Schoolcraft v. The City Of New York et al

Filing 497

DECLARATION in Support re: 495 MOTION to Preclude Expert Testimony.. Document filed by Christopher Broschart(Tax Id. 915354 in his official capacity), Kurt Duncan(Shield No. 2483, Individually), William Gough(Tax Id. 919124, Individually), Elise Hanlon(in her official capacity as a lieutenant with the New York City Fire Department), Shantel James(Shield No. 3004 in his official capacity), Theodore Lauterborn(Tax Id. 897840 in his official capacity), Michael Marino, Gerald Nelson(Assistant Chief Patrol Borough Brooklyn North, Tax Id. 912370 in his official capacity), Frederick Sawyer(Shield No. 2576 in his official capacity), The City Of New York. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A Expert Report, # 2 Exhibit B Deposition Excerpts, # 3 Exhibit C Deposition Excerpts, # 4 Exhibit D Under Seal, # 5 Exhibit E Email Chain Between Counsel, # 6 Exhibit F Justice Quarterly Article, # 7 Exhibit G Under Seal, # 8 Exhibit H Under Seal, # 9 Exhibit I Under Seal, # 10 Exhibit J Transcript, # 11 Exhibit PTX 66 Under Seal, # 12 Exhibit PTX 81 Part I, # 13 Exhibit PTX 81 Part II, # 14 Exhibit PTX 93 Arbitration Award, # 15 Exhibit PTX 159 Patrol Guide)(Scheiner, Alan)

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PTX 159 EXHIBIT I ,5? PATROL GIJIDE Section: Aidecl (lases No: Procedure : ì6-05 iVIENTALI,Y ILL. OR EI\{OTIONALLY DISTURBED PERSONS il DATE EFFECTIVE: D.ATE lSStJtrD: ll_ To P:\CÊ I ol'ó 0ri0112000 0 r tti l/2-000 PURPOSE REVISION ¡JUlvf BËR: safeguard a ¡nentally ill or emotionally disturbed pËrson who docs nol voluntari ly seek rnedic:al assistance. 'l'he prinrary dufy clf all ¡nembers of the service is to preserve ll¡nra¡r litb. The safcn-r of ALL perctx)s involved is paramount in cases involving emotionally drsnrrbed SCOPE iS dangeroUs to hjmself or others, necessary rurce rnay be used to prevent serious physical injury or death. Physical force will be used ONI.Ì' to the exfent neoessar,v to restrain the subject until delivered to a hospital or detention facility. Deadly physical force will be used ONLY as a last resort to protcct the life of the unifìrrmed member of the sewice assigrted or any ofher person presÈnt. Ilthç qmotipnùL[y dlC$iþSd-ps6gg]Lemrcd or violell. no attempt will bg-r.r¡¡çle to t¿rþ lh,r persons. ll'Such person tl l¡ r a Ê e Ef)P I U i n to cus todfyy¡t!.Lo@-A-gupgrvlial-ulrlçSti¡grq-rs . ¡t¡-r [f an [iDP is not r¡¡l¡sçlgs-thJsiggfu)hysigalh¿nn tq@.ut' imlgsdjatqly dangerous, the person should be contained until assist¿ince arrives. Il the EDP is unarmetJ, not violent and wiliing to leave voluntarily, uniftrnned trtember of the service may take such person into custody. When there is tillre to negotiate, all the time neca.ssnry t9 ensure lhe safety of all individuals will be used, DEIIINITIONS EMQ]!O-NA¡=!J-"DjS11IßÞED -PF.[(SON (EDl'l - A person whtr appean to be mentally ill or ternporarily deranged and is conducting himsell'in a ma.¡¡rer which a potice officø rea"wnably believes is likely to result in serious injury to himsellor othcrs. OF S.A-[F.TY - 'fhe distance to be rrainl¡rincd bclrvecrr thc [:t)I'} ancl thc responding member(s) of the service. 'l'his dista¡rce sht>ttkl be gruatcr tharl lhu effective r¿nge of the rveapon (other than a lìrcnntt), ancl lt rlray vatry rvith cnch situatic¡n (c.g., type of weapon possessed, conditio¡t of' l:l)l', surtrtttn{littg iu'ca. ete.). A ¡ri¡ri¡'¡rum dist¡rrce of trventy (20) fect is rcctr¡ntnelldcci. ,\lr lttcln¡rt u'ill be made t<¡ maintain the "zone oi'safety" if thc tlDP docs ¡ol rcnlai¡t stirtionirry. ¿LO_NE PROCEDURE When a uniformed member of the service reasonably believcs that a pcrson whr.r is apparently nrentally ill or emotionally disturbed, must be taken inio protective custody becausc the person is conducting himselt'in a ntanner Iikely to rcsult in a serious irrjury to himself or others: UNIFOR}IED I l il N{EMBER OF T}IE SERVICE . Upon arival at sce,îìe. æsess sih¡ation as to thre¿rt of imnr'¡Jiae serious physrul 'I'ake cover, injury r: EDP, other persons presørl or mcmbers of thc service. utiliz-e protoctive shield if available and requæt orjdi¡ir¡url persomel, ilncressruy' ¿ì. lf emotionally disturbed person's actions co¡islilt¡tc inlnlcdiil-c threat of serious physical injury or death to hirilsclf or othcrs: (l) Take reasonable nreasurcs to terminate or prevctrl strch behavior. Deadly physical force rvill be used ggly as a last resort to protect the life ofpersons or ofltcers present. NE\il . YORK . CI'IY' POLICE' ÐEPARTMENT PcO00669 l) PA]'ROL GUIDE PR(JCT.DIJR I- NU¡\{BËII ( D,\'iE [.t. f ¡:t-' r I \,¡.i. 2 r ó-05 RF_vt5t(.)t( N{ivBFR: 3ti0l/2000 YOTE LINIFOR.lvfED MEIVIBER OF 'r"H¡l sERvrcE b. (continued) o. 2 of ó it Danaging o/'pr<.,pertt' physical injur¡, _1.../ PACE: vr.'ouk! ¡t-1¿¡ s¡. ¡le¿¡¡. twce.ç.\^rtrib, const¡ltüe an ímmedic¿te lhre<zt Of serrous 'i ¡f EI)P is urarmetl, not violent and is wiiling to leave voluntarily: l) EDP nray be t¿rrie' intr cust'cry without the specific direclion ot a supervistrr. In all othe:r cases. if'f,.ll)p's actions do ngj constitute ¿ur ¡¡mediate th¡caÏ of serious plrysic;rr ir¡ury or creatrr to himserf or (l) Attenrpr tt'r isolate ¿r¡¡d cr>'tain the EDp whiie maintaining a ¿q¡q of safet.v untir arrivar of patror supervisor and ( ort,ff (2) .) A'OTE [ìnrcrgency Scruice []nit personnel. ryr- sllsfnil--ro-tâke-Ep!_!4to cu.stody *,irhour Jhg $pç!¡¡g directlr:ry of'a_ supervisor. _ Requcst ¿rmbulanc;c. if one has nor alreaày been dispatcheci, a. fuccrtain if'pat'ol supervisor i.s respondi'g, arl ifnot, request reqÐnse. I)-a- C'ommunicaliott.t Scction will autonntic:ull.r, clirect lhtt patro[ srtpervisor ancl Enrerge,cy sert'ice [lnit to responr! lo scene'c,h cu.tes. -Íratrol s)penisors,vehicles ure cr¡uippet! with u¡n-lelhal clev'ice.s /r) ¿¡.çsr.ç¡ in the conlr¿inment vill be u.çerl at the sttptrtiso¡.,s tlirccííon, l/ rteces.sury. ¿tncl co¡tlrt)l of EDp,.s, unct 3. 4' 5' P.{.'l'ROL SUPERVISOR E.srablish policc lirres. Take EDP into custocly leave voluntarily. Vcrify tlrat Ë.rergc'cy scnicc r,Jnir is responding, if rcquired, Clancel responsc ol'Limergency Service Unit if services not requireci. Dircct unrl'onned mcmbr:r.s of- the service to take EDp into custãOy if u¡rirn'¡letl, not violcnt, arrci rvilling to lcavc voluntarily. ó. NO7'E ii EDP is unarrnccl, not viotent and rvilling to tl r ¿l lllhen ctided is saJëguurrletl und restr¿tined t:ornply with sreps 25 ro 32 inclu.sive. -!}tll¿\- ¿\-tD"tl) L1-'l$,o-I.,r!J'l:it.)/(.0N't"alt!.Er) -BUT vol_uN lA&1]J: - wrl,J._N_o_l_ !E¿\1|8 J PÅTROI, f:stnblish ircanns control. ¿r. l)irect lllcnlbers c,nccnrr:d n.t to use their fìrear-ms or use âny .tbcr dcadly plrysical fìrrco unless their lives or the life'f another is in inrnlilrerrt <Jiurger. Deploy protective clcvices (shiclcis, etc.). a Ernploy no'-lethal clcviccs to ensure the safety of all present tisee ".4 DD I I' I ON,4 L D /1'l',4 " .st¿rrentent). 7 f STJPERVTSOR I I (ìomply with provisions .I p.(]. l0 ),'wtrcre appro¡lriirte. Establish police lines if ¡rot nlready [) e rs o n NBW . YORK 2 t 2-39, " Hostugei\tzt ricaded (.s . CIT'Y . POLICE a <1one. DEPART]VÍENT PG000670 (*, PATROL GUIDE PROCEDURb NUMBER: 2I D^TË F:FFËC].IVË t3t21tt0 6-05 PATROL SUPERWSOR (continued) i t. 12. l3 t4 RIiVISION Nulvl8ËR. 00-0 PÅGI: I of'6 r Request response of hostage nrgotiation team and cobrclinator through Comrnunications Section. Noti{y desk officcr that hostage negotiation team and co()rdinaior have been notified and request response of precinct commar¡der/<luty captain. Request Hmergency Service Unit on scene to have supervisor respond. I f necessary, request a-ssistance of: I.nterpreler, if language barrier a. b. c. d. e. Subject's family or friends l-ocal clergyman Prominent local citizen Any public or private ag€ncy deemed appropriate for possible assistanc:e. NOTE The highcst fankinr¿_utli-ft¡rmetl police .rnpem'iser sl thg-sgcne i.ç in comntqul-gLr!-vt! cottrdinul.e pc¡lice opergtit¡tË;- I-f theJnentallv ill or [iÐP i.r containsl ontl iaþSliegd3e be grqted er vioJgnt btlt tlue to containprcI! Ðosus tJt¡ innncdíute threal ol'clun.ser to:znvpergelL_no adrlitional ltction u,ill be iqken-lvithout the authoriztttiott oJ'îhc cotttryu4![llg offrcer or dutv captaín g.1l¡þe scene. EMERGENCY SERVICE UNIT SUPERVISOR 15. NOTE The presenc:e oJ'a supettisor from uny other required response of tlrc ¡tatrctl supe:rvßor. 