Anwar et al v. Fairfield Greenwich Limited et al
ENDORSED LETTER addressed to Judge Victor Marrero from Robert A. Wallner dated 9/03/2015 re: We briefly respond to the letters submitted today by the Plaintiffs and the Citco Defendants, regarding the Trustee's request for a pre-motion conference concerning the Trustee's proposed motion to intervene. ENDORSEMENT: The Clerk of court is directed to enter into the public record of this action the letter above submitted to the Court by New Greenwich Litigation Trustees. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Victor Marrero on 9/08/2015) (ama)
09/03/2015 15:53 FAX
212 465 0548
LO~ ANC.itU',
Rnbcn A. ·wallncr
Dircc1 Dial; 212-946-9335
rwal lncr'li·rni
September 3. 2015
The Honorable Victor \llarrero
United States District .! udge
Southern District of N(·w York
Daniel Patrick rvtoynihan United States Courthouse
SOO Pearl Street
New York. New York 10007
Re: Anwrtr v. Fairfield Greenwich Ltd., 09-CV-118 (VM)
Dear Judge tvlarrero:
On behalf o 1· 1\e\v Greenwich Litigation Trustee, LLC. as Successor Trustee ("Trustee")
of the Greenwich Scntcy and Greenwich Sentry Partners Litigation Trusts, we briefly respond to
the letters submitted l•)day by the Plaintiffs and the Citco Defendants, regarding the Trustee's
request for a pre-n10ti1m conference concerning the Trustee's proposed motion to intervene for
the limited purpose of )bjecting to the Citco settlement.
The settling parties and the Trustee agree that the proposed settlement does not release
the Trustee's claims. 'Jee. e.g., Plaintiffs' Letter at 1: Citco Letter at 2 (proposed judgment "in
no way ·formally strip·;' the Trustee of any claim or defense'") (quoting Bhariu v. Piedrahita, 756
F.3d 211. 218 (2d Cir. 2014)). To the extent however, th._t the proposed judgment could be read
to somehow '"offset'' 1he Trustee's damages (thus enhanr:·ing Citco's defenses in the Trustee's
actions), the prejudice to the Trustee as well its standi11g to object cannot be disputed, even
though its claims otherwise remain intact.
Finally, the Trnstee's submission of objections will not delay the proceedings, as the
Trustee is ti.1lly preparvd to meet the October 16, 2015 deadline for objections.
Robc1i A. Wallner
cc !.. \'Ia email):
David A. Barrett, Esq.
Sarah L. Cave. Esq.
Timothy A. Duffy, Esq.
One Pr;11nsylvania Plaza· "J<•v,. 'ork, NY 10119 · T 212.594.5300 · F 212.868.1229 · milberg.corn
0910312015 15:53 FAX
212 465 0548
The Honorable Victor 'v1arrero
September 3, 2015
Page 2
Robert C. Finkd, Esq.
Andrew G. Go1 don, Esq.
Victor E. Stewm1, Esq.
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