Anwar et al v. Fairfield Greenwich Limited et al

Filing 1069

ENDORSED LETTER addressed to Judge Victor Marrero from Sharon L. Nelles dated 3/04/2013 re: We write on behalf of the Standard Chartered Defendants ("Standard Chartered") in response to the February 28, 2013 letter from the Standard Chartered Plaintiffs' Steering Committee requesting a discovery conference to discuss plaintiff's requests for admission. ENDORSEMENT: The Clerk of court is directed to enter into the public record of this action the letter above submitted to the Court by Standard Chartered Defendants. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Victor Marrero on 3/06/2013) (ama)

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To:212 805 6382 4375 MAR-04-2013 14:28 From:2721 SULLIVAN & CROMWELL LLP fi)l; ;~,.(,(./.(I cfIj'J"f'rll. TI!LEPHONI!.: ,-;/.12-558-4000 rACGIMIL£ I ~12 SSO:iSOO .• _.A _ _ _ _ _•. >._ ~. ,; tS:lJL ~~\ . l;';f;' '?IIr:.,,1: ... /11~/I(){)(J~_,(4~.9<.V y ; r)tX~L'~ lE'~T U.ECTRO~·ICALLV rr'LHD . )OC #' L '11),\TF ;'!LED: By Filc~imile . .-!jJ!tQ~·· Ma.rch 4, 2013 . :::=::.. -:-,.= .=:---=--__..J . The Honorable Victor Marrero, United States District Judge, Daniel Patrick Moynihan UniL~u. Slate:) Courthouse. 500 Pearl Street, New Vork. New York lO007. Re: Anwczr v. Fairfield Greenwich Ud., No. 09-CV-IIB (S.D.N.Y.'! -- Stal'1dard Chartered Cas\!s Dear Judge Marrero: We write on behalf of the Standard Chal1ered Defendants ("Standard Chartered") in response to the Fehruary 28, 2013 from the Slandi:lrd Charlt:red Plaintiffs' Steering Committee requesting a discovery confcrcnc.e to discuss plainti11S' requestc; fOl' admission. I Fact discovery in the Sttmdard Chartered Cases closed on May 4, 2012. On January 24,2013, plaintiffs served 276 individually-numbered requests tor admission. On Febluary 28, 2013, plaintiff Headway Investmenl Corporation ("Headway") served an addilional 65 requests for admission.:1. Standard Chartered ohjects to these 34 J requests for admission <L"i untimely, overly broad and unduly burdensome. St"'ndard Chartered thus respectfully a.c;ks that the COU11: quash both sets of requests in their entirely. By orders dated February 19,2009 and June 12,2012, the Court referred all scheduling and discovery matters to Magistrate Judge Frank Maas. (ECF Nos. 50, 893.) Standard Chartert:d is providing a copy of this letter to Judge Maas. Both this Court and Judge Maa." limit letters requesting a pre-motion conference to three pagt:s. 2 IIeadway's counsel i:; a memher of the plaintiffs' Steering Committee. Plaintiffs did not indicate why they did nol cuordinate th~ir discovery efforts as required by the Second Amended Scheduling Order Rt:garding Slandard Chartered Cases. (ECF No. 602. '14.) Standard Chartered will provide a copy of the Headway requests for admi!i!iion at Lhe CourL's request. MAR-04-2013 14:28 From:2721 4375 P.3-A To:212 805 6382 Tht: llonorable Victor Marrero -2­ As plaintiffs acknowledge, Your llonor pn::viou:-;ly ruled 011 the very question on which thcy seek guidance. (Pis.' Letter at 6.) In Fournier v. Erickson, 242 F. Supp. 2d 318,334 (S.D.N.Y. 20(3), the Court declined to require a responst: to rcqu~~l~ ror admission served the close of discovery because the reql,lCsl!'i w~re "not timely made." t\~ the COUll explained, "[r]equests for admissions pursuant to Rule 36 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure are generally bound by facl di!'icov~ry deadlines." fd. {citing cases}. Fournier is entirely eonsislt:nl wilh oLher recent decisiol1~ in this Circuit. 3 Indeed, several cOUl1s have ruled lhl:l.l rcque!'il!'i Ie)}' admission must be propounded far enough in advance of the discovery cut-off s\lch th..1t responses arc due before discovery cnds. 4 Plaintiffs cite two cases from this Dislricllhal address untimely requesls for admission, ncilhl:r 01" which support." plaintiffs' service of requests for admission more than eight months after the clo~e of tact discovery. In Revlon Cunsumer j'roducts Corp v. Estee Lauda Cos., No. 00 eiv. 5960 (RJl..fB) (AJP), 2001 WL 521832, al *1 (S.n.N.Y. May 16,2001) (PIs.' Letter at 7). the court pennilled requests that had been served 29 days before the close of fact discovery due to a messenger'S failure to pick them up on the prior bu:-;iness day. Tn Greenfield v. Memorial Sloan Kettering Hospilal, No. 1)5 Civ. 7658 (KTD), 2000 WL 351395. at +4-+) (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 5,2000) (Pis.' L~ller al4), the court permitted requests for admission served 40 days after the close or See Katz v. MORuS, No. 07 Civ. 8314 (PKC) (KNF), 2010 WL 1140873, at +2 11.4 (S. n.N. Y. Mar. 18, 2010) (requcsts for admission served 18 days after close of discovery were untimely): Stephanski v. Arnone, No. 04-CV-552A, 200R WL 413301 at *4 (W.D.N.Y. Feb. 13. 