16. 17. 18. DESK OFFICER I9 Report to and confer lvilh r*nking patrol su¡rervisor olr scettc. lf'there is n<l ¡:atrol supcrv'isor prcscnt, requcst rcsponse torthwith, and ¡'rcrfìrrm duties of patrol supervisor pending his/her a¡rival. a. police agency does nol preelude the Evaluate the necd ancl cnsure tlrat suflicicnt Emergency Scrvice LJnit personnel and cquipmcnt arc present :it the scenc to deal with the sihration. Verifu tlral hostirge negotiation team a:rd coordi¡rator are responding, whc¡t necossary'. Devise plans ancl tactics to dcal with the situation, after ctrnferral with ranking patrol sttpen'isor on scÈne. Vcriff that precinct conlnar¡der/cluty captain has bucn lìotificd a¡rd is responding. 24. Notifu O¡rerations tJnit and patrol borottgh conrmatld of facts' COMMANDING 2l Assum e r:t¡mm¿urd, i ncluding frrcarm s contro I' OF'I.'ICER/ DU'I'Y CAPTAJN 22 Confer n'ith ranking Emergency Sewice Unit supervisor on scene and develop plans and tactics to be utilized. Direct wlìatever further action is necessary, inclrrciing use of negotiators. Direct use of altenlate mcans of restraint, if appropriate, irccortlirrg tcl circurnst¿rnces (OC Spray, tea¡ gas, baton, restraining equiptltent, taser electronis stun device, or stun device). 23 24 NEW . YORK . CIT'Y . POLTCE' DEPARTMENT PC000671 PAT-ROI-, GUIDE PR()CTDLIRF. NU}Î f]H I,. DA Ti: I:Fi'ñ(l ll REVISION N{.IMtsER \,' l': 0it21/(i0 216-0_s 00-0 P,\(ìt: r 4 ol'fi -WIlir¡J-IIeSAN-il As B-EE¡¿-BISIÏÀLN rD UNIFORJUET) ÞIEMBER OF TÉIE SERVTCE 15. 26. Remove property that is dangerous lo life or rv¡ll aid cscapc. Have person relnoved to hospital in ambulance. a. Restraining equipment inciuding handcufl's may bre usecl if patie.nt is violent, resists, or upon ciirection of'a physiciim ex¿uli¡¡cr. b, s. 27 NO7'E . If will request special ambula¡rce. When possible, a female paticnt being triursported should be accompanjed by turother femalc or by zu: adult member of hcr u¡rable lo transpon with reasonable restraint, ¿utbulcu¡ce aftendant or doc.tor i¡nmediate family. Ride in body of ambulancc with paticnt. a. At Jeast two (2) unitbrmed members of the service rvill safeguzrd il'more than one ( I ) patient is being tran.sportecl. ('an umbulance is NO! tuailable and the situation wui'ants, trarßpert the EDP to the hctl¡tltita! hy RMP {able to clu so with reasonql¡le: restraint, at tlu: clirection of a supervisor. UNDER tYA CIRCUMSTÁNCL,S W]LLAfi'EDT' BÍi TRANSPORTED TO Á POI,ICE I"ACII.{|Y. 28 29 30. Inform examining physician, upon arrival at hospital, of use of non-lethal restrain ùrg devices, i f applicable. Safegurucl patierrt at hospital until exanrined by psychiatrist. When entering psychiahic ward of'hospil¿ii, unkrad revolvcr at Fi¡'earm Safety Süìtion, ilavailable (sec P.(i. 116-07, "l;'irttutrs ,liaièt¡, Stati<nrs " .4 t P sy c h ia tri c l4ì/arcls tl n d Á rln i tin g,,1 r eu.s ). Infbrm psychiakist of circumstances r.vhich brought patrmt inlo policc custodv: ¿ìa. b. 3l 32 ,IDDITION,,IL ReJLr Lt,4Tll I¡¡fbnr re lieving uniformcd member of' circunlst¡rnces if saf'eguarding extcrnds beyontl cx¡riration of tour. Relieving uniÍonned mcmbûr will infornr psychiatrist of <jetails. Rnter details in ACTIVITY l.,OC; (PDl12-145) irnd preparc ¡tIDFlD RBPORT IYORKSHEE't (PD304-l 52b). a. I¡rdisate r:n AIDED REPORT WORKSHEII'I., n¿unc of psychiatnst. Deliver AIDED REPOR'I'WORKSIfIIET to dcsk ofTlqcr. persons v'ho volunlaril¡, seek ¡tsychiutric lr¿lulmcnl to propur Jtu:ility. Prior to inlen'iev,ing a potieòt c<tnfined to u.lìtcility of thc NYC I[ealth ond Hospiuls Corpornli<tn, a uniJòrnted member o.f thet .sen'ice nuut oblain pennis.sion Jictrn thc hrtspital uclministrator wìto'¡víll esiertain if the' patient i.ç mentullv contpelenl tr't give a slelemení. Upon receipt of a request yom a tTualiJied pÐ,chiattí,;t, or ft'om a direcror of a gent:ruil hospítul or his/her designee, wtdòrnrcd ntembers oJ'the sttrvice shall take into uclody and transporl an apparently mentall_y ill or emotionally disturbecl person fom a Jìtcility licen.çetl or operated by the ¡lys O.fice of Mentnl Health which does not have an inparittnt psychíatric setvice, or f'om a general ho.spital which does nol have an inpatienl psychictric senice, tû a hospital tzpproved under Section 9.39 rf the lv{ental ltygiene Law. NEW . YORK . CITY . POLICE . DEPARTMENT PG00a672 PATROL GUIDE REV¡SION NUMBER: 2 I 6-05 09/28/07 PÁCiE: 07-05 5 <¡f6 D,4T/t Unif'ornred nrcmbers o_f the senice will olso comply with the ah(,ve procedure upon direction of the. ()ommi.çsíoner of Mental f{eslth, lvlental Retardation und Alct¡¡ (continued) Services' or his/her designee. /IDDITION,4L USE oF NON-LETHAL DEYICES TO ISSIST DISIAßÐEÐ!_EÅSQNS IN RESTRAININC EtutOTIOt!il.L! Palrol supervisors or unifurmed members of lhe sentice assígned to Emerge.ncy Semice Unil may utilize a tq.cer electronic stun devíce or stun device /o assisf in restraining emoli<tnally disturbed persons iÍnecessary. The nser/stun device may be u.sed: To reslruün an EDP'¡vho ìs evíncing behavior that might resuk ín physical injury to himselJ'or others, OR h. To restraín person(s) who, through the usct of drugs, alcohol or othennindallering substo¡tces, are evincing behavior thst might resuh in physical ínjury to himseff'or uthers. (r. Emergency Servic'e Unil personnel will oblain the permission af the Emergency.servtce Unil supen'isor prior to utilízing a tøser/stun device, ercept in emergencies. Patrol supervisor or Emergency Service Unil personnel usíng a taser/stun devic:e y'ill prepare a T'ASEIUSI'UN DEWCE REPORT (PD304-150). It wíll he signed by the Emergency Servíc:e Unil superttisor/duty captain, as appropriate, ¿tnd ¿lelivered to the ¡.trecincl of occurr ence. l 1'he preeínct comnandenlduty caplain will conduct an iwestigation, prepare qn UNIISII/IL OCCURRENCE REPORT (PD370-152), øttach a TASEk/STUN DEWCE REPORT, und forv,ttrd as per instn¿cÍio¡ts on theTÁSER/STUN DEVTCE REPORTþnr, fl l¿ The Comnwntting OlJi<:er, Emergency Service Unit REPORTS ¡naintained in a bound hook. will have TÅSER/STIIN DEVICE NON-LETIIÅL RE,STRAIùTING ÐEYICE/RESCUT: r.iQUIpùtÍiNT REPORT (PD320-150) will be pt'c¡tared whenev'er restruiníng dct,icc.t,.sr¡c'l ü.r e !il:ìcr, stun gun, water fire ertingtishe.r, Yelcro restraining, stntps, Jìve (5) .{oot .shíetd, J'our (4) .foot .çhield, .shepherd'.s crook or rescue eguipment (sledge hammer, wrecking bar, comertlonE¡'tvinch, erc.) ûre used by unífbrmed memhers of the sewice in the pérforman<:e oJ'duty. NON-LETHAL RESTR.ÁINING DEVICilRESCUE EQUIPMENT REPOR,T v,íII he prepared ín addition lo ãny other Department reporl required by the incittlent, including the TÁSER/STUN DEV'IÇE REPORT. The ()ommawting Ofiicer, lnve.sligøtion Review Section, v'ill c'r¡lhte skttislical information recorded on the REPORTS, and wíll fnrwarcl a monthly reporl to the )flìce of the Chie,l- rf RELATEI) I nvc s ri gati n PROCEDLIRES Unu,:¡ual ()ccurrence Reports (P,G. 2 I 2-49) Hct s tuge'/Bonica;ded Personß) (P.C. 2 I 2- 38) o Department by the seventh (7th) business day ctf each month. oJ- Carj øckings (P,G. 2 07 - 3 2) Unlawllul Evictions (P,G. 214-12) ¡lided Cases - General I>rocedure (P.G. 216-01) Mentql Health Removal Orders (P.G. 21G06) NEW' YORK . CITY . POLICE . DEPARTMENT PCo00673 DE P.{RTÈ'lÐNT NtAt\iU AL RE\.'ISIü}J NOTICE, CUIÐE: irliìËR: N\. PATROI, Dr\'I!, lSlitifÞ: l)å ì t. 1..¡-5fí. 8i-27-û7 $'7-A;l P.(ì. procccir¡re 212-32, "Ofi l)r"rty i¡rcidents Involving LJnif'ornied lvlenrber:r o1'the Sen,ice," and P,C. procedure 212,34, "Probationary Police Officsr, Police Eli¡¡blc or Civilia¡r lirnployce lnvolved in a Police Lncident," have been amended to cnsure proper notifications are marie to the Intcrnal Affairs Bureau Command Center i¡¡d the -Iherefore, Perf-ormance A-nalysis Seclion. removÈ current P.G. procedures 2lZ-32 and 212-34 and replacc with the appropriate revisecl procedure noted in the adjacent column. 1 1be Departnìeilt has estahlishal a rìew llarol Guide pmcedurc, 2n-q9. "Amber Alert System." "lhe purpose of the Amber Alert Systcm is to provide rapid and lvidespread dissemination of information in the event of a child abduction. ThercJi:re, jnsert the attached new P.G. procedure 212-99 notecl in the adjacent ccrlumn, in proper numerical 4 IvF_ 0ri-fì.:t-07 a 212-.\2,page o ?12-34, page o l.O. ti, sc'rics i 1 200ó, is Rp\/oKEQ. o I.O. 2ó, series 2006, is TTEYOKED. " ¡ ?-12-99.pagcs order. 3 l I through 3. LO.s 36, 36-1, and 36-3 scries. 