Schoolcraft v. The City Of New York et al

Filing 134

Letter addressed to Judge Robert W. Sweet from Suzanna Publicker dated 3/1/2013 re: City defendants request that the Court order plaintiff to provide the documents and information listed above by a date certain. Document filed by The City Of New York et al. Treat as motion returnable 3/20.(cd)

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·- YFlLED\ .. \ _ j;~'I~iLbDR)tii~N ~ _ _,::;;:;::. _ d" .' ~. CIIAEf;-;~: CARDOZO t. pam/lOll ( m:l1sel HE C ITY OF N EW Y ORK LAW DEPARTMENT i 00 CHURClI STREET NEW YORK, NY 10007 Snzanna Publickcr :1ssislUnI CorpOrallOI1 Counsel rhone (212) 788-1103 lax 1212) 788-9776 spublick;iilawn') c' gov BY HAND DELIVERY Honorable Robert \V. Sweet United States District Judge Southern District of New York 500 Pearl Street New York, New York 10007 I~c: SC.hoolcr!lft v. 'fhe City of1'Jev,{Yor~,SLal. 1O-CV -6005 (R WS) Your I-Ionor: 1 am the Assistant Corporation Counsel in the oftice of Michad A. Cardozo, Coq)oration Counsel of the Ci'.y of New York, assigned to represent the City Defendants above-refercm:ed maner.! City Defendants write regarding certairl of plaintiffs discovery deficiencies. l3y viay of background, City Defendants served plaintiff with their First Set or InfciTogatorics and Document Requests on or about December 5. 20] 1, to which plaintiff bchnedly responded on April 9, 2012. City Defendants served a second set of Document Requests on or about August 20,201 to which plaintitr Hgain belatedly responded on Octob-.'r 24, 2012 2 City Defendants outlined the deficiencies to plaintiff s responses to these requtsts in a kUer dated December 19, 2012 (annexed hereto as Exhibit A), and have further followed up wit:t plaintilrs counsel by itt1er dated }'ebruary 15,2013 (annexed hereto as Exhibit B). Plaimill has not n:sponded in any manner. City Delt:ndants therefore resp:;;ctfully request that the Court compel plaintiff to f(~spond to the enumerated requests below by a date certain as City Defendants are not able to move lorward with the second day of plaintiff's deposition until th!:se documents are received. a teview of the Civil Dorker Sheet, Liculenant William Gough, Sergeant Robert W. CYHarc. nOI yet been served \Iith proe<2:is, and an' thert:'fore I)ot parties to this action. 1 A..:cmding 10 Sergc';mt Sondra Wilson, Lieutenant Thomas Hanley, and Captain Timothy Trainor have Pucsuan! to F.R.C.P. 3:1 and 34, because plaintiff' failed to either respond, or seek an enlargement of time in which respond wilhin 30 d[lYs of service of City Defendants' discovery requests, any objections to those request.s havt' be·.:;r: waived. to A" Financial Expenses Incurred By Plaintiff City Defendants demanded proof of all financial expenses incurred by plaintitT as a result 3 of the allegedly unlawful conduct of defendants in this matter. Plaintiff responded by stating that the demand "is vague, ambiguous. overbroad and unduly burdensome, to the extent thal it seeks documents that are neither relevant nor reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and to the extent that it calls for the production of material not within plaintiff's possession, custody or control, and that is more readily obtained from another source." Plaintiff is alleging economic damages in this matter, and as such, plaintiffs contention that the documenl request is "neither relevant nor reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence'" is utterly incomprehensible. Even to the extent that plaintiff alleges that evidence of plaintiff's financial damages is more readily available from another source, plaintiff has failed to identify the source(s) from whom City Defendants may request such evidence, despite requests from City Defendants to so identify the source(s). Plaintiff has similarly refused to provide evidence of his efforts to mitigate damages by attempting to secure other employment,4 proof of the $7,185.00 medical bill plaintiff claims he was issued as a result of his confinement,S and proof of purchase of the recording devices used by plaintifT.(\ Given lhe rekvance of plaintiff's economic losses and an;; attempts to mitigate those losses to thi s litigation, City Defendants respectfully request that the Com1 order plaintiff to produce responsive information by a date certain. S; Documents Regarding Allegations of lllegalitv Regarding Police Officers Frank Pallestm and Adbyl Polanco Plaintiff alleged in his Second Amended Complaint that non-party Police Officers Adhyl and Frank Pallestro have evidence that the lAB failed to keep their complaints ·~\f cOFuption and illegality confidential, which plaintiff believe supports his claims in this action. CilY Defendants therefore demanded any documents in plaintiffs possession that support these alkgations. 7 Plaintiff responded in part that "[the requestl demands disclo'sure of information and/or communications that are protected by the attorney-client or work-product privileges, or \",hich constitute materia! prepared for litigation purposes." III response, City Defendants reql~t,;sted a privilege log for those documents plaintiff believes are protected by the attorney­ client ancVor work-product priviieges, which plaintiff has thus far failed w provide. POhlllCO Plaintiff further objected to produce responsive documents concerning Frank Pallcstro , that are in plaintiff's possession, without first obtaining an Attorneys Eyes Only Stipulation eXf:'~i, the parties and ordered by the Court. City Defendants do not believe any Attorneys' Eyi~S Only Stiptdation is required 'vvhen none \vas required for plaintiff to produce similar information pertaining to Adhyl Polanco. Further, plaintiffs claim that evidence regardmg Fmnk Pal h:stro cannot be produced absent such a stipulation beci3use Pallestro fears retaliation, is meritles~; in light of the fact that plaintifr has already identified Frank Palh::stro as h;;l\,ing , S~~ 151 Set of Document Requests - Document Request Numi~er 9. 