Capitol Records, LLC v. Redigi Inc.

Filing 116

TRANSCRIPT of Proceedings re: CONFERENCE held on 8/9/2013 before Judge Richard J. Sullivan. Court Reporter/Transcriber: Patricia Nilsen, (212) 805-0300. Transcript may be viewed at the court public terminal or purchased through the Court Reporter/Transcriber before the deadline for Release of Transcript Restriction. After that date it may be obtained through PACER. Redaction Request due 9/23/2013. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 10/3/2013. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 12/5/2013.(Rodriguez, Somari)

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1 D89ECAPC 1 2 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK ------------------------------x 3 CAPITOL RECORDS, LLC, 4 Plaintiff, 5 6 v. REDIGI INC., 7 8 12 CV 95(RJS) Defendant. ------------------------------x 9 August 9, 2013 10 10:11 a.m. 11 Before: 12 HON. RICHARD J. SULLIVAN, 13 District Judge 14 APPEARANCES 15 16 17 18 19 COWAN LIEBOWITZ & LATMAN Attorneys for Plaintiff BY: RICHARD MANDEL JONATHAN KING DAVIS SHAPIRO & LEWIT LLP Attorneys for Defendant BY: GARY ADELMAN SARAH MATZ 20 21 22 23 24 25 SOUTHERN DISTRICT REPORTERS, P.C. (212) 805-0300 2 D89ECAPC 1 (In robing room) 2 (Case called) 3 THE COURT: All right. We're here in connection with 4 the plaintiff's contemplated -- well, I guess their 5 contemplated motion to amend. 6 of you on this. 7 8 So I've gotten letters from both And there's a couple of issues. In terms of amending out certain claims, I assume you don't care? 9 MR. ADELMAN: Nope. 10 THE COURT: So that's fine. 11 In terms of the additional song titles, I think we 12 certainly contemplated that. And I think, you know, certainly 13 with respect to reproduction, that that's -- I mean, that's 14 what the whole opinion I wrote was about. 15 all turns on distribution, which is what was allowed for the 16 focus of your letter. 17 MR. ADELMAN: 18 THE COURT: So I don't think it Correct. I just want to be clear. You're talking 19 about adding song titles of recordings that were reproduced 20 into the cloud and then offered for sale? 21 MR. MANDEL: 22 THE COURT: Correct. Not merely ones that may have been 23 reproduced by a Redigi customer who wanted to just use it for 24 storage? 25 MR. MANDEL: Correct. Every one of the recordings was SOUTHERN DISTRICT REPORTERS, P.C. (212) 805-0300 3 D89ECAPC 1 2 offered for sale, according to defendant. THE COURT: So I think that's fair game here. If it 3 was the other, I think there's a fair use. 4 fair use defense. 5 will be if we just store it, I don't think that -- reproduction 6 is probably not appropriate in this case. 7 just said, then I think then I'm inclined to allow it. 8 that is fair game, in light of my opinion. 9 There would be a I don't have a rule on that, but I think it But for what you I think And then the last bit is with respect to amending to 10 name two new defendants, individual defendants. And so let's 11 think about this. 12 individuals in some cases explicitly. 13 reason to believe that these guys could be added, and there 14 could be liability against them. 15 to be additional facts developed, though. 16 to add them is not going to require any additional discovery, 17 then I think I probably will allow it. 18 require additional discovery, then I'm not so sure. I do think that my opinion referenced these 19 MR. MANDEL: 20 THE COURT: 21 MR. MANDEL: So I think that there's I don't know if there needs I mean, if amending But if it's going to We don't -You don't think it will? We don't think so. We think that the 22 evidence we've gotten from the depositions as to their 23 participation, some of which is even referenced in your Honor's 24 summary judgment opinion, is sufficient to establish 25 individual. SOUTHERN DISTRICT REPORTERS, P.C. (212) 805-0300 4 D89ECAPC 1 2 THE COURT: Yes, no question about that. Do you think it's going to need more discovery? 3 MR. ADELMAN: 4 THE COURT: 5 appreciate your candor, then. 6 it. 7 second summary judgment motion with respect to the individuals, 8 right? 9 10 11 12 No, I do not. Okay. Well, that's -- I mean, I Then I think I am going to allow This will, of course, lead to, I'm assuming, an inevitable MR. MANDEL: We could talk about that. I mean, I guess that entitles him to sort of where we'd go from here. THE COURT: Where are we going from here? Let's put on our practical shoes. 