2004, are TÌEVOKED. P.G. procedure 216-19, "Public Access Defibrillation Progra:n," has been amencled to include a notifìcati('n to the radio clispatcher iclentifoing thc patrol units that are assignecl ar¡ AED kit. Therefore, remove current P.G. procedu'e 2ló-19 and replnce with the revised proceclurc noted í¡r thc adjacent colurln. . 'l'he Departrnent has tstablishsl a ¡ìcw Patrol Guide procedure 216-22, "lvkrbile (lrisis Outrc:ac:h'l'eams a¡rcl Assef ive C)omr:runity'[reatmcnt Teams," to outline ttre dutics of unittrmlccl mcmbers of thc service directecl to assist, on sccne, clesignateti physician.s or qualifìed mental health profbssionals assignerl to Moh¡ile Ciisis Outreacli Tcams or -[hcrcfore, Assertive tinununity Treahnslt Tciuns. insert new P.G. prosxjure 216-22 ¡)otql in thc irdieu-rrt ct¡lunrn, in proper numerical ordel'. o n 216-19,pages through 4. I I,O. I, series 2007, rs RBVOKET,. 2l(t-22,pages I irnrl 2. " [.O. J5, series 2005, is REVOKED lnk Çhanre; Patrol Cuide proccdurc 216-05. "N4cntally ill or Emotionally Di.sturbed Pcrsons" is being amended tt¡ reflect the introclrrction ot' ncw P,Cì. ¡rrocedure 216-22, "Mubiie Crisis Ourcach ' I'ca¡rr s ar¡d Asserlive Corl munity'l ity¿bnmt Tiruns," as lbl lorvs : a. ÐgLBIq rhe subtitlc "NYc IlEl,AR'ItufENT OIt ÞIENTAL H,E^U¡'rt MENT'AL RETARDA'IION AND ¿trl.(IOItOLISM SERVICES IUOBILE CRISIS OUI'RIiACH TE.All{S" ancl the two pâr¿ìgraphs imnrediately following the above subtitle, op¡rosite "llDI)l'llOiY¿1L l.)A7'.4'' on pagc h. 5 "5." : PEIpIE ret'erence lo "!,loLtíle Cri.srs {httreuch 'l'eum Authorizalíon 4 8 2)" opposite " I|ORI.IS .lN D R-EPOR l,T' on page "É." for Patrol Guide procedurc 218-48, "Vchiclc Seizure at I'ime ol'Arrest," o has been amended to ensurc proper Department guidelines are tbllo"vcd with rcgarti to vc:hiclcs r,vhich are seized pursuant to the r:ornmis.sion ol'a crinle. ThcrcfÌrrr:, rünlo\/r current P.G. procedure 218-48 and replace rvith the rovis$d procÈdure nofed in the adjacent r \'rcnspt;rt (-)ÌtlH 218-48, ¡rages ¿urd 2. I.O. 29. senes 2007, is REVOKEÐ, column. F{EW " YORK . CITV " PÛLICE " DEPA R'rMWfooo 674 I i-'.-\TIit)l_ {.i1. ¡ I}1. l ':l .Ìjr,i ) l .-r; i ¡ 1r;)¡''l-1i.'\.1,r I i..';,.tì.t.¡.,',,;..:' i,, t: .i:, t .;!!,¡¡' t)l iit; í i'.',;.': ¡.) i,,/ri i,'t't¡i,¡,. i, \r'l'::i.,'," ¡;i' i'.'.;.), ,/1 r'r,a, Ytt-DAl'tl{lJrt'¿-t'¡._J..¿-,tl[':Y{'+J- -;!li:.],¿.l l!' .-\!ù.ùI''.LL . t'ii'.'t ÅI:A1.L¡CI;¡--1:l!! ni,ÇqrQ!,!S:\J-'WRe'!d'!'å-LLQPJLT:!;ßiIjJ;I l"lU'iR.l":-t!)t-t l¿¿.]J) 'lle NYC Dt.¡xu'lnen! o{ll[enn! Hnltl¡ t\{entol lletr¡t'dalion uncl Ålcohcli.:m Se.ndües (DMI-I) has lv{ol¡ilc Crisis Oulruach '[eans v,hitl¡ ltttve the authority to evaluate anrl invalmturily ren;ore $ pí)t:s(ttt to a ho,spilal ilsuch perton <\ppe.ilrs to he mentatly ill aru! i:¡ LünduclinlE hi¡¡lherscli'in u nnn¡ter.v,ltich is¡, Ie re.\-ti! ,ù .\erious h¿ç pçrson or to Òthtrs. [f retwtwl lo a hos¡tiltal ¡i ¡¡ec'sçs¿¿-r.', hu the suhjëct is unwillíngto.go, the Mohíle ûisis Outreuch Teun vyill re¡¡wsl thi.: Deptrlnenl to re.\poru{ UW arriyql of poliçç¡Lg1,son¡¡ct, ¡he Mohile Crisís Out¡uach'I'ed¡n nwtnher þhysician or quali/ìe<! ntentol hedlth:þroþsiongt) will itkntiþ. hitrt/heriaÌJ'by'presenting a DMft pþ1o. itlentrfcû Ttie'N,¡itriiþ.tionø'oJMental lfinlrh ieEtires tlvtt the Mo.bite Crisìs Outreach Te<tnt prEm'eiþnn ìP[ohile Orí;is Outeøch Teøm Áulhorizøtíon for (Oil.tII 482), prl)r lo.dirc(tittg the involuntaty tnmsport oJ'an indivichui. Á cop.V o/thß lbrm.tnust be províded to resporuling a!tachment to tlrc AIDED REPORT. tlpbile Crisis (httreach 'l'cutns, ttnifca3nerl ¡nembe¡'s wíîl çornply with ull applicablt: l)ortionr r{ this ptvccdure. TÌrc pth'ol supentisor will àistitna <'c¡nnttnrl antt cvultu¿!t: thc c¿n¡di¡ir¡¡t tt/'tlu: oitlcd. In addition, tha patral stçenÌsor wìll (letermine whcther /l¡¿ .rrl¡vir:e.s oJ' thc [inrergcnt¡' S¿'.¡''t'i<:e Utit and the precinct t:omuuntlin¡¡ ,fiictrklny arytltin are rcqLtirc:r[. A wtiJõrmert ¡nc¡nher vttill rtssLst iil the lransp<trlotitttt oi the ¡tulient h tlw hos¡tilul arul v,ill ricle in the f.>otl-v of the amliilance with the pulic¡tí. /ll pt,r:;onrrl prop(t !),, rtlhet' llmn co,ilrobe,ti,l. renoved,frotn persoils w,ill be sqleguunletl h7' w'¡rrnt o Cri.ris Oulrettch'l'¿ct¡tt ¡¡utn[.ttt's c¿¡ncerned- Á unþrnùd ¡¡¡cntlter will renuin vlíth thc palient utlil hei,she is axan¿inecl arut i,ç either released or ctdnitrerl ut tht ¡tsvt:hiutric cìnp-rga,tc.y rootn. ,íll neue,'sttr1'þrnLs vuill be ¡treparerJ ttnd rtll ¡.tertirrcnr rlett¿ils oj'tha incklett will l>e rt:ct.¡¡rletl in tl¿c. n¿:ntlter'.t ¿ICI'IVIT'Y LÛG. irrcluding (lte tutn¡{ o-l'¡ha it{ol.¡il¿ (-i'r-r¡s Outreach 'llum mcml>er ¡vlv¡ ordat'ecl tht, reaotal ilnd thc lengtlt i¿frinr tht oìded ¡,as in Polic:¿ t:tt.skttt.¡.'. Ilheu<:t<:cl t'.t LSï' Ll R tl l:) I ,o ) I' ussist t', {1.\' ( ) N',\ r)l' tttt¡lortn,'i! ttrct\l¡i'r'ç <¡f li¡,, tt tt'ir'r: tt:;sigtntl t(.¡ l;)nt,'r,.çienC.y Sert'itt:: {..ittil ¡nttt, nl:!i:t'tt ¡¡¿,1,'¡ ¡'l¡'çlt'ott!t',tlttt¡ tltvi,.:tt ttr.;ttitz tl¿'v'icc /r.¡ n-'i.çl.s/ il resl.t'utning t¡n<tll.\. tiit!ut'i¡tr! lt¿:¡.tttrr.\ if n(..L(.t.\¡i¡'r'. / it.t l(rtcr./.5ll.ttt tltv'it'¡.' rnity' þ¿' ¡rtr,.¡; (. l't,¡ rt't!¡.¡ti¡t ¡¡ 1,,í)['¡rit;¡ t.t'iru:ing'ltttvror tinl rnt,qitt re'sult itt ¡tltvsicul rnjur.y tt¡ htrt.s"'lf or <¡ther:', ( )l'1. I' li¡ t¿.¡ít¿i¡t I)rt's()tt(.\,) q'lt,t, titrttt(lt !ltr' ttst' ol rlrugs, ult,' or Qlh?:r 'tìtttu)tùtt'ritrg,.r¡¿å.r/¿¡ir,cs, t.u( (:1,¡n(inÍ: th-ul nt¡4h! rt,si.ti! in physicul tniury rrt fttlrol .\rtl)i'l tri.!()l Í ìti¡¡tstIi !)t' t)lh('t s. f.nrcrget:c.¡t,\'¿,r'r,/c'r' LIrtit i.n,rst¡nncl v..'ill (lnii .:ttpt¡'t,ts'()r priot' üt rrtiii:irt,q NÐW . V'ORK . CI'Í'\' . oltluin Q l¡¿.s{r,i.lltt¡t PO¡-ICE t¡.r.: {)¿ïni)'.\iotr o/'thc Eme.r.L1enc:y S'c,1,ice tlcvit:¿, ¿! it7 t:nwrgcncies. " DÐPz\lt'l'{V{ENT PGo00675 PATROL GUIDE PROCEDL;RË NIJMRFR DATE EFFECTIVE: 2 I 6-05 FOnLþlS,tND REPORTS REVIS}ON NUMBER: 09t?8/07 PÂ68: 07-05 ¿|CTIWTY LOG (PDI I 2-I 4 S) I DED REPORT WO RKS H EET (PD3 04. I S 2 b) NON.LETTUL RÍJTR.4IMNG DEWCÜN.æCT]E EQUTPT{ENT ó of ó I A T.4S ER/STUN w u8u.4l DE VICE REnORT (pDJ 04, r s0) O C C A RRENCE REhO Rr 7G r' 2) R-EPORT (PD32þ] 50) eu lì il il I I ii NEW . YORK . CITY' POLICE . DEpARTMENT PG000676 ,4\ l.¿/ ÐE P.qR f l,'í E, j\i'f l\1 "q N [i ¿LL ll-L!' I SION N OTIC lrL þ!9ÐR: CUITiE: FnTRÛL Ftr,\ i DATE I!ìSUED: 07-t4 07-27-û7 ['.C. proce'Juri Jl2-]2, "OÍT Duty Incicìent.s fnvolving Llnitbrmcd of tho Sen,ics,"'aitd P.G. ptocedure 212-34, "Frobatronary Policc Ofiìcer, Policc Eiigible or Civiiian lìrnployec lnvclvrr¿l in Pollcs inciden¡," hrve Lreen amended to ensurc proper notifìcations ¡rre made to the Internal Affairs lJureau Clonmand Center antl the Perfomrance Analysis Section. 'l'herefore, rernove currerrt P,C. ¿r procedurus ZI2-32 antJ 212-34 ancl rcplace with the appropriate revi.setl procedure notecl in thc ad.jacent column. 'iire Dqlartnent haç eslablished a rìew Pat'ol (iuicle procrllurc, 212-99, "Alnber Alert Systenl." 'lhe purpose of the Amber Alert Systcrn is tcr provide rapid and rvidespread dissemination of information in the cvent of a child abduction. Therefore, insert the attached ne.¡ P.G. procedure 212-99 noted in the adjacent column, in proper numerical o I l2-.ì.1, page ø )ll--\!,¡iage . LO, ô, s;cnes 4 i I 2006, is ¡ ø . RgY.gKs.p. 1.0. 26, scries 200ó. rç TTEVc,KED. 212-99, pa¡¡es 1 through 3. LO.s 36, 36-1, and 36-3 series, 2004, are REVOKBD. orcler. 3 tVti: i)8-0.r -07 lvlernb¡crs .) I i:i-Fl.{ìl P.G. procedure 216-19, "Public Acccss Delibrillation Prograrn," has becn amcndecl to include a notification to the ratlio dispatcher identifying the patrol units that arc assigned an AED kit, 'lhcretbre, rclnove current P.G. procetlurc 216-19 and rcplace with tlre rcvisecl procedurc noted in the adjaccnt colulun, 'the Dcpartrnent has cstablish{d a now Patnrl (iuide pnrceclurc 716-22, "lvhrbile (lnsis Outreach '['e¿uus alrd Asscrlivc Com¡nunity Trcatmcnt 'l'eiuns," to outlinc thc dutics of'unifbrmed members ol the survicc clirected to assisl, on sc(Ìne, clesignated physicilns or qualihcd tlental health protbssionals assigncd to lvlobíle (lrisis Outreach 'ì'e¡u¡s or Asscrtil'e Ciimmurily Trøtmcrrt Te¿rms. Therefirre, i¡lsert nu\,v P.G. . 216- I 9, pages I through 4. ,e I.O. l,series ?007, is -eEvgKri! " " '21(>-22, pirges runcl I l. f.