Anwar et al v. Fairfield Greenwich Limited et al

Filing 1062

ENDORSED LETTER: addressed to Judge Victor Marrero from Mark G. Gunha dated 2/28/2013 re: Counsel. ENDORSEMENT: The Anwar plaintiff's are directed to respond by 3/4/2013, by letter not to exceed three (3) pages, to the matter set forth above by the FG defendants. So Ordered. (Signed by Judge Victor Marrero on 3/1/2013) (js)

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FACSIMILE: (212) 455-2502 E-MAIL ADDRESS DIRECT DIAL NUMBER (212) 455-3475 February 28, 2013 BY HAND Re: Anwar, et al. v. Fairfield Greenwich Limited, et al., No. 09-cv-00118(VM) (S.D.N.Y.) , ..1....•.•••• _ _• LSUl'S!"'J:\Y The Honorable Victor Marrero United States Courthouse Southern District of New York 500 Pearl Street New York, NY 10007-1312 Ih)CL\1E:\T . r;.ECTRO:\lC·\LLY FILED I • ·)()C #: -: / ; dDX1T FILLO: _'/> /L -~'j~_. ============:::J Dear Judge Marrero: L__-=::-:::-:::.:..=.=::.:· I write on behalf of the FG Defendants l in regard to the Court's Decision and Order entered February 25, 2013 in the above referenced action ("Class Certification Order"), granting in substantial part Plaintiffs' motion for class certification, "subject to further adjustment or decertification as warranted as facts develop." Class Certification Order at 4. On November 30, 2012, the Court entered an Order (the "Preliminary Approval Order") preliminary approving the proposed settlement between Representative Plaintiffs 2 on the one hand, and Defendants Fairfield Greenwich Limited and Fairfield Greenwich (Bermuda) Limited on the other (the "Settlement"), which, if approved, provides for, among other things, the dismissal and release of all claims in this action against the FG I For purposes of this letter, the "FG Defendants" are defined as Defendants Fairfield Greenwich Limited, Fairfield Greenwich (Bermuda) Limited, Fairfield Heathcliff Capital LLC, Fairfield Greenwich Advisors. LLC, Fairfield Risk Services Ltd., Lourdes Barreneche, Vianney d'Hendecourt, Yanko Della Schiava. Carina Noel Piedrahita, Harold Greisman, Jacqueline Harary, Richard Landsberger, Daniel Lipton, Julia Luongo, Mark McKeefry, Maria Teresa Pulido Mendoza, Charles Murphy, Santiago Reyes, Andrew Smith, Philip Toub, Walter M. Noel, Jr., Andres Piedrahita, Jeffrey Tucker, Amit Vijayvergiya, Cornelis Boelc, David 13. Horn, Robert A. Blum and Gregory Bowes. For purposes of this letter, the "Representative Plaintiffs" are defined as Pacific West Health Medical Center Employees Retirement Trust, Harel Insurance Company Ltd., Martin and Shirley Bach Family Trust, Natalia Hatgis, Securities & Investment Company Bahrain, Dawson Bypass Trust and St. Stephen's School. 2 BEIJING HONG KONG HOUSTON LONDON Los ANGELES PALO ALTO SAO PAULO SEOUL TOKYO WASHINGTON, D.c. SIMPSON THACHER & BARTLETT LLP The Honorable Victor Marrero -2- February 28, 2013 Defendants. The Preliminary Approval Order preliminarily certified a settlement class. See Preliminary Approval Order, attached as Exhibit A hereto, at '1 2. In addition, pursuant to paragraph 30 of the Preliminary Approval Order, the Court stayed all litigation of claims in this action between the Representative Plaintiffs and the FG Defendants pending further order of the Court (the "Stay,,). 3 We respectfully are writing to clarify whether the Class Certitlcation Order applies to the claims against the FG Defendants despite the Stay. If the Class Certification Order does in fact apply to the claims against the FG Defendants notwithstanding the Stay, the FG Defendants' time to file a motion for reconsideration or a petition seeking interlocutory appeal would arguably expire before the hearing on the fairness of the Settlement currently scheduled for March 22, 2013, forcing the FG Defendants (and also the PlaintifTs) to expend time and expense on briefing that may well be rendered moot within weeks. Under the circumstances, we respectfully request the Court enter an order clarifying that, in light of the stay, the Class Certification Order does not at this time apply to the claims asserted in the action against the FG Defendants, but the applicability of the order to the FG Defendants will be revisited if the Court does not approve the Settlement or the Settlement fails to become efTcctive for any other reason. In the alternative, we request the Court to grant the FG Defendants leave from the Stay for the limited purpose of filing a motion for reconsideration and/or pursuing an interlocutory appeal of the Class Certification Order. cc: Counsel in Anwar (by email) SO ORDERED. DATE , 'JeTOR ~1ARRERO. u.S.D.J. 3 Specifically, the Preliminary Approval Order reads: "Pending final determination of whether the Settlement should be approved or further order of the Court, the Court hereby stays all litigation of claims and related discovery in the Action between the Representative Plaintiffs and Settlement Class Members on one hand and the FG Defendants on the other, except as provided in the Stipulation and as necessary to carry out or comply with the terms and conditions of the Stipulation." Ex. A at or 30. EXHIBIT A Case 1:09-cv-00118-VM-FM Document 1008 Filed 11!3qll?