4 Set' J sl Set of Document Requests - Document Request Number 13. 2 nd 2 nd Set of Document Requests - Document Request Number 4. , 2 nd Set of Document Requests Document Request Number I. Set of Document Requests - Document Request Number 6. 2 provided information to rAB regarding "allegations of illegality," and more importantly, Frank Paikstro himself has given numerous interviews to media sources including the New York Daily News on these matte;s. 8 Accordingly, City Defendants respectfully request that the Court order plaintiff to provide all evidence in his possession regarding Police Officers Adhyl Polanco and Frank PallestfO. C. M~ssages and Communications Received Through Through the course of discovery, City Defendants learned that plaintiff and his counsel operated a website with the URL of W\, which asked members of the NYPD t6 provide information for plaintitTto use in his litigation. City Defendants demanded that plaintiff produce messages and communications received through \\ww.schoolcraftiustice.col}}, 9 including the names, contact information, and IP addresses of all respondents. Plaintiff claimed that the request implicated that "disclosure of information and/or communications that are protected by the attorney-client or work-product privileges, or which constitute material prepared for litigation purposes." So, though plaintiff provided some response to this request, in doing so, plaintifr redacted the names, contact, information, and IP addres:;es of all respondents. After City Defendants challenged the assertion of privilege, by pointing out tha1 the website itself included a disclaimer stating that "information on tbs website is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing of this information does not constitute, an attorney­ client relationship," the website was taken down.'o It is clear from counsels' website disclaimer th~Jt there is no attorney-client relationship with regard to any responses to .the W,\~\-v.schoolcrafti ustice.coITl website and that any claim of privilege would not be asserted in go,ld failh. Even if there were a relationship, plaintiff has refused to provide a privilege log reffecting the information plaintiff contends is protected by the attorney-client and/or work­ prcducl privileges, which is required under the Local Rules to be furnished at the lime the objection is ass(:rted. Local Rule 26.2(b). Further, as the names, contact information, and IP addresses of all respondents is information that was not prepared for litigation purposes, it cannot be considered attorney work-product. Additionally, to the extent fhat plaintiff intends to rely on statements posted to the website in the furtherance of their litigation, defendants are entitled to learn the id~ntities of the individuals providing information, and gather their contact information to:nvcstigate their claims and/or facilitate the service of subpoenas. Accordingly, City Defendants request that the Court demand plaintitT to produce the subject messages (md communications rec:eived through inc1u ding the un-redacted names, contact information, and IP addresses of all respondents. ~.&.' t1!p~1..~\V . nydaih:DeWicf..Q.l)1/newsl l}yjJd -.lV 11 ist Ic_b Io\:ver-pa lestro.:WQns-alk~.9 -colTJJQ.\i Oil ~_41D.Q.: ~';.jnct-union-dtlegate-article-I.194881. Se~ SN of Document Requests - Document Request Number 2. "The infonnation contained on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this or a&soGiated pages, documents, comments, answers, emails, or other cOlnmunii:ations should be taken as legal advict· for any individual case or situation. This information on this website is not illtended to create, and receipt or viewing of this inj~.lrmation does not constitute, an attomey-client relationship. Thi~ is arrome), advertising. Past perfonnance does not guarantee future results." (Sereenshot of w.ww.:ic:boolcxlt1li ustlC~:f~m, Exhibit C )(emphasis 'ldded). 9 10 D. Communications by Plaintiff with Media Outlets City Defendants demanded that plaintiff "rp ]roduce any documents, messages, and communications including but not limited to emails, text messages, and letters reflt;cting any communications, interviews, conversations, or meetings plaintiff has had with any media outlet regarding the allegations of the instant lawsuit, including but not limited to blogs, newspapers, radio stations, independent reporters, and magazines." See 2 nd Set of Document Requests ­ Document Request Number 7. Plaintiff objected to that request by stating that it was "vague, ambiguous, overbroad and unduly burdensome, to the extent that it seeks documents that are more readily obtained from another source." City Defendants tind this response wholly inappropriate given the number of statements plaintiff has made to the media pertaining to the allegations set forth in the complaint. City Defendants are entitled to discover statements that plaintiff has made concerning his allegations herein irrespective of whethlT they are also available from another source. Thus, plaintiffs objections to the document request are baseless and accordingly, City Defendants respectfully request that the Court compel plaintiff to provide documents responsive to these wholly reasonable