Anwar et al v. Fairfield Greenwich Limited et al

Filing 1411

ENDORSED LETTER addressed to Judge Victor Marrero from David A. Barret dated 9/03/2015 re: Anwar Plaintiffs responds to the August 21, 2015 Letter. ENDORSEMENT: The Clerk of Court is directed to enter into the public record of this action the letter above submitted to the Court by Anwar Plaintiff. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Victor Marrero on 9/08/2015) (ama)

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08/03/2015 14 52 FAX 212 446 2350 BOIES SCHILL.ER FLOOR• NEW YORK ll!002/01:3 NY IC022 • 1. i September 3. 201i5 BY FAX The Honorable Victor Marrero United States District Court Southern District of New York 500 Pearl Street New York, New York 10007 ' Re: Anwar, et al. v. Fairfield 1ree11wich limited, et al Master File No. 09-CV-00118 (VM) (FM) Dear Judge Marrero: We wTite on behalf of the Anwar Plaintiffs to resJ,nd to the August 21. 2015 letter ("Letter") from Robert A. Wallner, counsel for the Succefsor Trustee ("Trustee'') of the Greenwich Sentry and Greenwich Sentry Partners Litigat~on Trusts. The Letter requests a premotion conference regarding the Trustee's proposed molt'n to intervene for the limited purpose of objecting to Plaintiffs· settlement with the Citco Defe ants. See Dkt. No. 1398. Plaintiffs respectfully submit that the Trustee's objections are unfo · nded; and that he lacks standing to object to the settlement and cannot meet Rule 24's requir4ments for intervention. I The Trustee's litigation in New York state court atainst Citco was dismissed two years ago in a comprehensive decision. See Walker, Truesdell, ~orh & Associates, Inc. v. Gloheop Fin. Servs. LLC, 993 N.Y.S.2d 647 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2011). i Although the Trustee filed a notice of appeal on .lune 27, 2014. he did not perfect the appeal unttI over a year later, on August 10, 2015, and most recently agreed to adjourn the appeal until Deceµiber 2015. See Exhibits A and B. ' The Trustee's intervention request and his substan~·ve objections must be addressed in light of these facts. The Trustee is seeking to inject hims lf into the Citco settlement even though the only way in which the settlement could even h pathetically affect his claims is in the event that he prevails on appeal and then takes the case to trial at which he wins damages. Such wholly conjectural circumstances provide no basis to inte~fere with a $125 mi Ilion settlement. I The Trustee's Objections Are Meritless. Recog~' izing the existence of the Trustee's claims, the settlement agreement expressly states that it d es not operate to release "any claims asserted or which may be asserted by the Funds, or the pe ding (though dismissed) derivative litigation hrought in connection with the Funds." Dkt. No 1 1398 ~ 16. The relevant sentence provides: ! This releac.;e does not include any claims asserted dr which may be asserted by the Funds, or the pending (though dismissed) derivali~e litigation brought in I WWW B.SF'LLP COM 08/03/2015 14 52 FAX 212 446 2350 8 0 I F. S . BOIES :~CfELL~R S C H I L L E R & IF L E X N E R @003/013 L L P The Honorable Victor Marrero September 3. 20 I 5 Page 2 connection with the Funds~ provided, however, ti 'at to the extent that any such claims have been or may be asserted, nothing in is paragraph or any provision herein shall prevent the Released Parties from as erting any defenses or raising any argument as to liability or damages with resp ct to such claims or, with the exception of the provisions of paragraph 4, prcvc t the Rckasccl Partic.s; from asserting any rights, remedies or clai~ against e Funds or in the pending (though dismissed) derivative litigation. Id ! 1 The Trustee ignores this Language. which is repea ed i.n if 16 of the proposed Final Judgment (Dkt. No. 1398-5). Instead, the Trustee claims that one sentence in~ 19 of the proposed Final Judgement, which contains standard lang age for a bar order. "may imply that this Court has determined that Citco ha.