~a9~ 1~. 12 ) l '~()~~<I),\; y :.....:-..:::~:~==::::;;::::;i :i :iD()CI'\iL\ I' I ; I.CII<O:\ ICr\ LLY rlLliD I I ")C~: lJ~ITED STATES DISTRICT CO'JRT1~.:\rL FILL,!): SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YOR ,.lS~~~~;;:!:.=S=~ PASHA ANWAR, et Master File No. 09-cv-II8 (VM) (FM) v. FAIRFIELD GREENWICH LIMITED, et al., Defendants. ORDER PRELIMI~ARILY APPROVING SETTLE.\lENT AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF PROPOSED SETTLEMENT WIIEREAS, a class action is pending he fore the Court entitled Pasha Anwar. ef 01 \. Fairfield Greenwich Umifed, et aL Civil Action 09-cv-118 (VM). Lnited States District (oun for the Southern District of New York (the" /\ction"): WHEREAS, the Court has reviewed the Stipulation of Settlement dated us of' r\ovemher 6,2012 (the "Stipulation"), which has heen entered into hy the Representative Plaintiffs (on hehalfofthe Settlement Class) and the Settling Defendants (the "Settling Parties"); WI IEREAS, the Stipulation which, together with the exhibits annexed thereto, sets forth the terms and conditions for a proposed pal1ial settlement and dismissal of the Action with prejudice (the "Settlement"); WHEREAS, the Settling Parties have made application, pursuant to Federal Rule or Civli Procedure 23(e), f'or an order preliminarily approving the Settlement, and the Court having read and considered the Stipulation, the exhibits annexed thereto. and submissions made re:ating to the Settlement: WHEREAS, the Senl Parties have consented to the entry uf th:s Order" and Case 1:09-cv-00118-VM-FM Document 1008 2 of 12 Filed 11/30/12 WHEREAS, all capitalized and dciined tcnns contained herein shall have thc same meaning as set forth in the Stipulation; NOW, THEREFORE. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 1. The Court does hereby preliminarily approve the Stipulation and the sel forth therein. subject 2. [0 further consideration at the Settlemen[ Sl:llierll\.'111 described below. Pursuant to Rules 23(a) and 23(b)(3) uftbe Federal Rules orCivil Procedure and for the purposes of the Settlement only, the Action is hereby preliminarily certified as a class action on behalf of all Persons who were Benei1cial Owners of shares or limited partnership interests in the Funds as of December 10, 2008 (whether as holders of record or [raceable to a shareholder or limited partner account of record), and who sum~red a Net Loss oCprincipal invcsted in the Funds, excluding (i) those Persons who timely and validly requcst exclusion Crom the Settlement Class; (ii) Fairfield Sigma Limited, (iii) Fairfield Lambda Limited, (iv) any Settlement Class Member who has been dismissed from this Action with prejudiee; and (v) the FG Defendants and any entity in which the FG Defendants have a controlling interest. and the officers, directors. affiliates. legal representatives, immediate ramily members, heirs, Sllccessors. subsidiaries amJlor assigns oC any sllch individual or entity in their capacity flS slieil ("Sclli.;mcfll Class Members"). 3. The Court finds, preliminarily and Cor purposes oCthis Settlement only. that the prerequisites for a class action under Rules 23(a) and 23(b)(3) oi'the Federal Rules of Ci'vil Procedure have been satisfied in that: (a) the number of Settlement Class Members is so numerous that joinder ofal! members of the Settlement Class is impracticable; (b) there arc questions or law or fact common to the Settlement Class Members that predominate over any 2 Case 1:09-cv-00118-VM-FM Document 1008 Filed 11 2 Page 3 of 12 individual questions; (c) the claims of the Representative Plaintiffs an.; typical of the claims of the Settlement Class they to represent; (d) the Representative Plaintiffs fairly and adequately represent the interests of the Settlement Class: and (e) a class action is superior to other available methods for the fair and efficient adjudication of the Action. 