13 MR. MANDEL: 14 THE COURT: 15 MR. MANDEL: You know, we'd like to get to trial. Trial on damages? On damages. So, I mean, we'd be prepared 16 to try the issue of their individual liability without doing a 17 separate summary judgment motion because, I mean, I think 18 legally, in terms of the infringement being established, I 19 don't think there's going to be any question under the opinion. 20 So the only issue is going to be -- 21 22 23 THE COURT: You'd be moving basically for a directed verdict after you closed. MR. MANDEL: I think the only defense that could 24 potentially be available is that somehow they don't have enough 25 personal involvement to be individually liable. SOUTHERN DISTRICT REPORTERS, P.C. (212) 805-0300 And, frankly, 5 D89ECAPC 1 I mean, I think we probably are entitled to summary judgment on 2 that, but, you know, to move things along, we could try that I 3 think, you know, at the same time. 4 THE COURT: 5 MR. MANDEL: Is there a dispute on the damages? I think there's a dispute as to the 6 amount, because we're seeking statutory damages and, you know, 7 so I guess -- 8 9 10 11 THE COURT: Well, you're seeking statutory damages, and so that is just a number of song titles and the number of infringing acts, I guess, right? MR. MANDEL: Right. There's the issue of how many, 12 you know, works are involved, and then there's the range of 13 damages that it's in the Court's discretion to award. 14 One of the things I think we've been thinking about -- 15 and, you know, we're reading in Professor Nimmer's treatise 16 that for statutory damages, sometimes these things can be done 17 on affidavits, and it doesn't require as much of a full-blown 18 procedure. 19 paper trial to set the damages is appropriate, because, 20 frankly, I don't think the facts are much in dispute. 21 we've got -- 22 23 24 25 I mean, we'd be open to talking about whether a THE COURT: That's what it seems to me. I think I mean, you'd want to appeal this thing, obviously. MR. ADELMAN: Correct. However, just to address that one thing, our clients definitely want to have their say in SOUTHERN DISTRICT REPORTERS, P.C. (212) 805-0300 6 D89ECAPC 1 court as to damages. 2 saying. It's not as cut and dry as Mr. Mandel is 3 THE COURT: 4 MR. ADELMAN: 5 I'm not assuming it's cut and dry, but -- the -- 6 THE COURT: 7 MR. ADELMAN: 8 9 There are definitely factors involved in Bench trial or jury trial? I would have to discuss that with my client, but I think they wanted a jury trial. MR. MANDEL: But I'll -- I mean, well, it is a bench trial as to 10 Redigi, because there's never been a jury demand. 11 to the individual defendants who were just coming in, I suppose 12 they would have a right to a jury trial, you know. 13 know how that would complicate things. 14 THE COURT: That's interesting. I guess as So I don't That might actually 15 factor into whether you want to -- since he just indicated he 16 thinks probably a jury trial. 17 MR. ADELMAN: I mean, I've never actually had that 18 conversation with the clients because, obviously, we just got 19 the amended complaint. 20 that they were concerned about at the time. 21 THE COURT: It wasn't one of the top level things I mean, look, I think it's just worth 22 thinking about. 23 trial, but it's a trial really about damages, unless you amend 24 and decide to forego summary judgment. 25 I think, you know, it would be an interesting MR. MANDEL: I mean, I guess if they're going to seek SOUTHERN DISTRICT REPORTERS, P.C. (212) 805-0300 7 D89ECAPC 1 a jury trial on the individuals, we probably would want to move 2 for summary judgment on the individual liability. 3 assuming the whole thing was going to be a bench trial because 4 Redigi hadn't sought a jury trial and -- 5 THE COURT: 6 MR. ADELMAN: 7 THE COURT: So that might be worth chatting about. Yes. I think that's a good idea. Obviously it's your client's call, but I 8 think that's worth thinking about. 9 then to amend. 10 I was So I am going to allow you I don't think there's any reason not to. MR. MANDEL: Is the procedure then should we file -- I 11 think we have to make a couple of corrections to the recording 12 list, so can we just do that and then file an amended 13 complaint. 14 THE COURT: 15 When do you want to do it by? 16 MR. MANDEL: 17 MR. KING: 22 23 The only caveat I make is that you had some further information for me about -- 20 21 We can probably do it by the end of next week. 18 19 Let's set a date by which you can do that. MR. ADELMAN: Why don't you give us a little more time. MR. KING: It was logistically a nightmare, weaving through which tracks had been uploaded. 