~ colorable right<: 0 offc;et the Trustee's claims." Letter at 1-2. The sentence reads: "Nothing in this paragraph pre ludcs the Citco Defendants from arguing that the settlement proceeds in this case are an o set against claims that may be made against them in other proceedings.'' Dkt. No. 1398-5 ~ l ,. This sentence preserves Citco 's ability to argue for an offset in other proceedings, but it i~ no way indicates that this Court has made any determination as to the merits of any offset. O~ the contrary, the merits of any such argument~ (including how an offset might be calculated) ~ill be ruled upon, if necessary, by rhe courts in whatever proceedings may occur. Plaintiffs' co\insel has conveyed to the Trustee that they will make this representation on the record at the fin~I fairness hearing. This will address 1 ' any conceivable issue. Lack of Standing. As this Court found in denyin~· a motion to intervene brought by rhe BLMIS trustee, who sought to object to the settlement wi h the Fairfield Greenwich defendantS. "nonparties, such ai; the Trustee, generally do not have st ding to object to a class action settlement." Okt. No. 1071, aff'd, No. 13-1392 (2d Cir. ~ept. 3, 2014); see Cent. States Health 1 Because the Trustee's objections are groundless and ant offset issues are purely hypothetical, there is no reason for the class notice to discuss the legal ~asis or computation of an offset, as the Trustee asserts. See Letter at 2. The Trustee also points to Citco's argument that the in • stors were injured "(if at all) only derivatively" in opposing class certification. Letter at 2. owever, Citco 's c:irgument related only to Plaintiffs' holder claims. See, e.g. Citco Defend ts' Memorandum of Law In Opposition to Plaintiffs' Motion for Class Certification (S ptember 15, 2014) at 18 ("Here, plaintiffs' common-law holder claims are derivative in na e."). Moreover. the Court granted t Plaintiffs have standing to assert class certification over Citco 's objections and has ruled direct claims. See Anwar v. Fairfield Greenwich Ltd, 72 F. Supp. 2d 372, 401 (S.D.N.Y. 2010) ("[T]o the extent that Plaintiffs properly allege duties ow by each defendant directly to I.hem .. . , they have standing to pursue such claims."); Anwar r. airfield Greenwich Ltd, 884 F. Supp. 2d 92, 98 (S.D.N.Y. 2012) (rejecting defendants' argume ,ts that plaintiffs lacked standing to hring holder claims). 1 08/03/2015 14 53 FAX 212 446 2350 80JES. BOIES 8GHILL~R SCHILLER & f"LEXNER ~ LLP The I Ionorable Victor Marrero Seplemher l 20 I5 Page: 3 I & We(fare Fund v Merck-Medco Alanaged Care. 504 FJd 229, 244 (2d Cir. 2007) (Rule 23(e)(5) provides that "any class member may object tot e propos[ed]" settlement. but "lnJonpartics ... generally do not have standing to object to a settlement of a class action.''). Among other reasons. because Lhe only issue before the urt is whether the proposed settlement is "fair. reasonable. and adequate,'' Rule 23( e )(2), courts ' usually reject ... outc:iders' attempts to enter the litigation during the settlement phase.'' (Jould v. Alleco, inc:., 883 F.2cl 281, 284 (4th Cir. 1989). Because the Trustee is not a class member an cannot show'" formal' legal prejudice." he lacks standing to object to the Citco settle ent. See Bha1;a v. Piedrahira, 756 F.3d 211, 219 (2d Cir. 2014) (Citco and PwC lack standin to object to settlement with Fairfield Defendants in this ca.c;e); In re American Tnternatirmal Gr up, Tnc. Securities T.itigation, 2013 WL 68928 at *3 (S.D.N.Y. Jan. 7, 2013) (New York Atto.ney General lacks standing to object to proposed class settlement). 