United States v. Broadcast Music, Inc

Filing 61

OPINION & ORDER re: (22 in 1:13-cv-04037-LLS) MOTION for Partial Summary Judgment filed by Pandora Media, Inc.: Pandora's motion is denied. The relevant compositions are not within BMI's repertory, and it lacks the power to license them to any applicant, including Pandora. Nothing in this opinion affects the right of licensees to continue to perform the withdrawn compositions under presently-existing licenses. They were legal when made, and the rights they granted are not to be altered retroactively. As far as this ruling is concerned, they continue according to their terms until their expiration. (Signed by Judge Louis L. Stanton on 12/18/2013) Filed In Associated Cases: 1:13-cv-04037-LLS, 1:64-cv-03787-LLS (tn)

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OORIGINAL USDC SD~Y DOCL:\U::\T ELECTRO\IC \tLY FILED DOC#: --------~~~--DATE FILED: )J/)9//3 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK x I BROADCAST MUSIC, INC., Pet it iorler, 13 C 4037 (LLS) - against Related to 64 Civ. 3787 (LLS) OPINION & ORDER PANDORA MEDIA, INC., SONY/ATV MUSIC PUBLISHING LLC, EMI MUSIC PUBLISHING, UNIVERSAL MUSIC PUBLISHING, INC. Intervenors. -x This case grows out of a series of "withdrawals u of digital s, by music publishers affiliated with Broadcast Music Inc ("BMIU) from Pandora Media, Inc. Media Services." ("Pandora U ) and other "New BMI's petition seeks an order exercising the Court's rate setting authority under article XIV of the BMI Consent Dec , sett e music license terms and fees after giving effect to the withdrawals, for performances of the remainder of the compositions in BMI's United States v. Broadcast Mus c 71,941 (S.D.N.Y. 1966), 71,378 (S.D.N.Y. 1994). Trade Cas. Trade Cas. 1 1 ory. ­ (CCH) (CCH) ~ , Moving for partial summary judgment, Pandora argues that the withdrawals are ineffectual, because the antitrust consent decree which BMI s requires BMI to of r a license to Pandora to perform all of the compositions in the BMI repertory as of January I, 2013, de te the fact that certain music publishers have by agreement wi BMI withdrawn from BMI the right to license their composit to so called "New a Services u such as However, the BMI Consent Decree res BMI to offer a license to perform all of the compositions in its When BMI no longer is authorized by music publisher copyright holders to license their compositions to Pandora and are no longer el New Media Services, those composit ory. for inclusion in BMI's le BMI can no longer license theIT. to Pandora or any other applicant. ngly, Pandora's motion for summary judgment is denied. BACKGROUND BMI is a non-profit performing rights organization that licenses non-exclusive rights ic of ("PRO") ormance to a variety of music users on behalf of affiliates who are the music compositions' copyright approximately 600,000 holders. BMI's composers, 2 ­ affiliates songwriters and se music publ ishers, and mill on musi mate 7.5 that plays compositions. Pandora music consists BMI' s a lS streaming compositions internet Ii o service directly ir copyright holders, or through BMI and other PROs. A. THE BMI CONSENT DECREE BMI's ability to license public performance r of s ts musical repertory is governed by the Consent Decree settl ng t to santi trus the court, If BMI sui t brought Consent which sets the United States. Decree fees e ishes for licenses cannot agree on a reasonable fee. s The Decree al so s when An amendment Court BMI as and a "rate applicants BMI Consent Decree Art. XIII. cert condi tions and requirements on BMI's issuance of licenses. Sect on VTI(B) "De of the BMI Consent Decree states in relevant shall, upon the aster, license ory broadcasting programming by t r request s on of publi either a any to per od basis, at defendant's option. unl censed perform program or l per 1f Section IX(C) of the BMI Consent Decree states: De endant shal not, connection with license it the public performance of compositions by music users other than to offer a license at a price or prices defendant with t~e consent of the copyr the performance of such specific (i.e., - 3 any ffer to musi ste2..