Filing 6

SUPPLEMENTAL PRIVACY ACT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER...regarding procedures to be followed that shall govern the handling of confidential material...The Clerk of Court is directed to close the case. SO ORDERED. (Signed by Judge Jesse M. Furman on 3/26/24) (yv)

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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK In re: Subpoena Duces Tecum to U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York in People of the State of New York, Index No. 71543-23 (Sup. Ct. N.Y. Cnty.) 24 MC 97 (JMF) [PROPOSED] SUPPLEMENTAL PRIVACY ACT AND PROTECTIVE ORDER WHEREAS, on March 4, 2024, this Court entered a Privacy Act and Protective Order authorizing and governing the disclosure of certain materials by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York (“USAO-SDNY”) to the parties in People of the State of New York v. Donald J. Trump, Index No. 71543-23 (Sup. Ct. N.Y. Cnty.) (“People v. Trump”), in response to a subpoena duces tecum (the “First Touhy Request”) issued by the defendant in that case; WHEREAS, on March 20, 2024, counsel for the defendant in People v. Trump made a second request to the USAO-SDNY pursuant to 28 C.F.R. § 16.21 et seq. (the “Second Touhy Request”), seeking production of records relating to the federal government’s investigation and prosecution of Michael Avenatti in United States v. Avenatti, No. 19 Cr. 373 (PGG) (S.D.N.Y.), and United States v. Avenatti, 19 Cr. 374 (JMF) (S.D.N.Y.); WHEREAS, pursuant to 28 C.F.R. § 16.21 et seq., the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York has authorized the disclosure of certain records in response to the Second Touhy Request, subject to entry of a Privacy Act and Protective Order that incorporates the provisions of the Protective Order entered by the Hon. Juan M. Merchan in People v. Trump on May 8, 2023 (“State Court Protective Order”), a copy of which is annexed hereto; WHEREAS, counsel for the defendant in People v. Trump and the District Attorney for the County of New York consent to entry of this Privacy Act and Protective Order governing the treatment of certain materials produced by the USAO-SDNY in response to the Second Touhy Request; and WHEREAS, the Court finds that good cause exists for the issuance of a supplemental Privacy Act and Protective Order, pursuant to the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. § 552a (the “Privacy Act”), IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: 1. Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 552a(b)(11), this Order authorizes the USAO-SDNY to produce documents and information that otherwise would be prohibited from disclosure under the Privacy Act without presenting Privacy Act objections to this Court for a decision regarding disclosure. To the extent the Privacy Act allows the disclosure of information pursuant to a court order, this Order constitutes such a court order and authorizes the disclosure of that information. Nothing in this paragraph, however, shall require production of documents or information that have not been authorized for disclosure by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York pursuant to the Department of Justice’s Touhy regulations, or that are otherwise prohibited from disclosure (even with the entry of this Order) by any applicable privileges, statutes, regulations, or authorities. 2. All documents and information produced by the USAO-SDNY pursuant to this Order shall be treated as Limited Dissemination Materials subject to the terms and conditions of the State Court Protective Order. All provisions and protections of the State Court Protective Order applicable to Limited Dissemination Materials are expressly adopted and incorporated into this Order. 2 3. All documents and information disclosed by the USAO-SDNY pursuant to this Order shall be held and used by the party receiving such information solely for use in connection with People v. Trump. 4. Nothing in this Order constitutes an admission by any party that any documents or information disclosed pursuant to this Order is relevant or admissible. Each party reserves the right to object to the use or admissibility of any such documents or information. 5. Any Personally Identifying Information (“PII”) (e.g., social security numbers, financial account numbers, passwords and information that may be used for identity theft) produced pursuant to this Order shall be maintained by the receiving party in a manner that is secure, confidential and shared only with authorized individuals in a secure manner. Nothing herein shall preclude the United States from asserting legal claims or constitute a waiver of legal rights and defenses in the event of litigation arising out of the receiving party’s failure to appropriately protect PII from unauthorized disclosure. 6. Pursuant to Federal Rule of Evidence 502, the production of privileged or work product protected documents or communications, electronically stored information (“ESI”) or information, whether inadvertent or otherwise, shall not constitute a waiver of the privilege or protection from discovery in this case or in any other federal or state proceeding. This Order shall be interpreted to provide the maximum protection allowed by Federal Rule of Evidence 502(d). Nothing contained herein is intended to or shall serve to limit a party’s right to conduct a review of documents, ESI or information (including metadata) for relevance, responsiveness and/or segregation of privileged and/or protected information prior to production. 7. At the conclusion of People v. Trump, all documents and information produced pursuant to this Order and any copies thereof shall be promptly (and in no event later than 30 3 days after entry of final judgment no longer subject to further appeal) returned to the USAOSDNY or, upon permission of the USAO-SDNY, destroyed, with the exception of materials admitted into evidence at trial or filed as part of the court record. 