036.16 Balance $1,150.00 $1,486.72' ~ ~ $1,271.51 s1,484:o5~~- CITY CITY, 06/02106 .. 01101196' 1995 1995.:25·0~3-4-0-0-cou' 'ROLLERAMA INC 130 Laurie Ave Rear- Syracuse, Ny 13206 ROLLERANIA INC 08/02/06 130 Laurie-Ave Rear- Syracuse. Ny 13206 ROLLERAMA INC 06/02!06 130 Laurie Ave Rear - Syracuse, Ny 13206 ROLLERAMA INC 08/02/06 130 Laurie Ave Rear- Syracuse. Ny 13206 ROLLERAMA INC 08/02/06 130 Laurie Ave Rear·- Syracuse:Ny 13206 R0LLERAMA INC 08102106 130 Laurie Ave Rea~·-sy(acuse, Ny '13206 :ROLLERAMA INC 08/02/06 ROLLERAMA INC 08/02106 .130 Laurie Ave Rear - Syracuse, Ny 13206 , 130 Laurie.Ave Rear- Syracuse .. Ny ..13206 ROLLERAMA INC 06/02106 ROLLERAMA INC 08J02/06 130 Laurie Ave Rear· Syracuse,.Ny 13206 ROLLERAMA INC OB/02/06 , 130 Laurie Ave Rear- Syracuse. Ny 13206 .ROLLERAMA INC . 08/02106 130 Laurie Ave Rear- Syracuse. Ny 13206 1_30 Laurie Ave Rear- S}'f'.acuse. Ny 13206 ROLLERAMA INC 08/02106 ROLLERAMA INC 06102106 130 LaL:rie Ave R~ar ·Syracuse. Ny 13206 ROLLERAMA INC , 08/02/06 -130 Laurie Ave Rear- Syracuse, Ny 13206 717-21 Burnet Ave- SyraCuse, Ny.13203-2901 iELUSON CORKY & DURHAM I< 08f02/06 717-21 eumet Ave:- Syracuse. Ny 13203:2901 '.ELLJSON coR_KY & DURHAM}< 08!02106 717-21 Burnet Ave :'Syracuse, Ny 132Q3-29q1 :ELLISON CORKY & DURHAM I< 08102106 08/02106 ,640 Hiawatha Blvd E -Syracuse. Ny 13208-12iPRELL MARIE 640 Hiawatlia.Blvd E - Syracuse, Ny ,13208-:12~PRELL MARIE 08/02106 08/02106 640 Hiawat.'ia Blvd E'·'Syracuse, Ny 13208-12~ PRELL MARIE 08/02/06 640 Hiav'/atha Blvd E- Syracuse, Ny 13208-12'.:PRELL MARIE 08102106 :640 Hiawatha Blvd E -· Syraa.rse, tJY'1320a-12::,PRELL MARIE G40_Hiawatha Blvd E ·Syracuse, Ny.13208-12iPRELL MARJE 08102106 08/02106 640 Hiawatha Blvd E.~ Syi:-acuse. Ny _132oa.:12ti:>RELL MARIE 640 Hiawatha Blvd E - Syraa.rse, Ny 13208-12~ PRELL MARIE 08/0:2/06 $1,941.66 ·· · ·· s1,874.88 Cu~;,tFee S1.801.80 . S39.66 S46.73 . CITY, CITY CITY CITY CITY Current ·'Accrued 51,430.46 CITY CITY •e 025.-03-04.0 025.-03-04.0 . 025.-03-04.0 025.-03-04.0 025.-03-04.0 . 025.-03-04.0 025.-03-04.0 025.-03-04.0 025.-03-04.0 025.-03-04.0 025.-03-04.0 025.-03-04.0 025.-03-04.0 025.-03-04.0 029.-16-33.0 029.-16-33.0 029.-16--33.0 003.-02-05.0 003.·02·05.0 003.-02-05.0 003.-02-05.0 003.-02-05.0 003.-D2-D5.0 003.-02-05.0 003.-02-05.0 . ~,1.,6,~.6:~~-. . crrv· 0 025.-03-04.0 : Curren 'iJen Lien Certificate Numb~r POini~R iJFS C' 1b:r• H<:;.,,b C~riF .. GtVH 10G Ridlard A Blair, II 02/01/08 . . .209 Hixson Ave - Syracuse, Ny 13206-3411. ROLLERAMA INC 08/02/06 q25.-03-04,0 130 Laurie Aye Rear- Sy~acuse. Ny 13206 ROLLERAMA INC 08/02106 ·25.-03-04.0 ___ 130 Laurie Ave Rear'~ syfacuse. Ny_ 13206. ROLLERAMA INC 08/02105 01/01/84 1983 1953-25-0:3-4-0-0-CIT 025.-03-04.0 130 Laurie Ave Rear- Syracuse, Ny 13206 -ROLLERAMA INC 08/02/06 01101185: 1984 1984--25-0-3-4-0-0-CIT "130 Laurie Ave Rear·--Syracuse, Ny 13206 025.-03-04.0 ROLLERAMA INC .. 08/02/06 , 0110il86, 1985:. 1985-25-0-3-4-0-0-CIT 025.-03-04.0 -130 Laurie Ave Rear- SyracuSe. Ny 13206 ROLLERAMA INC 08/02106 01/01187 1986 i98S,25-o'·3-4-0-0·CIT 025.-03-04.0 130'Laurie Ave Rear- Syracuse. Ny 13206 ROLLERAMA INC 08/02/05 01/01/88, 1987 1987-25-0-3-4-0-0-CtT 025.-03-04.0 130 Laurie Ave Rear- Syracuse, Ny 13206 ROLLERAMA INC 08102/06 01/01/89 1988 1988-25-0-3-4-0-0-CIT 130 Laurie Ave Rear- Syracuse. Ny 13206 025.-03-04.0 ROLLERAMA INC 08/02106 01101190. 1989 .1969-25-0·3-4-0-0-CIT 025.-03-04.0. · 130 Laurie Ave Rear- Syracuse, Ny 13206. ROLLERAMA INC 08102106 01/01191 '.f990 1990-25-0-3-4-0-0-CIT 025.-03-04.0. 130 Laurie Ave Rear- Syracuse, Ny 13206 ROLLERAMA INC 06/02105 01101192: .1991 ·1991-25-0-3-4-0-0-ClT 025.-03-04.0 130 Laurie Ave Rear- Syracuse, Ny 13206 . -~ 06!02106 ..01/01/93 .1992 '1992:2~0~3-4-0-0-C\T 025.-03-04.0 130 ·Laurie ·Ave Rear- Syracuse, Ny 13206 . _ ROLLERAM~ INC, 025.-03-04.0 ,~ 130 Laurie Ave Rear- Syracuse, Ny 13206 ROLLERAMA INC 08/02/06. 01101/94~ 1993 1993-25-0-3-4-0-0-ClT 130 Laurie Ave Rear - Syracuse, Ny 13206··· ROLLERAMA INC 08/02/06 01/01194; 1993 1993-25-0-3-4-0-0-ClT 025.-03-04.0."' ,130<Laurie Ave Rea~- Syracuse._Ny 13206 ROLLERAMA INC 08102106 01/01/95 1994 199.4-25-0-3-4-0-0-COU .. 025.-03-04.0 025.-03-04~0.. ... :130- Laurie Ave.Rear- Syfacuse, Ny _13206 ROLLERAMA INC 08/02/06 - 01/01/95 .1994 1994-25-0-3-4-Q..O-CIT 020 1 2 10 0 '---·· • ..? FERRANTE CHARLES .FERRANTE CHARLES FERRANTE CHARLES . FERRANTE CHARLES Lien Certificate. Date S98.46 S74.76 S88.10 .. $59.34. 51.904.36 572.45 S70.84 574.06 SO.DO S75.67 S0.00. S0.00 · SO.OD S0.00 S0.00 S0.00 Ss1.s2 575.67 S56.35 S59.57 S56.35 559.57 554.74 5206.08 $167.44 S194.81 S165.83 5185.15 5154.56 S172.27 $140.07 5157.78 $120.75 S141.68 S94.99 S2.556.81 $3,053.80 54,101.05 51.823.40 5230.23 S8s2.21 S898.61 S814.80 . 'si.03f04 S792:66. S896.90 S783.97 S2.52i.19 so.ilo SO.OD so.oo· S0.00' SO.DO. SO.OOc $623:99 .. S2.574.50 . S960.33" $619.83 -5957.33 .S922.94 . 51.904.53 S1.680.91 $2.307.18 $1,622.37~ 5370.30 $1,387.82 $1,447.39 $1,312.15 S1,65R91 51,276.73 51,444.17 S1.262.24 53.856.<0 57.06 511.46 SB.63 $9.40 S9.63 S10.54 5789.27 Si,209.60 Si,025.00 S1,196.25 S996.84 52,057.40 ··s2.118.06 52,906 82 52,043.72 52,118.77 s1,4.41.51 S2.669.94 · · · s2.'115.55 S2.645.00 51,802.50 SO.OD Total Open Balance Lien Status S4,29~_.65. Acti~e (1 )_ $3,362.78 Active (1 L $3.652.60. ~cUve (1 L. $3,232.26·Active (1). $3,360.34 Active p) $2,861.51 .Active (1) :SJ,339.05 Active (1}_", · $17,350 58 ~ Gti ·~ J1 ~ 1§~;~~~~~1-~=~=:·i:~~:~~~~~~ LGL·STAGGTE 1 Stopped FC ~[·:~~~~~·~ :6¢1. s'f!§C:-i}; S20.35·Active (1) S99.21. Active,(1) . S101.84:Active (1) 5104.0G Active (1) s104:os:Activ"e ·c1)·· · S122.40'Activi (~)~.'" S119.97·A_cl~ve. (1) S117.46_Active (1) S117.07~Acti've .(1) ·{1J S120.1:4:~ctive (1). S122.42 Active (1) $83~86.Active (1} . S122-81 ·Active'(1) · · 590.98 Acti~e- df. $96.20 Active_{1)_~:- ~ S91.~o,Ac~i~_e_(~) · :S96.61 ·Active (1) sa9.1s,Ac;:tiVe (1)_ S333.83 Active.(i l ·· ·· S271.87 · AcUiie (1) · S316.20 .AcUve (1) 5268.33'.Active (1) 50.00 S0.00 SO.DO S0.00 SJ00.62 Active (~) $250.59-A_ctive (1) 5279.33 .Aclive.(1)" 5226.92 Active. (1) S0.00 S0.00 S0.00 SO.DO S0.00 S256.24'Active (1).. SO.DO S0.00 S0.00 SO.OD so.oo $4,787.72 S0.00 SO.DO S0.00 S0.00 SO.DO S0.00 SO.DO S0.00 S0.00 SO.DO S0.00 53,765.50 SO.DO SO.DO so.oo S0.00 S0.00 SO.DO SO.OD S3.988.00 S0.00 d·Activ~.(1) ~ S0.00 SO.OD S0.00 . S0.00 $4,029.09 SO.DO,· . . . . -~~~~}~:=~- "LGL:sTAGGTE-- FC Sto i..GL.:si-AGGTE 5195.51.Active. (~) .. $229. 78 Active (1) $154.33 Active (1) $4,461.17.Acfive (1) · 511,183.. 94.~ctiYe <1J 54.397.90.Active (1) ssoo.s3" ~ctiVe ·c1 > · $2.250.03 '.Aciive. (1}··· $2,346.00 · • .o.ctive. (1} .. $2,126.95 .-b.~iy_e.<.~)·· $2,690.95 Active.(~} SG,857.11 Active (1}, $2,341.07: Active (1) S2,046.21 Active.(~) S6.383.59 .~cUve (1) $7.06 Active (1). S11.46 Active (1).. SS.53 Active (1) ss.4o Active·,:,) S9.63 Active· (f) 510.54 Active (1)•. $1.413.26.Active $2,169.93 Active SS.610.:33 Active $2.153.58 Active (1) (1) (1) (1) · S1.919.78 Ac1;ve (1 ).. $3,961.93-Active (1) $3.798.97.Active.°(1) · $5,214.00 Active (j). · 53,666.1?9 Active (1) · 54,788.71-Active (1) $1 ,232.01 Active (1) $4,760.55 Active (1) ......................t··-·---------------··•-'••««••·-·-·- ... _. .. ________ ;..._ ____,... ,............ ' ------------+-···-··----··-· Schedule A Parcel Number I Fayette St E-Syracuse, Ny 13224 i2421-23 Prooertv Address I Prooertv Owner I Pu~~~:se ICe~:~:ate I silver- g~~~;:~=~===:~~~j-~=~:r:~~l:-~~~:~~::](11;-~~:i~~~-:~~::~:-~:l~:~: Date GL Year I Lien Certificate Number I Lien Tvoe I Curren Lien I Face Value ~:;~:~ Interest Balance I Current Fee I I Balance Total Open Balance I I Lien Status FCAttomev FC Status 08/02/06: 01/01/041200312003-36-0-5-13-0-0-CO ;CNTY , $1,742.001 $2,194.92; S0.001 $3,936,92i_A_c_t_iv_e~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,___ _ _--l (1~1) 0-8_1_0~0§: 01/0_1~Q:il.?Q.Q3=i2:Qo3~3§:0-5-13=_1l:_O:ci-,(:;1Ir__I $2,3_72c8Di $2,989~98: sa-:-0-0-1 $S~362]8'!Active (1) 08/02/061 01101105! 2004 !2004-36-0-5-13-0-0-CO ICNTY i--s1,676.26i $2,111.76l $0.ool $:J;i88,0-i1Active-(il'.-------------t-----I o8/o2/IJ6_; _cii/oc(/o51_2_004-!200.j:3i;:o:5:j-3:o:o:c1 --,CITY s 1,899.:lo·;---$2, 392, 74;---so.ocii--s4;·292;().jl Active (1) , o-8-3- 1 66-,,,--oo1o ~!,2oo -1,-- - - - - - - - - - --1 11 1 1 _6 5 :cNTY s1,491:'38_! _ _ $1,863-:Js1 _ _ _ ifo-:-60"[--s':l)-5sc,-1c3•-·1·A·-c--u·-ve_,.,(1-'-i- - - - - - - - - - - j - - - - - i ---------:_C::iir__:_ _ $2;"60TI~1 $~52.50j s_i@_oi ss-;:-85.fi_;i:iAcliv"..