demands. II. Ylaintiff's Failure to Respond to City Defendants' Requests for Admissions On December 19, 2012, City Defendants served plaintiff with Requests for Admission rcgurding the identification of plaintiffs voice on certain recordings. Responses to these requests are needed because plaintiff could not recall whether he had made certain statements on the recordings when asked about them at his deposition on October 11, 2012. On that same date, City De!endants also followed up on requests for production of documents tirst made during plaintifT's deposition. Plaintiff has not responded to any of these requests, despite having had this glaring deficiency pointed out in a letter by City De1endants on February 15, 2013. In view of the foregoing, City Defendants respectfully request that the Court compel plaintiff to respond to City Defendants' Requests for Admissions and document discovery demands made by City Derendants first at plaintiff's deposition, and later by letter dated December 19, 2012 by a date certain. For the reasons stated above, City Defendants respectfully request that the Court order pluiutifflo provide the documents and information listed above by a date certain. City Dd~ndants thanks the Court for its time and consideration of this request. Suzanna Pubiicker . Assistant Corporation Counsel Special Federal Litigation Division cc: Richard Gilbert (By Fax 212-633··1977) Aflorney/or Plaintif] 115 Christopher Street, 2 nd Floor New York, New York 10014 4 Gregory John Radomisli (By Fax 212-949-7054) MARTIN CLEARWATER & BELL LLP A!lorneysfor Jamaica HOjpital Medical Center 220 East 42nd Street 13th Floor New York, NY 10017 Brian Lee (By Fax 516-352-4952) IVO~E, DEVINE & JENSEN, LLP Attorneysfor Dr, lsak lsakov 2001 Marcus A venue, Suite N 100 Lake Success, New York 11042 Bruce M. Brady (By Fax 212-248-6815) CALLAN, KOSTER, BRADY & BRENNAN, LLP Attorneysfor Lillian Aldana-Bernier 1 Whitehall Street New York, New York 10004 Walter Aoysius Kretz, Jr. (By Fax 212-371-6883) SEIFF KRETZ & ABERCROMBIE Attorneyfor Defendant Mauriello 444 Madison Avenue, 30th Floor New York, NY 10022 5 EXHIBIT A THE CITY OF NEW YORK 1'v~[C1I,U:1. LAW DEPARTMENT A. CAR()OZO TP,mnm, ,,,",,I 100 CIIURCH STRb:r::T NEW YORK, NEW YORK I (l007 StiZANNA PliULICKER //SS!.HatJi E·rn.lli December 19, 2012 BY FIRST-CLASS :\1AIL Richard A. Gilbert, Esq. 115 Christopher Street, 2 nd Floor New York, New York 10014 Re; SGn(lQ)1,;' 1·"nY,,·I]I~: ('j tYI)!' ,N9WY9IK,Cl al. 10 CV 6005 (RWS) Deal' Counsel: City Defendants are aware that you have recently been retained as counsd for plaintiff and write: 1) to address plaintiff's deticient discovery responses; and 2) regarding plaintiff's deposition, including follow-up requests for documents requested during the deposition. Plaintiff's Defident Discovery Responses In compliance with the good faith obligations of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, City Defendants hereby identify the following deficiencies with respect to Plaintiffs Responses to Defendant's First and Second Sets of Interrogatories and Requests for Production of Documents.! lSI_Set of Document Requests - Document Rffiuest Number 9:. And any all documents or things, including but not limited to audiotapes, videotapes, or other electronic recordings, emaib, letters, journals or diary entries or notes or like documents or things, in any form or format, concerning the financial expenses (other than expenses for mental health services) that plaintiff I Additionally, pursuant to F.R.C.P. 33 and 34, because plaintiff failed to either respond, or seek an enlargement of time in which to respond within 30 days of service of Cit)' Defe·ndants' discovery requests, any such objections to those requests were waived. claims to have incurred to date as a result of the alleged wrongful acts or omissions of the defendants, including but not limited to attorneys' fees. Plaintiff's Response: Plaintiff objects to this request on the grounds that it is vague, ambiguous, overbroad and unduly burdensome, to the extent that it seeks documents that are neither relevant nor reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and to the extent that it calls for the production of material not within plaintiff's possession, custody or control, and that is more readily obtained from another source. Defendants' Notice of Defi.ciency: Plaintiff appears to be alleging economic damages in this matter. As such, City Defendants' Document Request No. 9 clearly requests documentary evidence of such damages. In light of plaintiff's intention to seek compensatory damages, plaintiff's contention that the document request is "neither relevant nor reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence" is utterly incomprehensible, Thus, kindly provide the requested documents or, in the event that plaintiff is not seeking recompense for financial expenses incurred as a result of the alleged incident, state so. Finally, to the extent that plaintiff alleges that evidence of pLaint!ff's financial damages is more readily availablc from another source, identify the source(s) from whom City Defendants may request such evidence. 