Harrison v. South Bronx Mental Health Cousil Inc.

Filing 14

MEMO ENDORSEMENT adopting 13 Report and Recommendations. ENDORSEMENT: No objections having been filed, and the Court having determined there is no clear error in the Report and Recommendation, the Court adopts the Magistrate Judge's recommend ation. The case is dismissed on the grounds that it has been abandoned, without prejudice. The Clerk of Court is directed to close the case. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1915(a), I find that any appeal from this Order would not be taken in good faith. So ordered. Copies Mailed by Chambers. (Signed by Judge Paul A. Crotty on 2/25/2013) (mro)

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USDC Sf1:-lY Dr!i 1:·r L No ob!ec(ions hav.iog been filed, and the Court having defe nnmed there IS no clear error in the Report and UNITED ' ... \... ... \"' VU I \.I. Recomme ndation, the Court adopts the Mag istrate Judge's SOUTHER N DISTRICT OF NEW YORK recomnlendation . The case is dismissed on the grounds that it­ - - - - --- --- - - - - - ------ - -- - --- --- --- _ }has been abandoned, withoul prejudice. The C lerk orcoull is DATE :-:LED: CHANDRA HA RRISON, Plain tiff, directed 10 close the case. Pursuant to 28 U.S.C 191 5(a), 1 fin d that any appeal fTom this order would not be taken in good faith. So Ordered. Cop ies Mailed By Chambers. 1 1 Civ. 9529 (PA C) (HBP) - aga i nst SO UTH BRONX MEN TAL HEALTH CO UNS I L INC ., REPORT AND RECOMMENDAT ION :12;r/1!V~ ~""' Defendant. -- - -- --- - ---- - --- - - -- ---- ----------x t PITMAN, ,. ,""ISTRICT JUDGE United States Magis trate Jud ge: TO THE HONORABLE PAUL A. CROTTY, United Sta tes District Judge, The 2£Q 23, ~ plai n tif f commence d t his action on December 2012 by fili ng a su mmons and comp la int. A serv ice package was mai l ed to her at the addres s provided wh en she commenced this action on Ja nuar y 24, 201 2. My r evi ew of the f il e in July 2 012 and aga i n i n October 201 2 disc los ed t hat no proof of ser vice of Lhe summo ns and complaint had ev er been fi le d and i t appeared that the su mm ons and complain t had not, Accordingly, in fac t, been served . I issued an Or der to plaintiff on October 1 8 , 2012 dir ec ting that pla i n tiff show cause on or before Decemb e r 17, 20 12 why the action shou ld not be dismi ss ed for fail ur e to ~e rve t he summons and compl ai n t wit hin th e 1 2 0 -d ay t im e li mit es tab ­ - ~ .

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