(1),_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-+-----I 081021oe; 011011041 2003 12003-37-0-1-16-0-0-co •CNTY S622.47i S783.72; $0.oor $1,40G.191Active (1) osZ62Ei61_ o_i_fOJio_4f2oo}.:12_Qo-:i:'37-"o~~o:l):Cf--:c1TY s823}:2i S_1;-[3~:;-24! $0-:-ooi-s_1titi~86;~(0t;;;e~_(!_~1)~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____,_ _ _ _ _, _ 08102106! 011011051 2004 !2004-37-0-1-16-0-o-co •CNTY S592.58i $747.181 so.001 $1,339,76!Aclive (1) 7 1 O_B_l(l_2/06,_____aJ_l_01/05i_2_iJ"iJ4 i2_Q_llj~Z:_0-1-16:0_:0_-C_l_ _ ,_(:ITY Si5_~~~1 _ _ _$_9~_JJ_4_1_ _ _$_0 00_!_ _$_!,iff4._2_fi.'7A-ctiv--e-('-c1)------------t------I Qj~Q1-=16~o--;31fCeXir1gtonAve-=5yraCu~Se-;-Ny-13210=1323(60VSuver os1311oe; 01101106! 2005 ! :cNTY $521.93~ $652.50! $0.00i $1,174.43!Active (1) 037::-01-"i6~ci--:317L-exingionAve-:-syracus~y 13210-1323!Dov silver : os131106: 01101m6i 2005 1 •CiTY S66~"6l_ _ _s~3~_s_1_ _ _$0JJOl_ _$'1_,_505,3~l_·'7A-c_t_civ._e_J_1,~11-----------+------i 037::03:-11 :o--•319 wesimoreiandAve - Syra.:UsO, Ny- - --:'f>"fiiL-LIPS~----081021ci6:------0-1/01/o2T2ooi 12001-37-0-3-11-0-0-CI !°CITY $362.68! $509. 161 S3,004.50! $3,876.34•Active (1) 0·37-:::03::fi-.o--,319-wesimore1aiiciA-Ve--::-s;;,-a-cus-.;:-N;,---,PH1LCiPs-A'DAM 08162To6i-o1701i03T2oi52;2002-37-o-3-11-o-o-co ,-cNTY s911.os:---$-1;27T92! _ _ _ s0:-66!--$2~1ss.9il·"'A~ct"'iv~e-c<""'1i-----------+----- 1 o:i7:03~04o--:318-'26-Eiii5-&- Syracu5e.-N'Yf3210-i~:onelha"Geliiers 08102106!011011981 199Il1997-3To-3-4-o-o-c1T 'CITY $35122; S581.;61 _ _ _$0-:0or--ss42.43!Acti~ 037~03:04.0--'318~20-E1iis-st:Syracuse,-Ny1321o::J32o--ionetha Gethers 0·8i02/ci61-01101/991199811998-3;i:'o~:4~Q:ci:-c~1cNTY s55S:4ci! _ _ _ S898.3sr---$0.001___ $_1;4ss-:781'Ac~)-----------+------l 037::-03:04:0--!318:20· Ellis- si---syracuse~ Ny1321o:j320--:oneiha"Gethers 08162/06:-----oiiOi/9-91199811998~3?="o:>i~:o:o:-c:1f - - , c1TY $_1_;22~801 s1,9t3~J5~! so=o~1_s}-:_i:Si_:B:l5C1":'e_(1) 037::03~04.a--1:l-18-20-E11is-st-::·syracuse,- Ny1·3210=1320-: cineiha_G_eit1ers 08102106,-0i/Oi/ooi1999-!"1999:'37='ci:3~:o:o:c~:cNTY I s511.7o! S824.321 $0.001 s1,33G.02!Active (1 ) - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - -1 iJ37.-o-3-o4-:o--:31e:20-Eiiisst-:Syracuse-:--NY1-:3210-i':l~'Onetha-Gethers 08102106: 01101100! 1999 11999-37-0-3-4-o-o-ciT 1c1TY I s1,014.691---s-1:634-:1.5i so oo! $2;s48.84iActive (1) o:i7~03:04:'0--1:ii8:20Eiiisst:Syra-cuse:l\ly1-:i210-1320--,oneihaGeihers oii/o2/06i------oi/Oi/011 2000 12000-37-0-3-4-o-o-cou 'CNTY I S455.57i s734.i6i_ _ _so.ool--s1;13933-~;~Ac--t~iv_e r'1~11-----------+------< __ 5 1 036,-05-13.0 :Josephine Heard 036::-o5~i3:o--i2421:23-FayetieStE-:Syracuse, Ny13224iTose,OhineHeard 036~-05:fa~O--i2421:ffFayette-St E-:-Sy-ra-cuse;--Ny-i3224;jC,-sephi-neHeard 036-::o-5=13:o--,242·1 :23· F ay.ette-St-E:-syracuse-;-Ny13224-. Joseph-ineHeard 036::-o·s"=i·:i-:-o-- 242-1:23-Fayetiesi-E-::siiacuse-;-l\Jy1:32~•Joseilliin-e-Hearci 036-:_::os,I:liJ= 2421:2:iFayette-StE-:-Syracus~-y1322~:To-sephine Heard 031.-01-16.0 i?17-LeXi09~?rl A-;je---:. $YraCuse-: Ny-1321-0-::13.23(~0~ 037.-01-16.0-- 317LexingtonAve:-syracuse;-Ny1-3216=1323-, Dov-silver 03[_0_8_(0=:31·[i::exingtonA\ie-:-syr~c~e~Ny1321o=1323-ID"ov-si1ver 037.-01-16.0 !317 Lexington Ave - Syracuse, Ny 13210-1323 iDov Silver Date 0 813 1 10 6 0 1 10 1 1 0 6 2 0 0 5 1 ~~f~~f~~~~~~~i~~-;~~~~~~~:~~~~~1~~:~:-~~%IT;y 1 ;318-20 ·Ellis si·--syracuse,-Ny 1321o=i320-: o_n_e_t~G_etilel-s_ _ _ _ _ -08102_/cH3i o_1]_o1 /6~C2_oo_D~o_gi_:_3_;i:'o:,i:_f_ci:o_:_clT -,_GJTY- - 037::-o:l~q_{o-!~18~20_:_-E1i15J;i-=-syr_a:cuse,}Jyfa:210J::i[o-·one_tti_a_Ge_thers 08/()2/_06 1 ~:i_:_~OQ_2J~02-37-0:_3.:_4:-0-0-CO_LJ_ _:_c:_Nf71 :-;t~~~~--- ~5~H~;---~~~ $_~;~H~:~~:~:-{B------------+------I s~_,o2f4!:---·-si.§53.4 7 ;---si_o_(lj s_2,s_a_o:_s"s_i,cf..c-c-..ti-v_-e.:::·<~"'1:_):::_:::_:::_:::_:::_:::_:::_:::_:::_:::_:::_:::_:::_:::_:::_:::_:::_:::_:::_:::_:::_:::,~:::_:::_:::_:::_:::_:::_:::_~ $32_4.90_'_ _ _S5_2_3_,_2!;_1_ _ _~0Jl_0_!_ _ _$848_,_15ifl_o:~i':'."_(1) _ _ _ _~L~G~L-7M~A~R~C~U~S~-+=-~--~t 037.-08-36.0 1245 Croly St - Syracus_e._Ny_1:J~24-1560_ _ B9_ri_ald D Rudolph 08/02/06'____0_!_/()_1/02_i__2_1J0_1_l2001-37-0.:_8::3_6~0_:0.:_G__ _ _ l_c:r:.Jfl_j ___ O S1_,946 52_1_ _ _S:J_,_1_3_~6ZJ _ _ _ $_(),_OQ! _ _$5_,_08-!.:_1_9_!Acti~,-----C'c=.==~=-=._~--tFC=-.=S-"to"'p-"-pe"-'d'--I 03Y::o8-'36;o____: 2_45=Croly_St.:__Sy~acuse,J'ly_13224::_1560_ _ : Ro~ald D_Rudolph_ _ _ _ _ _0_810210~ :__0_1/0_1_/_0_2, __200'.1_ ;20_0_1_:_37-0-8:36.:_0:0:_CI ;CITY I $2,038,_~31 _ _ _S_3i2_82,ZS_i $0. 00; $5, 321_,_42_'-"ctiv_e_(1)_ _ _ _ _ rL~G_L~·M_A~R~C~U_S _-t--FC_S_to~p~pe_d__, _ 03_7_,_:0_8:36,_0 _ l_2:4_5_~oly_St_.:__Sxracuse._Ny_1_322__ _ 4.:1_560 _ 1Ronalcl_D_B~d_olph _ ' 08/02/0_6_•__ 01/01/03J_2_0_Q2j_2_0_Q2-37-0-8_:3_6_:0-0-C_D_ _ :c:_NTY I $1,713.02! _ _ _ S2_25_7:_9_31_ _ _so,_g91 _ _$4,4ZOJl5_!~A_ct_i_v_e~(1~)----~~L~G_L-_M_A_R_C_U_S _+F_C_St_o~pp~e_d--< _ 037.-08-36.0 ,245 Croly St - Syracuse, Ny 13224-1560 i Ronald D Rudolph 08/02/06i 01101/04! 2003 12003-37-0-8-36-0-0-CI !CITY I $2,282.14; $2,875.321 $0.001 $5, 157.46_1_A_ct_i_v_e~(1~)_ _ _ _ _ ,--L_G_L-_M_A_R_C_U_S _+F_C_St_o~pp~e_d_ _ 1 03Y-::o8:3G:iJ--,245-CrolySt:-'Syracus...-Ny13224::f56_0_ _ (Ronaid6Ruciolph oSZo_2!_Qii:------01/ii1io4;-2003i2003-37-0-8-36-0-0-CO 'CNTY I s2-:11066:_ _ _ s2~6i_ _ _ $_(),_QD! sy7QJ;2_1Active_ill,_ _ _ _ _ ~L~G~L-~M~A~R~C~U~S~_+F_C~St~o~pp~e~d'--I o:l7,_-o8-=36=0=:24~,:0ly-sCsy_iacuse-;::Ny}322:i::_1560_ _ ,Ronalij_D£ui;lolph 08/02/06! 01101105i 2004 i2004-37-0-8-36-0-0-CI !CITY I S_2~0J:5,_8~i _ _ _SS,6J5,_~: _ _ _$Q,_OO._!_ _$4,6_9_1_,_60'Activ_~_(1_) LGL-MARCUS FC Stopped 037.-08-36.0 i245 Croly St - Syracuse, Ny 13224-1560 !Ronald D Rudolph 08/02/05: cijlcff_1_6_5!)tio~J2ciiJ-4:-3-j:iJ-::3:3ij:o~O:c-o--icNTY I s2,017_59; $2,542.68; so.oo; $4,560.27!Active (11 LGL-MARCUS FC Stopped 037.-0B-36.0_ _:2_4_5_Ci:_o_ly_S_t_.:_S_)lra_c;u_seJ'iyJ:3_2_2jJ:5_60 !_§o~a-ld-D-Rudolph 08/31/06! 01/01106! 2005 i ·--------------i9'JJ:'f__~01.4(;i s2;25i_2ii S1,1S:o:;-0_61 $~J_32.71jE:_tive (1) LGL-MARCUS FC Stopped 637-::08:-36~0 ;245 Croly St - Syracuse, Ny 13224-1560 : Ronald D Rudolph 08/31/06! 01/01/06i 2605: :c1TY ! $1,810.76! $2,263.75! $0.00! $4,074-:51!Active (1) LGL-MARCUS FC Stopped 047--::05-:2o~iJ--,2o1Lexlngton Ave & Collimbus-:-syracuse, NyjWORTMANFRANK 08/02/06i 01/01/96! 1995 !1995-47-0-5-20-0-0-CI !CITY i---$2.538-:73-,---s3;695-:-s5-i---$Q00·!--$6;2-34"J!-8iActive (1) LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 04-7;:05}o~o_,:ioT:CeX.n.gion1,-;;-e-:_&-:_c31U-riii:iLi~__$y[acuse__Ny,\fVORTMAN FRANK 08102106' 01101196T1995T1995-47-o-5-20-o-o-co 'CNTY I s2,977A2i ___$_4,3_3.:Jc2_1_i_ _ _ so~q_o~i_ _s7_,_3_!o,s_31~_c_tiv_e_(!_)_ _ _ _ _ ~------+----~o, 047,-05-20.0 •201 Lexington Ave & Columbus - Syracuse Ny WORTMAN FRANK 08/02/0_6! _01/01/97i 1_996 i1996-47-0c5-20-0-0-CO !CNTY , $2,873.93! $4,183.18i SO,OO! $7,057.11 !Active (1) 047.-05-20.0 ·201 Lexington Ave & Columbus :-syracuse:-Ny!WORTMAN FRANK ; --08/02/06i- oii61i9er1997_i_fo97:-4y:o~5:2o:o:o:cj·- -jc1fv--,---S1,436:88! ___ s2:09fs8! _ _ _ so.ooi--$3~528."'46!Ac:tiVe-(1)------------+-----'--I 04-f---:.6S..-2-~p _;_2_oj}~e-~5 9 ~9~~f(~~~J:l_~~_:jYi<=!.c.~-~~~X~'.YoRTMANFRANK----,-o87o2/661-----o:i/o1798! iCNTY s2, 166-:Si)-------s._3, 154.11i ~~! $-~d2_o~~~~~~J~1,i~----~------+----~• 047.-05-20.0 '201 Lexington Ave & Columbus - Syracuse, NyiWORTMAN FRANK 08/02/06! 01/01/99; 1998 !199_8-47-0-_5-20-0-0-CI !CITY $1,596.41 ! $2,323.10! $0,00! $3,919,51 !Active (1) o47:::0-5:io:o--i201-LexingtonAve_&_coiuiTI6us:Syracuse, N\,:woRTMAN FRANK Q"9/02766l-ci1/ii1199i19_9_8_11998-47-o:5:2-o-=-o:o:-co--1c'N'i'-Y_ _ _s2~o99'49• _ _ _s3-;-o5526i_ _ _s0:-oo1--s1C154,is"1~A~ct'"°iv~e-'-<:i-'-2-----:--------1----~t 047::05·.20_0--: 201 Lexington-Ave-&-Columbus:-syracuse:-Nyi woRTMAN FRANK os102/66-!-o1i0i/cio-i 1999-i1~)99:-4f:'o:s=-20-:-a:-o:-a--i c1TY S887. 93! _ _ _s1,'292-:-4a' _ _ _ so-:-Oo!--s2;(soA-il'Aciive(1J 08102/06i0i/61To1i2ooi512o-oo-O-o-:-s:-2o~o:o~:CirY s1.334.941---s-1,943.12:---s-o-:-Oo:--s3,27csc~.o~s'1-A--c-u··v-e-<""1~)- - - - - c - - - - - - - - - - - < - - - - - i o47-::o-5:-20:0--,201L.exi-ngioniive&-ca-1umiluS:-syracuse":NY•woR'fMAN FRANK o4Y-::os-=-20~0--:2oiTexingt0n~ve_&_cQiU-,;;t,LI_5=s-Y~~C:us-iiJJyf\ii1_0Rrl\1i',l'!_'=.R~K_ _ _ _ ,_o_a10_2/_0_6: 0J1_ti_11011}1J_1J_tl_i_2_tlo.Q:..4Z:0.:.5:20.:.o-o-c_o _ _ _ ,c;NTY s1,342.oo_i _ _ _s_1.953,_:i_2_! _ _ _ so~o_O:i s':l)9(32_iAcliveJ,_1~1_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- + - - - - • 047.:05:20~0--:201 LexingtonAve & Columb-us- Syracuse, Ny'WORTMAN FRANK ! 08/02/06! 