Association For Molecular Pathology et al v. United States Patent and Trademark Office et al
ENDORSED LETTER addressed to Judge Robert W. Sweet from William G. Gaede dated 1/6/10 re: counsel for amici curiae requests leave to file an overlength brief that exceeds the 25 page limit stated in the 10/5/07, Individual Practices of Judge Robert W. Sweet. ENDORSEMENT: So Ordered. (Signed by Judge Robert W. Sweet on 1/12/10) (dle)
Association For Molecular Pathology et al v. United States Patent and Trademark Office et al
Doc. 213
McDermott Will&Emery
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William G. Gaede Ill wgaebe@mwe.wm +l 0 815 7435 65
SLrafegr alllsnoe wllh MWE Chme Law Olflsar (Shanghr)
January 6,2010
VIA FACSIMILE: 212-805-792
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Honorable Robert W. Sweet United States District Court 500 Pearl Street NewYork,NY10007-1312
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Assoc. for Molecular Pathology, et al. v. U S Patent & Trademark Ofjce, et al. .. Civil Action No. 09CV4515 (RWS)
Dear Judge Sweet: We represent proposed amici curiae BayBio, Celera Corporation, The Coalition for 21st Century Medicine, Genomic Health, Inc., QIAGEN, N.V., Target Discovery, Inc. and XDx, lnc. who are moving for leave to file a brief amicus curiae. We respectfully request for leave to allow an overlength brief that exceeds the twenty-five (25) page limit stated in the October 5, 2007, Individual Practices of Judge Robert W. Sweet.
Good cause exists for the brief amicus curiae to exceed the current page limitation. Given the number of Amici herein, the brief contains 12 pages in which each Amici Curiae describes itself, its business, and the public benefit from its personalized medicine technology.
Accordingly, for the reasons stated above, the proposed Amici Curiae respectfully request that the Court grant this request and grant the proposed Amici a total of thirty-six (36) pages for their brief amicus curiae. Res~ectfullv submitted.
William G. Gaede I11
(Via email) Sandra S. Park ( Ross Morrison ( Barry R. Satine ( Brian M. Poissant (
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U.S. praetlce conducted thrwgh McDermott Will B Emety
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