Murphy et al v. Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Company et al

Filing 36

ORDER granting 25 Motion to Appear Pro Hac Vice; granting 33 Motion for Kevin C. Walsh to Appear Pro Hac Vice.. (Signed by Judge Louis L. Stanton on 3/19/07) (dle)

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Murphy et al v. Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Company et al Doc. 36 Case 1:06-cv-13210-LLS Document 36 Filed 03/19/2007 Page 1 of 1 , ,d UNITED STATF.>BISTRICT COURT FOli THE d SCANNED ORIGINAL C SOlrTHERN DISTRICT O F NEW YORI\: L-'-J.-' >- ]..A. MURPHY. MARVIN STERNHEI.1, and I IENOCH KAIMAN, on their own behalf and on hehalf'of all others similarly situdted. 2 / ., . . ! a ;: , , i : 'c.'.z::.,. 21.,>" ,-,zt<>!- 7 ..".-_._.._._..___I.. . .,,> ,b.,7.:.." 43 ---.. ,, : / i ' X :~*,$ .- > , . ~:.:7,,:,-; : ~. !j !i !! ! , . & , ' Ti7 ; -. ! >! '1 .> r\..3:.: /:': -I-.~: VS. KOHLBERG KRAVIS ROBERTS M COMPANY; CARLYLE GROIIP: CLAYTON, DUBI1,IER & RICE; SILVER I.AKE PAlCl'NERS: BLACKSTONE GROUP: RAIN CAPITAL LLC; 'I'HOMAS H. LEE PARTNERS; TEXAS I'AC'IFIC GROUP; MADISON DEARBORN PARTNERS; APOLLO MANAGEMEKT LP; PROVlDENCE EQUI'I'Y PARTNERS; MEICRILLLYNCH AND CO., INC.: AND WARBURG I'INCIJS. LLC.. Dcfcndants. CaseNo.: ~b c ~'~3~1~rt-tsy' : .a i . M MOTION TO ADMIT KEVIN C. WALSH, ESQ. PRO HAC VICE x 8 % <. . , n 1 .. - , rn <.- -7 c: .? I'LJRSIJAN'I~ ' . RULE 1.3(c) of the L.ocal Rules of the LJnited States Dis~rict 10 f... . ''7 > :3 C ' O L I ~ ~for the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York. and upon the accompanying S Declaration of Wesley R. Powell and thc certificates of good standing annexed thercto, I. Wcsley R. Po\vell. a member in good standing ot' the bar of this Court. hcrcby move for an Order allowing the adniissionpvo hoc ~ i of: ~ c Kevin C. Walsh. Esq. Hunton & Williams LLP Riverfront Plaza. East Tolver 95 1 East Byrd Street Richmond. VA 232 19-4074 '1-clephone: (804) 788-8200 Facsimile: (804) 788-821 8 hlr. Walsh is a member in good standing of thc Bar of the State of Maryland, and ;: ~ 1 the Bar of thc State of Virginia.

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