Cengage Learning, Inc. et al v. Does 1 - 50 et al

Filing 36

DEFAULT JUDGMENT PERMANENT INJUNCTION, AND POST-JUDGMENT RELIEF ORDER. IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, in accordance with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65 and the Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 502(a), that Defendants, their officers, agents, servants, employees, and attorneys, and all those in active concert or participation with any of them, who receive actual notice of this Permanent Injunction, are enjoined from directly or indirectly infringing any copyrighted work owned or exclusively cont rolled by any of the Plaintiffs, or any parent, subsidiary, or affiliate of Plaintiffs Cengage, McGraw Hill, and Pearson, or the immediate parent company of Plaintiff Macmillan Learning ("Plaintiffs' Copyrighted Works"). Without li miting the foregoing, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Defendants, their officers, agents, servants, employees, and attorneys, and all those in active concert or participation with any of them, who receive actual notice of this Order, are permanently en joined from engaging in any of the following acts as further set forth in this Judgment. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 504(c). Plaintiffs ' request for statutory damages under the Copyright Act is granted. Plaintiffs are awarded statutory damages in the amount of $150,000 per Authentic Work, for a total of $30,000,000.00, as detailed in Appendix B hereto, for which Defendants are jointly and severally liable. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, pursuant to t he Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 502 (a), Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65(d), and/or this Court's inherent equitable powers and its power to coerce compliance with its lawful orders, within twenty-one (21) business days following actual notice of this Order, the registries and/or the individual registrars of the domain names of all active Libgen Sites, as listed in Appendix C hereto, shall transfer such domain names to Plaintiffs' ownership and control, including by changing the registrar of record to the registrar of Plaintiffs ' choosing, or otherwise implement technical measures, such as holding, suspending, or canceling the domain names, to ensure the domain names cannot be used by Defendants to infringe Plai ntiffs' Copyrighted Works or otherwise used to operate Libgen and infringe Plaintiffs' Copyrighted Works. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Defendants shall deliver to Plaintiffs for destruction all electronic copies of Plaintiffs ' copyrig hted works, including but not limited to the Authentic Works, or derivative works thereof, that Defendants have in their possession, custody, or control, and all devices by means of which such copies have been created, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 503. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Court shall retain jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this litigation for the purpose of interpretation and enforcement of this Permanent Injunction. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Clerk of Court is directed to enter final judgment in favor of Plaintiffs against Defendants, jointly and severally, in the amount of $30,000,000.00, plus post-judgment interest calculated at the rate set forth in 28 U.S.C. § 1961. It is SO ORD ERED., Motions terminated: 26 MOTION for Entry of Default as to Does 1-50 . filed by Cengage Learning, Inc., Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishing Group, LLC d/b/a Macmillan Learning, McGraw Hill LLC, Pearson Education, Inc.. (Signed by Judge Colleen McMahon on 9/24/24) (yv) (Additional attachment(s) added on 9/25/2024: # 1 default) (mde).

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--, UNITED STA TES DISTRICT COURTnc 3D3 FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF :W-Y A DOCTJ ELECTRONIC CENGAGE LEARNING , INC. , BEDFORD, FREEMAN & WORTH PUBLI SHING GROUP, LLC d/b/a MACMILLAN LEARN ING, MCG RAW HILL LLC, and PEARSON EDUCATION, INC. , LY FILED DOC#:----:-+--,---~ ! 'li\TB FILED: Civil Action No. 23-cv-08136-CM Plaintiffs, V. ] DEFAULT JUDGMENT, DOES 1 - 50 d/b/a Library Genesis, bookwarrior, PERMANENT INJUNCTION, AND cdn l .booksdl.org, jlibgen.tk, libgen.ee, libgen.fun. POST-JUDGMENT RELIEF ORDER libgen.gs, libgen.i s, libgen.Ic, libgen. li , libgen .pm, libgen .rocks, libge n.rs, libgen .space, libgen.st, libgen.su, library.lo!, and llhlf.com, Defendants. Plainti ffs Cengage Learning, Inc. , Bedford, Freeman & Worth Publishing Group, LLC d/b/a Macmi llan Learning, McGraw Hill LLC, and Pearson Education, Inc . (collectively, "Plaintiffs") have moved for entry of a default judgment, permanent injunction , and postjudgment re lief order ("Motion") agai nst defendants Does I - 50 d/b/a Library Genesis, bookwarrior cdn 1.booksdl.org, jli bge n.tk, libgen.ee, libgen .fun , libgen.gs, libgen .is, libgen .lc, libgen.li, libgen.pm, libgen .rocks libgen.rs, libgen.space, libgen.st, libgen.su, library.lo!, and llhlf.com , who are further identified through the additional domains and contact information set forth in Appendix A hereto (collectively, " Defendants") . Plaintiffs so move the Court on the basis that Defendants, with no license or authorization, are unlawfully reproducing and distributing