Anwar et al v. Fairfield Greenwich Limited et al

Filing 1128

ENDORSED LETTER addressed to Magistrate Judge Frank Maas from Richard E. Brodsky dated 4/23/2013 re: The Standard Chartered Plaintiffs Steering Committee request that this Court take such action as is necessary to indicate that the Stipulation and order in question do not apply to or govern proceedings in the Standard Chartered Cases. ENDORSEMENT: Unless and until the Court otherwise orders, expert discovery on The Standard Charted cases will not be governed by the terms set forth in ECF No. 1115. (Signed by Magistrate Judge Frank Maas on 5/1/2013) (ft)

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From: Richard E. Brodsky To: Frank Maas Fax: (888) 391·5819 Page 2 of 3 4123f20135:34 Fax: +1 (212) 805·6724 THE BRODSKY LAW FIRM, RICHARD PL E. BRODSKY. A TIORNEY AT LAW VIA FAX TRANSMISSION (212-805-6724) SDNY April 23, 2013 DOCUMENT ELECTRONICALLY FILED DOC#: DATE FI-L-ED-:--:------. The Hon. Frank Maas United States Magistrate Judge Daniel Patrick Moynihan United States Courthouse 500 Pearl Street Uvt~ ~ New York, New York 10007·1312 . 11 t> ~ Re: w, <.,...e- 0 (" V"'- CICQ. (';,. h9- ~ {7,/h I -,<-d ~~ &u \ d "'s CO v 0 Anwarv.FairfieldGreenwich ~ (~S~~d CL-~ N.. O..0. 9-cv-118 (S.D.N.Y.) . ~ +- 6<::...- <{vJ~d St;glJiard Chartered Cases ~ 'G:7V\AS ~ ~ ~ ZL-<=" Dear Judge Maas: No . III:S . ~i<-<-,. , U-"lM~ 1/ I am counsel for the Maridom Plaintiffs and am writing as Liaison Counsel for the Standard Chartered Plaintiffs Steering Committee. '&'/1//..3 This letter concerns the Stipulation Concerning Expert Discovery, DE 1115 (Apr. 22, 2013). The caption of this Stipulation stated that it applied to "All Actions," and the Stipulation, as ordered by this Court, was apparently entered into all companion cases. See, e.g., Case No. 10-cv-920 (Maridom), DE 175. Nevertheless, the Stipulation should not be applied to any of the Standard Chartered Cases because none of the parties in the Standard Chartered Cases signed the Stipulation (or, to our knowledge, were even approached about the Stipulation before it was signed or filed). Therefore, the Standard Chartered Plaintiffs Steering Committee request that this Court take such action as is necessary to indicate that the StipUlation and order in question do not apply to or govern proceedings in the Standard Chartered Cases. 1 This would be in accord not only with the fact that none of the parties in the Standard Chartered Cases signed the Stipulation but also with the fact that, since the outset, the Standard Chartered Cases, although consolidated with Anwar', have opel'ated under completely different procedural regimens: the Standard Chartered Cases have their own pretrial order and confidentiality order, and the Court has appointed a Plaintiffs' Steering Committee in the Standard ChaTtered Cases. 200 S. BISCAYNE BOUlEVARD, SIT. 1930 • MIAMI, flORIDA 33131 WWW.THEBRODSKYLAWrlRM.COJ\'1 786-220-3328' RBRODSK Y@TlllBR005KYLA\'\'FlR;\l.COM ~, GV '-"\ From: Richard E. Brodsky Fax: (888) 391·5819 To: Frank Maas Fax: +1 (212) 805·6724 Page 3 of 3 4123/2013 5:34 Hon. Frank Maas April 23, 2013 Page 2 \Ve further inform the Court that, while the Standard Chartered Defendants have informed the undersigned by email that "[w]e agree that the parties in the Standard Chartered Cases are not bound by a stipulation that they did not sign," the Standard Chartered Plaintiffs and the Standard Chartered Defendants have differing views as to whether the Stipulation is substantively appropriate. The Plaintiffs believe that the appropriate standard is that established for discovery generally. See, e.g., Herrick Co., Inc. v. Vetta Sports, Inc., No. 94 CIV. 0905(RPP), 1998 WL 637468, at *3 (S.D.N.y'Sept, 17, 1998) ("The scope of further discovel'y beyond the mandatory disclosure of Rule 26(a)(2)(B) is governed by Rule 26(b)(1), which permits broad discovery of information that 'appears reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence.' Fed.R.Civ.P. 26(b)(1)."). The Standard Chartered Defendants have informed us that they believe that the standard outlined in the Stipulation, which is far narrower, is appropriate. The Standard Chartered Plaintiffs inform the Court that, shortly, they will very likely be bringing to the Court for its determination specific disputes arising from the objections posed by the Standard Chartered Defendants' experts to the scope of the document subpoena sel'ved on those experts by the Standard Chartered Plaintiffs. This will give both parties in the Standard Chartered Cases the opportunity to argue before the COlll't concerning the appropriate standards governing the scope of expert discovery. Sincerely yom's, cc: Counsel for Standard Chartered Defendants Members of Standard Chartered Plaintiffs' Steering Committee

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