Ellen Aguiar v. William Natbony, et al
AFFIDAVIT of SIGRID STONE McCAWLEY. Document filed by Ellen Aguiar. (arc) (Additional attachment(s) added on 8/18/2011: # 1 Ex 1, # 2 Ex 2, # 3 Ex 3 Part 1, # 4 Ex 3 Part 2, # 5 Ex 3 Part 3, # 6 Ex 3 Part 4, # 7 Ex 3 Part 5, # 8 Ex 3 Part 6, # 9 Ex 3 part 7, # 10 Ex 4, # 11 Ex 5, # 12 Ex 6, # 13 ex 7) (arc).
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Indeed, up to this point, there has been no desire to use what you once referred to in a previous letter as
"leverage" in arriving at a complete parting of the ways between Guma and myself. Because we are still
family, Billhas refrained from using such leverage.
In light of this letter, I would say that it is now my patience which is wearing thin. Guma has tugged at the
tiger's tail once too often. I have awakened to a new reality. Before I was sentimentally wedded to a
peaceful outcome. Perhaps this was because I harboured a belief that, while it was predictable and
understandable that you'd take your son's side, your filial loyalty would keep you as an honest broker. As
of this past Thanksgiving, you've abandoned that role.
Guma knows me well: My first offer Is always my best. The first offer remains on the table. It is most
generous to him, more so than to anyone else. While his demands to conscript me into his own religious
agenda are rejected, the reasons for such are matters of principle rather than financial. Having said that,
the demands Guma presents are counter-productive... and, as Rabbis Feinstein and Tropper will attest.
they are based on falsehoods.
Nonetheless, Bill has spoken with Paul and confirmed that the offer which has been on the table since the
Summer remains on the table - take it or leave it. (fyou all take it, fine. If you leave it, that too Is fine. One
thing's certain: At this point, I no longer care and, as of today, Bill Is fully aware that he can do whatever
he feels is his fiduciary responsibility without any reference to any prior recommendations on my part.
Enough's enough.
And yes..•love to all...
Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T
From: EllenAg112@aol.com
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2008 21 :17:56 EST
SUbject: Hey Tommy
, have given a lot of thought to our conversation, particularly the segment regarding the
EJF related donations-our big obstacle in resolving anything and it appears our
discrepancy won't go away.
Going to the EJF website, it is undeniable that Rabbis Kook and Feinstein are as
ubiquitous as Leib. It's appears to me that Guma did not make such a random call by
donating to charities affiliated with these men, diversifying the EJF portfolio as it were.
In fact. the only presence that's missed on the website is that of Guma, who J guess was
a major supporter, until given the boot, but now paraphrasing you, should just suck up
7.1 M and consider it storing up treasure in heavenI
This doesn't resonate with me, all things considered. After walking away with 90 % of .
Leof, I would think that any of these issues would be too petty to be taken seriously...
I'd appreciate that follow up call to Leib we discussed, confirming that he doesn't
consider Guma's choice of charities to have been an appropriate one. I imagine it might
surprise these Rabbis to know they don't have THAT much credibility!
I'd like to bring leib and Amy Zolar into the picture to confirm that Guma's actions were
that of an egomaniacal renegade, as opposed to a good steward who has made very
wise and prudent investments in both earthly and spiritual realms and was given the
authority to build up EJF with 15M of related charit~ble allocations, which he did...
Please let me know their findings or perhaps they'd like to speak to me directly:
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It is absolutely in EVERYONE'S best interest to find a peaceful and
honorable resolution, before there's no turning back and the situation takes on a
nightmarish life of it's own. It's so sad that after being so successful together that you
can no longer be in the same roomooon the same team and perhaps ultimately not even
on the same planet.
You commented on how smart you are, but Guma is also a very quick study and you're
right, I as a mother, have always been concerned with protecting my children and
nothing about that has changed. It's ironic that YOU would be making that comment to
But not as ironic that after the creation of such enormous wealth-billions and billions,
that the little family we had in tact would be obliterated by a few million given to
And so Terror Alliance, let's see if there's a last minute epiphany to hold back the
Waiting to know, love to all-Ellen
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