(-)..15, scries 2005. i:; RE!J)_$É:p. lrroccdurc 216-22 notixl in the adjacent column, in proper numerical n¡dsr. l¡ll< (lLa¡lge; Patrol Cuide procedurc 216-05. "Mentally ill or I'.motrt;nally I)isturbc<J Pt:rsons" is i:cinq ;¡nlr:ntlcd to ref'lsct tiic inlroclustion of'¡lerv P.C. proccdure 216-72, "Mohilu Crisis Oir[rsuli J'earns a¡ltl Assertive Co¡nrnuriw Jì-catment TeAms," as fbllo"v.s: a. ÐlltdÏE thc subtitle "NYC DEPAI{,TMENT OF MÐN'[AL, lLEÀ|,'l'}tr, ù{Èn*'I.AL R.EIi\RDATION AND À[,COHOLlStuf SERVÍCBS IVIOBILE CRISIS OU'rREACII 'f'ÐAMS" and the 1v/o ¡)aragraphs iinnediatcly f'ollorving tho above subtitle. oppositc x b. 5 "AI)t)|T'lONtlL I)Á 7).{" t¡¡¡ pagc "!." pIt,ETf, ref'erence to "ÌVlohile (.rl,s¡,s O¡.ttr¡:ach '['esm Authorizatian .[or I'mns'¡t,lrt (OIvlÍt 482.J" oppositc"FORMS ,'IND REPOR'I5"'on pags "É." Patrol Guide procedure 218-48, "Vehrcle Seizure al Time of Arrest," has been arnended to ensure pr'lper Department guidelines are follorved with regard to vchícles v;hich a¡c seized pursuant to thc r:ommission of a crinle. Therefore, remove culrent P.G. procedure 218-48 and replace with the revised procedure ¡loted in the adjacent colulnn. NEW . YO¡?K " CIT'Y " FûLICE . ¡ 218-48, pages and 2. o I.O, 29, sriries 2007, i:; REVOKED. ÐEP.ARTM EÈUoooozz I rî\ T'A P ,4.:!-) t/ I'ROL [;UI.ÐE ìC'r. Ëtr{.JRE t( t.l\1:}btt I l).\'r t.' i.i l l("i tïll 0li l6-0_i R tivlst()¡r Nt_:\.18Ì:R 2¿ /00 6 of ó LìO-(l I Pøtrol -trtptrt\sor t,r I:'¡nu gency .\t,n'lce Unil personnel usitzg a rose.rislun rl¿vice will prcpqre u'f.lSEIttS7-l.iN DEI/I(;Ê REPORT' (PD304-150). It will be .signed b.v, the ,,lDDIT.lONztL D..tT.4 (continued) Erncrgencv,\enice {Jnit ytpery,isi'¡t/d1Í\¡ cûilain, as nppropriate, ctnd delivet.ed to the ¡trecittct o,f ctc-Lw rettc'c. The precincl i:()tnmerrclèr1du[r ce[)tttitl vyill coru.luct an investigation, prepdre an I/-NL/SL|.,LL OCCURRE|\ICII REPORT'(PDJ70-t52), atkrch a T,lSER/57't"/N DEWCE REPORT, und /ònnrd as per ínstntctitlts oil the I'.4SER/S[UN DEI'ICE REPORTþrn. The Co¡nmunding {)/Jit'er. f)nergenc.v Service Unit yvill have T.'ISEMSTUN DEYICE REPORTS naintaitrcd ¡n u hûimd hook. tj NON-LET'H¿tL RES'tlL4lNING DEv'ICE/RESCUE EQUIPIUIENT' REPORI' (PD320-150) tt,ill prepared v,h¿nevet're.slraining devices, such a-\ u tase-r, .Ttut't lr,ut, þot shield, þur (4) foot.shiel'J, shepherr!'.; t'nx¡k t¡r rri's,:ue equtpnent (sledge ha¡nnter, vvrecking bar, cone-alon.g winch, etc ) a'e usc¡l h¡'unilòrrnetl mernbers ctf the sert¡ice in the perþrmanc.e of'duq,. L¡e weter ceilnon, L'elcro restrainins straps,./ìve (5) NON-LE'('ÍI¡|L R L:STR/tINING DEVICE/RESCUE E$UIPMENT REPORT wiII t¡e prepat'ed in utltlilion to ony othe:r Deytartmenl report required by the incident, incluelin¡t, ilrc T.4S ER/STI| N D Iir;I Cl.: ß EP0 R'I', T'fu C't,'unronilírr11 Oi/i,:tt', Inves!igutic¡n Review Seclittn. y,ill c:ollote slatistit'ttl infctrrtwtiort ¡ecctrdctl t>n tha REPORT'S, un¡l will/orward a nonthl¡'report to thc O¡Jit:t: o/'the C'hie.¡'<tf l)c¡tttrtnu:nt hv- the st:t,entlt (7th) bwiness day rf eaih month. RL:L,{7'ET) ¡ tt (,).f' l" t r:j it t' l; t ngs ( lt. ( ì. ) () i - :i ) ) ()cctor,:nce l(cpt:rts (lt (i. !I?.-09) Unusual I PROCET)(IRES nv es I .['[ os t a i ett t i, r ge / ll t trt"i c o c!¿: d I' t r.'^ on ¡ s) ( t'. ( ; ] I 2 -.i I ) lJnlu*,.fu1 Evìt'tit¡¡t.s tl' G .l i4- I2) . (itncrr¿l I'rt¡r:¿dto't: ¡t'.1 ì. ) I 6-f) I ) "'lirl¿tl L'ttst:s Mcntul Ilrulth Rt,¡n,twtl (.)rtlu.t (P.(ì :16-06) l'^ORit.lS.1NI) REPORT'S .'lc'IIVIT v L0G (t'DI I2-t45) , I I I) lì I) R E PO R 7' W' 0 R h S H I.: E 7' ( I> D 3 0 4 - I 5 2b) NO*'-I-l:"l\I."tl- RlisT'll.'rlNIiv"G DEtiICARESCUE EQL|IPIVItN'f REPOR'f (I'D120-15û) T/15 E RiS T' I i h" D Ii Y I (' E RI: P0 R 7' ( P D 3 0 4 - I 5 0) L 0 (' L' Lt ll R I> t\ L' Ii R I! l'O R'I' ( P D 3 7 0- I 5 2 ) -l'ranspotl (()MH ,llohile ('risi.s Oulreuch 'li'um .-!nthoriiotitttr fbr LtN Ntr,W a Lt.S t./.1 YORK . CITY a POI.ICF], . 182) DEPARTIVIENT PG000678 Rild0Kl tl ),rfrp6¿!i?o ^: a¡'l c i'(- ,i DAI.[.,., ,f" ¡- i-r=:T AL'TI-I [E¿ l\ Ii."Rl\'t oRt)tat{. \l{)tlll"[ ( i{lsl.\ {)t iRl' \( fl ll;.r\lS \\l) ('o\t\il'\ì I 1 t'lìt..\.1'\lïN'ì' I'1.\1t\ rSSLI{ ilVl 'j ir :.ri {}9- I l-{}5 **P.(;, 2 l6 S[.R.] ES, ] ll¡.{15 -l:r I _-i l. iltc [)c¡"l;rrlrrrt:l¡l rrf fir:"rltll tu:rl I'1,.:rrt.rl ll\.igrst]u trilrn\.rrìrl,rtlicrrrll' qir:tl;lìr's r:rtli,,rilttr,l rììetttal hualth \.ro¡'kÈrs tti util¡zr: Sci:tions (1.-ì 7 lnti t) iS tll tht Nc:rl \ rrrlç (1''¡ç Ucnt;l Ilvg;cnc [ .tw. lJ¡lcler thcse provrsr(.)nsi. rluälrlìcrl profèssrorr:rls c:tn erulr¡atc ¿r pcrsr)n lrr:l rr.:rzctl to b¿ tn acttte ¡l.svl:hrritrrt: distrr:ss lnil, rv¡th ¡rolice assisllmce. trrrlcr'frr:siltcr lirvolrrrrÍ:rrv trlrrspotl Lr) an crncrsltnù'v r(ri)tìi rl lltlt persun is hclievetl to be ill irnlnil¡crtl ,langcr lo s¡:l i'or othr:rs. '['ht' prrll'essionitls ivlltr prsscss lhis quali{ìcatitrn. or "rlesisJìation." work ul twr.r clirrici¡l scttings (with rar,: e:çucptitin..;); \[cnlitl llciritn Mobile Crisr.s Outreach '|c¡ms ancl Asscrlivu ('omnl¡.r¡ritv Trcatmcnt 'I'c¡urrs. 2. ln order to trutline the r.luties o1'unifirrmetl rnenlbr:rs ol'lhs .rerrice ilirectrrd to a55¡tt, r.,'., sccnc, rlcsign;rtcd physicians or t¡trirlilìcrl rur:ntal hcalth profcssioluls assiiinctl tt¡ Mohilc (lrisis Or¡trcilch l elrns or Asscrtivc Comrrrunit-1,'['ruatruerrt Tcrr:¡rs, tl¡t: li¡l]¡rrvi¡ri:. proccrlurr: h¿rs beetr cst¡blishccl: PURPOSI] 'l'o salcgnranl nnrl rcrncivc nrcntirll,v ill or cmotirrrrllly tlisturbcd persons at the rlirection of lvlobilc Clri-iis ()utrc¿ch or ¡\sscrtive C'ornnrurrity Ireatrncrrt 'lcans pursuarìt tr¡ Sectronsf).J? rulri 9.-iß oltheNerv Ytrrk Stutc lVlcntll Hyglene [.aw DETIINI'f I()NS i\JQ.L}Jl,!j. (.:lll$lS Ol ¡ I l'1.1.¡\{'tl" tli¡\¡.\lji- l hcst, tcirnt,s un: :ntlc¡r,-'ntlcntl}o¡rer':.rtcd b.¡ lc'r;¿rl hos¡ril;rllr t¡r co¡nrrtrrrrity-bitsctl rue¡rlitl llr::tltlt orgrrtuzrt,r)tts. iu'c usrrirlly lilrrrit-:rl þr¡ thc llerr¿rrl¡¡iuul oi' llcalth arrr! ìVentrrl lly¡ticrtc, artd nta1. sônìefimcs [rc llt:rclrcr.l ttr Ncrv \"ork Stetc lic:crrsr'rl 'r:ttnlfrrulturt\rve clrrerqerìcv 'l lìrogrnn¡s." lrcrr g,r'el is lrì i¡ssÇ;is, :trrbri li¿c ;rntl ru¡'rirlly t'clt'r pittrcrtts lri lorrtlcr- tcnn provir lcrs. "1.)- \llY Sr¡til¡r r,, t lr.¡,,1'¡t-",t]! l'.".-.l"l"l'NtS.-,(¡\{ ¡\$.$.[:lì I l\1h l'( ffrltyll. ivlobite ('risis Outreauh'lç¡ulìiì, l:ut ¿rr,i "hospitais ort witucls." tt¡t¡rc r¡clri'v' stlrltetl l¡v n¡cnlirl Ìtcirllll rvofkcfr ¿tn(l t:lrarriud rvitit prtnr,li"rg ir rvi<1,-'t'utttlc iil iins\rlrl'j SCrviCcs. ,,\('l' teerlrs Sr)nlCtlilì0r nCCti 1() tlrclCr rir,,rtlUlìt¿rr) tlilnjprrrl t.rl lhc¡f ¡lttiertts to hus¡lit:rl cnlurSicncy ri¡()rlr.\. [-hcl rcccii,(] r:()ittríìel lirrrr.litt¡t frrl¡tl (]rc Dcpurturcnt ot'llcalth n¡lr'l ñ1,.:r.tul ll¡'urerrc aritl irru llecnsctl hy tlic ìrlurv \ r.irk Sliitc (-)t'tji:c of l\,f crltiil Iltitltlt. {.ìi=rål ll:li D I'vll N l_Àt lll'j-\l'lll I'lìi)l l:SSIOij'\.. r(.)\'lllf'l ,r!''.r ¡!r(rt'lrcr\ rrl -[-catll ivh,.';trc tu ìVltrhilc t.lnsis Oulrcirr:it ot Â:isc:rt,.,f (lonttnuniry- f'rc¡ttlrlcrl! lrc.^r¡sctJ ps.¡tl'ìrll<t!r.i-i. t:r:r'tt{icti ::rrei:ll rvtrrktrs ttr rc¡:t.slct'stl ltrlt'cs-sitt¡lal nu¡:ir,:;. t>R()cI.t)tit{t. $¡hc:l dr¡ielerl trr iì5)-1-it. (ìn:i((:nc- (it-':jrq¡l,rterl llltvsrijriirì\ (ìr t¡tralrlicd t¡icr¡t.tI huaìtlr ¡:lofcssiorr,tl:; asr;rr:,nttl I'r ì\lohllcl (..'rtsis ()tiircltcll Ic,t;'rls (lr ,'\:iscnrve ( 'iltlìnlttnitr' ( lulrclcit lcrtn,:. t¡tttltrrttìr-'tì tncllllrrrs ,ri lhc ';c¡ tut': titil: " I ¡rt -l PG000679 il[fTi(iij cit AiJ i"tr .. i r,,irì1ìl¡ ì'rttJ1 lj\¡triR.\¡t" i' )ll 'lllll;R ( 'l lllþ5¡lì\l(i:l !;. t ¡tt¡ ! i t ¡ tt,t ! l', (,- ). ¡ 4 I i ,. {tì{,,1;i .: ut.',r....'-...,1¿'r-.,¡;.-l -.-ii, 't ltr.)':ì;:r Íi:r í.;l t,"' í,) i.¡ t u r lt ),' t r! I t': t :' ¡'' h-x:unine tlts [)e¡:lrtttttn: r:i ii,:ttilll ,¡iìil \Ttrrl.¡l il; ¡ircllü ¡itrltrr irJcniitìcul¡t¡n c¡rd r;i ritu pi:¡ t,t qL¡.tl¡lìt:rl rlieiii;ti lle rltl; pr,.rl:l iir.rtill rìtl SCLìllù l\-ùciìrd ¡terlitturtt irli.'nl)itll.rrl irl .\L"l'lVl'¡ Ì i.(X"; iPl)¡ll-t'15) inr:lrrt'lrng thc ¡tlcl¡trt-r'u! iirt: ¡rhvsir-i;rrr':rr rlulìlliìcd trtçnt;rl llu¡ltll lrdu:rin¡¿, tllr'rcnl,iv;il.lrlri llrc lellgtlt r'l t¡¡tlc:lie .tr,icJ :1. 1':roris.sir)rìirl was in policu ctrstrrtl.'' ['rcplrt: ¡\IDED RIi:POR'l Wr)RKSIIIi['l' il'D.]l)4- I52b). .) r\ttach fìrrm ;r. {)ly't lf '175 i"\pplic:rtion li¡r lttvrrluntary ot'I l)irce tor of (l¡ntmultity Strviccs or l)e.-ignee) OR l'ornr Ol\{}{ 'ltl2 iùlohíle ('risis ()utrc¡ch 'l'cam Åulhoriz.atiolt l'or 'l'ransJtttrt) lo the All)l'.