2008) (d~dining lo allow untimely requests tor admi~~ion 01' treat them "as a request to extend the dis(.;()vc:ry deadline"); 8rodeur v. }.1cNamee, No. 3:02-CV-R2J NAMIDEP, 2005 WL 1774033, at *2 (N.D.N.Y. July 27. 2005) CTf]hc majorilY or court:-; which have addressed the precise issue now presented hav~ concluded that requests for admissiol'ls shotl1d be subject to case management discovery dcadlim:s. ") (collecting cases). See also 7 James W. Moore, MOORE'S FEDERAL PRACTICE § 36.02l2J, at 36-11 (3d ed. 2000) ("Generally, the limitations and deadlines applicable lo olh~r discovery devices also apply to requests for admissions."): 8B Wright, Miller, Kane & Marcus, FED. PRAC. & PROC. elV. § 2257 (3d ed.) ("lRJequeSl!'i li)r admissions have been held subjec1lo discov~ry culo!l' dales."); 2 Michael C. Silberberg, CIVIL PRAC"I'll'1.! IN TIIU SOUTHERN D1STR1CTOpNEWYOI<K § 23.04, o.t 23-6 (2d ed. 2001) ("Even though they are not 3 discovery device, requests for admission must nonethcless be served before lh~ discovery cut-off. ") (citing cases). 4 S{!e Joseph l.. v. Conn. Dept. ofChildren & Families, 225 F.R.D. 400, 402-03 (D. Conn. 2005) (collecLing cases and barring requests for admission served olle day before close ofdlscovery); Millenium E-rpre.\'sion.\'. file v. Chauss Mklg. Lrd., No. 02 Civ. 7545 (KMB) (JC1;), 2003 WL 22853043, at· 1 (S.D.N.Y. Nov. 7,20(3) (barring rcquc~ls lor admi!l!iion served two days before close of discovery). MAR-04-2013 14:28 ~rom:2721 To:212 805 6382 4375 -3­ The Honorable Victor Marrero discovery, in large part because the requests were based on a uocumenl received two week~ hefore the close of fact discovery. Even 11' Re)llrm and Greenfield carved out a narrow exception for requests for admis::;ion served very near the close of fact lli~covery. that exception would not apply here. Lastly, plaintiffs assert: that their requests seek to "streamline and eliminate facts" or "authenticate and permit admission of likdy (;;xhibil::i at trial." (PIs.' Le:!LLer aL 4.) That stated goal "does not lead to the conclusion that lrequesLs fbr admission] may he utili7.ed in n wholesale fashion ailer discovery has been closed." Bailey v. Eroder, No. 94 Civ. 2394 (CSH) (S£G), 1997 WL 752423, at *3 n.3 (S.D.N.Y. Dec. 5, 1997) (striking 237 untimely rcquesL"i [tlr admi~.sion):~ R.1ther, should these cases proceed to trial, the parties undoubtedly wiJI- on a reciprocal basis and at the appropriate time - idenlily th~ triahle:! issues, de!:>ignate trial exhibits, and address qllestions of admissibility . •)'ec FED. R. Clv. P. \6(e). That is exactly what this COllrl'~ lrial procedures rcquin; liS ptil"t or tiny joint pretrial Qrder. Ii Standard Chartered thus respectfully rcquc~ts that the Court quash both the requests for Cldmi5sion served by the Steering Committee anu those served separntely by Headway. Respectfully submitted, -,.cc: _ ~t i7~/"~i Sharon L. Ndh;:; I ~ The Honornble Frank Maas (by Facsimile) Richard F. RH.ld~ky (by Facsimile) Standard Charlered Plaintiff~' Steering Committee (hy E-mail) Plaintills Jev()le much of their letter to the debate over whethel' req\.lests tor admission are true "discovery devices," (PIs.' Letter at 2.) This Court's Local Civil Rule 5.1 specifies that requests for admission are "Discovery Materials." The structure of the federnl11.l1es, the Advisory Committee Notes for Rule 36. and lht:: applicability of Rl.Iles 2G and 37 to requests for admission also leave "no doubt" thal r~qu~sL" f()r admission "are a discovery device." Rev/on) 2001 WL 521832, nt·1. But whether lhey are "Ii:;h or fowl" (PIs.' Letter at 5), plaintiffs' requests are undeniably a meal served late, 6 See Trial Procedures of U.S. District Judge Victor Marrero (ht~P..:LI..!!ysU,u.'ic()urls.govh;as~s/sh(),,?db""'iudge info&id=497), /

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