1 The Trustee Cannot Meet Ruic 24"s Requiremehtll for Intervention. Intervention under Ruic 24(a) is allowed only where: 1 (1) the motion is timely; (2) the applicant asserts interest relating to the property or transaction that is the ~ubject of the ac ·on; (3) the applicant is so situated that without intervention, disposition of th· action may, as a practical matter, impair or impede the applicant's ability to rotect its interest; and (4) the applicant's interest is not adequately represented b,, the other parties. MasterCard lnt'l Jnc. v. Visa Int'/ Serv. Ass 'n, inc .. 471 ff'3d 3 77, 389 (2d Cir.2006). "failure to satisfy any one of these requirements is a sufficient groun to deny the application." Farmland Dairies v. Comm 'r ofN. Y State Dep 't ofAgric. & Mkts., 47 F.2d 1038 (2d Cir. 1998 (emphasis in original). Here, the Trustee cannot demonstrate that he as ·'an interest" in this action or that "without intervention" the TrU51ee 's "ability Lo protect its nteresL" will be impaired or impeded. As discussed, the Citco settlement and the proposed final udgment do not address the viability of an offset either way and the Trustee will be able to opp se any such offset when and if the issue is actually raised by Citco in another proceeding. F her, permissive intervention under Rule 24(b) is permitted only if the application would not,. duly delay or prejudice the adjudication of the rights' of the existing parties." Fed. R. Civ. P. 24(b)(3); In re Holocaust Viccim Assets Litig., 225 F.Jd 191. 201 (2d Cir. 2000). As de from the Tru.~tee's lack ofa legally cogni:wble interest, his intervention would delay final app~oval and prejudice class members by needlessly posrponing settlement distribution.!:i. ' For the reasons set forth above, the Trustee's requejst to file a motion to intervene should be denied. : ~~~ Dav1d! A. Barren cc: Robert A. Wallner (via email) 004/r) 1:3 08/03/2015 14 53 FAX 212 446 2350 BOIES. BOIES 2CHILLSR SCHILLER The Honorable Victor Marrero September 3, 2015 Page4 Sarah L. Cave (via email) Timothy A. Duffy (via email) Andrew Gordon (via email) SO ORDERED. 9-<F-/JD:\TE & F°LEXNE~ @005/01:3 LLF> 08/03/2015 14 54 FAX 212 446 2350 BOIES :SCHILL!R Exhibit A ~ 006/() 1 :3 09/03/2015 14 54 FAX 212 446 2350 BOIES ::;CHILL~R @007/013 (FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 06/27/20141 NYSCEF toe. NO. 262 INDEX NO. 600469/2009 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 06/27/2014 SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK WALKER, TRUESDELL, ROTH & ASSOCIATES, INC., Trustee of Greenwich Sentry, L.P. Litigation New York County Index No. 600469/2009 Trust, Plaintin: NOTICE OP APPEAL vs, GLOBEOP FINANCIAL SERVICES LLC, CITCO FUND SERVICES (EUROPE) BV, CITCO (CANADA) fNC., PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP, and PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS ACCOUNTANTS N.V., Defendants. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that Plaintiff hereby ~ppeals to the Appellate Division, First i Judicial Department, from each and every part of the Decision and Order of the Honorable Marcy S. Friedman, J.S.C., dated and entered in the Cletk's Office of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York, on May 27, 2Ql4, which granted Defendants' motions ' to dismiss Plaintiffs complaint. Dated: New York, New York June 27, 2014 Rob~rt A. Wallner Jennifer L. oung Kristi Stalmr,e McGregor Charles Slid ers 't One Pennsy vania Plaza New York, lf-Ty 10119 Tel: (212) 5 4-5300 rwallner@ jyoung@mi kmcgregor cslidders@ ! 