di gital copies of Plaintiffs' copyrighted works on a massive scale in willful violation of the Copyright Act of 1976. Plai ntiffs initiated this action on September 14, 2023. Comp!. (ECF No. I). On October 9, 2023, Plain tiffs filed a Motion to Serve Defendants by Email (ECF No. 12), which the Court granted on Octo ber I 0, 2023. Oct. I 0, 2023 Memo Endorsement (ECF No. 17) ("'Alternative Service Order"). Pursuant to the Alternative Service Order, on October 17, 2023, Plaintiffs served Defendants with the Complaint and Summons. Oct. 23 , 2023 Deel. of Service of Process (ECF No. 20) . No Defendant has filed an Answer or otherwise responded to the Complaint. Accordingly, on November 21, 2023. Plaintiffs sought, and the Clerk of Court issued , a Certificate of Default as to all Defendants (ECF No. 23) . On March I, 2024, pursuant to the Alternative Service Order and this Court's Individual Practices and Procedures V.E, Plaintiffs served Defendants with the Motion and supporting papers and the required notice statement. Defendants did not oppose or otherwise respond to the Motion . Having reviewed the Com plain t, Plaintiffs' tilings in support of the Motion, and the entire record herein, the Court makes the following findings of fact and conclusions of law: Plaintiffs are leading educational publishers in the United States that create and publish works that advance learning. Plaintiffs develop educational content; market, distribute, and sell that content to students; and market and di stribute that content to instructors. Plaintiffs ' textbooks are widely available for sale, including from Plaintiffs ' direct sales channels, such as their own websites, and from authorized third-party distributors and physical and online bookstores. Defendants own, control, and/or operate a group of websites known as " Library Genesis," or "Libgen" fo r short. Libgen is a so-called "shadow library," which enables users to unlawfull y download, for free, a wide array of copyrighted content. Libgen operates at multiple domain names, which change from ti me-to-time (the " Libgen Sites" or '•Sites"). Plaintiffs provided a list of currently known Libgen Sites, which is included in Appendix A. In another case in this District, the court found Libgen and its ano nymous operators liable for willful copyright infringement and entered a default judgment and permanent injunction against them. See Elsevier Inc. v. Sci-Hub, 2 No. 15-CY-4282 (RWS), 2017 WL 3868800 (S.D.N.Y. June 21, 2017). Additionally, Courts in several European countries have ordered internet service providers to block access to Libgen. Plaintiffs own or are the exclusive licensees to the copyrights in their respective works described in Appendix B hereto ("A uthentic Works"). In total , Appendix B identifies two hundred separate Authentic Works, which are protected by U.S. Copyright Office registrations. Appendix B is a non-exc lusive, representative list of Plaintiffs ' copyrighted works that Defendants have infringed. The Libgen Sites list in their collection many additional works published by Plaintiffs beyond the Authentic Works. Plaintiffs have not granted Defendants any license or authorization to reproduce, distribute, or otherw ise exploit their works. The Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendants under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 4(k)(2). Plainti ffs have shown that Defendants operate the Libgen Sites from unknown abroad locations; the Sites target and are continuously accessible to users in the United States; a significant percentage of Site users are located in the United States; on the Sites, users can download the works of many U.S. copyright holders, including Plaintiffs; Plaintiffs downloaded unauthorized copies of the Authentic Works from the Sites from IP addresses in the United States, including an IP address in New York; in operating the Sites, Defendants rely on service providers, including U.S. compan ies that have reg istered certain Libgen Site domain names and serve as Interplanetary File Sharing ("IPFS") gateway companies that facilitate downloads from Libgen Sites; several of the Sites purport to identify a copyright agent under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act; and Defendants derive revenue from interstate or international commerce, including through advertisements and donation solicitations. Alternatively, the Court has personal jurisdiction over Defendants pursuant to N. Y. C.P.L. R. § 302(a)( I). Plaintiffs have shown that Defendants transact business and/or contract to suppl y goods in New York, including distributing infringing works to 3 Plaintiffs and others in New York via the Sites, and Plaintiffs' claims arise from those activities. Defendants have been properly served in this action with the Complaint and Summons pursuant to the Alternative Service Order. Defenda nts have willfully infringed Plaintiffs' copyrights in the Authentic Works in connection with their knowing reproduction and distribution of unauthorized electronic copies thereof. Defen dants are liable for willful copyright infringement under 17 U.S.C. §§ 501, 504(c)(2). Plainti ffs have been irreparably harmed as a result of Defendants ' unlawful conduct and will continue to be irreparably harmed shou ld Defendants be allowed to continue operating the Libgen Sites. The balance of hardships and public interest weighs in favor of a permanent injunction, including because Defendants wi ll not be harmed by being prevented from engaging in infringement, and the pub lic has an interest in protecting the integrity of copyright holders ' copyrights. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED, in accordance with Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 65 and the Copyright Act, 17 U.S.C. § 502(a), that Defendants, their officers, agents, servants, employees, and attorneys, and all those in active concert or participation with any of them , who rece ive actual notice of this Permanent Injunction, are enjoined from directl y or indirectly infringing any copyrighted work owned or exclusively controlled by any of the Plaintiffs, or any parent, subsidiary, or affiliate of Plaintiffs Cengage, McGraw Hill, and Pearson, or the immediate parent company of Plaintiff Macmillan Learning ("Plaintiffs' Copyrighted Works"). Without limiting the foregoing, IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Defendants, their 4 officers, agents, servants, employees, and attorneys, and all those in active concert or participation with any of them, who receive actual notice of this Order, are permanently enjoined from engaging in any of the following acts: Copying, reproducing, manufacturing, importing, downloading, uploading, transmitting, distributing, displaying, selling, offering for sale, advertising, marketing, promoting, or otherwise exploiting any of Plaintiffs ' Copyrighted Works or enabling, facilitating, permitting, assisting, soliciting, encouraging, or inducing others to engage in such activities; Using, hosting, operating, maintaining, registering, or providing any computer server, website, domain name, domain name server, cloud storage service, e-commerce platform, online advertising service, social media platform , proxy service (including reverse and forwarding proxies), website optimization service (includ ing website traffic management) , caching service, content delivery network, IPFS or other file sharing network, or donation, payment processing, or other financial service to in fringe or to enable, facilitate. permit, assist. solicit, encourage, induce, participate with, or act in in concert with the infringement of Plaintiffs' Copyrighted Works ; Transferring ownership or contro l of the domain names associated with the Libgen Sites other than as set forth herein ; and Displaying or providing links, browser extensions, or other tools used to provide direct access to the Libgen Sites or Plaintiffs ' Copyrighted Works on the Libgen Sites. IT IS FU RTH ER ORDERED that, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 504(c). Plaintiffs· request for statutory damages under the Copyright Act is granted. Plaintiffs are awarded statutory damages in the amount of $ I 50,000 per Authentic Work, for a total of $30,000,000.00, as detailed in Appendix B hereto, for which Defendants are jointly and severally liable. IT IS FU RTHER ORDERED that, pursuant to the Copyright Act. 17 U.S.C. § 502(a), 5 Federal Rule of Civil Proced ure 65(d), and/or this Court's inherent equitable powers and its power to coerce compliance with its lawfu l orders, within twenty-one (21) business days following actual notice of this Order, the regi stries and/or the individual registrars of the domain names of all active Libgen Sites, as listed in Append ix C hereto, shall transfer such domain names to Plaintiffs ' ownership and control , incl ud ing by changing the registrar of record to the registrar of Plaintiffs ' choosing, or otherwise implement technical measures, such as holding, suspending, or canceling the domain names, to ensure the domain names cannot be used by Defendants to infringe Plaintiffs' Copyrighted Works or otherwise used to operate Libgen and infringe Plaintiffs ' Copyrighted Works. Shou ld Plaintiffs identi fy any additional Libgen Sites registered to or operated by an y Defendant and used in conj unction with the infringement of Plaintiffs ' Copyrighted Works, the registries and/or the individua l reg istrars of such domain names shall further have the authority pursuant to th is Order to transfer such additional domain names to Plaintiffs ' ownersh ip and control or otherwise implem ent technical measures to ensure the domain names cannot be used by Defendants or to operate Libgen as described immediately above. IT IS FU RTHER ORD ERED that Defendants shall deliver to Plaintiffs for destruction all electronic cop ies of Plainti ffs ' copyrighted works, including but not limited to the Authentic Works, or deri vative works thereof, that Defendants have in their possession, custody, or control, and all devices by means of whic h such copies have been created, pursuant to 17 U.S.C. § 503 . IT IS FU RTHER ORD ERED that this Court shall retain jurisdiction over the parties and the subject matter of this litigation fo r the purpose of interpretation and enforcement of this Permanent Inj unction. IT IS FU RTHER ORD ERED that the Clerk of Court is directed to enter final judgment in favor of Plaintiffs against Defendants, jointly and severally, in the amount of $30,000,000.00, plus 6 .. post-judgment interest calcu lated at the rate set forth in 28 U.S.C. § 1961. on. Colleen McMahon UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE 7 Case 1:23-cv-08136-CM Document 34-1 Filed 03/01/24 Page 1 of 2 APPENDIX A Cengage Learning, Inc. el al. v. Does 