01/01/02i 2001 i2001-47-0-5-20-0-0-CI iCITY i $1,524.49: $2,218,32! $2,885,50i $6,628_,3_1;...iA c_tiv_e~(~1~)---~-------+------"-I __ o47,::os:20:0=;201}exington~ve:(coluri:itili~sy_ra~use:;}Jy)_VJ__ci_Rr~A:.0.££<A~_t<_ _ _ _ ,_o_6!g2~061 6}/_0_1_![121:::2ao_[i~oo_1_:<!0.::00:.o:-o-:co C:_N:rY • sI_'S?I.§±1 s2)'ij6-:76i- --sii-:Ooi s:i;8f4~4o)~~t!Y."_(1) _ _ _ _ _: - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - c - i 047.-0_5-20.0 !201 Lexington Ave & Columbus- Syracuse, NyiWORTMAN FRANK ' 08/02/06! 01/01/03! 2002 i2002-47-0-5-20_-0-0-CO 'CNTY i $1,386.78! $2,018.78! $0.00I $3,405.56i"'A~ctC'iv_e,__ ,(c-'1)~----C'=~==~-+=-~~-~I FC Stopped 04I_::o5'._01;_6-i268}:'_.,XTn-gto_ri_"'-".e~Sy_ca_C:uselfy_i32iD:i.341!_lfl~l<_EB PHILLIP & VIO~_os/02_&_6_; o§'_Eg_o_'__1_9S:9J}ii~9_:_4Z:__03i:j~-O_:O.:_c:_(JM iCNT_r___ _ _s:¥5i.?.~ s:~~o:s:.o2:: so]_iJ-1 $j:,_4s_9_;:S:5!~i':'."J.1_L)- - - - LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 0_47~-_06:0_1,0_ _ :208_Lexinglon Av_e__:__Syra_cu_se_,_f'Jy_1_32_!0-13'!_1_j_'f:l~L!S_ER PHll,_L~&J!l_0_~;_0_~2!_0_6_!__Q_!1_0_1!9.IL_1~13_i_~!lt3:_47-0~6::_1:0.:_0-CIT !CITY $727.421 $916.02_:--$_:J_~J _ _$),6_7_8_,_441-""'l~,-----"=o..=,'"-'.!""'-'=----J-C-"--'=="--J LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 047.-06-01.0 i208 Lexington Ave- Syracuse, Ny 13210-1341 !WALKER PHILLIP & VIOLA I 08/02/06• 01/01/971 1996 !1996-47-0-6-1-0-0-COU iCNTY $787.26! $991.621 $0.001 $1,778.88iActiv.".ll_)~------c--------+--~~-i LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 1 LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped o5S.:14:16.6--i:i25-HarrietteAve- Syra-cuse,Ny 13210-2803-i-TAYloR DAVIOJJR·---,08/02/061------01761101 i 2000 12000-58-0-14-16-0-0-C !CITY $1 ,246.97i $iQo7fil1,---so:ao-,--$f25,_4;....6~4-_,!A~c~ti;;...~(1~)---~=~=~=--+-~==-"--I LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped o56J.'±:16:::0=1225=ljariietteAve_:_SyracusecNYJ':321_o~2_iio3 iTAY°CO.£<_[)AviDJ::JR _ _ _ _[l8/0~_6:_o_11_0_1i!l_2_!_2_0Q_1__!2_()_1)_1_:5~0-14-1§:_0~CITY _ S1,0_86_,_451 _ _$_1,_~413_3_6_! _ _ _so,_oo_1 _ _$2,~34,9_~i!',c_t_i_v_e_(!~l_ _ _ _,_~=--c-~':--='=--+c7--c==-=--i LGL-STAGGTE 058.-14-16.0 i225 Harriette Ave - Syracuse, Ny 13210-2803 ITAYLOR DAVID J JR ' 08/02/06i 01/01/02! 2001 !2001-58-0-14-16-0-0-C iCNTY $1, 115.24: $1,795.15i $0.00! $2,910.39iActive 111 FC Stopped 058.-14-16~0--:22-5·Harriette-Av-e-=-syraC:u5e;--Ny1-3210:2so31'r AYLo'RDAVi-o J JR 08102106 I o 1101103: 2002 i2002-5e-o-14-16-o-o-c 1 cNTY $97 4. 921 s 1. 569. 75 ;-~S5~.~5o~5~.o~5,_,_i___s-cs,co_4c9•~_7='2c'!~A=ct~iv~e~(1~J------c==-===-===--+cc==='-- 1 LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped o5s.-14-1-6'1l--·22-51'iarrieite-Ave-=-syracii5~\.1321 o-28031TAYlc5RbAv1D J JR 081021061 01101104i 2003 :2003-58-0-14-16-0-0-c ,-cNTY s1.206.16; ___s_1-.519:56; _ _ _$ci:Oifi--$2;725.72'_A_ct~iv_e~<~1)-----~------+--~~__, LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 0:58.-14-16~0 ·225.Jia!:i-Teiie_!',~e_:__Syracuse-;i'Jy_1321Q:2-803 1TAYLOR DAVID J JR 08/02/0§!_01/01/04i~03 !2003-58-0-14-16-0-0-C iCITY $1,431.01 i $1,803.0~·_ _ _$_Q_,_D__ll_l _ _$_3,_2_:i4_-:0_7~-i. _A_ct_iv_e~(1~)-----~------+--~~-i 058,:_14:_16,_0_ _ 225 Harriette Ave - Syracuse, Ny 13210-2803 ITAYLOR DAVID J JR 08/02/06: 01/01/05_i 2004 !2004-58-0-14-16-0-0-C ICNTY I $1, 162.971 $1,465.38! $0,00i $2,628.35!Active (1) LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped __ ! LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 058~f!J:S:o i22S-Harriette AVe--:-Syracus~y13210:-2"803-ITAYLOR DAVID J JR ' 08/31/06! 01/0_1!_Q_6_i__2_005 i ·CITY I $1,312.S4i $1,64i.25i $-QOO-l--$2~9-54-:-09i'~A~ct"'iv-e''"'<'71'i~----:~'="-=~-==--+==--==="--j LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 05_8.c_1_4:16_0_ _'22_:j}iaif;e"tt:e Ave-:-syI:e_cu_se,}Jy1321o-2_8_Q3_•_IAYL()_~l2!',_V_l_[)_J_JR _ _ _ _0_2{0_!1_0_8'_0_1!_0_11_()I.' 2006 i_ll_5_8_,:1_4-16.0-2_0_06-COU _ 'cNTY I $1, 14~S:;-$1;tJ_zjJ:1 s_f@ f228j,1_6_1~tive (1.~l)_ _ _ __,__~~~-~-+--~~-i LGL-STAGGTE 058,.:_1_4:16cO_ _ i225_1:1arriette_!lve__:__Syra_cus_e,_i'jy_1_321_0:2_80lJTAYL_C)fl_D_A\flD_J_J_R _ _ _ ,_q_2/Q_1108_'_0_111J!!0_7_i_2Q_06_iQ?_8_.::_1__4:16,_0:200_6_:_ci:i:____:_c~T_Y _,_ _S_1_,_688,461 _ _S_1,_82_3,_0_'li _ _ _ SOcOO_i _ _$_3,5_1_1~5_0_1_!',_cliy_e_(_1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,___~~--l _ _ FC Stopped 007.-31-54.0 ,754 Alvord St N & Kirkpatrick- Syracuse, Ny 11 NORSTAR GROUP INC 08/02/06i 01/01/01 I 2000 !2000-7-0-31-54-0-0-CI ;CITY $1,193.451 $1,920.731 $5,773.25i $8,887.43_,!~A~ct~iv~e~(1~)_ _ __ LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped oof:-31:54:5--,7541\1vorcfo"IN' &l<irkp-airici<-=-syracuse-;"Ny11 i\ioR:S'fAR-G'R'oTJPINC---,os/t527661------oi/617ii21-206i-,2001-7-o-31-54-o-o-co 'CNTY s3, 173.441 s5. 1o8.53i so.oo·:---ss~isi-:-97i~A~ct~iv~e~<1~i----~=~~~~-+--~==-i LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped oo7-::-31-"'54:0--,754Ai\,()[ci St N & Kirkp-atrick- Syracuse, Nx 1:'NORSTAR GROUP INC : 08/02/06-i 01/01/02! 2001 !2001-7-0-31-54-0-0-CI iCITY ' $3,602.36! $5,799.22i sti.ooi $9,401,5B!Active (1) LGL-STAGGTE FC Slopped oci7:::3-i:-54~o--;7541\1vords!N--&K:irl<pairici0'syracu5e-;Ny12"N6RsTAR GRouPINc---,oti/02/06:-01/0i/6:l1-2002-,201Juo-::3-:i::-54:-o~~c~iCNTYi--s-2-:-i94'461 _ _ _ s4.498:'3-4i _ _ _siJ.oo~,--$-i,292.ii~o"°!A-~c~t1v~e~r~1~1----.''-7-'~"-'-''"-=-'=--*-=-'=="--j LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped oof_:32=10~0--244-:_L:ilac~Sl:~:i:i;-- ~- - - - - - -:Helen De1Qil608102/_o(i; O!i_q_1/ooiJ:999Ji99_9-7-0.:_32:_4ci:o:o:~_1_ _:c_1:r:v____ _s2_4o,92: _ _ _$36(o1-: , so,0~1_s62s,93J~ctixe_(!_) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+-_ _ _ _ 1 007.-32-40.0 !244 Lilac St - , Ny !Helen Delorio 08/02/06i 01/01/01 i 2000 i2000-7-0-32-40-0-0-CO 'CNTY I S784.75j $1,263.85! $0.00[ $2,048,GO!Active (1) iJoY-::32~0-:-o--·244Ci1£st:-:"Nv ,-Helentleiorio 08/62/66io1!01101i-2o-6ii-::2iiiio-7-0=32=4o-:o:o:Ci---,cli"Y 1 S989.58,---s1.59i90i_ _ _so-:-ooi--s2:Sif3~4'iii.-A-ct~iv-e~(~1i-----------+-----i 037.-03-04 .o ~:;~~~:~~-~--------:;~~1:~:~~:~~1~F~~~:~~:::=~~~;;~~I;~~-~f~~~~ ~~~~:~ ~ -~:~~ --!~~~;1~ -~~~~~j~i:~ ~~rn ;;~::~~:~~:~:~:~iu--;~~;v----~{~~~1~:=-=-=------;;~~!J!:=====f~~§:====~I~~~~f~!._t-_~:_:_~-~~i-~~l::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::.:::::::::=: ~;~ :~::~~ ~--:;~;.:g~;~!i::1~:~~~~:~;:~~+m~:~~~}ift~~g~=~f~:~}j~====== ~~f~~~~:-~=Bg~§~:=;~~}:20_04:-_s_s:OJB6:0::0_:-c--_-~~,g~ Page 5of19 ~~ :~~~~~;::::::::::::=~+~-H~: ~~ ~~:---~E~:~!~ie-~-~-:-:~-:~i~~\~----~---~~--1--~=~'--I Schedule A Parcel Number I Prooertv Address I IPu~~~se ICe~:;,:ate I I GL Prooertv Owner Date Date Year Lien Certificate Number I Lien Tvoe I Curren Lien Face Value I ~:;~:~ I Current Fee Interest Balance I Balance I Total Open Balance I Lien Status I FC Attomev FCStatus 007.-32-40.0 1244 Lilac St-, Ny :Helen Delorio 08102106: 011011021 2001 •2001-7-0-32-40-0-0-CO :CN~Y $902.19• $1,452.22; $0.00! $2,354.411Active (1) 067-;:32-=4-o:o _:244=Liia0-8t__:_LNy iHeleli::_D__e1orio as_ 702{06__ ! 0_110_1/_Q2::}_o_ 6Tl_20_-_0_ 1-7-oj-2,4o_:Q:o-_ (c11-_:.r:_ _ _s1_;o9i62i____$_1_25_8c__12_i_ _ _so_:o_o::==s2;8_49J4!_.A_cti!CE'_L1)._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+ - - - - - j ___ 0ci_ 007.-32-40.0 .244 Lilac St - , Ny : Helen_Del:orio 081_02_106•_0_11_0_110_3_:_20_02_i2002:7_:0_:32:40:0_:0:C(J _ _ l<e!':i:r___ _ _ _S_7_880 62! _ _$_1_.27Cl}9;_ _ _$00 1l_O_i _ _ $2,0580 9_11;\c:_tiv_ej_1L)- - - - - - - - - - C - C - - - - - I ooi:-32-46.0 1264-Lilac-si-=-:-Ny!James R Garden 081021061 01101102: 2001 !2001-7-0-32-46-0-0-CO !CNTY $501.50; $692.99i $0.00i $1,194.49!Active (1) ODJc.:32.:.'!_6 00-,i64Cilac-si-=-:Ny 1Ja111es_~_c;_ar_d_en 08102105;----;Ji/o-1ro:i1-io6T2o-O'i-=?:0:32:-45:-6:-o:-c-1--1cll'Y I s1,394.721_ _ _ s1.825116~99~5o:--s6:420.oi!1-A-ct-iv-e~(~1l - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - i 007.o:_32:<!6c0_ _ 264-Lilac-st-=-:-Ny 'James R Garden 68/i52/06i-O'i/Oi/():T20ciz12-002-7-o:-32-46-0-0-CO iCNTY I $1,6i9.if3-;--$2;°3i-9~0i_ _ _SO.OO:--s3:-sss-:s3!Active (11 007.-33-1 o.o 1239-Lilac-st:Syracuse, Ny 13208-2009 \tJa1te::£itzgerald_ 08io2-/06i-O'i/01/ciiff1999-i1999-7-0-3·3- -10-0-0Z-_i_c1TY _ 1 I -$483:i-4:.---.-S777.63i $361_ .OOi--$1;621~i:.'_"'A~c-t'°iv-~e-(0~1l~----.-,-=~==~--+=-~~-~ 1 LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 007::33:10.0 239-L:lac St :.-syracuse -Ny13208:2009--IWalter Fitzgerald 68/ii2/Q6: 0]0110_1_C~oo-_o::12ooo:?_:D:33:_1_0:0-0-C0-1c~ ---s1~6i5:9s! _ _ s2,6~_~,36_' _ _ _$_ii:Qoj $4)7<1,_3_1_1~c_tiye_l1J LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 007.