1st Set of' Document RC(IUests ~ Document Rrquest Number 13: All documents concerning plaintift:" attempts to secure other employment and/or to otherwise mitigate his alleged damages since October 31, 2009, including but not limited to: all correspondence or other documents plaintiff has sent to or received from any employment agencies, search firms or other outplacement firms, any documents which rencct the dates upon which plaintiff has had contact with such a2,encies or firms, and any documents concerning any job prospects such agencies or firms have made known to plaintiff; all employment advertisements plaintiff has placed or to which plaintiff has responded; and all correspondence, resumes, reference letters OJ' other documents plaintiff has sent to or received from any prospective employers, all documents concerning any offers of employment plaintiff has received from any prospective employers' and all documents concerning plaintifI's rcsponse(s) to any offers of employment he has received. Plaintiff's Response: Plaintiff objects to this request on the grounds that it is vague, ambiguous, overbroad and unduly burdensome, to the extent that it seeks documents that are neither relevant nor reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and to the extent that it calls for the production of material not within plaintiff's possession, custody or control, and that is more readily obtained from another source. Notwithstanding, and without waiving or in any way limiting these objections or the General Objections, plaintitr states that responsive documents, to the extent that such documents exist and are in the possession of plaintiff, will be provided under separate cover. Defendants Notice of Deficiency: To the extent that plaintiff is claiming damages for years of lost income as a result of the alleged wrongful acts or omissions of the defendants, documents concerning plaintiffs attempts to secure other employment and/or to ot hcrwisc mitigate his alleged damages since October 31, 2009, ure clearly relevant and likely to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence. As such, please produce the documents responsi ve to this reg llest, including those you indicated would be provided under separate cover. Further, to the extent that plaintiff alleges that the requested documents are more readily available from another source, J 2 City Defendants demand that plaintiff identify the source(s) from whom City Defendants may request the documents, 2 nd Set of Document Requests - Document Request Number 1: Produce any and all documents and/or recordings which support, or tend to support, in any way whatsoever, any of the allegations set forth in paragraph 352 through 353 of plaintiffs Amended Complaint alleging that the lAB failed to keep complaints of corruptions and illegality c,onfidential in the 42 nd Precinct regarding allegations of illegality involving Police Oflicers Frank Pallestro and Adhyl Polanco. Plaintiff'ts Response: Plaintiff objects to this request on the grounds that it is vague. ambiguous, overbroad and unduly burdensome, to the extent that it seeks documents that are neither relevant nor reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and to the extent that it calls for the production of material not within plaintiff s possession, custody or control, and that is more readily obtained from another source and to the extent that it demands disclosure of in11Jrmation and/or communications that are protected by the attorney~client or work-product privileges, or which constitute material prepared for litigation purposes. Notwithstanding, and without waiving or ill any way limiting these objections or the General Objections, plaintiff states that responsive documents concerning Adhy] Polanco have previously been provided in plainti!T s responses to dcCendants first demand for discovery, dated April 9, 2012. Additionally, responsive documents concerning Frank Pallestro are in plaintiff s possession, but will oniy be disclosed pursuant to an Attorneys Eyes Only StipUlation executed by the parties and ordered by the Court. Defendants' Notice of Deficiency: Please provide a privilege log for those documents plaintiff believes are protected by the attorney-client and/or work-product privileges. Additionally, in response to plaintiff's contention that "documents concerning Adhyl Polanco have previously been provided in plalntiff s responses to defendants first demand for discovery, dated April 9, 2012," please specifically identify the previously produced documents by reference to particular Baies Numbers. With regard to Frank Pallcstro, it is unclear why plaintiff posits that an Attorneys' Eyes Only StipUlation is required when, ostensibly, none was required to produce similar information pertaining to Adhyl Polanco. Further, plaintiff's claim that evidence regarding Frank Pallestro cannot be produced absent such a stipulation, because he fears retaliation, is meritless in light of the fact that plaintiff has already identified Frank Pallcstro as having provided information to lAB regarding "allegations of illegality," and more importantly, Frank Pallestro himself has given numerous interviews to media sources including the New York Dai Iy News ( IJl1J)ji\"'\v\yny~IDiJYJ1~'\\'::;:\'()!1J/n(; \Y~/lnJ)\I- \vll.lSlll'h IO\\~'J:F,[I~~SIE\f"Jl'pl)ns- il.ll",'!:',-'(!, ((lJTtIPliop-4411d~JlI:'~L'illl'l-\lnl\mcll'k:g;ltL'-"rli\~I\~~J ]l):lXH I). Therefore, kindly provide any and all documents in your possession responsive to this demand and, further, to the extent there ar..: documents responsive to tbi8 document request outside of plaintiffs custody and/or control, identify the custodian of such documents. 2 mJ Set of Document Rcgucsts - Document Reguest Number 2: Produce any and all messages and communications received through including the names, contact information, and IP addresses of all respondents. 