1-50 dlb/a Libra,y Genesis et al., S. D.N .Y. Case No. 23 -cv-08136-CM Case 1:23-cv-08136-CM Document 34-1 Appendix A Libgen Site(s) libgen.is lib gen.rs libgen.su libgen .st jlibgen.tk library.lo! li bgen.re (new domain) Filed 03/01/24 Page 2 of 2 Email Address https ://sarek.ft/co ntact/Iibgen. is/reg is tran t vlaimir@mail.ru https ://sarek. ft/contact/lib gen. st/reg is tr ant https ://tieredaccess .com/contact/c92 b96 88 -d38a-4508-835a-1a40142bb777 https://porkbun.com/whois/contact/registr ant/llh If.com cdn l .booksdl.org llhlf.com libgen.ee libgen.rocks libgen.space lib gen.gs libgen.li libgen.lc libgen.pm libgen.vg (new domain) libgen.click (new domain) https ://rwhois. internet.ee/contact_requests/ new?domain_name=libgen.ee&locale=en https ://tiered access .corn/contact/7b899793 -c2d9-4 79c-89b6-e03 844 717043 09d55b0b65744bdf9d09dabb08c22a2f.pr otect(Cl!withheldforprivacy .com ianzlib@protonmail.com ianzlib@protonmail.com https://sarek.fi/contact/libgen.pm/registrant https ://who is .n ic. vg/contact/libgen. vg/regi strant https://tieredaccess.com/contact/c804af342bda-4925-9d3 l-eb8e I 256ee78 libgen.fun 2b67ebed9ffl 4b2da8b 124baf5 l 29faa.prot ect(a),withheld forprivacy .com Cengage Learning, Inc. et al. v. Does 1-50 d/bla Library Genesis et al. (S.D.N .Y .) Case No. 23-cv-08136-CM Case 1:23-cv-08136-CM Document 34-2 Filed 03/01/24 Page 1 of 8 Appendix B Title I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Author Copyright Re,,istration Number Copyright Dama~es Publisher A First Course in Differential Equations with Modelin g Applications, I le Dennis Zi ll TX0008369445 Cengage $ 150,000 .00 A Guide to Crisis Intervention , 6e Kristi Kane! TX000876463 I Cengage $ 150,000 .00 America's Couns and the Criminal Justice System, I 3e Neubauer; Fradella TX00085773 I 5 Cengage $ 150,000 .00 Business Analytics: Data Analysis & Decision Making, 7e Albright ; Winston TX0008793287 Cengage $ 150 ,000 .00 Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases, I 2e O .C. Ferrell TX000890 1888 Cengage $ 150,000 .00 C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design , 8e D.S. Mali k TX0008565086 Cengage $ 150,000.00 Calculus, I I e Larson ; Edwards TX0008373820 Cengage $ 150 ,000 .00 Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 9e Stewan ; Clegg; Watson ; Redlin TX0008935 I 53 Cengage $ 150,000 00 Chemistry, I Oe Zumdahl : Zumdahl ; DeCoste TX0008587507 Cengage $ 150,000.00 Cogn iti ve Psychology Connecting Mind, Research , and Everyday Experience, 5e E Bruce Goldstein TX0008655367 Cengage $ 150,000 .00 Communicati on Between Cultures Samovar: Porter TX0008224775 Cengage $ 150 ,000 .00 Contemporary Mathematics for Business & Consumers, 9e Roben Brechner TX0008796011 Cengage $ 150 ,000 .00 Contemporary World History, 7e William J. Duiker TX00089628 I 8 Cengage $ 150 ,000 .00 Database Systems: Design, Implementation , & Management , IJe Coronel: Morris TX0008584508 Cengage $ 150,000.00 Death & Dying, Life & Living, Se Charles A. Corr TX0008766737 Cengage $ 150,000.00 Discrete Mathematics with Applications, 5e Susanna S. Epp TX0008724377 Cengage $ 150,000 .00 Eco11omics, l3e Roger Arnold TX0008555 I 03 Cengage $ 150 ,000 .00 Essential s of Criminal Justice, 11 e Siegel: Worrnll TX0008598803 Cengage $ 150,000 .00 Essential s of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences, I Oe Gravener: Wallnau; Forzano TX0008950890 Cengage $ 150,000 .00 Financial Management : Theory and Practice, I 6e Eugene Brigham TX0008899053 Cengage $ 150,000 .00 Foundations of Business, 6e Pride : Hughes; Kapoor TX00085 7 1561 Cengage $ 150,000.00 Fundamentals of Fi nancial Management, Concise Edi tion . IOe Eugene Brigham TX0008899057 Cengage $ 150,000 .00 GOVT IO · Principles of American Government , I Oe Edward Sidlow TX000876 7 188 Cengage $ 150,000 .00 Introduction to Comparative Politics: Politica l Chall enges and Changing Agendas, Se Mark Kesselman: Joel Krieger; William /\. Joseph TX0008764883 Cengage $ 150,000 .00 Introduction to Health Care, 5e Lee Haroun TX0008935 I 70 Cengage $ 150,000 .00 Introducti on to Statistics and Data Analysis, 6e Roxy Peck TX0008768439 Cengage $ 150 ,000.00 ( ·engage /,earning. Inc. et al. v. Doe., / -50 d ha J.,hrmy Genesis et al. (S .D.N. Y.) Case No. 23-cv-081 36-CM Case 1:23-cv-08136-CM Document 34-2 Filed 03/01/24 Page 2 of 8 Appendix B Tille 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 Author Copyright RC11:istration Number Copyright Damal'es Publisher Introductory Chemistry: An Active Leaming Approach, 7e Mark Cracolice TX0008935 I 59 Cengage $ 150 ,000.00 Introductory Econometrics: A Modem Approach, 7e Jeffrey M. Wooldridge TX00087 I 4557 Cengage $ 150,000.00 Life1ime Physical Fitness and Wellness, I 5e Werner H oeger TX000890 1959 Cengage $ 150,000.00 Managerial Accounting, I 5e Carl Warren TX0008709294 Cengage $ 150,000 .00 Marketing, 20e Pride; Ferrell TX000877900 I Ccngage $ 150,000 .00 Medium/ Heavy Duty Truck Engines, Fuel & Computerized Management Systems, 6e Sean Bennett TX0008968368 Cengage $ 150,000 .00 MGMT, I le Chuck Williams TX000876349 I Cengage $ 150,000.00 Network • Guide to Networks, 8e West. Andrews, Dean TX00086040 I I Cengage $ I 50,000 .00 New Perspectives Microsoft Office 365 & Office 201 9 Introductory, I e Patrick Carey TX0008792844 Cengage $ 150,000 .00 Nutrition for Health and Health Care, 7e Linda Ke ll y DeBruyne TX0008779450 Cengagc $ 