-33-10.0 239-Lilac-st-:-syracuse~Ny 13208:-2009--,Vvalter Fitzgerald 08102/06! 01/01101! 2000 12000-7-0-33-10-0-0-CI !CITY I $2,334.68! $3,759.35! so.oo; $6,094.03!Active (1)-----~-------1--~~-I LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped bo?--:-33:::,·00--,239·L11ac-st:-syracuse.Ny13ioS:-2069--;w81terFitzgera1d 081oj@1 01101ib2i:J:Q_o1 ii00 1-7-Q:'.33:1_D::D::D:ce_o_ _ ,~_TY I s{936-:47! ___s_3:i1696! _ _ _ s0.o(), $~-;:-o'§.IT:J1,_A_c_t_-_iv_e~(~1)~---- LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 06[))JO_~o :239-LiiaC:-st-:-s;iaC:use-,-Ny132oa:-:20-oil--!\;<\1alier Fitigera1ci 081021061 01101102: 2001 ;2001-1-o-33-10-o-o-c1 •c1TY 1 s2,205.811 $3,551.661 so.001 $5, 7s7.47iActive (1l LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 071.-22-09_0 441ssa1ina-sts---_-Ny- - · --- ---1L_,\_i/08Q}{_c~EN 08702]06: 01~o_11of1}000::12ooo:7_1-:-:0.:~2:9Ji~~c1 c1_I\'__=~-sooo_1_ _ _ _s_o,!J_o_: so-;oOi ---$.O::OO-!E:!IV:eJ!.J~1~_----~~~~~~-t~~=~i OZ!c.:_22_:0_9,0 _ _ 44-18 -Salinas!S:-,--Ny 'LAWSON GWEN 08102/061 0110110_2: 2001 12001-71-0-22-9-0-0-CI !CITY $2,966.76! $4,601.73! so.ooi $7,568.49!Active (1) LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 011.-22-09.o •44ffs-a1iila-sis-:-;-i'ly---------,i:11wsol'J-dwEN o8ro2/061-01/011021-2061i2001-11-o-22-=-s~o--.:O-:C-o--1~--s3;:172-:661=--s4,949_58:_ _ _ so.oo:--$8,122.2s1/\Ctive(1'--J-----'cc-=====-"c-c=~=- 1 LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 0?1-::22:0~0--:44fa-sa~na-st-s-=-:Ny '-Li\_~_~o_t::!_G~_EN oit/o2/661----oi/clilo:Tioii4foo4-11-ci-22-9-o-o-c1 1c1w I 53,361.511 $-;;:-23€0121 _ _ _ so-:-oo:--sf597.63iActiveJ.1)_ _ _ _--!--=------1--~~-i LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped o71.-22-=-a9-:-o--14418sa1ina-si8-=-:Ny ~L,o-\1\/soN_(;\'VEN os/3i/06'D1/01106; 2005 ,------1c1TY ~s81as9-,--s-1.098.75' S3,658.941--sS.-s3S.-iiifAC:iiVe (!.) LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 0_7_1,:22co_9cci=1;j41(sa1ina~st.:s-, Ny iLAwsoN GWEN olii3JI0~1-oi!_O:iI1f61}00:;_' :c~I s1,s64:261-s]Ji_s_:[00j - sllJloi s:i:s1S::2_sJ~---~eJ!.l-----c-=~===--1--~~- 1 LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 072.-15-46.0 13021-25 Midland Ave - Syracuse, Ny !TRIPP LARRY J & ALEXISE J 08102106' 01101100 1 1999 !1999-72-0-15-46-0-0-C iCITY I $800.31 ! $1,572.751 $0.00! $2,373.0G!Active (1)----->--------1--~~___, LGL-PHILLI PSLYT FC Stopped o7_2o:~--=46JI :io2}~25-:Micil,j~[E;;_e_=syl'aelJ_S_e-;}Jy iI_RJPP Li\__~l_<Y J & AL_E;x1si;_,i_,-oiii02/6~· 6110110I1_2__00~0_;2_o_o_o22-o-15-46:1J:O_:C _ ;c;t-JI:r:_ _ s1.12_~' s2, 143.98! S~_8_2.c8_o_; $~~ss_0_}7iActive (1) LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 072o:1_E::4§c.O _ ;:l()!2_1_:2_5_r:A_idla_rid Av"-.:._Syr~.'!_S_e_,__1'jy_ _ _ ~_l_l"_F'_L!\_13~&~g'XISE J ; 0810210~! _ 011011011200012000-72-0-15-46-0-0-C -CITY ~27.301 _ _ _ S_2,637.9~_i _ _ _ $~$4,06~2-=2_i·"'A--ct7 iv-e-C(~1)~----C'~'-'=c.c==c-c==---+=-=-"==4 LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped on_:15-46,0 _ _ ,_302_1~25_Midland_Ave_:_Syracuse,J'ly_ _ _ i_I~_l"_F'_Li\_~~"._.J_&ALEXISE_J_1_D_8!0_210E;i_01f0_1_102_;_2001_!2D_01_:!2_:0::_1_5.:_46:!J:O~_C_ _ ;C_1'1:i:r____I__S_1_._0_59Pi _ _ _ S_1_,_8_94c._18i _ _ _$0-'-00_; _ _ $2,95_30 4_0Ji\c'"-'_ej_1_) _ _ _ _ _ c=7"'-'o-'-"-=~~=-+=-''--=-=='---J LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 072.-15-46.0 _!3021-25 Midland Ave - Syracuse, Ny :TRIPP LARRY J & ALEXISE J ; 08/02/06i 01101/02; 2001 !2001-72-0-15-46-0-0-C ;CITY I $1,326.73! $2,295.681 $0.00; $3,622.41 !Active (1) LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 072.-15-46.0 -- -·· -:3021:25 Midland -Ave-=-Syracuse,-Ny_ _ _iTRlPP-LARRY-J &-ALEXISE J - -0-8/02/06:-01io1/03!-2002-12002:72:0:15:45_0-o:-c--:CNTY-·--s1;b29.631_ _ _s1 )20 os:----$0.00 i--$2, 749)i iActive(i~)--------~----=-_--,_________,__~_ _, LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 012:::1-6:-02-:0·--1239-HallAve - Syracuse, Ny 132o5-1~'GLIELM[.JA_M_§i_:[_&_g:c:lj§EH·=o~8J_o2'fof 0T!2}io3_;_z_o_(l2_:2_oo_2-72-0-16-2-0-o-co !CNTY $837:76!--i:ff;:i31-:681-----s6,340-:96i--$8-;-:l~1~0,_.4~f_,IA_~c-cii_ve_-~(1-~)-----------+--~~~ LGL-ROSICKI FC Stopped 1 0_7_3_:_D_1_~-;-o_,5o3-va1ievor&-Forci Ave-- .-Ny ---- ---·!:_:aroy_11_s_steven 08102105; 011011001199911999-73-0-1-44-0-o-ci :c1TY $498.25' S801.iii[_ _ _ s6~00! ___ $1)00.03_i_A_ct_iv_e_~(~11_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,__ _ _ _ 1 073.-01-44.o_ _ 5o3vai1ey-Dr&-Ford Ave-:-;Ny !Carolyn s Steven 08102/66'0i/()11011 2000 !2000-73-0-1-44-0-o-ci •CITY . s1,36i-:551 _ _ _ s_2:'J9282f _ _ _ sD.00_1_ _ $3,ss4.37iActive [11 o~3o_:0_1:4£D_ _ 503-Valley-Dr&-Ford -Ave-:-,--Ny ;caro1;ri-s-sle~en 081021~ o-1-10-i761{2-00012ooo-73~ci-=-1--=4fb-o-i;_o i~--s~594.3si ___s2,566-:-34! _ _ _so~ooi--s:(1 s0:691.A.ctive-(1-c-)- - - - - - - - - - - - J - - - - - - 1 073.-01-44.0 :5o3-lialley-Dr& Ford Ave-=-:Ny !Carolyn s Steven 08102106r 01101102! 2001 !2001-73-0-1-44-0-0-CI !CITY $1,214.421 $1,954.541 so.001 s3,1s-8-:s-6iActive (1) o_t3;:-oB4:0 ;EoI2_oiil~y=i2i::&I:ii<t~~e - , Ny ;caro1in8-Sieven 08/021061-01/o1ri52T2001:2001-13-o-1-44-o-o-co 1cNTY s1,338.90~1SS:-19; _ _ _:fo-:oo_l _ _$3,4s4-'-.6"'s'1'A-'-c~ti-'-ve~-1L1~1-----------+------1 073c:0_1-44cO ___ 503 _va11ey_[lr__& £_ord_Av_e_:_._1'1y 'Caro-lyns-steven 1 o8/o2106i 01101io~=2_o_o2_:2_(J02-73-0_-_1_:4±0_:_D::<eO _ i,C,NTY _ s1, 170c5~i _ _ _s(iiii5~ so~o-~; S3Jjss_,_s7Ji\9tiy~_(1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+ - - - - - i 075.-13-34.0 179 Berger Ave-, Ny !Joseph-Gainer 08/02106i 0110J_l_02i_2_00_1_'2_0Q1_:7_5_:_0::_1~:3_4_:0:0:C_ _ i<:;NTY I $95_5_,4_81_ _ _ S1_23_7-c5_5_i _ _ _ s_o,oo_! _ _s2,4_9300~l_llctiv~J:l) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+ - - - - - i 1 Joseph-Gairi-er 015.-13-34:o--_17~iBergerlive-:-,-Ny___ 08/02106! 011011021 2001 ;2001-75-0-13-34-o-o-c :CITY I s1,406.01i s2,263.66; so.oo! S3,sss_.G_7_,!_A_c_ti_ve_~(1~l-----------+-----i ciis:::13:-34~0--:i79-Berger Ave-, Ny !Joseph Gainer 0_8/02/061-6170i/O:l!-2002 :2002-75-0-13-34-0-o-c :cNTY!___ $835:201_ _ _ s1~:344_35-;---so-:-oo!--$2,179.ssiActiveJ.11 oi5-:::14:-08-:a--:1 :;-2-Bergerlive--=-;Ny !J~s:e~ii::_~-·~er 081_o_210_~•-Q11_0_!!9_0:__1_9_g_g_:::1999-=75-0-14-:S:O.O:c1---,e:1w==i---$326-:4-6i _ _ _ _ s52.£861 s_Q::oQ:1 $85]]§fAC:tiVe c 1 1 + - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - -1 075::14~0·8-:0 _:}1~2-:-serger_!lve - ' Ny 'Joseph Gainer ; 08102106; 01101101 ! 2000 '2000-75-0-14-8-0-0-CI iCITY I $817.03! $1,315.37; so.ooi $2, 132.40iActive (11 075.-14-08.o '112 Berger Ave - , Ny __________ :Josepfi:i:lainer_ _ _ _ _ _ -08/02/()6: 6i/o1fo}[iooo1iooo:Z-5:D:14_:-8:-0:0-Co __ icNTY ____ S843.45i si_:3512:li _ _ s(oo!~s2;2oo-:Ssc-!c,A~ct"'iv~e~_(~1)-----------+-----I 075.-14-08.0 i 112 Berger Ave - , Ny !Joseph Gainer 08102/061 01101102! 2001 !2001-75-0-14-8-0-0-CO iCNTY . $742.45; $1,194.62i $0.00i $1,937.07!Active (1) 075-.-:::i-4:08-.o--(11fllergerAve-=-.--Ny !Joseph Gainer 0810ii66-:----oi/O'i/02i2ooT:2001-75:-o-::f4-8-0-0-:-c1 !CITY I $1 ,046.54i_ _ _$1,685.6li_ _ _ $0.00-!--s2,i32.21!Ac~tiv-e~(,,-1) < - - - - - - - - - - - - - - t - - - - - - J 015.-14-08.o--'11iBei9erAve-=-:Ny 01101103• 200212ilo2-75-Q.i4:-8:o:a:e:-o---c~--s648~91i---s~o44.89i _ _ _$ooo-;--${693-:-8Cl•Aciive(1) :JosephGainer • 081021061 i SAINTLOWS GEORGE J ·, 08/02106-i-o1161/o2!2iio'112001-75-0-5-12-0-0-CI 'CITY I S66T5-41--- -S9o7:191-s4:267-:99i--ss:s42~2iA_c_t_iv-e~(_1_~)-----------<------l 075.-05-12:0='I4(Richardson_i\ve_-'_ Ny 015.-05-12.0 , 144 Richardson Ave - , Ny 'sA1NTLouls8EoRG EJ--.0s/02/o6'D1/o1/o:lT2662iiobu5:-0:5:j 2-=-o~o-=-c-0--,c:Nr;;--p ,:i65.2·1·:---s-1 :8s-3.8if_ _ _ so.oo:--s3)1s-:Os•P.ciiV.-(1 l o?s-:::01~1 ~o--!3ii--Newel1-Siw - Syracuse, Ny 13205-1713 <rESTAR-Eci1NA- ·--- - - - -o-8ii52/ci6,-01!o1m6!1999-i 1999-75-o-1-11-o-o-c1 !CITY , s229.89.-·--$320-:SS; _ _ _sO:Oo , - - - - $sso-:-iif:~A-ct-iv-e~(~1)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,__ _ ____, o75:o7:-ffo___ !3ffffewelfotW:::-Syracuse-;r;Jy 13205-1713 ;TESTA REGINA OBID2/0S-i _ _ 01fll_1_/Q1_1_2_QOO_l;>O_D0-75-0-7-1__1_:1l:_O_:<e_f? _'CNTYi---$.z_97-:83i---$-1,1i3.28i _ _ _ _ $0.0(i_! $J~~1_1J_1j,'>_cli_l'(3J.1) 075_c_07:1_1_,0=i311-Newe11s!w-=-syracuse:-Ny1320S--1713-;TESTAREGlNA 08/02J0_§_;___01101f01l_2_ooO_L2_00_(1:7'5_:_0:7-11_:0:1l:_C_l_ _ ,_CITY S_1c450-'-18-' ___$22D_2~95_i _ _ _S_D,_OD_i_ _$3,_47_3_,_13li\_ctive (1)~-----------t-----t 075_:_07:_1_1_,0_ _ 311 Newell-StW-:-Syracuse-:--Ny13205:T-i13iTESTA REGINA 08102106! 