[) lLEI]Oll'l' woRKSl{Hbll'. Àdnüssion on Certilìc:tlc ,4Dnt7'I{)N,lL D II,I [)c,Sig,naletl ph.ySit'iUn.S øUltttri:ing (t r\!rtt()\'dl tti!.'.tl 'tr(ltt]t'( l'orm (),lIlI J75 (Åpplicøtiott Jbr Inrolunrøry Átlnissiotr on (.'errij'icatt o.l' u l)ircctt¡r oJ' L'omnunit¡' Services or Desìgnee) pliLtr n clirec'ttn,q the tntt¡ittttlt¡r.r; tt'itt1,tp()t'l r.,i ,;tr ittd,ivitluul. Otherquuly'ì¿rl menúl lrctrlth pntfe.tsii)r¡r¡1"t ir.e.\'r!rlt'll tt'¡\lt¡htie t.'ri.çis Oulrt'ttch T'ta,n't,/ 'l't'um,s ¡ttttsl rl.t:;erllve (lr¡,nmwtity 'l'r¿u¿nutnt Pr(l)ilrí: I"orn OIIII 482 (ùlohilt' Crisir'l Oatreuch T'esm Åulhuriiutit¡tt Jbr rouvprtr!) ¡t¡ ¡¡t¡. ¡'r ¡li11't'tttt.: ihc invoitttttarv lransJx¡rt of'lrt intliúrlttal. l¡t t'ith''r (''rltt'. r.l t'ttpv ttl tlu'rt¡!ttirt'tl lttt'nt rtttsl tt' pt'rtt'iled to re.t{tçntlin.:: t:!litrrt.litr il!¡n'ltttt¿,¡tt t,'tÌt.' ,'lll)t.:.1) lll'.'l'()l'l I'lt'()lÌli,\llltli'l' ¡1 ¡nilorntetl ¡nt'ntbr!r rl'tlit: .:ervict' r'r'll/.r''.''l.r/ tn !ltt' tttrtt¡t1¡rlttti¡ttt ()l th'' l)tltt''¡tr !() !ìt( )n"¡ttul tuu.! rilt'i4 rh( lÐr!.'r'ttl lh,.'ttnlttthrt¡..'w'¡lh ilt'' l'ttti¿ttf ''l u¡tí.li¡t¡¡tt'tl'nttnltar u,il! r¡:¡mtm',vith th¿ püti€nl until ltc,'yln h t'.\ttt,iltrri ¿ttní i'; L''r ttlntsctì ()r i:í!ilttlte:Ll ¡t t I h c l>.ç)t t : h i, t I r i c ¿' n i r !!r t1 í: y : t ( i (.) ùt. ol ¡ tttc,ttlull,., i!! ¡¡ç¡.¡¡¡¡¡ l,i//.r',¡/ù.t¡;¿,t,¡,1 itli /¡,.'t.;ittttti ¡:t',1¡'; ttt (t.'!lt,'t' litt¡t; tttttlr:t.t;tttu!) ri, Ìtil ) r't'! ¡./ ro t,t tii; ¡,¡¿¡ ¡1' ¡'¡ R I: L.l'l'l-;l) t'R()('þ.I) L:R ()t,;irr) t't'tt( t' ll( ít(),'tJ 'l' i i .l LI ()()t !¡¡.rltt.t:tilltt' tt't!t!ùl Pr't'.ttittl \.) t lt ¡' -t i ]-.i'\i (.'r¡¿l.s¡¡¿ri l;,.í [ .'l¡ric,/(ì¿.r¿',r -('it'n.ritl I'n¡t¿:¿!¡trt tl' t.; :iô lllt I'l¿'nlallv lll ,¡r I:nr¡tr¡tt¡¡llv' Il;.ttrrrltt rl I'i t t,ttt't ¡ l' ùlt'ttt¡t! Ilt'ttl:h [l¿ mt¡v,ti ()t rí,'rs ,¡t ¡; ") j(¡'i)i) {)f{.rr.s ,-t,\'/) RIr'PORI .\ å l ì :l l/t t).1 ) ,.1("1lr'l'lt' r0(; (Pltl lÌ-lJt) .'l I D í: D R Þ: t' ( ) R. I' It' (.ì Íl.A 5 I I l, li'l ( P I).i 0 J- I 5 J h) ì\oN-Lli ilI.lL lll:.\?'R.tlNI¡Y(i/)t f I('li'R1.,\'( t t, l:(!t'lí'.1tL^'l'lll:l'ttlt'l'(t'l) -t)iLlSlt l:orDt O:lll! .l-5 (.lppli<:uliilrt iìtr l¡tttlt¿ttur.t'.1,/¡¡¡i.r,ri,'lt t¡¡t l'',rlilit'¡tri' ,tl u llírrrktr r L) t: s i': t' t: ì o | (' ¡t t ¡¡t u ¡t l.Ì' J'¿ryic¿r Íurn (),lllI J8) (,llobile (risi.r ()utrcttlt'l'¿um.lulltt¡ri..t¡.liott litr'l'rarrtpr>rt) t t i ¡t t¡ t'rt:lìt,¡,r ()l{l)1.:l{ I of \{). J5 -ì PG000680 ,:i I itn)cn(lu(l \ririr::r ,,i.Ì. ì)'lti :. {rr:rric -;tr l)i. \.'lcntlili-l lì[ t'i' Lli:t.ii,,liitì [ìi.,tr,rrì'.iJ 'i-'r.;i,í¡s ¿ls iì Ì ,lirr',i's ,i.ibrrri¡.' "N\,' l)lìPi\li'I\lt",N'l' (-)F \f tìì'Jl 'il t{[- '.i tli. irli:i'.-i,\1. 1.\iìli,il'l()N r\NlJ ,\.[.i (.)ll{-)LlS¡\1 Sliiì\'lt-i':, \[rrllii l. ( RiSlS ALJ_II.[' l- F ¡t ili.[:r\.(']-ì f !-i.\\lS'' ;lr:ti lilll.r$,irrg t,,.<r pjtr0gr¿ì1-.iìi (iF'p(lsrlú ",.\t.)l)Ílf(lN,\i:).'\ I \.'t¡r p,i..lç "5". ( 1 r\¡1; p¡r1,;i.s:r)r'r.i tlte contents til'tlrrs ()rdrr itf rit thc Dcpirrrmcnt N{anu;rl ()r ûthcr Departntcrtf ,l¡r'cctivc t11 cr)tìtl ir:¡ uith u srrspenr-lctl. BY DIRE(''f lON Ol.'¡'l{E I'Ol.¡CE CON{rvf ISSION!lll DTSTRIRTJ'TION .\ll Comnrnnds .. r: ( 1 . -+ t:.?: t\l I of t.RtÌ!l ()ttÍ)uR i\(,r. 35 3 PG000681 !!: l¡ ' L', il ¡,-t ì.i:-iÌ:'i 1. ur noiltlnai I t' ì it.i:1i.¡. ||i: i:.,;I i II 'r*¡Ì.(:. ¿! 7 i;Ëì,t(tliiì. P.i;.2i(}-{Ï. i'.{ ;. l ì1}-í} l'liit: t } F'.{;. lt6i}5 (.oriCirci"-rj [:irc; ¿Ìv [)c',,ic.',; í('Ëjl)). {.:uriìlrr{}rì]v l.lll¡wlr írs îlìil'l'a:;ilr', irirvc l;ecrr ¡isc.l l¡i' tIi struìxr: I pdry n{ì ii r ; r grli: nt¿l¡ }rr(:r '"!. fi4¿¡nl;cl's rif ilic r;:,:¡vicc lil'c rl¡'¡rirrtlcti lh;li i'¡¡irril (ìuirl'; 2(13-l l. "tlst of'Ft:rcr:" tii5;¡:¡¡¡,1¡.'s ¡¡1<', l)i:parfinr;nt's ¡,olicy r)n tlic u:;c ril' lì¡rçc. Wlun ;¡ s,iuu'rion r-:ail:; ÍÌ.ir {lr¿ use ol'lì¡rce hy ir rrreinbcr oi thc Yriik (lily llolici: I)'i;i;:u'i¡nunr vJhÌcs h}, rvhicit çr-'¡rlcdgc io l'i¡lur.: hu¡nan Iifb a¡xlre:pt:ct ïlrc rlig¡it1'ot rar:li lal'c ir ¡nori'u¡ily, illcr cïnûtio$âily di.siuÌritl prrs{)n rnkr eur;ti:ily. Mcrnbcrs ''vill ad,herc to ilie Di:prui:ncri',i ¡rolicy orr il¡c ri:;c of-lbrce 'rl,hsn¿vt:¡- lt:ss f¡:tlx¡l iier'¡cc:ì sr¡ch i¡.s ihc {lED arÊ usçd in tlie ficlrt i. ¡\ (--IìD slulul<l only ìrc uscrJ agilin:;t ¡rcrstrn:i vr,ho;lrc activcl'/ physica!ly rt:sir;l ilrg, uxhibilìn¡¡ actir,c;,hysrrxl aggrc;si<xr. {,r' til prçrvcnt inrìividuals fi<Nr physically iujuring the¡nst:lvos (ir other person(s) actunily pror;ent. Prio¡ lt¡ using ihe (ìHt) a r¡lcrirber of thc scn'icc sÌ¡ould ct¡n.sidur ther iutiillty of the circunlst¿ìilc:cs weÌtil ticciding the ¡ni¡timur¡J arTì{iì;irt o1' forr:t: ntcË$siìry to (l'verc{'}r¡ìe rusiirtl¿nr::: whr:¡r cfï'eciin¡i i¡¡r a¡r'c:;t ûr wh¡-.n îriking rncntally ill or' ¡'.n c¡r¡ohonalÌv clíslurhri<t prirso{ì i¡lto custo<h;. i;{rùirir:i itt consi(lc¡. iriulrujr:, ltul ¿:ri: not li¡nilcrl {o: ii. Í-.. ('. rì. ('. of'fio,.:rr'¡;ubj¡.".:t ¡;i2.,ù rlisparilr. of'fìi:¡:i;rs¡;irjt:ul.slrcrr¡lt!rdis¡rarity rif'tic'.:;-,tsuii.ji:r:t irgt' rlili¡r¿l¡'ily tif'licr:¡'s l)r:íul:pt.i()n i¡t'thc: :iubj{-,r.:l's ',viilint{n¿sÍ; lo rcl;isl oflìcel'spuriut:¡rtiorr,ll'tllcirli¡rrtr<lielclíiic¡tttolltc.sub.i'.:cl,r:t,,r;rt¡lr<,ir,i¡l'ilì,.: r.:¡-,.itt: iind Lry.;tarttlt:rr- f g. lr- irrs¡lrrci':,'.'iult:nl l¡isior_v, iÍh;tri¡t"'n r¡fJÌr:ei's lr:u¡¡¡i¡t" is rr llr:rtiie Çlt\Jir{rlìÌilûot ¡rllir:ct's !ìc'rçsl'li('¡ì oi' tiio :;rtlrjr:cl bcir¡il tttr<k:r llrt: ir¡iir,,.'tr¡'* r¡i 'r(irttul¿rt¡i.i,¡;¡rt:olir-'t;,liluit l¡L,i)lrlrl ,. dÌ11.:" rliiirl'l ;;l:ii, lcltr¡¡lcr: .r Í¿r'.,1..,ii;icilt''' ,'r,i(li;t(;Êr:¡iiì,' rr¡ ;1r,.'ilii¡i 1;r,:rr:iþ-';li',1.).triì]t:iii- iiìr:::i:liit¡:lr. i:il.,lrt:¡l iiìi: >li:¡1,' ri :!i ¡¡1.;(l(.',ii,iì t,{i j., }ri:(,'ì'i ,. 1i,. !-i1,} i )i:,î,ri';;i'iri['fiiìl!'{'it,l'l'{i¡lç1..1 i}. l:rjlì jìrr'i i, i.,.i'.i,..r.r.: ,iliìi',' l'*l;ij ¡';:,r1¡riiili:ril;rj,.'¡.,;li:¡i,iir:1,,.¡l'1:;;'. ; ¡1,. li .-' i :."':.;.i'r, i,.i ; i; :;'y ìl':'..rt,. ;i',.r'i, ii'¡¡l ;-'r;,;.,ri¡: ,', ¡i¡ ,i1'- i,..,ji,.; i rlf l{i PGO00682 ì11 :il i,ï.i:'.: î{¡ ïìlilfi{t tììr.:!rlìliri; ¡ri iir" :iijtìiir": ¡,1 f.i¡g1.¡¡'¡.;¡il-rr)rJ tf,dr)f l¡i':ìi{ìl i: l.t;rXiUct'-"J il:tCr'.ç' it']:{.)i.r) ij.r-. iillg':iii¡ii!i.i r-l:;uri:'::r! {t; !'i:.-:ii¡ri il'.,l.utt:-':. r'¡11,.¡ ;' {'t;r:t}Llc.'tr.l L:ttcl'gt; I)uvi*:.: iriis i:,:rn tL.i:lì i'i:l;t u:i.l" l'( t¡:'r¡.l lt.'' ¿ii-iljir''¡i;:';r-i tvlli;r¡iì'Jd nìtnìl'¡cÎ; of'ù(:' srn,ii,.r. il,Iiriir¡rlrill. rrlj [¡;rirtrl riu¡rL¡-,ir',()!:! iìr;(l fìllt(x.Tl c(xifiì;tnl.lrT: [rol'ii"'nning plìtlol dttiy lt:stpre,.l i,r thc P¿lÌ(). )ic¡vicc;. i ii'ri::iall :úir.l i rrms;l Etutirils r'vi!l b': |gllf]Ig] î() uu]-f l.¡rir,tu:e ll (-lLl ) irì lr L)(:fìiirljrr)¡l ¡.'¡.t!c(l lul:-rlrr it'i ,!Lli.¡rl(¡rii:ûJ. si'í )Í,1:' ,\ { trn,,!r*I,-}! i:rìrlrr., i)rj','ì,jr, {('L:ii¡ clìn l(i ¿!ì,.:lli.;-;t.ivc ilìciuili c,t srrhtjiring slìslxclì iuì¡l (ìrîìr)tior1,úl;'(li',lrui,r'rl pd-r:!itr)ii!:l .¡lt':¡) lrialiiftíììi.!rìrtL:i, f. l[f)i,;';l¡.r¡60¿a.sal€ssletlìal dcvicc ¡ur¡! is iirt¡:ntlul lrr 'ttliitrt¡:¡tl iltvJ pn;i'iti"t ¿t Êrù¡t<:r rnlÍgi:" lif'sel¡*y ft¡r oftisers'¡'ho 'lhe uscr cf a CllD is rnight piht::'vr¡1.; [-r,, [ì.¡c,-.d to ¡rh¡1";,cutiy::rlì¡.lue i] (li'rllSLrn)tls st¡hjut. flrc f:'rtìgc ol rijì\l rr{ ltss lti,hi¡l rþvicer; s¡"lch ii.s f-,'-TI^*r -ïpa)i or a baton on the tì.lrcc '."nthui contitìLnutì ttur: ttl tts c{ìi;<:livc¡¡tls.'; itt a ilislar¡ce alrtl at cl(r'sc lìt¡lÅ'-s' itgiirr5t l)crst)rls whu iuc ar.:tivcly ph-vsicalfy resist¡ng cxhìll.iting actirs ¡;hysi,-al lrggn:;l;ion, (ì¡- l() fìruveni irrti'ndr.¿.rl;; kctm ph¡Tircülly itrjuring A. CIrD siror¡lil c,nly lx L¡sÆJ pru;utt. itt lrtatry c!ìses' e CllD lvill lduce or fi¡¡ùt:. lt will oliun irdr;cn f'he ptrtential fbr injwius io clirnirntrr îl¡¡: ¡rçc,J tb¡ duvlly rne:nrh':n arul st"sçmt-s lhat nr,iiy rclrrlt [i¡:¡rr physitnl testrÀ¡nt ¿¡nd sl"¡r:trki be regzrdul ;ls a prohibitoJ tr'l â f,cssible iCtix¡rütjl,; t¡ sr:iü firec lrntl rixtriúnt. wltere pracical. li is (iIìÐ in sitt¡i¡¡rrr llw tltl ¡uÍ rr-t¡uire thc u'iij of ph¡'siurl fìrrce. tl¡ctnsclvc,s <¡' tfl,-tll' pu:;or;(s;) actu;tily pþ,vsír::rl t):t Ir't N t'¡'tilni,\ gllltìU( il:l) l:Nliiì.(iï l)ljvl('!ì t!,ì!:r[)] - a rlcvjcc prisrüriiy <lt^sigrxrl lo disrupt a r-rrb.j*;t's cr:¡ìt¡iìl tìrj!-v()ris s.ililçrìì try rnculri of'tll;ing tlcr:tnçtl €nqrgy strlÏicimt to cause r.