-S re use to be fixed by etor for per I S which compositions, use prospect licensee. Although Decree, not icitly "Traditionally, 1 be mentioned sted by ::.1:1e in the BMI Consent the BMI's license of choice has been a 'blanket license,' a license that 3MI's entire ory in exchange for an annual States 2001) . v. Broadcast s the licensee access to Music As defined by Section II(C) \\'!Jefendant's ory' public of the right United of the BMI Consent Decree, means those compositions, which defendant to 1 icense or has icense." or the right of fter BMI shall Consent Decree Art. II (C) . Section VIII ze as des: valid agreement whi or "Def perform any shall result in disc between licensees simil 11 not enter into, performing rights license nating in rates or terms situated." Section XIV (A) states: ect to all provisions of this Final defendant shall, within nlne (90) days of its receipt of a written application from an applicant for a license for the right of public performance of any, some or all of the compositions in defendant's repertory, advise the applicant in writing of the fee which it deems reasonable for the license requested. If either BMI and an applicant may apply to reasonable license fee. cannot agree s Court for the Id. 4 ­ on a 1 icense fee, rmination of a B. DEALINGS BETWEEN BMI & PANDORA On June 30, 2005, Pandora and EMI entered into a standard 01 t form license agreement which allowed Pandora to stream all 8 9. music compositions in EMI's repertory. ~~ In 2012, Pandora determined that the terms of this license were no lo~ger appropriate iness, and terminated it its fo~ effective December 31, 2012. to Kennedy Decl. Id. ~ 9. After the parties failed iate a new type of license, Pandora filed a written year bl cation with EMI for a f January I, 2013, id., which it may withdrawn. license later wholly or partly While the parties were in iations, EMI fi ed its pet tion with the Court for ion of reasonable license fees on June 13, 2013 have negot ed erim . No.1). EMI and Pandora icense fees to be in ef January I, 2013 until the parties negotiate an agreed the Court issues a final EMI Petition ~ inning from ~ate or setting license terms and fees. 55. C. PUBLISHER WITHDRAWALS OF NEW MEDIA LICENSING RIGHTS FROM BMI Effective I, 2013, EMI allowed its affiliate publishers (the intervenors and others) Withdrawal and modi their affil to elect D tal Rights ion agreements to excl EMI's right to license "New Media Transmissions by New Media - 5 Services,u 2 hereinafter re rights." 1 Guidelines to as "New Media licensi gital sn), available at ht s thdrawal ://www.bmi. The Digital Rights Withdrawal Addendum to BM-'s publisher affiliation provides the following definitions: 1. Definitions. a. A "New Media Transmission" shall mean: 1. a digital audio transmission that, addit to requiring a public performance license, also res the music user to comply with the license requirements 17 U.S.C. § 114, § 115 and/or § 106(1); 11. a gital transmission of a music video or user­ uploaded video (i.e., a vi uploaded to the service by the end-user) that, in addition to requiring a public license, also res that the ce, in order to offer the music video or user-uploaded vi on or via the ce, obtain a license directly from the owner or administrator of the ghts the musical composition(s) embodied therein for s other than the right of public performance (e.g., synchronization or mechanical rights) and/or 111. a digital transmission made from a tal music file either (a) uploaded by an end-user to the server and/or (b) matched from a file on end­ user's or device to a digita music file on the server (such server, in either case, often re to as either the "cloud" or a "locker"). b. "New Media ServiceD shall mean a standa one service by which New Media Transmissions of musical compositions are made available or accessible (i) marily by means of the Internet, a wireless mobile telecommunications network, and/or acomputer network and (ii) to the public, whether or not, in - 6 com/entry/guidel September 16 1 s for_digit 2013). _rights_withdrawal (As of The modification was set in an addendum which states: This addendum ("Addendum") to the publisher affiliation will confirm the understanding of BMI and ("Publisher") with respect to Publi IS sire to withdraw the right to license certain digital transmissions (the "New Media Transmissions" as defined below) of musical works licensed to BMI (the "Publisher Works" as defined below) . DiMona Decl' The l Ex. G I D ital Rights Withdrawal Addendum l p. ies (BMI and publisher) Accepted and Agreed: For the avoi of doubt as of the Effective Date of Withdrawal Publisher shall have the exclusive right to license New Media Transmissions of Identified Interests and Corresponding Interests in Publisher Repertoire Relat Repertoire and Administered Repertoire and BMI shall no longer have any right to license New Media