Sun v. New York City Police Department et al

Filing 138

AMENDED ORDER OF SERVICE: On January 5, 2021, the Court docketed an Order at ECF No. 137, incorrectly indicating that the pro se Plaintiff was proceeding in forma pauperis. That was an error. Accordingly, the Order at ECF No. 137 is Amended by this Order, and the Plaintiff is directed to comply with the Service directives of this Order. Plaintiff, who is proceeding pro se, paid the filing fees to commence this action. The Clerk of Court is directed to issue summonses as to the n ewly named Defendants. Plaintiff is directed to serve the summons and complaint on each Defendant within 90 days of the issuance of the summonses. If within those 90 days, Plaintiff has not either served Defendants or requested an extension of time to do so, the Court may dismiss the claims against Defendants under Rules 4 and 41 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure for failure to prosecute. Corporation Counsel must comply with the Valentin Order by February 5, 2021, and no further exten sions will be granted. The Plaintiff may Amend her Complaint no later than March 8, 2021. Respectfully, the Clerk of Court is directed to add the newly named Defendants, Officer Edwin Lau (Shield No. 6902), Officer Michael Mendez (Shield No. 7126), Officer Andrew Plaza (Shield No. 20827), and Officer Karanveer Balagad (Shield No. 15738) to the case caption. Additionally, the Clerk of Court is directed to issue summonses as to the newly named Defendants, and to mail a copy of this order to Plaintiff, together with an information package. (Signed by Magistrate Judge Sarah Netburn on 1/6/2021) (ras) Transmission to Docket Assistant Clerk for processing. Transmission to Pro Se Assistants for processing.

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Case 1:18-cv-11002-LTS-SN Document 138 Filed 01/06/21 Page 1 of 4 U NI T E D S T A T E S DI S T RI C T C O U R T S O U T H E R N DI S T RI C T O F N E W Y O R K YI S U N , Jan. 6, 2021 J a n. 6, 2 0 2 1 Pl ai ntiff, 1 8- C V - 1 1 0 0 2 (L T S ) ( S N) - a g ai nst- A M E N D E D O R D E R O F S E R VI C E N E W Y O R K CI T Y P O LI C E D E P A R T M E N T , et al. D ef e n d a nts. O n J a n u ar y 5, 2 0 2 1, t h e C o urt d o c k et e d a n Or d er at E C F N o. 1 3 7, i n c orr e ctl y i n di c ati n g t h at t h e pr o s e Pl ai ntiff w as pr o c e e di n g i n f or m a p a u peris . T h at w as a n err or. A c c or di n gl y, t h e Or d er at E C F N o. 1 3 7 is A m e n d e d b y t his Or d er, a n d t h e Pl ai ntiff is dir e ct e d t o c o m pl y wit h t h e S er vi c e dir e cti v es of t his Or d er . A. N e wl y Id e ntifi e d D ef e n d a nts O n A u g ust 6, 2 0 2 0, t h e H o n or a bl e L a ur a T. S w ai n e nt er e d a n Or d er & O pi ni o n w hi c h dir e ct e d N e w Yor k Cit y’s C or p or ati o n C o u ns el ( “ C or p or ati o n C o u ns el ”) t o pr o vi d e t h e Pl ai ntiff wit h t h e i d e ntiti es of t h e N Y P D D o e Offi c ers w h o s h e all e g e d c o nfr o nt e d h er at h er h o m e o n J a n u ar y 2 0, 2 0 1 9. E C F N o. 1 0 8 ( “ Val e nti n Or d er ”). T h e C o urt h as si n c e gr a nt e d s e v er al e xt e nsi o ns t o C or p or ati o n C o u ns el t o c o m pl y wit h t h e Val e nti n Or d er. S e e E C F N os. 1 1 9, 1 2 0, 1 3 3, 1 3 4. O n J a n u ar y 4, 2 0 2 1, C or p or ati o n C o u ns el pr o vi d e d t h e C o urt wi t h f o ur of t h e ei g ht offi c ers’ i d e ntiti es, a n d r e q u est e d a f urt h er 3 0 - d a y e xt e nsi o n i n w hi c h t o d et er mi n e w h et h er r e c or ds e xist r e g ar di n g t h e r e m ai ni n g f o ur offi c ers all e g e d t o h a v e c o nfr o nt e d t h e Pl ai ntiff at h er h o m e. S e e E C F N o. 1 3 6. A c c or di n gl y, i n t h e i nt er est of j u di ci al effi ci e n c y, t h e Cl er k of C o urt is dir e ct e d t o a m e n d t h e c a pti o n t o a d d t h e f o ur pr e vi o usl y u n n a m e d D ef e n d a nts wit h t h e n a m es of t h e offi c ers 1 Case 1:18-cv-11002-LTS-SN Document 138 Filed 01/06/21 Page 2 of 4 provided by Corporation Counsel. 1 See Fed. R. Civ. P. 21 (“[T]he court may at any time, on just terms, add . . . a party.”). Corporation Counsel may have an additional 30 days to comply with the Valentin Order. Any additional John Doe officers must be identified by February 5, 2021, and no further extensions will be granted. In addition, the Plaintiff may amend her Complaint until March 8, 2021. B. Service on Newly Named Defendants Plaintiff, who is proceeding pro se, paid the filing fees to commence this action. The Clerk of Court is directed to issue summonses as to the newly named Defendants. Plaintiff is directed to serve the summons and complaint on each Defendant within 90 days of the issuance of the summonses. If within those 90 days, Plaintiff has not either served Defendants or requested an extension of time to do so, the Court may dismiss the claims against Defendants under Rules 4 and 41 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure for failure to prosecute. CONCLUSION Corporation Counsel must comply with the Valentin Order by February 5, 2021, and no further extensions will be granted. The Plaintiff may Amend her Complaint no later than March 8, 2021. Respectfully, the Clerk of Court is directed to add the newly named Defendants, Officer Edwin Lau (Shield No. 6902), Officer Michael Mendez (Shield No. 7126), Officer Andrew Plaza (Shield No. 20827), and Officer Karanveer Balagad (Shield No. 15738) to the case caption. Additionally, the Clerk of Court is directed to issue summonses as to the newly named 1. Because the Plaintiff did not specify which John Doe Defendants were alleged to have committed any specific acts, the Clerk of Court is directed to add the new names, rather than replace the existing John Doe Defendants. It is possible that at a later date the Plaintiff will need to Amend the Complaint to assert which Officer was responsible for each specific allegation. 2 Case 1:18-cv-11002-LTS-SN Document 138 Filed 01/06/21 Page 3 of 4 Defendants, and to mail a copy of this order to Plaintiff, together with an information package. SO ORDERED. Dated: January 6, 2021 New York, New York 3 Case 1:18-cv-11002-LTS-SN Document 138 Filed 01/06/21 Page 4 of 4 DEFENDANTS AND SERVICE ADDRESSES Officer Edwin Lau (Shield No. 6902) New York City Police Department 25th Precinct 120 E. 119th Street New York, NY 10035 Officer Michael Mendez (Shield No. 7126) New York City Police Department 25th Precinct 120 E. 119th Street New York, NY 10035 Officer Andrew Plaza (Shield No. 20827) New York City Police Department 42nd Precinct 830 Washington Ave. Bronx, NY 10451 Karanveer Balagad (Shield No. 15738) New York City Police Department 25th Precinct 120 E. 119th Street New York, NY 10035 4

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