01101/021 2001 !2001-75-0-7-11-0-0-CO !CNTY 1 $923.08! $1,287.70! $0.00i $2,210.78!Active (1) 075.-01-11.0 i3i1Newe11-siw-=-syrac~se~i1:32_0_5~!TESTAR-EGiNA o8/62706:oi/o1!02t20o1!2c1o1:?5-:-o-.:J:11-o:-o:::-Ci--icii'Y--l---s998-:e4;---$~3-93.foi-----s3;167-:oo;--$s;s~s9'-_~s4~·1~A-c-t'i_v_e~(~1)-----------+-------< Ol5::-67-iTo--i:J11Newell St W- Syracuse, Ny 13205-1713 'TESTA REGINA 081021061 01101/03! 2002 f2002-75-0-7-11-0-0-CO ;CNTY $806.65! $1,125.82! $0.00i $\932.4_.7_,i_A_c_t_iv_e~ (1~1---~--------+------1 Ol5::-o~o[o-3:f@_~illhr_op_i\~e~-- sy-_ra:c_use;,_:_Nj_1_32i)_SJ£i\~_¥ER PATRICIA 08102Jo6•----o1/Q1iii1i2ooo!2-oob-75-0-9-i-D-0:CIT--'Ci'fYl---$6S'f62!---fl:il59-::Je:--S-9D-0.cio;--$'.2;61i:oo_i_A_c_tiv_e~(~1l,____ _ _ _ ~=~~~~--+-~===--i LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 075.-09-07.0 <327-29 Calthrop Ave w- Syracuse, Ny 13205-1FARMER PATRICIA : 08102105: 01101/01-i-:2000:-2-000-15:0-:-9:::7:-a:o-co-u--!cNTY : s1,622.76i S2,613.03! so.ool_ _ _ $4~235.79iActive (1) LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped o?s:o9:6?;0---::=:32]:29-CalthropAve\,v :_Syracuse-:Ny}3205~1JO)\RMER_PATRjC1A _ _ _ _ 1_0810:2/06!_ 0__110_1102 i)DOJ_l2001:7_5:0:9:7:0:o:::-cou_~:cNTY_~i _ _$1_,66}}2i sQoS:-21[ so~()oj-s2;769-:3:ljfict~ve_(!)----+~-=-o~-=-o=---+=-=-"==4 LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 1327-29 Calthrop Ave W - Syracuse, Ny 13205-1 FARMER PATRICIA . 08102106! 01/01102! 2001 !2001-75-0-9-7-0-0-CIT 'CITY I $1,257.101 $2,023.77' $0.00! $3,280.87iActive (1) 075.-09-07.0 LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped ois::-o-g:o?.o-- 327-29C:ailhroP/ive W:Syracuse;-'Ny1:i20S:-if!\RMER PATRICIA 08/02/06-il1/o1/0:li2062:2002-75-0-9-7-0-0-COU 'CNTY i $1,232.40! S-1,983.52; $0.00!--$J~2fo~.9~2~!·A~c-t~iv-e~ )----~~=--,-=~-+,,.-~~---; (1~1 LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped QTs;Qf-Q7.o--;_32·7="29-Cai1hfOpAVe W - Syr~cuse, Ny 13205-1 FARMER PATRl~IA 08/02/06l 01/.01/04! 2003 i~00£7s-0-9-7-0-_-6="'c-IT _ _;CITY _ I $1,~5-1.~~l $2,080.26_i $0.0QJ $3,7~1.54JActiye (1). _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~~~-+-~==-i LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped oi5::o9~o7-:o-------:327-2-9ca1tilra~-i111ew-=-syracuse-:--Ny1:i2o5-::jFARMERPATRic1A osio2/061-01io1104!-2-6o:l!2o63=75-o-9:-~o:-o:~c~-,--$1~519-:44:-,--s1-;913.941_ _ _$0-:-oo!--s3;433-:3s!ilcti0J}J LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped oi5~:09~oio--i32i-29-caiihr'opAve-W-:-syracu58-;-N;13-205=-fi'ARMER PATR1c1A o-8/02/ci6:---01/o1/65!2oii412oo4-75-:-o-9-1-o-:O-=-c1-r--,CITY--,--s-1-:S-15:t5i _ _ _ff9os~9ii1 _ _ _siioo!--s-3:424~05fi\ctive (1)----~~~~~~-+-~=='--' LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 075:::09:::-07.0--1327-29-califlrop Ave w-:-syracu59,Ny13205=-i FARMERPATR1c1A 08102/o6:-61701:To5r2064i2~0:-9-:?-Q.ii:-~,i::NTY s1,460.96i_ _ _ST840-:-86'_ _ _so-:-0o1--sf36ili2iActive (1 l LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped iif5;:o9~o!;:o _:::J2Ez9]:aithr()p Av_eyy- S_y_::ac_~s_e~l'!l'J:.32§0 ~fr0_E_R PATRICIA 0_813-110_(3_! 01101/06i2oii5i 'CNTY $1 ,298.80: $1,62_3.75;_ _ _ $-tlOO_I $2_;_922}5_eci~~c"'tiv~e~r,,.11~----+~~~~=---+=.=....c===-i LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 0_75._:_09_-07,0___ !327_:29_Calthrop~_v~W_:_Syracus_e~Ny_1_3205-1 FARMER PATRICIA 08i3J_l06i 01/01!0_6l_2_005 i ;CITY $1,590.371 $1,987.50! $_0_,_DO_i _ _$3,5_7_7__tiz_!~ct"-'o_(!.),_ _ _ _--!'~~~~=---+=.=....c===--i 076.-12-47.0 !190-92 Ostrander Ave W & Cannon - SyracuseiSAMPSON RAN_DOLPH & CHAI 08/02/06' 01/01/01 ! 2000 !2000-76-0-12-47-0-0-C !CITY $0.00i $7.471 $0.00! $7.47iActive (1) LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped oi5_:-12:.-4To--ff90~92-OstranderAv_e_w_&_Cannon:::-syracuse! SAMPSON-RANDoiP-ii-& -CHAI -08/02/06:-01101-10K2001 :2ooi-:?6-:-o-:c;-;2:47-:-o:-o:c 1c1TY s1,804.01 ! S2,634.26i s6:0o[---s4,438.27!Ac:tiv_e_(~1l~-----=~-----+--~~--l LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped o76:.:i247.o--"J9o:92-cistrander Ave W&C-annon:-syracu-se:sl\MPSON RANDOLPH & CHAiOiii02106: 01101/02l 2001 :2001-76-0-12-47-0-0-C iCNTY $1,528.91 I $2,455A4i-.---s-o:ooi-$3,9s4.3S[_A_ct_iv_e_~(~1)------------1--~~-I LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped of6~12_::4I._O I9Q=-92:=_ost;a6:cie0_':'.e_~&~i:i~on - 8y~acu~?:sE~.i:_s_9N RANl:J()_LPH l\_9::1_~ DB!0_2!_0~f 0.1f_Qll_D:_4_L_2]_ii__3_;j§g~:Z6-o:12-=47-Q:o--c---,CITY $1,93-i-:93; s~j~-Z:I $600:1 ~2:ss~25~-1.A.,.c_~t,..iv_e7(1~)_ _ _ _ _ .~-==-==~-===---b'-=-==-1 076.-12_-47.0 : 190-92 Ostrander Ave W & Cannon - SyracuseiSAMPSON RANDOLPH & CHAI 08102106' 011_01/04.i 2003 1_2003-76-0-12-47-0-0-C !CNTY $1,647.38: $2,075.22! $0.00! $3,722.GOIActive (1) LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped o76.=-i-2::i7-:-o--i1-90:92-cisirand-erAvew-&-cannoO:::Syracuse!sAMPSONRAN-DOLPH & Ci=l.A:1-08/-02/06.-61/o-1/o-5:-20_0'{]2[0H£0J:2-47-o_:o-c 'c1TY s1 ,779.631 _ _ _s2~242.8o: _ _ _ so-:-oo-,--$4;D2=2~.4-3c ;lcA~c~tiv'-'e'-'(~1)'------~=c..=.,===--+====-- 1 LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 0?6;:I23Io :I9§:_9@sir~der AveJ[&5'ann,;n:syracusetsA'MP80TiRAi'-(Dol:PH&-CHA1-08102706:-o1/oi/65;:1_oo_£;2_o_o4-15_:1J_:1_2-47-ll_:_IJ£__i CNTY __ 1 _S~8,4 151 _ s_.L:~ffo;_ _ _so_.oo i $3~5_8_1_,_BS_!Active (1) LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 076.-12-47.0 0190-92 Ostrander Ave W & Cannon - Syracuse ISAMPSON RANDOLPH & CHAI 08131106; 01101106! 2005 i !Cr\iTYI $1,409.531 $1,762.50i $5,527.67i $8,699.70!_A_c·-t-iv-e~(1~)------,--------1--~~___, LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped o76_:::1Z::@_ 19():-9205iranCier Avew& cannon - syracuseTsAM-PSON RANDOLPH & cHAios/31105;--oifo1/o6i2oii-5 ; ;ciTY j s1,775.11i _ _ _ $2,2W:-7s!_ _ _so.001--$3;-9i):l.ss1Active (!.) LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 076:_12:47_,0 _ _11-90~92~osirande0~e~\,vTcal1_n_Qn - sy-;aCL,S8_l:§~--:-f'S_(l_N RANbQ:LPH (~f;IAI =O;Jo_11681 o}[6_i/Q.fC2oo6_ip7_6.:_12:4:7-_o_-2_006_:_C_(l_u _ :_~r'lr;;--1--s~555_:36i _ $(679~: s0::6oj _ _$3,234)_611\cti_v~_c1c1-------;-~"-7='-.c~=---+-~'-'-"=~ 1 LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 076_:__13_:4:7-_0___,_1_9_0:9_2_0_st~an_der Av_e_'fl_& _Ca_~n_on_:_Sy~a_cu_s_e l_~i\~~-'2_N _i_<_i>-N DQL_F'_f;I_&_CHAI _D_2~01 /0~ !_OJ,!91107 L_?_O_D_l3j_076 .-12-4:7-_0-2D_O_~_IT_ _ '_CITY I S1,886.61 ! $2_,D_37_o9_6; _ _ _ s9~o_o_i _ _$_3,!)_24.57 IActive (1) LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 076.-14-17.0 !193-95 Ostrander Ave W- Svracuse, Nv 13205'SAMPSON RANDOLPH CHARLi 08102106' 01/01102! 2001 12001-76-0-14-17-0-0-C !CNTY I $1,312.57! $2,045.73: $95.001 $3,453°.3:c00-i'iA~c~ti-'-ve~rL·11·~----i"=-'"-7='-.c~=c-+~==-=-j LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped l____ Page 6of19 Schedule A Parcel Number I Property Address I Property Owner IPu~~~~se ICe~:;,:ate I I Date Date GL Year Lien Certificate Number I Lien Type I Curren Lien Face Value I ~~:~:~ I Interest Balance Current Fee Balance I Total Open Balance I Lien Status I FCAttomev iLGL-STAGGTE ILGL-PHILLIPSLYT !LGL-PHILLIPSLYT !LGL-PHILLIPSLYT iLGL-PHILLIPSLYT I LGL-PHI LLIPSL YT !LGL-PHILLIPSLYT iLGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-ROSICKI LGL-ROSICKI LGL-ROSICKI LGL-ROSICKI LGL-ROSICKI LGL-ROSICKI LGL-ROSICKI LGL-ROSICKI LGL-ROSICKI LGL-ROSICKI LGL-ROSICKI LGL-ROSICKI LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE Page 7of19 FCStatus FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped Schedule A Parcel Number I Property Address I Propertv Owner ' Pu~~~~se,Ce~:;.:ate I I Date Date GL Year Lien Certificate Number I I Lien Tvpe Curren Lien Face Value I ~~:~:~ I Interest Balance! Current Fee Balance I Total Open Balance I Lien Status I FC Attomev LGL-ROSICKI LGL-ROSICKI LGL-ROSICKI LGL-ROSICKI LGL-ROSICKI LGL-ROSICKI LGL-ROSICKI LGL-ROSICKI LGL-ROSICKI LGL-ROSICKI Page 8of19 FC Status FC Slopped FC Slopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped Schedule A Parcel Number I Prooertv Address I Prooertv Owner IPu~~~~se I Ce~:~:ate I I Date Date GL Year Lien Certificate Number I Lien Tvoe I Curren Lien Face Value I ~~:~:~ I Current Fee I Interest Balance I Balance Total Open Balance I Lien Status I FCAttomev FC Status !LGL-STAGGTE !LGL-STAGGTE ILGL-STAGGTE !LGL-STAGGTE !LGL-STAGGTE !LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped FC Stopped LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE Page 9of19 FC Stopped FC FC FC FC FC FC Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Slopped Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped Schedule A Parcel Number I Property Address I Property Owner IPu~~~~se ICe~:;,:ate I Date Date GL Year I Lien Certificate Number Page 10of19 I Lien Type I Curren Lien Face Value I ~~;~:! Interest Balance I I Current Fee Balance I Total Open Balance I Lien Status I FC Attomev FC Status Schedule A Parcel Number 083.