Transmissions of Identified Interests and Corresponding Interests repertoire for the nder of Term. I I l l Id. at p. 3. BMI public announced: s withdrawal does not affect any of BMI s other licensing act ies. It does not affect BMI S right to license traditional broadcast e and satellite transmissions or their related new media transmissions. BMI cont s to have the right to license I other dig al uses even for publishers that have withdrawn from BMI the I ted digital rights defined above for new media services. I I I l I for a subscription feel other fee or i and whether or not such offering includes exposure to advertisements before during and/or after the transmission of such compositions . l 7 of Scope Withdrawal, Rights Digital (as http://www.bmi.com/licensing/entry/drw t~an t "Cata"ogs ishers withdrawing that are are to ta subject Di st July unaf Rights cted, Withdrawal re if they are acquired wi : be restored to the BMI or newly admi of to BMI from affiliates other lic Composit 2013) at available by an Affiliate that has not e ected de:ines p. 2. igital Rights Withdrawal." In September 2012, Sony/EMI 3 became the first publisher to announce its planned withdrawal of New Media licensing rights from BMI. 's Motion p. 9. Pandora negotiated direct licenses with Sony/EMI for the year 2013. On November I, 2013, summary judgment. filed this motion for ~ 10. ia: Pandora seeks a determination that, as the compositions are held in BMI's Pandora without Kennedy Decl. to , BMI must offer publishers' to ative withdrawals of BMI's right to do so. Sony/EMI and fellow publisher Universal Music Publi Group's motions to intervene in t November 4, 2013 s case were granted on (Dkt. No. 28). 3"Sony/EMI" refers to the corrbined catalogs of Sony and EMIj Sony/ATV became the administrator of EMI's catalog in July 2012. - 8 ­ DISCUSSION the publisher withdrawals do not affect Pandora argues the scope of its license, and points to Sections VIII(A) ire BMI to grant a XIV{A) of the BMI Consent Decree whi continuing license to perform "all of the compositions in the rate proceedings or defendant's repertoryH res t The BMI Consent Decree iations. all compositions in the BMI be offered to all applicants. Under Section applicant requests XIV a of the license BMI for Consent "any, some Decree, or when all of an the compositions in defendant's repertory," BMI must grant a license for performance of from "anyH (a Under BMI the icants l the requested composit piece" license) Consent with icants simil BMI repertory, fees Decree, that situated. to "all" these do which may range (a blanket license). opt ions not By plac are open discriminate to 1 between a composition in the the affiliate routinely authorizes its inclusion in blanket licenses of BMI's whole to all applicants. But if the withdrawal of its authority to do so by some affi iates with admi ster the to compositions for which they own or ghts is within those affiliateS l ghts, BMI cannot offer New Media licensing rights for those compositions to New Media app icants, including f BMI cannot offer those compositions to New Media applicants, their 9 ­ lity does not meet the standards of the BMI Consent avail cannot be held in BMI's repertory. :Jecree, and t Since they are not in BMI's repertory, BMI cannot deal in or license those compositions to anyone. As copyright copyrights the holders, Section 106 of the divide Copyright their 17 Subject to sections 107 through 122, the owner of copyr under this title has the exclusive rights to do and authorize any of the lowing: to § to may Act, U.S.C. pursuant publishers 106, which provides: (3) to distribute copies or phonorecords of the copyr ed work to the public by sale or other transfer of ownership, or by rental, lease, or lendingi in the case of literary, musical, dramatic, choreographic works, pantomimes, and motion pictures and other audiovisual works, to perform t copyrighted work publiclYi (4) (5 ) in sound recordings, the case ed work publicly by means of The publ ishers are pri viI performance of exercise of that withdraw their their compositions right New to license, copyright holders. A.uthors & see have performance Pandora and New Media Services. as See or not as the publi Media to a perform digital the license, the fit. o In the with BMI licensing rights to from is well within their power United Publ ishers - 10 ­ In States re v. Am ication Soc' of of Yahoo! 627 Inc. confers F.3d upon (2d owner t ely by of v. Am. 920 a copyright Tasini, v. copyright owner. Cir. ("The 1984) 483 Copyright bundle the reproduction right, withdraw New Buffalo Broad. 