150,000.00 Nutrition Therapy and Pathophysiolo1,,y, 4e Nelm s; Sucher TX0008829369 Cengage $ 150,000 .00 Nutrition Through th e Life Cycle, 7e Judit h E. Brown TX0008778834 Cengage $ 150 ,000.00 Nutrition : Concepts and Controversies, I 5e Frances Sizer TX0008724382 Cengage $ 150 ,000.00 Organic Chemi stry, 9e McMurry TX0008 I I 5784 Cengage $ 150,000.00 Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organ iza tions, 13e Griffin : Phillips; Gull y TX0008779065 Cengage $ 150,000 .00 Payroll Accounting, 20 I 9e Bernard J Bieg TX0008767073 Cengage $ 150,000 .00 Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus, 7e Stewan ; Redlin ; Watson TX0008004760 Cengage $ 150,000 .00 Principles of Microeconomics, 9e Mankiw TX0008988436 Cengage $ 150,000.00 Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, 9e Devore TX0008003633 Cengage $ 150,000.00 Stra1egic Management : Compet iti veness & Globalization , Concepts and Cases, 13e Michael Hitt ; R. Duane Irel and; Roben Hoskisson TX0008799533 Cengage $ 150 ,000 .00 Technolo1,,y for Success and Microsoft Office 365 & Oflice 20 19: She ll y Cashm an Series, le Cable: Campbell : Ciampa ; C lemens: Freund; rrydenberg; Hoooer; Monk TX0008956899 Ccngagc $ 150 ,000 .00 The Legal Environm ent of Business: Text and Cases, 11 e Cross; Miller TX0008967773 Cengagc $ 150 ,000 .00 Understandin g Basic Statistics, 8e Charl es Henry Brase TX000876 7 187 Cengagc $ 150,000 .00 W,i ling Analyticall y, 8e Stephen Roscnwasser TX0008553783 Cengage $ 150 ,000.00 50 Essays. A Pon able Antholo1,,y, 5c Samuel Cohen TX00083 5972 I Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000 .00 A Pocket Style Manual , 8e, APA Version Nancy Sommers TX0008613598 Macmillan Leaming $ 150 ,000 .00 Cengage /,earmng, In c. el al. v /Joes / . j/J d ha /,1hrary Genesis el al. (S.D.N. Y.) Case No. 23-cv-08 136-CM 2 Case 1:23-cv-08136-CM Document 34-2 Filed 03/01/24 Page 3 of 8 Appendix B Title 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 Author Copyright R""istration Number Copyright Darna"es Publisher Abnonnal PsycholOb'Y, I Oe Ronald J. Comer TX00086 I 0008 Macmillan Leaming $ 150 ,000.00 Behavioral Genetics, 7c Valerie S. Knapik TX0008500953 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000.00 Biochemi stry 9e Lubert Stryer TX00087 822 15 Macmillan Leaming $ 150 ,000 .00 Biochemistry: A Short Course, 3e John L. Tymoczk TX0008 I 34 I 04 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000.00 Biology: How Life Works, 2e James R. Morris TX0008345202 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000 .00 Cal cu lus: Earl y Transcendentals, 4e W. H. Freeman and Company TX000869856 1 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000 .00 Creative Writing: Four Genres in Brief, 3e David Starkey TX00085 I5308 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000.00 Discovering Psychology, 7e Sandra E. Hockenbury TX0008340982 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000.00 Ecology: The Economy of Nalure, Se Rick Relyea TX0008565908 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000 00 Essentials of Environm ental Science, 2e Andrew Friedland TX00083 28927 Macmillan Learning $ 150 ,000 .00 Essentials of General, Organic, and Biochemistry, 3e Denise Gu inn TX0008788602 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000 00 Everythin g's an Argument, Se Andrea A. Lu nsford TX0008675679 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000 .00 Ex~loring Psycholob'Y, 11 e in Modules David G. Myers TX00087 10630 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000 .00 From Inquiry 10 Academic Writin g: A Text and Reader, 4e Bedford; St. Martin's TX0008582832 Macmillan Leaming $ 150 ,000 .00 Fundan1ental s of Abnonnal Psychol Ob'Y, 9e Ronald J. Comer TX0008796830 Macmillan Leamin g $ 150,000.00 Introduction to Genetic Ana lysis, I le Anthon y J .F. Griffith s TX0008027 I 3 7 Macmi ll an Leamin g $ 150 ,000.00 Introduction 10 Geos patial Techn ologies, 4e Bradley A. Shelli10 TX0008605904 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000 .00 Ju lien's Primer of Drug Action : A Com prehensive Guide to the Actions, Uses, and Side Effects of Psvchoactive Dnrgs, I 4e Claire D. Advokat TX0008655 i 98 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000 .00 Kui>y Immunology, 8e Jenni Punt TX0008628766 Macm illan Leaming $ 150,000.00 Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, 8e David L. Nelson: Michael M . Cox; Aaron A. Hoskins TX0009085450 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000.00 Literalure: The Human Ex perience, 13e Richard Abcarian TX0008650943 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000 .00 Macroeconomics, I Oc N. Gregory Mankiw TX00087 10929 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000.00 Media & Culture: Mass Communication in a Digital Age, 11 e Richard Campbell TX0008492636 Macmillan Leam in g $ 150,000.00 Media & Culture: Mass Communicati on in a Digital Age, 12e Richard Campbell TX0008751 176 Macmillan Leamin g $ 150 ,000 .00 Modem Principles of Economics, 4e Tyler Cowen TX0008568533 Macmillan Leam ing $ 150,000.00 Myers' Psychology fo r the AP Course, 3e David G. Myers TX0008564306 Macmillan Leam in g $ 150,000 .00 ( ·engoge l,earnmg, In c. el al. v. Ooes 1-50 d ha l.,hrarv Genes,.,. el al. (S D.N. Y.) Case No 23-c v-08 136-CM Case 1:23-cv-08136-CM Document 34-2 Filed 03/01/24 Page 4 of 8 Appendix