4. Pursuant to Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, preliminarily and for the purposes ofthi$ Settlement only, the Representative Plaintiffs are appointed as the class representatives on behalfofthe Settlement Class, and Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP. Wolf Popper LLP, and Lovell Stewart Iialchian Jacobson LLP arc hereby appointed Lead Counsel fur the Settlement Class (,Plainti rfs' Lead Counsel"). Plainti ITs' l.ead Counsel have the authorit)- t() enter into the Stipulation on behalf of the Settlemen1 Class and are authorized to act on hehal r or the Settlement Class with respect to all aets or consents required by or that may be gi veri pursuant to the Settlement. S. The Court rinds that: (a) the Stipulation resulted from good faith, arm's-length negotiations; and (b) the Stipulation is sufficiently fail, reasonable and adequate to the Settlement Class Vlemhers to warrant providing notice of the Settlement to Settlement Class Memhers and holding a Settlement J learing. 6. .)(;1 t.. i It The Settlement I learing shall be held before the Ilot1orable Victor \;larrao un 2013. at Il~L.m., at the United States District Cour1 for the Southern District of New York, SOO Pearl Street Ncvv York, New York. 10007, to determine whether the proposed partial Settlement of the Action on the terms anel conditions pJ"()vided for ill the Stipulation is fair, reasonahe ancl adequate tu the Settlement Class and should he aprro\ed hy the Court; whether a FinaJ Judgment and Order of Dismissal with Prejmilce ("Final .Judgment") 3 Case 1:09-cv-00 118-VM-FM Document 1008 Filed 11/30/12 Page 4 of 12 as provided in Exhibit B to the Stipulation should be entered herein; whether the proposed Plan of Allocation should be approved: whether to approve the Representative Plaintiffs' application for their reasonable costs ami expenses (including lost wages and an incentive award) directly relating to their representation of the Settlement Class: to determine the amount of fees and expenses that should be awarded to PlaintifTs' Counsel; and to rule upon such other matters as the Court may deem appropriate. The Court may adjourn the Settlement Hearing without further notice to Settlement Class Members. 7. The Court approves, as to form and content, the Notice of Proposed Settlement of Class Action and Settlement Fairness Hearing and Motion for Attorneys' Fees and Reimbursement of Expenses (the "Notice"), the Summary Notice ("Summary Notice"), and the Proof of Claim and Release form (the "Proof of Claim"), annexed as Exhibits A-I, A-2 and A-3 to the Stipulation. 8. The Coun appoints Rust Consulting as the Claims Administrator to supervise and administer the notice procedure as well as the processing of claims. as follows: (a) Not later than ten (10) days after the date of this Order, the Settling Defendants, and defendants Citco Fund Services (Europe) B. V _, Citco Canada, Inc .. and GlobeOp Financial Services LLC shall provide to Plaintiff's the last known name and address of record owners of shares or limited partnership interests in the Funds as of December 2008 in electronic format in the rOml currently maintained, without redaction, and subject to the Confidentiality Order in this Action (Dkt. No. 591). (b) Not later than fifteen (15) days after the date of this Order (the "Notice Date"), the Claims Administrator shall cause a copy of the Notice and the Proof of Claim. 4 Case 1:09-cv-00118-VM-FIV Document 1008 11/30/12 5 of 12 substantially in the fonns annexed as Exhibits A-I and A-3 to the Stipulation, to be mailed by first class mail to all record owners of shares or limited partnership interests in the funds as of December 10, 2008 and all Settlement Class Members who can be identified with reasonable effort; (c) Not later than thirty (30) days alter the date of this Order. the Claims Administrator shall cause the Summary Notice to be published in the international and North American editions of Ih(:; Wall Street Journal on two occasions at least seven days apart, and shall cause the Summary Notice to be published for international distribution over elLNewswire. 9. Record owners who are nominees or custodians who held as of Deeember 10. 