¡t;r-,i-,r¡tul['ìl lrrt.¡¡.:lc c{rt¡l:iìrLir(ìJrs irntl tlr'crdtJc ¿¡r in<]ividtr¡rl's rn{}ti}r rq\Tl{)nsq; A(:l'lV¡\'l.ii {Â(lll-Vl''lii.}¡'i) 'ir¡ lhci'cby çuttsir,ll tlre . t'lil) r::turiu thr: (-'fìL} l,r lríri by rtlcasing thc s;afety. lit:ii'r r;r¡ilrt trl {rPcr¿ìtc. rryiirci,:iblc i:iulri¡L.t rvhich tlisr:lur¡8c:; í!vr) ci¡¡ris orl ctlnt:eclìttg r,vircl; :iurti-lirt¡r rr iii¡11,, v'lilli.1.:cilq,rv t'ru¡.rrl :;ir',n;ri iiltu l: siilrj^t!. i.'AR] ft¡ ¡ lq.ì.lr ir liorir a t'LIi ¿Lnd ire t.lcsig,rctJ to ¡reitctr;ttr: rrr,::i.ll¡rcltr:rl irt ilttl ¡ir,llrt:; lr:,.trìiri¡i. ìri¡r.:i: t,, tìrc (lÍllJ. tltll U-r\tt¡,-T -- ¡rri:l;çs iitc s;kirr; v'ir,-:':; :ii,.: riisihergud D¡¡ir,:t{Al)(ìl.r "lìr;rc,t¡r,;iir:;r {.li..l),'csr; thc tri¡lEcr;rnrl ,-'::t¡sc rt¡t electric ¡r:.,rtll ìn truing (ttr>'i:i ¡r|r:.scnt¡ rr¡'¿l;t¡l.s eltrfe;ìt ltt ílr:r."-. l}i:;r:lllri!:r, ,viil l":t:i¡lq f?'t:r : {,.' ir il ; ii rit' i :; f)r. i.r:ilrt i } I íi )i ;r.ll ji Ii ¡ ilr, lc r.j..r: lh.: { ï:i) ¡r.irrl '.li:,r:i itu'l.:,.- tlt'.: tìr:tiç,., itt ú tlìrtlllcr Stiull tiitl 'iì¡rtch..,ttlrÌ dU; tllrrlû i:.¡ii;-iu.irl tiiiii lr:iikrl, tl,ri,.:: L:r;ill;:,..1 lt,ill',.i;t ¡:i'.rxl.,rJ ljulriùrj'r's',. .:ii¡r.¡1,.1 ,r¡1.,., l., tl:r.'r! ili ,'.,,r.;4,!,¡,rr¡¡l ::ifç:'.U¡:sllt:rr:''îl ltrtrl ¡¡rt í.i::-it.Jllii-liill]-ntçIhd rrl l!ii.:. ¡',r;,.,¡ t,ri:r..ìi:iI,.¡¡ì tlxrl. ;.r rt:,r.rl. ¿l!: liivrljU:Jl'.ttr;rl wil! í,'.: l:rlr¡tltlcltri i-'v irìnrr¡:;.¡.tl:;.-.r,;iii,''ttÌrt1 ,.,.;r.:.1-riir1,.';ì1'¡1 ¡i;¡i¡r.;llti,ti.'('t.l)''ç:¡5J"¡tl¡'.:11-t,'tt:tr:rl. ll'tr.,'.r1,-'¡-u. PG000683 thr-' .i'l jir -1.iri't:i-;iì1..'l'[; 'li'ill;{ rl',¡",'r:!r fií;rMi;i i.i :;i 'ii:1,\:i :i, -\.ìI:,j"r'., !:.¡t!{:!L l',' i i : !i'r';Ì..:j::i ¡i ilt,j';r'.\'ì'-: ,,,it,,t .ìli:l irr::,-l\'r.l ;tiiili,,tj.'^'.j lj, ,,i':r,i'.',ri ii,-ri;r ì..- r,i'llic {'il.ì. INVÍrS'll(i^ i'lß-(; S{1"!lillìVlliiOI{ - As t¡.it:rlin {his irroir.:rlt,rL:'"vill irc er tollcirvs. 'f-he n$rl hi¿hest lirnkrng :ììrpurvi:ì(rr i¡l ;r ,,,-',,.L.,- ,,,1^,. u¡JÙ¡l(¡t ,1:..,-t.^.,',.,1 !¡¡V rì'.' ljlrlv l.lçt¡ ¡l¡L,¡l¡L¡vl 'f h /-'l-- l ¡,l/r \. lhr r:hai¡r trt'Lì(ìirlnìarÌ(l r;f'fhu \ ltc comrnrurdrng ollìar,{luily' urpliti:r lirr in:;l¿urc:.s trf'lot¡t:lt sturl ine:idcnl,.;, !i,lìr'r'r ) is usixl on â pers{)n irr ¡x r}ir.:c cuskxiy or ru r ar;crrlcr rtiil tlir;iJr;u,qir.: ol ¡r ( :[]l ) I r¿-; (.:t:l ()ccufrrrl ruìJlt¡ng in ¿ul rniL¡r-l'tÒ iury çx-rsorr. ll the invc.r'li¿;ttling .rupctti:sor is .fi'om u û¡¡wn¡tnil other than f'a*'ol St'¡','i<:t:s Bttraeu. l-lou.ring ßurt:¡ut ¡.tr Tr¿tn.til fJuti:ut¿ a¡ul i:; tutl t:tttilul¡li:, lh,: utt,t:stiljt!in.t: .çt¿l¡¿n't.ltr vill ha fht: t¿er/ highe:r nwliing s,tpr.rvis(Ìjntn thc: !''utrol Ji'¡r,¡¿¡i.ç Bu¡'etu (c' f¿ , II n strg¿tett¿ nssr.r-3ircr./ ttt a llightwy Llnit ditútrtrgt::; tt Ci')l) ttru! r¿ liatkt,wrtt i.t ;1ìulvitil¿tl'tkt liow iltoÍ I/nit tt¡ invesii,çJtte the dßchtrgs. a l:',t,B licutunanl or lul.v .::ultíritt t¡'ill q;ndu<:t llu: tr"!J?'ft investiE¿tlion.) ¡)R.(}(:Fì,I)[rÍt¡.] '['cl provide fol' co¡ltrr¡I, *ccoLrntability, issuirnce, use antl invcstig,ati<:n ()f lhc usc of Conductsd Energy Dcviccs lCI3Ds): {:(}MivtrANt}tNG i,t,FICtr,lR I . ,:rf' lhc cicsl< rrf'tìccr crr [)csignate a s;cc¡.trr ¡.rreû under ,,t* "i¡¡trrll åpl)ropriatc supcrvisôr Íìrr thc storagc oflClI)s cariridgcs. [Ìnsure ¡]vâ¡lability, ()pcrrbilily. antl tiislribution of ('tiDs .rsr;ignur! to tlre comûlíur{J on all tours. [:nsure th¡t tll supcn/isors pei-iirrtrirrg pirtrr¡l tlulic:t i¡r ïl¡c r:ornnl¿rrrJ ¡re i¡línt:d in thc usc t-if i'[iDs. :r. OlJf ,\'autkrrizrrl rúìifi;rrìij(l riltl¡rlx'rs of'tlr,.: :;tr"ir:t.: will lr,-:¡;lrer.l to c¿trry (liiDs. 2. -j. it f. t'Í'li ll'!¡cn rt¡¡ttc.¡iing tt rt'pltttcntt,ì:l or loún''r nl u ('i,,í'), r\ï¡lí¡t't'¡ut'ttl ol /lrtí1,'rfu.s', <:l¡¡r¡1f¿,rtr, tv ht)ls!e't':¡, r'('tìilil.rrtdittLI o.flìi:ers 4te rt'quirtt! kt ¡.n c¡',¡ra ¡¡¡ul ¡itit't,-'r ¡t 'i1,ptd !.e'!turktud ttith itqt(::) üclJinf! re¡tlucenntf . t't¡ íht { 'tnilntt¡Tftlir;g ( )iiìc't't', l"i¡'¿'tt¡tnr ¿tn<i I c t i <' t .\it:,1i¡¡n. ' <¿ tt '!'¡,p,:,ú üttùclì ¡!,.rff¿:¡'I¡*:r¡¡y' Qt lo the (.'rt¡nn¡t¿ndin.u ()fiìtLr. l"it'rtu't,t.t ¡t¡t:l 'l'et lics ,\| ¡.'!it¡¿t tt¡¡ii .;ltall rt)I: /t/ !/t(, ¡¡!at¡tl {.il,\:; {-E:tll..iL/!Ì.!i,{;c"{-it"; l:Q{!l¡hltí[i,'i7' !lJii:' lìí:i"i]N'l ffùt) t.?tÌ-.t5t). .'ìr,..i: t .i iì't. ;¡Íl (ll i.i'l ,.:!ìi! :. i.ïr ar: lìiìì{:i ¡ L ir' : I lç:lí': í a:_".' il i',rill'. lj!,.li lti'i:riltrutii'..l ii;i fiÌ.;''' t ':i, li:,ii",,.r..1 ltt.',:i,i'i t , iit' > í-'rilt:;i.itn:is i:::ri tij ¡l¿ t ,ll::i¡ll.tiir ,: i ,r¡:'r,:;t!:i l-í i,' ti:, i:'lr'i].. ltlrii rt:lirij¡lt'li ii¡ :itt :rllil|r:rri,.i:.' Í.ìr:,,::::i,, ;¡i i, r' .'i.r,:!.:li r.'. i'i' iti ,litlll';;-],:c':.1 iti.!.'i::l',-'"1 Íi,r.l rll'.'.r; ,i: :1,. .';-.': '.' ,r', .,i. :rt¿: ¡ i;-i ::.:l:rr:-u¡t i'r.: iitli.rrr.','i¡.r:: l: it; ; i, ír1r I I 4 ¡1,::Í! ¡.,ii :.. !i:i.: ;,.f' PG000684 íÌt'.S i": ()lil;i ¿ 1..I,:J Al ir. IIN {l)oputtl)ls ('l:[) ¡rirr:;l hc rls*rlr.lìit:l t(',1 i);ilr')l sli](rr''l:ì.rr plAiü)n C,Onlt¡¿ut(iur JXiriinllìi¡Íj ¡rai irl tl:ri_\ ;il jI i llrrr\-'1. þ'lrst (lrte ¡u1fygr ''T st;Pt,iiìv¡5(Ì¡r On'r'(i ) i)l\:t'úìlc ( 'f iD tnu.':t br: ¡liirirllrtìrit-ti lli t¡ tJlc tlt:;ll. (con til¡l¡c¡l,} ryov'!, ¡i'¡rtì (. '¡. _{tJ'I'Ítr)filzuÐ tiNtIi(iRMEt) iUI,l.ì{B¡iR ()lî ]'f .\. L lt sERVtr-'17 r' lit¡t:tij.:lttt Ín,-!ir:irtC d,:!tt'nintil l\' llu' t'I)'7¡¡iïilhtint:('¡l!'t'í't' r¿nk. lìi¡!Ì¡c, Sl¡icl,l tlt¡trlht:r,'l.lltt tlLÌrìll)r'r. ;lt, ilirplr. iri'tlt. trf 'ii'¡[r"ris) ¡lppi'Õpri iltc, rv h il c il nassi¡r)retl' Norify toltìrnandinL{ otliccr whe¡r (-lEI) is irto¡rcrablc' Cl.rry CED oniy wlrtn tnrinal by üle Fi¡ea¡ms anrj'[aglics Scvt¡t¡r¡. ¡r, CED ¡nusi bc carrierl orr the nön-shootinu lldc, in rt l)cpttrtrltcnt approved h0lstcr, $ttachetl to gunbelt, lilrrl secu¡'L.d tr) Jìcr$on. Enrrrgmcy Srri'icc; U¡rit and .urifbrm<rl pLrsorìileÌ, ¡ru*rli>nrting tlrtrv in sivilian attirc, Tvill c{¡qy (lED in a hr¡lsler q:provrd Lry'(ixrunanrlurg çfiiccr, Fjrcirn¿s and'lactics Section ruxl O¡ulirtjoils Divisitrn' ix lg:ni¡niatc {l()ìvlí\'l¡\NÐllR (lr¡rn:n¿ndin¿: ()llir:rr. Snr"ial 'l'a<:tit:''^ ()¡tl',' t;:t¡¡uluc'lt'r! cnct''g' dtt'it'tt.v uL(httiztd lry the Connt¿t¡uli¡t¡: ('\ìil':tt" Fiu:¿rnx snl (.ittt'y'ia17 o)'t¿.\..' (tl (trtv ¡últ,': t¿t,a¡! ju>ri.:¿t! ,\it,t:tùtn *,ill !>e cutritt.! l-y nienrlx.'r:; çf'lht: sttvit:t:. (: ( D u I t ft: tu d Ì | i(ryrt dt't'tce m.n' r¿'sul I it i¡ I i ru t r¡' ¿<' I i t¡ tt' Itl. Ins¡rccL Cf D t<¡ utì,stlr(: ()pçríìbility' ir. b. o. ¿. I',,iut (.:Ei) in si¡lc dirci:titrn lìcmove citrtritlgc fiom ('ljl') Rclsasc tlrc sli'ety 1¡rlirt:t: r;alcty irt ''t'tI" l:o-';ilion) linsur,: tilt' llstrr is visiblc ur¡d lk:''t, lhr: lrirti,;l:' stillu:¡ liqht ilrdicatcs ticvit.rc ill cttcr piz.ctl (l<lndrrc:t spitrk tr:st e. l. llg:r[rcc l'riültrry it'r"iüro:'l¡rs:r is nlit r4:;il¡1u,, I:¡l{c'¡-',"'fltlt¡'. lrr-1rl rì\,Lìi ,l(rt ü!x;l-cltt) or if':;¡:i:rk ird n'sull:; c¡ 'ntìinr a w'q''k lr¿'¡iur1r l?.c-i¡¡sPect (''t:i-) trnit ¿rfìcr [r;rttcr)' p:tt:k i:; t':pliit:t'rl ¡{. l¡. i. :\ilr'! t¡l ijnsurc C'l'ìD:;, wtllLr¡Ul_i)4l1firlg;_.4!!g!-llc¡1, ítrc t:r,trnucie:rJ îrr tliitr¡¡cr. it' sUPf:RViS{}tU ¡'L-4',r()()N x'orli lou¡ a-s.sig:rud tìlerllbtir(s) irl tl¡c ( lrrtrrr¡rlulr'l l'¿r¡l ( I'l¿rkc r-:iltr.!'rxl n,ll c,,ljl, it1.-:¡Ii{-virigrnc':ìlbc('j)lÌ:rst¡{rìüll :l',1) lirr lrilua. it(l\ilatÉ\l .ì ( lJ:l). b. Pl¿c.c ntlkrticn "('¡ìt)" Rr-'xt to lltc t¡ii¡¡ic b. P^'¡'RÛL tht' Lin¿4agc s;¡li:t:,¡ t\ttitch ci:r tiitl¡lc To Cl:D' l'. ,1<cii!¿ttfu! t,t.rcy't¡¡iq.,s n,stil!irt,r.iin i¡it¿¡it's tì!.tl'úa't1tt'il \4 i !! | | ( \ ) :v! ¡ :( t ! n;' t n ìn.V,ii'rù ¡ t ,\'Ú':n!¿'t:u,.¡ii r¿l¡¡intli,:l lhu! tt¿t:!t Ji't,'litr.qt !h<i nv¡nl.t:,- t ..1{i't}¡f lY i.s tt ¡'ar¡riritr: ¡.t i¡'ii ittli';!t';i'il <)¡¡ t¿íÍitlt¡'it ¡¡' ¡.1¡¿' l i'.'i) lit ('l"it"; t¡¡l't:u!l ¡t''ltttt\ lit':Í i,.t:ìl; (t'!ti.î:ri"i:'). iNi'!L\;:lr'ì''rit};l'":; D'ii!.1 \':;¡.!o'i/í,, tt !, ,' :t':i .'1(',TIt'17 IìS;:rt ),Qï'{j!;.li-il/'-/-ii;,}, i'.:tti!l,.ìtíiili! !,?:,:t:,- oílì::t'(rytiìr1r;tttiii' ! lT'!'-fliìi;li i).i{/)i.iì. ¡'. i, ll) PG000685 !' 'r,i¡¡: ¡ i ,, .i,.,ir r,i|ìi:i"; J;ì.1'il:.'.Í ,.'L'i'i il'.,"t.. r','.,i 't,',"' 1 ' ;l;.-i.''.,'.i',i i' i.. .¡.. ìr.i-:ìl!,'i.,i¡i,.,i:i. l:; i:ii;l'eilliri,-:, \,¡'iri.i-!L!ií..:': ¡1'r.;-;i i';,.ir:' ...!i-ìli. ' ' ... .1 { 'l ¡\'i'l';'[-.; l"¡ ì';ilit1' ,rfiii il'ci;,i,:' iìr- iuli:; (rl iiìl;ir'jr.i11¡¡¡ ,, i'. ..;itii¡l ;¡r.t¡¡ti;i,; ¡t ("ì..: [] iJrur:c lt'¿i,::,k ilijicc:il;uii'Jlvi\iìi Ír(,lifì,:rl li I I'i..1 i'; ll;r'p'.':ilhlrt. : ii.':,i¡i i'i'!, i , i".i111i; q¡i!i,;ari r*ifì()li cill'!.