-05-03.0 I Kirkwood Pl-, Ny 1100 Prooertv Address 083~os:o:J-.o--f'.ioo KirkWood Pl-, Ny 083:'-'05-:a:J:O--ffooKirkwoociPl:-;-Ny 083::-os:a3:-o--,100-Kirkwood-Pi~~Y 08i=65~:i:b--:160Kirkwood-~Ny 083::-0s-=-0:3:-o--liOoKiikwood Pl - 'Ny o83.-o5:-ro:o--;1oiiKirkwood Pl - , Ny 083.-05-03.o--11oo -Kirkwood-Pl-~-:Ny_____ 083:05:ofo--T16o_Ki_rkwoocJFl:-:Ny iJs3:a·5:-aio--:1ooKirkwoo~y 683::-os:os:-o--!164-KirkwoOciPf:;Ny o83Jl:i~ii5Ji=Jio4]<j~kwo~d_i:t-' Ny - D83.-D5-05.o i104 Kirkwood Pl - , Ny 083-::6.S:-65~o--ff64Kifk-Wood P!-, Ny 083-:oS:-o"5:-o--1'1o4-Kfr'kwooci Pl-, Ny o83:-=-o5:05~o--11o-4KirkwoociPl:-;-Ny o83:a:s:o6~o--i1o6-KirkwoodPf::Ny 083.-05-06.o--;-1o6-KirkwoocJP!rNy ~~;1-;:~~~~===:~~~~~S~~f~~~~ 08-3~05-=-06~0--:·fo6K.ifkWOO~y I IPu~!~~se Ce~:~:ate I I I 1 :~~~~;:~:~ Date GL Year Lien Certificate Number 01/01/981 1997 11997-83-0-5-3-0-0-CIT 01/01/99! 199811998-83-0-5-3-0-0-CIT I ~~;~:~ I I I I I Lien Curren Lien Current Fee Total Open Type Face Value Interest Balance I Balance Balance Lien Status FCAttomev FC Status 'COX DAVID & KATHERINE 08.!Q~q§_i iCITY $1,772.32; S2,419.751 $0.00; $4.,_,1_9_2_c'o_.,_7,_IA_c_tiv_e~('-1)~-----------+-----I !COX DAVID & KATHERINE I 08/02/06! i.CITY ' $926.45i S1,264.53l---$~$2,190.98!Active (1) fcoi(o.i\v}D-& KATHE__Rll\JE ,_o8Zo2]o.§j 1[11.01/99i19~s._1~99~-:_~3.:..o-=.8~0:-o_:-~_o_u !c'NTY s1::f.2±o.5.41 s-(53618i s[fo.Qi s_2-;-sso~~i~Ctive~>J.1'°'1)0-----------+---- 1 :cox DAVID & KATHERINE i 08102106' 0110110011999 11999-83-0-5-3-0-o-ciT :c1TY S859.90i $1,174.341 s.~o_.oc.ocl·---s_2_,~0_3_4 ._2_4ci_A_ct_iv_e~(1~)-----------+------i __ ;C9_~D~V_!g & KATHERINEO____j=9876:uo_§J 01.!Q]_IQO_i199iJ~99:s3-0-5:3-0-0-COU 'CNTY $1,047.44'! $1,4~9 761 S~Q.: _ _$.2,_477.2D.,_iA_c_tiv_e_(~1~)- - - - - - - - - - - 1 - - - - - 1 iCOX DAVID & KATHERINE i 08/02/061 01/01/01 I 2000 !2000-83-0-5-3-0-0-CIT 'CITY S786.35i $1,073.35,-So.001 $1,859.70iActiveJ.~1)~-----------+-----I [cox DAVID& KATHERJNE--rc)8/02/o6i-o:l/Oi76iT-:fooo-!2ooo:S3-o-5:3-'o:O::COU--!cNTY I S952.68[ $1,301.32i so:-001--s2;'254~oiActiVe (!),_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- + - - - - - - i 1:c9z.:~v10_=-& KA 1'8.@lli=_!_68/0~27Q61 0_1!_0_1'.Q2[2o'oi}~~o_f8}-:_0:5:3-'o~o]::ir-:_<:;p I___ s6_0?:-26]~ $82~~.! S3,22~061 f~~65~(1_5f.\ciiv~er11 :,cox DAVID & KATHERINE ! 08/02/06[ 01/01/021 2001 [2001-83-0-5-3-0-0-COU iCNTY ~842.02\ $1,149.77! so.ool $1,9.91.79iActive.~(1~)-----------+-----I i COX-DAVlD&KATHERlN_E_!08102166i-o:l/01/ I Sl35. 751 $1-;0oS:Oo: SO.ODl--$1, 740. 7S!r.A-c-tiv_e_('_1)~-----------+-----j i Patrenia Gainer i o8/oi/o6_;_61/ii1/ooTi999T~'9-83-=-o:s:54o::C1T 1c1TY I S932.78! s1,5-02.131 s-li~liOl--s2;434.91_i~A_ct.civ_e.~c1~11_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- 1 - - - - - i !Patrenia_Gainer ' 08/02/06! 01/01/01! 2000 !2000-83-0-5-5-0-0-CIT ~CITH $359.84! S579.6DI SO.OD! $939.44!Active (1) 1 Patrenia Gainer ·-a8/o2/06-;o1761iOiT2000;2-000-83-0-5-5-o-o-cou iCNTY ---$653:-Jo-,---s-1:OS2~94i _ _ _ so-:C)o!$1:70-6~6411\ctive(iY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,__ _ _ _1 iPatrenia Gainer 08/02/06; 01/01/02! 2001 i2001-::-8-3-0-5-5-0-0-COU iCNTY ! $586.22! $943.46! $0.o-QJ--$~1·,'-'5'2°9:C.·5:·8~l1"'A~ctcc'iv-e'-7(17')-----------+-----I :Patrenia-Giiner 081021061 011011021 26Q1T20o1-83-0-5-5-o-o-c1T !CITY : $651:73: $1,049.i2i_ _ _$0-:0or-$1.'?01A5iActive 111 IPatre_,,;a~ajner 08/62/061-o:l/o1/CJ3120o2!2c)o2-83-0-5-5-o-o-cou !cNTY! _ _ _ s5-12.24; _ _ _ $s24'321_ _ _ $~$1,336-:S6i~A.~ct~iv~e~r1~l-----------+-----j :Patrenia Gainer o8/62/o61011011001_1_999-!1999:-83:0:-5:5:0:-a:c1r - - i c l i ' Y :_ _ _ s302~2i ,---$486~22-i---so.~ -$78s~4:lifictive (1) :i'atieiiii_G'a1rier 08102106i----oi/ffi70i-;2·ooo-i2ofo:-a:J:a:-s:s:o~o-:C-1T _ _1c1TY _ s54,fo5i _ _ _$875~84] _ _ _s0.aa·~.419-:-a9icA-ct~iv-e"'(1"')-----------+------i Property Owner Date ~~~~~~1~~;~~~~~~~Jb¥c-g-~--:f~~~ ~~~~~~: ~~:~~f.Ri---~~-~-:--~-~Ts6dfili-~-::v-~-J~~~;-----------+-------l ;:: ~; :~~; ~~1:::.:::.:::.-_-_-~~~====-~¥oT;~~~-:~:~:-~ 1 ----...<~~~~---+-~~~-I i;~ ! 9~?i9__§~__Q]i~'!!.Q_~~~~i?_Q_Q:!:.81:_~-~'?_.:?:_D-CIT ;CITY $9_~-~~-i---~~.!_~_"G§_~---~~o_o_!_ _~2-t4:9~:.?._8J~9..~~v_e_L-'1)-----------+------i 083:::05-:as:o ____ j1 o6~Kirkwooci~Pi _:., ~Y _ _____ 08102106;_ 01_10111J_3J_2002_i2002cs.3::CJ:_5c6:0.:.0:c_o_u_ _ :c.NIY_,_ _ _S62_2,4_6[ _ _ _$_1"D01_c42J _ _ _ so.o.o_t _ _ $_1,623cBBl~ti~e_(.,_1 )·-----~-------+-----i 084.-17-19.0 ;115 Beard Pl - Syracuse, Ny 13205-1305 08/02/06j 01/01101 I 2000 i2000-84-0-17-19-0-0-C ;CITY ! S550.65I $698.43i $0.00f $1,249.0SIActive (1) ILGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped 084.-17'T9:°o--11158eardpj:-s-yracuse:-Ny1:i2o5-1305 08/02/06i 01/01/02: 2001 f2001-84-0-17-19-0-0-C ICITY S722.581 S1'164.03.I so.o0]--$-1-,BScc6~.6:~1.,..IA~c"'ti.,_ve~(,,1,_ )----c~~~=-=-=--+-=-c?=.=....i ILGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped FC Stopped \LGL-STAGGTE 1 jLGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped OB4.-17-fe~o--:1_1_5_Be-ardP~SyfaCU-Se~Ny13205-=13o5--i,-RAM6sR-,A:fAEi.. 081021os_\_01/01/o4\-2CiQ3-f2003:84-0-17-1.9-o-o-c \CITY Ss-29.941 ___ $793.80 ! so .oo \ $1 ~423-:-14-fAC--ti-ve-(~1~)-----c--------1-~~--i iLGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped FC Stopped o84.-17-19:-o--!115Beard Pl - Syracuse, Ny 13205-1305 : RAMOS RAFAEL 08/02/06i 01101104! 2.0_03 i2003-84-D-17-19-0-0-C [CNTY I $1,094.871 S1,379.70I SO.DO! $2,474.57iActive (1) iLGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped !LGL-STAGGTE 084-::i-7-:j-g~Q--i1i5Bearcli5i-=-syracu5;;:-Ny13205-1305 IRAMOS RAFAEL 08./02/06!. 01/01/05.I 2004 12004-84-0-17-1_9-0-0-C 'CITY ~ S574.5.2i . $724.501 $0.0Di $.1,2.=9~9~.0._~2_,,_.1)~----:'~~io'-"~'=---+=-=-c:===---i iLGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped o84.-17-19-.o--11i5Beard'Pj:SY,acu5e-;-l\iy:t3205-::J30s--iRAMos RAFAEL 08102106!_0:1.1.o.'l...i~_4:~4.:.0-17-19-o-o-c _ _;.c:_N_i::r:___~sJ,9~5.J5i _ _ _sJ...3_29.3_0_1_ _ _ _ s.ocog_1_ _s2,384,.55L~ctiv~_ _ _ __,.~°"'~=-=-=--+c=-c?=.=....i 1 !LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped os4-::_17:j9:0-iJI5)ieard~Pi-=-syra£use'J'Jy-1:i2-05-:'j:fos--n~11M'OSR.A:FAEL 081311061 01101105; 2005 i 1c1TY I S57o.361 5712.501 so.ool s1,282.8occ;l~A~ct~1v~e~r1~1l_ _ _ ___,_,=~===---+-'"-==='-i FC Stopped 084.-17-19.0 1115 Beard Pl - Syracuse, Ny 13205-1305 !RAMOS RAFAEL i 08131io61-li1/0i/o6i 2005 i :cNTY S934.37! $1,167.5Di s·o:-aol--s2,101~8_-7_,l_A_c_t_i_ve_(~1~)----~------1--~--i ILGL-STAGGTE !LGL-STAGGTE FC Stopped os4::-1f:19:-o--!1i5Bea.rci--pj-:.-s)iracuse:f'ly13205-i3o5 IRAMOS RAFAEL 02/01108! 01/01/07120061084.-17-19.0-2006-CIT 'CITY $625.451 $675.00i $5,696.251 $G~;9_9.~6~.7~o~IA_c_tiv_e_(',_1l~---~---~~--+-~~~-. FC Stopped !LGL-STAGGTE Dil4.-17-19~o--;1i58€;ard Pl -Syracuse-;'Ny 13205-1305 IRAMOS RAFAEL i 02/01/08i___D.!_1Q.1_1_0l_!_2.Q.O§_i.0_84.-17-19.0.:.2_006-COU iCNTY $1,044.621 S1,128.6_0 ,I ____s,~o.~cico_1, ___s=2~,1~7.3,_=·2,~2,l_A_c_tiv_e~(-1)~----:c=~~~~--+-~~~-1 __ !LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 08.4:::ij:2-i( _ iVictor K.ellex -· ' 08_.10.2!0._?_i,_0.1.!Q_11~.l_1_9.92 !.1.992-84-.0-17-22.:.0.:.o.:.___.c $1,478.0.5_i_ _S2. ,379.58!_ _ _ $_0cOQ.l_ _gs5L63._!Activ.e.. (1.l .. o84-1?:22~0--[1o_9_8earciP1-=-syrac:u5e-;-Ny...T3205-1305--!Vicior:Kelley , 081021061 0110119411993 ;1993-84-0-17-22-0-0-c 1c1TY s1,228.42I s1,977.D8i so.001 S3,205.5o!Active (1) iLGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 7 084.:f7:2ia·--iio9-Beard-Pl~Syracuse, Ny-13205:-1305 ____ 1v1ciorKelley !08102/o6:-oi/ii1/94j1993-;1993:84:0:-i7-22:a:o:c--!c1l'y --s1~412:-f;9j _ _ _s2.274-93i··--so.ooi--s3:6s7:62l~A~ci~iv-~e~·<1"'1_·-_-_-_-:__-_-_-_-_-~=-=-==~~~.,_~~=~~~;,_~~~,,,~==--++;,_~=-'--.:c"~~L~L~,,,~:._~,1 iLGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped iLGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped o84.-17-22-.o--1109-89al'dPT-::sxracuse:N'y 13ios-13~iViCtor Kelley 08102106! 01101195; 1994 11994-84-0-17-22_:9.:.o-c ICNTY I s1,11832i s1,799:°98i _ _ _ soToi-.--S_2,91B.30J~A~ct~1v~e~<1~)-----,-==..c.c==.c==--*'=-.:c=='-i b84.