2008, or currently hold, shares or limited partnership interests orthe J'unds lur the benefit or Settlement Class Members shall within ten (10) days or receipt or the Notice and Proof of Claim as provided in (f 8(b) hereof, either (i) request additional eopies of the Notice and Proof oCClairn su11icient to send the Notice and Proof of Claim to all Beneficial Owners for whom they are nominee or custodian, and within fifteen (15) days aner receipt thereof send copies to such Beneficial Owners; or (ii) provide a list or the names. addresses and email addresses or such Beneficial Owners to the Claims Administrator, in which event the Claims Administrator shall promptly deliver the Notice and Proof of Claim to such Beneficial Owners. Nominees who ekct to send the Notice and Proof of Claim to their Beneficial Owners shall send a statement certification to the Claims Administrator confirming that the mailing has been made as directed. The Claims Administrator shalL if requested, reimburse banks, brokerage hous..:s or otht.:f nominees or custodians out orthe Settlement fund solely lur their reasonable out-of·pocket expenses incurred in providing notice to Beneficial Owners, which expenses would not have 5 Case 1:09-cv-00118-VM-FM Document 1008 Filed 11/30/12 Page 6 of 12 been incurred except for the sending of such notice, and subjcct to further order of this Court with respect to any dispute concerning such reimbursement. 10. Not later than Jlfteen (15) days after the date or this Order- the Claims Administrator shall causc the Stipulation and its exhibits, this Preliminary Approval Order. and a copy of the Notice to be posted on the following website: 11. Not later than eighty (80) days after the date of this Order. Plaintiffs' Lead Counsel shall cause to be filed with the Court proof, by atlidavit or declaration, of the mailing and publishing required by this Order. 12. The forms and methods set forth herein of notifying SeWement Class Members of the Settlement and terms and conditions meet the requirements of due process, Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Proccdurc, and Scction 21D(a)(7) of the Exchange Act 15 U.S.c. 78u­ 4(a)(7), as amended by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Aet 1995: constitute the best notice practicable under the circumstances: and constitute due and sufficient notice to all Persons entitled thereto. 13. All Settlement Members shall be bound by all det-.:rminations and judgments in this Action concerning the Settlement, unless such Persons request -.:xclusion from the Settlement Class in a timely and proper manner. 14. Any Person falling within the definition the Settlement may, upon request. be excluded from the Settlement Class. Any request for exclusion must be in the form of a written, signed statement (the "Request for Exclusion") and received by the Claims Administrator at the address designated in the Notice on Hearing (the "Exclusion Deadline"). 6 Of before 35 ciuys prior to the Settlement Case 1:09-cv-00118-VM-FM Document 1008 15. Filed 11/30/12 Page 7 of 12 In order to be valid, each such Request for Exclusion (A) must state the name. address, email address and telephone number of the Person seeking exclusion; state that the sender "requests exclusion from the SeUlement Class in Anwar, ef al. v. Fairfield (jreemvich Limifed, el at., Case No. 09-cv-118," and state (i) the full name orthe Fund(s) purchased: (ii) the date(s), number and dollar amount of shares or limited partnership interests purchased, and of any redemption transactions; (iii) the dates and amounts of' any other recoveries the Person has received in respect orthat Person's investment in the Fund(s): and (iv) the number of shares or limited partnership interests held by that Person in the Fund(s) as of December I D, 200X: and (B) must be submitted with documentary pIOof(i) orall transactions in Fund shares or limited partnership interests; and (ii) demonstrating the Person's status as a Beneficial Owner or the Fund(s). Any such Request for Exclusion must be signed and submitted by the Beneficial Owner. 16. A Request [or Exclusion shall not be valid or effective unless it provides the required information and is made within the time staled above, or the exclusion is otherwise accepted by the Court. The Claims Administrator shall provide all Requests for Exclusion and supporting documentation submitted therewith (including untimely requests) to counsel Cor the Settling Parties as soon as possible and no later than the Exclusion Deadline or upon the receipt thereof (if later than the Exclusion Deadline). The Settlement Class will not include any Person who delivers a valid and limely Request for Exclusion. 