¿ilit'itor! t¡í lr'ir¡' ;,j¡,' I I ii; :.r:.: ì.' i, ir.! i. i: ! l:, f. !i. \:,lià\,';( ¡,ì i i, i i! i'.'! i{f }i l.ri'!i !.ì i'lj.{ .- i'l,,.". í'l i r , lj, , I'{}i;'\ I'vtf',1,1 l'"Jll 'l ¡ rtl ¡'¡l ii( l:1i",È ";1,1 r\ ìj j' l¡l F: !i e t'. þ: lt{. ; t{' ti¡.\'/ I ( : f'. í{- r Þi Ði ,.'t:¡.¡,.¡1!rí ri! lriIJlir]lì'r !¡j.. ]il i i¡t,A ¡'4r(iti I j( !ill Fi ê { "l' ií'tix"-isc (iía {'tlii tv()tiiil i:'c ¿tf i;iri'i,-'ri:itc. iix) itliäi¡i:' ()i the CiaÈU1rìSt¿ìrì(.:rs ïi'IrJti (iûr';,,!iíiij] lils itìtíiii'¡ri¡i,) ¡;,ì.. r;' .l ui i,-:rc.: !rü,Jüssiìiì ti) ovtT'.'.(:iirc rcsigtÍl!r,Jü v¡irr:rl crllcclti¡¿ì i:Jì ;ri:r,,i .,. wlir-'ll l;l[:¡¡rF r¡ûr't.i:¡l:r ¡il l:t'i:ç uuic'l.ii)n;ì:ii, ríi;:;it-irir':c:l Ðc?ri,i',!¡ iiiir] r:1r:;ilr.l'¡ ,tir.l:t.r ÍÌicir,.i-s ltr ¡:r:insideí v,'h¡ri rlt'{crnitlitl¡t, i.lrc lr¡r¡.;ir:,¡iriili(- Ltr",.-' .ii :i.;ir: inr:hrric lÌel arc not l!rnite([ t(]: j,: É : .,r:..r .\t . .:ir: :iirÌq ii:,rl tictu¡'niili,-: : I lNf lr{}lÊrr-f }:l¡ Þli-;H!ìÍll,ì trlÈj S; l¡l lt V !{'S: ' !¡Àï !t{ }t, {}1,( (i ii i) i ,i.,¡iÌi*rrisulrjett ¡i l',. si?.cdis¡:arily .:lìlcr:r/r;r¡biucl sken¡¡;ih disp*;-rl,v" c')flÌùsrisuf'i:rci:rgerlis¡larity (';. L' ,;Íîrcer's ¡i'Jrcrpti{ln olti'ie sub.jcct's r,¿illi¡g:tuss t(} rcslst ,rfiìcsr's perccption r:t the immrdintc lii¡'ciil k¡ thr sLrbject. ìMt'jihcrs r¡f illc ser';icc ilnd b)/slíli¡dÛr:ì i. ;l i'. ,4íii ,rfi!<:,ur's l:trnjr¡,{ion of th'J subj€rJ beitrg rl:'.lcI' i!r,¡ iniìr:errtc ::lì¡:lul:ul{./n,rrcliic rvåtii:l¡ r'¿ould oll¿rt piun toltrantx ruiri vi,t¡lc'¡ric. ('¡r'..i'jr .r;1,,r¿t¡! ort!y Ti , I '> , f" ,^t ¿-4 i¡ ,tr'Ìi;'t, ltt ir.l'r..J !lù,siro! r;f lr g¡;rti¡-rl trr(r$ùns n'lx: art' üt'Iivtt-l' pl;.y:;italt.v n.:,';istittg, rr to l)rt?vL:;tl inCivitltrtl:; iì'¿¡¡;t P/ty''it:ttlly íniitt'irt¡4 uyi.r.t't'ssioti ,tt,¡ú¡¡1,:lt!;,, o! [',,ru:t ¡cnt..t f],.:r$tt' LIsit. ! (t ì ¡ser a 0, , /^)-.t *u, ;.'¡1/r¡¡;,,1.1. iitt' (-!zø I b / .-r'l .-r '1 l ñ,? 'g t''/ '"4 i'i{.)'t'!,. :rit:;¡rcct':;violcnlhi:;tory,if'lar¡¡wn rrl]ìt:er's lrrc:¡tion is lr hostile otrvironlllcllt .r. ;r:,i¡.¡'. .iir iri)irr()¡1rii.l':tì ".b'iL-{ìi!1'1r urìn¡iislcfli i¡ii¡.;¡q|",r1 irt:(l (ttlìrlr ¡¡g¡¡¡þr-:rS (Ìf 'l¡..." ::r.-, il'1, fii.: l'i rvi'ilt ¡:l:i's';;l::l s,1lctr," il¡ iil: llla:lll\,'iCg f:ir"i'içrìl p:1{rr ii} ;i ) f irr.i,./¡';,,¡',, ! i,i, ¡[ ¡¡1r' .y¡!;jt:t:t's i¡<u:k t-l ¡ttt,t:;ii;lu .'lt'rr;¡j ,,...i:'. l,l,;,;i,.'. i,.i. ,r,,'/i. i;tr', . t:¡x! r,r;'ìtt, i.i ¡iolstl;!r: iir.r'r;/r¿¡r.ultti.'. ¡:l{ ('!''i i i:¿ t¿:t ',.¿.,'.¡.:i..'-¡ ,.t'!:-;li!:t;;t-;;;,,g. ¡;r,¡12¡t.'í"i[ìtt:;Í,J¿r.-¡lllicil,'n;r.',;]i':;,:;;.';-í-.;r,',r':. : .t' i, ,';t, ;i;i;t.:ittri :: t¿.:i¡it't.t t¡ sltn!'l l;.'l:'t :t't, ll¡ '';::'t"'::'i 1!¡ '1'';¡'¡''1" '..''l , :::i',,'.ii',:::!-, !Ìtt'( .:.j) ¡¡;,¡.';j /.i-r'r| i'*'cj.-1:i\"1 fl'ii'.';tt"''t't"''' l.Jl'i; i'fl: j:;'tll:iì!:¿'t ,' , . .;i.¡ 1.,.'. r'.'.,,JIl",. ¡,.r ¡i,-¡1.; il¡i' .:'¡lirr;¿'.f i'l :."';;¡';ii' ",!;,¡!,' ¡t" "';"'1. i;l " '' ,.iii iì1.:t,.' ilt,¡;; ili¡t: 1.ì) slt:t,r!;til ,'lr"i:'; l:, :;"'-',! .jj<'lí;i.',r (r'ii' 'ìi.stit;tt'¿:,' .i.¡ì.,';ti¡','ri''t¡i;!,!r,!r'.fi;;,tt¡rii¡t;t':.t;tti,.:!Li(!í:t".!'a'iii:'i)';¿t,;t¡ 'lti¡'í-'!'i)iu¡i Iii I'iiftIIi {)lù;liR r.Ji.:. ) iil 5oflü PG000686 ,Trj;i'íi (tttt¡îi¡t:¡ il ir rgjr:;i¿¡,.rr.'ir.1 i:,; rttr' tt,, {.'f.i t (¡ii i..tir':¡tii:, ü.r ¡¿1\tt;¡1 ¡" 'll í:(xì\,ti't! ¡'rltttsi:itrü!! tttu! ,n !Å,) .uì>jatt rttuy ftt!l f,'t>tn,ttt lh,: A{.!',rH{)RlzF)¡) ('lil) 17. UNiT.'ÛRMËD MflftBER t)F',t'Ël¡i; SEIìVIClli .t!ttitti,! ì!tt! d¡,rtt,d !y ¿1.¡,,¡! ',^.'h,'¡î C''rn¡lly with 1l if arrrstccÌ ct)ûrmitt"cxj. c. PI,ATO{)N c,)t¡tirtt';lil¡/t'Êrrj¡r.l ttt /hnmmÌtlr hqitiJs üt'e f r(.\L'Itt R-cstrain individull. atltl .sectLrc CED. EfTÞct arrs;t olcrirni¡rirl surj!)cct against rvlìorìt a. ìr It,11'ROL sìrPnRvISolv 'ttr/ìu t Cìornpty f; ( li[) rvas uscd. llriscncr Gtrcral f"rtx'edtutt" commit the orrn"lc or no crinlc tv&s -1, "Rrkase I i0' l Ìxnrìrì rlirl rxl oJ with I'.$.21ó-05, "Men'ta[ly tll Qr lìmotionall.v' Disu¿rbed Per,sr¡rts, " whell appropriate. c()ñlrllÀNr)¡:R 18. Ra¡ueJt Ë;F)nse nreivtxl ír 19. 20. of ¡DNY Ilmt:lgmcy Mslic¡tl Service (EMS), il puron a CIED disciiargc. Any pcrson rvlro lur$ hecn sbuck by a CED dart cx rvhc¡ has h¡xl a (iþ.1) usrxJ on lri¡n or lxr in touch shrn nrode mus'r be ex¿núneqJ at a ntcrlical l'acility. Rsidrr rqrsonÍùlc aid a.s nccuivry. ftrr (4) kl :;rx ló) inches fiom the Cart- tairing int<l accnrnt thc sircun¡st¿uiocs includin¡g the stahrs of the suhjsvt Any rilnt th¡it lu-s ¡xrx*r'attd the skin of un1, ¡¡ç¡vr¡¡ rvill gly be rc¡n<¡ved f}e¿¡li tl¡e IìHD u,irc try tr.mrÌ rpproximrìtÊly & 21 N{}7'I'. . bY nrulicirJ ¡rervx-rncl. S,-rl'i:gruw.l ( lh,l) c'tulrjclÍ:e. (.:lil, vrts tlis<:lvtsgt,tl a¡,l tlu: úns dit! ¡a;t n¡¡rl¿'.ti!)-cortíit(:! wi¡lt iv nilt¡tt:l (t.u...rkin, 'l'ln ¿hn ¿k,thig tk;.). iln: n,ìr¿ c:(.¡¡¡tu¡ft¡¡¡¡ lfu Jo't ttt the wvtilge n¡s.v l¡t' lnnkttt l'l'lt¿nl li ,.t rh lttsh tut^! ru¡l w,ut:h<trtt!. ,,lt u¡t'c:;!i,u,tilii;tt .nt¡vntitr>r n:;ltmlùq.; llie ¿';a ol ù\,: ('í'.1) tirr,y tttlsK OllFl{'8R/ ¡,Å'tr'Rû!. St IPE¡{YISt;'f{i ?2. I l. llt.A?'(){)i\ {l(¡ M ild ¡\ l.ì i} l'. }ìl t't..ruht¿'!¿ti i't'ili¿t i¡n't::til::tíitt.v ¡¡.Ty¡1. Iìc,.¡ti,-'lit tî:ipotìsc tr ¡' ¡tt'u'ç5il'¡;iliit¡¡ r;t:¡lcr.''isor' iiiljl¡i¡.¡is5:;'.::i i:llr..! I.t'-:ttïil tìâril(:; ilr 'ldlj f 'r I'f,'\' ; '( X;' !i{",.'liljI'ií.;¡l'Ìi'{rl{'li Jj'¡,i:í,lí J\{."¡''¿\/l'['V Ûli,Í'i]ii ['rr¡ t Úrììtìlllli¡l I.{)f !il,-r ¡¡¡¡,1ri¡ rlr r¡;l titlr.:. 14. l.n-[l' su?t¡tVistlR rl'ill s¡ili h¿ Å,.i1ìlr,;.tt r,t .)'", ¡r¡ç-¡¡1ïrti'ol f lr¡;:;r.:;r.:t,' i,..; ¡i<l{ it; l:titit".ti itt¡)l:,li,i.¡lr.:r. \f ilii ll¡l:;i.'í¡'.; ¿:i...1.-:(i. li,:r ct Ji)r:¡;iirci i-ii ili,.: ï:jf\,/iili [,,: iir!,1.: íiitl;i,r'¿¡:':.'i;:; ,.;i r.i:i:1¡^;1'5 t;,-,rli'rL':,¡¡iii¡l¡: lìirl:l ('i:[¡ riiill:; oi irltl(:ll íi'ì'ä i,:ùÌiiT ilt-¡.f t¡rii:ll' '.ìl \:i):1'.il.t r:li :;i'-:tt' ,ii( i'i'ii" iíi ,..,,í,ìJl. PGO00687 i ( l.\i{.;},iili .\l ì ¡r{ } Âi \[ l': l) ûF' I l'. fì li-ll'T'l( li, ¡I íiTl-r',1Éln;.ËL Zn '17. i'l-t) i!:ì:{i !ì!'t t i': i:i':iivii:i:ll¡l' å{' l'!þ'! !'"}' f '(X ':' it '¡r hlrll'tlilrliing. fiorrr ( Fil -l tirt'1s trr Phol()griLillì ¡xrint:;,rf'c,.rntiìtt rrll :irrhir:cl {irfirl;ii l;os;;i¡1¡1 sit,:í'iî;l¡t r [l.ccÜrtl ¡]' Ùl ilcr:rr]rl r¡ertiti':tl ;:l i(iiJçl I sturì. i!. 2iì 2ù i-.r¡l:, l:-'r-:¡ì l,htit0s slir)ul..l hc t;rkult iri ;i ll[uìtlt,l i(r l:]iir¡l:illl tltc (e .g.. ¡u ivirc'u. ra,lrt:n ii¡rpnr¡-rriati.t ltl¡:rlrJ \il stttrje.f i lÍt;Ì¡ll. l¡r1\'i!tù nxir:t. ute.). Pr,;pui: Oi\,¡ t,INï'. [JLX]KiN(i sYs'¡'åi:M ,'L:{Í{l!¡;l! w{}RKS}lEF,'l' (ptiz4.¡- t 5{ì} an<l ivl Í.1Ð lt':\t, I'RFl ¡\'Í'iVl þlH'l' ( } ¡; t}lì ãSf}¡,i Plfl (Pl} 244- t 5{, ) itr ¿in'esl s i tr¡¿ltitirtr: [llipt]tì'l' wo!{K5¡l{ìii'f {..'ornpletc .4,II)$ID afqi! {:rf).x}'¡-152h} itt rrot-t- situtìt;ons _ìù. f'rqxrc PII(}FERTY CLþìRK'S INV(XCI', \ry0RKs!{Ð}, I iPt}52 l-14la) ¿t. gartri¿g.c ysed r.'¡ill bc plircc<l i¡t a I'hstic Scctrrily i:i.nvclopc ti-nd t'lelivercd b. Iir¡siurc t¡ clesk cl'lìct;r. irrcludr: ¡rhot<1,¡r¡aphs, lvhctt a¡r¡rlicatrlc. numbsr is tk¡curt;¡'tt,¿xl i¡r pR{}p[{K['Y CL!]RK'S lN\t()¡(lli apprc¡riate l)qxutrtient N0'!'E Dctrts xrrs prt'tlptutxl' shot.ld ltt: tli.rposu! ri í't rt "sluryt:;'' r'ttnlaintr lty of thtt st'r"'it'¡: ,çlx¡ulJ reJt'aitt .fntnt lttnilling t durl tfut! Me¡nbt:rs wil! not hr! r\ücherci! medical pet',toiln(:1. fi lut hus bccn reniovt:dJrttm u s'uhj¿:t:t. INVIiSTI{;A'I'INiI SI.IPI{,RVIS()R 31. 32- (lontlusl ilvestigatiorl rcgír(ling lintcr "Ivf'S CID l.og Nlrrr¡llrcr" ¡utt[ ¡ìatnt: of'per:rotr noti llcd t¡ ' I ì .ì,t trst) ot'ClE[)' Noti ty llire¿n:rs itnr-l 'l'nctics Scclit¡rr: Obtain "f rl'S L:L'l) [.og Nurrrbct" iì. i¡r l'eluPhortc [tcu,¡ rtl. l,Lss l,l,l'fIr\1,/R]lScLiIl frì.Ql.llFMl¡lt¡'l' {:si': RI'lP{)R',l'. ['rt:parc ll.IÌí){)l'1.'f 1vl¡¡r¡ ¡rroitcs iìl'ij \listlìar'¡¡ct! rr-:¡4artllur;s ol wht{hcr ¡lr.-rbcli trtarit: etlr¡[;l':t willt srrlr.iee t' b. l:rttcr "lì'l'll {'i".D [,or: i\untbtr" o¡r lìFlf!(]R'l' [)tlivcrllt,f't)Êl'l'tt'i:r¡t¡rltt¡¡rìtlirtgolìict:r ü. ('l:l) u.r¿rsg l.)e iivcr cr4ris:s 9l' çllri-'t f i:p1r¡s ¡:rr:¡rnt ctl irl {:¡}lìrl('ctinrl rviïlt ¿!. i'r'u¡)at'r: k; ct'nltllatt(litt¡r ol Iì ccr. í'{}lfflvl/'Nt}{N{; { rt;F'¡('titì.r t]{.i'g Y l-5 ì(r. cAyr'.AlN l\ì ;ìli i:'i lrrVcsltsltlilt!1 srtl)1¡ ç¡';11¡ Í.