B Title 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 IOI 102 103 104 Author Copyright Rei,istration Number Copyright Dama2es Publisher Organic Chemistry: Stnicture and Function, 8e K. Peter; C. Vollhardt TX0008593664 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000.00 Practical Argument : A Text and Anthology, 4c Laurie G. Kirszner TX0008897282 Macmillan Leam in g $ 150,000.00 Practical Strategies for Technical Communication : A Brief Gu ide, 3e Mike Markel TX000866138 I Macmi ll an Leaming $ 150,000.00 Psychology in Everyday Life, 4e David G. Myers TX0008496502 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000 .00 Psychology, I 3e David G. Myers; C. Nathan De Wall TX0009054 292 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000 .00 Psychology, I 2e David G. Myers; C. Nathan De Wall TX0008554016 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000 .00 Psychology: A Concise Introduction, 5e Richard A. Griggs TX0008389758 Macmillan Leaming $ 150 ,000.00 Raven Biology of Plants, 8e Ray F. Even TX000749729 I Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000.00 Ren ee! & Relate: An Introduction to Interpersonal Communication , 5e Steven McComack TX000869933 3 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000 .00 Rules for Writers, 9e Nancy Sommers TX00086406 79 Macmillan Leaming $ I 50,000 .00 SibmS of Life in the U.S.A. : Readings on Popular Cu lture for Writers, 9e Sonia Maasik TX0008657675 Macmillan Learning $ 150,000 .00 Speak Up : An Illustrated Guide to Public Speakin g, 4e Douglas M. Fraleigh TX0008353 I 54 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000.00 Statistics: Concepts and Controversies, 9e David S. Moore TX0008560788 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000 .00 The Analysis of Biological Data, 3c Michael C. Whitlock; Dolph Schluter: W. H. Freeman and Comnanv TX0008969557 Macmi ll an Leaming $ 150,000 .00 The Business Writer's Companion , 8c Gerald J. Alred TX0008489502 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000.00 The Developing Person Through the Life Span , I0e Kathleen Stassen Berger TX00084 I 5432 Macmillan Leamin g $ 150,000.00 The Deve lopment of Chi ldren, 8e Cynthia Lightfoot TX0008593 I 73 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000 .00 The Fi lm Experience : An Introduction, Se Timothy Corrigan TX000856097 I Macmi llan Leaming $ 150,000 .00 The Psychology Major's Compani on: Eve111hing You Need to Know to Get You Where You Want To Go Dana S. Dunn TX00084 98269 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000 .00 The St. Manin's Guide to Writin g, I 2e Rise B. Axelrod TX00086830 56 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000.00 The Story and Its Writer: An Introduction 10 Shon Fiction , I 0e Ann Chaners TX0008660570 Macmillan Leaming $ 150,000 .00 The Writer's Presence: A Pool of Readin gs, 9e Donald McQuadc TX0008640379 Macm illan Leamin g $ 150,000.00 A Writer's Resource: A Handbook for Writin g and Research , 6e Elaine P. Maimon TX00087 I 3750 McGraw Hi ll $ 150 ,000.00 ABC's of Re lationship Selling through Service, 13c Raj Agn ihotri TX0008703076 McGraw Hill $ 150 ,000 .00 Accounting for Governmental & Nonprolll Entities, I 8e Reck; Lowensohn ; Neely TX00085 70028 McGraw Hill $ 150 ,000 .00 American Democracy Now. 4e HarTison ; Hanis: Deardorff TX00081 I6817 McGraw Hill $ 150 ,000 .00 Cengoge I.earn mg, In c. el al. v. Does 1-50 d ha L1hrory Genesis el al. (S.D.N. Y.) Case No. 23-cv-081 36-CM 4 Case 1:23-cv-08136-CM Document 34-2 Filed 03/01/24 Page 5 of 8 A ppendix B Title 105 106 107 108 109 11 0 I ll 11 2 I I3 114 11 5 11 6 11 7 11 8 11 9 120 12 1 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 Author Copyright RC1!:istration Number Copyright Damages Publisher Anatomy & Physio lo1,,y: The Unity of Fonn and Functi on , 8e Saladin TX0008398754 McGraw Hill $ 150,000.00 Biology La boratory Manual, 12e Dan ell S. Vodop ich TX000872 5268 McGraw Hill $ 150,000.00 Biology, Se Robert J. Brooker TX00087 I 56 I 0 McGraw Hill $ 150 ,000.00 Bui ldin gs across Tim e: An Introduction to World Architecture, Se Michael Fazio TX0008702527 McGraw Hill $ 150,000.00 Business and Society: Stakeholders, Ethics, Pu blic Policy, l6e Lawrence ; Weber TX00089892 I 8 McGraw Hill $ 150 ,000 .00 Chemi stry, Se Ju lia Bu rd ge TX00087060 12 McGraw Hil l $ 150,000 .00 Connect Core Concepts in Health , I 3e lnsel; Roth TX000805 I 050 McGraw Hill $ 150,000 .00 Craftin g & Execut ing Strate1,,y: Concepts and Cases, 22e Thompson Jr; Peteraf; Gamble: Strickland III TX0008725 707 McGraw Hil l $ 150,000 .00 Drngs, Society, and Human Behavior, I 7e Hart ; Ksir TX0008733303 McGraw Hill $ 150,000 .00 Essentials of Contemporary Management, 6e Jones; George TX00079 I 3 168 McGraw Hi ll $ 150,000.00 Essentials of Contemporary Management, 7e Jones; George TX0008544280 McGraw Hi ll $ 150,000.00 Essentials of Contemporary Management, 8e Jones; George TX0008575677 McGraw Hill $ 150,000 .00 Essen ti als of Economi cs, I Oe Primacon; Gebh ardt TX0008278999 McGraw Hill $ 150,000 .00 Essent ials of Marketing: A Marketing Strategy Plannin g Approach, I 4e Perreault : Cannon TX0008 I 15565 McGraw Hi ll $ 150 ,000 .00 Ex perience Psychology, 4e Laura A . Kin g TX0008706657 McGra w Hi ll $ 150,000.00 Exp loring Writin g: Paragraph s and Essays, 4e Zoe L. Albright TX00087 I 6047 McGraw Hill $ 150,000 .00 Fin anc ial Accounting. Se David Spiceland TX0008 7 I 3990 McGraw Hill $ 150,000 .00 First Aid Cases for the USM LE Step I, 4e Tao T. LE; MD LLC TX00087 I 94 17 McGraw Hill $ 150,000.00 First Aid fo r the Psyc hi auy Clerkship, Se Latha Ga nti TX0008699726 McGraw Hill $ 150,000.00 lnternational Economics. 