24 THE COURT: 25 MR. KING: How much time? If we get that list, what do you need, two SOUTHERN DISTRICT REPORTERS, P.C. (212) 805-0300 8 D89ECAPC 1 2 weeks? MR. ADELMAN: In all candor, so my client is actively 3 seeking an answer to some of the questions that the plaintiff 4 has asked. 5 them to give him another week. 6 after that. And he actually e-mailed me last night and asked 7 MR. MANDEL: 8 THE COURT: 9 this, then: So I think that maybe a week Could we maybe say the end of August? End of August is fine. Why don't we do You're going to file your amended complaint by the 10 end of August. 11 which you folks send me a joint letter telling me how you want 12 to proceed on jury versus bench, whether there's going to be 13 motions for summary judgment. 14 think, right? 15 And then can I give you a date in September by Those are really the issues I Anything else? MR. MANDEL: I guess the only other issue would be if 16 there is some openness to doing a sort of paper trial instead 17 of a full-blown -- 18 THE COURT: A bench trial would be -- I think my rules 19 for a bench trial are generally more of a paper trial, where I 20 don't do directs. The directs would be on the affidavits. 21 MR. MANDEL: 22 THE COURT: 23 Okay. Stipulate to all the exhibits you want, and so that would be much faster. 24 MR. MANDEL: 25 THE COURT: And then there's just cross-examination. Cross-examination for -- if you want it. SOUTHERN DISTRICT REPORTERS, P.C. (212) 805-0300 9 D89ECAPC 1 2 You don't have to do it. What I generally require is identifying your witnesses 3 that you intend to rely on. Put in your cases in chief. And 4 then the other side looks at that list and says, okay, I'm 5 going to want to cross him, him and him. 6 case that, you know, there might be 12 witnesses that I'm going 7 to hear from on affidavits, but only three crosses, because 8 most of the declarations are not really contested. 9 would be more efficient. And often it is the Not as fun, frankly. So that Juries are fun, 10 but more work for me, because I have to write. 11 at this stage it probably makes more sense that you're seeking 12 statutory damages. 13 In any event, your call. But, you know, Just let me know, then. If 14 I then ask you to get back to me by September 15th, two weeks 15 after the complaint -- 16 THE LAW CLERK: 17 THE COURT: That's a Sunday. 16th. It's great that she's got amazing 18 knowledge of the calendar. 19 MR. KING: And that's for -- 20 THE COURT: Christmas, 2016? 21 THE LAW CLERK: 22 MR. KING: Friday. So you want us to propose a procedure for 23 how we take care of all this? 24 THE COURT: 25 Just tell me how you want to do it. think it will make it easier at that stage. I Depending on what SOUTHERN DISTRICT REPORTERS, P.C. (212) 805-0300 10 D89ECAPC 1 you tell me, then I'll issue an order that sets a schedule. 2 Tell me how long you think the trial will be, and that will 3 turn on what kind of a trial. 4 dates, though I'll tell you, I have a very jam-packed fall. 5 I'd love to get this done before the end of the year. 6 hunch is that some of the trials that I've got scheduled will 7 go away, but at least for now everybody is insisting that 8 they're going. 9 and there. 10 And you might want to propose And my So I only have probably a few open days here So let me know what dates you would propose. I'll see 11 how that jives with my schedule, then I'll issue an order 12 setting a date and setting dates for submissions. 13 MR. MANDEL: 14 THE COURT: 15 That sounds good. So the 16th for that letter, and August 31st. 16 THE LAW CLERK: 17 THE COURT: 18 So August 30th, then you'll file the complaint. 19 So right. Saturday. It's a Saturday. She's like Rain Man. All So that sounds like a plan. 20 Anything else we should talk about today? 21 MR. MANDEL: 22 THE COURT: I don't think so. No? 23 to see you. 24 it. 25 intriguing set of issues. All right. Great. I did certainly enjoy this case. Well, it is good I have enjoyed The lawyering has been very good, and it's certainly an SOUTHERN DISTRICT REPORTERS, P.C. (212) 805-0300 11 D89ECAPC 1 Good to see you. Enjoy the rest of the summer. Let 2 me thank the court reporter, as always. 3 copy of the transcript, you can take that up with her now. 4 guess we have a little bit of time. 5 If anybody needs a (Adjourned) 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 SOUTHERN DISTRICT REPORTERS, P.C. (212) 805-0300 I

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