8. Nothing in this Order shall prevent any disclosure by the United States of documents or information subject to this Order, or require disclosure by the United States of any such documents or information in any other context or proceeding. SO STIPULATED AND AGREED TO BY: Dated: March 26, 2024 New York, New York Dated: March 26, 2024 New York, New York BLANCHE LAW PLLC By: DAMIAN WILLIAMS United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York /s/ Todd Blanche . TODD BLANCHE, Esq. EMIL BOVE, Esq. Blanche Law PLLC 99 Wall Street, Suite 4460 New York, NY 10005 Counsel for Defendant By: 4 /s/ Sarah S. Normand SARAH S. NORMAND Assistant United States Attorney 86 Chambers Street, 3rd Floor New York, New York 10007 Counsel for USAO-SDNY Dated: March 26, 2024 New York, New York ALVIN L. BRAGG, JR. District Attorney, New York County By: /s/ Matthew Colangelo MATTHEW COLANGELO Assistant District Attorney 1 Hogan Place New York, New York 10013 Counsel for People of State of New York SO ORDERED: ____________________________________ HON. JESSE M. FURMAN United States District Judge 26 2024 Dated: March __, New York, New York The Clerk of Court is directed to close the case. 5 SUPREME COURT OF'THE, STATE, OF NE,W YORK q9qNrY 9tNPy Yots5 : THE PEOPLE OF THE, STATE OF NEW YORK PROTECTT\E, ORDE,R : Ind. No. 71543-23 -against- DONALD J. TRUMP, Defendant. The Court, being satisfied based upon the application of Assistant District Catherine McCaw, dated Blanch-e and Susan \:.:- \-..ji-i;;SilX"t-J'tio"r \'aor1 April 24,2023,{O*ropposition motion of Todd a,-S Necheles, counsel for Donald;. TrumpAhat good cause exists for make such other order as r,/ :. Attorney h il order to restrict, defer, and is appropriate with respect to disclosure and inspection of discoverable materials and informadon, pursuant to Section 245.70 of the Criminal Procedure Law, it is hereby: ORDERED rhat any materials and information provided by the People to the Defense in accordance with theit discovery obligations as well as any other documents, materials, or correspondence provided to or exchanged with defense counsel of record on the above- captioned matter ("Defense Counsel"), in any form or component part, with the exception of any materials provided to the People by Defendant, the Tmmp Organizatiorl, or any company owned in part or entirely by Defendant or the DonaldJ. Trust Revocable Tnrst (the "Covered Materials") shall be used solely for the pu{poses of preparing a defense in this matter; it is further ORDERED that any person who receives the Covered Materials shall not copy, disseminate, or disclose the Covered Materials, in any form or by any means, to any thitd putry (except to those employed by counsel to assist in the defense of the above-captioned criminal proceeding) including, but not lirnited to, by disseminating ot posting the Covered Materials to any news or social media platforms, including, but not limited, to Truth Social, Facebook, Instagram, \X4ratsApp, Twitter, Snapchat, or YouTube, without priot approval from the Court; it is further ORDERED that disclosure of the names and identifying information of New Yotk County District Attomey's Office personnel, other than sworn members of law enforcement, assistant district attorneys, and expert delayed or factwitnesses (other than summary witnesses), shall until the commericement of jury selection and petmitting the People to redact be such names and identis,ing information from any of the Covered Matedals; it is furthet ORDERED that those of the Covered Materials that arc designated by the People as limited dissemination (the "Limited Dissemination Materials"), whether in electronic or Paper form, shall be kept in the sole possession and exclusive control of Defense Counsel and shall not be copied, disseminated, or disclosed in any form, or by any means, by Defense Counsel, except to those employed by Defense Counsel to assist in the defense of the above-captioned criminal proceeding; it is further ORDERED that Defendant is permitted to review the Limited Dissemination Materials only in the presence of Defense Counsel, but Defendant shall not be permitted to copy, photograph, transctibe, or otherwise independently possess the Limited Dissemination Materials; it is further 2 ORDERED that Defendant is permitted to review the portions of forensic images of witness cell phones containing (1) material related to any of the events discussed in the indictment or rhe People's April 4, 2023 Statement of Facts; (2) mateial evidencing any prior criminal conduct of the ov/ner of the phone or any person identified by the People as a witness in an Addendum to an Automatic Discovery Form (the "People's uritness list"); (3) communicadons or notes referring to any person identified as a witness in the communications or notes with any law enforcement officer or People's witness list; (4) anyone in their office or prosecutor or anyone in their ofFrce, including, but not limited to, the New York City Police Department, federal law enforcement, the Southem District of New York, the New York County District Attorney's Office, Special Counsel, or the Department of Justice; and (5) information about Donald Trump; it is fi.rthet ORDERED that any other portion of the forensic images of witness cell phones shall be reviewed solely by Defense Counsel and those employed by Defense Counsel to assist in the defense of the above-captioned criminal proceeding, except that, after obtaining permission ex parte and in tamera from the Court, Defense Counsel may show Defendant other Court-approved portions of the forensic images; it is further ORDERED that, in the event Defendant seeks expedited review of this protective order under CPL245.7O(6)(u), any obligation that would exist on the part of the People to produce the information and materials that are the subject of this order is held in abeyance pending the determination of the intemediate appellate court; and it is further J ORDERED, that the portions highlighted in green in People's Motion in Support of a Protecdve Order dated April 24,2023,and any accompanying documents, exhibits, or transcripts, are sealed pursuant to CPL 245.70(1). DATED: ltst o New York, New York a eolt So Ordered: lor.rreHr 4 OIINF]\V YORK l.',l'.Rul\fl']. (212) 33s-eoo0 Alvin L. Bragg, Jr. District Attorney New York County One Hogan Place New York, New York 10013 Indictmcnt No. 71543-23 MOTION FOR PROTECTI\'E ORDER DO\ \LD -against- THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTYOFNEWYORK SUPRI,NII.], (]OTIILI'OIT TI']L] S'I"\TE, Defendant.

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