3 Plaintiff's Response: Plaintiff objects to this request on the grounds that it is vague, ambiguous, overbroad, and unduly burdensome, and to the extent that it demands disclosure of information and/or communications that are protected by the attorney-client or work-product privileges, or which constitute material prepared Cor litigation purposes. Notwithstanding, and without waiving or in any way limiting these objections or the General Objections plaintiff is providing responsive documents redacted accordingly. (~l Deficiency: According to the wwW,~ch()olcraftiustice.c.QJ!l website, "The information contained on this website is for general information purposes only. Nothing on this or associated pages, documents, comments, answers, emails, or other communications should be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation. 'This information on this website is not intended to create, and receipt or viewing of this information docs not constitute, an attorney­ client relationship, This is attorney advertising. Past performance does not guarantee future results." It is clear from counscls' own statements that there is no attorney-dient relationship with regard to any responses to the www.schoolcratljustice.£9m website, Further, as the names, contact information, and IP addresses of all respondents is information that was not prepared for litigation purposes, it cannot be considered attorney work-product. In any event, please provide a privilege log reflecting the information plainti ff' contends is protected by the attorney-client and10r work-product privileges. Additionally, to the extent that plaintiff intends to rely 011 statements posted to the website, defendants are entitled to learn the identities of the individuals providing information, and gather their contact inl~)fTnation to investigate their claims andlor facilitate the service of subpoenas. Accordingly, please produce the subject messages and communications received through, including the un-redacted names, con/act information, and IP addresses ofall respondents. Defendants' Notice 2 nl.l Set of Do('ument Requests ~ DOl'umen' R('gl~est Nurnbl~r 3: Produce any and all evidence of "NYPD misconduct and corruption H that plaintiff collected and documented on or before October 31, 2009. If that evidence was destroyed, or is no longer in plaintiff's possession, please identify each item that was destroyed, the approximate dates of destruction, and the manner of its destruction. If that evidence is no longer in plaintiff's possession, please identify each item that is no longer in plaintiff's possession, and the current possessor, holder or recipient of that item. Plaintiff'S Re!Jponse: Plaintiff objects to this request on the grounds that it is vague, ambiguous, overbroad and unduly burdensome, to the extent that it seeks documents that are neither relevant nor reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and to the extent that it calls for the production of material not within plaintiff s possession, custody or control, and that is more readily obtained from another source or has already been turned over in discovery. Notwithstanding, and without waiving or in any way limiting these objections 01' the General Objections, plainti rf identi fies notes and documents plainti rf had prepared ielenti fying corruption in the NYPD, which were seized by N YPD defendants during his seizure on October 31,2009. Defendants' Notice of Deficiency: To the extent that plaintifI claims that evidence of "NYPD misconduc1 and COlTUption" was seized by NYPD defendants during the incident at plaintiWs apartment on October 31, 2009, please identify with particularity what evidence plaintiff claims was taken from his apartment by the NYPD. Additionally, to the extent that plaintiff alleges that evidence of "NYPD misconduct and corruption" is more readily available from another source, 4 please identify what evidence is available from another source, and the source from which that evidence may be obtained. 2nd Set of i)Ol'Ulncnt Rt'<juests - Docum~nt Request Number 4: Produce any bills, receipts, cancelled checks or other proof of payment, insurance claims, and insurance benefits received, or like documents or things, in any form or format, concerning (a) Olympus D.V.R. (WS-331 M), valued at $100.00; (b) Key Ring Light. valued at $15.00; and (c) Olympus D.V.R. (D8-50), valued at $250.00 as referred in Plaintiffs Notice of Claim. If plaintiff is still in possession of any or all of these items, defendants demand the opportunity to inspect these items. Plaintiil's Response: Plaintiff objects to this request on the grounds that it is vague, ambiguous, overbroad and unduly burdensome, to the extent that it seeks documents that are neither relevant nor reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and to the extent that it calls fot' the production of material not within plaintiff's possession, custody or control, and that is more readily obtained from another source. Notwithstanding, and without waiving or in any way limiting these objections or the General Objections. plaintiff has annexed the receipts in his possession. Defendants' Notice of Deficiency: In response to this request, plaintiff produced receipts !