+{i,lt'hr:::,r! ,,vrll¡ rcsrtlts oi'itl','cstiriltti'.'¡i l¡rlrj incluiic i)rcf¿rc a'l'y.5rcri ì¿it\ì rùrilü¡tr.l.r.'t.x!;ttrr)tls (rl.lj., rr:c(ìtìutìç!t(l tlir;c'ilrltttur''y i¡clír¡:. ¡,-'ît l:tiiiltÍ1, ìlrì1 withir guidul incs, t:tc.)wltttt; ('l:l) j:; iil [()ì-icll litl;iì ¡i¡ttric onl\ ii. 'ls¡'rl { \¡rtllUCi i¡i1.,1¡1¡ii1i;-¡rii;lt rr¡lt,:tl tt;'.1r.:i¡',:rJ l;. c. l,rcl:ir)íl irr ¡xrli'-t: r'l-J'ltrill .\t:c¡ilr:¡tîitl r-ii';<:iliil¡t'.' "l :r ('[:] ) l¡:r:; T í:i¡.:tl r,tt f,üí':rt)n. ;',.ti',:lr j'. l-l r'::llllt:iJ i!) i¡!ì ¡ilit!r\r t() iìtì\¡ L,::iJr;';ii¡'-';¡ii. ii'¡ircp;li"tl, :() llli' [rli.l f-l i l"Þl Lfql I ¡ i'$!'. fÌ ¡ !'E.!iì'i ;' (itnlf'lclvri l'ti5'5 i,ril'¡ qi' i.i;rtrl J,l"l' rr{ ê tr,/i{ b.r\j{' i : !:. l)i:;tr¡buic rìrtfrìr's t;f'l'1'gn,ri [.n:'ttc:'i:+itd' t,i!¡r'r: i"l'cÍ'r,i;ut-i ¡rl¡tl ¿:ii;-l'':l:r:(i Í.i;s¡ r [,,'i't.trtI rltlÙíi('[ril r,]QìiìãPli{R:r.i'[' il]:;li i1!i¡'ûR'ì¡' io tll(: ii;Iilr'in!:' lN'il-Fl[l,t lli.ll[i)¡ì "li], ?{) 'i oi .il PG000688 i'1,\'\l "!ì.,irr¡j.ri \ Ij {)ï,'ut{ l'.¡ì/ !) { i s'} (',\ l' ;i ! \i 'i i'irili't¡i'i,ìrr:'rìriiirÇni t i f Iiì{ )l li.ìf'l {. ll.,\i'.ì.Jl_1.5.r (''hict. lntr:r;url r\ íIirir:; l.ju¡c.¡ri b rircrru ('ir ic i' ü'.]nccnic.l (J. {iFIt]t trl *¿{i¿.Þ.ls \.l,t {} l'¡\i.l'lr.S .1¡ sst( "t'¡( )N (lrun¡¡ra¡rrling () fÌì ecr c('nt:,:nrer l lvlaintain a log lclatnbase firr CËD usil¡le. ir4arni;rin cupiu-. of !-äSS Llrl'I'ÍlA[,/ltËi5ct;ËL fl(XiIl]l\'tFìNT US[] ItÐl'ORT'S in a bindcr and inprrt ciata i¡rtcr rl¿¡iaha:;,.:. N4ainiain a database r¡f inl'ormatiuri regar<!irr;¡ l-fSS il,g'¡'iIAL,,/RIiSr.:tÍE 39. ;l(). !,:t(. ('i;nllnlrnililrg ()!ïìcer. fìi;'clrn;r ;ri¡rl 'l ;rrtitl.; j.,,:,,ii,rrr i I)li{ i.d'l' j Lì. { {}t\lrì/.1Èí¡}¡ i\{; [.i t!. iconI ¡;i:l*:iïi EQU IPMfrNT r rSE Rriï'OR?'S. ., Cor:rpile rJata rcgarcli¡tg usù;.¡r',il st'tr:ctivsnLrrìs r)f ('Í:I)s r¡:ccl irl,rnernbcrs of the l)cparfmcnt. Ccx¡pile a Ust of CliD usagc cìn ¿t ¡'itorìthlv irasis ¿ntl firnvar'd t<¡ lhc Chicf' ,13 44 (.oMìvr.4NÐtNc of L)epirrtnrerrt. lncorporate relevûn t i nformation into tactical lrai 45 Rcvierv adcquacy of inverstigrtio¡.rs ¡rnrl :rppnrpriateness of-(iED usage. Ol'ËI(:l,lR, n in g. tN\/lÌs1'ICr\'!'l()N Rh:vt Il\1' SË( l'l'l{)s' .4$t)I'.t't()N.lL D,.tI"4 Rt:t...t t'ttt) t,ß{}('h'l)l!R,lt:.9 lJ' u CED l;a-ç heen seized .fi¡r uwtsligative puïpot-t's, it i.s the re.s¡>onsibility of the invcstigative unil to eû;ure ¿t notiJiuttioß i,ç n¡tde to tht (.'¿tm¡nanriing 0/lir:er, Fireur¡w tuul'factics,ïeclion. Conntu¡rc|:; *hir:h h¿¡'¡: fuul a OL'D,':t:izci.fitr itnu',stigtztit:t,(tur[7o.\¿:.(¡ tt'iit he re,sponsihtefor¡ttritt,i¡tg the (-ll:,1) upon lht: <:on¿:h¡tion of tfu: inr,,,:;tir,.tttiitrt. l'ri;.s'oners llt,t¡uiring l{cdiculi'Pl¡'chiu|'ic'!i'.:ütnen! (P.(.;. ¿ lù-04) llc'lc¡¡.çt: oJ'Prist'ner - Geut:ral proc-edun: (l'.("i. ] I0- I -i) (itnentl I'rocedure ('l).G. 2 I ó-01) t¡¡'I'ltntstionullt, l)i,lut'lre:¡J Ptrs¡t¡l tl'.(;. )ló-t).i.) ltn,rtit:i¡tg I'ropcrl¡, . Generul I'rocedtrc (1t.1.;. 2 1,9-0 I ) lLt:t¡rire<l l:.qui¡tncnt (P.G. l0'l 09) Ca.¡e:; :llt:n!u!!-¡, Ill (-irt iti'f'orce (l',(i, 203-ll) I )! ¡ {)Jdr}f,5 ,.i;\rj} f ,Ir Jjl,¡Ii liT ú il Ì-\, l'h1,.s filtll'tll.'lY ¿r,rt ¡ ! ;o rct' (P. ( i. ] 0.i - I 2 ) l_TÉJi¡t'J h''ir'{}t{.'þ: n;?R.KSitI:.Ít'(t,t}f )ì-í4J,,1) i)r;t) ItÍjÍ,0ü,[. rl.oRxs,l|Et:t. {r,Ð 30,í- I5:.8) í.li;;.T i.l:'l'll.Åt./liliil"'í!l! íÌ{iltIÍ'I'lEfl; ¿/.Tft lIÌl!'0&'¡'/l'Ð.i}l!-i5}) û,\-l ilvi.i" fÌ¿J4txff¿G sy;ç'rÍiÌd .ttÌilttts't ti,'{}iil(^i'ff*&'7 {pí) .15i-lsr}) :rl{)i)i{ '11- I iS'¡i ll'Pilit'i.I ùi, Ftìí,ÇOn-!'.Íl (t'Í) :14-l|e) ,.,I .Å¿; !'í y'Í i'Y Ì..t.ìi ; (ï'ü I ¡ t-t.t.5) í:\"! Il.\'11G.47'(ìR'5 Ð..tll.{ ,'t{'l'!?'Ì'f Y fiLfûfi".{ (?Ðl ìtt-.Ì 5rt¡ ':'_1, ¡t :t i í,. t: rÌ<: rh t u i! I,{ i ¡;.iì3ùi iJ ol {)t{i}[R r¡{}. ,?{} l{) PG000689 ,ì( it(rrrllr:i1i!,. lllrl¡..r i rr.tiije {) :l lil..(:,7. "i)iisiit¡r'ir: l..rlUsu¿l l)ccufrt:ttr-lr"' lìr ¿lliieii(ltri lti; iìtllt 's'* nurv..lubrl 1,,,r:.;t,rrr ¡!pl) .ì ..tlRt¡i Flt'f ,,f", t{}N Íss f_ *clc<l Í,ln vi'i¿i¡ a l lc r'i c: n' Dì ITY (lAP'l A IN". ort page " t to reÍxl: *cotvti\.t¿\NDIN(,i h. of"F I(iItR ()Ít lXlI"Y CÀP'I'¿\lN . "1)[:Fitrli'I'loN". l)rì Pllg,rr íi1r li) rcít(Ì Al)1ì ncw:;uli.livtsi¡n "iÌ", ¡¡rpositt:rclor "('lOI'vlN4ÂNl)lN(i {}i'l;l('lill ()fì lr 'l rtp¡ro:sit.: P¿rlrol (i,¡íc I \* amcnded as l'olkrrvs: '\ (&g$¡r,lUiing-{m¡ccr,-g!ry9¡'¡r!r ä¡}l¡'l'¡$tir-ïL ¡iet$¡r¡. ilCü¡{1l¡cted.,S$eTgy-ÐeviçLlis¡- $'sqf . ttì-cont.:rir¡/rtstreü¡¡ 'krur 219-01, 'Jlr:-¡rcr:tion of'Department Vehicles Ëach Iìy Opt:rrttor" is _.--_.-.." ---' - DUt,STE srrbdivislons'*!1¡&¡gggL!", opposite "NOT'I|" on lì¡rge'"¡1'' lr. Rf,VlSE, crÀrrcnt subtlivisir:rls'! anci k", opp'osite "NO fE", r)n píìÍle ú?" to read: "f ]¡Ild g" c. Iì[:VISþ] t](:w s¡bdivisi<xr '"g", rlppositu "N()1'8". t'r,. tl. |'hrt. {)ft pagc tt2" ltr r':'¿t(l: t-i) li:ul t¡oÍvcg'hon¡¡tu sþi¿:!¿|"' Rl,,vl:5þl slcp,.2" strtrrl¡.;isioll "'1", opp<tsite "vli.l"ll(' ()PF.i{¿\'l'{}11". plt¡,.c "f"' in ;rrkiitirrrr. orl l¿l rt:ltt!: '!-!l::-r-Qt--ttX¡x¡!1y': rtxl t li' ¡ Þrbr,¡!Ë'- L;. W ¡¡ í,lrt¡.ii,! ¿ ¿t t { sþi 4,f " (irrirlc ?lt>05 "f.,!t;ll¡ll,v lll ruuj l-)ntrtitrrutll), []islr¡rll¿rl F't;lw;ils" ¡s r-'¡l:c¡¡dcri irs lirl l<t"vs l{Þ,vlsE_stc¡r .'1s", r,r¡rpt.sitc "coM)v'lAi.iD¡l{c ol''l'i{ll:fì/l)ti"l olì piì!ì,c ai3!'lrr ¡r:titl: & fr!T{:r-Esl!)l'i-}"!lì-fr-!ùlii:i.-U!l.i{;. .C1.1Ì i .Xì!t.ry!-irlta'.J:i-¡j!ü-tr:irk' $r'Ì:ritr äq!y¡j:rqr$!-t;'.irrl¡;¡r:rltt!,r:ì:;:" ri:!--¡g$1d$E \' ('Al'li\[N", i¡ gjiil4'r}qå!j!:ì: il!.rr¡ ¡Fl f 9 l.F.[f i ûiiiii i'] :ïi,i. i(i ol ltl PG000690 -r-, iç.,;, l,: ,,tl:í-,.1': -..:,' : ., :., \..ì1...:.r.-a.i ,i,li,.1 .,¿:i::.1;,tì:l¡ti tr Ji¡ lrf: ;ii:,1¡t1 ¡1;i|r i,jli,"-¡-,'.: .,ir i1,",;;,'.!!\¡.,\,!;.ii.".1:'r'i¡'r:i{; i"¡;l-t/!:'rA-\j1{l'1 I ,:iit] r-:¡-'j¡'../ i l--l,ir,ç.,1,1.:l:": . rì,r ;ìrlr''! ";i'r k.t t''::i'.i: ri ¡lr'¡,rl¡:'t,¿ r !r. !,ir!,lt - {'./¡t ---'- I ,';.r ?: ? -- .:11þ:¡t i:;,:i ;.,,liÏ¡;i:l gtl:.rr¡-it-i:;J:i¡::-.1jji!,,-Í'i*.l:'j!.1i.*¿Ï-Ji¡d'i¿J'fji!ii:-4:i'lii: .iíii!!-l¿:':-'.'.,1; i.i1¡:1:i-1ii¡¿':'-: !"-titJlli!::J!i!l =l'.r:,1::r: -l-idd{Cl3É-r¡ 'l):':J!"'ì''rrfl" jí !¿'!ü':gu'., .";g;':,jt'g ;!iq.i¡ ''J.{.','åt"'r""- -,'¿j È,ji ¡L',Éii-::li:I-{f--i.iii¿t i 1¡¡ r.. ;(= 1,.! ).,. i;¿t ¡. vg-t- Jil- t: t l<t t'3'.J¡ g !; ,¿,-'dl,':tli-:i-' X?! i.,,i!.i:l-t':l,:i::!-þt4t;¿t¡¡--¿}¿{ei-iû'-iC'ifi-Il ;:Utst!--*_¡-¡ts'tti-!;lLt::.,:!!":ts"-!!-Ei2ì'-:i'tr:tt::S!ÐJtsl-Þtsz¿!!!!ud,' l.ry . .il¿y¡!!!l1,t!J!Åp* ilrirÐt't' {t'tì - )?W ) .n'ít{ bt lyst ryli:{,:ltir:,::-d::ll-,-r'@.-:gsüi !lÍz:L!!::!!s*2¡ lrt&i:s-9s!!irryryi¡t--b-!$g!--¡:-e. otC.aiv! ¡¿¡!fyiÅr'!-Et::SJj]!L!tþl-r.1¿:':lr¿r j,':1*<i )!i'¡{ci3i!:g!.t:f l'lttt- &unut¡::ti¡:t: tÌ!'ücgf--li¡-vg¡ilf¿ei'"?Ë--S.{ëSiC--'trdltgn' ¡¡*r,tsl@tlp'.*L::e¿_:ËþUø-É g. h'tlt 1:rilatc -stq!ítÍjrl¡/ ÌîgN'tt!-EPP!rJe-!l!t Effective imrncdr;rtcly, ctllï¡;¡lilul:.; rvìll tliscoritinue using l)r;¡rarkncnt f'orm 'I'Afitl¡t UStl ItE['{rtì't'(pn30.t-ls0) and rhe r¡Oi\-t,Ul'ttÂt, FLll$'f'RAffitNC D&VIC$ / RESCUü EQUI¡'|IIBNT {.rSFl REpOS1T (pD320-t50) arrct r¡slj ¡_'tJ,:fV De¡;:irunet t ii¡nn I,OSS L,lt'fI'Ir\I-,/R.IiìSCUE liQ t Jf PrlIE,N'r US Íl t{. E}'OR', t' iP{}31ü- I5I ). Wlrcrevcr rlic lì¡r-¡¡¡ *'t'ÀSlll¿ ¡tSl.l lt${t*t}fì'[' (PD:ìi]4-¡5{l)" antl thc "NON-¡-,4,T'ÍIAI, 1tlls[.{ìAlNt¡i(; I)t]yt(]Iì / R¡!lij{t{.'[ll ti:(){_t{iri\ã¡,)N'ì¡'{r..t[l [{ürì['iefi.'l'{PÐ3?{l-15$)" ap¡rears i¡r the *LESS ¡'F]'l't¡Al'/RXISCttFl l)dp;iillìc¡í i\¡i;i:'¡ruì t¡r'othii í)c¡'r:iirttlrrt tlit.,:cli','u;, ['a-U!:!-,41:!! it rvith l.,rliJIÍ'Mi1ii'l' I.iSirl Rill'{}R'ì (i}Û-il{i-l 5l}". lù. ('6lrrr.:rsncls rvilì i¡¡riit:rliirrcly rrt¡rrisitisn thc buhlw ljst¿tl fornt tltnruglt tltc Qtttrlol'lìiâster Scc:tiolt nq ll¡e i rl Lrtvi ng itl l,rr¡ ttl¡¡ it rtt: ll. f i) r) II{T}EX NUiVIT}'f,]}I T)¡i.ì:{}- 22t4 B1' t5! I",ÐSS I.. ETÍIA I../RF]S{' I. t,QulPMll¡{'l' ,'. Ð ! Rt,l{ :'i'! { ) }i { }¡i l' ¡ N I'l F( } t. l{ :Í'l {'Oùf il';l l t'-c lr }H ll i)ls'¡ k¡Hir'¡ l{)}ì ¡1li {'onrn¡it¡¡¿1s I1 i u¡ì.ìi\l T'] in c:onflici lì r¡., J [. SO R I']P() RT Arr.v,¡ii-¡r,ilir)¡t.s of tlrr: [)r-:¡¡rrtrrrr::nl Nlrrntlrtl ri¡'¿loY (]ther tìtrpart,nrcnt dirc¡':live ttlc i.'r)rìlt¡ìl'ì ul this tit'tlcr a¡¡: sitslx:nd',(J I ri'illr TrT'1,f1 N{"li\ttìnR {llìüírì }{i. 2i) <¡f I{} PG000691

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