744 F. 2d accords the including the performing right and Thus, from ing to use the various o~hers and to convey t (citing Copyright Act). and specifical Ac~ screte of Publishers, & Act or retained (2001)) Authors ers rights recognized by the Act, ~o a (citing If) copyright owner the right to authorize r ("The 2010) 533 U.S. Soc' (2d Cir. which may be ';:ransfe the York Times Co. 917, 71 ghts, exclus Co . 64, BMI the se rights copyright holders have authority i~s ely." ) license ~o the the performance of their compositions by the New Media Services. It is the BMI Consent Decree rest c~ the antitrust law) ng In its BMI yory compositions which it can no longer offer to the New Media Services, until recent performing timate, accepted as those BMI's works. which qualified, repertory who were up licensed and consists of composi tions whose performance BMI "has the right to license or icense" i broadcaster, ory" . ions of t it "shal license BMI upon the Consent the rights Decree request any publicly Arts. ght are withdrawn, - 11 ­ of II(C) to i unlicensed perform VII{B). its When the affected compositions rtory, membership in BMI's are no longer eligible and it cannot include them in a blanket license or license them at all. BMI the contends "grand that (the right" shows that t its long-standing right of public all the compositions in its repertory. BMI has never offered grand treated equally: BMI In contrast, not deal. recently been of ac by, Services, and (exc for They are a commodi to and 1 applicants; exercised withdrawing affiliate Media Services, has not the themselves catalog is withdrawn compositions "restored to the BMI "grand r have until they have been by the New Media the affected compositions are still guidelines publisher's who theater in which BMI does offered by BMI to all applicants other than New withdrawal But for those now withdrawn by some publishers from New Media applicants) the 6 9. grand Media I icensing rights to any and licensed to perform All applicants are s. licenses New license performance) BMI Brief pp. er cannot performances to anybody. dramatic to to licenses no universal lS inability recognize in the re." that transferred their when to Guidel s p. a another compositions from New catalog transferred s" example has no analog in, Indeed, ~edia. are Thus, the 2. and nothing to do with ssues in this case. It is sirr.ilarly synchronization imrr.aterial rights that (the - BMI cannot to 12 ­ offer license certain musical composi t ions jukebox in conj unct and licenses with visual images) or for which broadcasters, noncommerci rights are operation statutorily excluded from BMI's purview because of t ght Act, the 17 U.S.C. §§ 116, 118. The publishers are But BMI free to license these rights to all music users. not of BMI Consent s , nor has it ever offered, these rights to anybody. and the Decree intervenors prevents particular customers. nothing argue BMI from agree in not That puts matters backwards. the to BMI serve Nothing in the Consent Decree settling this antitrust case can be read to allow one with BMI's market power to re of its privil by icants. The copyright to the intervenors, holding its ory to deal th certain law necessarily gives that but BMI cannot combine with them compositions that come th an invitation to a boycott attached. 4 The Department of Justice has submitted its views, which ore creation of any dable inconsistency between s decision and the ier one of the Honorable se Cote, U.S.D.J., I ition of Pandora Media Inc., No. 12 Civ. 8035 (DLC) , slip. op. (S.D.N.Y. . 17, 2013). The inconsistency is just a difference of view of the power of the application of Section 106 and the copyright holders' rights under the Copyright Law, and will be resolved the Court of Is for the Second Circuit or decree amendment procedures, or managed commercially. - 13 CONCLUSION not within ory, and it lacks the power to license B~I's lc.ding Pandora. them to any applicant, Nothing in this opinion af cont they right of licensees to sently They were legal when made, and the rights ed are not to be altered retroact this ru.L until ts t withdrawn compositions under to perform existing licenses. relevant compositions are ed. Pandora's motion is is concerned, t cont y. As far as according to their terms ir expiration. So ordered. Dated: New York, New York December 18, 2013 t",."j I.. ~t...J;,. LOUIS L. STANTON U.S.D.J. 14 ­

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