17e Thomas A Pugel TX0008903633 McGraw Hi ll $ 150,000 .00 Interpersonal Connict, IOe Wilmot: Hocker TX0008748727 McGraw Hi ll $ 150 ,000.00 Int rod ucti on to Computin g Systems: From Bits & Ga tes to CIC H & Beyond, 3e Yal e N Patt TX0008903632 McGraw Hi ll $ 150 ,000.00 Int rod uction to Operat ions Research, I I e Frederick S Hillier TX00089 744 I 2 McGraw Hill $ 150,000 .00 Li fe-Span Deve lopment , I 6e Santrock TX0008595804 McGraw Hi ll $ 150,000 .00 Li fe-Span Development, 17e John W. Sant rock TX00087 I 1635 McGraw Hill $ 150,000 .00 Living wi th Art , I I e Get lein TX0008359535 McGra w Hill $ 150,000.00 ( ·engage l.eun1111g. Inc. el al. v. Does 1-50 d h a /.1hrary Genesis el al. (S.D.N.Y ) Case No. 23-<:v-08 136-C M Case 1:23-cv-08136-CM Document 34-2 Filed 03/01/24 Page 6 of 8 Appendix B Title 13 1 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 14 2 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 Author Copyright Re,,i strAtion Number Copyright Dama!!es Publisher Maingot' s Abdom inal Operations. I 3e Michael J Zi nner MD FACS; Stan ley W Ashl ey MD FACS; 0 Joe Hines MD FACS TX0008707999 McGraw Hill $ 150,000.00 Mmiagement: A Practical Introduction , 9e Kinicki TX0008723 IS I McGraw Hill $ 150,000 .00 Mass Media Law, 20e Clay Calvert TX0008726446 McGraw Hill $ 150,000 .00 Matching Supply with Demand: An Introduction to Operations Management, 4e Gerard Cachon TX00087 16788 McGraw Hill $ 150,000 .00 McGraw-Hill Education Algebra II Review and Workbook, le Monahan TX0008706 74 1 McGraw Hill $ 150 ,000 .00 McGraw-Hi ll Education SAT Subject Test Literature, 4e The Publisher's Partnership TX0008699094 McGraw Hill $ 150,000 .00 Mechanics of Material s, Se John DeWolf TX00087 I 7025 McGraw Hill $ 150 ,000 .00 Orgamc Chemistry, 6e Janice Gorzynski Smith TX0008705965 McGraw Hill $ 150 ,000 .00 Organizational Behavior, 7c McShane; Glinow TX0007920280 McGraw Hill $ 150,000 00 Prescott's Microbiology, 11 e Joanne Willey TX00087 I 26 I 3 McGraw Hill $ 150,000 .00 Principles of Corporate Finance, I 2e Brealey; Myers; Allen TX000859 I 38 I McGraw Hill $ 150 ,000 .00 Principles of Corporate Finance, I 3e Richard A. Brealey TX00087 I 26 I 4 McGraw Hill $ 150,000 .00 Schau m's Outline of lntennediate Algebra, 3e Kenry Bai ley TX0008704987 McGraw Hill $ 150 ,000 .00 Shigley's Mechanical Enginec1ing Design, 11 e Richard G. Budynas TX00087 I 0906 McGraw Hill $ 150,000 .00 Soeial Psychology, l3e Myers TX000866 I 730 McGraw Hill $ 150,000.00 Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, Se Meli ssa Schillin g TX0008433 I 85 McGraw Hill $ 150,000 .00 Strategic Management of Technological Innovation, 6e Melissa Schil lin g TX00087 I8386 McGraw Hill $ 150,000 .00 Strategic Managem ent , Se Rothaennel TX0008995568 McGraw Hill $ 150 ,000 .00 The Art of Public Speaking, I 3e Stephen E. Lucas TX0008725257 McGraw Hill $ 150,000 .00 The Color Atlas and Synopsis of Family Medicine, 3e Richard Usatine TX00087 I6338 McGraw Hill $ 150,000 .00 A First Course in Probability I 0e Sheldon Ross TX0008733234 Pearson $ 150,000 .00 Access To Health , I Se Rebecca J Donatelle TX0008499753 Pearson $ 150 ,000 .00 Anatomy and Physiology Coloring Workbook: A Complete Study Gu ide, I 2e Elai ne N Marieb TX00084 76224 Pearson $ 150,000 .00 Application s and In vestigations in Earth Science, 8e Edward J . Tarbuck TX0008007999 Pearson $ 150 ,000 .00 Basic Business Stati st ics: Concepts and App li cations, 14e Mark Berenson TX0008590406 Pearson $ 150 .000 00 Basic Chem istry, 6e Karen Timberlake TX0008766300 Pearson $ 150,000 00 ( 'en~uge l.wmmg. Inc et al. v. Does 1-50 d ha L1hrwy Gene.," et al (S.D.N.Y.) Case No. 23-cv-08 136-CM 6 Case 1:23-cv-08136-CM Document 34-2 Filed 03/01/24 Page 7 of 8 Appendix B Title 157 158 159 160 16 1 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 17 1 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 18 1 182 Author Copyright Reeistration Number Copyright DamaYes Publisher Biochemistry: Concepts and Connections, 2e Dean R. Appling TX0008592722 Pearson $ 150,000.00 Business Data Networks and Security, I I e Raymond R. Panko TX0008604602 Pearson $ 150,000.00 Business Mathematics, I 4e Gary Clende nen TX0008602 I 55 Pearson $ 150,000.00 Calculus For Bioloi,,y and Medicine, 4e Claudia Neuhauser TX0008599683 Pearson $ 150,000.00 Calculus: Earl y Transcendentals, 3e William Briggs TX0008589494 Pearson $ 150,000.00 Campbe ll Biology, 11 e Lisa A. Urry TX00084 72354 Pearson $ 150,000.00 Campbell Bi ology in Focus, 3e Li sa A. Urry TX0008764205 Pearson $ 150,000.00 Chemistry· A Molecular Approach , Se Nivaldo J. Tro TX0008764 I 78 Pearson $ 150,000.00 Clean Code: A Handbook of Agi le Software Craftsmanship , Ie Robert C Martin TX0006897293 Pearson $ 150,000.00 College Mathematics for Trades and Technologies, !Oe Cheryl Cleaves TX0008587024 Pearson $ 150,000 .00 Crirn inalistics: An Introduction to Forensic Science, I 2e Richard Saferstein TX000854 I 729 Pearson $ 150,000 .00 Developmental Mathematics, 4e Elayn Martin-Gay TX0008766302 Pearson $ 150,000.00 Electric Circuits 11 e James Ni lsson TX00087 12906 Pearson $ 150,000 .00 Elementaiy Stati