-17-22~0--1109-Beard P1 -syra0use--:-Ny1320-5:::i30_5 _!Vicfor:Kei1ey _ 08102.!Q_61_0110.1_1§5J_1_99±_1.1_9_9_4:.8-4.:CJ-17-2_2.:9.:CJ.:..c _ _:c;i_:r:r:___1 _ SJ.c2~3~! _ _ _ s2_,Q:2_3.77l_ _ _ sDJlQ]____s_3,2s_1_,_12_1.Active (1) !LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 1 084.-1-7=22~0--i-1·99-~e-~ird-Pi·-=-syf~CUS~:-Ny-13205-1~05 IVic~orKel!ey 08102106! 01101~~..?~-~~4_:_0..:_')_7_:2~-0-0.:_C _:.cNTY _ r-s1,051.33i ~.h\?~2JJ_i_ _ _~_~qg_[ ___ Sf~3.44!~Ac-c--t_civ~-e-_::(_1"):·::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::~-:_-_ !LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped o84::-i7-22:o--i1o9-Bearci-Pi-=-syracu5e-;Ny1-32os.:130_5_ _ 1victori<ei1ey 08102106_; 01101195; 1995 11995-84-0-17-22-0-0-c 1c1TY I s1,5_96.87I s2,571.17! so.001 $4,1ss.o~c-IA_c_tiv_e~<~11~---~=~=~=~-+-~~~-i iLGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped o84.-17-22:'o--:1os18eard Pl-Syracus;;:-Ny 13205-1305 :victor Kelley 08102106! 0110119711996_11996-84-0-17-22.:_0-o-c ICNTY I s1,014.89i $1,634.15! so.001 $2,_6~_,_0.4c-:U"'A_ct"'iv_e_-c(1"-')_ _ _ _-;!LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped -=-c-=c-oc='=~=-*'=-==~,... 1 !7 LGL-PHILLI PSLYT FC Stopped 6'84:::1-Y-:22:__0 iIO:~Ei~~rd Pl-Sy~~:S~.c..i'Jy_1_3.2:Q?~.Q5-[S!I'~torKelley 08/02/061 01/01/99i 1998 ~84-0-17-22-0-0-C !CN~ $1,238.531 $1,994.791 SO.OD! $3,233.32l~A~ct"'iv~e-c(1,ctl----+-=-c..c.coc='=~=--*'=-==='-J !LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 084.-17-22.0 1109 Beard Pl-Syracuse, Ny 13205-1305 !Victor Kelley 08/02/061 01/01/991 1998 :1998-84-0-17-22-0-o-=-c--iCITY I S1,665.29i $2,680.651 so.o0:-$4,34s:-9.4)Active ('.l),_ _ _ _-i-~'-'o--'-'='c.:c.==+c=-c?=.=....i iLGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped jLGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped Q~4.-1@.?.:..9 iI~s-~a~~Pr-sY..r:.c:i.~~~~_y 13?°05-1305 !Vic!9r K~l!~Y i 081021061 01101102! 2001 12001-84-0-17-22-0-0-C iCNTY :foo2.19! $1,452.22: so.001 ~~:354-_4_1 ,!A-c~ti-~~1~1----1--------1---~~~i __ ILGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped !LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 084.-17-22.0 :109 Beard Pl - Syracuse, Ny 13205-1305 !Victor Kelley 081021ii61 01101103] 2002 i2Do2-84-0-17-2~o:o~cNTY $788.62! S1,270.29! so.ooc=$2;D58~~9~1,i_A_c_ti_ve~(1~)----+--~~~~~l'--'-~--i oa4::-1B:'10:-o--!'i21§eard Ave E& Statests:rsyracuse, Ny 1iGOODSPEED CLIFFORD A JR i OS/31/06i---oi/o1706l 2005 i - - - - - · iCITY : $964.631 s540.40I $449.80[ $1,954.B3iActive (11 LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped os4--r{9:::ioo--1121-BearctAveE&-=-sta!}JyJfG-:-ooosPEED_CLIFFO_RD A_J[l=o21o_1108' 01Z0_1Z6.Z'i)§li6]084"19.:_10~0:2006.:.c_ou _ _ 1c_NTY__ l_ _ s1 ,078.57i ___ s1J65~32]s2,243·~.sc9'.-;i'A~_c"'t1_~ve~_'°'c1"')-----c=-:c=-=-======-"="-='=~-i LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped LGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Stopped 084.:19:10.o ____ l1-2i-Bearci Ave E-& State St S -Syracuse, Ny 1iGOODSPEED CLIFFORD A JR i 02/01/08i 01/01/07i 2006 !084.-19-10.0-2006-CIT :c1TY I S1,127.40I $1,217.16i $0.00[ $2.",3'-'44=.5.::6.c.IA"'c"tiv'-'e'-'("'-1)'-----!'=~c==-='-'---+="--'===---i LGL-ROSICKI FC Stopped oBj.:.:.21-05 0 (i).['M~~_an Av.~;,-------· !Veronica F Bourassa 08/02/06'----oi/o:l/60!1~~iff1-~9-84-0-21-5-0-0-CO !CNTY I S550.58I $760.65! S:o.ool si,3_1_1_.2_3~IA_c~tiv_e.~('_1)~----:-----~--1-~~~--1 FC Stopped 084.-21-05.0_ _!J 29 Mclennan Ave_:..,_Ny !Ver_".'!_i.ca_F_B~u.rass.a_ _ _ _ 1_1J8.IQ.~§_!_01/01/00_I__'! 999 !1999-84-0_,21-5-0-IJ:_C!----iCl_TY _l_ _ _S6~2}4._i---~879.42!_ _ _$0.00 l_ _SJ.c5_16J11 [Active_ill,_ _ _ _ _ "LGL-ROSICKI __,_~~~-. _ _____ LGL-ROSICKI FC Stopped 084:2·1:os:o !12_9_M-clennan Ave - , Ny IVeronica F Bourassa , 08102/06! 01101101 ! 2000 :2000-84-0-21-5-D-D-CI :CITY S1,419.27i $1,959.071 so.ool $3,378.341_A_ct_iv_e~(1~1l_ _ _ _~---~---+-~~~-r 084:21-os:o--,-1-2-9-Mclennan.Ave~:Ny !VeronicaFBaurassa_ _ _ _ -68To27061-0170i/OiT:iooo !2000-84-0-21-5-0-0-CO !CNTY $1 ,931.16i $2,6G·5:-9oi--so:-Dol--s4,597~o-fllActive (1) LGL-ROSICKI FC Stopped 08:f:21-05o--f1291ii1Ciennan Ave - , Ny !Veronica F Bourassa ' 08/02/0G!-o1iD1702f2601i2o-o1=°84-0-2T5-0-D-CI !CITY $1,506.121 $2,079.17! $3,700.DD! $7,ZB5.29!"'Acc.t"'iv~e-('1"")----+-=-c~~~c---+=-=-=~~,..., LGL-ROSICKI FC Stopped LGL-ROSICKI FC Stopped osI:21-0_5c_O G._29-~·~~n Ave - 'Ny IVeronica F Bourassa 08/02/06, 01/01/02J_~o_1_iiQ_OJ_:_84-0-21:s:o.o-co !CNTY $1,752.271 $2,418.81 ! s_D.oQClj _ _$4,171-:o81Ac~~,,1~)----:-~0.CC77'7'-~-+~?=.=....i LGL-ROSICKI FC Stopped 084.-21-05.0 f 129 Mclennan Ave - , Ny IVeronica F Bourassa ! 08/02/061 01/01/031 2002 1.2002-84-0-21-5-0-0-CO iCNTY $1,544.901 $2,132.971 SD.DOI $3,677.87!~A,ct,civ~e~l1~!l_ _ _ _~=~=='--+-'=--"=='-i 0 o84::-22:ffo--i'1916-18 sannas·t 8-'syracuse, Ny 13205-135i ECHDLSDAVis _______ o8/o2/o-6!-ovci1ioiT21ioOi2ooo-84-o-22-13:0-o-c 'CITY s687-:-46!---s-{166-:07i _ _ _so:-00_1_ _$1J9J.53]Active ('.I) a·a4·.:22:ffo--!191s-=-i's·-sa1iria-si-s-=-syracuse.-Ny1.:i205:1:i5!ECHoLs DAvis 08102106_i_o170i/o2i-:fooi'i2oo1-84-o-22-:'j:i:o-o-c icNTY s262.12 i s421.82l so.oo!-- -$683~94!Active ( 1 ) - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - - i o84~22-:'j:fo--i19i6:-{a-salinaStS-:-syracuse, Ny 13205-135! ECHOLS DAVIS ci87iJ2106lo1/01/62i20o1;~2-13-ii:0.C:--!clTY S666.25i _ _ _$1,072.26_! _ _ _S~O-~.o~o_,!:::.:::.:::.:::.-.:_$-::,1.-.,_i3 ('1~) 0-.8~.5~10 .l.A_c_t_iv_e~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.,__ _ _- i ()84::-24-=27:o--!200-62-Colvin St W- Syracuse~Nyrno5'.:i42i!JACKSON TOMMY RAY 08/02/06! 01/01/DD! 1999 !1999-84-0-24-27-0-0-C !CITY $1,763:'94! $2,448.80! $0.00i S.~4,c,2c_1~2~.7~4,i_A_c_ti_ve_('~1~)- - - - - - - - - - - r - - - - - I o=s;i::-2DI:o \iob~o2]:0~11_St__W_.:_Syr:a_cu_se,ijyJ.3.2Q_5-142_1,JACKSON TO_r.1MY RAY 08~02~0§_!_0_1.10J.!Q_1_\_2000 [2000-8.4:.CJ-24-27-0-ll:_C _ ~_ND'._] _ _S1,300.861_ _ _$_113_().6_,0§_i_ _ _s_o_,_ooJ_ _$3_L!0~,9.2IA<:_~~veo..~11~)-----------I-----[ _ 084.-24-27.0 !200-02 Colvin St W - Syracuse, Ny 13205-1421:JACKSON TOMMY RAY , 08/02/061 01/01/01 ! 2000 !2000-84-0-24-27-0-0-C !CITY ! S2,081.62! $2,890.22! $0.DOI $4,971.84\Active (1) OS4.-24~27-.o--!200-02 Colvin St w - Syracuse, Ny 13205-1421 JACKSON TOMMY RAY I 08/02/06i 01/01/021 2001)2001-84-0-24-27-0-0-C ICNTY $1, 153.40;---$TE;Oo:661 _ _ _$~0'~.o-0_1___$c~2.=754-_o-s-'1'A_c_t~iv-e-'-(1~)-----------+-----· 0-8',\ St W-Syracuse, Ny 13205-1425 !DELORIO HELEN 02/01/08! 01/01/0ii2-oo6-io84.-25-16.0-2006-COU ~NTY $1,095.57! S1,183.681 _ _ _ $0$i--$2,279._._2_5--il_A_ct_iv_e~(~1)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- l - - - - - l iiii4::25-16o--i41ocoiVinstW-:.-syracuse-;-l\iy 13205-14.25 iD-ELORIO HELEN i 02/01/08! 01/01/071 2006 1084.-25-16.0-2006-CIT !CITY I S3,178.951 $3,433.32! $0.DO_,_l_ __,_$"6,~6~1.2~.2cc7.-,!A_c_t_iv_e~ _ _ _ _~-------1-----i (1~1) 084.-26-22~0~-seard Ave w- Syracuse. Ny-132o5-1:i68i'Amell Jordan 081021061 011011971 199611996-84-0-26-22-0-D-C !CITY I $1,613.12i _ _ _ s2~35.62_i_ _ _so:-oo! $3,64B.74i_A~ct,icv_,_e_r,~1l_ _ _ _ _ ~L~G~L_,_·M~A_,_R~c~u~s~_+F~c~s_to~p~pe_d-l o-84::-26~2·2:0--1-206-Beard Ave--W-:.-syracu5;;:-Ny1320s-::J208ilime11Jorciari0810210-6io170i/00i1999]1999~o~i6:22:-o.:0-c---,c~-,--:§1;221fil\_ _ _ s1:8o2-:52l _ _ _$O:-ooi--$3~oi3-:5'9lActive (1) LGL-MARcus Fc stopped 084~26~22~o--:206Be.afci Ave w-svracuse:--Nv 13205-1208 !Amell Jordan , 08102106' 011011641 2003 ;2003-84-0-26-22-0-0-c icNTY $1,079.901 s1.360.8.o'°',---s°'o"'.oCCo'·:·---'$"'2.~44c"o"'.7°'oc1'A~c~t~iv~e~ r1~1l----+'LG~L-~M"'A"'R'-'c~u'-'s~-''F=-'c'--s~t~o=ooe~d-1 iPatrenia Gainer : Patrenia-Gainer 'RAMOS RAFAEL IRAMOS RAFAEL ~~t~;:;~]:::.:::.-:....-:m~~::7~:~~:~~~:=R~~~~;:~ }~:::.-_---!~~~~{~~~-~~ ~~;~;;~~: ~~;~~;~~-;§&i~~~~:~}~*1-~:~:~:~ ,~~~ $1s~~~ i_qfiH__ 1 ~~gt;;--;;:::.:::.-_-R:~~~~::~-~~~~~~~::~~~;~6}~~§;--:~~~~~~:~ l -~~=====$f}~H~---S-1.-7~§~l-.--::=~I~H~'-'~~·~~cc:~:~~:~((~~l;----+o=~=O'c'==-+c-''--"==-1 ___ ~~;~~~~~--~~~~[~~~~~~~H;:~~~--:b+!r~_Y__ -s0..061 Page 11 of19 Schedule A Parcel Number I Property Address I Prooertv Owner IPu~~~:se ICe~:;,:ate I I Date Date GL Year Lien Certificate Number I Lien Tvoe I Curren Lien Face Value I ~~:~:~ I Current Fee I Interest Balancel Balance Total Open Balance I Lien Status I FC Attomev LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT LGL-PHILLIPSLYT iLGL-PHILLIPSLYT iLGL-PHILLIPSLYT ILGL-PHILLIPSLYT !LGL-PHILLIPSLYT iLGL-PHILLIPSLYT iLGL-PHILLIPSLYT iLGL-PHILLIPSLYT ILGL-PHILLIPSLYT !LGL-PHILLIPSLYT iLGL-PHILLIPSLYT FC Status FC FC FC FC FC FC Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped FC Stopped 0 Page 12of19 Schedule A Parcel Number I Pronertv Address I Prooertv Owner I Pu~!