~)r an Olympus D8-50 1 GB Digital Voice Recorder, valued at $159.99 ($162.94 after shipping and .tax) and a receipt for an Olympus WS·-331M Digital Voice Recorder, valued at $113.59 ($123.10 aftcr shipping and tax). Please confirm that the DS-50 described in the Notice of Claim valued at $250 is the same 08-50 referenced in the receipt annexed to plaintiff's discovery responses; and that the Olympus WS-331 M described in the Notice of Claim as valued at $100.00 is the same WS-331 M referenced in the receipt annexed to plaintiffs discovery responses. Further, in response plaintiffs averment that this request "ealls for the production of material not within plaintiffs possession, custody or control, and that is more readily obtained from another source," plaintiff's identify theresponsive evidence available from another source, as well as the source. FU11her, if plaintiff is still in possession of any or all of these items, defendants demand the opportunity to inspect these items at a date and time lO be agreed upon by counsel. l"ti Set of I)ocument Requests - Document Request Number 5: Produce any and all documents or things, including but not limited to bills, receipts. cancelled checks or other proof of payment, insurance claims, and insurance benefits received, or like documents or things, in any form or format, that support plaintiff's claim that he received. a bill in the amount of $7185.00 for his confinement at Jamaica Hospital Medical Center beginning on or about October 3 L 2009. Plaintiff'S Response: Plaintiff objects to this request on the grounds that it is vague, ambiguous, overbroad and unduly burdensome, to the extent that it seeks documents that are neither relevant nor reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and to the extent that it calls for the production of material not within plaintiff'S possession, custody or control, and that is more readily obtained from another source. Notwithstanding, and without waiving or in any way limiting these objections or the General Objections, plaintiff slates that he is not in possession of materials responsive to this request. 5 Defendants' Notice of Deficiency: Please identify whether plaintiff was ever in possession of materials responsive to this request, and further, identify any documents responsive 10 the request (even if said documents are not in plaintiff's possession) and the custodian of the documents. 2nd Set of Document Requests - Document Request Number 6: Produce any and all documents or things, including but not limited to bills, receipts, cancelled checks or other proof of payment, insurance claims, and insurance benefits received, or like documents or things, in any form or format, that support plaintiff s claim that Jamaica Hospital Medical Center collected money as a result of the alleged bill that plaintiff received in the amount of $7,185.00 for his confinement at Jamaica Hospital Center beginning on or about October 31,2009. Plaintiff's Response: Plaintiff objects to this request on the grounds that it is vague, ambiguous, overbroad and unduly burdensome, to the extent that it seeks documents that are neither relevant nor reasonably calculated to lead to the discovery of admissible evidence, and to the extent that it calls for the production of material not within piaintitTs possession, custody or control, and that is more readily obtained from another source. Notwithstanding, and without waiving or in any way limiting these objections or the General Objections, plaintiff states that he is not in possession of materials responsive to this request. Defendants' Notice of Deficiency: Please identify whether plaintiff was ever in possession of materials responsive to this request, and further, identify any documents responsive to the request (even if said documents are not in plaintiff's possession) and the custodian of the documents. 2 nd Set of Document Requests - Document Request Number 7: . Produce any documents, messages, and communications including but not limited to emails, text messages, and letters reflecting any communications, interviews, conversations, or meetings plaintiff has had with any media outlet regarding the allegations of the instant lawsuit, including but not limited to blogs, newspapers, radio stations, independent reporters, and magazines. Plaintiff's Response: Plaintiff objects to this request on the grounds that it is vague, an1biguous, overbroad and unduly burdensome, to the extent that it seeks documents that are more readily obtained from another source. lJefendants ' Notice of Deficiency: Upon information and belief, plailltifT has made numerous statements to the media pertaining to the allegations set forth in the complaint. Defendants are entitled to discover the statements that plaintiff has made concerning his allegations herein. Thus, plaintiffs objections to the document request are baseless. Accordingly, please provide documents responsive to the demand. Additionally, to the extent that plaintiff claims that dm:uments responsive to this request are "more readily obtained from another source", identify the source(s). Please provide the information requested herein no later than January 11, 2013. Should plaintiff fail to timely respond, City Defendants will have no choice but to seek judicial intervention. 6 Plaintifrs Deposition During the course of plaintiffs deposition, plaintiff indicated on several occasions that he had no independent recollection of many of the events upon which he was questioned, and instead directed the undersigned to his "recordings." For example, when asked about the number of times he was told to conduct a stop, question, and frisk without reasonable suspicion, plaintirf stated "I believe there are mUltiple recordings of supervisors telling officers to articulate a charge IUll'r." However, when asked to identify the specilic recordings supporting his claims, plaintiff was unable to identify or narrow down the recording on which such conversations could be found. See, _~, Schoolcraft Deposition Transcript at 80: 13 -83 :6. Given the fact that plaintiff has provided defendants with approximately 150 recordings spanning