17. Any Settlement Class Member who submits a Request for Exclusion shall not be deemed to have submitted to thejurisdiction of any Court in the United States fur any matter on account of such submission, and any Settlement Class Member who submits a Proof 7 or Claim Case 1:09-cv-00118-VM-FM Document 1008 Filed 11/30/12 Page 8 of 12 th~r~by submits to th~ jurisdiction of this Court with respect only to the subject matter of such Proof of Claim and all determinations made by this Court thereon and shall 110t be deemed to have submitted to the jurisdiction of this Court or of any court in the United Stales lor any other matter on account of such submission. 18. /\oy Person that submits a Request for Exclusion may thereafter suhmit to the Claims /\dministrator a written revocation of that Request for Exclusion, provided that it is received no later than two business days before the Settlement Hearing, in which event that Person will be included in th~ Settlement Class. 19. All P~rsons who submit a valid, timely and unrevoked Request for Exclusion will be forever barred from receiving any payments purSU<lI1t to the Settlement. 20. Any Settlem~nt Class Member who wish~s to shar~ in the distribution or the proceeds of th~ Settlement shall complete and submit a Proof or Claim tiJrm in accordance with the instructions contained therein. Unless the Court orders olherwisi.? all I'rool' or ClaIm forms must be received by the Claims Administrator no later than one hundred and twenty (I days after the Notice Date. Any Settlement Class rv1ember \.\'ho does n01 submit a Proof of Claim and the information and documentation required therein within the time allowed shall be barred from sharing in the distribution of the proceeds of the Settlement, unless otherwise ordered by the Court. 21. Except \'\'here a Settlement Class Member who submits a Request t()r Exclusion commences or otherwise prosccutes or pursues a Released Claim against a Released Party, all information submitted by a Settlement Class Member in a Request lor Exclusion or a Proof oj' Claim shall be treated as confidential protected information and may not be disclosed by the 8 Case 1:09-cv-00118-VM-FM Document 1008 Filed 11 2 Page 9 of 12 Claims Administrator, its affiliates or the Settling Parties to any third party absent a further order of this Court upon a showing of necessity, and any such infonnation that is submitted to the Court shall be filed under seal. 22. Any Settlement Class Member may enter an appearance in the Action, at their own expense. individually or through counsel of their own choice. in which case such counsel must file with the Clerk of the Court a notice of such appearance. Absent entry of an appearance by counsel, Settlement Class Members will be represented by Plaintiris' Lead Counsel. 23. Any Settlement Class Member may appear and show cause why the proposed Settlement should or should not be approved as fair. reasonable and adequate. why a judgment should or should not be entered thereon, why the Plan or Allocation should or should not be approved, or why attorneys' fees and reimbursement of expenses or an incentive award should or should not be awarded to Plaintiffs' Counsel or the Representative Plaintiffs; provided, however, that no Settlement Class Member or any other Person shall be heard or entitled to contest the approval of the terms and conditions of the proposed Settlement, or, if approved. the Final Judgment, or any other order relating thereto, unless that Person has filed appropriate objections. affidavits and briefs with the Clerk of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, on or before thirty-tive (35) days prior to the Settlement I leming and delivered copies or any such papers to counsel identified in the Notice on or heron: sllch date. An) Settlement Class Member who does not make an objection in thc manner provided shall he deemed to have waived sLlch objection and shall forever be foreclosed from making any sllch objection, unless otherwise ordered by the Court. 9 Case 1:09-cv-00118-VM-FM Document 1008 24. Filed 11/30/12 Page 10 of 12 All funds held by the Escrow Agent shall be deemed and considered to he in custodia legis of the Court, and shall remain subject to theiurisdiction of the Court. until such time as such funds shall be distributed or returned pursuant to till' Stipulation and Plan or Allocation and/or fUl1her order(s) of the Court. 25. All papers in support of the Settlement. the Plan of Allocation, Representative Plaintiffs' application for reimbursement of expenses or an incentive a\vard, and the application for attorneys' fees or expenses, shall be filed and served not later than fifty (50) days prior to the Settlement Hearing. Any reply papers shall be filed and served no later than fourteen (14) days prior to the Settlement Hearing. 