United States Of, et al v. District Council Of, et al

Filing 1068

ORDER. The Court would like to devote the first hour or so at the June 28, 2011conference to a report on the status of the Funds, including the items as so specified in this order. (Signed by Judge Richard M. Berman on 5/26/11) (rjm)

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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ------------------------------------------------------------:>[ UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, USDC DOCUMENT ELECTRONICALLY FILED I DOC I DATE PlaintiiT, 90 Civ. 5722 (RMB) -against- ORDER DISTRICT COUNCIL OF NEW YORK CITY and VICINITY OF THE UNITED BROTHERHOOD OF CARPENTERS and JOINERS OF AMERICA, et aI., Defendants. Upon the record of these proceedings. including, without limitation, recent Court proceedings held on April 6, 20 II and May 16, 20 II (see Tr., dated Apr. 6, 2011, at 21 :21-23; Tr., dated May 16,2011, at 9:23-10:1), the letter from Raymond G. McGuire, Esq., counsel to the Trustees of the District Council Benefits Funds ("Funds"), dated May 19,2011 (see Letter at 2 ("[W]e appreciate the point Your Honor raised about providing additional information [about the Funds] to the participants and recognize that doing so may be in the interest of an parties."», and the Funds' reports provided to the Court (see Letter, dated May 20, 2011, and accompanying papers), the Court has concluded that the more transparency which can be provided to the membership with respect to each ofthe Funds, the better. See In re Global Crossings, Ltd. Sec. Litig., 322 F. Supp. 2d 319, 339 (S.D.N.Y. 2004) ("to increase ... confidence by ensuring transparency and accuracy in financial reporting"); SEC v. KPMG LLP, 412 F. Supp. 2d 349, 355 (S.D.N.Y. 2006). Accordingly, the Court would like to devote the first hour or so at the June 28, 2011 conference to a report on the status of the Funds,' including the following: I, Brief description of each of the Funds' (a) purpose,~, health benefits, retirement, etc.; (b) current financial status; (c) individuals and/or firms which supervise and manage the Funds' affairs; (d) frequency of financial reporting; etc.; 2. Funds' results for the first quarter of2011 and historical comparisons; 3. Known "threats to the continued vitality and integrity of the [F]unds" (Tr., dated Apr. 6,2011, at 21 :21-23); 4, What information, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, would be useful in future Funds' vl'ritten reports and statements, including, for example, income (including contributions), expenses (including payouts to participants and fees to professionals), comparisons to prior reporting periods, distribution by asset class of investments, return on investment for each class of assets in the Funds, and comparison of asset performance to prior reporting periods and to other relevant benchmarks; and 5. Publication oflhe Funds' reports on a publicly available website (~, Review Officer and/or the Court). Dated: New York, New York May 26,2011 RICHARD M. BERMAN, U.S.D.J. • In this regard, it would be helpful to hear from Mr. McGuire and a representative of The Segal Company at the June 28, 2011 conference. 2

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