over twenty hours, a continued deposition to review said rt:cordings would not be an efficient use or lht: partit:s' time. Accordingly, City Defendants request that plaintiff agree to review the enclosed transcript amI, in each instance where plaintiff did not specifically identify those recordirlgs supporting his ciaim, identify with particularity the recordings referenced by plaintiff as responsive to City Dc /cndants' questions. Additionally, City Defendants request production of the rollowing docurnents first relluested during plaintiff's deposition on October I I, 2012: 1. AHida\ its provided by plaint ilT in other lawsuits- 14: 8-15: 12; 2. All recordings relating to plaintifrs claims not previously produced 31 :4-9; 3. A copy of the hard drive of the computer used by plaintiff on or about October 31, 2009 onto which plaintiff transferred relevant recordings 35:24-36:7; 4. Inspection of the clothing that plaintiff was \\'earing on October 31. 2009 l63: 13; 5. Letter sent by plaintiff to Senator Fadey- 27'..): ! 9-280: I. City Defendants' New Discovery Demands Enclosed please find City Defendants' First Set or Requests for Admissions. Encl. 5in89=' Suzan~a)\lhlicker Assistant Corporation Counsel Special federal Litigation Division 7 cc Gregory John Radomisli (By First-Class Mail) MARTIN CLEAR WATER & BELL LLP Attorneys for Jamaica Ho::,pital Medical Center 220 East 42nd Street 13th Floor New York, NY 10017 Brian Lee (By First-Class Mail) IVONE, DEVINE & JENSEN, LLP Attorneys for Dr. Isak /sakov 2001 Marcus Avenue, Suite NI00 Lake Success, New York 11042 Bruce M. Brady (By First-Class Mail) CALLAN, KOSTER, BRADY & BRENNAN, LLP Attorneys/or Lillian Aldana-Demler 1 Whitehall Street Nc\\' York, New York 10004 Walter Aoysius Kretz, Jr. (By First-Class Mail) SElFF KRETZ & ABERCROMBIE Attorneyfor Defendant Mauriello 444 Madison Avenue, 30th Floor New York, NY 10022 8 EXHIBIT B THE CITY OF NEW YORK LAW DEPARTMENT llCHAEL i\, CAIWOZO SrZ,\N'i:\ 1'('1111(1(1 H 100 CI HJRCII SIREEr NFW YORK, NEW YORK 10007 Corpora/IOn ('ol;l/sel j 11ssfsfanf February 19, 2013 BY HAND DELIVERY Richard A. Gilbert, Esq. 115 Christopher Street, 2nd Floor New York. New York 10014 Rc: Scho(ji(;m1ty, The ('it) ill' New 10 CY 600S (RWS) York,~l[lL Dear Counsel: In accordance with defendants' continuing discovery obligations, enclosed please find color copies of the documents previously produced by City Defendants under Batcs Nos, NYC00003728 through NYC00003286 and NYC00003257 through NYC00003276. The new color copies bear Bates Nos. NYC00007532 through NYC00007560, City Defendants also produce additional documents and recordings from the lAB Case file as described below. Documents bearing Bates Nos. NYC00007561, NYC00007567, and NYC00007676, NYC00007678-NYC00007681, NYC00007685, NYC00007689, NYC00007691, NYC00007695, NYC00007697, NYC00007699-NYC00007734, NYC00007736­ NYC00007740, NYC00007742-NYC00007744, NYC00007746-NYC00007749, NYC00007752-NYC00007754, NYC00007760, NYC00007763, NYC00007766, NYCOOOO7R88­ NYC00007768-NYC00007771, NYC00007773-NYC00007774, NYCOOOO7R89, NYC00007892-NYC00007942, NYC00007990-NVC00008006, NYC00008015-NYC00008048. NYC00008078-NYC000081 00 are being produced subject to the Attorneys' Eyes Only Confidentiality Stipulation and Protective Order, endorsed by the Court on October 5, 2012. Documents bearing Bates Nos. NYC00007671, NYC00007673­ NYC00007675, 1\:YC00007682-NYC00007683, NYC00007686, NYC00007690, NYC00007692, N YC00007741, NYC00007745, NYC00007750-NYC00007751. NYC00007755-NYC00007759, NYC00007761, arc being produced subject to thc Conlidentiality Stipulation and Protective Order, endorsed by the Court on October 5. 2012. Document Description 1. lAB CD titled Sgt. Krohley/PO Rudy 2. lAB CD titled Call-Out #09-097 (re: 09-61921) 3. 11\13 CD titled 1,1. Hudnell Wed 01113/]0 Att to Cont'.lcts, etc. 4. JAB CD titled Sgt. 0' I[are IA No. 10-03173 5. lAB CD titled P.O. Schoolcraft 11.04,09 6. lAB CD titled Lt. Dronzek 01.06.10 7. lAB CD titled 159A 8. lAB CD titled Lt. Ilanion 9. lAB CD titled Capt. Perez 01.06.10 10. [AB CD of Capt. PcrC7 11. lAB CD titled 310a PO Joseph; 31 I a PO Bonnomctte; 312a PO Khcla: 314a . . . PO l\/1artincz; 31 Sa PO Brown; 317a Sgt. Alston; 31821 PO Taveras; 31921 PO Clark 12. lAB CD titled 322a J 3. lAB CD titled 32521 14. lAB CD titled 326a 15. CD Containing Documents from lAB Investigation M09-1973 Bates Stam[! No. NYC00007561 NYC00007562 NYC00007563 Confidentiality ARO Not Confidential Not Confidential NYC00007564 Not Confidential Not Confidential Not Confidential NYC00007565 NYC00007566 NYC00007567 NYC00007568 NYC00007569 NYC00007570 NYC00007571 NYC00007572 NYC00007573 NYC00007574 NYC0007671­ NYC00008230 1 AEO Not Confldentiul Not Confidential Not Confidential AEO ARO AEO AEO AEO Confidential Not Confidential In accordance with defendants' continuing obligation under F.R.C.P. 26(c), cnclosed please also find additional documents responsive to plaintiffs' First Set of Requests for Production of Documents, bearing Bates Nos. NYC00007575 through NYC NYC00007670, which are being produced subject to the Attorneys' Eyes Only Confidentiality Stipulation and Protective Order, endorsed by the Court on October 5, 2012. As to the requests for disciplinary information, please note that incidcnts renccting chargcs of misconduct that do not invol vc ulkgations of a similar nature to the allegations against the individual officers in the complaint or false statements have been redacted. As there were no closed. relevant matters on the Central Personncllndices for defendants Lt. eJough. Sgt. Wilson, Sgt. W"i!, I.t. Hanley, and