~~se ICe~:;.:ate I Date Date GL Year I Lien Certificate Number I Lien Tvoe I Curren Lien Face Value I ~cu~~::! 1 Interest Balance! Current Fee Balance I Total Open Balance I Lien Status I FCA!tomev FC Status LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-MARCUS LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LGL-STAGGTE LG L-STAG GTE Page 13of19 FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC FC Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Stopped Schedule A Parcel Number I Procertv Address I Prooertv Owner I Pu~~~:se ICe~:~~ate I Date Date GL Year I Lien Certificate Number I Lien Tvoe I Curren Lien Face Value I ~::;::! 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$0.00! $3,941.55iActi~ iLGL-STAGGTE FC Slopped 099;~oj_:2{~=1j3(Nelson::_st:::::syra~use-.:_f.JyJ_326(i[28_:~RR_6_Nl::E-cH:§:L§.S :=:o8-~02_1061 ojZoJT~:lD26Q2=:200~9_(0J:2~o±c~o-::__:(;N}Y J $_:1_,~2?::52.-s2}38_,Q_8_: fo-:_oo_; $3~46S:-so1flc_tiv_e_(_1_)·-----cl-cL'""GccL~-s=T=A'""G=G=T=E~-+=Fc=--=s~10~pLpe~d~ 1 099.-01-34.0 '152 Nelson Si-, Ny 'Andrew Martino, Ill ' 08102106' 01/01/98: 1997 :1997-99-0-1-34-0-0-CI :c1TY ! $636.83. S869.82; $0.00! $1,506.65_~iA_c_tiv_e_(~1~)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,,__ _ _ _ 1 699~01:34-:-o--,152Nef50nst:":Ny ,Andrew Martino:li1 0~02_166 o17o1Z99TJ99-S:::I_9-9s::9_9_:_-o-1-3_4:_o:,D:::c1 c__II'r'.__ _ _s_1~42_gc90:_ s1, 952.76, $0.00: $3,382-:-601Acti_ve_~<1~ - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - f i099_:a·;-:34-_o--,-f52-Ne1son-si-=--:-Ny :!\_ildieY,}iartino-:-111 08102106_' 01101199: 1998 11998-99-0-1-34-o-o-co :cNTY : $1,486.33, s2,02922: _ _ _$·i--s3~515-:-s5!i\_c_t_iv_e~(1_1Li_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,___ _ _ _ 1 oiJ9-_:_oI"3(ii___ -1s2}Je1son~s1_:_~Nx__ •Andr"-w~artino_,_111 :_081021_06' 0_1_1ii1/oil~:J"999_1J_9_9§:99_:_-o±3_4:ci~o--:C_()_'cN:r_Y s_D76-,-S-7_: _ _ sj-=86(32• $_o~o:o1 s·3;-25"f:-190_ctiy_e_(!)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- 1 - - - - - i 099.-01-34.0 '152 Nelson SI - , Ny :Andre_;v_rviartino, Ill : 08/02/06' 01/01/00! 1999 11999-99-0-1-34-0-0-CI ;CITY $2, 111.09: S2,882.64! $0.00: $4,993.731Active (1) o99.-01-34_0--,1-5TNelson-si-=--:-Ny 'Andrew~artino, 111 08Tci2766----0Vo176f0600-12oo0:g9_0-1.34:-o-:o~c~1cl'i~i--sT245:10;_ _ _s{7600_81 _ _ _ so-:-oo:--s2:-s45:18!i'iciiv_e_'("'-'1)------------t-------i 09_9::_iJ~t34~o ·1s2-Neison-s1 ~Ny .Andrew Martino, 111 ; 08102106 1 011011021 20D1:2ci()f:9-9--:-o-1-34-0-o-c~c~---$293:15:-_---S4oo:-i1":_ _ _ $693.26_1._A_c_ii_v_e_~<1~i------------+----f099.-01-34.o 1-52 Nelson-st=-:-i\Jylin·d-rew-Martino:-ii1 : 08/02/06i_o_-l/01/62:-2001-,2001-9-9:Q=1-°:i4-o:-a:cT--,c1TY ' s1,115:-o-6: ___s_(52256:----s3:036.0ci;--s-5;si3:-56IActiv~_1_,l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-t---_ _ _ _ 1 iJ99_--:-o-1 :34.o _ _ 52~Ne1son)1-=--~iiy ________________-Andrew:rviartino)i----.-08102/,06: 0_!10]70;3)002-:_12002)9_:_-o]_=_-:B=-o~~c_o--.:cNTY !=--$9j"6::_42: sT,29j]lS::=--- $O:-oa·:_s2;2:JB;27li\ct~_(1)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--+----f1 109_.03-34.o :201 Apple St & Harbor Brook- Syracuse, Ny 12Jose Shuguli ; 02/01/08" 01/01/071 2006 !109.-03-34.0-2006-CIT CITY I $1,183.99' S1,278.72' $0.00! $2,462~.7_1_1_A~c_tiv_e~(~1-~)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,__ _ _ _ 1 1o9-::o3-=34:a--·201App1e::_sc&.:8arb-oi)ro-o!<_:__sy~cuse,__!:1y]1J_a5e::_sFugu1i : 02/0i/Q_[:-0176iio7i2o_D6J:109-::-0--.=E:D:2_o(Jfcou ;~TY ! SJEf:CoI-s_:i_,~~:s~:_ _ _ so,o:o: s:3,_4i_s~s_s:~iot:Y_e_(_1_)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- + - - - - - i 0 OZ8-::11:-37_Q :_322 Greenway__P,_ve__:__Sy_r:acuse_,__!:ly__1_3_20_1?:3_5_35__F(os_e_Sab_l_o;yski_rv1u;:a_f'lic_h_ard_!_08/_31/013'___D.ll_0_11Q_6_I 2005' :CITY j ~_1_,3§_9~~; _ _ _ $_1_,712_,?_0_: _ _ _~0,0_0l _ _$_3,_082:_~1_1,'l_cli_v_ej,c1~)-----------+-----I 1 C~TY 02-8~f1-=--ii~o--i32i~G~ee-myay Aye - Syr2c-~se, ~Y 13~06-35~5· Rose s~~lciwski t0ura Richard : 0~/31/06! 01_101/06~ 2005 ! I S1 .016.71 ! ~1,308.75·: SO.DOI $~,3~?.46iActive-1:!_)~-----------+-----I 028-::11-"37-o :322 Green:.V.yi\ve::=::syracuse-;:Ny}"320-6:3s35:Ro-se~Sablowski Mura-Ricfiarci:-1:_::-0210-1i681 __ oi/0:1/oiC2ciiJ6Jo28,:1~1:370-2006-cou___ ' CNT_'l_I $1,163A8 _ _ s1,256~4! sO:Ooi_ s2;419~52if\ciiVe (1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+ - - - - - i 028.-11-3~0_ _ >32_2_G~e_n_\V"Y_A__ve__:__Syrac_use,i'Jy__1_320Q:_3535iB_e>se__5ablow_ski Mu_ra_B__ic_h§_~!_D_2!9_1!_~·___DJ_I01/0!_:_2,_o_o6_!92_8_::!__~37__:_0_:_20_D_6_:_(;_1T_ _ ,c;_II'1'.___1 _ _$_1_,±5_7.46l _ _ _ S_1,5z:l~-i _ _ _ $0,_IJ_D_: _ _S_3,0~02j_A_c_l_iv_e~(1~)-----------+-----l o:ls-::01-:02_0 ;231ZErie Blvd E To June Ave- Syracuse, Ny 1'2_312 Erie B_lvd Lie • 02/01/08: 01/01/07i 2006 :035.-01-02.0-2006-COU ;cNTY I S2,180.871 S959.64! SO.DOI $3,140.51 IAclive (1) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+ - - - - - l o7D17J9:o i'.'_7]_5~a11_6"a=sCs_T~o:_riando_Av-syjaG_uSO,"N\<iCJ\,,arci_rVl_l.~tz • 08!3110_0 o_!_fil_11_0_6i}il65-,-_- - - - - :cNTY s2_,Q5-2::@ s2.-566.2_s_: sf"@ s1_6_ig-:17'Active (1,)_- - - - - - - - - - - f - - - - - l oif-:-17-1·9-:-o !4715 Salina St s To Orlando Av- Syracuse, Ny Edward M Lentz 02/01/08' 01/01/07! 2006 •071.-17-19.0-2006-COU •CNTY I S4,362.69I $4,712.041 so.oo: $9,074.73;,'-A=c•licvce,_l,~1)~-----------1-----1 071 ::17:-19 0~=4i15~Salini°St s -To-Orla~ciOAv=:s_y~acLI_se~-N~ E_dw_a~~M_}_e_n~z:----- -62/_01108, 011011@]p:o6_ 071.-17-19Ji.::2:0o6---c1T clTY ~S7c~_()I_2_5:==s?;953J.1:_so)i5:_ $_1_5;3_17_:)3,t1c_iiv_e_(~1~)- - - - - - - - - - - f - - - - - ; 073.-19-05.0 ,216 Loo_misAve-Syracuse, Ny 13207-2444 'Scoll L Tucker 08/31/061 01/01/061 2005. -CNTY I S855.56i $753.281 $0.00! $1,60_8_.8_4c!_A_c_liv_e_(~1~)_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,__ _ _ _ 1 0"8/31-iii6-o1/61/o6: 2005' ic1TY I $1,532.14! $1,915.00• SO.DOI $3-;:\47.14IA_c_l_i_ve_~<1~)------------1------j ofa:-:'jg--:-05-:-o--.-i16-LoomisAve--:Syracuse;Ny 1320N444 SCOttLTucker 009:=2°4:0§:0--:-927-Bui1ern-;;l-st-:-syracuse-:-Ny132oS:2-8~1927 Butlernut SI Corp • os/31/o6;-o1/o1i06i2oo5: CITY -$837.02i _ _ _$1,046.2S! _ _ _$0.00 ,---$-i;aa3--:2it-Active (1 )._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,___ _ __, 00~2~,09,0_ _ 927-Bullemutsi-:-Syracuse;-NyJ32of28_31 1·92Tuu11ern_ut_S_l_C_orp =0~8l_3_110BI o:i_/_@06_!2005 , ;CNTY S1 ,3~9i--s};-s_3~~ool $oJiQ_; _ _$2:.S4c:i)_91&;_ii'ie_:(i)._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___,___ _ _ _1 093.-02-38.o :678 Onondaga Slw: Syracuse, Ny13204-371i678 WEST ONONDAGA ST LLC 08/31/06' 01101106! 2005 ! :CNTY $1,704.75' s2,131_251 S3,687.68f $7,523.68iAclive"°(""1),_ _ _ _ _ ccL~G~L~-s=T"-A~G~G=T=E~-r~Fc=--=s~toLpLpe~d~ 1 o93_;:q'.E~(o _ i3I(o_n_or1daga:::8J_w - sy:;:ac-use;N)'__1_i2_Q±_3_Z1•§"78wE_§_:i:_c:i_HQDr)EG~s:'i'ILS osL31_1_1i__61 01101!06ii~o5 i :cJTY $3,983.151 $4,9(~~,----s9:"_o"Q_i $Sc96i_9_~!E~1ive (_1_)-~~--c-L=G~L-~S~T7 A~G~G~T~E=c-t-F~c~st_o-'cpp~e_d-< 1 08/31/06: 094.-18-15.0 ,1224 Stale St $-Syracuse, Ny 13202-3831 •BROOKS AMEKECO S 01/01/061 2005: :CNTY . S248.08i S143.84' SO.OOI $391.92!1n Foreclosure (11) __._L~G_L~-P~H~l~LL~l~PS~L~Y~T,-j_A_ct_iv_e~F_C_-< 094::-fil-15-:-o--·1224siaie-st-s-:-syracuse-;Ny1:i2-o2:3831,.-BROOKSA~XE:l<Ecos_ _ _ o2101108.--01/0170i!2-<io6 i094.-18-15.o-2006-cou .C"NTY:___$39i-:-24'_ _ _s42228! _ _ _so:-001 _ _ _$813.52' In Foreclosu_r_eJ_11_1,l_ _ L_G_L-_P_H_IL_L_IP_S_L_Y_T-+A_c1_i_ve_Fc _, _ 09i:o1-45~o--:5ff Gifford-s!- "Syracuse, Ny 13204-3101 --, TliOmas rv1Reicharci _ _ _ _:_o8/3Tio6·---0i/o1ios: 2004-, - - - - - - - - cN'iY----,-_--S792~io; _ _ _ s99125:_ _ _ so:cio: _ _ _ 783."95-li\ctive ('!)_-_-- - - - - - - - - - - - t - - - - - - - < s1, 097.:01-45.o --51 i Gifford st :·syracuse~-Ny-13204:3101 ___ -- _-ThomasM-Reichard_ _ _ _ -08i:li-10_~:-0_1_Zo_i_/Q§1~0_05 , - - - - - - - - ------:c1n' ---· ------- S7D5.S61 ___ --S8825o' _ _ _so oo:--$1,588~36i_A_ct_iv_e_-~(i~)-----------+-----i 09f:-01=45~o_ 5_Ii::_ciiffo_id)t:__Syracuse_;J.Jy}32(]f31_0_1_:IE_aii-1as_M_R_eJCi\~_rd_ _ _ _ _(l81311_0~1_0_1!9J1_o_s_;_2095_; 'CNTY S693.§_3_'_____ s8~z,_s_o_:_ _ _f0:-001 s};S:silil~A_cct~iv_e__(,1_1,i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _+-_ _ _ _1 I f- $0:0o!___ :i =-: 1 I -----= - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - - - - - - - - - - - ----"-,~s1~,7~9~6~,4'c87 9~_2=1'·-~$~2~,5c1•=3,~1-=55~_=80 1 $364,981.65; { Page 19of19 $4,674,627.72:---------------+----_,

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