08/03/2015 14 54 FAX 212 446 2350 fl] 008/013 BOIE£ :::CHILLER SEEGER tEISS LLP Stephen A. Weiss Parvin Ami~olroaya 77 Water St eet New York, Y 10005 Tel: (212) 5 4-0700 swciss@scc paminolroa a@seegt." I 1 Attorneysfil Plaintiff Walker, Truesdell, Roth & r Associates, nc., Trustee of Greenwich Sentry, L.P. Litigation ust I 68663~vl 2 09/03/2015 14 54 FAX 212 446 2350 BOIES .S:CHILL[R Exhibit• ~ ()()8/() 13 0 .9 / 0 312 0 15 14 5 5 F~A~X~2~1~2~4~4;6~2~3;-:5~0~---:8-:::0-;:-I;-ES~S~C~H~I-:--l~l:IiR ; ; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - @ 010/013 - •/"·I -·.,, ~<t. SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 1 APPELLATE l)JVISION----FIRST DEPARTMENT - . . ,. . --··-··---· ··---1 NEW GREENWICH LITIGATION TRUSTeE, LLC. a5 SucCCS!;Or Trustee of Greenwich Sentry, L.P. Li1igation Trust. Plaimfjf-Appeilan1, -v- CITCO FUND SER VICES (EUROPE) B.V., CITCO (CANADA) INC .. PRICEWATERl-IOUSF..COOPERS LLP 11nd l'RlCE WA TERHOlJSECOOPERS ACCOUNT ANTS, NV., Dcfendant.1·-Rcsp<JndentS. and GLOBEOP FlNANCIAL SERVICES LLC, Defendant. NcW GRE.F.NWlCH Ll1'1GATION TRUST.EE, LLC, :is Successor Trus~e 1)f Greenwich Soncry Partners, L.P. Litigation Trusr, Nainl!f!-Appr:llont, -v- CITCO FUND SERVICES (EUROPE) B.V., CITCO (CANADA) INC., PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LLP, Defe11danrs-&sponde11J.f, o.nd GLOB~OP FlNANCil\L SERVICES LLC, Defendcml. .......,-·--·--· ...........•---------- . New lvork Counry Clerk's lncfox Nos. '600469/09 and 600498/09 :' "j 08/03/2075 74 55 FAX 272 446 2350 BOIES 8CHILU!R WHEREAS, Plainlitl·Appcllant New Greenwich i.icigntion Trustee, LLC. has i takc:n two re(<1led appeals in the above r~forenced mnrters: I WHEREAS, Plaintiff-Appellant NeW Gl'\?e.nwich l..irigation Trustee, LLC filed a ! Note of Issue und a Notice of Time Requested for Argumlent or Intention to Submit on 10 IS Term nnd requesting I August 10, 201 S, noticing these appeals for the Ocrober argumenl; WHEREAS, the parties have ~greed to adjourn th~ appeals to the December 2015 I Term; NOW. THERHORE, lT 15 HEREBY STTPULAfED AND AGREED by and between the parties, through their undersigned counsel, tijot, pursuant to 22 NYCRR I § 600.11 (g), the appeals are hereby adjl)urned to the Occ~mber 2015 Term; the deadline for filing l)efendants-Responctents' answering briefs is qttober 7, 2015; and the deadline fur llling Plaintiff-Appellant's reply briefs is Novemhi=r li3, 2015. 2 1€1011/018 0 8/ 03 /20 15 14 5 5 FAX 2-1~2~4~4~6-;2;.3~5~0-----;,~~-;;~~-~----------------------. ~ ~ BOIES SCHILLER D21ed: New York, New YLirk Augu:1117,2015 MIL~£1CG ('AUL, I.LP wbss, ){H'KINl>, WIIAIHON & G<\RR\sol"I LI.I' ; } (__ Ruben i\:" W'iifiner 011e PeMsylvania Pla7.a New York. New York 10119 Telephone: (2 l 2) 594-5300 Fucsirnile: (212) 868-1229 E-mail: rwellner@milberg com • ond SIEGER Wr.lSS J,l,P Steph~n A. Weiss n Weter Street New York, New Yorlc 10005 Telephone: (212) 584-0700 Facsimile: (212) 584-0799 E-mail: swci! .A uarnt!)'.r for Pl<iintif!-Appt:llont New Gree.'1Wich .Lltfga1io11 Trustee. /,LC, us Succf'..rsor Tr-us tee of the Greenwich St!ntry, LP. litigation Trust and Grecmwi'ch S<!ntry Partne:n·, L.P. litigation T~l ----h· '. I I ·(.I . ( {'\-.... j~ / -' / - ,1 I ( /(.' .v 1!'.f(•).f / 1 ,,, .. , ,. ..~.~t.-. .. v--- --· Brad S. Leslie G Allan J. Andrew 1. Gordon Gregory . L1tufcr Patrick J. Somers I 2 85 J\ v~n uc of the Arneric11.~ NewYortc. NY 10019-6064 Tclcph<)~: (212.) 373-3000 l~acsimil : (212) 757-3990 E-mail: karp@1n1ulwclss.coln lfagen@ aarffa@ agordon pnolweis.~_com glaufcr c psomers _, A1tor11ey~ [01· Defendanl3-Rt!spondents Circo Fund Se~vices (Europe) H. V., and Circo (Cunad'l) Inc. 08/03/2015 14 55 FAX 212 446 2350 BOIES SCHILL~R nucur.~ HUBBARD 'f<:IRl<l.AND & J!.LUS L,J,p .i ; (l'f, ) I ~\.,l.•i I 1, 10 11 { / 1 H Nicklin ; mily Timolh)' A. Duffy 0 f 1 ,j , / l 300 North LaSnlle Streec & RF.F.D LLP c i;ili11~i~~~ag;;j~~ ___ .L V:.:·--.. ---·-----... l , -~ f') ../ I !·'.'i , .. ·• · j :f 1€1013/013 ·--- - •f ~L 1 I Sarni\ L. 1Cavc One Batfy Park Plaza • Chicago, !I. 60654 Telephone: (312) 862-2000 Fax; (312) 862-2200 New Yo k, New York 1004 Telepho e: (212) 837-6000 Focsimil : (212) 422-4726 E-mail: E-mail: I Attomey.~·for Defendant-Re.spond~nt A tum1eyt for Defc11d(111t-&spondent Priuwoie rhou.reCoopers /.l.P Pric:ewa~rho11sr:Coopers AccounJanfs N. V. 4

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