Lt. O'Hare. no CPI documents have been produced for those defendants. Similarly, there were no closed, relevant matters on the lAB Resumes of defendants Captain Trainor, Sgt. Wall, and Sgt. Wilson, therefbre, no [AB Resume documents have been produced for those dclendants. Additionally, there were no .closed, relevant matters on the CCRB Histories of defendants Lt. 0' Hare, Captain Trainor, Sgt. Wilson, and Sgt. Wall, therefore, no CCRB documents have been produced for those defendants. This office is continuing to inquire into incidents where an investigation may be ongoing. Once those matters are closed, to the extent that any exists, relevant disciplinary information will be provided. With respect to omcer personnel l~)lden;, please note that City I Please see enclosed for a log indicating documents that have been withheld on the basis of privilege, redundancy, and/or relevance. 2 Defendants have not produced performance evaluations that prec~dc the incident by more than live years or post-date the incident. Document Descrintion J 6, Central Personnel Index for Captain Timothy Trainor 17, CCRB History for Lt. William Gough 18. ceRR History for Lt, 'Thomas Hanley 19, 11\13 Resume for Lt. William Gough 20. JAB Resume for Lt. Thomas llanley 21. lAB Resume for Lt. O'Hare 22. Personnel Foldcr for Lt. William Gough 23. Personnel Folder for Sgl. Sondra Wilson 24, Personnel Folder for Captain Timothy Trainor 25. Personnel Folder for Lt. Robert 0'1 lare 26, Personnel Folder far Lt. Thomas I lanley Bates Stamn No. N YC()()007 575­ NYC00007576 l\,YC00007577 NYC00007578 NYCOO()07579­ NYC00007580 NYC00007581· NYC00007S82 NYC00007583­ NYC00007585 NYC00007586­ NYC00007599 NYC00007600­ NYC00007610 NYC00007611­ 'NYC00007643 NYC00007644­ NYC00007658 NYC00007659­ NYC00007670 Contidentialitv AhO !\EO I\EO !\EO AEO AEO AEO AEO AEO 1\120 As you are i;1\varc, plaintiff was served with City Defendants' First Set of Requests foJ' Admissions on December] 9, 2012. Pursuant to F.R.C.P. 33 and 34, plaintiff was obligated to respond to said discovery demands within thirty (30) days or service. llowever, to date, City Defendants have not received plaintiff's responses, Additionally, on December 19, 2012, plainti 1T was served with a letter from City Defendants indicating certain deficiencies with plaintiffs Responses to City Defendants' First and Second Sets of Int,=rrogatories and Requests for Production or Documents. Plaintiff has also failed to respond to those discovery requests. Pk:asc serve plaintiffs responses to both City Defendants' Requests for Admissions and City Defendants' December 19, 2012 deficiency letter by March 8, 2013, otherwise, City Defendants will seek court intervention, Additionally, pursuant to F,R,C.P, 33 and 34, because plaintiff failed to either timely respond, or seek an enlargement of time in which to respond, to City Defendants' discovery demands, any objections therdo have now been wZlived. City Defendants note that there is no indication from the Courfs Civil Docket Sheet whether Lieutenant William Gough, Sergeant Robert W. O'Hare, Sergeant Sondra Wllson, Liclltenant Thomas Hanley, and Captain 'Timothy Trainor hav . .· been served, On numerous occasions, City Defendants have requested hoth from plaintiff's former counsel and from present 3 counsel affidavits or service indicating that these individuals were served? Accordingly, if you have served these individuals, please produce the affidavits of service by February 28, 2013, otherwise City Defendants will seck COUl1 intervention, Finally, City Defendants request to know whether you will be accepting service of subpoenas 011 Larry Schoolcraft and Frank Serpico. Plaintiffs prior counsel, Jon NOrlnsbcrg, had consented to accept service of any subpoena issued to Larry Schoolcraft and to produce him 1'01' a deposition. City Defendants have previously asked present counsel about this request (see Letter dated January 9, 2(13), but have not heard back. Additionally, a Daily News article dated February 4, 2013 (annexed hereto) indicated that Frank Serpico is now part of plain(iff~s "Iega! teaIn." Accordingly, please indicate whether you will accept service 0[' a subpoena issued to Frank Serpico and whether you will produce him for deposition at a later date. Sincerely yours, <",.~,; < (" S,(JL(,U 1< , Publicker AssiS{((1/I ( 'orp0l'uiillfl ( '01111.1('/ Special Federal Litigation Division cc: (Jrcgory .Ioh11 Radomisli (By Hand Delivery) MARTIN CLl~i\RWATER & BELL LLP It ((orneysfor JamClica Hospital lvledical ('enter 220 East 42nd Stwet 13th r'loor New York, NY 10017 Bruce M. Brady (By Hand Delivery) CALLAN, KOSTER, BRADY & BRENNAN, LLP Aftorneys/or Ullian Aldana-Bernier I Whitehall Street New York, Kew York 10004 Brian Lee (By First-Class Mail) IVONE, DEVINE & JENSEN, LLP Atlorneys/or Dr. Isak Isakov 200 I Marcus Avenue, Suite N 100 Lake Success, New York 11042 Walter Aoysius Kretz, Jr. (By Hand Delivery) SEIFF KRETZ & ABERCROMBIE Attorneyfor Defendant Mauriello 444 Madison Avenue, 30th Floor N<.:w York, NY 10022 2 ~ee Emails to Jon Norinsbcrg dated Octobl.:f 17,2012, November 7,2012, and November 13, 20]2; Email to Richard Gilbert dated December 21, 2012; and conversation in person with Richard Gilbert at the Court conference on January 3D, 2013. 4 EXHIBIT C .~. L. NORINSBERG. Esq. 225 Broadway, SUite 2700 New York, New York 10007 ;el: 212.791.5396 Fax: 212.406.6890 COHEN & FITCH LLP Attorne)', ut Law The Woolworth Building 233 Broadway, Suite 1800 New York,. New York U)279 Tr.i: 212.374.9115 Fax: 212.406,2313 Email: Email:

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