26. The Settling Defendants, their counsel and the Released Parties shall have no responsibility for or liability with respect to the Plan or Allocation or any application for attorneys' fees or expenses submitted hy Plaintiffs' Counselor the Representative Plaintiffs. and such matters will be considered separately from [he fairness, reasonableness and adequacy of the Settlement. 27. All reasonahle expenses incun'ed in identifying and notifying Settlement Class Members, as well as in administering the Settlement, including payment of any taxes, shall be paid as set forth in the Stipulation. In the event the Settlement is not approved hy the Court, or otherwisc fails to become efTective, neither the Representative Plaintiffs nor Plaintiffs' Counsel shall have any obligation to repay any amounts actually and properly disbursed from the Settlement Fund to pay for such expenses. 2X. Neither the Stipulation, nor any of its terms or provisions, nor any of the negotiations or proceedings connected with it shall be construed as an admission or concession 10 Case 1:09-cv-00118-VM-FM Document 1008 Filed 11/30/12 Page 11 of 12 by the Settling Defendants or any of the Released Parties of the truth of any of the allegations in the Action, or of any liability, fault, or wrongdoing of any kind and shall not be construed as. or deemed to be evidence of or an admission or concession that the Representative Plaintiffs or any Settlement Class Members have suffered any damages, harm, or loss. further, neither the Stipulation, nor any of its terms or provisions, nor any of the negotiations or proceedings connected with it. nor this Order shall be construed as an admission Or concession by the Representative Plaintiffs of the validity of any factual or legal defense or of any intirmity in any of the claims or facts alleged in this Action. 29. The Settling Defendants may elect to terminate the Settlement only as prov ided in the Stipulation. In such event, or in the event the Settlement does not become e1Tedive in accordance with the terms of the Stipulation or the Effective Date does not occur, then the Stipulation and this Order (including any amendment(s) thereot~ and except as expressly provided in the Stipulation or by order of the Court) shall be rendered null and void, of no further force or ellect, and without prejUdice to any Settling Party, and may not be introduced as evidence or used in any action or proceeding by any Person against the Settling Parties or the Released Panies, and each shall be restored to his, her or its respective litigation positions as they existed prior to the execution of the Stipulation. 30. Pending tinal determination of whether the Settlement should be approved or further order of the Court. the Court hereby stays all litigation of claims and related discovery in the Action between the Representative Plaintiffs and Settlement Class Memhers on one hand and the FG Defendants on the other, except as provided in the Stipulation and as necessary to carry out or comply with the terms and conditions of the Stipulation. 11 Case 1:09-cv-0011S-VM-FM 31. Document 100S Filed 11/30/12 Page 12 of 12 Exccpt as providcd in the Stipulation, pending final detennination of \vhethcr the Settlement should be approved or further order of the Court. no potential Settlement Class Member, whether directly, representatively or in any other capacity. and whether or not such Persons have appeared in the Action, shall commence or prosecute in any court or forum any proceeding involving the subject matter of any of the Rekased Claims against any of the Released Parties. This injunction is necessary to protect and effectuate the Settlement, this Order, and the Court's f1cxibil ity and authority to effectuate the Settlement and to enter judgment when appropriate, and is ordered in aid of the Court's jurisdiction and to protect its judgments 32. The Court reserves the right to consider all fUJ1her applications arising out of or connected with the Stipulation. The Court may approve the Settlement, with such modilications as may be agreed to by the Settling Parties, without further notice 10 the SettlemenT Class, where to do so would not impair Settlement Class Members' rights in a manner inconsistent with Rule 23 and due process of 1m\,. IT IS SO ORDERED. DArED: The Honorable Victor Marrero United States District Judge 12

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