stics, I 3e Mari o F. Triola TX000852988 I Pearson $ 150,000.00 Elements of the Natu re and Propert ies of Soil s, 3e Nyle C. Brady TX000704287 I Pearson $ 150,000.00 Emergency Medi cal Responder: First on Scene , I Oe Chri s Le Baudour TX0008 I 22683 Pearson $ 150,000.00 Engineerin g Economy, I 7e William G. Sulli van TX0008733523 pearson $ 150,000.00 Essentials of Organi zational Behavior, I 4e Stephen P. Rob bins TX0008589438 Pearson $ 150,000 .00 Essenti als of Statistics, 6e Mario F. Triola TX0008602 I 49 Pearson $ 150,000 .00 Financial Mai1agement : Prin ci pl es and App lications, 13e Sheridan Ti tma n TX0008497438 Pearson $ 150,000.00 Founda tions For Cl inical Me ntal Health Counse ling An Introduc tion To The Profession, 3e Mark S. Geri g TX00084 19504 Pearson $ 150,000.00 Foundations of Fina nce, I Oe Art hur J. Keown TX000877 I 892 Pearson $ 150,000 .00 Fun damentals of C li nical Supervision , 6e Jani ne M. Bern ard TX0008604652 Pearson $ 150,000 .00 Fun damentals of Web Development , 2e Randy Connoll y TX0008597795 Pearson $ 150,000 .00 Human Anato my & Physio logy, 11 e Elaine N. Marieb TX0008592257 Pearson $ 150,000.00 Huma n Anatomy & Physiology, 2e Eri n C. Amennan TX0008592237 Pearson $ 150,000.00 ( ·engage !.earmng. Inc. el al. v. Does 1-50 d ha /, 1hrwy Ge11es1.1 el al. (S.D.N Y.) Case No 23-cv-08 136-CM 7 Case 1:23-cv-08136-CM Document 34-2 Filed 03/01/24 Page 8 of 8 Appendix B Title 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 Author Copyright Reeistration Number Copyright Dama!!es Publisher Human Leamin g, 8e Jeanne Elli s Onnrod TX00087707 I 8 Pearson $ 150,000 .00 lntenn edi ate Algebra For College Students, I 0e Denni s C. Rund e TX0008590405 Pearson $ 150,000 .00 Interpersonal Communication: Relati ng to Others, 9e Steven A Beebe TX000877 I 084 Pearson $ 150,000 .00 Introductory Chemistry, 6e Nivaldo J. Tro TX0008464936 Pearson $ 150,000 .00 Management lnfonnation Systems: Managing the Digital Finn, I 6e Kenneth C. Laudon TX0008792067 Pearson $ 150,000 .00 Marketing Research, 9e Alvin C. Bums TX000877 I 942 Pearson $ 150,000 .00 Microbiology With Diseases By Taxonomy, 6e Roben W. Bauman TX0008766307 Pearson $ 150,000 .00 MicrobiolOb'Y A Laboratory Manual , I 2e (Loose-Leaf Edition) James G. Cappuccino TX0008792726 Pearson $ 150,000 .00 Microeconom ics: Theory and App lications with Calculus, Se Jeffrey M Perloff TX0008787464 Pearson $ 150,000 00 Modem Systems Analysis & Design, 9e Joseph S. Valacich TX0008789292 Pearson $ 150,000 .00 Pathophysiology Concepts of Human Disease, I e Matthew Sorensen TX000877444 I Pearson $ 150,000.00 Prebles' Anfonns, I I e Patrick L. Frank TX0007814257 Pearson $ 150,000 .00 Probability and Statistical Inference, I 0e Roben V. Hogg TX000879254 I Pearson $ 150,000 .00 Profit With ou t Honor: White Coll ar Cri me & the Looting of America, 7e Stephen M. Rosoff TX0008770802 Pearson $ 150,000.00 Quantitative Analysis for Management, I le Barry Render TX00073 79726 Pearson $ 150,000.00 Systems Analysis and Design , I 0e Kenneth E. Kenda ll TX0008598 I 76 Pearson $ 150,000 00 Using & Understandin g Mathematics: A Quantitative Reasonin g Approach, 7e Jeffrey 0 . Bennett TX0008592235 Pearson $ 150 ,000 .00 Working Effectively with Legacy Code, I e Michael Feathers TX0006085 I 05 Pearson $ 150 ,000.00 $ 30,000,000.00 Total Damages ( ·cngoge /,earnmg. In< et ul. v. Ooe., 1-50 cl ha J,1hru,y Uene.\'ls et al. (S D.N. Y) Case No. 23-cv-08 136-CM 8 Case 1:23-cv-08136-C M Document 34-3 Filed 03/01/24 Page 1 of 2 APPENDIXC Cengage Learning, Inc. et al. v. Does /-50 d/b/a LibrWJ' Genesis et al., S.D. .Y. Case o. 23-cv-08136-CM Case 1: 23-cv-08136-CM Document 34-3 A ppendix C Filed 03/01/24 Page 2 of 2 Libgen Site(s) Complaint or New Registrar Registry Host libgen.is Complaint Sarek Oy Internet Iceland Ltd . Epinatura LLC libgen.rs Complaint Webglobe d.o.o. 1337 Services LLC Epinatura LLC libgen.su Complaint Masterhost Serbian National Internet Domain Registry Masterhost libgen.st Complaint Sarek Tecnisys Epinatura LLC jlibgen.tk Complaint BV Dot TK library. Joi Complaint Tucows, Inc. libgen.re Newly Identified cdn l .booksdl.org llhlf.com Telecommunication Tokelau Corporation XYZ.COM LLC n/a Epinatura LLC NETIM Association Fran~aise pour le Nommage Internet en Cooperation Cloud flare Complaint Tucows, Inc. Public Interest Registry IP Volume Inc Complaint A libaba Cloud VeriSign , Inc. Cloud flare Alibaba libgen .ee Complaint NETIM Eesti lnterneti Sihtasutus (EIS\ libgen .rocks Complaint Tucows. Inc. Identity Digital Inc. Cloudflare libgen.space Complaint amecheap Inc. Radix FZC Cloud flare libgen.gs Complaint EPAG Domainservices Government of South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands Cloudflare libgen.li Complaint Sarek Oy Swiss Education & Research Network Cloudflare libgen.lc Complaint EPAG Domainservices University of Pue110 Rico Cogent Communications libgen.pm Complaint Sarek Oy Association Fran~aise pour le Nommage Internet en Cooperation Cloud flare libgen.vg Newly Identified Sarek Oy libgen.click libgen .fun Newly Identified Complaint Tucows, Inc. Namecheap Inc. Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of the Virgin Islands Internet Naming Co. RadL-x FZC Cloudflare n/a Data Room Cengage learning, Inc. et al. v. Does 1-50 d/b/a Librwy Genesis et al. (S .D.N. Y.) Case No. 23-cv-08136-CM '

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